95 resultados para Anttonen, Pertti J.: Tradition through modernity
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Este artigo descreve como jovens religiosos e autoridades religiosas das respectivas comunidades compreendem a sexualidade, considerando suas experiências pessoais e como membros de comunidades religiosas. A análise pretende contribuir para que políticas públicas dedicadas à promoção da saúde sexual da juventude considerem a religiosidade no contexto de um Estado laico e da promoção do direito à prevenção. Foram realizadas 26 entrevistas abertas e semidirigidas em diferentes comunidades da região metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo (comunidade Católica, de Umbanda, do Candomblé e de diferentes denominações Evangélicas) sobre iniciação sexual, casamento, gravidez, contracepção e prevenção das DSTs/aids, homossexualidade, aborto e direitos humanos. Observou-se como jovens e autoridades religiosas convivem com a tensão entre tradição e modernidade e os distintos discursos sobre a sexualidade. Como sujeitos religiosos (do discurso religioso) e sujeitos sexuais (de discursos sobre sexualidade), devem ser incorporados pelos programas como sujeitos de direito nos termos de sua religiosidade.
Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar as ações desenvolvidas na construção do modelo de atenção em saúde no Distrito Especial Indígena - Xingu (DSEI-Xingu), mais especificamente, na área de saúde bucal, com a efetiva parceria entre a Universidade Federal do Estado de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo (FORP-USP) e a Colgate®, que permitiu a construção social da práxis em saúde no Médio e Baixo Xingu. Ao longo da história, o DSEI "Espaço Social" é onde as comunidades se constituem e, por meio do processo social de produção, cria acessos diferenciados aos bens de consumo, além de formar a base para a organização dos serviços de atenção à saúde dos povos indígenas. Para o DSEI-Xingu, são pontos básicos o estabelecimento de parcerias institucionais e a participação efetiva dos povos indígenas na gestão da saúde em seu território. Estruturado no planejamento baseado em problemas sentidos pela população, utiliza-se da construção coletiva de redes explicativas, apontando soluções em vários planos com abordagem intersetorial. É através da observação dos indicadores de saúde que se torna perceptível a assimilação das comunidades indígenas com o recente modelo de atenção básica à saúde bucal, uma vez que constantemente está sendo adaptado à cultura, à tradição e às singularidades desses povos indígenas.
Isolation of Leishmania parasite and species identification are important for confirmation and to help define the epidemiology of the leishmaniasis. Mice are often used to isolate pathogens, but the most common mouse strains are resistant to infection with parasites from the Leishmania (Viannia) subgenus. In this study we tested the inoculation of interferon gamma knockout (IFNγ KO) mice with biopsy macerates from Leishmania-infected patients to increase the possibility of isolating parasites. Biopsies from twenty five patients with clinical signs of leishmaniasis were taken and tested for the presence of parasites. Immunohistochemical assay (IHC) and conventional histopathology detected the parasite in 88% and 83% of the patients, respectively. Leishmania sp. were isolated in biopsy macerates from 52% of the patients by culture in Grace's insect medium, but 13% of isolates were lost due to contamination. Inoculation of macerates in IFNγ KO mice provides isolation of parasites in 31.8% of the biopsies. Most isolates belong to L. (Viannia) subgenus, as confirmed by PCR, except one that belongs to L. (Leishmania) subgenus. Our preliminary results support the use of IFNγ KO mice to improve the possibility to isolate New World Leishmania species.
This study aimed to evaluate the diffusion capacity of calcium hydroxide pastes with different vehicles through dentinal tubules. The study was conducted on 60 extracted single-rooted human teeth whose crowns had been removed. The root canals were instrumented and divided into 4 groups according to the vehicle of the calcium hydroxide paste: Group I - distilled water; Group II - propylene glycol; Group III - 0.2% chlorhexidine; Group IV - 2% chlorhexidine. After placement of the root canal dressings, the teeth were sealed and placed in flasks containing deionized water. After 1, 2, 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days, the pH of the water was measured to determine the diffusion of calcium hydroxide through the dentinal tubules. The data were recorded and statistically compared by the Tukey test. The results showed that all pastes presented a similar diffusion capacity through dentin. Group IV did not present difference compared to group I. Group II presented difference compared to the other groups, as did Group III. In conclusion, groups I and IV presented a better diffusion capacity through dentin than groups II and III; 2% chlorhexidine can be used as a vehicle in calcium hydroxide pastes.
