103 resultados para Inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a morbid condition highly related to obesity. It is unclear if the macroscopic liver appearance correlates with the histopathologic findings. The goal of this prospective study was to determine the relationship between the intraoperative liver appearance and the histopathologic diagnosis of NASH in morbidly obese subjects undergoing bariatric surgery. We also aimed to determine variables that could predict NASH preoperatively. Consecutive 51 subjects undergoing bariatric surgery without evidence of other liver disease underwent intraoperative liver biopsy. An intraoperative liver visual (macroscopic and tactile examination) was recorded. The liver aspect was compared with the liver histologic findings. Histological assessment was categorized into two groups: NASH and non-NASH (including normal histology and simple steatosis). Clinical and biochemical parameters were obtained from the patient databases and were compared between groups to identify preoperatively predictive factors of NASH. From 51 patients, only one presented totally normal histology. Forty-three (86.2%) presented simple steatosis, and seven (13.7%) were classified as NASH. Clinical parameters were not different between groups. At biochemical analysis, only VLDL cholesterol level was significantly higher in the NASH group (p = 0.037) but yet within the normal range. Association between macroscopic liver appearance and the presence of histological NASH is poor (sensitivity of 14%, specificity of 56%, positive predictive value of 5%, and negative predictive value of 80%). No predictor of NASH was found. Surgeons` evaluation could not identify NASH individuals. Routine liver biopsy during bariatric operations is mandatory to differentiate NASH and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Background/purpose: The introduction of the piggyback technique for reconstruction of the liver outflow in reduced-size liver transplants for pediatric patients has increased the incidence of hepatic venous outflow block (HVOB). Here, we proposed a new technique for hepatic venous reconstruction in pediatric living-donor liver transplantation. Methods: Three techniques were used: direct anastomosis of the orifice of the donor hepatic veins and the orifice of the recipient hepatic veins (group 1); triangular anastomosis after creating a wide triangular orifice in the recipient inferior vena cava at the confluence of all the hepatic veins (group 2); and a new technique, which is a wide longitudinal anastomosis performed at the anterior wall of the inferior vena cava (group 3). Results: In groups 1 and 2, the incidences of HVOB were 27.7% and 5.7%, respectively. In group 3, no patient presented HVOB (P = .001). No difference was noted between groups 2 and 3. Conclusions: Hepatic venous reconstruction in pediatric living-donor liver transplantation must be preferentially performed by using a wide longitudinal incision at the anterior wall of the recipient inferior vena cava. As an alternative technique, triangulation of the recipient inferior vena cava, including the orifices of the 3 hepatic veins, may be used. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas is an uncommon but distinctive pancreatic neoplasm with low metastatic potential [1]. Therefore, whenever feasible, an organ-preserving operation should be performed. As previously reported, women with solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas may be best treated by more conservative procedures [2]. Recently, laparoscopic pancreatic resections became more common and are being performed in highly specialized centers. There are only six cases of laparoscopic resection for solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of pancreas published in the English literature and, to our knowledge, laparoscopic resection of uncinate process of the pancreas has never been reported [3-6]. This video demonstrates the technical aspects of a totally laparoscopic resection of the uncinate process of the pancreas in a patient with solid pseudopapillary neoplasm. A 26-year-old woman with a 4-cm solid pseudopapillary pancreatic neoplasm was referred for surgical treatment. According to preoperative echoendoscopy, there was a safe margin between neoplasm and main pancreatic duct. The patient was placed in supine position with the surgeon standing between her legs. Four trocars, one 10-mm and three 5-mm, were used. At inspection, the inferior vena cava, transverse colon, duodenum, and pancreas are clearly identified. A Kocher maneuver was performed with complete exposure of pancreatic head and uncinate process. The uncinate process was dissected from the superior mesenteric vein and venous branches were divided between metallic clips or by use of laparoscopic coagulation shears (LCS; Ethicon Endo Surgery Industries, Cincinnati, OH, USA). Blood supply of the duodenum was preserved by ligature of small pancreatic branches from inferior pancreatoduodenal artery. Transection of pancreatic parenchyma was performed using laparoscopic coagulation shears, which is an effective tool for cutting the pancreas [7, 8]. Surgical specimen was removed through a suprapubic incision inside a retrieval bag. A hemostatic absorbable tissue (Surgicel; Ethicon Inc., Cincinnati, OH) was placed in the cutting pancreatic surface, and one round 19F Blake abdominal drain (Ethicon) was left in place. Operative time was 180 minutes and blood loss estimated in 40 ml with no blood transfusion. Hospital stay was 4 days. The patient did not have postoperative pancreatitis or pancreatic leakage, and the abdominal drain was removed on the tenth postoperative day. Final pathology confirmed the diagnosis of solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of pancreas with free surgical margins. The patient was well and asymptomatic 2 months after the procedure. Laparoscopic resection of uncinate process of the pancreas is safe and feasible and should be considered for patients suffering from pancreatic neoplasms.
