32 resultados para ADR practitioners

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Reconhecer com precisão indivíduos com maior risco imediato de morte súbita cardíaca (MSC) ainda é uma questão em aberto. A natureza fortuita dos eventos cardiovasculares agudos não parece se adequar ao conhecido modelo de indução de taquicardia/fibrilação ventricular por um gatilho em sincronia a um substrato arritmogênico estático. Quanto ao mecanismo da MSC, uma instabilidade elétrica dinâmica explicaria melhor a raridade da associação simultânea de um gatilho certo a um substrato cardíaco apropriado. Diversos estudos tentaram medir essa instabilidade elétrica cardíaca (ou um equivalente válido) em uma sequência de batimentos cardíacos no ECG. Dentre os mecanismos possíveis podemos citar o prolongamento do QT, dispersão do QT, potenciais tardios, alternância de onda T ou T-wave alternans (TWA), e turbulência da frequência cardíaca. Este artigo se atém em particular ao papel da TWA no panorama atual da estratificação de risco cardíaco. Os achados sobre TWA ainda são heterogêneos, variando de um desempenho prognóstico muito bom até um quase nulo, dependendo da população clínica observada e protocolo clínico usado. Para preencher as atuais lacunas no conhecimento sobre TWA, profissionais médicos e pesquisadores devem explorar melhor as características técnicas das diversas tecnologias disponíveis para a avaliação de TWA e atentar ao fato de que os valores de TWA respondem a diversos outros fatores, além de medicamentos. Informações sobre mecanismos celulares e subcelulares da TWA estão fora do escopo deste artigo, mas são referenciados alguns dos principais trabalhos sobre este tópico, com o intuito de auxiliar no entendimento dos conceitos e fatos cobertos neste artigo.


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Croton macrobothrys Baill, Euphorbiaceae, is a tree from the Atlantic Forest in Southern Brazil, used in traditional medicine and popularly known as "dragon's blood" and "pau-sangue". Leaf n-hexane, dichloromethane and methanol extracts were analyzed by GC/MS and evaluated for their in vitro antiproliferative activity on cell lines 786-0 (kidney), HT-29 (colon), K562 (leukemia), NCI-ADR/RES (drug resistant ovary), NCI-H460 (lung), MCF-7 (mammary), PC-3 (prostate), OVCAR-3 (ovary), U251 (glioma) and UACC-62 (melanoma). The dicloromethane extract exhibited activity against all cell lines at the concentration 25 µg/mL, in particular on cell lines NCI-H460 (GI50 0.33 μg/mL) and K5662 (GI50 0.91 μg/mL). Relevant constituents in dichloromethane extract are the alkaloids corydine and salutaridine, as well as the diterpenes geranylgeraniol and crotonin-derived clerodanes.


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Purpose: Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIM) use in elderly people may be responsible for the development of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) which, when severe, leads to hospital admissions. Objectives: to estimate the prevalence of elderly who had used PIM before being admitted to hospital and to identify the risk factors and the hospitalizations related to ADR arising from PIM. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed in the internal medicine ward of a teaching hospital (Brazil), in 2008. With the aid of a validated form, patients aged >= 60 years, with length of hospital stay >= 24 hours, were interviewed about drugs taken prior to the hospital admission and the complaints/reasons for hospitalization. Results: 19.1% (59/308) of older patients had taken PIM before hospital admission and in 4.9%; there were a causal relation between the PIM taken and the complaint reported. PIM responsible for admissions were: amiodarone, amitriptyline, cimetidine, clonidine, diazepam, digoxin, estrogen, fluoxetine, lorazepam, short-acting nifedipine and propranolol. 47.0% of the clinical manifestations of PIM-related ADR were: dizziness, fatigue, digoxin toxicity and erythema. Only polypharmacy was detected as a risk factor for the occurrence of ADR of PIM (p = 0.02). Conclusion: PIM use in elderly people is not a risk factor for ADR-related hospital admission. Probably, severe ADR, which lead to hospitalizations of older people, can be explained by idiosyncratic response or the predisposition of these patients to develop adverse drug events, whether or not drugs are classed as PIM.


