372 resultados para Sao Jorge
Rotifera density, biomass, and secondary production on two marginal lakes of Paranapanema River were compared after the recovery of hydrologic connectivity with the river (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Daily samplings were performed in limnetic zone of both lakes during the rainy season immediately after lateral inflow of water and, in the dry period, six months after hydrologic connectivity recovery. In order to identify the factors that affect rotifer population dynamics, lake water level, volume, depth, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, suspended solids, nutrients, and chlorophyll-a were determined. Variations of water physical and chemical factors that affect rotifer population were related to the lake-river degree of connection and to water level rising after drought. The water lateral inflow from the river resulted in an increase in lake water volume, depth, and transparency and a decrease in water pH, alkalinity, and suspended solids. The lake with the wider river connection, more frequent biota exchange, and larger amount of particulate and dissolved materials was richer and more diverse, while rotifer density, biomass, and productivity were lower in both periods studied. Density, biomass, and secondary production were higher in the lake with the smaller river connection and the higher physical and chemical stability. Our results show that the connectivity affects the limnological stability, associated to seasonality. Stable conditions, caused by low connectivity in dry periods, were related with high density, biomass and secondary production. Conversely, instability conditions in rainy periods were associated to elevated richness and diversity values, caused by exchange biota due to higher connectivity. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) represents. about 50% of the total Brazilian municipal solid waste: thus, recycling represents huge benefits both in environmental and economic perspectives. Herein, the chemical characterization results of three samples from two different recycling plants from the State of Sao Paulo is prevented. The results demonstrated that the visual classification into grey and red is not related to the chemical composition but mostly to the grain size fraction. The chemical composition of the CDW varies according to the content of cement paste, natural aggregates (quartz sand or granite), red ceramic and clay. Furthermore, the production of recycled concrete aggregates requires two crushing stages to meet the technical standards. The sand fraction (below 4.8 mm) presents high grades of SiO(2), which indicates the liberation of cement paste to fines (< 0.15 mm). The fines have a great potential to be used in the cement industry.
In this paper a bond graph methodology is used to model incompressible fluid flows with viscous and thermal effects. The distinctive characteristic of these flows is the role of pressure, which does not behave as a state variable but as a function that must act in such a way that the resulting velocity field has divergence zero. Velocity and entropy per unit volume are used as independent variables for a single-phase, single-component flow. Time-dependent nodal values and interpolation functions are introduced to represent the flow field, from which nodal vectors of velocity and entropy are defined as state variables. The system for momentum and continuity equations is coincident with the one obtained by using the Galerkin method for the weak formulation of the problem in finite elements. The integral incompressibility constraint is derived based on the integral conservation of mechanical energy. The weak formulation for thermal energy equation is modeled with true bond graph elements in terms of nodal vectors of temperature and entropy rates, resulting a Petrov-Galerkin method. The resulting bond graph shows the coupling between mechanical and thermal energy domains through the viscous dissipation term. All kind of boundary conditions are handled consistently and can be represented as generalized effort or flow sources. A procedure for causality assignment is derived for the resulting graph, satisfying the Second principle of Thermodynamics. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports a research that evaluated the product development methodologies used in Brazilian small and medium-sized metal-mechanic enterprises (SMEs), in a specific region of Sao Paulo. The tool used for collecting the data was a questionnaire, which was developed and applied through interviews conducted by the researchers in 32 companies. The main focus of this paper can be condensed in the synthesis-question ""Is only the company responsible for the development?"" which was analyzed thoroughly. The results obtained from this analysis were evaluated directly (through the respective percentages of answers) and statistically (through the search of an index which demonstrates if two questions are related). The results point to a degree of maturity in SMEs, which allows product development to be conducted in cooperation networks. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Crushed stone mining is the third largest mining economy in Brazil, where almost half is produced in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region. The segment registers the highest number of accidents among the extractive industries, which justifies the concern with workers` health and safety, and the importance of controlling occupational hazards. Since 2002, the NR-22 Standard (NR-22: Occupational Health and Safety in Mining) makes compulsory the elaboration of a Risk Management Program that identifies risks and establishes control measures. Considering the crushed stone mining industry importance to the state, this paper evaluates and discusses the risks identified in unit operations during the production process of crushed stone in an open pit mine in order to propose control measures for the development of the Risk Management Program. Although this study refers to a specific quarry, it can be applied to other mines from the same sector since some considerations are made regarding differences in manufacturing processes. The research was based on the identification of the main risks associated with drilling, blasting, load & haulage, crushing and screening through field measurements of some hazardous agents, together with company reports. The results contributed to the choice of the appropriate control measures for the improvement Of workers` health and safety conditions.
