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The objectives of this study were to identify individuals with symptomatic and/or asymptomatic infection due to Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi; to study the two types of infection, both clinically and immunologically, and to determine the prevalence rate of infection at the beginning of the study. This was a cross-sectional study with a cohort of 946 individuals, of both genders, from the age of 1 year, living in the municipality of Barcarena, PA, Brazil, an area endemic for American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). The leishmanin skin test (LST) and the indirect fluorescent test (IFAT), were used for the diagnosis of infection. One hundred and twenty cases of infection were diagnosed, with a prevalence rate of 12.6%; eight cases showed high seroreactivity (1280-10240, IgG) in IFAT and no LST reaction; four of these cases were typical AVL and four had subclinical oligosymptomatic infection. Using two immunological methods with a clinical examination of the infected individuals enabled the identification of five clinical-immunological profiles which may promote a better understanding of the interaction between L. (L.) i. chagasi and the human immune response: asymptomatic infection (AI) 73.4%; subclinical resistant infection (SRI) 15%; subclinicat oligosymptomatic infection (SOI) 3%; symptomatic infection (AVL) 3% and indeterminate initial infection (III) 5%. (C) 2009 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Water deficit and ABA application on leaf gas exchange and flavonoid content in marigold (Calendula officinalis L.).The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of water deficit and abscisic acid (ABA) application on physiological parameters and flavonoid production in marigold plant. The experiment was performed under nursery conditions with potted plants. It was tested water deficit by withholding water (control - diary irrigation, 3, 6 and 9 days without irrigation) followed by 3 ABA concentrations (0, 10 e 100 mu M) applied in the beginning of blooming. It was evaluated the relative water content and the leaf gas exchange using a portable infrared gas analyzer (A: net photosynthesis, gs: stomatal conductance, E: transpiration, Ci: CO(2) intercellular concentration and EUA: water use efficiency). At the end of 9 days of water deficit there were significant decreases in all the characteristics evaluated, independent of ABA application. This suggests that the main effect of ABA was to cause a reduction on gs which was accompanied of a reduction in A, only when the plants were submitted to the water deficit. There was no significant difference among the levels of water deficit tested in relation to the total flavonoid content in inflorescences. However, ABA restricted the flavonoids biosynthesis both in control plant and stressed plants.
Pop-rock musicians are at risk of developing hearing loss and other symptoms related to amplified music. Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the satisfaction provided by the use of hearing protection in pop-rock musicians. Study design: Contemporary cohort study. Materials and Methods: A study of 23 male pop-rock musicians, aged between 25 to 45 years. After audiological evaluation (pure tone audiometry, middle ear analysis, TEOAE and DPOAE) hearing protective devices were provided to be used for three months. After that musicians answered a satisfaction assessment questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of hearing loss was of 21.7%. The most common complaints about the hearing protectors were: autophonia, pressure in the ears, interference in high frequencies perception and full time use of the hearing protector during concerts. There was a positive correlation between a reduction in tinnitus after the use of the HPD with the following complaints: tinnitus after beginning the career (p=0.044), discomfort with the sound intensity in the work place (p=0.009) and intolerance to loud sound (p=0.029). Conclusions: There was a high prevalence of hearing loss and a positive tendency towards the use of the ear protector device among the sample population.