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The topic of environmental sustainability is generating increased concern among business executives, governments, consumers, and management scholars. As these stakeholders struggle with the challenges and opportunities presented by an array of environmental issues, HRM scholars and practitioners alike have been relatively slow to engage in the ongoing discussions and debates. Through this special issue on Green FIRM, we seek to stimulate the field of HRM to expand its role in the pursuit of environmentally sustainable business. In this introduction to the special issue, we first provide an overview of the articles that appear in the special issue. Next we present a detailed discussion of research questions that arise from a consideration of several functional HRM practices, including performance management; training, development, and learning; compensation and rewards; and organizational culture. We conclude by describing opportunities for research at the intersection of strategic HRM and environmental management. If pursued with vigor, research addressing this extensive agenda could begin to establish a healthy field of Green FIRM scholarship.


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Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevention and self-inspection behavior of diabetic subjects with foot at ulcer risk, no previous episode, who participated in the routine visits and standardized education provided by the service and who received prescribed footwear. This evaluation was carried out using a questionnaire scoring from 0-10 (high scores reflect worse practice compliance). Results: 60 patients were studied (30 of each sex); mean age was 62 years, mean duration of the disease was 17 years. As for compliance, 90% showed a total score <= 5, only 8.7% regularly wore the footwear supplied; self foot inspection 65%, 28,3% with additional familiar inspection; creaming 77%; proper washing and drying 88%; proper cutting of toe nails 83%; no cuticle cutting 83%; routine shoe inspection 77%; no use of pumice stones or similar abrasive 70%; no barefoot walking 95%. Conclusion: the planned and multidisciplinary educational approach enabled high compliance of the ulcer prevention care needed in diabetic patients at risk for complications. In contrast, compliance observed for the use of footwear provided was extremely low, demonstrating that the issue of its acceptability should be further and carefully addressed. In countries of such vast dimensions as Brazil multidisciplinary educational approaches can and should be performed by the services providing care for patients with foot at risk for complications according to the reality of local scenarios. Furthermore, every educational program should assess the learning, results obtained and efficacy in the target population by use of an adequate evaluation system.


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The objective of this manuscript is to discuss the existing barriers for the dissemination of medical guidelines, and to present strategies that facilitate the adaptation of the recommendations into clinical practice. The literature shows that it usually takes several years until new scientific evidence is adopted in current practice, even when there is obvious impact in patients' morbidity and mortality. There are some examples where more than thirty years have elapsed since the first case reports about the use of a effective therapy were published until its utilization became routine. That is the case of fibrinolysis for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction. Some of the main barriers for the implementation of new recommendations are: the lack of knowledge of a new guideline, personal resistance to changes, uncertainty about the efficacy of the proposed recommendation, fear of potential side-effects, difficulties in remembering the recommendations, inexistence of institutional policies reinforcing the recommendation and even economical restrains. In order to overcome these barriers a strategy that involves a program with multiple tools is always the best. That must include the implementation of easy-to-use algorithms, continuous medical education materials and lectures, electronic or paper alerts, tools to facilitate evaluation and prescription, and periodic audits to show results to the practitioners involved in the process. It is also fundamental that the medical societies involved with the specific medical issue support the program for its scientific and ethical soundness. The creation of multidisciplinary committees in each institution and the inclusion of opinion leaders that have pro-active and lasting attitudes are the key-points for the program's success. In this manuscript we use as an example the implementation of a guideline for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis, but the concepts described here can be easily applied to any other guideline. Therefore, these concepts could be very useful for institutions and services that aim at quality improvement of patient care. Changes in current medical practice recommended by guidelines may take some time. However, if there is a broader participation of opinion leaders and the use of several tools listed here, they surely have a greater probability of reaching the main objectives: improvement in provided medical care and patient safety.


