108 resultados para Peasant movements
The study aimed to elucidate electrophysiological and cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when healthy subjects had to catch balls in free drop; specifically through quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) alpha absolute power changes. Our hypothesis is that during the preparation of motor action (i.e., 2 s before ball`s drop) occurred integration among left medial frontal, left primary somatomotor and left posterior parietal cortices, showing a differentiated activity involving expectation, planning and preparedness. This hypothesis supports a lateralization of motor function. Although we contend that in right-handers the left hemisphere takes on a dominant role for the regulation of motor behavior. The sample was composed of 23 healthy subjects (13 male and 10 female), right handed, with ages varying between 25 and 40 years old (32.5 +/- 7.5), absence of mental and physical illness, right handed, and do not make use of any psychoactive or psychotropic substance at the time of the study. The experiment consisted of a task of catching balls in free drop. The three-way ANOVA analysis demonstrated an interaction between moment and position in left medial frontal cortex (F3 electrode), somatomotor cortex (C3 electrode) and posterior parietal cortex (P3 electrode: p < 0.001). Summarizing, through experimental task employed, it was possible to observe integration among frontal, central and parietal regions. This integration appears to be more predominant in expectation, planning and motor preparation. In this way, it established an absolute predominance of this mechanism under the left hemisphere. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To examine the changes in slow (8-10 Hz)and fast (10-12 Hz) alpha bands of EEG in three groups of subjects submitted to different amounts of functional electrostimulation (FES). Our hypothesis is that different amounts of electrostimulation may cause different patterns of activation in the sensorimotor cortex. In particular, we expect to see an increase in alpha power due to habituation effects. We examine the two bands comprised by alpha rhythm (i.e., slow and fast alpha), since these two sub-rhythms are related to distinct aspects: general energy demands and specific motor aspects, respectively. Methods: The sample was composed of 27 students, both sexes, aging between 25 and 40 years old. The subjects were randomly distributed in three groups: control (n = 9), G24 (n = 9) and G36 (n = 9). A FES equipment (Neuro Compact-2462) was used to stimulate the right index finger extension. Simultaneously, the electroencephalographic signal was acquired. We investigated the absolute power in slow and fast alpha bands in the sensorimotor cortex. Results: The G36 indicated a significant increasing in absolute power values in lower and higher alpha components, respectively, when compared with the control group. Particularly, in the following regions: pre-motor cortex and primary motor cortex. Discussion: FES seems to promote cortical adaptations that are similar to those observed when someone learns a procedural task. FES application in the G36 was more effective in promoting such neural changes. The lower and higher components of alpha rhythms behave differently in their topographical distribution during FES application. These results suggest a somatotopic organization in primary motor cortex which can be represented by the fast alpha component. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction. A fundamental aspect of planning future actions is the performance and control of motor tasks. This behaviour is done through sensory-motor integration. Aim. To explain the electrophysiological mechanisms in the cortex (modifications to the alpha band) that are involved in anticipatory actions when individuals have to catch a free-falling object. Subjects and methods. The sample was made up of 20 healthy subjects of both sexes (11 males and 9 females) with ages ranging between 25 and 40 years (32.5 +/- 7.5) who were free of mental or physical diseases (previous medical history); the subjects were right-handed (Edinburgh Inventory) and were not taking any psychoactive or psychotropic substances at the time of the study. The experiment consisted in a task in which subjects had to catch freely falling objects. The experiment was made up of six blocks of 15 tests, each of which lasted 2 minutes and 30 seconds before and two seconds after each ball was dropped. Results. An interaction of the factors moment and position was only observed for the right parietooccipital cortex, in the combination of electrodes P4-O2. Conclusion. These findings suggest that the right parietooccipital cortex plays an important role in increasing expectation and swiftness in the process of preparing for a motor task.
