130 resultados para orthodontic wires
This study aimed at comparing amounts of nickel (Ni) and chromium (Cr) released from brackets from different manufacturers in simulated oral environments. 280 brackets were equally divided into 7 groups according to manufacturer. 6 groups of brackets were stainless steel, and 1 group of brackets was made of a cobalt-chromium alloy with low Ni content (0.5%). International standard ISO 10271/2001 was applied to provide test methods. Each bracket was immersed in 0.5 ml of synthetic saliva (SS) or artificial plaque fluid (PF) over a period of 28 days at 37ºC. Solutions were replaced every 7 days, and were analyzed by spectrometry. The Kruskal-Wallis test was applied. Amounts of Ni release in SS (µg L-1 per week) varied between groups from "bellow detection limits" to 694, and from 49 to 5,948.5 in PF. The group of brackets made of cobalt-chromium alloy, with the least nickel content, did not release the least amounts of Ni. Amounts of Cr detected in SS and in PF (µg L-1 per week) were from 1 to 10.4 and from 50.5 to 8,225, respectively. It was therefore concluded that brackets from different manufacturers present different corrosion behavior. Further studies are necessary to determine clinical implications of the findings.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a influência da idade, do sexo, da relação oclusal sagital, do Padrão Facial e de 8 medidas do perfil facial sobre a estética do perfil. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas tabelas de contingência, o Teste Qui-quadrado e o coeficiente de Cramér para avaliar a possível associação entre a nota dada por 32 avaliadores (14 ortodontistas, 12 leigos e 6 artistas) para a estética do perfil de 100 brasileiros - adultos, leucodermas, portadores de selamento labial passivo - e a idade, o sexo, a relação oclusal sagital, o Padrão Facial e as variáveis da análise facial numérica do perfil. RESULTADOS: não foi observada associação entre a idade, o sexo e a relação oclusal sagital e a estética do perfil facial. A associação foi observada entre a nota recebida para a estética do perfil e o Padrão Facial, o ângulo de convexidade facial e o ângulo do terço inferior da face. CONCLUSÃO: o Padrão Facial, definido na avaliação do perfil pela convexidade do perfil facial, e a projeção anterior do mento foram, entre os fatores avaliados, os determinantes para a estética do perfil facial.
OBJETIVO: o propósito do presente estudo é avaliar o limite de resistência à flexão de um protótipo de mini-implante desenvolvido para ancoragem do aparelho de Herbst. MÉTODOS: após a realização de um cálculo do tamanho da amostra, quatro corpos de prova contendo os protótipos de mini-implantes foram submetidos a uma força de flexão por engastamento simples, utilizando-se uma máquina universal de ensaios mecânicos, sendo calculado o limite de resistência à força de flexão. RESULTADOS: após os ensaios mecânicos, os novos mini-implantes apresentaram o limite de resistência à força de flexão de 98,2kgf, que foi o menor valor encontrado. CONCLUSÃO: os protótipos de mini-implantes desenvolvidos para ancoragem do aparelho de Herbst foram capazes de suportar forças de flexão maiores do que as forças de mordida descritas na literatura.