The architectural and infiltrate pattern of liver human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL) have been systematically classified as typical, fibrogenic or nodular. Despite this histopathological classification, the immune response based on cytokines and cellular phenotypes have never been performed. The aim of this study was to determine the immunophenotypic pattern and cytokine profile of the nodular involvement of the Liver in HVL. We evaluated nine cases of the nodular form of HVL. In situ immune response was studied through cytokine analysis and immunohistochemical study for phenotype markers: IL-1, IL-4, IL-1 0, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, CD20, CD68, CD57 and macrophage activation was determined by evaluation of iNOS activity. HVL seems to be related to a better immune response. Amastigotes were rarely found on liver sections. Leishmania antigen expression was also rare and located in the inflammatory nodules. The lower expression of IL-4 and IL-10, moderate expression of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma demonstrate a panorama of Th1 phenotype. The increased expression of NK cells could help in sustaining this model of response. This pattern of immune response is probably responsible for improvement in the parasite`s clearance from liver tissue and it is a prognostic marker of human visceral leishmaniasis. (C) 2008 The British Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
During immune response to infectious agents, the host develops an inflammatory response which could fail to eliminate the pathogen or may become dysregulated. In this case, the ongoing response acquires a new status and turns out to be detrimental. The same elements taking part in the establishment and regulation of the inflammatory response (cytokines, chemokines, regulatory T cells and counteracting compounds like glucocorticoids) may also mediate harmful effects. Thymic disturbances seen during Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) infection fit well with this conceptual framework. After infection, this organ suffers a severe atrophy due to apoptosis-induced thymocyte exhaustion, mainly affecting the immature double-positive (DP) CD4+CD8+ population. Thymus cellularity depletion, which occurs in the absence of main immunological mediators involved in anti-T. cruzi defense, seems to be linked to a systemic cytokine/hormonal imbalance, involving a dysregulated increase in Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and corticosterone hormone levels. Additionally, we have found an anomalous exit of potentially autoimmune DP cells to the periphery, in parallel to a shrinkage in the compartment of natural regulatory T cells. In this context, our data clearly point to the view that the thymus is a target organ of T. cruzi infection. Preserved thymus may be essential for the development of an effective immune response against T. cruzi, but this organ is severely affected by a dysregulated circuit of proinflammatory cytokines and glucocorticoids. Also, the alterations observed in the DP population might have potential implications for the autoimmune component of human Chagas disease. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Stimulating neural electrodes are required to deliver charge to an environment that presents itself as hostile. The electrodes need to maintain their electrical characteristics (charge and impedance) in vivo for a proper functioning of neural prostheses. Here we design implantable multi-walled carbon nanotubes coating for stainless steel substrate electrodes, targeted at wide frequency stimulation of deep brain structures. In well-controlled, low-frequency stimulation acute experiments, we show that multi-walled carbon nanotube electrodes maintain their charge storage capacity (CSC) and impedance in vivo. The difference in average CSCs (n = 4) between the in vivo (1.111 mC cm(-2)) and in vitro (1.008 mC cm(-2)) model was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05 or P-value = 0.715, two tailed). We also report on the transcription levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 beta and TLR2 receptor as an immediate response to low-frequency stimulation using RT-PCR. We show here that the IL-1 beta is part of the inflammatory response to low-frequency stimulation, but TLR2 is not significantly increased in stimulated tissue when compared to controls. The early stages of neuroinflammation due to mechanical and electrical trauma induced by implants can be better understood by detection of pro-inflammatory molecules rather than by histological studies. Tracking of such quantitative response profits from better analysis methods over several temporal and spatial scales. Our results concerning the evaluation of such inflammatory molecules revealed that transcripts for the cytokine IL-1 beta are upregulated in response to low-frequency stimulation, whereas no modulation was observed for TLR2. This result indicates that the early response of the brain to mechanical trauma and low-frequency stimulation activates the IL-1 beta signaling cascade but not that of TLR2.