Constructing highways in dense urban areas is always a challenge. In Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region, heavy truck traffic contributes to clog streets and expressways alike. As part of the traffic neither originates nor head to the region, a peripheral highway has been proposed to reduce traffic problems. This project called Rodoanel, is an expressway approximately 175 km long. The fact that the projected south and north sections would cross catchments that supply most of the metropolis water demand was strongly disputed and made the environmental permitting process particularly difficult. The agency in charge commissioned a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of a revamped project, and called it the Rodoanel Programme. However, the SEA report failed to satisfactorily take account of significant strategic issues. Among these, the highway potential effect of inducing urban sprawl over water protection zones is the most critical issue, as it emerged later as a hurdle to project licensing. Conclusion is that, particularly where no agreed-upon framework for SEA exists, when vertical tiering with downstream project EIA is sought, then a careful scoping of strategic issues is more than necessary. If an agreement on `what is strategic` is not reached and not recognized by influential stakeholders, then the unsettled conflicts will be transferred to project EIA. In such a context, SEA will have added another loop to the usually long road to project approval. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Dynamic experiments in a nonadiabatic packed bed were carried out to evaluate the response to disturbances in wall temperature and inlet airflow rate and temperature. A two-dimensional, pseudo-homogeneous, axially dispersed plug-flow model was numerically solved and used to interpret the results. The model parameters were fitted in distinct stages: effective radial thermal conductivity (K (r)) and wall heat transfer coefficient (h (w)) were estimated from steady-state data and the characteristic packed bed time constant (tau) from transient data. A new correlation for the K (r) in packed beds of cylindrical particles was proposed. It was experimentally proved that temperature measurements using radially inserted thermocouples and a ring-shaped sensor were not distorted by heat conduction across the thermocouple or by the thermal inertia effect of the temperature sensors.
The rheological behavior of milk cream was studied for different fat contents (0.10 to 0.31) and for a wide temperature range (2 and 87C) using a rotational rheometer. Newtonian behavior was observed, except for fat content between 0.20 and 0.31 and temperature between 2 and 33C, where viscoplastic behavior was remarkable. The rheological parameters (Newtonian viscosity, plastic viscosity and yield stress) and density were well correlated to temperature and fat content. Tube friction factor during flow of cream was experimentally obtained at various flow rates, temperatures and tube diameters (86 < Re < 2.3 x 104, 38 < Re(B) < 8.8 x 103, 1.1 x 103 < He < 6.7 x 103). The proposed correlations for density and rheological parameters were applied for the prediction of friction factor for laminar and turbulent flow of cream using well-known equations for Newtonian and viscoplastic flow. The good agreement between experimental and predicted values confirms the reliability of the proposed correlations for describing the flow behavior of cream. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS This paper presents correlations for the calculation of density and rheological parameters (Newtonian viscosity, Bingham plastic viscosity and yield stress) of milk cream as functions of temperature (2-87C) and fat content (0.10-0.31). Because of the large temperature range, the proposed correlations are useful for process design and optimization in dairy processing. An example of practical application is presented in the text, where the correlations were applied for the prediction of friction factor for laminar and turbulent tube flow of cream using well-known equations for Newtonian and viscoplastic flow, which are summarized in the text. The comparison with experimental data obtained at various flow rates, temperatures and tube diameters showed a good agreement, which confirms the reliability of the proposed correlations.
This work aims to characterize corrosion products formed on copper samples exposed to synthetic rainwater of Rio Janeiro and Sao Paulo. XRD and XPS were employed to determine their composition, while electrochemical techniques were used to evaluate their protective properties. XRD and XPS indicated the thickening of the corrosion layer with time. Electrochemical results showed that the protectiveness of the corrosion layer depends on the solution composition. Based on our findings a corrosion mechanism for copper in simulated rainwater is proposed where the role of NH(4)(+) ions in the cuprite layer partial regeneration is taken into account. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P>Coconut water is an isotonic beverage naturally obtained from the green coconut. After extracted and exposed to air, it is rapidly degraded by enzymes peroxidase (POD) and polyphenoloxidase (PPO). To study the effect of thermal processing on coconut water enzymatic activity, batch process was conducted at three different temperatures, and at eight holding times. The residual activity values suggest the presence of two isoenzymes with different thermal resistances, at least, and a two-component first-order model was considered to model the enzymatic inactivation parameters. The decimal reduction time at 86.9 degrees C (D(86.9 degrees C)) determined were 6.0 s and 11.3 min for PPO heat labile and heat resistant fractions, respectively, with average z-value = 5.6 degrees C (temperature difference required for tenfold change in D). For POD, D(86.9 degrees C) = 8.6 s (z = 3.4 degrees C) for the heat labile fraction was obtained and D(86.9 degrees C) = 26.3 min (z = 6.7 degrees C) for the heat resistant one.
