101 resultados para Packing Materials
Barbaloin is a bioactive glycosilated 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone present in several exudates from plants, Such as Aloe vera, which are used for cosmetic or food purposes. It has been shown that barbaloin interacts with DMPG (dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol) model membranes, altering the bilayer structure (Alves, D. S.; Perez-Fons, L.; Estepa, A.; Micol, V. Biochem. Pharm. 2004, 68, 549). Considering that ESR (electron spin resonance) of spin labels is one of the best techniques to monitor structural properties at the molecular level, the alterations caused by the anthraquinone barbaloin on phospholipid bilayers will be discussed here via the ESR signal of phospholipid spin probes intercalated into the membranes. In DMPG at high ionic strength (10 mM Hepes pH 7.4 + 100 mM NaCl), a system that presents a gel-fluid transition around 23 degrees C, 20 mol % barbaloin turns the gel phase more rigid, does not alter much the fluid phase packing, but makes the lipid thermal transition less sharp. However, in a low-salt DMPG dispersion (10 mM Hepes pH 7.4 + 2 mM NaCl), which presents a rather complex gel-fluid thermal transition (Lamy-Freund, M. T.; Riske, K. A. Chem. Phys. Lipids 2003, 122, 19), barbaloin strongly affects bilayer structural properties, both in the gel and fluid phases, extending the transition region to much higher temperature values. The position of barbaloin in DMPG bilayers will be discussed on the basis of ESR results, in parallel with data from sample viscosity, DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), and SAXS (small-angle X-ray scattering).
The structural and electronic properties of perylene diimide liquid crystal PPEEB are studied using ab initio methods based on the density functional theory (I)FT). Using available experimental crystallographic data as a guide, we propose a detailed structural model for the packing of solid PPEEB. We find that due to the localized nature of the band edge wave function, theoretical approaches beyond the standard method, such as hybrid functional (PBE0), are required to correctly characterize the band structure of this material. Moreover, unlike previous assumptions, we observe the formation of hydrogen bonds between the side chains of different molecules, which leads to a dispersion of the energy levels. This result indicates that the side chains of the molecular crystal not only are responsible for its structural conformation but also can be used for tuning the electronic and optical properties of these materials.
This study presents a comparison of the X-ray transmission through microsized and nanosized materials. For this purpose CuO nanoparticles, with 13.4 nm average grain size, and CuO microparticles, with a mean particle size of 56 mu m, were incorporated separately to beeswax in a concentration of 5%. Results show that the transmission through the above material plates with microsized and nanosized CuO was almost the same for X-ray beams generated at 60 and 102 kV tube voltages. However, for the radiation beams generated at 26 and 30 kV tube voltages the X-rays are more attenuated by the nanostructured CuO plates by a factor of at least 14%. Results suggest that the difference in the low energy range may be due to the higher number of particles/gram in the plates designed with CuO nanoparticles and due to the grain size effect on the X-ray transmission. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of low-dose therapeutic ionizing radiation on different aesthetic dental materials. Forty five specimens (n = 45) of three different aesthetic restorative materials were prepared and randomly divided into five groups: G1 (control group); G2, G3, G4, G5 experimental groups irradiated respectively with 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 Gy of gamma radiation by the (60)Co teletherapy machine. Chemical analyses were performed using a FT-IR Nicolet 520 spectrophotometer with reflectance diffuse technique. Even a minimal exposition at ionizing radiation in therapeutic doses can provide chemical changes on light-cured composite resins. The three studied restorative materials showed changes after exposure at gamma radiation, however the increase of the radiation dose did not contribute to an increase in this effect.
