135 resultados para Karyotype symmetry
NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) (known as DTN) is a spin-1 material with a strong single-ion anisotropy that is regarded as a new candidate for Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of spin degrees of freedom. We present a systematic study of the low-energy excitation spectrum of DTN in the field-induced magnetically ordered phase by means of high-field electron spin resonance measurements at temperatures down to 0.45 K. We argue that two gapped modes observed in the experiment can be consistently interpreted within a four-sublattice antiferromagnet model with a finite interaction between two tetragonal subsystems and unbroken axial symmetry. The latter is crucial for the interpretation of the field-induced ordering in DTN in terms of BEC.
The influence of microwave irradiation on dissipative and Hall resistance in high-quality bilayer electron systems is investigated experimentally. We observe a deviation from odd symmetry under magnetic-field reversal in the microwave-induced Hall resistance boolean AND R(xy), whereas the dissipative resistance boolean AND R(xx) obeys even symmetry. Studies of Delta R(xy) as a function of the microwave electric field and polarization exhibit a strong and nontrivial power and polarization dependence. The obtained results are discussed in connection to existing theoretical models of microwave-induced photoconductivity.
The masses of neutron-deficient nuclides near the N=Z line with A=64-80 have been determined using a direct time-of-flight technique which employed a cyclotron as a high-resolution spectrometer. The measured atomic masses for (68)Se and (80)Y were 67.9421(3) u and 79.9344(2) u, respectively. The new values agree with the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation. The result for (68)Se confirms that this nucleus is a waiting point of the rp-process, and that for (80)Y resolves the conflict between earlier measurements. Using the present results and the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation compilation, the empirical interaction between the last proton and the last neutron in N=Z nuclei has been revisited and extended.
Isospin symmetry breaking has been investigated in mass A = 67 mirror nuclei through the experimental determination of the E1 strengths of analog electromagnetic transitions. Lifetimes of excited states have been measured in (67)Se and (67)As with the centroid shift method. Through the comparison of the B(E1) strengths of the mirror 9/2(+) -> 7/2(-) transitions, the isovector and the isoscalar components of the electromagnetic transition amplitude were extracted. The presence of a large isoscalar component provides evidence for coherent contributions to isospin mixing, probably involving the isovector giant monopole resonance.
We propose a model for D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+) decays following experimental results which indicate that the two-pion interaction in the S wave is dominated by the scalar resonances f(0)(600)/sigma and f(0)(980). The weak decay amplitude for D(+)-> R pi(+), where R is a resonance that subsequently decays into pi(+)pi(-), is constructed in a factorization approach. In the S wave, we implement the strong decay R ->pi(+)pi(-) by means of a scalar form factor. This provides a unitary description of the pion-pion interaction in the entire kinematically allowed mass range m(pi pi)(2) from threshold to about 3 GeV(2). In order to reproduce the experimental Dalitz plot for D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+), we include contributions beyond the S wave. For the P wave, dominated by the rho(770)(0), we use a Breit-Wigner description. Higher waves are accounted for by using the usual isobar prescription for the f(2)(1270) and rho(1450)(0). The major achievement is a good reproduction of the experimental m(pi pi)(2) distribution, and of the partial as well as the total D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+) branching ratios. Our values are generally smaller than the experimental ones. We discuss this shortcoming and, as a by-product, we predict a value for the poorly known D ->sigma transition form factor at q(2)=m pi(2).
In this work we study the dynamical generation of mass in the massless N = 1 Wess-Zumino model in a three-dimensional spacetime. Using the tadpole method to compute the effective potential, we observe that supersymmetry is dynamically broken together with the discrete symmetry A(x) -> A(x). We show that this model, different from nonsupersymmetric scalar models, exhibits a consistent perturbative dynamical generation of mass after two-loop corrections to the effective potential.
