99 resultados para liquid chromatography-tandem MS
A new and promising nitrosyl ruthenium complex, [Ru(NO)(bdqi-COOH)(terpy)](PF(6))(3), bdqi-COOH is 3,4-diiminebenzoic acid and terpy is 2,2`-terpyridine, has been synthesized as a NO donor agent. The procedure used for [Ru(NO)(bdqi-COOH)(terpy)](PF(6))(3) synthesis has, apparently, yielded the formation of two isomers in which the ligand bdqi-COOH appears to be coordinated in its reduced form (bdcat-COOH), which could have differences in their pharmacological properties. Therefore, it was intended to separate the two possible isomers by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and to characterize them by high resolution mass spectrometry (QTOF MS) and by magnetic nuclear resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The results obtained by MS showed that the ESI-MS mass spectra of both HPLC column fractions, e.g. peak 1 and peak 2, are essentially equal, showing that both isomers display nearly identical gas-phase behavior with clusters of isotopologue ions centered at m/z 573, m/z 543 and m/z 513. Regarding the NMR analysis, the results showed that the positional isomerism is located in the bdqi-COOH ligand. From the observed results it can be concluded that the synthesis procedure that has been used results in the formation of two [Ru(terpy)(bdqi-COOH)NO](PF(6))(3) isomers. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper describes a simple method for mercury speciation in seafood samples by LC-ICP-MS with a fast sample preparation procedure. Prior to analysis, mercury species were extracted from food samples with a solution containing mercaptoethanol, L-cysteine and HCl and sonication for 15 min. Separation of mercury species was accomplished in less than 5 min on a C8 reverse phase column with a mobile phase containing 0.05%-v/v mercaptoethanol, 0.4% m/v L-cysteine and 0.06 mol L(-1) ammonium acetate. The method detection limits were found to be 0.25, 0.20 and 0.1 ng g(-1) for inorganic mercury, ethylmercury and methylmercury, respectively. Method accuracy is traceable to Certified Reference Materials (DOLT-3 and DORM-3) from the National Research Council Canada (NRCC). With the proposed method there is a considerable reduction of the time of sample preparation. Finally, the method was applied for the speciation of mercury in seafood samples purchased from the Brazilian market. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigated the production of a hepatotoxic, cyclic heptapeptide, microcystin, by a filamentous branched cyanobacterium belonging to the order Stigonematales, genus Fischerella. The freshwater Fischerella sp. strain CENA161 was isolated from spring water in a small concrete dam in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and identified by combining a morphological description with 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Microcystin (MCYST) analysis performed using an ELISA assay on cultured cells gave positive results. High performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) analysis detected 33.6 mu g MCYST-LR per gram dry weight of cyanobacterial cells. Microcystin profile revealed by quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (Q-TOF-MS/MS) analysis confirmed the production of MCYST-LR. Furthermore, genomic DNA was analyzed by PCR for sequences similar to the ketosynthase (KS) domain of the type I polyketide synthase gene, which is involved in microcystin biosynthesis. This revealed the presence of a KS nucleotide fragment similar to the mcyD and ndaD genes of the microcystin and nodularin synthetase complexes. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the Fischerella KS sequence together with mcyD sequences of the three known microcystin synthetase operon (Microcystis, Planktothrix and Anabaena) and ndaD of the nodularin synthetase operon, with 100% bootstrap support. Our findings demonstrate that Fischerella sp. CENA161 produces MYCST-LR and for the first time identify a nucleotide sequence putatively involved in microcystin synthesis in this genus. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previous studies have demonstrated that the pharmacological activities displayed by Bothrops jararaca venom undergo a significant ontogenetic shift. Variation in the venom proteome is a well-documented phenomenon; however, variation in the venom peptidome is poorly understood. We report a comparative proteomic and peptidomic analysis of venoms from newborn and adult specimens of B. jararaca and correlate it with the evaluation of important venom features. We demonstrate that newborn and adult venoms have similar hemorrhagic activities, while the adult venom has a slightly higher lethal activity in mice; however, the newborn venom is extremely more potent to kill chicks. The coagulant activity of newborn venom upon human plasma is 10 times higher than that of adult venom. These differences were clearly reflected in their different profiles of SDS-PAGE, gelatin zimography, immunostaining using specific antibodies, glycosylation pattern, and concanavalin A-binding proteins. Furthermore, we report for the first time the analysis of the peptide fraction of newborn and adult venoms by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and LC-MS/MS, which revealed different contents of peptides, while the bradykinin potentiating peptides (BPPs) showed rather similar profiles and were detected in the venoms showing their canonical sequences and also novel sequences corresponding to BPPs processed from their precursor protein at sites so far not described. As a result of these studies, we demonstrated that the ontogenetic shift in diet, from ectothermic prey in early life to endothermic prey in adulthood, and in animal size are associated with changes in the venom proteome in B. jararaca species.
