149 resultados para numerical methods for ODEs
Aims. Given that in most cases just thermal pressure is taken into account in the hydrostatic equilibrium equation to estimate galaxy cluster mass, the main purpose of this paper is to consider the contribution of all three non-thermal components to total mass measurements. The non-thermal pressure is composed by cosmic rays, turbulence and magnetic pressures. Methods. To estimate the thermal pressure we used public XMM-Newton archival data of five Abell clusters to derive temperature and density profiles. To describe the magnetic pressure, we assume a radial distribution for the magnetic field, B(r) proportional to rho(alpha)(g). To seek generality we assume alpha within the range of 0.5 to 0.9, as indicated by observations and numerical simulations. Turbulent motions and bulk velocities add a turbulent pressure, which is considered using an estimate from numerical simulations. For this component, we assume an isotropic pressure, P(turb) = 1/3 rho(g)(sigma(2)(r) + sigma(2)(t)). We also consider the contribution of cosmic ray pressure, P(cr) proportional to r(-0.5). Thus, besides the gas (thermal) pressure, we include these three non-thermal components in the magnetohydrostatic equilibrium equation and compare the total mass estimates with the values obtained without them. Results. A consistent description for the non-thermal component could yield a variation in mass estimates that extends from 10% to similar to 30%. We verified that in the inner parts of cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is comparable to the magnetic pressure, while in non-cool core clusters the cosmic ray component is dominant. For cool core clusters the magnetic pressure is the dominant component, contributing more than 50% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure components. However, for non-cool core clusters, the major influence comes from the cosmic ray pressure that accounts for more than 80% of the total mass variation due to non-thermal pressure effects. For our sample, the maximum influence of the turbulent component to the total mass variation can be almost 20%. Although all of the assumptions agree with previous works, it is important to notice that our results rely on the specific parametrization adopted in this work. We show that this analysis can be regarded as a starting point for a more detailed and refined exploration of the influence of non-thermal pressure in the intra-cluster medium (ICM).
We present a study of scattering of massless planar scalar waves by a charged nonrotating black hole. Partial wave methods are applied to compute scattering and absorption cross sections, for a range of incident wavelengths. We compare our numerical results with semiclassical approximations from a geodesic analysis, and find excellent agreement. The glory in the backward direction is studied, and its properties are shown to be related to the properties of the photon orbit. The effects of the black hole charge upon scattering and absorption are examined in detail. As the charge of the black hole is increased, we find that the absorption cross section decreases, and the angular width of the interference fringes of the scattering cross section at large angles increases. In particular, the glory spot in the backward direction becomes wider. We interpret these effects under the light of our geodesic analysis.
The absorption cross section of Reissner-Nordstrom black holes for the electromagnetic field is computed numerically for arbitrary frequencies. The numerical results are in excellent agreement with the low- and high-frequency limits, which are obtained with analytical methods. Special emphasis is given to the extreme Reissner-Nordstrom black hole case.
The quantification of quantum correlations (other than entanglement) usually entails labored numerical optimization procedures also demanding quantum state tomographic methods. Thus it is interesting to have a laboratory friendly witness for the nature of correlations. In this Letter we report a direct experimental implementation of such a witness in a room temperature nuclear magnetic resonance system. In our experiment the nature of correlations is revealed by performing only few local magnetization measurements. We also compared the witness results with those for the symmetric quantum discord and we obtained a fairly good agreement.
Background: Mutations in TP53 are common events during carcinogenesis. In addition to gene mutations, several reports have focused on TP53 polymorphisms as risk factors for malignant disease. Many studies have highlighted that the status of the TP53 codon 72 polymorphism could influence cancer susceptibility. However, the results have been inconsistent and various methodological features can contribute to departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, a condition that may influence the disease risk estimates. The most widely accepted method of detecting genotyping error is to confirm genotypes by sequencing and/or via a separate method. Results: We developed two new genotyping methods for TP53 codon 72 polymorphism detection: Denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (DHPLC) and Dot Blot hybridization. These methods were compared with Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) using two different restriction enzymes. We observed high agreement among all methodologies assayed. Dot-blot hybridization and DHPLC results were more highly concordant with each other than when either of these methods was compared with RFLP. Conclusions: Although variations may occur, our results indicate that DHPLC and Dot Blot hybridization can be used as reliable screening methods for TP53 codon 72 polymorphism detection, especially in molecular epidemiologic studies, where high throughput methodologies are required.
