175 resultados para Exhaustion time
Pires, FO, Hammond, J, Lima-Silva, AE, Bertuzzi, RCM, and Kiss, MAPDM. Ventilation behavior during upper-body incremental exercise. J Strength Cond Res 25(1): 225-230, 2011-This study tested the ventilation (V(E)) behavior during upper-body incremental exercise by mathematical models that calculate 1 or 2 thresholds and compared the thresholds identified by mathematical models with V-slope, ventilatory equivalent for oxygen uptake (V(E)/(V) over dotO(2)), and ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide uptake (V(E)/(V) over dotCO(2)). Fourteen rock climbers underwent an upper-body incremental test on a cycle ergometer with increases of approximately 20 W.min(-1) until exhaustion at a cranking frequency of approximately 90 rpm. The V(E) data were smoothed to 10-second averages for V(E) time plotting. The bisegmental and the 3-segmental linear regression models were calculated from 1 or 2 intercepts that best shared the V(E) curve in 2 or 3 linear segments. The ventilatory threshold(s) was determined mathematically by the intercept(s) obtained by bisegmental and 3-segmental models, by V-slope model, or visually by V(E)/(V) over dotO(2) and V(E)/(V) over dotCO(2). There was no difference between bisegmental (mean square error [MSE] = 35.3 +/- 32.7 l.min(-1)) and 3-segmental (MSE = 44.9 +/- 47.8 l.min(-1)) models in fitted data. There was no difference between ventilatory threshold identified by the bisegmental (28.2 +/- 6.8 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) and second ventilatory threshold identified by the 3-segmental (30.0 +/- 5.1 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)), V(E)/(V) over dotO(2) (28.8 +/- 5.5 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)), or V-slope (28.5 +/- 5.6 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)). However, the first ventilatory threshold identified by 3-segmental (23.1 +/- 4.9 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) or by VE/(V) over dotO(2) (24.9 +/- 4.4 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) was different from these 4. The V(E) behavior during upper-body exercise tends to show only 1 ventilatory threshold. These findings have practical implications because this point is frequently used for aerobic training prescription in healthy subjects, athletes, and in elderly or diseased populations. The ventilatory threshold identified by V(E) curve should be used for aerobic training prescription in healthy subjects and athletes.
P>Background This study examined the effects of acute supramaximal exercise (similar to 115% VO(2max)) on the blood lipid profile for three different carbohydrate (CHO) storage levels (control, low and high). Methods Six male subjects were randomly divided into three different groups: control, low CHO and high CHO. These groups differed in the diet to which the subjects were submitted before each exercise session. The lipid profile [triglycerides (TG), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, TG/HDL-C ratio and total cholesterol) was determined at rest, immediately after exercise and 1 h after exercise bouts. Results The time to exhaustion was lower in the low CHO condition compared with the control and high CHO condition (3 center dot 59 +/- 0 center dot 72; 2 center dot 91 +/- 0 center dot 56; and 4 center dot 26 +/- 0 center dot 69 min; P < 0 center dot 05). The energy expenditure (control: 251 center dot 1 +/- 56 center dot 0 kJ; low CHO: 215 center dot 2 +/- 28 center dot 6 kJ; and high CHO: 310 center dot 4 +/- 64 center dot 9 kJ) was significantly different between the low and high CHO conditions (P < 0 center dot 05). There were no significant changes in the lipid profile for any of the experimental conditions (control, low and high; P < 0 center dot 05). Glucose and insulin levels did not show time-dependent changes in any of the conditions (P > 0 center dot 05). Conclusions These results indicate that a supramaximal exercise session has no significant effects on lipid metabolism.