Objective: To assess the comparative bioavailability of two formulations (250 mg/5 mL suspension) of cefuroxime axetil (CAS 64544-07-6), administered with food, in healthy volunteers of both sexes. Methods: The study was conducted using an open, randomized, two-period crossover design with a 1-week washout interval. Plasma samples were obtained for up to 12 h post dose. Plasma cefuroxime axetil concentrations were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) with negative ion electrospray ionization using multiple reactions monitoring (MRM). From the cefuroxime axetil plasma concentration vs. time curves, the following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained: AUC(last) and C(max). Results: The limit of quantification was 0.1 mu g/mL for plasma cefuroxime axetil analysis. The geometric mean and 90% confidence interval CI of test/reference product percent ratios were: 106.1% (100.8%-111.8%) for C(max), 109.4% (104.8%-114.2%) for AUC(last). Conclusion: Since the 90% Cl for AUC(last) and C(max) ratios were within the 80-125 % interval proposed by the US FDA, it was concluded that cefuroxime axetil (test formulation, 250 mg/5 mL suspension) was bioequivalent to a reference formulation under fed conditions, for both the rate and extent of absorption.
Objective: To assess the bioequivalence of three ibuprofen formulations (Test formulation: ibuprofen (400 mg capsule) manufactured by Cardinal Health Brasil 402 Ltda. (Sorocaba, Brazil) and licensed to Boehringer Ingelheim do Brasil Quim. e Farm. Ltda. (Sao Paulo, Brazil); Reference formulation (1): ibuprofen (Advil (R); 2 x 200 mg coated tablet) from Wyeth-Whitehall Ltda. (Itapevi, Brazil); Reference formulation (2): ibuprofen (Alivium (R); 8 ml x 50 mg/ml solution) from Schering Plough S.A. (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)) in 24 healthy volunteers of both sexes. Methods: The study was conducted using an open, randomized, three-period crossover design with at least 5-day washout interval. Plasma samples were obtained over a 24-h period. Plasma ibuprofen concentrations were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with negative ion electrospray ionization using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained from the ibuprofen plasma concentration vs. time curves: AUC(last), AUC(trunctmax) AUC(inf) and C-max. Results: The limit of quantification for ibuprofen was 0.1 mu g x ml(-1). The geometric mean with corresponding 90% confidence interval (CI) for Test/Reference (1) percent ratios were 114.24% (90% CI = 105.67, 123.50%) for C-max, 98.97% (90% CI = 94.69, 103.44%) for AUC(last) and 99.40% (90% CI = 95.21, 103.78%) for AUCinf. The geometric mean and respective 90% confidence interval (CI) for Test/Reference (2) percent ratios were 108.38% (90% Cl = 100.195, 117.25%) for C-max, 100.79% (90% CI = 96.39, 105.40%) for AUC(last) and 101.26% (90% CI = 96.94, 105.77%) for AUC(inf); t(max) for the 400 mg Test capsule was shorter than that for the 2 x 200 mg Reference (1) tablets (p < 0.002). Conclusion: Since the 90% CI for AUC(last), AUC(inf) and C-max ratios were within the 80 - 125% interval proposed by the US FDA, it was concluded that ibuprofen formulation manufactured by Cardinal Health Brasil 402 Ltda. and licensed to Boehringer Ingelheim do Brasil Quim. e Farm. Ltda. is bioequivalent to the Advil (R) and Alivium (R) formulations with regard to both the rate and the extent of absorption.
Ultraviolet radiation is one of the most deleterious forms of radiation to terrestrial organisms and is involved in formation of mutagenic pyrimidine dimers and oxidized nucleotides. The biflavonoid fraction (BFF), extracted from needles of Araucaria angustifolia was capable of protecting calf thymus DNA from damage induced by UV radiation. This occurred through prevention of cyclobutane thymine dimer and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2`-deoxyguanosine formation, this being quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) in a multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) and by HPLC-coulometric detection, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oxidation of cholesterol (Ch) by a variety of reactive oxygen species gives rise mainly to hydroperoxides and aldehydes. Despite the growing interest in Ch-oxidized products, the detection and characterization of these products is still a matter of concern. In this work, the main Ch-oxidized products, namely, 3 beta-hydroxycholest-5-ene-7 alpha-hydroperoxide (7 alpha-OOH), 3 beta-5 alpha-cholest-6-ene-5-hydroperoxide (5 alpha-OOH), 3 beta-hydroxycholest-4-ene-6 alpha-hydroperoxide (6 alpha-OOH), 3 beta-hydroxycholest-4-ene-6 beta-hydroperoxide (6 beta-OOH), and 3 beta-hydroxy-5 beta-hydroxy-B-norcholestane-6 beta-carboxaldehyde (ChAld), were detected in the same analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to dopant assisted atmospheric pressure photoionization tandem mass spectrometry. The use of selected reaction monitoring mode (SRM) allowed a sensitive detection of each oxidized product, while the enhanced product ion mode (EPI) helped to improve the confidence of the analyses. Isotopic labeling experiments enabled one to elucidate mechanistic features during fragmentation processes. The characteristic fragmentation pattern of Ch-oxidized products is the consecutive loss of 1120 molecules, yielding cationic fragments at m/z 401, 383, and 365. Homolytic scissions of the peroxide bond are also seen. With (18)O-labeling approach, it was possible to establish a fragmentation order for each isomer. The SRM transitions ratio along with EPI and (18)O-labeled experiments give detailed information about differences for water elimination, allowing a proper discrimination between the isomers:Phis is of special interest considering the emerging role of Ch-oxidized products in the development of diseases.
