104 resultados para coupled chaotic oscillators
We study an one-dimensional nonlinear reaction-diffusion system coupled on the boundary. Such system comes from modeling problems of temperature distribution on two bars of same length, jointed together, with different diffusion coefficients. We prove the transversality property of unstable and stable manifolds assuming all equilibrium points are hyperbolic. To this end, we write the system as an equation with noncontinuous diffusion coefficient. We then study the nonincreasing property of the number of zeros of a linearized nonautonomous equation as well as the Sturm-Liouville properties of the solutions of a linear elliptic problem. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Diacetyl, like other alpha-dicarbonyl compounds, is reportedly cytotoxic and genotoxic. A food and cigarette contaminant, it is related with alcohol hepatotoxicity and lung disease. Peroxynitrite is a potent oxidant formed in vivo by the diffusion-controlled reaction of the superoxide radical anion with nitric oxide, which is able to form adducts with carbon dioxide and carbonyl compounds. Here, we investigate the nucleophilic addition of peroxynitrite to diacetyl forming acetyl radicals, whose reaction with molecular oxygen leads to acetate. Peroxynitrite is shown to react with diacetyl in phosphate buffer (bell-shaped pH profile with maximum at 7.2) at a very high rate constant (k(2) = 1.0 X 10(4) M-1 s(-1)) when compared with monocarbonyl substrates (k(2) < 10(3) M-1 s(-1)). Phosphate ions (100-500 MM) do not affect the rate of spontaneous peroxynitrite decay, but the H2PO4- anion catalyzes the nucleophilic addition of the peroxynitrite anion to diacetyl. The intermediacy of acetyl radicals is suggested by a three-line spectrum (a(N) = a(H) = 0.83 mT) obtained by EPR spin trapping of the reaction mixture with 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane. The peroxynitrite reaction is accompanied by concentration-dependent oxygen uptake. Stoichiometric amounts of acetate from millimolar amounts of peroxynitrite and diacetyl were obtained under nonlimiting conditions of dissolved oxygen. In the presence of either L-histidine or 2`-deoxyguanosine, the peroxynitrite/diacetyl system afforded the corresponding acetylated molecules identified by HPLC-MS"". These studies provide evidence that the peroxynitrite/diacetyl reaction yields acetyl radicals and raise the hypothesis that protein and DNA nonenzymatic acetylation may occur in cells and be implicated in aging and metabolic disorders in which oxygen and nitrogen reactive species are putatively involved.
Oxidation of cholesterol (Ch) by a variety of reactive oxygen species gives rise mainly to hydroperoxides and aldehydes. Despite the growing interest in Ch-oxidized products, the detection and characterization of these products is still a matter of concern. In this work, the main Ch-oxidized products, namely, 3 beta-hydroxycholest-5-ene-7 alpha-hydroperoxide (7 alpha-OOH), 3 beta-5 alpha-cholest-6-ene-5-hydroperoxide (5 alpha-OOH), 3 beta-hydroxycholest-4-ene-6 alpha-hydroperoxide (6 alpha-OOH), 3 beta-hydroxycholest-4-ene-6 beta-hydroperoxide (6 beta-OOH), and 3 beta-hydroxy-5 beta-hydroxy-B-norcholestane-6 beta-carboxaldehyde (ChAld), were detected in the same analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to dopant assisted atmospheric pressure photoionization tandem mass spectrometry. The use of selected reaction monitoring mode (SRM) allowed a sensitive detection of each oxidized product, while the enhanced product ion mode (EPI) helped to improve the confidence of the analyses. Isotopic labeling experiments enabled one to elucidate mechanistic features during fragmentation processes. The characteristic fragmentation pattern of Ch-oxidized products is the consecutive loss of 1120 molecules, yielding cationic fragments at m/z 401, 383, and 365. Homolytic scissions of the peroxide bond are also seen. With (18)O-labeling approach, it was possible to establish a fragmentation order for each isomer. The SRM transitions ratio along with EPI and (18)O-labeled experiments give detailed information about differences for water elimination, allowing a proper discrimination between the isomers:Phis is of special interest considering the emerging role of Ch-oxidized products in the development of diseases.
