199 resultados para Ranked Regression
We assessed the inequality in the distribution of dental caries and the association between indicators of socioeconomic status and caries experience in a representative sample of schoolchildren. This study followed a cross-sectional design, with a sample of 792 schoolchildren aged 12 years, representative of this age group in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Guardians answered questions on socioeconomic status and a dental examination provided information on the dental caries experience (DMF-T). Inequality in dental caries distribution was measured by the Gini coefficient and the Significant Caries Index (SiC). The assessment of association used Poisson regression models. Socioeconomic factors were associated with prevalence of dental caries for the whole sample and also for individuals with a high-caries level. Children from low-income households had the highest prevalence of dental caries. The Gini coefficient was 0.7 and the SiC Index 2.5. The percentage of caries prevalence was 39.3% (95% CI: 35.8%-42.8%) and the mean for DMF-T was 0.9 (± SD 1.5). Inequalities in the distribution of dental caries were observed and socioeconomic factors were found to be strong predictors of the prevalence of oral disease in children of this age group.
The objective of this study was to compare the completion rates and performance of the Brazilian version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP14) when applied as an interview or in its original self-reported form. A convenience sample of 74 adult patients was selected in a Dental Clinic (University of Araras, Brazil). One examiner administered the instrument in both formats to participants with an interval of 2 weeks between each administration. Data about dental health condition and socioeconomic status were collected and associated with total OHIP14 scores in both formats using linear regression analyses. No differences were found in the total scores and in each subscale of the OHIP14 according to the form of administration. Higher values of completion were found in the interview format. More severe impacts were recorded in the interview format than in the questionnaire format. Higher values of total OHIP-14 scores in both formats were related to the presence of dental caries. Total OHIP14 scores were not influenced by the method of administration. However, the use of the OHIP14 in the questionnaire format may result in lower completion rates and loss of data.
Estimou-se a prevalência de dor nos dentes e gengivas e fatores associados em adolescentes brasileiros de 15 a 19 anos de idade. Foram utilizadas informações de 16.126 adolescentes participantes do levantamento epidemiológico nacional de saúde bucal - SB Brasil 2002-2003. O desfecho foi o relato de dor nos dentes e gengivas nos últimos seis meses. As variáveis exploratórias foram: renda per capita, escolaridade, condição de estudo, sexo, cor da pele, idade, localização geográfica da residência, tipo de serviço odontológico utilizado pela última vez, tempo decorrido da última consulta odontológica, índice CPO-D e seus componentes, cálculo dentário e o índice de estética dental. Foram realizadas análises brutas e múltiplas utilizando a regressão de Poisson. A prevalência da dor de dentes e gengivas foi de 35,6% (IC95%: 34,8-36,4). A prevalência de dor foi maior nas meninas, naqueles pertencentes a famílias com baixa renda per capita, nos não estudantes e estudantes de escola pública e naqueles com baixa escolaridade para a idade. Indivíduos que apresentaram altos níveis de cárie e cálculo dentário também apresentaram maiores prevalências do desfecho. A dor nos dentes e gengivas em adolescentes pode ser considerada um problema relevante em saúde pública sugerindo a necessidade de ações preventivas e de promoção da saúde.
Bottle feeding, increased overjet and Class 2 primary canine relationship: is there any association?