It has been demonstrated that laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) can be used as an alternative method for the determination of macro (P, K. Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (B, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn) in pellets of plant materials. However, information is required regarding the sample preparation for plant analysis by LIBS. In this work, methods involving cryogenic grinding and planetary ball milling were evaluated for leaves comminution before pellets preparation. The particle sizes were associated to chemical sample properties such as fiber and cellulose contents, as well as to pellets porosity and density. The pellets were ablated at 30 different sites by applying 25 laser pulses per site (Nd:YAG@1064 nm, 5 ns, 10 Hz, 25J cm(-2)). The plasma emission collected by lenses was directed through an optical fiber towards a high resolution echelle spectrometer equipped with an ICCD. Delay time and integration time gate were fixed at 2.0 and 4.5 mu s, respectively. Experiments carried out with pellets of sugarcane, orange tree and soy leaves showed a significant effect of the plant species for choosing the most appropriate grinding conditions. By using ball milling with agate materials, 20 min grinding for orange tree and soy, and 60 min for sugarcane leaves led to particle size distributions generally lower than 75 mu m. Cryogenic grinding yielded similar particle size distributions after 10 min for orange tree, 20 min for soy and 30 min for sugarcane leaves. There was up to 50% emission signal enhancement on LIBS measurements for most elements by improving particle size distribution and consequently the pellet porosity. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Continuing our series of papers on the three-dimensional (3D) structure and accurate distances of planetary nebulae (PNe), we present here the results obtained for PN NGC 40. Using data from different sources and wavelengths, we construct 3D photoionization models and derive the physical quantities of the ionizing source and nebular gas. The procedure, discussed in detail in the previous papers, consists of the use of 3D photoionization codes constrained by observational data to derive the 3D nebular structure, physical and chemical characteristics, and ionizing star parameters of the objects by simultaneously fitting the integrated line intensities, the density map, the temperature map, and the observed morphologies in different emission lines. For this particular case we combined hydrodynamical simulations with the photoionization scheme in order to obtain self-consistent distributions of density and velocity of the nebular material. Combining the velocity field with the emission-line cubes we also obtained the synthetic position-velocity plots that are compared to the observations. Finally, using theoretical evolutionary tracks of intermediate-and low-mass stars, we derive the mass and age of the central star of NGC 40 as (0.567 +/- 0.06) M(circle dot) and (5810 +/- 600) yr, respectively. The distance obtained from the fitting procedure was (1150 +/- 120) pc.
We study the evolution of dense clumps and provide an argument that the existence of the clumps is not limited by their crossing times. We claim that the lifetimes of the clumps are determined by turbulent motions on a larger scale, and we predict the correlation of clump lifetime with column density. We use numerical simulations to successfully test this relation. In addition, we study the morphological asymmetry and the magnetization of the clumps as functions of their masses.
The aim of this paper is to highlight some of the methods of imagetic information representation, reviewing the literature of the area and proposing a model of methodology adapted to Brazilian museums. An elaboration of a methodology of imagetic information representation is developed based on Brazilian characteristics of information treatment in order to adapt it to museums. Finally, spreadsheets that show this methodology are presented.
Aim. To identify the impact of pain on quality of life (QOL) of patients with chronic venous ulcers. Methods. A cross-sectional study was performed on 40 outpatients with chronic venous ulcers who were recruited at one outpatient care center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. WHOQOL-Bref was used to assess QOL, the McGill Pain Questionnarie-Short Form (MPQ) to identify pain characteristics, and an 11-point numerical pain rating scale to measure pain intensity. Kruskall-Wallis or ANOVA test, with post-hoc correction (Tukey test) was applied to compare groups. Multiple linear regression models were used. Results. The mean age of the patients was 67 +/- 11 years (range, 39-95 years), and 26 (65%) were women. The prevalence of pain was 90%, with worst pain mean intensity of 6.2 +/- 3.5. Severe pain was the most prevalent (21 patients, 52.5%). Pain most frequently reported was sensory-discriminative and evaluate in quality. Pain was significantly and negatively correlated with physical (PY), environmental (EV), and overall QOL. Compared to a no-pain group, those with pain had lower overall QOL. On multiple analyses, pain remained as a predictor of overall QOL (beta = -0.73, P = 0.03) and was also predictive of social QOL, whereas pain did not have any impact on physical, emotional, or social relationships QOL (beta = -3.85, P = 0.00) when adjusted for age, number, duration and frequency of wounds, pain dimension (MPQ), partnership, and economic status. Conclusion. To improve QOL of out-patients with chronic venous ulcers, the qualities and the intensity of pain must be considered differently.
Methods: We conducted a randomized controlled trial at the Amparo Maternal Birth Center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Study participants included 114 nulliparous women divided into 3 groups (n = 38 per group): experimental (ice packs on the perineum), placebo (water packs at set temperature), and control (no treatment). Results: A numerical scale (0 to 10) was used for pain assessment. A comparison of the average pain at the beginning and after 20 minutes showed a significant reduction of pain (P < .001) in the 3 groups, and the experimental group had a lower average score for pain compared with the control group (1.6 versus 3.3, P = .032). Discussion: The use of ice packs for 20 minutes was effective for perineal pain relief after vaginal birth.