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This study was designed to evaluate the degree of environmental contamination and possible exposure of pregnant women to toxic elements in seven selected areas of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The overall median concentration of Mo in maternal blood was 0.53 mu g L(-1), highly significant differences found between sites (p < 0.0001). Cd was found to be low overall - 0.09 mu g L(-1) (0.01-0.58 mu g L(-1)) - with mothers from the Coastal and Rural 1 sites having the highest levels (p < 0.016). Median Hg concentration was 0.60 mu g L (1) (0.06 mu g L (1)-4.35 mu g L (1)); median Pb level was 16.2 mu g L (1) (3.5-57.7 mu g L(-1)) and no differences between sites were observed for both metals. Median Mn level was 16.7 mu g L(-1) (7.0-39.7 mu g L(-1)), being highest in Urban 2 site (p < 0.016). Concentrations of maternal Co were found to range between 0.06 mu g L(-1) and 1.1 mu g L(-1) (median 0.25 mu g L(-1)) and As level was 0.60 mu g L(-1) (0.10-3.8 mu g L(-1)) overall, with no statistical significance between sites for Co and As. Median Se concentrations were found to be 64 mg L(-1) (36-233 mu g L(-1)), with the highest median levels found in Urban 3 site; site differences were statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Correlation for each element (between paired maternal and cord blood) was measured only in Rural site 1; significant correlation was shown for Hg, Pb, Mn and Co (p < 0.05). These findings may be interpreted as indicating low environmental contamination in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. These findings could also indicate that pregnant women have little or no contact with pollutants, possibly due to awareness campaigns carried out by public health practitioners.


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PURPOSE most people with mental disorders receive treatment in primary care. The charts developed by the Dartmouth Primary Care Cooperative Research Network (COOP) and the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies, and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) have not yet been evaluated as a screen for these disorders, using a structured psychiatric interview by an expert or considering diagnoses other than depression. We evaluated the validity and feasibility of the COOP/WONCA Charts as a mental disorders screen by comparing them both with other questionnaires previously validated and with the assessment of a mental health specialist using a structured diagnostic interview. METHODS We trained community health workers and nurse assistants working in a collaborative mental health care model to administer the COOP/WONCA Charts, the 20-item Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), and the World Health Organization Five Well-Being Index (WHO-5) to 120 primary care patients. A psychiatrist blinded to the patients' results on these questionnaires administered the SCID, or Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition). RESULTS The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was at least 0.80 for single items, a 3-item combination, and the total score of the COOP/WONCA Charts, as well as for the SRQ-20 and the WHO-5, for screening both for all mental disorders and for depressive disorders. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of these measures ranged between 0.77 and 0.92. Community health workers and nurse assistants rated the understandability, ease of use, and clinical relevance of all 3 questionnaires as satisfactory. CONCLUSIONS One-time assessment of patients with the COOP/WONCA Charts is a valid and feasible option for screening for mental disorders by primary care teams.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the kinematic, kinetic, and electromyographic pattern before, during and after downward squatting when the trunk movement is restricted in the sagittal plane. Eight healthy subjects performed downward squatting at two different positions, semisquatting (40 degrees knee flexion) and half squatting (70 degrees knee flexion). Electromyographic responses of the vastus medialis oblique, vastus medialis longus, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, semitendineous, gastrocnemius lateralis, and tibialis anterior were recorded. The kinematics of the major joints were reconstructed using an optoelectronic system. The center of pressure (COP) was obtained using data collected from one force plate, and the ankle and knee joint torques were calculated using inverse dynamics. In the upright position there were small changes in the COP and in the knee and ankle joint torques. The tibialis anterior provoked the disruption of this upright position initiating the squat. During the acceleration phase of the squat the COP moved posteriorly, the knee joint torque remained in flexion and there was no measurable muscle activation. As the body went into the deceleration phase, the knee joint torque increased towards extension with major muscle activities being observed in the four heads of the quadriceps. Understanding these kinematic, kinetic and EMG strategies before, during and after the squat is expected to be beneficial to practitioners for utilizing squatting as a task for improving motor function. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Samogin Lopes, FA, Menegon, EM, Franchini, E, Tricoli, V, and de M. Bertuzzi, RC. Is acute static stretching able to reduce the time to exhaustion at power output corresponding to maximal oxygen uptake? J Strength Cond Res 24(6): 1650-1656, 2010-This study analyzed the effect of an acute static stretching bout on the time to exhaustion (T(lim)) at power output corresponding to (V) over dotO(2)max. Eleven physically active male subjects (age 22.3 +/- 2.8 years, (V) over dotO(2)max 2.7 +/- 0.5 L . min(-1)) completed an incremental cycle ergometer test, 2 muscle strength tests, and 2 maximal tests to exhaustion at power output corresponding to (V) over dotO(2)max with and without a previous static stretching bout. The T(lim) was not significantly affected by the static stretching (164 +/- 28 vs. 150 +/- 26 seconds with and without stretching, respectively, p = 0.09), but the time to reach (V) over dotO(2)max (118 +/- 22 vs. 102 +/- 25 seconds), blood-lactate accumulation immediately after exercise (10.7 +/- 2.9 vs. 8.0 +/- 1.7 mmol . L(-1)), and oxygen deficit (2.4 +/- 0.9 vs. 2.1 +/- 0.7 L) were significantly reduced (p <= 0.02). Thus, an acute static stretching bout did not reduce T(lim) at power output corresponding to (V) over dotO(2)max possibly by accelerating aerobic metabolism activation at the beginning of exercise. These results suggest that coaches and practitioners involved with aerobic dependent activities may use static stretching as part of their warm-up routines without fear of diminishing high-intensity aerobic exercise performance.