The purpose of the present study was to assess the association between overbite and craniofacial growth pattern. The sample comprised eighty-six cephalograms obtained during the orthodontic pretreatment phase and analyzed using the Radiocef program to identify the craniofacial landmarks and perform orthodontic measurements. The variables utilized were overbite, the Jarabak percentage and the Vert index, as well as classifications resulting from the interpretation of these measurements. In all the statistical tests, a significance level of 5% was considered. Measurement reliability was checked by calculating method error. Weighted Kappa analysis showed that agreement between the facial types defined by the Vert index and the direction of growth trend established by the Jarabak percentage was not satisfactory. Owing to this lack of equivalency, a potential association between overbite and craniofacial growth pattern was evaluated using the chi-square test, considering the two methods separately. No relationship of dependence between overbite and craniofacial growth pattern was revealed by the results obtained. Therefore, it can be concluded that the classification of facial growth pattern will not be the same when considering the Jarabak and the Ricketts anayses, and that increased overbite cannot be associated with a braquifacial growth pattern, nor can openbite be associated with a dolichofacial growth pattern.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a existência de correlação entre a proporção da altura do ramo mandibular (AR) com a altura dentoalveolar posterior total (ADAPT) e a inclinação do plano mandibular (PM). MÉTODOS: dois examinadores avaliaram 81 telerradiografias laterais de pacientes, com idades a partir de 18 anos, do arquivo do curso de especialização em Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia da UFBA. As radiografias foram digitalizadas, os pontos marcados e as medidas obtidas através do programa Radiocef 1.0. Mediu-se a inclinação do plano mandibular para caracterizar o padrão vertical da face e dividir as radiografias em três grupos: grupo de face normal (GN), de 22º a 28º, de face curta (GC), menor que 22º, e de face longa (GL), maior que 28º. A inclinação do plano palatino serviu como critério de exclusão, sendo que valores abaixo de -2,5° ou acima de 3,5º foram excluídos. Desta forma, 46 telerradiografias laterais totalizaram a amostra. RESULTADOS: a AR diferiu entre GC e GL, porém não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para as alturas dentoalveolares posteriores. Houve baixa correlação entre a AR e a ADAPT nos grupos, no entanto, a correlação da proporção entre essas alturas com a inclinação do PM mostrou-se estatisticamente significante e negativa. CONCLUSÃO: este é um fator a ser levado em consideração na avaliação do PM, quando do diagnóstico e tratamento das displasias verticais dentofaciais.
The maxilla and masseter muscles are components of the stomatognathic system involved in chewing, which is frequently affected by physical forces such as gravity, and by dental, orthodontic and orthopedic procedures. Thyroid hormones (TH) are known to regulate the expression of genes that control bone mass and the oxidative properties of muscles; however, little is known about the effects of TH on the stomatognathic system. This study investigated this issue by evaluating: i) osteoprotegerin (OPG) and osteopontine (OPN) mRNA expression in the maxilla and ii) myoglobin (Mb) mRNA and protein expression, as well as fiber composition of the masseter. Male Wistar rats (~250 g) were divided into thyroidectomized (Tx) and sham-operated (SO) groups (N = 24/group) treated with T3 or saline (0.9%) for 15 days. Thyroidectomy increased OPG (~40%) and OPN (~75%) mRNA expression, while T3 treatment reduced OPG (~40%) and OPN (~75%) in Tx, and both (~50%) in SO rats. Masseter Mb mRNA expression and fiber type composition remained unchanged, despite the induction of hypo- and hyperthyroidism. However, Mb content was decreased in Tx rats even after T3 treatment. Since OPG and OPN are key proteins involved in the osteoclastogenesis inhibition and bone mineralization, respectively, and that Mb functions as a muscle store of O2 allowing muscles to be more resistant to fatigue, the present data indicate that TH also interfere with maxilla remodeling and the oxidative properties of the masseter, influencing the function of the stomatognathic system, which may require attention during dental, orthodontic and orthopedic procedures in patients with thyroid diseases.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição de tensões na resina em contato com os filetes de roscas de mini-implantes cilíndricos e cônicos, submetidos à carga lateral e torção de inserção. Um modelo fotoelástico foi confeccionado com gelatina transparente, para simular o osso alveolar. O modelo foi observado com um polariscópio plano e fotografado antes e após a ativação dos mini-implantes com força lateral e de inserção. A aplicação de cargas laterais provocou momentos fletores nos mini-implantes, aparecimento de franjas isocromáticas ao longo dos filetes do corpo dos mini-implantes e no ápice. Quando foi aplicado o torque de inserção, verificou-se a concentração de tensões próxima ao ápice. Concluiu-se que: (1) o mini-implante cilíndrico apresentou maior concentração de tensões no ápice, e (2) o mini-implante cônico apresentou maior concentração de tensões nos filetes de rosca apicais.