This work describes a photo-reactor to perform in line degradation of organic compounds by photo-Fenton reaction using Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) system. A copper phthalocyanine-3,4',4²,4²¢-tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt dye solution was used as a model compound for the phthalocyanine family, whose pigments have a large use in automotive coatings industry. Based on preliminary tests, 97% of color removal was obtained from a solution containing 20 µmol L-1 of this dye.
OBJECTIVES: To assess risk and protective factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCD) and to identify social inequalities in their distribution among Brazilian adults. METHODS: The data used were collected in 2007 through VIGITEL, an ongoing population-based telephone survey. This surveillance system was implemented in all of the Brazilian State capitals, over 54,000 interviews were analyzed. Age-adjusted prevalence ratios for trends at different schooling levels were calculated using Poisson regression with linear models. RESULTS: These analyses have shown differences in the prevalence of risk and protective factors for CNCD by gender and schooling. Among men, the prevalence ratios of overweight, consumption of meat with visible fat, and dyslipidemia were higher among men with more schooling, while tobacco use, sedentary lifestyle, and high-blood pressure were lower. Among women, tobacco use, overweight, obesity, high-blood pressure and diabetes were lower among men with more schooling, and consumption of meat with visible fat and sedentary lifestyles were higher. As for protective factors, fruit and vegetables intake and physical activity were higher in both men and women with more schooling. CONCLUSION: Gender and schooling influence on risk and protective factors for CNCD, being the values less favorable for men. vigitel is a useful tool for monitoring these factors amongst the Brazilian population.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A mortalidade infantil expressa uma conjunção de fatores relacionados às condições de vida, trabalho e acesso aos serviços de saúde, e a identificação desses fatores pode contribuir para definição de intervenções em saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a expressão da vulnerabilidade e conseqüentes diferenças de acesso aos serviços de saúde e na ocorrência de óbitos em menores de um ano no município do Embu. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo descritivo, no município de Embu. MÉTODOS: Foram coletados dados secundários (declarações de óbitos) e primários (entrevistas a famílias de crianças residentes do município do Embu, falecidas nos anos de 1996 e 1997, antes de completarem um ano). Variáveis estudadas foram relacionadas às condições de vida, renda e trabalho, à assistência pré-natal, ao parto e à atenção à saúde da criança, as quais foram comparadas com resultados obtidos em estudo realizado no ano de 1996. RESULTADOS: Verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significantes quanto a renda, trabalho sem carteira assinada e acesso a plano privado de saúde entre famílias de crianças que foram ao óbito. Verificaram-se, também, diferenças quanto ao acesso e à qualidade da assistência pré-natal, à freqüência de baixo peso ao nascer e a intercorrências neonatais. CONCLUSÕES: A situação de emprego/desemprego foi decisiva na determinação da estabilidade familiar, conferindo maior vulnerabilidade para ocorrência de óbitos infantis, somada às condições de acesso e à qualidade dos serviços de saúde
It is well known that striation spacing may be related to the crack growth rate, da/dN, through Paris equation, as well as the maximum and minimum loads under service loading conditions. These loads define the load ratio, R, and are considered impossible to be evaluated from the inter-spacing striations analysis. In this way, this study discusses the methodology proposed by Furukawa to evaluate the maximum and minimum loads based on the experimental fact that the relative height of a striation, H, and the striation spacing, s, are strongly influenced by the load ratio, R. Fatigue tests in C(T) specimens were conducted on SAE 7475-T7351 Al alloy plates at room temperature and the results showed a straightforward correlation between the parameters H, s, and R. Measurements of striation height, H, were performed using scanning electron microscopy and field emission gun (FEG) after sectioning the specimen at a large inclined angle to amplify the height of the striations. The results showed that for increasing R the values of H/s tend to increase. Striation height, striation spacing, and load ratio correlations were obtained, which allows one to estimate service loadings from fatigue fracture surface survey.
In this work, the effects of conical indentation variables on the load-depth indentation curves were analyzed using finite element modeling and dimensional analysis. A factorial design 2(6) was used with the aim of quantifying the effects of the mechanical properties of the indented material and of the indenter geometry. Analysis was based on the input variables Y/E, R/h(max), n, theta, E, and h(max). The dimensional variables E and h(max) were used such that each value of dimensionless Y/E was obtained with two different values of E and each value of dimensionless R/h(max) was obtained with two different h(max) values. A set of dimensionless functions was defined to analyze the effect of the input variables: Pi(1) = P(1)/Eh(2), Pi(2) = h(c)/h, Pi(3) = H/Y, Pi(4) = S/Eh(max), Pi(6) = h(max)/h(f) and Pi(7) = W(P)/W(T). These six functions were found to depend only on the dimensionless variables studied (Y/E, R/h(max), n, theta). Another dimension less function, Pi(5) = beta, was not well defined for most of the dimensionless variables and the only variable that provided a significant effect on beta was theta. However, beta showed a strong dependence on the fraction of the data selected to fit the unloading curve, which means that beta is especially Susceptible to the error in the Calculation of the initial unloading slope.