The objective was to study the flow pattern in a plate heat exchanger (PHE) through residence time distribution (RTD) experiments. The tested PHE had flat plates and it was part of a laboratory scale pasteurization unit. Series flow and parallel flow configurations were tested with a variable number of passes and channels per pass. Owing to the small scale of the equipment and the short residence times, it was necessary to take into account the influence of the tracer detection unit on the RID data. Four theoretical RID models were adjusted: combined, series combined, generalized convection and axial dispersion. The combined model provided the best fit and it was useful to quantify the active and dead space volumes of the PHE and their dependence on its configuration. Results suggest that the axial dispersion model would present good results for a larger number of passes because of the turbulence associated with the changes of pass. This type of study can be useful to compare the hydraulic performance of different plates or to provide data for the evaluation of heat-induced changes that occur in the processing of heat-sensitive products. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For the optimal design of plate heat exchangers (PHEs), an accurate thermal-hydraulic model that takes into account the effect of the flow arrangement on the heat load and pressure drop is necessary. In the present study, the effect of the flow arrangement on the pressure drop of a PHE is investigated. Thirty two different arrangements were experimentally tested using a laboratory scale PHE with flat plates. The experimental data was used for (a) determination of an empirical correlation for the effect of the number of passes and number of flow channels per pass on the pressure drop; (b) validation of a friction factor model through parameter estimation; and (c) comparison with the simulation results obtained with a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model of the PHE. All three approaches resulted in a good agreement between experimental and predicted values of pressure drop. Moreover, the CFD model is used for evaluating the flow maldistribution in a PHE with two channels Per Pass. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this paper is to study metal separation from a sample composed of a mixture of the main types of spent household batteries, using a hydrometallurgical route, comparing selective precipitation and liquid-liquid extraction separation techniques. The preparation of the solution consisted of: grinding the waste of mixed batteries, reduction and volatile metals elimination using electric furnace and acid leaching. From this solution two different routes were studied: selective precipitation with sodium hydroxide and liquid-liquid extraction using Cyanex 272 [bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphoric acid] as extracting agent. The best results were obtained from liquid-liquid extraction in which Zn had a 99% extraction rate at pH 2.5. More than 95% Fe was extracted at pH 7.0, the same pH at which more than 90% Ce was extracted. About 88% Mn, Cr and Co was extracted at this pH. At pH 3.0, more than 85% Ni was extracted, and at pH 3.5 more than 80% of Cd and La was extracted. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper proposes a way to analyze the history of eating in Sao Paulo (Brazil) between 1920 and 1950. It addresses the relative absence of research on this topic for this period characterized by the rapid expansion of the city, which became a key market, an important regulator of consumption habits, and a meeting place for diverse social groups. An abundance of sources makes it possible to undertake a social history of eating. On the one hand, intellectuals of different backgrounds and interests produced a good deal of work on popular food habits. On the other, the article points to the possibility of using lifestyle studies and surveys on eating habits from this period in order to gain insight into the lives of different sectors of the population.
This study presents a methodology for the characterization of construction and demolition (C&D) waste recycled aggregates based on a combination of analytical techniques (X-ray fluorescence (XRF), soluble ions, semi-quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TCA-DTG) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) selective dissolution). These combined analytical techniques allow for the estimation of the amount of cement paste, its most important hydrated and carbonated phases, as well as the amount of clay and micas. Details of the methodology are presented here and the results of three representative C&D samples taken from the Sao Paulo region in Brazil are discussed. Chemical compositions of mixed C&D aggregate samples have mostly been influenced by particle size rather than the visual classification of C&D into red or grey and geographical origin. The amount of measured soluble salts in C&D aggregates (0.15-25.4 mm) is lower than the usual limits for mortar and concrete production. The content of porous cement paste in the C&D aggregates is around 19.3% (w/w). However, this content is significantly lower than the 43% detected for the C&D powders (< 0.15 min). The clay content of the powders was also high, potentially resulting from soil intermixed with the C&D waste, as well as poorly burnt red ceramic. Since only about 50% of the measured CaO is combined with CO(2), the powders have potential use as raw materials for the cement industry. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.