89 resultados para aggregate size classes
Objective: To assess whether the -11391G > A polymorphism in the regulatory region of the adiponectin gene (ADIPOQ) is associated with birth size, postnatal growth, adiponectinemia, and cardiometabolic risk in adult life. Design: Case-control study nested within a prospective cohort of 2063 community subjects born in 1978/1979 and followed since birth to date. Methods: ADIPOQ -11391G > A genotype-phenotype associations were evaluated in 116 subjects born large for gestational age (LGA) and 392 gender-matched controls at birth (birth size), at 8-10 years (catch-down growth), and at 23-25 years of age (cardiometabolic profile). Results: The -11391A variant allele frequency was higher in LGA subjects (P=0.04). AA genotype was associated with augmented probability of being born LGA (odds ratio=4.14; 95% confidence interval: 1.16-16.7; P=0.03). This polymorphism was associated neither with body composition nor with postnatal growth pattern. At the age of 23-25 years, the -11391A variant allele was associated with higher serum adiponectin levels (GG: 10.7 +/- 6.2 versus GA: 12.2 +/- 6.5 versus AA: 14.2 +/- 6.8 mu g/ml; P < 0.01). Subjects born LGA presented higher body mass index (BMI; P=0.01), abdominal circumference (P=0.04), blood pressure (P=0.04), and homeostasis assessment model for insulin resistance (P=0.01) than adequate for gestational age. Symmetry at birth did not influence these variables. The occurrence of catch-down of weight was associated with lower BMI and abdominal circumference (P < 0.001) at 23-25 years. Conclusions: The -11391A ADIPOQ gene variant was associated with increased chance of being born LGA and with higher adiponectin levels in early adult life.
Deforestation in southeast Brazil has led to the extinction of Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa and ex situ conservation has been established. In this study, the levels of genetic diversity and the effective population size of H. courbaril in a germplasm bank were investigated using six nuclear microsatellite loci. A total of 79 and 91 alleles were found in 65 seed-trees and their 176 offspring, respectively. Offspring have a higher average number of alleles per locus (A = 15.2) than seed-trees (A = 13.2), but lower observed heterozygosity (offspring: H (o) = 0.566; seed-trees: H (o) = 0.607). The estimate of outcrossing rate shows that the study population is perfectly outcrossed (t (m) = 0.978, P > 0.05). Significant deviations from random mating were detected through mating among relatives and correlated matings. The average variance in effective population size for each family was 2.63, with a total effective population size retained in the bank of 170.1. These results confirm that the preserved population of H. courbaril retains substantial genetic variability.
Large, long-lived species experience more lifetime cell divisions and hence a greater risk of spontaneous tumor formation than smaller, short-lived species. Large, long-lived species are thus expected to evolve more elaborate tumor suppressor systems. In previous work, we showed that telomerase activity coevolves with body mass, but not lifespan, in rodents: telomerase activity is repressed in the somatic tissues of large rodent species but remains active in small ones. Without telomerase activity, the telomeres of replicating cells become progressively shorter until, at some critical length, cells stop dividing. Our findings therefore suggested that repression of telomerase activity mitigates the increased risk of cancer in larger-bodied species but not necessarily longer-lived ones. These findings imply that other tumor suppressor mechanisms must mitigate increased cancer risk in long-lived species. Here, we examined the proliferation of fibroblasts from 15 rodent species with diverse body sizes and lifespans. We show that, consistent with repressed telomerase activity, fibroblasts from large rodents undergo replicative senescence accompanied by telomere shortening and overexpression of p16(Ink4a) and p21(Cip1/Waf1) cycline-dependent kinase inhibitors. Interestingly, small rodents with different lifespans show a striking difference: cells from small shorter-lived species display continuous rapid proliferation, whereas cells from small long-lived species display continuous slow proliferation. We hypothesize that cells of small long-lived rodents, lacking replicative senescence, have evolved alternative tumor-suppressor mechanisms that prevent inappropriate cell division in vivo and slow cell growth in vitro. Thus, large-bodied species and small but long-lived species have evolved distinct tumor suppressor mechanisms.