Introduction: Two hundred ten patients with newly diagnosed Hodgkin`s lymphoma (HL) were consecutively enrolled in this prospective trial to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of fluorine-18 ((18)F)-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) scan in initial staging of patients with HL. Methods: All 210 patients were staged with conventional clinical staging (CCS) methods, including computed tomography (CT), bone marrow biopsy (BMB), and laboratory tests. Patients were also submitted to metabolic staging (MS) with whole-body FDG-PET scan before the beginning of treatment. A standard of reference for staging was determined with all staging procedures, histologic examination, and follow-up examinations. The accuracy of the CCS was compared with the MS. Local unit costs of procedures and tests were evaluated. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated for both strategies. Results: In the 210 patients with HL, the sensitivity for initial staging of FDG-PET was higher than that of CT and BMB in initial staging (97.9% vs. 87.3%; P < .001 and 94.2% vs. 71.4%, P < 0.003, respectively). The incorporation of FDG-PET in the staging procedure upstaged disease in 50 (24%) patients and downstaged disease in 17 (8%) patients. Changes in treatment would be seen in 32 (15%) patients. Cumulative cost for staging procedures was $3751/patient for CCS compared to $5081 for CCS + PET and $4588 for PET/CT. The ICER of PET/CT strategy was $16,215 per patient with modified treatment. PET/CT costs at the beginning and end of treatment would increase total costs of HL staging and first-line treatment by only 2%. Conclusion: FDG-PET is more accurate than CT and BMB in HL staging. Given observed probabilities, FDG-PET is highly cost-effective in the public health care program in Brazil.
Objective. To analyze the longterm followup of a series of Brazilian patients with undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (uSpA). Methods. Prospective study analyzing a group of 111 patients with the diagnosis of uSpA, fulfilling the European Spondylarthropathy Study Group and the Amor criteria, who were followed for 5 to 10 years in a single university referral center. Patients had their outcome analyzed at 5, 7, and 10 years. Results. There was a predominance of men (81.1%), white ethnicity (78.4%), and positive HLA-B27 (61.3%), with a mean age at onset of 27.2 years. Twenty-seven patients presented development to ankylosing spondylitis (AS; 24.3%) and 3 to psoriatic arthritis (PsA; 2.7%), while 25 patients (22.5%) went into remission during the followup. Univariate logistic regression analysis revealed that ethnicity, HLA-B27, buttock pain, inflammatory low back pain, ankle involvement, grade I sacroiliitis at the beginning of the study, and the use of sulfasalazine were statistically associated with progression to AS. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that HLA-B27 (p = 0.035, OR 6.720.95% CI 11.45-39.43) and buttock pain (p = 0.009, OR 6.211, 95% CI 1.591-24.25) were statistically associated with progression to AS. Conclusion. In a longterm followup of 111 Brazilian patients with uSpA, HLA-B27 and buttock pain were significant predictors of progression to a definite disease. (First Release May 1 2010; J Rheumatol 2010;37:1195-9; doi:10.3899/jrheum.090625)
Objectives The present study investigates the hemodynamic and autonomic regulation during sleep-awake transitions and across different sleep cycles in patients with essential hypertension. Methods Nineteen individuals free of sleep apnea (10 normotensive and nine hypertensive matched for age, sex, and body mass index) underwent a standard polysomnography, with simultaneous electrocardiography and beat-to-beat blood pressure monitoring (Portapres). All measurements were determined while awake (before and after sleep), as well as in the beginning and at end of the sleep cycle (first/last cycle of nonrapid and rapid eye movement stages). Results Systolic blood pressure was higher in hypertensives and exhibited a similar reduction to the normotensives ones in initial nonrapid eye movement sleep. This reduction was because of different mechanisms: a significant fall in cardiac output in normotensives, whereas in hypertensives was also dependent of a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance. Hypertensive patients presented lower heart rate variation and attenuated baroreflex sensitivity during sleep but not immediately before and after sleep. Spectral analysis suggested a higher sympathetic activity in the sleep stages in hypertension. Additionally, a progressive sympathetic predominance (final rapid eye movement> initial rapid eye movement and awake period postsleep> awake period presleep) was observed in both groups. Conclusion Hypertension is associated with depressed baroreflex sensitivity and increased sympathetic activation during sleep. The greater sympathetic predominance at the end of night (preceding the morning surge of sympathetic activity) could be implicated in the occurrence of cardiovascular events. J Hypertens 27: 1655-1663 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Background. Prior to the introduction of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), management of Fabry disease (FD) consisted of symptomatic and palliative measures. ERT has been available for several years using recombinant human agalsidase alfa, an analogue of alpha-galactosidase A (GALA). However, the limitations of ERT in improving kidney function have not been established. This study evaluates the safety and therapeutic effect of agalsidase alfa replacement in terms of kidney function and reduction in 24-hour proteinuria. Methods. During the period between January 1, 2002, and August 1, 2005, nine Fabry patients (7 male, 2 female) were treated according to protocol, receiving 0.2 mg/kg agalsidase alfa IV every two weeks. Kidney function was evaluated by measuring the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using chromium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate clearance ((51)Cr-EDTA mL/min/1.73 m(2)) at baseline, 12, 24, and 36 months. 