The aim of this study was to determine the reproducibility, reliability and validity of measurements in digital models compared to plaster models. Fifteen pairs of plaster models were obtained from orthodontic patients with permanent dentition before treatment. These were digitized to be evaluated with the program Cécile3 v2.554.2 beta. Two examiners measured three times the mesiodistal width of all the teeth present, intercanine, interpremolar and intermolar distances, overjet and overbite. The plaster models were measured using a digital vernier. The t-Student test for paired samples and interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were used for statistical analysis. The ICC of the digital models were 0.84 ± 0.15 (intra-examiner) and 0.80 ± 0.19 (inter-examiner). The average mean difference of the digital models was 0.23 ± 0.14 and 0.24 ± 0.11 for each examiner, respectively. When the two types of measurements were compared, the values obtained from the digital models were lower than those obtained from the plaster models (p < 0.05), although the differences were considered clinically insignificant (differences < 0.1 mm). The Cécile digital models are a clinically acceptable alternative for use in Orthodontics.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of local administration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) located within liposomes on recruitment of osteoclasts during mechanical force in rats. Materials and Methods: An orthodontic elastic band was inserted between the left upper first and second molars, to move mesially the first molar. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 8): EGF (2 ng/mu L) located within liposomes (group 1), liposomes only (group 2), soluble EGF (2 ng/mu L; group 3), or vehicle alone (group 4). The solutions were injected into the region of the root furcation of the left first molar after elastic band insertion. Tooth movement was measured using a plaster model of the maxilla, and the number of osteoclasts recruited at the pressure side of the first molar was histologically evaluated. Results: Intergroup analysis showed that there was no significant difference between group 2 and group 4 (P >.05) and between group 1 and group 3 (P >.05). However, group 1 and group 3 exhibited greater differences in tooth movement than group 2 and group 4 (P <.05). On the other hand, group 1 showed greater tooth movement than groups 2 and 4 with statistical significance (P <.01). The increase in the number of osteoclasts in group 1 was significantly higher than in the other groups (P <.05). Conclusion: Exogenous EGF-liposome administration has an additive effect when compared with soluble EGF on the rate of osteoclast recruitment, producing faster bone resorption and tooth movement.
Objective: To analyze anteroposterior soft tissue facial parameters for a sample of white Brazilian adults and to compare these measurements with the values proposed for white North American adults. Materials and Methods: Facial profile photographs were taken of 59 white Brazilians (30 men and 29 women) with normal occlusions and balanced faces with ages ranging from 18 to 30 years. The independent Student's t-test (P < .05) was used to compare the soft tissue parameters of the Brazilians with those of the North Americans. Results: White Brazilian women presented a less protruded face compared with white American women except for the glabella region. White Brazilian women showed a smaller nasal projection, less protruded upper and lower lips, a more obtuse nasolabial angle, and a smaller projection of the B' point and chin than white American women. Conversely, the two male groups demonstrated less evident soft tissue profile differences, with the exception of the nose projection, which was smaller in white Brazilian men than in white American men. Conclusions: A universal standard of facial esthetic is not applicable to diverse white populations. Differences regarding the soft tissue profile features were found between white Brazilians and white Americans. These differences should be considered in the orthodontic/orthognathic surgery diagnosis and treatment plan for white Brazilians together with the patient's individual opinion and perception of beauty.
Objective: To describe the ultrastructure of the interface between periodontal tissues and titanium mini-implants in rat mandibles. Materials and Methods: A titanium mini-implant was placed between the buccal roots of the mandibular first molar of 24 adult rats. After 21, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 days of implantation, the mandibular portion was removed and fixed in cacodylate-buffered 2% glutaraldehyde + 2.5% formaldehyde. The material was decalcified and processed for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Results: Ultrastructural analysis revealed a thin cementum-like layer at longer times after implantation at the areas in which the periodontal ligament was in contact with the implant. Conclusions: The alveolar bone and the periodontal ligament reorganized their constituents around the implant, and a thin cementum-like layer was formed at longer times after implantation at the areas in which the periodontal ligament was in contact with the implant. (Angle Orthod. 2010;80:459-435.)