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between bottle feeding and prevalence rates of increased overjet and Class 2 primary canine relationship. The sample consisted of 911 children (461 boys, 450 girls) aged 3 (13.9%), 4 (40.8%), 5 (34%) and 6 (11.3%) years, with complete primary dentition. Information about nutritive and nonnutritive (pacifier and/or digit) sucking habits was collected through questionnaires. Three calibrated dentists (κ: 0.9-1.0 and Rs > 0.90) performed the clinical assessments. The children were divided into four groups: G1 - not bottle-fed; G2 - exclusively bottle-fed; G3 - breast- and bottle-fed, bottle feeding ceased before 3 years of age; and G4 - breast- and bottle-fed, bottle feeding ceased between 3 and 4 years of age. Associations between nutritive and nonnutritive sucking behaviors and the malocclusions studied were analyzed by multiple binary logistic regression (α= 0.05). The frequencies of increased overjet were: 25.3% (G1), 38.8% (G2), 39.2% (G3) and 47.8% (G4). The percentages of Class 2 canine relationship were: 27.9% (G1), 48.8% (G2), 43.4% (G3) and 43% (G4). No significant effect of bottle feeding was found. The chances of diagnosing increased overjet (O.R. = 4.42, p < 0.001) and Class 2 canine relationship (O.R. = 4.02, p < 0.001) were greater for children with pacifier and/or digit-sucking habits, compared to those without a history of nonnutritive sucking behavior. It may be suggested that bottle feeding alone is not directly associated with higher prevalence rates of increased overjet and Class 2 canine relationship in the primary dentition.
Avaliaram-se os efeitos do extrato de maracujá veiculado na dieta (0, 50, 100 e 200mg kg-1) sobre o consumo de alimento, o ganho em peso e os níveis de glicose e cortisol plasmático de juvenis de tilápias do Nilo (87,0±6,6g). Ao final do experimento (28 dias), os peixes foram eutanasiados para remoção do fígado, visando à avaliação da área citoplasmática, contagem de células e verificação dos estoques de glicogênio hepático. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA unidirecional, comparando-se as médias pelo Teste de Tukey (P<0,05), com posterior estudo de regressão, buscando estabelecer as curvas das áreas citoplasmáticas, em função das diferentes doses do extrato. A inclusão do extrato na dieta não afetou o consumo de alimento e o crescimento e todos os peixes apresentaram aumento da glicose e redução do cortisol plasmático, porém sem diferenças entre os tratamentos. As curvas de regressão indicaram aumento quadrático da área citoplasmática com a elevação da doses do extrato, principalmente para 100mg kg-1, resultando em uma curva dose-resposta em forma de "U" invertido. O aumento da área do citoplasma decorreu de um acúmulo de glicogênio hepático, conforme comprovado pela prova da amilase salivar. Concluiu-se que o extrato de maracujá pode ser fornecido na dieta de juvenis de tilápia, sem prejudicar o consumo alimentar e o crescimento dos animais e que o produto altera a morfometria dos hepatócitos, sugerindo a atividade de flavonóides sobre o metabolismo de carboidratos.
This study aimed at evaluating the thermal performance of a modular ceiling system for poultry houses. The reduced- and distorted-scale prototypes used ceiling modules made of reforested wood and were covered with recycled long-life package tiles. The following parameters were measured for 21 days: tile internal surface temperature (ST), globe temperature and humidity index (WBGT), and radiant heat load (RHL). Measurements were made at times of highest heat load (11:00 am, 13:00 pm, and 03:00 pm). Collected data were analyzed by "R" statistics software. Means were compared by multiple comparison test (Tukey) and linear regression was performed, both at 5% significance level. The results showed that the prototype with the ceiling was more efficient to reduce internal tile surface temperature; however, this was not sufficient to provide a comfortable environment for broilers during the growout. Therefore, other techniques to provide proper cooling are required in addition to the ceiling.
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da ingestão diária de quatro níveis de fósforo (8, 12, 15 e 18 g) sobre o metabolismo de macrominerais (P, Ca, Mg, Na, K e S), incluindo a ingestão, a concentração no rúmen, a taxa de passagem do líquido ruminal, a excreção nas fezes e a disponibilidade aparente. Utilizaram-se quatro bubalinos adultos com fístulas ruminais em delineamento quadrado latino (4 × 4) com dieta total constituída de cana-de-açúcar como volumoso (85%) e concentrado formulado com um dos níveis de fósforo. Os níveis de fósforo não ocasionaram diferença significativa na concentração mineral no rúmen de nenhum mineral estudado. A concentração média de fósforo no conteúdo ruminal foi de 0,98% na matéria seca, enquanto o teor de fósforo nas rações variou de 0,12 a 0,34%, comprovando alta reciclagem de fósforo pela saliva. Níveis crescentes de fósforo na dieta, variando de 8 a 18 g/animal/dia, não influenciam as disponibilidades de cálcio e magnésio. Com o nível de fósforo de 15 g/dia, houve melhor utilização do fósforo da dieta. A ingestão de níveis crescentes de fósforo em g/kg0,75 (X) promoveu aumento linear na excreção fecal desse mineral em g/kg0,75 (Y) e baixos valores de disponibilidade do fósforo, que pode ser estimado pela equação Y = 0,03 + 0,610X, o que indica deficiência desse elemento mineral na dieta para o metabolismo animal.
