96 resultados para Expressed emotions


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O preá do semiárido nordestino (Galea spixii Wagler, 1831) é um roedor pertencente à família Caviidae. Pouca literatura é encontrada sobre essa espécie em relação a sua morfologia e seu comportamento ambiental e reprodutivo. Com o objetivo de entender a morfologia geral, em foco, na inervação do membro pélvico dessa espécie, neste trabalho, foi explorado o nervo isquiático, o qual é o maior de todos os nervos do organismo. Foram utilizados 10 preás (cinco machos e cinco fêmeas) que vieram a óbito por causas naturais, oriundos do Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres da Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido (CEMAS/UFERSA). Os animais foram fixados após o óbito em solução aquosa de formaldeído 10% e, após 48 horas de imersão nessa solução, foram dissecados para exposição do nervo isquiático. Dessa forma, os dados obtidos foram compilados em tabelas e expressos em desenhos esquemáticos e fotografias. Os pares de nervos isquiáticos originaram-se de raízes ventrais de L6L7S1 (70%) e de L7S1S2 (30%) e distribuíram-se pelos músculos glúteo profundo, bíceps femural, semitendinoso e semimembranoso.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the levels of sodium monensin on lactating cows and their effects on productive performance and milk protein fraction composition. It was used 12 Holstein cows, distributed in four balanced 3 × 3 Latin squares, and fed three diets: one control without monensin, and two diets with monensin at the levels of 24 or 48 mg/kg DM added to the concentrate. Milk production was daily measured throughout the entire experimental period. The samples used for analysis of milk composition were collected on two alternated days from the two daily milking. Non-protein nitrogen, total nitrogen and non-casein nitrogen contents were directly evaluated in the milk, and casein, whey protein and true protein contents were indirectly determined. The use of monensin in the rations reduced dry matter and nutrient intake, especially when diet with 48 mg/kg of dry matter was given. The ration with 24 mg/kg of DM increased milk production, with or without correction, and also fat and lactose yield, and it improved productive efficiency. The levels of monensin in the ratios did not influence contents of milk crude protein, non-protein nitrogen, non-casein nitrogen, true protein, casein, casein/true protein ratio, whey protein, and of all those fractions expressed as percentage of crude protein. The utilization of monensin in the ratio at the dose of 24 mg/kg of DM influences positively the productive performance of lactating cows, and it does not influence the composition of milk protein fractions.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of fat sources in rations for lactating cows on the productive performance and composition of milk protein fraction. Twelve Holstein cows were used, grouped in three balanced 4 × 4 Latin squares, fed with the following rations: control; refined soybean oil; whole raw soybean; and calcium salts of unsaturated fatty acid (Megalac-E). Dry matter and nutrient intake, and daily milk production were evaluated. The samples used to analyze milk composition were collected in two alternate days and were obtained from two daily milking. Milk composition and total nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen and non-casein nitrogen ratios were analyzed. The casein, serum protein and true protein ratios were obtained by difference. Dry matter and nutrient intakes were lower when cows received the diet containing calcium salts of fatty acids, in relation to the control diet. Among the diets with fat sources, the one with whole raw soybean and calcium salts decreased milk production. There was no effect of fat sources added to the diet on crude protein, non-protein nitrogen, non-casein nitrogen, true protein, casein, casein/milk true protein ratio and serum protein. Similarly, the experimental diets did not influence the protein fractions when expressed in percentage of milk crude protein. The utilization of fat sources in diets changes milk production and composition of lactating cows, but does not influence the composition of milk protein fractions.


