97 resultados para Yellow card


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The leaders` organizations of several different sectors have as characteristic to measure their own performance in a systematic way. However, this concept is still unusual in agricultural enterprises, including the mechanization sector. Mechanization has an important role on the production costs and to know its performance is a key factor for the agricultural enterprise success. This work was generated by the importance that measurement of performance has for the management and the mechanization impact on the production costs. Its aim is to propose an integrated performance measurement system to give support to agricultural management. The methodology was divided in two steps: adjustment of a conceptual model based on Balanced Score Card - BSC; application of the model in a study case at sugar cane mill. The adjustment and the application of the conceptual model allowed to obtain the performance index in a systematic way, that are associated to: costs and deadline ( traditionally used); control and improvement on the quality of operations and support process; environmental preservation; safety; health; employees satisfaction; development of information systems. The adjusted model helped the development of the performance measurement system for the mechanized management systems and the index allows an integrated view of the enterprise, related to its strategic objectives.


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Two surveys (2005/2006 and 2009) were conducted in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, to investigate the incidence of `Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus` and `Ca. L. americanus`, two liberibacters associated with citrus huanglongbing (HLB) disease and both transmitted by Diaphorina citri, in orange jasmine (Murraya exotica), a widespread ornamental tree in cities and villages. The graft-transmissibility of the two species, and their DNA relatedness to citrus-associated liberibacters, were also investigated. Quantitative PCR was applied to PCR-positive orange jasmine and HLB-positive citrus growing in backyards and orchards to assess their inoculum source potentials. Liberibacters were detected in 91 of 786 sampled orange jasmine plants in 10 of 76 sampled locations. PCR-positive trees exhibited yellow shoots and/or dieback symptoms indistinguishable from those on PCR-negative trees. `Candidatus Liberibacter americanus` was more common in 2005/2006 (96 center dot 6%) and `Ca. L. asiaticus` in 2009 (84 center dot 8%). rplJ nucleotide sequences were identical within all populations of either species. Graft transmission succeeded only in homologous host combinations, including `Ca. L. americanus` (2/10) from/to orange jasmine and `Ca. L. americanus` (5/18) and `Ca. L. asiaticus` (5/9) from/to citrus. Symptoms were mild and developed less rapidly in orange jasmine than in citrus, probably as a result of lower liberibacter multiplication rates. Respective titres of `Ca. L. americanus` and `Ca. L. asiaticus` in orange jasmine averaged 4 center dot 3 and 3 center dot 0 log cells g-1 tissue, compared with 5 center dot 5 and 7 center dot 3 in citrus. The results indicate that orange jasmine does not favour liberibacter multiplication as much as citrus. However, its importance in HLB epidemics should not be underestimated as it is a preferred host of D. citri and is not under any strict tree-eradication programme or measures for insect control.


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Nicandra physaloides, a common weed in South America, was found to be infected by an isolate of Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV), a bipartite begomovirus. The plants developed severe yellow rugose mosaic and were collected in So Paulo State, Brazil. This isolate of ToSRV was transmitted by Bemisia tabaci B biotype from infected plants of N. physaloides to healthy plants of N. physaloides and tomato in a glasshouse. This is the first report of natural infection of N. physaloides by ToSRV in Brazil.


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Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae causes bacterial spot in passion fruit. It attacks the purple and yellow passion fruit as well as the sweet passion fruit. The diversity of 87 isolates of pv. passiflorae collected from across 22 fruit orchards in Brazil was evaluated using molecular profiles and statistical procedures, including an unweighted pair-group method with arithmetical averages-based dendrogram, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), and an assigning test that provides information on genetic structure at the population level. Isolates from another eight pathovars were included in the molecular analyses and all were shown to have a distinct repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction profile. Amplified fragment length polymorphism technique revealed considerable diversity among isolates of pv. passiflorae, and AMOVA showed that most of the variance (49.4%) was due to differences between localities. Cluster analysis revealed that most genotypic clusters were homogeneous and that variance was associated primarily with geographic origin. The disease adversely affects fruit production and may kill infected plants. A method for rapid diagnosis of the pathogen, even before the disease symptoms become evident, has value for producers. Here, a set of primers (Xapas) was designed by exploiting a single-nucleotide polymorphism between the sequences of the intergenic 16S-23S rRNA spacer region of the pathovars. Xapas was shown to effectively detect all pv. passiflorae isolates and is recommended for disease diagnosis in passion fruit orchards.


