52 resultados para Assembly line supply
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
The objective of this research is to identify the benefits of ergonomic improvements in workstations and in planned parts supply in an automotive assembly line. Another aim is to verify to what extent it is possible to create competitive advantages in the manufacturing area with reduction in vehicle assembly time by using technological investments in ergonomics with benefits to the worker and to the company. The Methods Time Measurement (MTM) methodology is chosen to measure the process time differences. To ensure a reliable comparison, a company in Brazil that has two different types of assembly line installations in the same plant was observed, and both assembly lines were under the same influences in terms of human resources, wages, food, and educational level of the staff. In this article, the first assembly line is called ""new"" and was built 6 years ago, with high investments in ergonomic solutions, in the supply system, and in the process. The other is called ""traditional"" and was built 23 years ago with few investments in the area. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Sensitivity to noise and ergodicity of an assembly line of cellular automata that classifies density
We investigate the sensitivity of the composite cellular automaton of H. Fuks [Phys. Rev. E 55, R2081 (1997)] to noise and assess the density classification performance of the resulting probabilistic cellular automaton (PCA) numerically. We conclude that the composite PCA performs the density classification task reliably only up to very small levels of noise. In particular, it cannot outperform the noisy Gacs-Kurdyumov-Levin automaton, an imperfect classifier, for any level of noise. While the original composite CA is nonergodic, analyses of relaxation times indicate that its noisy version is an ergodic automaton, with the relaxation times decaying algebraically over an extended range of parameters with an exponent very close (possibly equal) to the mean-field value.
In this paper we consider the programming of job rotation in the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. The motivation for this study comes from the designing of assembly lines in sheltered work centers for the disabled, where workers have different task execution times. In this context, the well-known training aspects associated with job rotation are particularly desired. We propose a metric along with a mixed integer linear model and a heuristic decomposition method to solve this new job rotation problem. Computational results show the efficacy of the proposed heuristics. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVOS: Desenvolver uma proposta educacional on-line sobre o tema úlcera por pressão para alunos e profissionais de enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa aplicada, de produção tecnológica, composta pelas etapas de concepção/ planejamento e desenvolvimento, caracterizadas por um conjunto de procedimentos, documentação, digitalização de informações e de imagens. Foram utilizados recursos computacionais didáticos interativos como: o Cybertutor e o Homem Virtual. RESULTADOS: Desenvolvimento de uma proposta educacional virtual sobre úlcera por pressão (UP) dividida em módulos de aprendizagem, contendo lista de discussão, estudos de casos e recursos didáticos, tais como fotos e o Homem Virtual. CONCLUSÕES: Utilizou-se de novas tecnologias educacionais, com a finalidade de promover o aprendizado sobre UP a estudantes de graduação de enfermagem e possibilitar a educação continuada de enfermeiros, uma vez que as UP representam um desafio aos profissionais da saúde e aos serviços de saúde.
The study of tokamak plasma light emissions in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region is an important subject since many impurity spectral emissions are present in this region. These spectral emissions can be used to determine the plasma ion temperature and density from different species and spatial positions inside plasma according to their temperatures. We have analyzed VUV spectra from 500 Å to 3200 Å wavelength in the TCABR tokamak plasma including higher diffraction order emissions. There have been identified 37 first diffraction order emissions, resulting in 28 second diffraction order, 24 third diffraction order, and 7 fourth diffraction order lines. The emissions are from impurity species such as OII, OIII, OIV, OV, OVI, OVII, CII, CIII, CIV, NIII, NIV, and NV. All the spectra beyond 1900 Å are from higher diffraction order emissions, and possess much better spectral resolution. Each strong and isolated spectral line, as well as its higher diffraction order emissions suitable for plasma diagnostic is identified and discussed. Finally, an example of ion temperature determination using different diffraction order is presented.
This work describes the on-line characterization of minor flavones from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) juice by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array UV detection and mass spectrometry (LC/UV/MS) using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-collision-induced dissociation (APCI-CID-MS/MS) and post-column derivatization using UV shift reagents. HPLC-UV analysis with shift reagents provided information about the substitution pattern in the flavonoid skeleton and, combined with MS data, these techniques allowed for the on-line identification of five "garapa" flavones: luteolin-8-C-glucosyl-7-O-glucuronide; tricin-7-O-neohesperoside-4'-O-rhamnoside; tricin-7-O-methylglucuronate-4'-O-rhamnoside; tricin-7-O-methylglucuronide; swertisin, while four other compounds were partially identified as glycosylflavones. Only swertisin (7-O-methylapigenin-6-C-glucoside) was reported previously in sugarcane molasses.