It is by now well known that the Poincare group acts on the Moyal plane with a twisted coproduct. Poincare invariant classical field theories can be formulated for this twisted coproduct. In this paper we systematically study such a twisted Poincare action in quantum theories on the Moyal plane. We develop quantum field theories invariant under the twisted action from the representations of the Poincare group, ensuring also the invariance of the S-matrix under the twisted action of the group. A significant new contribution here is the construction of the Poincare generators using quantum fields.
Motivated by the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CaV(2)O(4), we explore spin-orbital systems in which the spin modes are gapped but orbitals are near a macroscopically degenerate classical transition. Within a simplified model we show that gapless orbital liquid phases possessing power-law correlations may occur without the strict condition of a continuous orbital symmetry. For the model proposed for CaV(2)O(4), we find that an orbital phase with coexisting order parameters emerges from a multicritical point. The effective orbital model consists of zigzag-coupled transverse field Ising chains. The corresponding global phase diagram is constructed using field theory methods and analyzed near the multicritical point with the aid of an exact solution of a zigzag XXZ model.
The structural, dielectric, and vibrational properties of pure and rare earth (RE)-doped Ba(0.77) Ca(0.23)TiO(3) (BCT23; RE = Nd, Sm, Pr, Yb) ceramics obtained via solid-state reaction were investigated. The pure and RE-doped BCT23 ceramics sintered at 1450 degrees C in air for 4 h showed a dense microstructure in all ceramics. The use of RE ions as dopants introduced lattice-parameter changes that manifested in the reduction of the volume of the unit cell. RE-doped BCT23 samples exhibit a more homogenous microstructure due to the absence of a Ti-rich phase in the grain boundaries as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy imaging. The incorporation of REs led to perturbations of the local symmetry of TiO(6) octahedra and the creation of a new Raman mode. The results of Raman scattering measurements indicated that the Curie temperature of the ferroelectric phase transition depends on the RE ion and ion content, with the Curie temperature shifting toward lower values as the RE content increases, with the exception of Yb(3+) doping, which did not affect the ferroelectric phase transition temperature. The phase transition behavior is explained using the standard soft mode model. Electronic paramagnetic resonance measurements showed the existence of Ti vacancies in the structure of RE-doped BCT23. Defects are created via charge compensation mechanisms due to the incorporation of elements with a different valence state relative to the ions of the pure BCT23 host. It is concluded that the Ti vacancies are responsible for the activation of the Raman mode at 840 cm(-1), which is in agreement with lattice dynamics calculations. (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3594710]
In this work, we investigated the temperature dependence of short and long-range ferroelectric ordering in Pb(0.55)La(0.30)TiO(3) relaxor composition. High-resolution x-ray powder diffraction measurements revealed a clear spontaneous macroscopic cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition in the PLT relaxor sample at similar to 60 K below the maximum of the dielectric constant peak (T(m)). Indeed, the x-ray diffraction (XRD) data showed that at 300 K (above T(m) but below the Burns temperature, T(B)) the long-range order structure corresponds to a macroscopic cubic symmetry, space group number 221 (Pm-3m), whereas the data collected at 20 K revealed a macroscopic tetragonal symmetry, space group number 99 (P4mm) with c/a=1.0078, that is comparable to that of a normal ferroelectric. These results show that for samples with tetragonal composition, the long-range ferroelectric order may be recovered spontaneously at cryogenics temperatures, in contrast to ferroelectric samples with rhombohedral symmetry. On the other hand, x-ray absorption spectroscopy investigations intriguingly revealed the existence of local tetragonal disorder around Ti atoms for temperatures far below T(m) and above T(B), for which the sample presents macroscopic tetragonal and cubic symmetries, respectively. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3431024]
Biological neuronal networks constitute a special class of dynamical systems, as they are formed by individual geometrical components, namely the neurons. In the existing literature, relatively little attention has been given to the influence of neuron shape on the overall connectivity and dynamics of the emerging networks. The current work addresses this issue by considering simplified neuronal shapes consisting of circular regions (soma/axons) with spokes (dendrites). Networks are grown by placing these patterns randomly in the two-dimensional (2D) plane and establishing connections whenever a piece of dendrite falls inside an axon. Several topological and dynamical properties of the resulting graph are measured, including the degree distribution, clustering coefficients, symmetry of connections, size of the largest connected component, as well as three hierarchical measurements of the local topology. By varying the number of processes of the individual basic patterns, we can quantify relationships between the individual neuronal shape and the topological and dynamical features of the networks. Integrate-and-fire dynamics on these networks is also investigated with respect to transient activation from a source node, indicating that long-range connections play an important role in the propagation of avalanches.