The present randomized, controlled prospective study evaluated the histomorphological response of human dental pulps capped with two grey mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) compounds. Pulp exposures were performed on the occlusal floor of 40 human permanent pre-molars. The pulp was capped either with ProRoot (Dentsply) or MTA-Angelus (Angelus) and restored with zinc oxide eugenol cement. After 30 and 60 days, teeth were extracted and processed for histological examination and the effects on the pulp were scored. The data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis and Conover tests (alpha = 0.05). In five out of the 40 teeth bacteria were present in pulp tissue. No significant difference was observed between the two materials (P > 0.05) in terms of overall histological features (hard tissue bridge, inflammatory response, giant cells and particles of capping materials). Overall, 94% and 88% of the specimens capped with MTA-Angelus and ProRoot, respectively, showed either total or partial hard tissue bridge formation (P > 0.05). Both commercial materials ProRoot (Dentsply) and MTA-Angelus (Angelus) produced similar responses in the pulp when used for pulp capping in intact, caries-free teeth.
Introduction: An experimental mineral trioxide aggregate sealer (MTAS) has been developed for use as a root canal sealer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the setting time, pH, and calcium ion release of MTAS compared with white Portland cement (CPB-40; Votorantin Cimentos, Camargo Correa SA, Pedro Leopoldo, MG, Brazil), white MTA Angelus (MTA; Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brazil), and AH Plus (Dentsply DeTrey, Konstanz, Germany). Methods: For the evaluation of setting time, each material was analyzed using Gilmore-type needles. Polyethylene tubes with the materials were immersed in distilled water for the measurement of pH (digital pH meter) and calcium release (atomic absorption spectrophotometry). The evaluations were performed at 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours and 7, 14, and 28 days. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and the Tukey test at 5% significance level. Results: MTAS showed higher calcium release at all experimental periods, a greater increase in pH up to 48 hours and the longest setting time. Conclusions: MTAS presented favorable properties for its indication as a root canal sealer. (J Endod 2011;37:844-846)
Purpose: To investigate the healing of critical-size cranial bone defects (9-mm-diameter) in guinea pigs treated with a bovine bone-derived resorbable membrane. Materials and Methods: A sample of 42 guinea pigs was divided into test (n = 20), control (n = 20), and standard (n = 2) groups. A full-thickness trephine defect was made in the fronto-parietal bone of each animal. In the test group, the internal and external openings of the defect were each closed with a separate membrane, and the space between them was filled with blood clot and a central spacer. In the control group, the defect was filled only with the blood clot and spacer. At 1, 3, 6, and 9 months later, the calvarias (5 per period) for both the test and control groups were collected, fixed, radiographed, and histologically processed. The Standard-group animals were sacrificed immediately after surgery and used to determine the initial size of defect radiographically. The areas of defects in the radiographs were measured with image-analysis software and were compared between groups and periods by multiple regression analysis with the Bonferroni correction. Results: At 1 and 3 months, newly formed woven bone was histologically observed in both test and control groups. Radiographically, this new bone occupied an average of 32% of the defect area at 1 month and 60% at 3 months in the test group. In the control group, 21% of the defect was filled at 1 month and 39% at 3 months. However, the differences between treatments were not statistically significant (P > .05). At 6 and 9 months, a significant increase in newly formed lamellar bone was seen histologically in both groups. Radiographically, for the test group, the new bone occupied an average of 82% of the defect area at 6 months and 96% at 9 months. For the control group, new bone composed an average of 45% of the defect area at 6 months and 40% at 9 months. The differences between the test and control groups were statistically significant at 6 and 9 months (P < .05). Complete or almost complete filling of the defect was observed in several cases. Conclusion: It was concluded that the bovine bone-derived membrane is highly biocompatible and is able to promote good healing of critical-size defects in calvaria of guinea pig.
Our purpose was to evaluate the osteoconduction potential of mixed bovine bone (MBB) xenografts as an alternative for bone grafting of critical-size defects in the calvaria of rats. After surgery, in the time intervals of 1, 3, 6, and 9 months, rats were killed and their skulls collected, radiographed and histologically prepared for analysis. The data obtained from histological analysis reported that the particles of MBB did not promote an intense immunological response, evidencing its biocompatibility in rats. Our results clearly showed the interesting evidence that MBB was not completely reabsorbed at 9 months while a small amount of newly formed bone was deposited by osteoprogenitor cells bordering the defect. However, this discrete bone-forming stimulation was unable to regenerate the bone defect. Overall, our results suggest that the properties of MBB are not suitable for stimulating intense bone regeneration in critical bone defects in rats.