Abrao J, Bianco MP, Roma W, Krippa JAS, Hallak JE - Spinal Myoclonus after Subarachnoid Anesthesia with Bupivacaine. Background and objectives: It is presented in this case report a very rare complication after spinal anesthesia to provide subsidies to the management and therapeutic conduct. Case report: This is a 63-year old African-Brazilian patient, ASA I, scheduled for transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). He underwent subarachnoid anesthesia with bupivacaine (15 mg) without adrenaline. Intercurrences were not observed during puncture, and the patient was positioned for surgery. Soon after positioning the patient, he complained of severe pain in the perineum region followed by involuntary tonic-clonic movements of the lower limbs. The patient was treated with a benzodiazepine to control the myoclonus without response. This episode was followed by significant agitation and the patient was intubated. He was maintained in controlled ventilation and transferred to the Intensive Care Unit. Despite all biochemical and imaging tests performed, an apparent cause was not detected. The medication was not changed and the same batch of anesthetic had been used in other patients that same day without intercurrences. Conclusions: After ruling out all possible causes, the diagnosis of spinal myoclonus after spinal anesthesia with bupivacaine was made by exclusion.
Objective.-To contrast the cervical range of motion (CROM) in women with episodic migraine (EM), transformed migraine (TM), and controls without migraine headaches. Background.-Migraineurs often complain about neck pain. Furthermore, neck problems can worsen the headaches in individuals with migraine. Individuals with neck pain usually have reduced CROM. Nonetheless, studies assessing the CROM in migraineurs are scarce. Methods.-Our sample was selected in an outpatient headache clinic, and consisted of 45 women aged 20-54 years old, 15 per group. Cervical mobility was evaluated in movements of flexion, extension, right lateral flexion, left lateral flexion, right rotation, and left rotation using the CROM technique, and was contrasted among the groups. Migraine clinical patterns were also evaluated ( frequency, duration of migraine, pain in the moment of evaluation, pain in movement, and pain localization) as a function of CROM. Results.-Compared with controls, individuals with TM had numerically inferior CROM in all parameters, and significant reduction in 3 of them: extension (59.3 vs 68.1, P = .02), left lateral flexion (44.5 vs 49.1, P = .03), and right rotation (62.2 vs 69.6, P = .02). Compared with individuals with migraine, the TM group presented significantly reduced mobility only for extension ( 59.3 vs 68.4, P = .02). Migraineurs also had numerically inferior ROM, contrasted to controls, in 5 of the 6 parameters, although significance was seen just for right rotation (60.8 vs 68.6 P < .01). There was no correlation between cervical mobility and migraine parameters. The CROM was not reduced for the symptomatic side of migraine, in cases of unilateral pain. Conclusion.-Contrasted to controls, individuals with episodic and TM have decreased cervical range of motion.
Chagas disease is a chronic, systemic, parasitic infection caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, and was discovered in 1909. The disease affects about 8 million people in Latin America, of whom 30-40% either have or will develop cardiomyopathy, digestive megasyndromes, or both. In the past three decades, the control and management of Chagas disease has undergone several improvements. Large-scale vector control programmes and screening of blood donors have reduced disease incidence and prevalence. Although more effective trypanocidal drugs are needed, treatment with benznidazole (or nifurtimox) is reasonably safe and effective, and is now recommended for a widened range of patients. Improved models for risk stratification are available, and certain guided treatments could halt or reverse disease progression. By contrast, some challenges remain: Chagas disease is becoming an emerging health problem in non-endemic areas because of growing population movements; early detection and treatment of asymptomatic individuals are underused; and the potential benefits of novel therapies (eg, implantable cardioverter defibrillators) need assessment in prospective randomised trials.
