149 resultados para numerical methods for ODEs
A key issue in the design of tyres is their capability to sustain intense impact loads. Hence, the development of a reliable experimental data basis is important, against which numerical models can be compared. Experimental data on tyre impact in the open literature is somewhat rare. In this article, a specially design rig was developed for tyre impact tests. It holds the test piece in a given position, allowing a drop mass with a round indenter to hit pressurised tyres with different impact energies. A high-speed camera and a laser velocimeter were used to track the impact event. From the laser measurement it was possible to obtain the impact force and the local indentation. A finite element study was then conducted using material properties from the open literature. By comparing the experimental measurements with the numerical results, it became evident that the model was capable of predicting the major features of the impact of a mass on a tyre. This model is therefore of value for the assessment of the performance of a tyre in extreme cases of mass impact. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) captures images of internal features of a body. Electrodes are attached to the boundary of the body, low intensity alternating currents are applied, and the resulting electric potentials are measured. Then, based on the measurements, an estimation algorithm obtains the three-dimensional internal admittivity distribution that corresponds to the image. One of the main goals of medical EIT is to achieve high resolution and an accurate result at low computational cost. However, when the finite element method (FEM) is employed and the corresponding mesh is refined to increase resolution and accuracy, the computational cost increases substantially, especially in the estimation of absolute admittivity distributions. Therefore, we consider in this work a fast iterative solver for the forward problem, which was previously reported in the context of structural optimization. We propose several improvements to this solver to increase its performance in the EIT context. The solver is based on the recycling of approximate invariant subspaces, and it is applied to reduce the EIT computation time for a constant and high resolution finite element mesh. In addition, we consider a powerful preconditioner and provide a detailed pseudocode for the improved iterative solver. The numerical results show the effectiveness of our approach: the proposed algorithm is faster than the preconditioned conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm. The results also show that even on a standard PC without parallelization, a high mesh resolution (more than 150,000 degrees of freedom) can be used for image estimation at a relatively low computational cost. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The time varying intensity character of a load applied to a structure poses many difficulties in analysis. A remedy to this situation is to substitute a complex pulse shape by a rectangular equivalent one. It has been shown by others that this procedure works well for perfectly plastic elementary structures. This paper applies the concept of equivalent pulse to more complex structures. Special attention is given to the material behavior, which is allowed to be strain rate and strain hardening sensitive. Thanks to the explicit finite element solution, it is shown in this article that blast loads applied to complex structures made of real materials can be substituted by equivalent rectangular loads with both responses being practically the same. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study examines the applicability of a micromechanics approach based upon the computational cell methodology incorporating the Gurson-Tvergaard (GT) model and the CTOA criterion to describe ductile crack extension of longitudinal crack-like defects in high pressure pipeline steels. A central focus is to gain additional insight into the effectiveness and limitations of both approaches to describe crack growth response and to predict the burst pressure for the tested cracked pipes. A verification study conducted on burst testing of large-diameter, precracked pipe specimens with varying crack depth to thickness ratio (a/t) shows the potential predictive capability of the cell approach even though both the CT model and the CTOA criterion appear to depend on defect geometry. Overall, the results presented here lend additional support for further developments in the cell methodology as a valid engineering tool for integrity assessments of pipelines with axial defects. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,
The practicability of estimating directional wave spectra based on a vessel`s 1st order response has been recently addressed by several researchers. Different alternatives regarding statistical inference methods and possible drawbacks that could arise from their application have been extensively discussed, with an apparent preference for estimations based on Bayesian inference algorithms. Most of the results on this matter, however, rely exclusively on numerical simulations or at best on few and sparse full-scale measurements, comprising a questionable basis for validation purposes. This paper discusses several issues that have recently been debated regarding the advantages of Bayesian inference and different alternatives for its implementation. Among those are the definition of the best set of input motions, the number of parameters required for guaranteeing smoothness of the spectrum in frequency and direction and how to determine their optimum values. These subjects are addressed in the light of an extensive experimental campaign performed with a small-scale model of an FPSO platform (VLCC hull), which was conducted in an ocean basin in Brazil. Tests involved long and short crested seas with variable levels of directional spreading and also bimodal conditions. The calibration spectra measured in the tank by means of an array of wave probes configured the paradigm for estimations. Results showed that a wide range of sea conditions could be estimated with good precision, even those with somewhat low peak periods. Some possible drawbacks that have been pointed out in previous works concerning the viability of employing large vessels for such a task are then refuted. Also, it is shown that a second parameter for smoothing the spectrum in frequency may indeed increase the accuracy in some situations, although the criterion usually proposed for estimating the optimum values (ABIC) demands large computational effort and does not seem adequate for practical on-board systems, which require expeditious estimations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, 2 different approaches for estimating the directional wave spectrum based on a vessel`s 1st-order motions are discussed, and their predictions are compared to those provided by a wave buoy. The real-scale data were obtained in an extensive monitoring campaign based on an FPSO unit operating at Campos Basin, Brazil. Data included vessel motions, heading and tank loadings. Wave field information was obtained by means of a heave-pitch-roll buoy installed in the vicinity of the unit. `two of the methods most widely used for this kind of analysis are considered, one based on Bayesian statistical inference, the other consisting of a parametrical representation of the wave spectrum. The performance of both methods is compared, and their sensitivity to input parameters is discussed. This analysis complements a set of previous validations based on numerical and towing-tank results and allows for a preliminary evaluation of reliability when applying the methodology at full scale.