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O artigo investiga algumas das tendências da arquitetura gerada por fábricas - galpões industriais, moradias, igrejas, escolas, clubes etc. -, erguida no Brasil entre as duas últimas décadas do século XIX e as primeiras do XX. Apoia-se em amplo inventário, como base para um esforço de análise que se propõe a identificar os temas e usos predominantes dos ornatos aplicados a construções geradas por fábricas, as referências historicistas mobilizadas e eventuais rupturas de signos arquitetônicos tipológicos, e, no limite, a abolição de ornatos e dos referidos signos. Assim, de um lado, trata da penetração da linguagem eclética nessas construções, investigando o repertório formal utilizado em diferentes tipologias. De outro, trata da simultânea difusão de uma estética tipicamente fabril, fundamentada em noções de economia, eficiência, utilidade e funcionalidade. Mostra como tais noções se expressam ora em uma simplificação ou ausência de ornatos, ora no uso de ornatos cujos temas remetem ao mundo das máquinas; às vezes, no distanciamento ou abandono de signos arquitetônicos tipológicos consagrados; ou, ainda, no emprego de materiais produzidos industrialmente e que se difundiram a partir, sobretudo, da arquitetura de fábricas.


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Os acidentes de trânsito continuam a se constituir em um importante problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Objetivo : Analisar as características dos acidentes de transporte terrestre e suas vítimas no município de Cuiabá. Método: Para o estudo da mortalidade foram obtidos dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade /Ministério da Saúde, disponíveis em CD-ROM referente aos anos de 1980-2005; para o de morbidade hospitalar foram utilizados os dados Sistemas de Informações Hospitalares no período de 1998-2006 e para o estudo da demanda das unidades de urgência e emergência foi utilizado um banco de dados construído especialmente para esse fim, referente aos meses de maio a junho de 2005. Adotaram-se os conceitos definições estabelecidos na Classificação Internacional de Doenças 10: acidentes de transporte (categ. V01-V99) e acidente de transporte terrestre (V01-V89). Resultados: Em todas as análises, as taxas de mortalidade/morbidade hospitalar se expressaram com valores maiores que a média brasileira. Apesar de apresentar aspectos distintos entre mortalidade, morbidade hospitalar e morbidade da demanda de unidades de urgência e emergência, destacam-se como principais vítimas os jovens do sexo masculino; a vítima qualificada como "ocupante" predomina nos acidentes fatais e os "motociclistas", nos não fatais.Conclusão: este estudo revela que Cuiabá é uma área onde os acidentes de transporte terrestre devem ser tratados como prioridade devido à sua magnitude, seja na mortalidade ou morbidade, trazendo subsídios para o seu enfrentamento


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a influência da renda familiar e do preço de alimentos sobre a participação de frutas e hortaliças dentre os alimentos adquiridos pelas famílias brasileiras. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares realizada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, com amostra probabilística de 48.470 domicílios brasileiros entre 2002 e 2003. A participação de frutas e hortaliças no total de aquisições de alimentos foi expressa como percentual do total de calorias adquiridas e como calorias provenientes desses alimentos ajustadas para o total de calorias adquirido. Empregaram-se técnicas de análise de regressão múltipla para estimação de coeficientes de elasticidade, controlando-se variáveis sociodemográficas e preço dos demais alimentos. RESULTADOS: Observou-se aumento da participação de frutas e hortaliças no total de aquisições de alimentos com a diminuição de seu próprio preço ou com o aumento da renda. A diminuição do preço de frutas e hortaliças em 1 por cento aumentaria sua participação em 0,79 por cento do total calórico; o aumento de 1 por cento na renda familiar aumentaria essa participação no total calórico em 0,27 por cento. O efeito da renda tendeu a ser menor nos estratos de maior renda. CONCLUSÕES: A redução do preço de frutas e hortaliças, tanto pelo apoio à cadeia de produção dos alimentos quanto por medidas fiscais, é um promissor instrumento de política pública capaz de aumentar a participação desses alimentos na dieta brasileira