Compararam-se os efeitos de diferentes fontes e doses de zinco na dieta de ovinos Santa Inês sobre os níveis de zinco plasmático e de fosfatase alcalina. Foram utilizados 40 cordeiros, recém-desmamados, com média de peso de 18,4kg, distribuídos em 10 tratamentos: 1- dieta basal sem suplementação de zinco; 2- dieta basal + 200mg de Zn/kg de MS na forma de óxido de zinco; 3- dieta basal + 400mg de Zn/kg de MS na forma de óxido de zinco; 4- dieta basal + 600mg de Zn/kg de MS na forma de óxido de zinco; 5- dieta basal + 200mg de Zn/kg de MS na forma de zinco aminoácido; 6- dieta basal + 400mg de Zn/kg de MS na forma de zinco aminoácido; 7- dieta basal + 600mg de Zn/kg de MS na forma de zinco aminoácido; 8- dieta basal + 200mg de Zn/kg de MS na forma de zinco proteinato; 9- dieta basal + 400mg de Zn/kg de MS na forma de zinco proteinato; 10- dieta basal + 600mg de Zn/kg de MS na forma de zinco proteinato. A cada 28 dias, os animais foram pesados e tiveram seu sangue colhido para análise de zinco (Zn), análise de fosfatase alcalina e análises de imunoglobulinas G (IgG) e M (IgM). No final do experimento, foram coletadas amostras de fígado para estudo dos níveis de zinco hepático. Não houve diferença entre tratamentos nos níveis de fosfatase alcalina e de zinco hepático, e no ganho de peso (P>0,05), mas houve diferença (P<0,05) nos níveis de Zn plasmático e nos níveis de IgG e IgM. Baseando-se no acúmulo no fígado, a estimativa da biodisponibilidade de zinco, por intermédio das equações de regressão, mostrou que as fontes orgânicas e inorgânicas de zinco não diferiram entre si.
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate equations to estimate the aboveground phytomass of a 30 years old plot of Atlantic Forest. In two plots of 100 m², a total of 82 trees were cut down at ground level. For each tree, height and diameter were measured. Leaves and woody material were separated in order to determine their fresh weights in field conditions. Samples of each fraction were oven dried at 80 °C to constant weight to determine their dry weight. Tree data were divided into two random samples. One sample was used for the development of the regression equations, and the other for validation. The models were developed using single linear regression analysis, where the dependent variable was the dry mass, and the independent variables were height (h), diameter (d) and d²h. The validation was carried out using Pearson correlation coefficient, paired t-Student test and standard error of estimation. The best equations to estimate aboveground phytomass were: lnDW = -3.068+2.522lnd (r² = 0.91; s y/x = 0.67) and lnDW = -3.676+0.951ln d²h (r² = 0.94; s y/x = 0.56).
Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver modelos preditores de fitomassa epigéa da vegetação arbórea da Floresta Baixa de Restinga. Foram selecionadas 102 árvores de 29 espécies ocorrentes na área de estudo e 102 indivíduos de jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman), distribuídos proporcionalmente entre as classes de diâmetro da vegetação arbórea. As árvores foram cortadas, ao nível do solo e foram medidos a altura total e o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) de cada árvore. As folhas foram separadas do lenho e a massa fresca da porção lenhosa e foliar medidas separadamente. Amostras de cada fração foram secas a 70 °C, até peso constante, para determinação da massa seca das árvores. Os modelos foram desenvolvidos através de análise de regressão linear, sendo a variável dependente a massa seca (MS) das árvores e as variáveis independentes a altura (h), o diâmetro a altura do peito (d) e as relações d² h e d² h multiplicada pela densidade da madeira (ρ d² h). Os modelos desenvolvidos indicam que o diâmetro explica grande parte da variabilidade da fitomassa das árvores da restinga e a altura é a variável explanatória da equação específica para o jerivá. Os modelos selecionados foram: ln MS (kg) = -1,352 + 2,009 ln d (R² = 0,96; s yx = 0,34) para a comunidade vegetal sem jerivá, ln MS (kg) = -2,052 + 0,801 ln d² h (R² = 0,94; s yx = 0,38) para a comunidade incluindo o jerivá, e ln MS (kg) = -0,884 + 2,40 ln h (R² = 0,92; s yx = 0,49) para o jerivá.
Troglobitic (exclusively subterranean) organisms usually present, among their apomorphies related to the subterranean life (troglomorphisms), the regression of eyes and melanic pigmentation. The degree of regression varies among species, from a slight reduction to the complete loss of eyes and dark pigmentation, without a taxonomic correlation. While mechanisms of eye reduction have been intensively investigated in some troglobites such as the Mexican blind tetra characins, genus Astyanax, and the European salamander, Proteus anguinus, few studies have focused on pigmentation. The Brazilian subterranean ichthyofauna distinguishes not only by the species richness (23 troglobitic fishes so far known) but also by the variation in the degree of reduction of eyes and pigmentation. This study focused on Brazilian fishes completely devoid of melanic pigmentation: the characiform Stygichthys typhlops (Characidae) and the siluriforms Ancistrus formoso (Loricariidae), Rhamdiopsis sp.1 (Heptapteridae; from caves in the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia) and Rhamdiopsis sp. 2 (cave in Campo Formoso, Bahia). In order to investigate if such depigmentation is the result of blockage in some step in the melanogenesis, in vitro tests of administration of L-DOPA were done, using caudal-fin fragments extracted from living fish. Except for Rhamdiopsis sp. 2, all the studied species were DOPA(+), i.e., melanin was synthesized after L-DOPA administration. This indicates these fish do have melanophores but they are unable to convert L-tyrosine to L-DOPA. On the other hand, Rhamdiopsis sp. 2, like the albino specimens of Trichomycterus itacarambiensis previously studied (which correspond to one third of the population), are DOPA(-), either because the block of melanin synthesis occurs downstream in melanogenesis, which is probably the case with T. itacarambiensis (monogenic system in view of the phenotypic discontinuity), or because the so-called albinos do no possess melanophores. The physiological loss in the ability to synthesize melanin, apparently caused by different genetic processes in DOPA(+) and in DOPA(-) fishes, may co-exist in subterranean populations with a decrease in the density of melanophores, as observed in the pigmented two thirds of T. itacarambiensis population, a morphological reduction apparently controlled by polygenic systems producing a continuous phenotypic variation.
The ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) system is one of the earliest known models of molecular evolution, and is still the most studied in Drosophila. Herein, we studied this model in the genus Anastrepha (Diptera, Tephritidae). Due to the remarkable advantages it presents, it is possible to cross species with different Adh genotypes and with different phenotype traits related to ethanol tolerance. The two species studied here each have a different number of Adh gene copies, whereby crosses generate polymorphisms in gene number and in composition of the genetic background. We measured certain traits related to ethanol metabolism and tolerance. ADH specific enzyme activity presented gene by environment interactions, and the larval protein content showed an additive pattern of inheritance, whilst ADH enzyme activity per larva presented a complex behavior that may be explained by epistatic effects. Regression models suggest that there are heritable factors acting on ethanol tolerance, which may be related to enzymatic activity of the ADHs and to larval mass, although a pronounced environmental effect on ethanol tolerance was also observed. By using these data, we speculated on the mechanisms of ethanol tolerance and its inheritance as well as of associated traits.