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The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effects of ethylene action blockade and cold storage on the ripening of `Golden` papaya fruit. Papayas harvested at maturity stage 1 (up to 15% yellow skin) were evaluated. Half of the fruits, whether treated or not treated with 100 nL L(-1) of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), were stored at 23A degrees C, while the other half were stored at 11A degrees C for 20 days prior to being stored at 23A degrees C. Non-refrigerated fruits receiving 1-MCP application presented a reduction in respiratory activity, ethylene production, skin color development and pectinmethylesterase activity. Even with a gradual increase in ethylene production at 23A degrees C, fruits treated with 1-MCP maintained a high firmness, but presented a loss of green skin color. Cold storage caused a decrease in ethylene production when fruits were transferred to 23A degrees C. The results suggest that pulp softening is more dependent on ethylene than skin color development, and that some processes responsible for loss of firmness do not depend on ethylene.


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P>Yellow and sweet passion fruit are insect-pollinated species native to the tropics. Fruits are used commercially for human consumption worldwide. The yellow passion fruit is an outcrossing species with self-incompatible flowers. However, the reproductive system of the sweet passion fruit (Passiflora alata) has not been well elucidated. The objective of this work was to characterize aspects of the mating system in the sweet passion fruit using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite markers, particularly the rate of outcrossing in P. alata progenies. A multilocus outcrossing rate of t(m) = 0.994 was determined from RAPD and t(m) = 0.940 from microsatellites, supporting P. alata as an outcrossing species. The fixation indices of the maternal generation (F(m)) were -0.200 and 0.071 with RAPD and microsatellite loci, respectively, indicating the absence of inbreeding in the maternal generation. The paternity correlation (r(p)) varied from -0.008 with RAPD markers to 0.208 with microsatellite markers, suggesting a low probability of finding full sibs within the progenies. The results demonstrated that all progenies assessed in this study were derived from outcrossing.


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P>Curcuma longa L. is a sterile, triploid, vegetatively-propagated crop cultivated mainly in Southeast Asia. When dried rhizomes are ground, the resulting yellow powder is used by the food industry as a natural food dye. Moreover, many pharmacological compounds have broadened the commercial application of the crop. However, conventional breeding is difficult and hence, improvement has been limited to germplasm selection. To better utilize the germplasm collections and facilitate genotype selection, a total of 17 polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed using a CT/GT/CTT enriched genomic library. All microsatellites resulted in amplified PCR products, showing a banding pattern of 2-11 polymorphic bands per locus, enabling genotype discrimination. These results can be used in further studies aimed at characterizing C. longa genetic resource collections and also to improve breeding strategies.


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Citrus sudden death (CSD) transmission was studied by graft-inoculation and under natural conditions. Young sweet orange trees on Rangpur rootstock were used as indicator plants. They were examined regularly for one or two characteristic markers of CSD: (i) presence of a yellow-stained layer of thickened bark on the Rangpur rootstock, and (ii) infection with the CSD-associated marafivirus. Based on these two markers, transmission of CSD was obtained, not only when budwood for graft-inoculation was taken from symptomatic, sweet orange trees on Rangpur, but also when the budwood sources were asymptomatic sweet orange trees on Cleopatra mandarin, indicating that the latter trees are symptomless carriers of the CSD agent. For natural transmission, 80 young indicator plants were planted within a citrus plot severely affected by CSD. Individual insect-proof cages were built around 40 indicator plants, and the other 40 indicator plants remained uncaged. Only two of the 40 caged indicator plants were affected by CSD, whereas 17 uncaged indicator plants showed CSD symptoms and were infected with the marafivirus. An additional 12 uncaged indicator plants became severely affected with citrus variegated chlorosis and were removed. These results strongly suggest that under natural conditions, CSD is transmitted by an aerial vector, such as an insect, and that the cages protected the trees against infection by the vector.