in this work, a simple method for the simultaneous determination of cocaine (COC) and five COC metabolites (benzoylecgonine, cocaethylene (CET), anhydroecgonine, anhydroecgonine methyl ester and ecgonine methyl ester) in human urine using CE coupled to MS via electrospray ionization (CE-ESI-MS) was developed and validated. Formic acid at 1 mol/L concentration was used as electrolyte whereas formic acid at 0.05 mol/L concentration in 1:1 methanol:water composed the coaxial sheath liquid at the ESI nozzle. The developed method presented good linearity in the dynamic range from 250 ng/mL to 5000 ng/mL (coefficient of determination greater than 0.98 for all compounds). LODs (signal-to-noise ratio of 3) were 100 ng/mL for COC and CET and 250 ng/mL for the other studied metabolites whereas LOQ`s (signal-to-noise ratio of 10) were 250 ng/mL for COC and CET and 500 ng/mL for all other compounds. Intra-day precision and recovery tests estimated at three different concentration levels (500, 1500 and 5000 ng/mL) provided RSD lower than 10% (except anhydroecgonine, 18% RSD) and recoveries from 83-109% for all analytes. The method was successfully applied to real cases. For the positive urine samples, the presence of COC and its` metabolites was further confirmed by MS/MS experiments.
This article presents a method employing stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) with in situ derivatization, in combination with either thermal or liquid desorption on-line coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the analysis of fluoxetine in plasma samples. Ethyl chloroformate was employed as derivatizing agent producing symmetrical peaks. Parameters such as solvent polarity, time for analyte desorption, and extraction time, were evaluated. During the validation process, the developed method presented specificity, linearity (R-2 > 0.99), precision (R.S.D. < 15%), and limits of quantification (LOQ) of 30 and 1.37 pg mL(-1), when liquid and thermal desorption were employed, respectively. This simple and highly sensitive method showed to be adequate for the measurement-of fluoxetine in typical and trace concentration levels. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Brazilian propolis type 6 (Atlantic forest, Bahia) is distinct from the other types of propolis especially due to absence of flavonoids and presence of other non-polar, long chain compounds, but presenting good in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity. Several authors have suggested that fatty acids found in this propolis might be responsible for its antimicrobial activity; however, so far no evidence concerning this finding has been reported in the literature. The goals of this study were to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the main pure fatty acids in the ethanolic extract and fractions and elucidate the chemical nature of the bioactive compounds isolated from Brazilian propolis type 6. Methods: Brazilian propolis type 6 ethanolic extract (EEP), hexane fraction (H-Fr), major fatty acids, and isolated sub-fractions were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), high resolution gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (HRGC-FID), and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Three sub-fractions of H-Fr were obtained through preparative HPLC. Antimicrobial activity of EEP, H-Fr, sub-fractions, and fatty acids were tested against Staphyloccus aureus ATCC 25923 and Streptococcus mutans Ingbritt 1600 using minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). Results: EEP and H-Fr inhibited the growth of the microorganisms tested; nevertheless, no antimicrobial activity was found for the major fatty acids. The three sub-fractions (1, 2, and 3) were isolated from H-Fr by preparative HPLC and only sub-fraction 1 showed antimicrobial activity. Conclusion: a) The major fatty acids tested were not responsible for the antimicrobial activity of propolis type 6; b) Sub-fraction 1, belonging to the benzophenone class, was responsible for the antimicrobial activity observed in the present study. The identification of the bioactive compound will improve the development of more efficient uses of this natural product.