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Matsushigue, KA, Hartmann, K, and Franchini, E. Taekwondo: Physiological responses and match analysis. J Strength Cond Res 23(4): 1112-1117, 2009-The aim of the present study was to determine the time structure and physiological responses during Songahm Taekwondo (TKD) competition and to compare these variables between winner and non-winner athletes. Fourteen men subjects were analyzed. Blood lactate concentration (LA) and heart rate (HR) were determined before and after the match. The match was filmed for the determination of the number of techniques used, the duration of effort and rest periods (RPs), and the interval between high-intensity movements (HM). Post-match LA was 7.5 +/- 3.8 mmol.L(-1), HR was 183 +/- 9 b.min(-1), and HM was 31 +/- 16 seconds. The mean effort time (862 seconds) did not differ from mean interval time (8 +/- 3 seconds). Winners used a smaller total number of techniques, but post-match LA or HR did not differ from that of non-winners. In conclusion, the glycolytic metabolism was not the predominant energy source and the physiological responses did not differ between winners and non-winners. Coaches and sports scientists should prepare a technical or physical training session considering the low glycolytic contribution in this sport, hence the training protocol should involve high-intensity movements interspersed with longer RPs to provide the creatine phosphate recovery, with special attention given to the technical quality of TKD skills and not to higher technique volume during a simulation of matches.


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Artioli, GG, Gualano, B, Franchini, E, Batista, RN, Polacow, VO, and Lancha, AH Jr. Physiological, performance, and nutritional profile of the Brazilian Olympic Wushu (kung-fu) team. J Strength Cond Res 23(1): 20-25, 2009-The purpose of the present study was to determine physiological, nutritional, and performance profiles of elite Olympic Wushu (kung-fu) athletes. Ten men and four women elite athletes took part in the study. They completed the following tests: body composition, nutritional assessment, upper-body Wingate Test, vertical jump, lumbar isometric strength, and flexibility. Blood lactate was determined at rest and after the Wingate Test. Blood lactate was also determined during a training session (combat and Taolu training). We found low body fat (men: 9.5 +/- 6.3%; women: 18.0 +/- 4.8%), high flexibility (sit-and-reach-men: 45.5 +/- 6.1 cm; women: 44.0 +/- 6.3 cm), high leg power (vertical jump-men: 37.7 +/- 8.4 cm; women: 32.3 +/- 1.1 cm), high lumbar isometric strength (men: 159 6 13 cm; women: 94 6 6 cm), moderate arm mean and peak power (Wingate Test-men: 4.1 +/- 0.4 and 5.8 +/- 0.5 W.kg(-1), respectively; women: 2.5 +/- 0.3 and 3.4 +/- 0.3 W.kg(-1), respectively), and elevated blood lactate after the Wingate Test (men: 10.8 +/- 2.0 mmol.L(-1); women: 10.2 +/- 2.0 mmol.L(-1)) and during training (combat: 12.0 +/- 1.8 mmol.L(-1); Taolu: 7.7 +/- 3.3 mmol.L(-1)). Men athletes consume a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, whereas women consume a moderate, high-carbohydrate diet. Energy consumption was markedly variable. In conclusion, Olympic Wushu seems to be a highly anaerobic-dependent combat sport. Low body fat, high flexibility, leg anaerobic power, isometric strength, and moderately high arm anaerobic power seem to be important for successful competitive performance.