In this work Cu and Fe bioavailability in cashew nuts was evaluated using in vitro method. Extractions with simulated gastric and intestinal fluids and dialysis procedures were applied for this purpose. The proteins separation and quantification were performed by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled on-line to ultra-violet (UV) and off-line to simultaneous multielement atomic absorption spectrometry (SIMAAS). The SEC-UV and SIMAAS profiles of the protein fractions obtained by alkaline extraction (NaOH) and precipitation with HCl indicated the presence of high and low molecular weight species in the range between >75 kDa and 9.3 kDa. Almost 83% of Cu and 78% of Fe were extracted during cashew nut digestion and 90% of both elements were dialyzed. With these results it is possible to assume that 75% of Cu and 70% of Fe present in cashew nut could be bioavailable. The SEC-UV and SIMAAS chromatographic profiles obtained after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion reveal that Cu and Fe not dialyzed can be associated to a compound of 9.2 kDa. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An all-in-one version of a capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector is introduced. The absence of moving parts (potentiometers and connectors) makes it compact (6.5 cm(3)) and robust. A local oscillator, working at 1.1 MHz, was optimized to use capillaries of id from 20 to 100 lam. Low noise circuitry and a high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) (21 bits effective) grant good sensitivities for capillaries and background electrolytes currently used in capillary electrophoresis. The fixed frequency and amplitude of the signal generator is a drawback that is compensated by the steady calibration curves for conductivity. Another advantage is the possibility of determining the inner diameter of a capillary by reading the ADC when air and subsequently water flow through the capillary. The difference of ADC reading may be converted into the inner diameter by a calibration curve. This feature is granted by the 21-bit ADC, which eliminates the necessity of baseline compensation by hardware. In a typical application, the limits of detection based on the 3 sigma criterion (without baseline filtering) were 0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.8 mu mol/L for K(+), Ba(2+), Ca(2+), Na(+), Mg(2+), and Li(+), respectively, which is comparable to other high-quality implementations of a capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector.
in this work, a simple method for the simultaneous determination of cocaine (COC) and five COC metabolites (benzoylecgonine, cocaethylene (CET), anhydroecgonine, anhydroecgonine methyl ester and ecgonine methyl ester) in human urine using CE coupled to MS via electrospray ionization (CE-ESI-MS) was developed and validated. Formic acid at 1 mol/L concentration was used as electrolyte whereas formic acid at 0.05 mol/L concentration in 1:1 methanol:water composed the coaxial sheath liquid at the ESI nozzle. The developed method presented good linearity in the dynamic range from 250 ng/mL to 5000 ng/mL (coefficient of determination greater than 0.98 for all compounds). LODs (signal-to-noise ratio of 3) were 100 ng/mL for COC and CET and 250 ng/mL for the other studied metabolites whereas LOQ`s (signal-to-noise ratio of 10) were 250 ng/mL for COC and CET and 500 ng/mL for all other compounds. Intra-day precision and recovery tests estimated at three different concentration levels (500, 1500 and 5000 ng/mL) provided RSD lower than 10% (except anhydroecgonine, 18% RSD) and recoveries from 83-109% for all analytes. The method was successfully applied to real cases. For the positive urine samples, the presence of COC and its` metabolites was further confirmed by MS/MS experiments.
The physical and chemical characteristics of peat were assessed through measurement of pH, percentage of organic matter, cationic exchange capacity (CEC), elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and quantitative analysis of metals by ICP OES. Despite the material showed to be very acid in view of the percentage of organic matter, its CEC was significant, showing potential for retention of metal ions. This characteristic was exploited by coupling a peat mini-column to a flow system based on the multicommutation approach for the in-line copper concentration prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination. Cu(II) ions were adsorbed at pH 4.5 and eluted with 0.50 mol L(-1) HNO(3). The influence of chemical and hydrodynamic parameters, such as sample pH, buffer concentration, eluent type and concentration, sample flow-rate and preconcentration time were investigated. Under the optimized conditions, a linear response was observed between 16 and 100 mu g L(-1), with a detection limit estimated as 3 mu g L(-1) at the 99.7% confidence level and an enrichment factor of 16. The relative standard deviation was estimated as 3.3% (n = 20). The mini-column was used for at least 100 sampling cycles without significant variation in the analytical response. Recoveries from copper spiked to lake water or groundwater as well as concentrates used in hemodialysis were in the 97.3-111 % range. The results obtained for copper determination in these samples agreed with those achieved by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this present work a method for the determination of Ca, Fe, Ga, Na, Si and Zn in alumina (Al(2)O(3)) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) with axial viewing is presented. Preliminary studies revealed intense aluminum spectral interference over the majority of elements and reaction between aluminum and quartz to form aluminosilicate, reducing drastically the lifetime of the torch. To overcome these problems alumina samples (250 mg) were dissolved with 5 mL HCl + 1.5 mLH(2)SO(4) + 1.5 mL H(2)O in a microwave oven. After complete dissolution the volume was completed to 20 mL and aluminum was precipitated as Al(OH)(3) with NH(3) (by bubbling NH(3) into the solution up to a pH similar to 8, for 10 min). The use of internal standards (Fe/Be, Ga/Dy, Zn/In and Na/Sc) was essential to obtain precise and accurate results. The reliability of the proposed method was checked by analysis of alumina certified reference material (Alumina Reduction Grade-699, NIST). The found concentrations (0.037%w(-1) CaO, 0.013% w w(-1) Fe(2)O(3), 0.012%w w(-1)Ga(2)O(3), 0.49% w w(-1) Na(2)O, 0.014% w w(-1) SiO(2) and 0.013% w w(-1) ZnO) presented no statistical differences compared to the certified values at a 95% confidence level. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Although alkyl carbonic acids (ACAs) and their salts are referred to as instable species in aqueous medium, we demonstrate that a monoalkyl carbonate (MAC) can in fact be easily formed from bicarbonate and an alcohol even in the presence of a high amount of water. A CE system with two capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detectors (C(4)Ds) was used to obtain different parameters about these species and their reactions. Based on the mobilities obtained for a series of alcohols ranging from 1 to 5 carbons, the coefficients of diffusion and the hydrodynamic radii were calculated. When compared with the equivalent carboxylates, MACs have radii systematically smaller. Although the precise pK(a) values of the ACAs could not be obtained, because of the fast decomposition in acid medium, it was possible, for the first time, to show that they are below 4.0. This result suggests that the acidity of an ACA is quite similar to the first hydrogen of H(2)CO(3). Using a new approach to indirectly calibrate the C(4)D, the kinetic constants and the equilibrium constants of formation were also obtained. The results suggest that the increase in the chain length makes the MACs less stable and more inert.