Objective: To investigate glomerular development and expression of insulin and insulin-like growth factor receptors in an experimental model of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Material and Methods: We studied three groups of Sprague-Dawley fetuses: IUGR - restricted by ligation of the right uterine artery; C-IUGR - left horn controls, and EC - external controls (non-manipulated). Body and organs were weighed, and glomerular number and volume were analyzed. Expression of IR beta, IRS-1, IRS-2 and IGF-IR beta was analyzed in liver, intestine and kidneys by immunoblotting. Results: Organ/body weight ratios were similar. In IUGR, glomerular number and volume were increased compared to C-IUGR and EC (p < 0.001). In the IUGR liver, increases were found in IGF-IR beta compared to C-IUGR and EC; IR beta compared to EC, and IRS-2 compared to C-IUGR. However, decreases in IR beta were noted in IUGR compared to C-IUGR; IRS-1 compared to C-IUGR and EC, and IRS-2 compared to EC. In IUGR intestine, increases were detected in IR beta, IRS-1 and IGF-IR beta compared to C-IUGR and EC. In IUGR kidneys, increases were observed in IR beta and IGF-IR beta compared to C-IUGR and EC, and IRS-1 compared to EC. Decreased IRS-2 in the intestine and kidney were noticed in IUGR compared to C-IUGR and EC. Conclusion: IUGR fetuses had less glomeruli and alterations in insulin receptors, which may be associated with an increased risk of disease occurrence in adulthood. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Chronic exposure to ethanol may results in pathophysiologic changes in cellular function. The present work was designed to investigate the morphology of testis submitted to experimental ethanol ingestion. Experimental animals were divided into two groups. The control group (n = 23) received a solid diet and tap water and the alcoholic group (n = 23) received the same solid diet and ethanol P.A. diluted 20% in water (v/v). After 120 days of treatment, all animals were anesthetized, weighed and sacrificed. Testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels in serum were lower in the alcoholic group than in the control group. Histological and ultrastructural alterations were observed in the testicular alcoholic germinative cells like enormous spaces, lipid droplets accumulation, digestive vacuoles, irregular diameter of the seminiferous tubules and interstitial dilated blood vessels. It was concluded that 20% ethanol provokes lesions on the testis germinative epithelium probably inducing gonadal dysfunction. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pulmonary abnormalities are observed in chronic hepatopathy. The measurement of the maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure may evaluate lung function and the risks associated with hepatic transplantation. Thus, the present work sought to evaluate the respiratory muscle strength of 29 patients between 17 and 63 years old who were enrolled for liver transplantation. The patients were classified according to Child-Turcotte-Pugh score as A, B, or C, and also according to a physiotherapeutic evaluation, which included measurement of respiratory muscle strength by means of a digital manovactrometer, which determines the maximum inspiratory pressure (MaxIP) and the maximum expiratory pressure (MaxEP). The tests were performed with seated individuals having their nostrils obstructed by a nasal clip. The MaxIP was measured during the effort initiated in the residual volume, whereas the MaxEP was measured during the effort initiated in the total pulmonary capacity, keeping pressures stable for at least 1 second. The statistical analysis was performed through using the Mann-Whitney test with a 5% level of significance. The MaxIP values of Child A 95.5 +/- 40.507 cm H2O (average +/- DP) and Child B 87.2 +/- 35.02 patients were higher than those for Child C patients (34.83 +/- 3.68; P <.05). Similar results were observed for the MaxEP of Child A and B groups (116.25 +/- 31.98 and 97.28 +/- 31.08, respectively; P <.05), versus the Child C group (48.16 +/- 22.60). Between groups A and B, the MaxEP were similar (P >.05). We concluded that Child C patients display muscle weakness significantly greater than that of subjects classified as Child A or B.