Em seis animais adultos Myrmecophaga tridactyla estudou-se o modelo de suprimento sanguíneo do intestino grosso, que é dependente das artérias mesentérica cranial (AMCr) e caudal (AMC). Os espécimes coletados conforme as normas do IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis) foram perfundidos com água (40 C), injetados com látex corado, fixados em formol e conservados em solução alcoólica (50%). O mesocólon está disposto na linha sagital mediana e fixa o intestino grosso à parede dorsal do abdome. Derivaram da AMC: a artéria retal cranial, sete a 14 artérias cólicas e uma ou duas artérias ileocólicas, que apresentaram anastomoses de irrigação com a AMCr. A AMC finaliza-se na borda mesocólica das alças intestinais, emitindo ramos cólicos retos a partir das arcadas justacólicas, que penetram na intimidade da musculatura longitudinal. Ao longo do trajeto da AMC foram observadas ilhas arteriais, e a região ileocólica apresentou maior densidade vascular.
Analisar diferenças quanto a características sociodemográficas e relacionadas à saúde entre indivíduos com e sem linha telefônica residencial. Foram analisados os dados do Inquérito de Saúde (ISA-Capital) 2003, um estudo transversal realizado em São Paulo, SP, no mesmo ano. Os moradores que possuíam linha telefônica residencial foram comparados com os que disseram não possuir linha telefônica, segundo as variáveis sociodemográficas, de estilo de vida, estado de saúde e utilização de serviços de saúde. Foram estimados os vícios associados à não-cobertura por parte da população sem telefone, verificando-se sua diminuição após a utilização de ajustes de pós-estratificação. Dos 1.878 entrevistados acima de 18 anos, 80,1% possuía linha telefônica residencial. Na comparação entre os grupos, as principais diferenças sociodemográficas entre indivíduos que não possuíam linha residencial foram: menor idade, maior proporção de indivíduos de raça/cor negra e parda, menor proporção de entrevistados casada, maior proporção de desempregados e com menor escolaridade. Os moradores sem linha telefônica residencial realizavam menos exames de saúde, fumavam e bebiam mais. Ainda, esse grupo consumiu menos medicamentos, auto-avaliou-se em piores condições de saúde e usou mais o Sistema Único de Saúde. Ao se excluir da análise a população sem telefone, as estimativas de consultas odontológicas, alcoolismo, consumo de medicamentos e utilização do SUS para realização de Papanicolaou foram as que tiveram maior vício. Após o ajuste de pós-estratificação, houve diminuição do vício das estimativas para as variáveis associadas à posse de linha telefônica residencial. ) A exclusão dos moradores sem linha telefônica é uma das principais limitações das pesquisas realizadas por esse meio. No entanto, a utilização de técnicas estatísticas de ajustes de pós-estratificação permite a diminuição dos vícios de não cobertura
We report first-principles calculations on the electronic and structural properties of chemically functionalized adamantane molecules, either in isolated or crystalline forms. Boron and nitrogen functionalized molecules, aza-, tetra-aza-, bora-, and tetra-bora-adamantane, were found to be very stable in terms of energetics, consistent with available experimental data. Additionally, a hypothetical molecular crystal in a zincblende structure, involving the pair tetra-bora-adamantane and tetra-aza-adamantane, was investigated. This molecular crystal presented a direct and large electronic band gap and a bulk modulus of 20 GPa. The viability of using those functionalized molecules as fundamental building blocks for nanostructure self-assembly is discussed.
The present research was conducted to estimate the genetic trends for meat quality traits in a male broiler line. The traits analyzed were initial pH, pH at 6 h after slaughter, final pH, initial range of falling pH, final range of falling pH, lightness, redness, yellowness, weep loss, drip loss, shrink loss, and shear force. The number of observations varied between 618 and 2125 for each trait. Genetic values were obtained by restricted maximum likelihood, and the numerator relationship matrix had 107,154 animals. The genetic trends were estimated by regression of the broiler average genetic values with respect to unit of time (generations), and the average genetic trend was estimated by regression coefficients. Generally, for the traits analyzed, small genetic trends were obtained, except for drip loss and shear force, which were higher. The small magnitude of the trends found could be a consequence of the absence of selection for meat quality traits in the line analyzed. The estimates of genetic trends obtained were an indication of an improvement in the meat quality traits in the line analyzed, except for drip loss.