The method employed to incorporate guest molecules onto phospholipid Langmuir monolayers plays an important role in the interaction between the monolayer and the guest molecules. In this paper, we show that for the interaction between horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and a monolayer of dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) does depend on the method of HRP incorporation. The surface pressure isotherms of the mixed DPPG/HRP monolayers, for instance, were less expanded when the two materials were co-spread than in the case where HRP was injected into the subphase. Therefore, the method for incorporation affected not only the penetration of HRP but also the changes in molecular packing caused to the DPPG monolayer. With experiments with the monolayer on a pendant drop, we observed that the incorporation of HRP affects the dynamic elasticity of the DPPG monolayer, on a way that varies with the surface pressure. At low pressures, HRP causes the monolayer to be more rigid, while the converse is true for surface pressures above 8 mN/m. Taken all the results together, we conclude that HRP is more efficiently incorporated if injected into the subphase on which a DPPG monolayer had been spread and that the interaction between HRP and DPPG is maintained even at high surface pressures. This is promising for the possible transfer of mixed films onto solid substrates and for applications in biosensors and drug delivery systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chlortalidone (HIGROTON) is a diuretic drug widely used in antihypertensive therapy. Thus far, only two solid-state polymorphs of chlortalidone have been reported. We elucidated the structure of chlortalidone form I and a new polymorph. This new phase, namely, chlortalidone form III, was also entirely characterized. It was possible to conclude that it is a conformer with a different orientation of the chlorobenzenesulfonamide moiety. Compared to form I, it has a rotation of about 90 degrees on the axis of the C-C bond bridging the substituted phenyl and isoindolinyl rings. This conformational feature is related to the crystal packing patterns of the chlortalidone forms. Furthermore, certain intermolecular hydrogen bonds are present in both polymorphs, giving rise to ribbons with chlortalidone enantiomers alternately placed into them. The chlortalidone form I and form III crystallize in the triclinic space group P (1) over bar as racemic mixtures. Additional conformational details also differentiate the chlortalidone conformers. Slight twists on the isoindolinyl and sulfamyl groups exist. Considering all structural relationships, the fingerprint plots derived from the Hirshfeld surfaces exhibited the characteristics of the chlortalidone form I and form III crystal structures.
Confined water, such as those molecules in nanolayers of 2-3 nm in length, plays an important role in the adhesion of hydrophilic materials, mainly in cementitious ones. In this study, the effects of water containing kosmotropic substances on adhesion, known for their ability of enhancing the hydrogen bond (H-bond) network of confined water, were evaluated using mechanical strength tests. Indeed, to link adhesion provided by water confined in nanolayers to a macro-response of the cementitious samples, such as the bending strength, requires the evaluation of local water H-bond network configuration in the presence of kosmotropes, considering their influences on the extent and the strength of H-bonds. Among the kosmotropes, trimethylamine and sucrose provided a 50% increase in bending strength compared to the reference samples, the latter just using water as an adhesive, whereas trehalose was responsible for reducing the bending strength to a value close to the samples without any adhesive. The results attained opened up perspectives regarding exploring the confined water behavior which naturally occurs throughout the hydration process in cement-based materials.
In this paper we consider evolutionary pressures that will influence materials education and its role in the present scenario of Globalization: Challenges, Opportunities and needs. The main evolutionary pressures are related to some major control variables: increase of global population, new emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, alternative energies related to climate change, multimedia convergence in global communications, health, hunger, economic asymmetries and violence. Of course, many other factors could be identified, but this paper considers these as an adequate minimum basis for strategic considerations related to current materials education planning for the 21st century. In conclusion, we propose an International Network Program for Materials Education Strategy, thinking globally but acting regionally.
A mixed integer continuous nonlinear model and a solution method for the problem of orthogonally packing identical rectangles within an arbitrary convex region are introduced in the present work. The convex region is assumed to be made of an isotropic material in such a way that arbitrary rotations of the items, preserving the orthogonality constraint, are allowed. The solution method is based on a combination of branch and bound and active-set strategies for bound-constrained minimization of smooth functions. Numerical results show the reliability of the presented approach. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The focus of study in this paper is the class of packing problems. More specifically, it deals with the placement of a set of N circular items of unitary radius inside an object with the aim of minimizing its dimensions. Differently shaped containers are considered, namely circles, squares, rectangles, strips and triangles. By means of the resolution of non-linear equations systems through the Newton-Raphson method, the herein presented algorithm succeeds in improving the accuracy of previous results attained by continuous optimization approaches up to numerical machine precision. The computer implementation and the data sets are available at http://www.ime.usp.br/similar to egbirgin/packing/. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd, All rights reserved.
