248 resultados para phase-coupled modes
A technique is proposed for creating nonground-state Bose-Einstein condensates in a trapping potential by means of the temporal modulation of atomic interactions. Applying a time-dependent spatially homogeneous magnetic field modifies the atomic scattering length. A modulation of the scattering length excites the condensate, which, under special conditions, can be transferred to an excited nonlinear coherent mode. It is shown that a phase-transition-like behavior occurs in the time-averaged population imbalance between the ground and excited states. The application of the technique is analyzed and it is shown that the considered effect can be realized for experimentally available condensates.
In this work we consider the dynamical Casimir effect for a massless scalar field-under Dirichlet boundary conditions-between two concentric spherical shells. We obtain a general expression for the average number of particle creation, for an arbitrary law of radial motion of the spherical shells, using two distinct methods: by computing the density operator of the system and by calculating the Bogoliubov coefficients. We apply our general expression to breathing modes: when only one of the shells oscillates and when both shells oscillate in or out of phase. Since our results were obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, under resonant breathing modes they are restricted to a short-time approximation. We also analyze the number of particle production and compare it with the results for the case of plane geometry.
In this paper we provide a recipe for state protection in a network of oscillators under collective damping and diffusion. Our strategy is to manipulate the network topology, i.e., the way the oscillators are coupled together, the strength of their couplings, and their natural frequencies, in order to create a relaxation-diffusion-free channel. This protected channel defines a decoherence-free subspace (DFS) for nonzero-temperature reservoirs. Our development also furnishes an alternative approach to build up DFSs that offers two advantages over the conventional method: it enables the derivation of all the network-protected states at once, and also reveals, through the network normal modes, the mechanism behind the emergence of these protected domains.
We report electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies at similar to 9.5 GHz (X band) and similar to 34 GHz (Q band) of powder and single-crystal samples of the compound Cu(2)[TzTs](4) [N-thiazol-2-yl-toluenesulfonamidatecopper(II)], C(40)H(36)Cu(2)N(8)O(8)S(8), having copper(II) ions in dinuclear units. Our data allow determining an antiferromagnetic interaction J(0)=(-113 +/- 1) cm(-1) (H(ex)=-J(0)S(1)center dot S(2)) between Cu(II) ions in the dinuclear unit and the anisotropic contributions to the spin-spin coupling matrix D (H(ani)=S(1)center dot D center dot S(2)), a traceless symmetric matrix with principal values D/4=(0.198 +/- 0.003) cm(-1) and E/4=(0.001 +/- 0.003) cm(-1) arising from magnetic dipole-dipole and anisotropic exchange couplings within the units. In addition, the single-crystal EPR measurements allow detecting and estimating very weak exchange couplings between neighbor dinuclear units, with an estimated magnitude parallel to J(')parallel to=(0.060 +/- 0.015) cm(-1). The interactions between a dinuclear unit and the ""environment"" of similar units in the structure of the compound produce a spin dynamics that averages out the intradinuclear dipolar interactions. This coupling with the environment leads to decoherence, a quantum phase transition that collapses the dipolar interaction when the isotropic exchange coupling with neighbor dinuclear units equals the magnitude of the intradinuclear dipolar coupling. Our EPR experiments provide a new procedure to follow the classical exchange-narrowing process as a shift and collapse of the line structure (not only as a change of the resonance width), which is described with general (but otherwise simple) theories of magnetic resonance. Using complementary procedures, our EPR measurements in powder and single-crystal samples allow measuring simultaneously three types of interactions differing by more than three orders of magnitude (between 113 cm(-1) and 0.060 cm(-1)).
We introduce an analytical approximation scheme to diagonalize parabolically confined two-dimensional (2D) electron systems with both the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions. The starting point of our perturbative expansion is a zeroth-order Hamiltonian for an electron confined in a quantum wire with an effective spin-orbit induced magnetic field along the wire, obtained by properly rotating the usual spin-orbit Hamiltonian. We find that the spin-orbit-related transverse coupling terms can be recast into two parts W and V, which couple crossing and noncrossing adjacent transverse modes, respectively. Interestingly, the zeroth-order Hamiltonian together with W can be solved exactly, as it maps onto the Jaynes-Cummings model of quantum optics. We treat the V coupling by performing a Schrieffer-Wolff transformation. This allows us to obtain an effective Hamiltonian to third order in the coupling strength k(R)l of V, which can be straightforwardly diagonalized via an additional unitary transformation. We also apply our approach to other types of effective parabolic confinement, e. g., 2D electrons in a perpendicular magnetic field. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approximate eigensolutions, we obtain analytical expressions for the nth Landau-level g(n) factors in the presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus couplings. For small values of the bulk g factors, we find that spin-orbit effects cancel out entirely for particular values of the spin-orbit couplings. By solving simple transcendental equations we also obtain the band minima of a Rashba-coupled quantum wire as a function of an external magnetic field. These can be used to describe Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. This procedure makes it easier to extract the strength of the spin-orbit interaction in these systems via proper fitting of the data.