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Purpose Adverse drug events (ADEs) are harmful and occur with alarming frequency in critically ill patients. Complex pharmacotherapy with multiple medications increases the probability of a drug interaction (DI) and ADEs in patients in intensive care units (ICUs). The objective of the study is to determine the frequency of ADEs among patients in the ICU of a university hospital and the drugs implicated. Also, factors associated with ADEs are investigated. Methods This cross-sectional study investigated 299 medical records of patients hospitalized for 5 or more days in an ICU. ADEs were identified through intensive monitoring adopted in hospital pharmacovigilance and also ADE triggers. Adverse drug reactions (ADR) causality was classified using the Naranjo algorithm. Data were analyzed through descriptive analysis, and through univariate and multiple logistic regression. Results The most frequent ADEs were ADRs type A, of possible causality and moderate severity. The most frequent ADR was drug-induced acute kidney injury. Patients with ADEs related to DIs corresponded to 7% of the sample. The multiple logistic regression showed that length of hospitalization (OR = 1.06) and administration of cardiovascular drugs (OR = 2.2) were associated with the occurrence of ADEs. Conclusion Adverse drug reactions of clinical significance were the most frequent ADEs in the ICU studied, which reduces patient safety. The number of ADEs related to drug interactions was small, suggesting that clinical manifestations of drug interactions that harm patients are not frequent in ICUs.


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The antiproliferative activity of two prenylated benzophenones isolated from Rheedia brasiliensis. the tri-prenylated garciniaphenone and the tetraprenylated benzophenone 7-epiclusianone, was investigated against human cancer cell lines. The antiproliferative activity on melanoma (UACC-62), breast (MCF-7), drug-resistant breast (NCI-ADR), lung/non-small cells (NCI460), ovarian (OVCAR 03), prostate (PC03), kidney (786-0), lung (NCI-460) and tongue (CRL-1624 and CRL-1623) cancer cells was determined using spectrophotometric quantification of the cellular protein content. The effect of these benzophenones on the activity of cathepsins B and G was also investigated. Garciniaphenone displayed cytostatic activity in all cell lines, whereas 7-epiclusianone showed a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect. The IC(50) values for cell proliferation revealed that 7-epiclusianone is more active than garciniaphenone against most of the cell lines. Furthermore, the antiproliferative effects demonstrated by garciniaphenone and 7-epiclusianone were related to their cathepsin inhibiting properties. In conclusion, 7-epiclusianone is a promising naturally occurring agent which displays multiple inhibitory effects which may be working in concert to inhibit cancer cell proliferation in vitro. The putative pathway by which 7-epiclusianone affects cancer cell development may involve cathepsin inhibition. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Taking into account that information about the host status of cover crops for Pratylenchus brachyurus is scarce or contradictory, this study was undertaken to assess the host status of selected graminaceous cover crops by estimating nematode reproduction and their ability to decrease the nematode density in glasshouse conditions. Furthermore, the reproductive fitness of three P. brachyurus populations was assessed for Brachiaria grasses. Silage and forage sorghum proved to be good hosts for P. brachyurus; consequently, they should be avoided in fields infested with this lesion nematode, mainly before susceptible crop such as soybean, common bean, cowpea, and cotton. Dictyoneura grass, the pearl millet cv. ADR 300, and black oat were poor hosts for P. brachyurus but may increase densities of this nematode over time. Consequently, these cover crops might be used in infested fields for only short periods, because they could increase the P. brachyurus population density slowly but progressively.