The study analyzed the effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on the ultrastructure of the lining epithelium of the hard palatine mucosa of rats UChA and UChB (lines with voluntary alcohol consumption) in order to contribute to the understanding of the consequences of alcohol abuse for the morphology of the digestive system. Thirty female adult animals aged 120 days were divided into three experimental groups. (1) Ten UChA rats (genetically low ethanol consumer) with voluntary intake of 10% v/v (5.45 g/kg/day) ethanol solution and water. (2) Ten UChB (genetically high ethanol consumer) rats with voluntary intake of 10% v/v (7.16 g/kg/day) ethanol solution and water. (3) Ten Wistar rats with voluntary ad libitum water intake (control group). Both groups received Nuvital pellets ad libitum. The IGFR-I expression was intense in both experimental groups. The epithelial cells of the alcoholic rats UChA and UChB showed many alterations such as the presence of lipid droplets, altered nuclei, nuclei in corneum layer and disrupted mitochondria. It was concluded that ethanol intake induces ultrastructural lesions in the hard palatine mucosa. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To describe the use of 3.0-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the evaluation of chronic liver diseases. Materials and Methods: Two groups of patients who had chronic liver diseases and underwent 3.0-T MRI for evaluation of the liver were included in the study. The first group of patients included 66 consecutive patients (33 male, 33 female; mean age +/- standard deviation, 56 +/- 11). The second group of patients included 30 consecutive patients (18 males, 12 females; mean age +/- standard deviation, 53 +/- 10) in whom Variable-Rate Selective Excitation (VERSE) pulses and improved adjustments procedure were used during the acquisitions. Imaging findings of chronic liver diseases, predetermined artifacts and image quality of all individual sequences in the first group and predetermined artifacts and image quality of T2-weighted sequences in the second group were reviewed retrospectively and independently by two reviewers. chi-Square tests were used to compare the findings between two groups of patients and individual sequences. Kappa statistics were used to determine the extent of agreement between the reviewers. Results: Fifteen dysplastic nodules in 6 of 66 (9%) patients and 12 hepatocellular carcinomas in 11 of 66 (17%) patients were detected. Excluding motion artifacts, three-dimensional (313) T1-weighted gradient-echo (GE) sequence was the least affected sequence by the artifacts. Image quality of T1-weighted 3D-GE sequences was excellent in 43 of 66 (65%) patients. In-phase and out-of-phase T1-weighted spoiled GE (SGE) images were fair in 62 of 66 (94%) and 61 of 66 (92%) patients, respectively. The image quality of short tau inversion recovery (STIR) and half-Fourier rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) sequences were fair in 31 of 66 (47%) and 53 of 66 (80%) patients. STIR and half-Fourier RARE sequences in the second group demonstrated significantly better image quality (P=.03 and P<.0001). Conclusion: 3.0-T MRI allows the acquisition of very high quality postgadolinium 3D-GE sequence, which permitted the detection and characterization of lesions in the setting of chronic liver diseases. The use of VERSE pulses and improved adjustments procedure improved the image quality of T2-weighted sequences. In-phase/out-of-phase SGE sequences are at present of fair quality. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To evaluate the diagnostic image quality of post-gadolinium water excitation-magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo (WE-MPRAGE) sequence in abdominal examinations of noncooperative patients at 1.5 Tesla (T) and 3.0T MRI. Materials and Methods: Eighty-nine consecutive patients (48 males and 41 females; mean age +/- standard deviation, 54.6 +/- 16.6 years) who had MRI examinations including postgadolinium WE-MPRAGE were included in the study. Of 89 patients, 33 underwent noncooperative protocol at 1.5T. 10 under-went noncooperative protocol at 3.0T, and 46 underwent cooperative protocol at 3.0T. Postgadolinium WE-MPRAGE, MPRAGE, and three-dimensional gradient-echo sequences of these three different groups were qualitatively evaluated for image quality, extent of artifacts, lesion conspicuity, and homogeneity of fat-attenuation by two reviewers retrospectively, independently, and blindly. The results were compared using Wilcoxon signed rank and Mann-Whitney U tests. Kappa statistics were used to measure the extent of agreement between the reviewers. Results: The average scores indicated that the images were diagnostic for WE-MPRAGE at 1.5T and 3.0T in noncooperative patients. WE-MPRAGE achieved homogenous fat-attenuation in 31/33 (94%) of noncooperative patients at 1.5T and 10/10 (100%) of noncooperative patients at 3.0T. WE-MPRAGE at 3.0T had better results for image quality, extent of artifacts, lesion conspicuity and homogeneity of fat-attenuation compared with WE-MPRAGE at 1.5T. in noncooperative patients (P = 0.0008, 0.0006, 0.0024, and 0.0042: respectively). Kappa statistics varied between 0.76 and 1.00, representing good to excellent agreement. Conclusion: WE-MPRAGE may be used as a T1-weighted postgadolinium fat-attenuated sequence in noncooperative patients, particularly at 3.0T MRI.