24-hour proteinuria was measured at baseline, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months of ERT. Kidney disease was classified according to National Kidney Foundation Disease Outcome Quality Initiative (NKF/DOQI) Advisory Board criteria, which define stage I chronic kidney disease (CKD) as GFR >= 90mL/min/1.73 m(2), stage II as 60-89 mL/min/1.73m(2), stage III as 30-59 mL/min/1.73 m(2), stage IV as 15-29 mL/min/1.73m(2), and stage V as < 15 mL/min/1.73m(2). Results. Six patients completed 36 months of therapy, 2 patients completed 18 months, and 1 patient completed 12 months. Mean patient age at baseline was 34.6 +/- 11.3 years. During the study period, kidney function remained stable in patients with stages I, II, or III CKD. One patient, who entered the study with stage IV CKD, progressed to end-stage chronic kidney disease, beginning hemodialysis after 7 months and receiving a kidney transplant after 12 months of ERT. Proteinuria also remained stable in the group of patients with pathologic proteinuria. The use of agalsidase alfa was well tolerated in 99.5% of the infusions administered. Conclusion. Over the course of 36 months of ERT, there was no change in kidney function and 24-hour proteinuria. This suggests thatagalsidase alfa may slow or halt the progression of kidney disease when used before extensive kidney damage occurs. No significant side effects were observed with ERT during the course of the study.
Chronic urticaria (daily or almost daily symptoms lasting for more than six weeks) is characterized by wheals and erythema, with or without itching. A few case reports have shown chronic autoimmune urticaria at the beginning of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), particularly in adults. However, the prevalence of this manifestation in a lupus paediatric population was not studied. During 27 consecutive years, 5419 patients were followed up at our University Hospital and 271 (5%) had juvenile SLE (American College of Rheumatology criteria). Two of them (0.7%) had chronic and painless autoimmune urticaria as the first manifestation of juvenile SLE, and were reported herein. One case was a five-year old female with continuous widespread urticaria (duration 120 days), antinuclear antibodies (ANA) 1:640 (dense fine speckled pattern) and elevated complement levels. The juvenile SLE diagnosis was established after one year. The other case was a 13-year old female who had chronic widespread urticaria (lasting 45 days), ANA 1:160 (fine speckled pattern) and normal complement levels. The juvenile SLE diagnosis was established after three years. In conclusion, chronic autoimmune urticaria is very rare and may be the first lupus manifestation, particularly associated with the presence of autoantibodies. This study reinforces the importance of a rigorous follow-up in children and adolescents suffering from autoimmune urticaria due to the possibility of connective tissue disorders, such as paediatric lupus. Lupus (2011) 20, 763-766.
Purpose: In this study we analyzed the role played by aerobic exercise training in the plasma lipoprotein profile, prebeta 1-HDL concentration, and in the in vitro HDL3 ability to remove cholesterol from macrophages and inhibit LDL oxidation in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients and control subjects, in the fasting and postprandial states. Methods: Healthy controls (HTC, N = 11; 1 M/10 F) and subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DMT, N = 11; 3M/ 8F) were engaged in a 4-month aerobic training program, and compared with a group of sedentary subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DMS, N = 10; 4 M/6 F). All groups were submitted to an oral fat load test to analyze all parameters, both at the beginning of the investigation protocol (basal) and at the end of the study period (final). Results: Exercising did not modify body weight, BMI, plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), glucose, insulin, or HOMA-IR, but it reduced the waist circumference. The HDL3 Composition did not change, and its ability to remove cell cholesterol was unaltered by aerobic training. In DMT but not in HTC, aerobic training improved 15% the HDL3 protective effect against LDL maximal oxidation rate in the fasting state, and reduced 24% the plasma prebeta 1-HDL concentration in the postprandial state, suggesting an enhanced prebeta 1-HDL conversion into larger, more mature HDL particles. In this regard, regular aerobic exercise enriched HDL2 with TG in the fasting and postprandial states in HTC and in the fasting phase in DMT. Conclusion: Our results show that aerobic exercise training in diabetes mellitus improves the HDL efficiency against LDL oxidation and favors HDL maturation. These findings were independent of changes in insulin resistance and of the rise of plasma HDL cholesterol concentration.