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The diet and plasma lipid patterns associated with lipid oxidation susceptibility in rats fed different doses of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) from fish oil were evaluated. Wistar rats were assigned into three groups and received diets containing 8% soybean oil (SOY), 4% soybean oil + 4% fish oil (SOY-FISH) and 8% fish oil (FISH) for 21 days. Linoleic, oleic and ?-linolenic acids in SOY diets were substituted by myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in SOY-FISH and FISH diets reducing the n-6/n-3 ratio and increasing the peroxidability index (PI). Increased dietary EPA and DHA were observed in SOY-FISH and FISH plasma at the expense of linoleic and arachidonic acid levels. Saturated fatty acids, which were significantly different between the three diets (P < 0.01), were found at the same concentration in the plasma (P = 0.23). No changes were observed in oxidative stress as measured by the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) expressed in brain homogenates. However, TBARS concentration in the plasma of the SOY-FISH group was higher than the other two groups (P = 0.02). The major differences between these three groups were the n-3 PUFA content (0.4, 1.8 and 3.2 g/100 g diet) and the saturates/polyunsaturates ratio (0.3, 0.5 and 0.8) for SOY, SOY-FISH, and FISH groups, respectively. Thus, n-3 PUFA intake from fish oil only when followed by a decrease in saturated/polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio increased oxidative susceptibility in rats measured by plasma TBARS concentration


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O objetivo do estudo é descrever a experiência de mulheres, vítimas da violência doméstica, que desistiram do processo contra seu agressor. As entrevistas foram orientadas pela questão: Como foi sua experiência de desistir da denúncia contra seu agressor? Das convergências dos depoimentos emergiram três temas: o tempo vivido da agressão até a denúncia e desistência; o companheiro, a família, a delegacia da mulher; refletindo sobre a experiência vivida, que descrevem o fenômeno estudado. As participantes expressam sentimentos ambíguos em relação ao agressor: afetividade, raiva, humilhação e medo. Reconhecem que são dominadas e humilhadas. Porém, noções de justiça e igualdade entre os cônjuges não aparecem nos depoimentos. A desistência do processo pode ser compreendida na concepção da reprodução da estrutura familiar, condicionada a fatores econômicos e sociais. Os resultados remetem à reflexão sobre o papel da Delegacia da Mulher e das instituições de saúde na assistência à mulher vítima da violência doméstica


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Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the most common malignancies in humans. The average 5-year survival rate is one of the lowest among aggressive cancers, showing no significant improvement in recent years. When detected early, HNSCC has a good prognosis, but most patients present metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, which significantly reduces survival rate. Despite extensive research, no molecular markers are currently available for diagnostic or prognostic purposes. Methods: Aiming to identify differentially-expressed genes involved in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) development and progression, we generated individual Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) libraries from a metastatic and non-metastatic larynx carcinoma, as well as from a normal larynx mucosa sample. Approximately 54,000 unique tags were sequenced in three libraries. Results: Statistical data analysis identified a subset of 1,216 differentially expressed tags between tumor and normal libraries, and 894 differentially expressed tags between metastatic and non-metastatic carcinomas. Three genes displaying differential regulation, one down-regulated (KRT31) and two up-regulated (BST2, MFAP2), as well as one with a non-significant differential expression pattern (GNA15) in our SAGE data were selected for real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a set of HNSCC samples. Consistent with our statistical analysis, quantitative PCR confirmed the upregulation of BST2 and MFAP2 and the downregulation of KRT31 when samples of HNSCC were compared to tumor-free surgical margins. As expected, GNA15 presented a non-significant differential expression pattern when tumor samples were compared to normal tissues. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting SAGE data in head and neck squamous cell tumors. Statistical analysis was effective in identifying differentially expressed genes reportedly involved in cancer development. The differential expression of a subset of genes was confirmed in additional larynx carcinoma samples and in carcinomas from a distinct head and neck subsite. This result suggests the existence of potential common biomarkers for prognosis and targeted-therapy development in this heterogeneous type of tumor.