Background Conflicting results have been reported in studies evaluating the relationship between serum markers of iron overload, liver iron deposits, and HFE mutations (C282Y and H63D) in chronic hepatitis C patients, and also their impact on the response to therapy in these patients. Aim To evaluate the role of HFE mutations in the severity of liver disease and in the response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C. Methods Two hundred and sixty-four hepatitis C patients treated with standard interferon and ribavirin were divided into two groups according to type of antiviral response: sustained virological response (SVR) and nonresponse or relapse. We evaluated the relationship between HFE mutation and the type of antiviral response, clinical data, biochemical tests, liver histopathology, virological data, and HFE mutations. Results Of the 264 patients, 88 (32.1%) had SVR whereas 67.9% had nonresponse or relapse. Liver iron deposits were observed in 49.2% of the patients. The factors associated with SVR were hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3, transferrin saturation value of 45% or less, and detection of the H63D mutation. HFE mutation was more frequent in patients with iron deposits, but without association with serum iron biochemistry or severity of liver disease. Steatosis was more frequent in patients with liver iron deposits. Conclusion The H63D mutation was an independent factor associated with SVR in chronic hepatitis C patients, as also were hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3 and transferrin saturation value of 45% or less. Moreover, the H63D mutation was associated with liver iron deposits. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 22: 1204-1210 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Previous work from our group showed that intrathecal (i.t.) administration of substances such as glutamate, NMDA, or PGE(2) induced sensitization of the primary nociceptive neuron (PNN hypernociception) that was inhibited by a distal intraplantar (i.pl.) injection of either morphine or dipyrone. This pharmacodynamic phenomenon is referred to in the present work as ""teleantagonism``. We previously observed that the antinociceptive effect of i.t. morphine could be blocked by injecting inhibitors of the NO signaling pathway in the paw (i.pl.), and this effect was used to explain the mechanism of opioid-induced peripheral analgesia by i.t. administration. The objective of the present investigation was to determine whether this teleantagonism phenomenon was specific to this biochemical pathway (NO) or was a general property of the PNNs. Teleantagonism was investigated by administering test substances to the two ends of the PNN (i.e., to distal and proximal terminals; i.pl. plus i.t. or i.t. plus i.pl. injections). We found teleantagonism when: (i) inhibitors of the NO signaling pathway were injected distally during the antinociception induced by opioid agonists; (ii) a nonselective COX inhibitor was tested against PNN sensitization by IL-1 beta; (iii) selective opioid-receptor antagonists tested against antinociception induced by corresponding selective agonists. Although the dorsal root ganglion seems to be an important site for drug interactions, the teleantagonism phenomenon suggests that, in PNNs, a local sensitization spreads to the entire cell and constitutes an intriguing and not yet completely understood pharmacodynamic property of this group of neurons.
Inflammation is a pivotal component of a variety of diseases, such as atherosclerosis and tumour progression. Various naturally occurring phytochemicals exhibit anti-inflammatory activity and are considered to be potential drug candidates against inflammation-related pathological processes. Capsicum baccatum L. var. pendulum (Willd.) Eshbaugh (Solanaceae) is the most consumed species in Brazil, and its compounds, such as capsaicinoids, have been found to inhibit the inflammatory process. However, the anti-inflammatory effects of C. baccatum have not been characterized. Thus, this study was designed to evaluate the effects of C. baccatum juice in animal models of acute inflammation induced by carrageenan and immune inflammation induced by methylated bovine serum albumin. Pretreatment (30 min) of rats with pepper juice (0.25-2.0 g kg(-1)) significantly decreased leucocyte and neutrophil migration, exudate volume and protein and LDH concentration in pleural exudates of a pleurisy model. This juice also inhibited neutrophil migration and reduced the vascular permeability on carrageenan-induced peritonitis in mice. C. baccatum juice also reduced neutrophil recruitment and exudate levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, and IL-1 beta in mouse inflammatory immune peritonitis. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the main constituent of C. baccatum juice, as extracted with chloroform, is capsaicin. In agreement with this, capsaicin was able to inhibit the neutrophil migration towards the inflammatory focus. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the anti-inflammatory effect of C. baccatum juice and our data suggest that this effect may be induced by capsaicin. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory effect induced by red pepper may be by inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokine production at the inflammatory site.