Objective: To verify the relationship between maxillary and mandibular effective lengths and dental crowding in patients with Class II malocclusions. Materials and Methods: The sample comprised 80 orthodontic patients with complete Class II malocclusions in the permanent dentition (47 male, 33 female) who were divided into two groups according to the amount of mandibular tooth-arch size discrepancy. The maxillary and mandibular effective lengths (Co-A and Co-Gn) and tooth-arch size discrepancies were measured on the initial cephalograms and dental casts, respectively. Intergroup comparisons of apical base lengths were performed with independent t-tests. Correlation between base length and dental crowding was examined by means of Pearson's correlation coefficient (P < .05). Results: Patients with Class II malocclusion and moderate to severe crowding had significantly smaller maxillary and mandibular effective lengths than subjects with the same malocclusion and slight mandibular crowding. A weak inverse correlation was also found between maxillary and mandibular effective lengths and the severity of dental crowding. Conclusion: Decreased maxillary and mandibular effective lengths constitute an important factor associated with dental crowding in patients with complete Class II malocclusion. (Angle Orthod. 2011;81:217-221.)
Objective: To evaluate treatment changes and quality of finishing occlusion in Class I patients treated with four premolar extractions. Material and Methods: Dental casts of 94 subjects (50 males and 44 females) were evaluated. Mean pretreatment age was 13.46 years, and mean treatment time was 2.09 years. The peer assessment rating (PAR) index was obtained from pretreatment and posttreatment dental casts. Results: The mean pretreatment PAR index of 29.46 was reduced to 6.32 at posttreatment stage, achieving a reduction of 78.54% with treatment. There was correlation between the initial PAR and correction during treatment, that is, the more severe the malocclusion the greater the treatment changes. Conclusion: The cases evaluated showed a high-standard orthodontic finishing.
Objective: To determine if the magnitude of the force used to induce incisor tooth movement promotes distinct activation in cells in the central amygdala (CEA) and lateral hypothalamus (LH) of rats. Also, the effect of morphine on Fos immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) was investigated in these nuclei. Materials and Methods: Adult male rats were anesthetized and divided into six groups: only anesthetized (control), without orthodontic appliance (OA), OA but without force, OA activated with 30g or 70g, OA with 70g in animals pretreated with morphine (2 mg/kg, intraperitoneal). Three hours after the onset of the experiment the rats were reanesthetized and perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde. The brains were removed and fixed, and sections containing CEA and LH were processed for Fos protein immunohistochemistry. Results: The results show that in the control group, the intramuscular injection of a ketamine/xylazine mixture did not induce Fos-IR cells in the CEA or in the LH. Again, the without force group showed a little Fos-IR. However, in the 70g group the Fos-IR was the biggest observed (P < .05, Tukey) in the CEA and LH compared with the other groups. In the 30g group, the Fos-IR did not differ from the control group, the without OA group, and the without force group. Furthermore, pretreatment with morphine in the 70g group reduced Fos-IR in these regions. Conclusions: Tooth movement promotes Fos-IR in the CEA and LH according to the magnitude of the force applied. (Angle Orthod. 2010;80:111-115.)
Dental implant materials are required to enable good apposition of bone and soft tissues. They must show sufficient resistance to chemical, physical and biological stress in the oral cavity to achieve good long-term outcomes. A critical issue is the apposition of the soft tissues, as they have provided a quasi-physiological closure of oral cavity. The present experiment was performed to study the peri-implant tissue response to non-submerged (1-stage) implant installation procedures. Two different implants types (NobelBiocare, NobelReplace (R) Tapered Groovy 4.3 x 10 mm and Replace (R) Select Tapered TiU RP 4.3 x 10 mm) were inserted into the right and left sides of 8 domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) mandibles, between canines and premolars and immediately provided with a ceramic crown. Primary implant stability was determined using ressonance frequency analysis. Soft tissue parameters were assessed: sulcus depth (SDI) and junctional epithelium (JE). Following 70 days of healing, jaw sections were processed for histology and histomorphometric examination. Undecalcified histological sections demonstrated osseointegration with direct bone contact. The soft tissue parameters revealed no significant differences between the two implant types. The peri-implant soft tissues appear to behave similarly in both implant types.