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Background: Ticks secrete a cement cone composed of many salivary proteins, some of which are rich in the amino acid glycine in order to attach to their hosts' skin. Glycine-rich proteins (GRPs) are a large family of heterogeneous proteins that have different functions and features; noteworthy are their adhesive and tensile characteristics. These properties may be essential for successful attachment of the metastriate ticks to the host and the prolonged feeding necessary for engorgement. In this work, we analyzed Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) similar to GRPs from cDNA libraries constructed from salivary glands of adult female ticks representing three hard, metastriate species in order to verify if their expression correlated with biological differences such as the numbers of hosts ticks feed on during their parasitic life cycle, whether one (monoxenous parasite) or two or more (heteroxenous parasite), and the anatomy of their mouthparts, whether short (Brevirostrata) or long (Longirostrata). These ticks were the monoxenous Brevirostrata tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, a heteroxenous Brevirostrata tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and a heteroxenous Longirostrata tick, Amblyomma cajennense. To further investigate this relationship, we conducted phylogenetic analyses using sequences of GRPs from these ticks as well as from other species of Brevirostrata and Longirostrata ticks. Results: cDNA libraries from salivary glands of the monoxenous tick, R. microplus, contained more contigs of glycine-rich proteins than the two representatives of heteroxenous ticks, R. sanguineus and A. cajennense (33 versus, respectively, 16 and 11). Transcripts of ESTs encoding GRPs were significantly more numerous in the salivary glands of the two Brevirostrata species when compared to the number of transcripts in the Longirostrata tick. The salivary gland libraries from Brevirostrata ticks contained numerous contigs significantly similar to silks of true spiders (17 and 8 in, respectively, R. microplus and R. sanguineus), whereas the Longirostrata tick contained only 4 contigs. The phylogenetic analyses of GRPs from various species of ticks showed that distinct clades encoding proteins with different biochemical properties are represented among species according to their biology. Conclusions: We found that different species of ticks rely on different types and amounts of GRPs in order to attach and feed on their hosts. Metastriate ticks with short mouthparts express more transcripts of GRPs than a tick with long mouthparts and the tick that feeds on a single host during its life cycle contain a greater variety of these proteins than ticks that feed on several hosts.


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Context: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a common knee condition in athletes. Recently, researchers have indicated that factors proximal to the knee, including hip muscle weakness and motor control impairment, contribute to the development of PFPS. However, no investigators have evaluated eccentric hip muscle function in people with PFPS. Objective: To compare the eccentric hip muscle function between females with PFPS and a female control group. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Musculoskeletal laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: Two groups of females were studied: a group with PFPS (n = 10) and a group with no history of lower extremity injury or surgery (n = 10). Intervention(s): Eccentric torque of the hip musculature was evaluated on an isokinetic dynamometer. Main Outcome Measure(s): Eccentric hip abduction, adduction, and external and internal rotation peak torque were measured and expressed as a percentage of body mass (Nm/kg x 100). We also evaluated eccentric hip adduction to abduction and internal to external rotation torque ratios. The peak torque value of 5 maximal eccentric contractions was used for calculation. Two-tailed, independent-samples t tests were used to compare torque results between groups. Results: Participants with PFPS exhibited much lower eccentric hip abduction (t(18) = -2.917, P = .008) and adduction (t(18) = -2.764, P =.009) peak torque values than did their healthy counterparts. No differences in eccentric hip external (t(18) = 0.45, P = .96) or internal (t(18) = -0.742, P =.47) rotation peak torque values were detected between the groups. The eccentric hip adduction to abduction torque ratio was much higher in the PFPS group than in the control group (t(18) = 2.113, P = .04), but we found no difference in the eccentric hip internal to external rotation torque ratios between the 2 groups (t(18) = -0.932, P = .36). Conclusions: Participants with PFPS demonstrated lower eccentric hip abduction and adduction peak torque and higher eccentric adduction to abduction torque ratios when compared with control participants. Thus, clinicians should consider eccentric hip abduction strengthening exercises when developing rehabilitation programs for females with PFPS.


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Several numerical methods for boundary value problems use integral and differential operational matrices, expressed in polynomial bases in a Hilbert space of functions. This work presents a sequence of matrix operations allowing a direct computation of operational matrices for polynomial bases, orthogonal or not, starting with any previously known reference matrix. Furthermore, it shows how to obtain the reference matrix for a chosen polynomial base. The results presented here can be applied not only for integration and differentiation, but also for any linear operation.