The superior colliculus (SC) is a mesencephalic area involved in the mediation of defensive movements associated with cardiovascular changes. Noradrenaline (NA) is a neurotransmitter with an important role in central cardiovascular regulation exerted by several structures of the central nervous system. Although noradrenergic nerve terminals have been observed in the SC, there are no reports on the effects of local NA injection into this area. Taking this into consideration, we studied the cardiovascular effects of NA microinjection into the SC of unanesthetized rats. Microinjection of NA into the SC evoked a dose-dependent blood pressure increase and a heart rate decrease in unanesthetized rats. The pressor response to NA was not modified by intravenous pretreatment with the vasopressin v(1)-receptor antagonist dTyr(CH(2))(5) (Me)AVP, indicating a lack of vasopressin involvement in the response mediation. The effect of NA microinjection into the SC was blocked by intravenous pretreatment with the ganglionic blocker pentolinium, indicating its mediation by the sympathetic nervous system. Although the pressor response to NA was not affected by adrenal demedullation, the accompanying bradycardia was potentiated, suggesting some involvement of the sympathoadrenal system in the cardiovascular response to NA microinjection into the SC. In summary, results indicate that stimulation of noradrenergic receptors in the SC causes cardiovascular responses which are mediated by activation of both neural and adrenal sympathetic nervous system components. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The lateral part of intermediate layer of superior colliculus (SCI) is a critical substrate for successful predation by rats. Hunting-evoked expression of the activity marker Fos is concentrated in SCI while prey capture in rats with NMDA lesions in SCI is impaired. Particularly affected are rapid orienting and stereotyped sequences of actions associated with predation of fast moving prey. Such deficits are consistent with the view that the deep layers of SC are important for sensory guidance of movement. Although much of the relevant evidence involves visual control of movement, less is known about movement guidance by somatosensory input from vibrissae. Indeed, our impression is that prey contact with whiskers is a likely stimulus to trigger predation. Moreover, SCI receives whisker and orofacial somatosensory information directly from trigeminal complex, and indirectly from zona incerta, parvicelular reticular formation and somatosensory barrel cortex. To better understand sensory guidance of predation by vibrissal information we investigated prey capture by rats after whisker removal and the role of superior colliculus (SC) by comparing Fos expression after hunting with and without whiskers. Rats were allowed to hunt cockroaches, after which their whiskers were removed. Two days later they were allowed to hunt cockroaches again. Without whiskers the rats were less able to retain the cockroaches after capture and less able to pursue them in the event of the cockroach escaping. The predatory behaviour of rats with re-grown whiskers returned to normal. In parallel, Fos expression in SCI induced by predation was significantly reduced in whiskerless animals. We conclude that whiskers contribute to the efficiency of rat prey capture and that the loss of vibrissal input to SCI, as reflected by reduced Fos expression, could play a critical role in predatory deficits of whiskerless rats. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To identify signs of temporomandibular disorders and cervical pain in individuals with episodic and chronic (transformed) migraine (CM), relative to controls without headaches. Methods: In this prospective, controlled, double-blind study, we examined 93 individuals divided in 3 groups: episodic migraine EM, (n= 31), CM chronic migraine (n= 34), and controls without migraine (n= 28). We recorded signs of temporomandibular disorders, and of pain in the neck, after the protocol of Helkimo (1974). We calculated the odds ratio (OR) and confidence intervals (CI) of symptoms as a function of headache status. Data from all groups were paired and compared using the chi(2) test. The level of significance was 5% in 2-tailed tests. Results: Relative to controls, participants with EM and CM were significantly more likely to have tenderness in the masticatory muscles [controls = 28%, migraine = 54%, (OR = 3.0, 95% CI = 1.1-8.9), CM = 73% (OR = 6.9, 95% CI = 2.3-21.2)], and in the temporomandibular joint [controls = 25%, migraine = 61%, (OR = 4.7, 95% CI = 1.5-14.5), CM = 61% (OR = 4.8, 95% CI = 1.6-14.5)]. They were numerically (but nonsignificantly) more likely to have limited lateral jaw movements (CM = 34%; EM = 26%; NP = 18%), joint sounds (CM = 44%; EM = 29%; NP = 28%), and tenderness in neck muscles (CM = 64%; EM = 51%; NP = 35%). Conclusion: In a tertiary care population, individuals with EM and CM are more likely to have tenderness at the temporomandibular joint and on the masticatory muscles, relative to controls. Studies are needed to investigate whether treatment of 1 disorder will improve the other.