Introduction: To evaluate calcium ion release and pH of Sealer 26 (S26) (Dentsply, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil), white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Endo CPM Sealer (CPM1) (EGEO SRL Bajo licencia MTM Argentina SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina), Endo CPM Sealer in a thicker consistency (CPM 2), and zinc oxide and eugenol cement (ZOE). Methods: Material samples (n = 10) were placed in polyethylene tubes and immersed in 10 mL of distilled water. After 3, 6,12,24, and 48 hours and 7,14, and 28 days, the water pH was determined with a pH meter, and calcium release was assessed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. An empty tube was used as the control group. Results: The control group presented a pH value of 6.9 at all studied periods and did not show the presence of calcium ion. S26 presented greater hydroxyl ion release up to 12 hours (p < 0.05). From 24 hours until 28 days, S26, MTA, CPM1, and CPM2 had similar results. in ail periods, ZOE presented the lowest hydroxyl ion release. CPM1, followed by CPM2, released the most calcium ions until 24 hours (p < 0.05). Between 48 hours and 7 days, CPM1 and CPM2 had the highest release. A greater calcium ion release was observed for CPM2, followed by CPM1 at 14 days and for S26, CPM1, and CPM2 at 28 days. ZOE released the least calcium ions in all periods. Conclusion: Sealer 26, MTA, and Endo CPM sealer at normal or thicker consistency release hydroxyl and calcium ions. Endo CPM sealer may be an alternative as root-end filling material. (J Endod 2009;35:1418-1421)
This study evaluated the influence of addition of 10% calcium chloride (CaCl(2)) on the setting time, solubility, disintegration, and pH of white MTA (WMTA) and white Portland cement (WPC). A test of the setting time was performed following the #57 ADA specifications and a test of the final setting time according to the ASTM. For the solubility tests disintegration and pH, Teflon rings were filled with the cements and weighed after setting. After 24 h in a desiccator, they were once again weighed. Thereafter, they were immersed in MiliQ water for 24 and 72 h and 7, 14, and 28 days, with maintenance in the desiccator and weighing between periods. The pH of water in which the rings were immersed was measured immediately after contact with them and in the other periods. The addition of CaCl(2) provided a significant reduction (50%) in the initial setting time of cements. The final setting time of WMTA was reduced in 35.5% and the final setting time of WPC in 68.5%. The WMTA with CaCl(2) absorbed water and gained weight with time, except for in the 24-h period. The addition of CaCl(2) to the WPC reduced its solubility. The addition of CaCl(2) increased the pH of WMTA in the immediate period and at 24 and 72 h and for WPC in the immediate period and at 24 h. The addition of CaCl(2) to WMTA and WPC reduced the setting times and solubility of both and increased the pH of cements in the initial periods. (J Endod 2009;35:550-554)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reaction of the pulp tissue against mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) with or without 10% calcium chloride (CaCl2). Pulpotomies were performed in 4 canines and 8 premolars of two 8-month-old dogs. MTA with or without CaCl2 was applied on the pulp tissue. The animals were killed after 90 days, and the specimens were processed for the microscopic analysis. Pulp tissue response was similar for MTA with and without CaCl2 Pulp vitality was present in all specimens, along with pulp repair with formation of mineralized tissue bridging. The addition of CaCl2 to MTA did not change its biologic properties in formation of mineralized barrier after pulpotomy.
A case of extensive crown fracture associated with intrusion of the permanent maxillary central incisors in an 8-year-old boy is reported. The treatment of both injured teeth included attempts of apexification and arrest of root resorption with calcium hydroxide. After 8 months of the trauma, there was no calcified barrier formation in the apex. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) was then used as a filling material. At 15-month follow up, the teeth were asymptomatic and correctly sealed, the external inflammatory root resorption had stopped, and the radiolucent image had disappeared, which meant the initial healing of the periapical lesion. MTA may be considered as an alternative option for the treatment of traumatized and immature permanent teeth.