Increases in muscular cross-sectional area (CSA) occur in quadriplegics after training, but the effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) along with training are unknown. Thus, we addressed two questions: (1) Does NMES during treadmill gait training increase the quadriceps CSA in complete quadriplegics?; and (2) Is treadmill gait training alone enough to observe an increase in CSA? Fifteen quadriplegics were divided into gait (n = 8) and control (n = 7) groups. The gait group performed training with NMES for 6 months twice a week for 20 minutes each time. After 6 months of traditional therapy, the control group received the same gait training protocol but without NMES for an additional 6 months. Axial images of the thigh were acquired at the beginning of the study, at 6 months (for both groups), and at 12 months for the control group to determine the average quadriceps CSA. After 6 months, there was an increase of CSA in the gait group (from 49.8 +/- A 9.4 cm(2) to 57.3 +/- A 10.3 cm(2)), but not in the control group (from 43.6 +/- A 7.6 cm(2) to 41.8 +/- A 8.4 cm(2)). After another 6 months of gait without NMES in the control group, the CSA did not change (from 41.8 +/- A 8.4 cm(2) to 41.7 +/- A 7.9 cm(2)). The increase in quadriceps CSA after gait training in patients with chronic complete quadriplegia appears associated with NMES.
Background Surgical treatment has proved to be effective for weight loss, improving the quality of life of obese individuals. However, metabolic and nutritional deficiencies may occur during the late postoperative period. The objective of the present study was to assess the metabolic and nutritional profile of grade III obese individuals for 12 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP). Methods Forty-eight patients with mean body mass index (BMI) of 51.9 +/- 7.8 kg/m(2) were submitted to RYGBP. Anthropometric, food intake, and biochemical data were obtained before and for 12 months after surgery. Results There was an average weight and body fat reduction of 35% and 46%, respectively. Calorie intake was reduced, ranging from 773 +/- 206 to 1035 +/- 345 kcal during the study. Protein intake remained below recommended values throughout follow-up, corresponding to 0.5 +/- 0.3 g/kg/current body weight/day during the 12th month. Iron and fiber intake was significantly reduced, remaining below recommended levels throughout the study. Serum cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glycemia were reduced. Albumin deficiency was present in 15.6% of subjects at the beginning of the study vs 8.9% at the end, calcium deficiency was present in 3.4% vs 16.7%, and iron deficiency was present in 12.2% vs 14.6%. Conclusions RYGBP was effective for weight loss and for the reduction of obesity rates and risk factors for comorbidities. The diet of these patients, who frequently present inadequate intake of macronutrients and micronutrients, should receive special attention. Patient follow-up and assessment at short intervals are necessary for an early correction of nutritional deficiencies.