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A Carica papaya plant with severe yellow leaf mosaic, leaf distortion, and systemic necrosis was found in the municipality of Piracicaba, state of So Paulo, Brazil. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed the presence of potyvirus-like particles and bacilliform particles similar to those of the Alfamovirus genus. The potyvirus was identified as Papaya ringspot virus-type P (PRSV-P). Biological, serological, and molecular studies confirmed the bacilliform virus as an isolate of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV). Partial nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the coat protein gene of this AMV isolate shared 97-98% identity with the AMV isolates in the GenBank database. This report is the first of the natural infection of papaya plants by AMV.


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The effects of different cooking conditions such as soaking, atmospheric (100 degrees C) or pressure boiling (121 degrees C), and draining of cooking water following thermal treatment on phenolic compounds and the DPPH radical scavenging capacity from two selected Brazilian bean cultivars (black and yellow-brown seed coat color) were investigated using a factorial design (2(3)). Factors that significantly reduced the total phenolic contents and antioxidant capacity in both cultivars were the soaking and draining stage. Independent of cooking temperature, total phenolics and antioxidant capacities were enhanced in treatments without soaking and where cooking water was not discarded, and this was likely linked to an increase of specific phenolic compounds detected by high performance liquid chromatography such as flavonols and free phenolic acids in both cultivars. Cooking of beans either at 100 or 121 degrees C, without a soaking stage and keeping the cooking water, would be recommendable for retaining antioxidant phenolic compounds.


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BACKGROUND: The interaction between lipoxygenase-active soybean flour (LOX) and ascorbic acid (AA), on colour, rheological and sensory properties of wheat bread was studied with the aim of reducing the applied quantity of additives in bread formulations. RESULTS: The ascorbic acid (0-500 ppm) and active soybean flour (0-1%) mixture improved bread-crumb colour by lowering the yellow hue in a higher proportion than those expressed by the components alone, characterising a synergistic mechanism ((y) over cap (b) = 15.1- (1.7 x LOX) - (0.5 x AA) - (5.8 x LOX x AA), where : (y) over cap (b) represent the estimated value for the yellow hue parameter). No differences in flavour and porosity were seen between the samples. As supported by the instrumental methods, breads made with active soybean flour and ascorbic acid (LOX + AA) had whiter crumbs and were softer and springier than controls as assessed by a trained sensory panel. In summary, the combination of both active soybean flour and ascorbic acid showed synergism, promoting a greater bleaching effect than when used alone. CONCLUSION: These results suggest the potential use of active soybean flour as a synergistic ingredient in the substitution of artificial additives in bread making. Since the interaction on the bleaching response was not linear and active soybean flour showed a higher iron concentration (66.40 +/- 4.23 mu g g(-1)) than non-active soybean flour (52.30 +/- 0.40 mu g g(-1)), more studies are warranted to establish the biochemical mechanisms involved in this interaction. (c) 2007 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Fluorescent proteins from the green fluorescent protein family strongly interact with CdSe/ZnS and ZnSe/ZnS nanocrystals at neutral pH. Green emitting CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals and red emitting fluorescent protein dTomato constitute a 72% efficiency FRET system with the largest alteration of the overall photoluminescence profile, following complex formation, observed so far. The substitution of ZnSe/ZnS for CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals as energy donors enabled the use of a green fluorescent protein, GFP5, as energy acceptor. Violet emitting ZnSe/ZnS nanocrystals and green GFP5 constitute a system with 43% FRET efficiency and an unusually strong sensitized emission. ZnSe/ZnS-GFP5 provides a cadmium-free, high-contrast FRET system that covers only the high-energy part of the visible spectrum, leaving room for simultaneous use of the yellow and red color channels. Anisotropic fluorescence measurements confirmed the depolarization of GFP5 sensitized emission.