The successful measurements of a sublattice magnetism with (51)V NMR techniques in the sigma-phase Fe(100-x)V(x) alloys with x=34.4, 39.9, and 47.9 are reported. Vanadium atoms, which were revealed to be present on all five crystallographic sites, are found to be under the action of the hyperfine magnetic fields produced by the neighboring Fe atoms, which allow the observation of (51)V NMR signals. Their nuclear magnetic properties are characteristic of a given site, which strongly depend on the composition. Site A exhibits the strongest magnetism while site D is the weakest. The estimated average magnetic moment per V atom decreases from 0.36 mu(B) for x=34.4 to 0.20 mu(B) for x=47.9. The magnetism revealed at V atoms is linearly correlated with the magnetic moment of Fe atoms, which implies that the former is induced by the latter.
A numerical renormalization-group study of the conductance through a quantum wire containing noninteracting electrons side-coupled to a quantum dot is reported. The temperature and the dot-energy dependence of the conductance are examined in the light of a recently derived linear mapping between the temperature-dependent conductance and the universal function describing the conductance for the symmetric Anderson model of a quantum wire with an embedded quantum dot. Two conduction paths, one traversing the wire, the other a bypass through the quantum dot, are identified. A gate potential applied to the quantum wire is shown to control the current through the bypass. When the potential favors transport through the wire, the conductance in the Kondo regime rises from nearly zero at low temperatures to nearly ballistic at high temperatures. When it favors the dot, the pattern is reversed: the conductance decays from nearly ballistic to nearly zero. When comparable currents flow through the two channels, the conductance is nearly temperature independent in the Kondo regime, and Fano antiresonances in the fixed-temperature plots of the conductance as a function of the dot-energy signal interference between them. Throughout the Kondo regime and, at low temperatures, even in the mixed-valence regime, the numerical data are in excellent agreement with the universal mapping.
Time-resolved Z-scan measurements were performed in a Nd(3+)-doped Sr(0.61)Ba(0.39)Nb(2)O(6) laser crystal through ferroelectric phase transition. Both the differences in electronic polarizability (Delta alpha(p)) and cross section (Delta sigma) of the neodymium ions have been found to be strongly modified in the surroundings of the transition temperature. This observed unusual behavior is concluded to be caused by the remarkable influence that the structural changes associated to the ferro-to-paraelectric phase transition has on the 4f -> 5d transition probabilities. The maximum polarizability change value Delta alpha(p)=1.2x10(-25) cm(3) obtained at room temperature is the largest ever measured for a Nd(3+)-doped transparent material.
The fast and reversible phase transition mechanism between crystalline and amorphous phases of Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5) has been in debate for several years. Through employing first-principles density functional theory calculations, we identify a direct structural link between the metastable crystalline and amorphous phases. The phase transition is driven by the displacement of Ge atoms along the rocksalt [111] direction from stable octahedron to high energy unstable tetrahedron sites close to the intrinsic vacancy regions, which generates a high energy intermediate phase between metastable and amorphous phases. Due to the instability of Ge at the tetrahedron sites, the Ge atoms naturally shift away from those sites, giving rise to the formation of local-ordered fourfold motifs and the long-range structural disorder. Intrinsic vacancies, which originate from Sb(2)Te(3), lower the energy barrier for Ge displacements, and hence, their distribution plays an important role in the phase transition. The high energy intermediate configuration can be obtained experimentally by applying an intense laser beam, which overcomes the thermodynamic barrier from the octahedron to tetrahedron sites. The high figure of merit of Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5) is achieved from the optimal combination of intrinsic vacancies provided by Sb(2)Te(3) and the instability of the tetrahedron sites provided by GeTe.
In this work, we employed the effective coordination concept to study the local environments of the Ge, Sb, and Te atoms in the Ge(m)Sb(2n)Te(m+3n) compounds. From our calculations and analysis, we found an average effective coordination number (ECN) reduction of 1.59, 1.42, and 1.37, for the Ge, Sb, Te atoms in the phase transition from crystalline, ECN=5.55 (Ge), 5.73 (Sb), 4.37 (Te), to the amorphous phase, ECN=3.96 (Ge), 4.31 (Sb), 3.09 (Te), for the Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5) composition. Similar changes are observed for other compositions. Thus, our results indicate that the coordination changes from the crystalline to amorphous phase are not large as previously assumed in the literature, i.e., from sixfold to fourfold for Ge, which can contribute to obtain a better understanding of the crystalline to amorphous phase transition. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3533422]
We study the competition interface between two growing clusters in a growth model associated to last-passage percolation. When the initial unoccupied set is approximately a cone, we show that this interface has an asymptotic direction with probability 1. The behavior of this direction depends on the angle theta of the cone: for theta >= 180 degrees, the direction is deterministic, while for theta < 180 degrees, it is random, and its distribution can be given explicitly in certain cases. We also obtain partial results on the fluctuations of the interface around its asymptotic direction. The evolution of the competition interface in the growth model can be mapped onto the path of a second-class particle in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process; from the existence of the limiting direction for the interface, we obtain a new and rather natural proof of the strong law of large numbers (with perhaps a random limit) for the position of the second-class particle at large times.