Background: Traffic accidents constitute the main cause of death in the first decades of life. Traumatic brain injury is the event most responsible for the severity of these accidents. The SBN started an educational program for the prevention of traffic accidents, adapted from the American model ""Think First"" to the Brazilian environment, since 1995, with special effort devoted to the prevention of TBI by using seat belts and motorcycle helmets. The objective of the present study was to set up a traffic accident prevention program based on the adapted Think First and to evaluate its impact by comparing epidemiological variables before and after the beginning of the program. Methods: The program was executed in Maringa city, from September 2004 to August 2005, with educational actions targeting the entire population, especially teenagers and young adults. The program was implemented by building a network of information facilitators and multipliers inside the organized civil society, with widespread population dissemination. To measure the impact of the program, a specific software was developed for the storage and processing of the epidemiological variables. Results: The results showed a reduction of trauma severity due to traffic accidents after the execution of the program, mainly TBI. Conclusions: The adapted Think First was systematically implemented and its impact measured for the first time in Brazil, revealing the usefulness of the program for reducing trauma and TBI severity in traffic accidents through public education and representing a standardized model of implementation in a developing country. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose: The effects of anxiety on the patient and his/her family are known to be the main factors that influence health recovery in child surgery. When the whole family can be prepared and supported by psychologic intervention, the damage to child behavior and family anxiety is attenuated. Methods: This study was conducted in children between 2 and 6 years old, divided into 2 groups of 10 pairs each. The experimental group received psychologic intervention, whereas the control group did not. One month after the surgery, they were reevaluated and compared with the same instruments used in the beginning of the study. The instruments used were as follows: the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory with the mothers and the Rutter`s Child Behavior A2 Scale and the Posthospital Behavior Questionnaire with the children. Results: The results were compared by the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney nonparametric tests for independent samples, both at the P <.05 significance levels. Mothers stated that anxiety was different in the postsurgery period, showing a significant decrease when comparing the experimental and control groups. Both instruments to measure child behavior also showed that prepared children had less habit changes than the control group, which showed increased levels of inadequate behavior. Conclusions: These data confirm reports in literature regarding child preparation before medical intervention and reinforces the importance of specialized presurgery planning procedures by the proper professional interfaced with the surgical colleagues, all aiming toward the best recovery for the children. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The present study aimed to experimentally evaluate the protection role of glycerin preserved bovine peritoneum (BP) against intestinal adhesions to a vascular graft. Experiments were performed on 24 adult rabbits, randomly dived into two groups. All animals were submitted to a vascular graft over the infra-renal aorta and vena cava. Group I (12 animals) was submitted to a BP patch on the retroperitoneal opening, between the vascular prosthetic graft and the intestinal loops. Group II (12 animals) had the retroperitoneal opening sutured. After 7, 14, 28 and 60 days, 3 animals of each group were randomly killed and the retro peritoneum, with or without the BP patch, was removed for histological analysis. The histological analysis showed that the BP stimulated a moderate to intense inflammatory reaction at the beginning of the experiments and on the 60-day evaluation, the inflammatory reaction was mild, limited to the BP border with its histological structure preserved. In conclusion, the BP is a safe and cheap interposition material to be used between vascular grafts and intestinal loops, presenting a protection role against adhesions between them.
Background: Deficiency of 11 beta-hydroxylase results in the impairment of the last step of cortisol synthesis. In females, the phenotype of this disorder includes different degrees of genital ambiguity and arterial hypertension. Mutations in the CYP11B1 gene are responsible for this disease. Objective: The objective of the study was to screen the CYP11B1 gene for mutations in two unrelated Brazilian females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11 beta-hydroxylase deficiency. Design: The coding and intron-exon junction regions of CYP11B1 were totally sequenced. A putative splice mutation was further investigated by minigene transcription. Results: We report two novel CYP11B1 mutations in these Brazilian patients. An Arabian Lebanese descendent female was found to be homozygous for a cytosine insertion at the beginning of exon 8, changing the 404 arginine to proline. It alters the open reading frame, creating a putative truncated protein at 421 residue, which eliminates the domain necessary for the association of heme prosthetic group. A severely virilized female was homozygous for the g. 2791G>A transition in the last position of exon 4. This nucleotide is also part of 5` intron 4 donor splice site consensus sequence. Minigene experiments demonstrated that g. 2791G>A activated an alternative splice site within exon 4, leading to a 45-bp deletion in the transcript. The putative translation of such modified mRNA indicates a truncated protein at residue 280. Conclusions: We describe two novel mutations, g. 4671_4672insC and g. 2791G>A, that drastically affects normal protein structure. These mutations abolish normal enzyme activity, leading to a severe phenotype of congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11 beta-hydroxylase deficiency. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 3481-3485, 2009)