ARTIOLI, G. G., B. GUALANO, E. FRANCHINI, F. B. SCAGLIUSI, M. TAKESIAN, M. FUCHS, and A. H. LANCHA. Prevalence, Magnitude, and Methods of Rapid Weight Loss among Judo Competitors. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 436-442, 2010. Purpose: To identify the prevalence, magnitude, and methods of rapid weight loss among judo competitors. Methods: Athletes (607 males and 215 females; age = 19.3 +/- 5.3 yr, weight = 70 +/- 7.5 kg, height = 170.6 +/- 9.8 cm) completed a previously validated questionnaire developed to evaluate rapid weight loss in judo athletes, which provides a score. The higher the score obtained, the more aggressive the weight loss behaviors. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and frequency analyses. Mean scores obtained in the questionnaire were used to compare specific groups of athletes using, when appropriate, Mann-Whitney U-test or general linear model one-way ANOVA followed by Tamhane post hoc test. Results: Eighty-six percent of athletes reported that have already lost weight to compete. When heavyweights are excluded, this percentage rises to 89%. Most athletes reported reductions of up to 5% of body weight (mean +/- SD: 2.5 +/- 2.3%). The most weight ever lost was 2%-5%, whereas a great part of athletes reported reductions of 5%-10% (mean +/- SD: 6 +/- 4%). The number of reductions underwent in a season was 3 +/- 5. The reductions usually occurred within 7 +/- 7 d. Athletes began cutting weight at 12.6 +/- 6.1 yr. No significant differences were found in the score obtained by male versus female athletes as well as by athletes from different weight classes. Elite athletes scored significantly higher in the questionnaire than nonelite. Athletes who began cutting weight earlier also scored higher than those who began later. Conclusions: Rapid weight loss is highly prevalent in judo competitors. The level of aggressiveness in weight management behaviors seems to not be influenced by the gender or by the weight class, but it seems to be influenced by competitive level and by the age at which athletes began cutting weight.
The aim of the present study was to compare and correlate training impulse (TRIMP) estimates proposed by Banister (TRIMP(Banister)), Stagno (TRIMP(Stagno)) and Manzi (TRIMP(Manzi)). The subjects were submitted to an incremental test on cycle ergometer with heart rate and blood lactate concentration measurements. In the second occasion, they performed 30 min. of exercise at the intensity corresponding to maximal lactate steady state, and TRIMP(Banister), TRIMP(Stagno) and TRIMP(Manzi) were calculated. The mean values of TRIMP(Banister) (56.5 +/- 8.2 u.a.) and TRIMP(Stagno) (51.2 +/- 12.4 u.a.) were not different (P > 0.05) and were highly correlated (r = 0.90). Besides this, they presented a good agreement level, which means low bias and relatively narrow limits of agreement. On the other hand, despite highly correlated (r = 0.93), TRIMP(Stagno) and TRIMP(Manzi) (73.4 +/- 17.6 u.a.) were different (P < 0.05), with low agreement level. The TRIMP(Banister) e TRIMP(Manzi) estimates were not different (P = 0.06) and were highly correlated (r = 0.82), but showed low agreement level. Thus, we concluded that the investigated TRIMP methods are not equivalent. In practical terms, it seems prudent monitor the training process assuming only one of the estimates.
Molybdenum and tungsten bimetallic oxides were synthetized according to the following methods: Pechini, coprecipitation and solid state reaction (SSR). After the characterization, those solids were carbureted at programmed temperature. The carburation process was monitored by checking the consumption of carburant hydrocarbon and CO produced. The monitoring process permits to avoid or to diminish the formation of pirolytic carbon.
Understanding the product`s `end-of-life` is important to reduce the environmental impact of the products` final disposal. When the initial stages of product development consider end-of-life aspects, which can be established by ecodesign (a proactive approach of environmental management that aims to reduce the total environmental impact of products), it becomes easier to close the loop of materials. The `end-of-life` ecodesign methods generally include more than one `end-of-life` strategy. Since product complexity varies substantially, some components, systems or sub-systems are easier to be recycled, reused or remanufactured than others. Remanufacture is an effective way to maintain products in a closed-loop, reducing both environmental impacts and costs of the manufacturing processes. This paper presents some ecodesign methods focused on the integration of different `end-of-life` strategies, with special attention to remanufacturing, given its increasing importance in the international scenario to reduce the life cycle impacts of products. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.