Adjustments during postural control have been recognized in the process of the integration of movement and cognition. The objective of the present work was to describe postural changes and to verify if there is a correlation between postural adjustment and attention span in 7-month-old infants during 1 min of viewing an animated puppet. Method: Twenty-nine healthy infants (14 males) born from 31 to 39 weeks (median 36) were placed in a prone position and filmed watching a puppet during I min. The analysis of the images allowed us to catalogue the changes in position, the frequency of these changes, and the attention span. The following items were quantified: total number of infant positions, positions with weight transfer, changes in support, axis, decubitus, trunk and cervical movements, timing and pauses in visual attention. Results: Twenty-one infants stayed in the prone position during most of the recording, and eight chose sitting position before starting the session. Two groups were studied according to the main position throughout the filming, one in prone and the other in sitting positions, although they could rolling or crawling. For prone group the attention span was positively correlated with the number of positions with weight transfer (r = 0.53, p = 0.04), negatively correlated with trunk movements (r = -0.63, p = 0.01), and not correlated with birth or current weight. This work suggests that changes in the trunk movements and weight transfer are different traits related to the attention in 7-month-old infants. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
To test a mathematical model for measuring blinking kinematics. Spontaneous and reflex blinks of 23 healthy subjects were recorded with two different temporal resolutions. A magnetic search coil was used to record 77 blinks sampled at 200 Hz and 2 kHz in 13 subjects. A video system with low temporal resolution (30 Hz) was employed to register 60 blinks of 10 other subjects. The experimental data points were fitted with a model that assumes that the upper eyelid movement can be divided into two parts: an impulsive accelerated motion followed by a damped harmonic oscillation. All spontaneous and reflex blinks, including those recorded with low resolution, were well fitted by the model with a median coefficient of determination of 0.990. No significant difference was observed when the parameters of the blinks were estimated with the under-damped or critically damped solutions of the harmonic oscillator. On the other hand, the over-damped solution was not applicable to fit any movement. There was good agreement between the model and numerical estimation of the amplitude but not of maximum velocity. Spontaneous and reflex blinks can be mathematically described as consisting of two different phases. The down-phase is mainly an accelerated movement followed by a short time that represents the initial part of the damped harmonic oscillation. The latter is entirely responsible for the up-phase of the movement. Depending on the instantaneous characteristics of each movement, the under-damped or critically damped oscillation is better suited to describe the second phase of the blink. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To describe spontaneous blink kinematics in Graves` upper eyelid retraction (UER). Methods: The magnetic search coil technique was used to record spontaneous blinks of 15 healthy subjects (aged 23-56 years, 15 eyelids) and 15 patients with Graves` UER (aged 22-62 years, 15 eyelids) during a 5-min period of video observation, and the signals were digitized at 200 Hz (12 bits). Overall, a total of 2,798 blinks were recorded for the controls and 1,860 for the patients. The distance between pupil center and upper eyelid margin in the primary position of gaze (MRD) was measured with the Image J software. Results: The blinking rate of patients was lower than that of control subjects, with a mean (+/-SEM) blinking rate (blinks/min) of 13.0 +/- 1.7 for patients and of 20.0 +/- 2.1 for the controls (t = 2.58, P = 0.016). There were no statistically significant differences in blink amplitude between controls (22.7 +/- 3.1 degrees) and Graves` patients (24.7 +/- 3.3 degrees). However, while only 22% of the blinks performed by controls were smaller than MRD, this rate was 78% for patients. In addition, in blinks larger than 25, patients showed lower down-phase velocity than controls. Conclusions: Patients with Graves` UER show reduced blinks rates and abnormal blink kinematics, which might be related to the development of exposure keratitis in this disease.