The aim of this study was to test if the critical power model can be used to determine the critical rest interval (CRI) between vertical jumps. Ten males performed intermittent countermovement jumps on a force platform with different resting periods (4.1 +/- 0.3 s, 5.0 +/- 0.4 s, 5.9 +/- 0.6 s). Jump trials were interrupted when participants could no longer maintain 95% of their maximal jump height. After interruption, number of jumps, total exercise duration and total external work were computed. Time to exhaustion (s) and total external work (J) were used to solve the equation Work = a + b . time. The CRI (corresponding to the shortest resting interval that allowed jump height to be maintained for a long time without fatigue) was determined dividing the average external work needed to jump at a fixed height (J) by b parameter (J/s). in the final session, participants jumped at their calculated CRI. A high coefficient of determination (0.995 +/- 0.007) and the CRI (7.5 +/- 1.6 s) were obtained. In addition, the longer the resting period, the greater the number of jumps (44 13, 71 28, 105 30, 169 53 jumps; p<0.0001), time to exhaustion (179 +/- 50, 351 +/- 120, 610 +/- 141, 1,282 +/- 417 s; p<0.0001) and total external work (28.0 +/- 8.3, 45.0 +/- 16.6, 67.6 +/- 17.8, 111.9 +/- 34.6 kJ; p<0.0001). Therefore, the critical power model may be an alternative approach to determine the CRI during intermittent vertical jumps.
Acute high-intensity exercise with low energy expenditure reduced LDL-c and total cholesterol in men
A reduction in LDL cholesterol and an increase in HDL cholesterol levels are clinically relevant parameters for the treatment of dyslipidaemia, and exercise is often recommended as an intervention. This study aimed to examine the effects of acute, high-intensity exercise (similar to 90% VO(2max)) and varying carbohydrate levels (control, low and high) on the blood lipid profile. Six male subjects were distributed randomly into exercise groups, based on the carbohydrate diets (control, low and high) to which the subjects were restricted before each exercise session. The lipid profile (triglycerides, VLDL, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol) was determined at rest, and immediately and 1 h after exercise bouts. There were no changes in the time exhaustion (8.00 +/- A 1.83; 7.82 +/- A 2.66; and 9.09 +/- A 3.51 min) and energy expenditure (496.0 +/- A 224.8; 411.5 +/- A 223.1; and 592.1 +/- A 369.9 kJ) parameters with the three varying carbohydrate intake (control, low and high). Glucose and insulin levels did not show time-dependent changes under the different conditions (P > 0.05). Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were reduced after the exhaustion and 1 h recovery periods when compared with rest periods only in the control carbohydrate intake group (P < 0.05), although this relation failed when the diet was manipulated. These results indicate that acute, high-intensity exercise with low energy expenditure induces changes in the cholesterol profile, and that influences of carbohydrate level corresponding to these modifications fail when carbohydrate (low and high) intake is manipulated.
Ide, BN, Leme, TCF, Lopes, CR, Moreira, A, Dechechi, CJ, Sarraipa, MF, da Mota, GR, Brenzikofer, R, and Macedo, DV. Time course of strength and power recovery after resistance training with different movement velocities. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 2025-2033, 2011-The purpose of this study was to evaluate the time course of strength and power recovery after a single bout of strength training designed with fast and slow contraction velocities. Nineteen male subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups: the slow-velocity contraction (SV) group and the fast velocity contraction (FV) group. Resistance training protocols consisted of 5 sets of 12 repetition maximum (5 x 12RM) with 50 seconds of rest between sets and 2 minutes between exercises. Contraction velocity was controlled by the execution time for each repetition (SV-6 seconds to complete concentric and eccentric phases and for FV-1.5 seconds). Leg Press 45 degrees 1RM (LP 1RM), horizontal countermovement jump (HCMJ), and right thigh circumference (TC) were accessed in 6 distinct moments: base (1 week before exercise), 0 (immediately after exercises), 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after exercise protocol. The SV and FV presented significant LP 1RM decrements at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise. The magnitude of decline was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. The SV and FV presented significant HCMJ decrements at 0, but only for FV were these still evident 24-72 hours postexercise. The SV and FV presented significant TC increments at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise for SV but for FV it continued up to 96 hours. The magnitude of increase was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. In conclusion, the fast contraction velocity protocol resulted in greater decreases in LP 1RM and HCMJ performance, when compared with slow velocity. The results lead us to interpret that this variable may exert direct influence on acute muscle strength and power generation capacity.