Fluoroacetate is a highly toxic species naturally found in plants and in commercial products (compound 1080) for population control of several undesirable animal species. However, it is non-selective and toxic to many other animals including humans, and thus its detection is very important for forensic purposes. This paper presents a sensitive and fast method for the determination of fluoroacetate in blood serum using capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection. Serum blood samples were treated with ethanol to remove proteins. The samples were analyzed in BGE containing 15 mmol/L histidine and 30 mmol/L gluconic acid (pH 3.85). The calibration curve was linear up to 75 mu mol/L (R(2) = 0.9995 for N = 12). The detection limit in the blood serum was 0.15 mg/kg, which is smaller than the lethal dose for humans and other animals. Fluoride, a metabolite of the fluoroacetate defluorination, could also be detected for levels greater than 20 mu mol/L, when polybrene was used for reversion of the EOF. CTAB and didecyldimethylammonium bromide are not useful for this task because of the severe reduction of the fluoride level. However, no interference was observed for fluoroacetate.
This paper describes the determination of ciclopirox olamine in pharmaceutical formulations using capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection. In an alkaline medium, ciclopirox olamine is converted into an anionic species and its detection is possible in capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection without an electroosmotic flow modifier, because it is a low-mobility species. A linear working range from 2.64 to 264 mu g/mL in sodium hydroxide electrolyte as well as low detection limit (0.39 mu g/mL) and a good repeatability (RSD = 3.4% for 264 mu g/mL ciclopirox solution (n = 10)) were achieved. It was also possible to determine olamine in its cationic form when acetic acid was used as the electrolyte solution. The results obtained include a linear range from 26.4 to 184.8 mu g/mL and a detection limit of 2.6 mu g/mL olamine. The proposed methods were applied to the analysis of commercial pharmaceutical products and the results were compared with the values indicated by the manufacturer as well as those obtained using a titrimetric method recommended by American Pharmacopoeia.
We propose the use of functionalized superparamagnetic nanoparticles for capturing, and transporting analytes, in association with an external miniature magnet to deposit such nanocarrier species at the electrode surface. This approach can be employed for the electroanalytical determination of chemical species capable of interacting with the nanoparticles, or in the opposite case, to block their response at the electrode surface. The concept was successfully demonstrated by using aminofunctionalized nanoparticles to block the discharge of hexacyanoferrate(II) ions, and to enhance the signals of aquapentacyanoferrate(II) ions via coordination to the surface amino groups. Selective analysis was also performed for silver ions, surpassing the stripping methods in terms of versatility and usefulness. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work demonstrates the successful application of automated biocompatible in-tube solid-phase microextraction coupled with liquid chromatography (in-tube SPME/LC) for determination of interferon alpha(2a) (IFN alpha(2a)) in plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring. A restricted access material (RAM, protein-coated silica) was employed for preparation of a lab-made biocompatible in-tube SPME capillary that enables the direct injection of biological fluids as well as the simultaneous exclusion of macromolecules by chemical diffusion barrier and drug pre-concentration. The in-tube SPME variables, such as sample volume, draw/eject volume, number of draw-eject cycles, and desorption mode were optimized, to improve the sensitivity of the proposed method. The IFN alpha(2a) analyses in plasma sample were carried out within 25 min (sample preparation and LC analyses). The response of the proposed method was linear over a dynamic range, from 0.06 to 3.0 MIU mL(-1), with correlation coefficient equal to 0.998. The interday precision of the method presented coefficient of variation lower than 8%. The proposed automated method has adequate analytical sensitivity and selectivity for determination of IFN alpha(2a) in plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The performance of modular home made capillary electrophoresis equipment with spectrophotometric detection, at a visible region by means of a miniaturized linear charge coupled device, was evaluated for the determination of four food dyes. This system presents a simple but efficient home made cell detection scheme. A computer program that converts the spectral data after each run into the electropherograms was developed to evaluate the analytical parameters. The dyes selected for analytical evaluation of the system were Brilliant Blue FCF, Fast Green FCF, Sunset Yellow FCF, and Amaranth. Separation was carried out in a 29cm length and 75 mu m I.D fused silica capillary, using 10mmolL-1 borate buffer at pH 9, with separation voltage of 7.5kV. The detection limits for the dyes were between 0.3 and 1.5mgL-1 and the method presented adequate linearity over the ranges studied, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.99. The method was applied for determination and quantification of these dyes in fruit juices and candies.