The aim of this paper was to verify whether AC biosusceptometry (ACB) is suitable for monitoring gastrointestinal (GI) contraction directly from smooth muscle in dogs, comparing with electrical recordings simultaneously. All experiments were performed in dogs with magnetic markers implanted under the serosa of the right colon and distal stomach, and their movements were recorded by ACB. Monopolar electrodes were implanted close to the magnetic markers and their electric potentials were recorded by electromyography (EMG). The effects of neostigmine, hyoscine butylbromide and meal on gastric and colonic parameters were studied. The ACB signal from the distal stomach was very similar to EMG; in the colonic recordings, however, within the same low-frequency band, ACB and EMG signals were characterized by simultaneity or a widely changeable frequency profile with time. ACB recordings were capable of demonstrating the changes in gastric and colonic motility determined by pharmacological interventions as well as by feeding. Our results reinforce the importance of evaluating the mechanical and electrical components of motility and show a temporal association between them. ACB and EMG arecomplementary for studying motility, with special emphasis on the colon. ACB offers an accurate method for monitoring in vivo GI motility.
PURPOSE. Surgical recession of an extraocular muscle (EOM) posterior to its original insertion is a common form of strabismus surgery, weakening the rotational force exerted by the muscle on the globe and improving eye alignment. The purpose of this study was to assess myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression and satellite cell activity as defined by Pax7 expression in recessed EOMs of adult rabbits compared with that in muscles tenotomized but not recessed and with that in normal control muscles. METHODS. The scleral insertion of the superior rectus muscle was detached and sutured either 7 mm posterior to its original insertion site (recession surgery) or at the same site (tenotomy). One day before euthanatization, the rabbits received bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) injections. After 7 and 14 days, selected EOMs from both orbits were examined for changes in fast, slow, neonatal, and developmental MyHC isoform expression, Pax7 expression, and BrdU incorporation. RESULTS. Recession and tenotomy surgery resulted in similar changes in the surgical EOMs. These included a decreased proportion of fast MyHC myofibers, an increased proportion of slow MyHC myofibers, and increased BrdU-positive satellite cells. Similar changes were seen in the non-operated contralateral superior rectus muscles. The ipsilateral inferior rectus showed reciprocal changes to the surgical superior rectus muscles. CONCLUSIONS. The EOMs are extremely adaptive to changes induced by recession and tenotomy surgery, responding with modulations in fiber remodeling and myosin expression. These adaptive responses could be manipulated to improve surgical success rates. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:5646-5656) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-5523
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical and hematological alterations, and the hepatic concentration of Cu in buffaloes with chronic copper poisoning (CCP). Ten buffalo yearling steers were randomly distributed into two groups: one copper supplemented (BUFCu; n = 6) and another control group (BUF; n = 4). The group BUFCu received, by ruminal fistula, 2 mg Cu/kgBW (as CuSO4.5H2O) daily during one week; after which 2 mg Cu/kgBW was added during each additional week, until the end or the experiment (105(th) day). Three liver biopsies were realized during the experiment (day zero, 45(th), and 105(th) day) to determine the degree of copper accumulation. Alterations in body weight, clinical examination, and hematological values were monitored every 15 days. Two buffaloes supplemented with copper demonstrated clinical manifestations consistent with CCP, and died. Two distinct clinical manifestations were observed, one classical (n = 1) and another atypical (n = 1), characterized by remarkable high levels of liver copper, progressive hyporexia followed by anorexia, dehydration, severe apathy, decreased rumen movements, oliguria, and death. Some animals were resistant to CCP although high copper intake. In buffalos with clinical picture similar to the one described as atypical, CCP should be considered as a possible diagnostic even without presence of macroscopic hemoglobinuria.