This work uses crystal plasticity finite element simulations to elucidate the role of elastoplastic anisotropy in instrumented indentation P-h(s) curve measurements in face-centered Cubic (fcc) crystals. It is shown that although the experimental fluctuations in the loading stage of the P-h(s) curves can be attributed to anisotropy, the variability in the unloading stage of the experiments Is much greater than that resulting from anisotropy alone. Moreover, it is found that the conventional procedure used to evaluate the contact variables ruling the unloading P-h(s) curve introduces all uncertainty that approximates to the more fundamental influence of anisotropy. In view of these results, a robust procedure is proposed that uses contact area measurements in addition to the P-h(s) curves to extract homogenized J(2)-Plasticity-equivalent mechanical properties from single crystals.
Diabetes is a chronic degenerative disease with no cure, is found in millions of people worldwide, and can cause life-threatening complications at any age. The plant Cissus sicyoides L. is a runner plant found abundantly in Brazil, especially in the Amazon. Its therapeutic properties are widely used in popular medicine as a diuretic, anti-influenza, antiinflammatory, anticonvulsion, and hypoglycemic agent. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of aqueous extracts from the leaves and stem of C. sicyoides L., administered for 60 days, for the control of glycemia in alloxan (monohydrate)-induced diabetic rats, monitored by biomarkers. Data obtained in this study confirmed that C. sicyoides has a hypoglycemic effect on diabetic rats. Administration of its aqueous extracts promoted a 45% decrease in glucose levels after 60 days of administration. Furthermore, indices of hepatic glycogen, blood glucose, C-reactive peptide, and fructosamine were found to be efficient biomarkers to monitor diabetes in rats.
SEVERAL MODELS OF TIME ESTIMATION HAVE BEEN developed in psychology; a few have been applied to music. In the present study, we assess the influence of the distances travelled through pitch space on retrospective time estimation. Participants listened to an isochronous chord sequence of 20-s duration. They were unexpectedly asked to reproduce the time interval of the sequence. The harmonic structure of the stimulus was manipulated so that the sequence either remained in the same key (CC) or travelled through a closely related key (CFC) or distant key (CGbC). Estimated times were shortened when the sequence modulated to a very distant key. This finding is discussed in light of Lerdahl's Tonal Pitch Space Theory (2001), Firmino and Bueno's Expected Development Fraction Model (in press), and models of time estimation.
Transanal endorectal pull-through (TAEPT) surgery is primarily performed for rectosigmoid aganglionosis, generally with excellent results. There is evidence that overstretching the anus and tension traction in the sigmoid during the procedure could impair the final continence of the patient. Many researchers suggest the use of small umbilical or laparoscopic access to aid in colon mobilization, thus preventing excessive handling within the anal canal. We assumed that transabdominal mobilization of the sigmoid could be prevented by utilizing the NOTES (natural orifices transluminal endoscopic surgery) technique. We performed a TAEPT with NOTES access of the sigmoid vascular pedicle, keeping the surgery exclusively transanal, which prevented scars in the abdomen and minimized the stretching of perineal structures.
The objective of this study was to compare the impact on knowledge and counseling skills of face-to-face and Internet-based oral health training programs on medical students. Participants consisted of 148 (82 percent) of the 180 invited students attending their fifth academic year at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil, in 2007. The interventions took place during a three-month training period in the clinical Center for Health Promotion, which comprised part of a clerkship in Internal Medicine. The students were divided into four groups: 1) Control Group (Control), with basic intervention; 2) Brochure Group (Br), with basic intervention plus complete brochure with oral health themes; 3) Cybertutor Group (Cy), with basic intervention plus access to an Internet-based training program about oral health themes; and 4) Cybertutor + Contact Group (Cy+C), the same as Cy plus brief proactive contact with a tutor. The impact of these interventions on student knowledge was measured with pre- and post assessments, and student skills in asking and counseling about oral health were assessed with an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Multivariate logistic regression models were applied to identify the odds ratios of scoring above Control's medians on the final assessment and the OSCE. In the results, Cy+C performed significantly better than Control on both the final assessment (OR 9.4; 95% CI 2.7-32.8) and the OSCE (OR 5.6; 95% CI 1.9-16.3) and outperformed all the other groups. The Cy+C group showed the most significant increase in knowledge and the best skills in asking and counseling about oral health.