The doubly positively charged gas-phase molecules BrO(2+) and NBr(2+) have been produced by prolonged high-current energetic oxygen (17 keV (16)O(-)) ion surface bombardment (ion beam sputtering) of rubidium bromide (RbBr) and of ammonium bromide (NH(4)Br) powdered ionic salt samples, respectively, pressed into indium foil. These novel species were observed at half-integer m/z values in positive ion mass spectra for ion flight times of roughly similar to 12 mu s through a magnetic-sector secondary ion mass spectrometer. Here we present these experimental results and combine them with a detailed theoretical investigation using high level ab initio calculations of the ground states of BrO(2+) and NBr(2+), and a manifold of excited electronic states. NBr(2+) and BrO(2+), in their ground states, are long-lived metastable gas-phase molecules with well depths of 2.73 x 10(4) cm(-1) (3.38 eV) and 1.62 x 10(4) cm(-1) (2.01 eV); their fragmentation channels into two monocations lie 2.31 x 10(3) cm(-1) (0.29 eV) and 2.14 x 10(4) cm(-1) (2.65 eV) below the ground state minimum. The calculated lifetimes for NBr(2+) (v '' < 35) and BrO(2+) (v '' < 18) are large enough to be considered stable against tunneling. For NBr(2+), we predicted R(e) = 3.051 a(0) and omega(e) = 984 cm(-1); for BrO(2+), we obtained 3.033 a(0) and 916 cm(-1), respectively. The adiabatic double ionization energies of BrO and NBr to form metastable BrO(2+) and NBr(2+) are calculated to be 30.73 and 29.08 eV, respectively. The effect of spin-orbit interactions on the low-lying (Lambda + S) states is also discussed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3562121]
A novel solid phase extraction technique is described where DNA is bound and eluted from magnetic silica beads in a manner where efficiency is dependent on the magnetic manipulation of the beads and not on the flow of solution through a packed bed. The utility of this technique in the isolation of reasonably pure, PCR-amplifiable DNA from complex samples is shown by isolating DNA from whole human blood, and subsequently amplifying a fragment of the beta-globin gene. By effectively controlling the movement of the solid phase in the presence of a static sample, the issues associated with reproducibly packing a solid phase in a microchannel and maintaining consistent flow rates are eliminated. The technique described here is rapid, simple, and efficient, allowing for recovery of more than 60% of DNA from 0.6 mu L of blood at a concentration which is suitable for PCR amplification. In addition, the technique presented here requires inexpensive, common laboratory equipment, making it easily adopted for both clinical point-of-care applications and on-site forensic sample analysis.
Measurements based on absorption, reflectance, or luminescence of molecular species or complex ions can be carried out directly on a solid support simultaneously to the retention of the analyte. The use of this strategy in flow-based systems is advantageous in view of the reproducible handling of solutions in retention and elution steps of the analyte. This approach can be exploited to increase sensitivity, minimize reagent consumption as well as waste generation, improve selectivity or for simultaneous determination based on selective retention or differences in sorption rates of the analytes. This review focuses on the main characteristics of direct solid-phase measurements in flow systems, including the discussion of advantages and limitations and practical guidelines to the successful implementation of this approach. Selected applications in diverse fields, such as pharmaceutical, food, and environmental analysis are discussed.
Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometers (ICP DES) allow fast simultaneous measurements of several spectral lines for multiple elements. The combination of signal intensities of two or more emission lines for each element may bring such advantages as improvement of the precision, the minimization of systematic errors caused by spectral interferences and matrix effects. In this work, signal intensities for several spectral lines were combined for the determination of Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Mn, Pb, and Zn in water. Afterwards, parameters for evaluation of the calibration model were calculated to select the combination of emission lines leading to the best accuracy (lowest values of PRESS-Predicted error sum of squares and RMSEP-Root means square error of prediction). Limits of detection (LOD) obtained using multiple lines were 7.1, 0.5, 4.4, 0.042, 3.3, 28 and 6.7 mu g L(-1) (n = 10) for Al, Cd. Co, Cr, Mn, Pb and Zn, respectively, in the presence of concomitants. On the other hand, the LOD established for the most intense emission line were 16. 0.7, 8.4, 0.074. 23, 26 and 9.6 mu g L(-1) (n = 10) for these same elements in the presence of concomitants. The accuracy of the developed procedure was demonstrated using water certified reference material. The use of multiple lines improved the sensitivity making feasible the determination of these analytes according to the target values required for the current environmental legislation for water samples and it was also demonstrated that measurements in multiple lines can also be employed as a tool to verify the accuracy of an analytical procedure in ICP DES. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.