Colostrum intake in neonatal calves is essential to obtain passive immunity and to influence metabolism, endocrine systems and the nutritional state. This study compares morphologic features of small intestine of calves fed a colostrum second meal at 12 hours of life with concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) higher than 100mg mL(-1) (fresh colostrum or artificially prepared with addition of lyophilized colostrum) or smaller than 30mg mL(-1). Twenty-four Holstein calves were randomly grouped according to concentration of IgG intake at 12 hours of life: low (less than 30mg mL(-1)); high (more than 100mg mL(-1)); plus lyophilized colostrum (more than 120mg mL(-1)). Intestinal tissue samples were collected at 0, 10, 24 and 72 hours after birth to evaluate morphology in segments: duodenum; proximal, middle and distal jejunum and ileum by examined with a scanning electron microscope. Villi of all segments showed more organized and uniform morphology characteristics with age. Only the animals fed colostrum with more than 100mg mL(-1) of IgG at 24 hours after birth still showed the distal jejunum villi disoriented and more united in comparison to the other ages and groups. Intake of lyophilized colostrum affected ileum morphology along experiment period. Higher concentration of immunologic and bioactive elements supplied for longer period of time could be responsible for promoting effects on the enterocytes. Use of colostrum with high IgG concentrations, with or without addition of lyophilized colostrum, influenced the precocity of the intestinal mucosa development in newborn calves, suggesting earlier maturation of the mucosa.
Aims: Surgical staple line dehiscence usually leads to severe complications. Several techniques and materials have been used to reinforce this stapling and thus reduce the related complications. The objective was to compare safety of two types of anastomotic reinforcement in open gastric bypass. Methods: A prospective, randomized study comparing an extraluminal suture, fibrin glue, and a nonpermanent buttressing material, Seamguard (R), for staple line reinforcement. Fibrin glue was excluded from the study and analysis after two leaks, requiring surgical reintervention, antibiotic therapy, and prolonged patient hospitalization. Results: Twenty patients were assigned to the suture and Seamguard reinforcement groups. The groups were similar in terms of preoperative characteristics. No staple line dehiscence occurred in the two groups, whereas two cases of dehiscence occurred in the fibrin glue group. No mortality occurred and surgical time was statistically similar for both techniques. Seamguard made the surgery more expensive. Conclusion: In our service, staple line reinforcement in open bariatric surgery with oversewing or Seamguard was considered to be safe. Seamguard application was considered to be easier than oversewing, but more expensive.
Data from the slaughter of 24,001 chickens that were part of a selection program for the production of commercial broilers were used to estimate genetic trend for absolute carcass (CW), breast meat (BRW), and leg (LW) weights, and relative carcass (CY), breast meat (BRY), and leg (LY) weights. The components of (co) variance and breeding values of individuals were obtained by the restricted maximum likelihood method applied to animal models. The relationship matrix was composed of 132,442 birds. The models included as random effects, maternal additive genetic and permanent environmental for CW, BRW, LW, CY, and BRY, and only maternal permanent environmental for LY, besides the direct additive genetic and residual effects, and as fixed effects, hatch week, parents' mating group and sex. The estimates of genetic trend were obtained by average regression of breeding value on generation, and the average genetic trend was estimated by regression coefficients. The genetic trends for CW (+ 6.0336 g/generation), BRW (+ 3.6723 g/generation), LW (+ 1.5846 g/generation), CY (+ 0.1195%/generation), and BRY (+ 0.1388%/generation) were positive, and they were in accordance with the objectives of the selection program for these traits. The genetic trend for LY(-0.0019%/generation) was negative, possibly due to the strong emphasis on selection for BRY and the negative correlations between these two traits.
The effect of genetic and non-genetic factors for carcass, breast meat and leg weights, and yields of a commercial broiler line were investigated using the restricted maximum likelihood method, considering four different animal models, including or excluding maternal genetic effect with covariance between direct and maternal genetic effects, and maternal permanent environmental effect. The likelihood ratio test was used to determine the most adequate model for each trait. For carcass, breast, and leg weight, and for carcass and breast yield, maternal genetic and permanent environmental effects as well as the covariance between direct and maternal genetic effects were significant. The estimates of direct and maternal heritability were 0.17 and 0.04 for carcass weight, 0.26 and 0.06 for breast weight, 0.22 and 0.02 for leg weight, 0.32 and 0.02 for carcass yield, and 0.52 and 0.04 for breast yield, respectively. For leg yield, maternal permanent environmental effect was important, in addition to direct genetic effects. For that trait, direct heritability and maternal permanent environmental variance as a proportion of the phenotypic variance were 0.43 and 0.02, respectively. The results indicate that ignoring maternal effects in the models, even though they were of small magnitude (0.02 to 0.06), tended to overestimate direct genetic variance and heritability for all traits.