Aim To compare the effectiveness of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), calcium hydroxide (CH) and formocresol (FC) as pulp dressing agents in carious primary teeth. Methodology Forty-five primary mandibular molars with dental caries in 23 children [AUTHOR QUERY: How many children?] between 5 and 9 years old were treated by a conventional pulpotomy technique. The teeth were randomly assigned to the experimental ( CH or MTA) or control ( FC) groups. After coronal pulp removal and haemostasis, remaining pulp tissue was covered with MTA paste or CH powder in the experimental groups. In the control group, diluted FC was placed with a cotton pellet over the pulp tissue for 5 min and removed; the pulp tissue was then covered with zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) paste. All teeth were restored with reinforced ZOE base and resin modified glass-ionomer cement. Clinical and radiographic successes and failures were recorded at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 month follow-up. Results Forty-three teeth were available for follow-up. In the FC and MTA groups, 100% of the available teeth were clinically and radiographically successful at all follow-up appointments; dentine bridge formation could be detected in 29% of the teeth treated with MTA. In the CH group, 64% of the teeth presented clinical and radiographic failures detected throughout the follow-up period, and internal resorption was a frequent radiographic finding. Conclusions Mineral trioxide aggregate was superior to CH and equally as effective as FC as a pulpotomy dressing in primary mandibular molars. Internal resorption was the most common radiographic finding up to 24 month after pulpotomies performed with CH.
Purpose: To evaluate: the in vivo pulpal response after pulpotomy with different capping agents. In addition, the in vitro cytotoxic effects of both materials were assessed by applying them on culture of pulp cells. Methods: For the in vivo test, the coronal pulp of 28 teeth of dogs was mechanically removed and the root pulps were capped with the following dental materials: Group 1: Pro-Root NITA (PRMTA); and Group 2 (control): calcium hydroxide saline paste (CH). After 60 days, the animals were sacrificed and the teeth processed for histological analysis. In the in vitro test, experimental extracts obtained from both capping agents were applied on the cultured MDPC-23 odontoblast-like cells. Results: In the root pulps capped with PRMTA or CH, coagulation necrosis partially replaced by dystrophic calcification as well as tubular dentin matrix laid down by elongated pulp cells was observed. None or mild inflammatory response occurred beneath the capped pulpal wound. Regarding the pulpal response, PRMTA and CH presented no statistical difference. However, the teeth capped CH presented greater healthy pulp loss which resulted in convex shape of the hard barrier than PRMTA. When applied on the cultured cells, it was demonstrated that PRMTA and CH solutions decreased the cell metabolic activity by 9.9% and 29.4%, respectively. CH caused higher cytotoxic effects to the MDPC-23 cells as well as deeper healthy pulp tissue loss than PRMTA. However, similar sequence of healing occurred after pulpotomy with both dental materials.
Objective: To evaluate the repair of critical-size bone defects in rats treated with demineralized bovine bone (DBB) compared with autogenous bone (AB). Material and method: A bone defect of 8 mm in diameter was created in the calvaria of 50 Rattus norvegicus, treated either with DBB or AB. Sub-groups of five rats of each group were killed at 7, 14, 21, 30 and 90 days post-operatively, and the skulls were removed and processed histologically. Histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Result: Histological analysis showed complete closure of the defects with new bone at 90 days in group AB, and substitution of the biomaterial by fibrotic connective tissue in the DBB group at 21 days. Morphometric analysis showed that DBB was rapidly absorbed at 14 days, with its volume density decreasing from 47%+/- 0.8% at 7 days to 1.2%+/- 0.41% at 14 days. Subsequently, volume densities of the connective tissue and neoformed bone increased from 51.1%+/- 11.17% to 86.8%+/- 7.92% and from 1.9%+/- 1.13% to 12%+/- 8.02%, respectively, for the same time interval. The volume density of AB particles did not change throughout the experimental periods, but the amount of new bone increased markedly between 7 and 90 days, from 4.5%+/- 1.57% to 53.5%+/- 6.42% (P < 0.05). Conclusion: DBB did not provide complete repair of the defects, with significantly less new bone formation than in the AB group.