Ti K-edge x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) and Raman scattering were used to study the solid solution effects on the structural and vibrational properties of Pb(1-x)Ba(x)Zr(0.65)Ti(0.35)O(3) with 0.0 < x < 0.40. Compared with x-ray diffraction techniques, which indicates that the average crystal symmetry changes with the substitution of Pb by Ba ions or with temperature variations for samples with x=0.00, 0.10, and 0.20, local structural probes such as XANES and Raman scattering results demonstrate that at local level, the symmetry changes are much less prominent. Theoretical XANES spectra calculation corroborate with the interpretation of the XANES experimental data.
Recently, we have found an additional spin-orbit (SO) interaction in quantum wells with two subbands [Bernardes , Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 076603 (2007)]. This new SO term is nonzero even in symmetric geometries, as it arises from the intersubband coupling between confined states of distinct parities, and its strength is comparable to that of the ordinary Rashba. Starting from the 8x8 Kane model, here we present a detailed derivation of this new SO Hamiltonian and the corresponding SO coupling. In addition, within the self-consistent Hartree approximation, we calculate the strength of this new SO coupling for realistic symmetric modulation-doped wells with two subbands. We consider gated structures with either a constant areal electron density or a constant chemical potential. In the parameter range studied, both models give similar results. By considering the effects of an external applied bias, which breaks the structural inversion symmetry of the wells, we also calculate the strength of the resulting induced Rashba couplings within each subband. Interestingly, we find that for double wells the Rashba couplings for the first and second subbands interchange signs abruptly across the zero bias, while the intersubband SO coupling exhibits a resonant behavior near this symmetric configuration. For completeness we also determine the strength of the Dresselhaus couplings and find them essentially constant as function of the applied bias.
We analyze the finite-size corrections to entanglement in quantum critical systems. By using conformal symmetry and density functional theory, we discuss the structure of the finite-size contributions to a general measure of ground state entanglement, which are ruled by the central charge of the underlying conformal field theory. More generally, we show that all conformal towers formed by an infinite number of excited states (as the size of the system L -> infinity) exhibit a unique pattern of entanglement, which differ only at leading order (1/L)(2). In this case, entanglement is also shown to obey a universal structure, given by the anomalous dimensions of the primary operators of the theory. As an illustration, we discuss the behavior of pairwise entanglement for the eigenspectrum of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain with an arbitrary length L for both periodic and twisted boundary conditions.
A combined analytical and numerical study is performed of the mapping between strongly interacting fermions and weakly interacting spins, in the framework of the Hubbard, t-J, and Heisenberg models. While for spatially homogeneous models in the thermodynamic limit the mapping is thoroughly understood, we here focus on aspects that become relevant in spatially inhomogeneous situations, such as the effect of boundaries, impurities, superlattices, and interfaces. We consider parameter regimes that are relevant for traditional applications of these models, such as electrons in cuprates and manganites, and for more recent applications to atoms in optical lattices. The rate of the mapping as a function of the interaction strength is determined from the Bethe-Ansatz for infinite systems and from numerical diagonalization for finite systems. We show analytically that if translational symmetry is broken through the presence of impurities, the mapping persists and is, in a certain sense, as local as possible, provided the spin-spin interaction between two sites of the Heisenberg model is calculated from the harmonic mean of the onsite Coulomb interaction on adjacent sites of the Hubbard model. Numerical calculations corroborate these findings also in interfaces and superlattices, where analytical calculations are more complicated.