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Background: The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plant is both an economically important food crop and an ideal dicot model to investigate various physiological phenomena not possible in Arabidopsis thaliana. Due to the great diversity of tomato cultivars used by the research community, it is often difficult to reliably compare phenotypes. The lack of tomato developmental mutants in a single genetic background prevents the stacking of mutations to facilitate analysis of double and multiple mutants, often required for elucidating developmental pathways. Results: We took advantage of the small size and rapid life cycle of the tomato cultivar Micro-Tom (MT) to create near-isogenic lines (NILs) by introgressing a suite of hormonal and photomorphogenetic mutations (altered sensitivity or endogenous levels of auxin, ethylene, abscisic acid, gibberellin, brassinosteroid, and light response) into this genetic background. To demonstrate the usefulness of this collection, we compared developmental traits between the produced NILs. All expected mutant phenotypes were expressed in the NILs. We also created NILs harboring the wild type alleles for dwarf, self-pruning and uniform fruit, which are mutations characteristic of MT. This amplified both the applications of the mutant collection presented here and of MT as a genetic model system. Conclusions: The community resource presented here is a useful toolkit for plant research, particularly for future studies in plant development, which will require the simultaneous observation of the effect of various hormones, signaling pathways and crosstalk.


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The pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum is an ongoing threat to agriculture, causing losses in grain yield and quality in diverse crops. Substantial progress has been made in the identification of genes involved in the suppression of phytopathogens by antagonistic microorganisms; however, limited information regarding responses of plant pathogens to these biocontrol agents is available. Gene expression analysis was used to identify differentially expressed transcripts of the fungal plant pathogen F. graminearum under antagonistic effect of the bacterium Pantoea agglomerans. A macroarray was constructed, using 1014 transcripts from an F. graminearum cDNA library. Probes consisted of the cDNA of F. graminearum grown in the presence and in the absence of P. agglomerans. Twenty-nine genes were either up (19) or down (10) regulated during interaction with the antagonist bacterium. Genes encoding proteins associated with fungal defense and/or virulence or with nutritional and oxidative stress responses were induced. The repressed genes coded for a zinc finger protein associated with cell division, proteins containing cellular signaling domains, respiratory chain proteins, and chaperone-type proteins. These data give molecular and biochemical evidence of response of F. graminearum to an antagonist and could help develop effective biocontrol procedures for pathogenic plant fungi.


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Macro- and microarrays are well-established technologies to determine gene functions through repeated measurements of transcript abundance. We constructed a chicken skeletal muscle-associated array based on a muscle-specific EST database, which was used to generate a tissue expression dataset of similar to 4500 chicken genes across 5 adult tissues (skeletal muscle, heart, liver, brain, and skin). Only a small number of ESTs were sufficiently well characterized by BLAST searches to determine their probable cellular functions. Evidence of a particular tissue-characteristic expression can be considered an indication that the transcript is likely to be functionally significant. The skeletal muscle macroarray platform was first used to search for evidence of tissue-specific expression, focusing on the biological function of genes/transcripts, since gene expression profiles generated across tissues were found to be reliable and consistent. Hierarchical clustering analysis revealed consistent clustering among genes assigned to 'developmental growth', such as the ontology genes and germ layers. Accuracy of the expression data was supported by comparing information from known transcripts and tissue from which the transcript was derived with macroarray data. Hybridization assays resulted in consistent tissue expression profile, which will be useful to dissect tissue-regulatory networks and to predict functions of novel genes identified after extensive sequencing of the genomes of model organisms. Screening our skeletal-muscle platform using 5 chicken adult tissues allowed us identifying 43 'tissue-specific' transcripts, and 112 co-expressed uncharacterized transcripts with 62 putative motifs. This platform also represents an important tool for functional investigation of novel genes; to determine expression pattern according to developmental stages; to evaluate differences in muscular growth potential between chicken lines, and to identify tissue-specific genes.