In this work, we deal with the problem of packing (orthogonally and without overlapping) identical rectangles in a rectangle. This problem appears in different logistics settings, such as the loading of boxes on pallets, the arrangements of pallets in trucks and the stowing of cargo in ships. We present a recursive partitioning approach combining improved versions of a recursive five-block heuristic and an L-approach for packing rectangles into larger rectangles and L-shaped pieces. The combined approach is able to rapidly find the optimal solutions of all instances of the pallet loading problem sets Cover I and II (more than 50 000 instances). It is also effective for solving the instances of problem set Cover III (almost 100 000 instances) and practical examples of a woodpulp stowage problem, if compared to other methods from the literature. Some theoretical results are also discussed and, based on them, efficient computer implementations are introduced. The computer implementation and the data sets are available for benchmarking purposes. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2010) 61, 306-320. doi: 10.1057/jors.2008.141 Published online 4 February 2009
For a fixed family F of graphs, an F-packing in a graph G is a set of pairwise vertex-disjoint subgraphs of G, each isomorphic to an element of F. Finding an F-packing that maximizes the number of covered edges is a natural generalization of the maximum matching problem, which is just F = {K(2)}. In this paper we provide new approximation algorithms and hardness results for the K(r)-packing problem where K(r) = {K(2), K(3,) . . . , K(r)}. We show that already for r = 3 the K(r)-packing problem is APX-complete, and, in fact, we show that it remains so even for graphs with maximum degree 4. On the positive side, we give an approximation algorithm with approximation ratio at most 2 for every fixed r. For r = 3, 4, 5 we obtain better approximations. For r = 3 we obtain a simple 3/2-approximation, achieving a known ratio that follows from a more involved algorithm of Halldorsson. For r = 4, we obtain a (3/2 + epsilon)-approximation, and for r = 5 we obtain a (25/14 + epsilon)-approximation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigate several two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problems and their variants in which orthogonal rotations are allowed. We first present two dynamic programming based algorithms for the Rectangular Knapsack (RK) problem and its variants in which the patterns must be staged. The first algorithm solves the recurrence formula proposed by Beasley; the second algorithm - for staged patterns - also uses a recurrence formula. We show that if the items are not so small compared to the dimensions of the bin, then these algorithms require polynomial time. Using these algorithms we solved all instances of the RK problem found at the OR-LIBRARY, including one for which no optimal solution was known. We also consider the Two-dimensional Cutting Stock problem. We present a column generation based algorithm for this problem that uses the first algorithm above mentioned to generate the columns. We propose two strategies to tackle the residual instances. We also investigate a variant of this problem where the bins have different sizes. At last, we study the Two-dimensional Strip Packing problem. We also present a column generation based algorithm for this problem that uses the second algorithm above mentioned where staged patterns are imposed. In this case we solve instances for two-, three- and four-staged patterns. We report on some computational experiments with the various algorithms we propose in this paper. The results indicate that these algorithms seem to be suitable for solving real-world instances. We give a detailed description (a pseudo-code) of all the algorithms presented here, so that the reader may easily implement these algorithms. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Given a fixed set of identical or different-sized circular items, the problem we deal with consists on finding the smallest object within which the items can be packed. Circular, triangular, squared, rectangular and also strip objects are considered. Moreover, 2D and 3D problems are treated. Twice-differentiable models for all these problems are presented. A strategy to reduce the complexity of evaluating the models is employed and, as a consequence, instances with a large number of items can be considered. Numerical experiments show the flexibility and reliability of the new unified approach. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We consider the problems of finding the maximum number of vertex-disjoint triangles (VTP) and edge-disjoint triangles (ETP) in a simple graph. Both problems are NP-hard. The algorithm with the best approximation ratio known so far for these problems has ratio 3/2 + epsilon, a result that follows from a more general algorithm for set packing obtained by Hurkens and Schrijver [On the size of systems of sets every t of which have an SDR, with an application to the worst-case ratio of heuristics for packing problems, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2(1) (1989) 68-72]. We present improvements on the approximation ratio for restricted cases of VTP and ETP that are known to be APX-hard: we give an approximation algorithm for VTP on graphs with maximum degree 4 with ratio slightly less than 1.2, and for ETP on graphs with maximum degree 5 with ratio 4/3. We also present an exact linear-time algorithm for VTP on the class of indifference graphs. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.