Dynamic experiments in a nonadiabatic packed bed were carried out to evaluate the response to disturbances in wall temperature and inlet airflow rate and temperature. A two-dimensional, pseudo-homogeneous, axially dispersed plug-flow model was numerically solved and used to interpret the results. The model parameters were fitted in distinct stages: effective radial thermal conductivity (K (r)) and wall heat transfer coefficient (h (w)) were estimated from steady-state data and the characteristic packed bed time constant (tau) from transient data. A new correlation for the K (r) in packed beds of cylindrical particles was proposed. It was experimentally proved that temperature measurements using radially inserted thermocouples and a ring-shaped sensor were not distorted by heat conduction across the thermocouple or by the thermal inertia effect of the temperature sensors.
A procedure is proposed for the determination of the residence time distribution (RTD) of curved tubes taking into account the non-ideal detection of the tracer. The procedure was applied to two holding tubes used for milk pasteurization in laboratory scale. Experimental data was obtained using an ionic tracer. The signal distortion caused by the detection system was considerable because of the short residence time. Four RTD models, namely axial dispersion, extended tanks in series, generalized convection and PER + CSTR association, were adjusted after convolution with the E-curve of the detection system. The generalized convection model provided the best fit because it could better represent the tail on the tracer concentration curve that is Caused by the laminar velocity profile and the recirculation regions. Adjusted model parameters were well cot-related with the now rate. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Over the last decades, anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguides (ARROW) have been used in different integrated optics applications. In this type of waveguide, light confinement is partially achieved through an anti-resonant reflection. In this work, the simulation, fabrication and characterization of ARROW waveguides using dielectric films deposited by a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique, at low temperatures(similar to 300 degrees C), are presented. Silicon oxynitride (SiO(x)N(y)) films were used as core and second cladding layers and amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbide(a-SiC:H) films as first cladding layer. Furthermore, numerical simulations were performed using homemade routines based on two computational methods: the transfer matrix method (TMM) for the determination of the optimum thickness of the Fabry-Perot layers; and the non-uniform finite difference method (NU-FDM) for 2D design and determination of the maximum width that yields single-mode operation. The utilization of a silicon carbide anti-resonant layer resulted in low optical attenuations, which is due to the high refractive index difference between the core and this layer. Finally, for comparison purposes, optical waveguides using titanium oxide (TiO(2)) as the first ARROW layer were also fabricated and characterized.
Higher order (2,4) FDTD schemes used for numerical solutions of Maxwell`s equations are focused on diminishing the truncation errors caused by the Taylor series expansion of the spatial derivatives. These schemes use a larger computational stencil, which generally makes use of the two constant coefficients, C-1 and C-2, for the four-point central-difference operators. In this paper we propose a novel way to diminish these truncation errors, in order to obtain more accurate numerical solutions of Maxwell`s equations. For such purpose, we present a method to individually optimize the pair of coefficients, C-1 and C-2, based on any desired grid size resolution and size of time step. Particularly, we are interested in using coarser grid discretizations to be able to simulate electrically large domains. The results of our optimization algorithm show a significant reduction in dispersion error and numerical anisotropy for all modeled grid size resolutions. Numerical simulations of free-space propagation verifies the very promising theoretical results. The model is also shown to perform well in more complex, realistic scenarios.
Due to the broadband characteristic of chaotic signals, many of the methods that have been proposed for synchronizing chaotic systems do not usually present a satisfactory performance when applied to bandlimited communication channels. Here, the effects of bandwidth limitations imposed by the channel on the synchronous solution of a discrete-time chaotic master-slave network are investigated. The discrete-time system considered in this study is the Henon map. It is analytically shown that synchronism can be achieved in such a network by introducing a digital filter in the feedback loop responsible for generating the chaotic signal that will be sent to the slave node. Numerical simulations relating the filter parameters, such as its order and cut-off frequency, to the maximum Lyapunov exponent of the master node, which determines if the transmitted signal is chaotic or not, are also presented. These results can be useful for practical communication schemes based on chaos.