Objective: Wives of pathological gamblers tend to endure long marriages despite financial and emotional burden. Difficulties in social adjustment, personality psychopathology, and comorbidity with psychiatric disorders are pointed as reasons for remaining on such overwhelming relationships. The goal was to examine the social adjustment, personality and negative emotionality of wives of pathological gamblers. Method: The sample consisted of 25 wives of pathological gamblers, mean age 40.6, SD = 9.1 from a Gambling Outpatient Unit and at GAM-ANON, and 25 wives of non-gamblers, mean age 40.8, SD = 9.1, who answered advertisements placed at the Universidade de São Paulo hospital and medical school complex. They were selected in order to approximately match demographic characteristics of the wives of pathological gamblers. Subjects were assessed by the Social Adjustment Scale, Temperament and Character Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: Three variables remained in the final Multiple Logistic Regression model, wives of pathological gamblers presented greater dissatisfaction with their marital bond, and higher scores on Reward Dependence and Persistence temperament factors. Both, Wives of pathological gamblers and wives of non-gamblers presented well-structured character factors excluding personality disorders. Conclusion: This personality profile may explain wives of pathological gamblers emotional resilience and their marriage longevity. Co-dependence and other labels previously used to describe them may work as a double edged sword, legitimating wives of pathological gamblers problems, while stigmatizing them as inapt and needy.
FUNDAMENTOS: Os carcinomas espinocelulares da pele da cabeça têm como opção terapêutica mais segura a cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs, que apresenta os menores índices de recidiva e a máxima preservação tecidual. Características dos carcinomas espinocelulares podem estar relacionadas a maior número de estádios cirúrgicos. OBJETIVO: Definir características dos carcinomas espinocelulares que sejam preditoras de maior número de estádios na cirurgia de Mohs. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de 51 carcinomas espinocelulares da cabeça tratados pela cirurgia de Mohs para determinar fatores de risco de maior número de estádios. Foram analisados limites clínicos, morfologia, recidiva, histologia e tamanho, relacionando-os ao número de estádios cirúrgicos. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo teste exato de Fisher e regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Os carcinomas recidivados tiveram tendência a maior número de estádios (p=0,081). Os tumores com limites imprecisos apresentaram três vezes mais possibilidades de maior número de fases na análise da razão de chances. Esse achado foi compatível com dados da literatura, apesar de não ter sido estatisticamente significante. CONCLUSÃO: Características pré-operatórias dos carcinomas espinocelulares, como recidiva e limites imprecisos, apesar de não preditivas, indicaram tendência a maior número de estádios na cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact on human health of exposure to particulate matter emitted from burnings in the Brazilian Amazon region. METHODS: This was an ecological study using an environmental exposure indicator presented as the percentage of annual hours (AH%) of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3. The outcome variables were the rates of hospitalization due to respiratory disease among children, the elderly and the intermediate age group, and due to childbirth. Data were obtained from the National Space Research Institute and the Ministry of Health for all of the microregions of the Brazilian Amazon region, for the years 2004 and 2005. Multiple regression models for the outcome variables in relation to the predictive variable AH% of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3 were analyzed. The Human Development Index (HDI) and mean number of complete blood counts per 100 inhabitants in the Brazilian Amazon region were the control variables in the regression analyses. RESULTS: The association of the exposure indicator (AH%) was higher for the elderly than for other age groups (β = 0.10). For each 1% increase in the exposure indicator there was an increase of 8% in child hospitalization, 10% in hospitalization of the elderly, and 5% for the intermediate age group, even after controlling for HDI and mean number of complete blood counts. No association was found between the AH% and hospitalization due to childbirth. CONCLUSIONS: The indicator of atmospheric pollution showed an association with occurrences of respiratory diseases in the Brazilian Amazon region, especially in the more vulnerable age groups. This indicator may be used to assess the effects of forest burning on human health.