Cultivar, growing conditions and geographical origin are factors that influence the carotenoid composition in fruits. Because the loquat cultivars evaluated in this study, CentenAria, Mizauto, Mizuho, Mizumo and Nectar de Cristal, have not previously been investigated, the present work was carried out to determine and compare the carotenoid composition of these five loquat cultivars, by applying high-performance liquid chromatography connected to a photodiode array and mass spectrometry detectors (HPLC-PDA-MS/MS). Twenty-five carotenoids were separated on a C(30) column, and 23 of them were identified. All-trans-beta-carotene (19-55%), all-trans-beta-cryptoxanthin (18-28%), 5,6:5`,6`-diepoxy-beta-cryptoxantilin (9-18%) and 5,6-epoxy-beta-cryptoxanthin (7-10%) were the main carotenoids. The total carotenoid content ranged from 196 mu g/100 g (cv. Nectar de Cristal) to 3020 mu g/100 g (CV. Mizumo). The carotenoid profile of cv. Nectar de Cristal was different from the other cultivars, which was in agreement with its cream pulp colour, in contrast to the other four cultivars with orange pulp colour. Cultivars Mizauto, Mizuho, Mizumo and CentenAria showed provitamin A values between 89 and 162 mu g RAE/100 g, and can be considered good source of this provitamin. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The present work aimed the study of phenolic acids composition in apple pomace of Gala and Fuji cultivars. Phenolic acids were fractionated in phenolic acids, esterified and insoluble and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Sixteen phenolic acids were identified in apple pomace samples. Total phenolic acids in apple pomace from Gala and Fuji cultivars were, in dry weight, 93.94 mg/g and 68.38 mg/g, respectively. Content of free phenolic acids in apple pomace from Gala cultivar was 29.11 mg/g and the following acids were identified: salicylic, protocatequinic, quinic, p-coumaric, gallic, propylgallate and synapic. Content of free phenolic acids in apple pomace from Fuji cultivar was 16.03 mg/g and the following acids were identified: salicylic, protocatequinic, gallic, ferulic and sinapic. Salicylic was the predominant free phenolic acids found in both cultivars, consisting of 91.67% and 63.57% of the free phenolic acids in Gala and Fuji cultivars, respectively. Chlorogenic acid (1.147 mg/g) was found only in apple pomace from Fuji cultivar. Content of esterified phenolic acids in apple pomace from Gala and Fuji cultivars were 53.75 mg/g and 48.29 mg/g, respectively. It was verified that the predominant esterified phenolic acid in pomace from apple Gala is derived from salicylic acid (52.76 mg/g). Acids derived from gallic acid (0.175 mg/g), propylgallate acid (0.198 mg/g), ferulic acid (0.159 mg/g) and sinapic acid (0.140 mg/g) were also found in Gala cultivar. Regarding to pomace from cultivar Fuji, the main esterified phenolic acid found is also derived from salicylic acid (47.42 mg/g) followed by gallic acid (0.270 mg/g), benzoic acid (0.194 mg/g) and sinapic acid (0.115 mg/g). Content of insoluble phenolic acids in apple pomace from Gala and Fugi cultivars were, in dry weight, 11.08 mg/g and 4.05 mg/g, respectively Insoluble phenolic acids derived from salicylic acid were found in higher concentrations in apple pomace from both cultivars.
The acute poisoning of chronic renal patients during hemodialysis sessions in 1996 in Caruaru City (Pernambuco State, Brazil) stimulated an intensive search for the cause of this severe complication. This search culminated in the identification of microcystins (MC), hepatotoxic cyclic heptapeptides produced by cyanobacteria, as the causative agents. More than ten years later, additional research data provides us with a better understanding of the factors related to cyanobacterial bloom occurrence and production of MC in Brazil and other South American countries. The contamination of water bodies and formation of toxic blooms remains a very serious concern, especially in countries in which surface water is used as the main source for human consumption. The purpose of this review is to highlight the discoveries of the past 15 years that have brought South American researchers to their current level of understanding of toxic cyanobacteria species and that have contributed to their knowledge of factors related to MC production, mechanisms of action and consequences for human health and the environment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A novel microemulsion electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEEKC) method has been developed which separates a range of nine steroids. A microemulsion containing ethyl acetate, butan-1-ol, sodium dodecyl sulfate, 15% (v/v) acetonitrile and 12 mmol L(-1) sodium tetraborate aqueous buffer at pH 9.2 was used with direct UV detection at 200 nm. The method was validated for the determination of 17 beta-estradiol content, a hormone steroid, in transdermal patches. Adequate sensitivity (DL = 0.88 mu g mL(-1); QL = 2.65 mu g mL(-1)) without interference from sample excipients was obtained. 17 beta-Estradiol migrates in approximately 5.4 min. Estrone was used as internal standard and acceptable precision (< 1.2% RSD), linearity (r = 0.9996; range from 40.0 to 60.0 mu g mL(-1)), and recovery (100.4 +/- A 0.9% at three concentration levels) were obtained. The principal advantage of the method is that it is rapid and avoids the need of time consuming and expensive sample pre-treatment steps.