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Background and purpose: The effects of centrally administered cannabinoids on body core temperature (Tc) and the contribution of endogenous cannabinoids to thermoregulation and fever induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Sigma Chem. Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) were investigated. Experimental approach: Drug-induced changes in Tc of male Wistar rats were recorded over 6 h using a thermistor probe (Yellow Springs Instruments 402, Dayton, OH, USA) inserted into the rectum. Key results: Injection of anandamide [(arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA); Tocris, Ellisville, MO, USA], 0.01-1 mu g i.c.v. or 0.1-100 ng intra-hypothalamic (i.h.), induced graded increases in Tc (peaks 1.5 and 1.6 degrees C at 4 h after 1 mu g i.c.v. or 10 ng i.h.). The effect of AEA (1 mu g, i.c.v.) was preceded by decreases in tail skin temperature and heat loss index (values at 1.5 h: vehicle 0.62, AEA 0.48). Bell-shaped curves were obtained for the increase in Tc induced by the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor [3-(3-carbamoylphenyl)phenyl] N-cyclohexylcarbamate (Cayman Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, MI, USA) (0.001-1 ng i.c.v.; peak 1.9 degrees C at 5 h after 0.1 ng) and arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide (ACEA; Tocris) (selective CB(1) agonist; 0.001-1 mu g i.c.v.; peak 1.4 degrees C 5 h after 0.01 mu g), but (R,S)-(+)-(2-Iodo-5-nitrobenzoyl)-[1-(1-methyl-piperidin-2-ylmethyl)-1H-indole-3-yl] methanone (Tocris) (selective CB(2) agonist) had no effect on Tc. AEA-induced fever was unaffected by i.c.v. pretreatment with 6-Iodo-2-methyl-1-[2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl]-1H-indole-3-yl](4-methoxyphenyl) methanone (Tocris) (selective CB(2) antagonist), but reduced by i.c.v. pretreatment with N-(piperidin-1-yl)-5-(4-iodophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide (AM251; Tocris) (selective CB(1) antagonist). AM251 also reduced the fever induced by ACEA or LPS. Conclusions and implications: The endogenous cannabinoid AEA induces an integrated febrile response through activation of CB(1) receptors. Endocannabinoids participate in the development of the febrile response to LPS constituting a target for antipyretic therapy.


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Red yeast rice is a pigmented material that is traditionally used in Asia as a food colorant. In addition to food applications, red yeast rice is known in traditional Chinese medicine for its therapeutic actions. The aim of this work was to study the quality interactions during spray drying of extracts from the Monascus ruber van Tiegham fermentation broth. The quality indicators used for the dry powder properties were the levels of monacolin K, ratio of red to yellow pigments, as well as their antioxidant activity. The experiments followed a Box-Behnken design to study the effects of the adjuvant/drug ratio, adjuvant incorporation time, and oulet drying temperature on the pharmacotechnical, chemical, and biological properties of the dry extract. The influences of these factors on the characteristics of the dry powder were evaluated by the bulk density, tapped density, Carr index, Hausner factor, residual moisture content, water activity, antioxidant activity, monacolin K, yellow-to-red pigment ratio, and antioxidant activity. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) on experimental data revealed that an increase in drying temperature significantly increased the dry powder yield and caused an improvement in powder flow properties, which may be related to lower moisture contents. The drying temperature did not affect the monacolin K content in dry powder but showed a complex influence on its antioxidant activity. The increase in drying adjuvant-to-drug ratio affected the yield and also indicated a protective effect on the monacolin K content. The duration of drying adjuvant incorporation had little or negligible effect on powder properties. The dry extracts of red yeast rice showed adequate properties and the process proposed herein can be used to prepare nutraceutical products.


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Antimicrobial photodynamic treatment (PDT) is a promising method that can be used to control localized mycoses or kill fungi in the environment. A major objective of the current study was to compare the conidial photosensitization of two fungal species (Metarhizium anisopliae and Aspergillus nidulans) with methylene blue (MB) and toluidine blue (TBO) under different incubation and light conditions. Parameters examined were media, photosensitizer (PS) concentration and light source. PDT with MB and TBO resulted in an incomplete inactivation of the conidia of both fungal species. Conidial inactivation reached up to 99.7%, but none of the treatments was sufficient to achieve a 100% fungicidal effect using either MB or TBO. PDT delayed the germination of the surviving conidia. Washing the conidia to remove unbound PS before light exposure drastically reduced the photosensitization of A. nidulans. The reduction was much smaller in M. anisopliae conidia, indicating that the conidia of the two species interact differently with MB and TBO. Conidia of green and yellow M. anisopliae mutants were less affected by PDT than mutants with white and violet conidia. In contrast to what occurred in PBS, photosensitization of M. anisopliae and A. nidulans conidia was not observed when PDT was performed in potato dextrose media.