In this work, a series of two-dimensional plane-strain finite element analyses was conducted to further understand the stress distribution during tensile tests on coated systems. Besides the film and the substrate, the finite element model also considered a number of cracks perpendicular to the film/substrate interface. Different from analyses commonly found in the literature, the mechanical behavior of both film and substrate was considered elastic-perfectly plastic in part of the analyses. Together with the film yield stress and the number of film cracks, other variables that were considered were crack tip geometry, the distance between two consecutive cracks and the presence of an interlayer. The analysis was based on the normal stresses parallel to the loading axis (sigma(xx)), which are responsible for cohesive failures that are observed in the film during this type of test. Results indicated that some configurations studied in this work have significantly reduced the value of sigma(xx) at the film/substrate interface and close to the pre-defined crack tips. Furthermore, in all the cases studied the values of sigma(xx) were systematically larger at the film/substrate interface than at the film surface. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Leaf wetness duration (LWD) models based on empirical approaches offer practical advantages over physically based models in agricultural applications, but their spatial portability is questionable because they may be biased to the climatic conditions under which they were developed. In our study, spatial portability of three LWD models with empirical characteristics - a RH threshold model, a decision tree model with wind speed correction, and a fuzzy logic model - was evaluated using weather data collected in Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Italy and the USA. The fuzzy logic model was more accurate than the other models in estimating LWD measured by painted leaf wetness sensors. The fraction of correct estimates for the fuzzy logic model was greater (0.87) than for the other models (0.85-0.86) across 28 sites where painted sensors were installed, and the degree of agreement k statistic between the model and painted sensors was greater for the fuzzy logic model (0.71) than that for the other models (0.64-0.66). Values of the k statistic for the fuzzy logic model were also less variable across sites than those of the other models. When model estimates were compared with measurements from unpainted leaf wetness sensors, the fuzzy logic model had less mean absolute error (2.5 h day(-1)) than other models (2.6-2.7 h day(-1)) after the model was calibrated for the unpainted sensors. The results suggest that the fuzzy logic model has greater spatial portability than the other models evaluated and merits further validation in comparison with physical models under a wider range of climate conditions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Grass reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is an important agrometeorological parameter for climatological and hydrological studies, as well as for irrigation planning and management. There are several methods to estimate ETo, but their performance in different environments is diverse, since all of them have some empirical background. The FAO Penman-Monteith (FAD PM) method has been considered as a universal standard to estimate ETo for more than a decade. This method considers many parameters related to the evapotranspiration process: net radiation (Rn), air temperature (7), vapor pressure deficit (Delta e), and wind speed (U); and has presented very good results when compared to data from lysimeters Populated with short grass or alfalfa. In some conditions, the use of the FAO PM method is restricted by the lack of input variables. In these cases, when data are missing, the option is to calculate ETo by the FAD PM method using estimated input variables, as recommended by FAD Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56. Based on that, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the FAO PM method to estimate ETo when Rn, Delta e, and U data are missing, in Southern Ontario, Canada. Other alternative methods were also tested for the region: Priestley-Taylor, Hargreaves, and Thornthwaite. Data from 12 locations across Southern Ontario, Canada, were used to compare ETo estimated by the FAD PM method with a complete data set and with missing data. The alternative ETo equations were also tested and calibrated for each location. When relative humidity (RH) and U data were missing, the FAD PM method was still a very good option for estimating ETo for Southern Ontario, with RMSE smaller than 0.53 mm day(-1). For these cases, U data were replaced by the normal values for the region and Delta e was estimated from temperature data. The Priestley-Taylor method was also a good option for estimating ETo when U and Delta e data were missing, mainly when calibrated locally (RMSE = 0.40 mm day(-1)). When Rn was missing, the FAD PM method was not good enough for estimating ETo, with RMSE increasing to 0.79 mm day(-1). When only T data were available, adjusted Hargreaves and modified Thornthwaite methods were better options to estimate ETo than the FAO) PM method, since RMSEs from these methods, respectively 0.79 and 0.83 mm day(-1), were significantly smaller than that obtained by FAO PM (RMSE = 1.12 mm day(-1). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of thermal treatment on phenolic compounds and type 2 diabetes functionality linked to alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase inhibition and hypertension relevant angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition were investigated in selected bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L,) cultivars from Peru and Brazil using in vitro models. Thermal processing by autoclaving decreased the total phenolic content in all cultivars, whereas the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity-linked antioxidant activity increased among Peruvian cultivars, alpha-Amylase and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activities were reduced significantly after heat treatment (73-94% and 8-52%, respectively), whereas ACE inhibitory activity was enhanced (9-15%). Specific phenolic acids such as chlorogenic and caffeic acid increased moderately following thermal treatment (2-16% and 5-35%, respectively). No correlation was found between phenolic contents and functionality associated to antidiabetes and antihypertension potential, indicating that non phenolic compounds may be involved. Thermally processed bean cultivars are interesting sources of phenolic acids linked to high antioxidant activity and show potential for hypertension prevention.