Mixed martial arts (MMA) have become a fast-growing worldwide expansion of martial arts competition, requiring high level of skill, physical conditioning, and strategy, and involving a synthesis of combat while standing or on the ground. This study quantified the effort-pause ratio (EP), and classified effort segments of stand-up or groundwork development to identify the number of actions performed per round in MMA matches. 52 MMA athletes participated in the study (M age = 24 yr., SD = 5; average experience in MMA = 5 yr., SD = 3). A one-way analysis of variance with repeated measurements was conducted to compare the type of action across the rounds. A chi-squared test was applied across the percentages to compare proportions of different events. Only one significant difference (p < .05) was observed among rounds: time in groundwork of low intensity was longer in the second compared to the third round. When the interval between rounds was not considered, the EP ratio (between high-intensity effort to low-intensity effort plus pauses) WE S 1:2 to 1:4. This ratio is between ratios typical for judo, wrestling, karate, and taekwondo and reflects the combination of ground and standup techniques. Most of the matches ended in the third round, involving high-intensity actions, predominantly executed during groundwork combat.
The aim of this study was to determine if the carbohydrate (CHO) availability alters the rate of increase in the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during high intensity exercise and whether this would be associated with physiological changes. Six males performed high intensity exercise after 48 h of controlled, high CHO (80%) and low CHO (10%) diets. Time to exhaustion was lower in the low compared to high CHO diet. The rate of increase in RPE was greater and the VO(2) slow component was lower in the low CHO diet than in the control. There was no significant condition effect for cortisol, insulin, pH, plasma glucose, potassium, or lactate concentrations. Multiple linear regression indicated that the total amplitude of VO(2) and perceived muscle strain accounted for the greatest variance in the rate of increase in RPE. These results suggest that cardiorespiratory variables and muscle strain are important afferent signals from the periphery for the RPE calculations.
This study compared measurements of upper body aerobic fitness in elite (EC; n = 7) and intermediate rock climbers (IC; n = 7), and a control group (C; n = 7). Subjects underwent an upper limb incremental test on hand cycle ergometer, with increments of 23 W.min(-1), until exhaustion. Ventilation (VE) data were smoothed to 10 s averages and plotted against time for the visual determination of the first (VT1) and second (VT2) ventilatory thresholds. Peak power output was not different among groups [EC = 130.9 (+/- 11.8) W; IC = 122.1 (+/- 28.4) W; C = 115.4 (+/- 15.1) W], but time to exhaustion was significantly higher in EC than IC and C. VO(2PEAK) was significantly higher in EC [36.8 (+/- 5.7) mL.kg(-1).min(-1)] and IC [35.5 (+/- 5.2) mL.kg(-1).min(-1)] than C [28.8 (+/- 5.0) mL.kg(-1).min(-1)], but there was no difference between EC and IC. VT1 was significantly higher in EC than C [EC = 69.0 (+/- 9.4) W; IC = 62.4 (+/- 13.0) W; C = 52.1 (+/- 11.8) W], but no significant difference was observed in VT2 [EC = 103.5 (+/- 18.8) W; IC = 92.0 (+/- 22.0) W; C = 85.6 (+/- 19.7) W]. These results show that elite indoor rock climbers elicit higher aerobic fitness profile than control subjects when measured with an upper body test.
In this study, we investigated the effects of rapid weight loss followed by a 4-h recovery on judo-related performance. Seven weight-cycler athletes were assigned to a weight loss group (5% body weight reduction by self-selected regime) and seven non-weight-cyclers to a control group (no weight reduction). Body composition, performance, glucose, and lactate were assessed before and after weight reduction (5-7 days apart; control group kept weight stable). The weight loss group had 4 h to re-feed and rehydrate after the weigh-in. Food intake was recorded during the weight loss period and recovery after the weigh-in. Performance was evaluated through a specific judo exercise, followed by a 5-min judo combat and by three bouts of the Wingate test. Both groups significantly improved performance after the weight loss period. No interaction effects were observed. The energy and macronutrient intake of the weight loss group were significantly lower than for the control group. The weight loss group consumed large amounts of food and carbohydrate during the 4-h recovery period. No changes were observed in lactate concentration, but a significant decrease in glucose during rest was observed in the weight loss group. In conclusion, rapid weight loss did not affect judo-related performance in experienced weight-cyclers when the athletes had 4 h to recover. These results should not be extrapolated to inexperienced weight-cyclers.
Pinto, ALS, Oliveira, NC, Gualano, B, Christmann, RB, Painelli, VS, Artioli, GG, Prado, DML, and Lima, FR. Efficacy and safety of concurrent training in systemic sclerosis. J Strength Cond Res 25(5): 1423-1428, 2011-The optimal training model for patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) is unknown. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of a 12-week combined resistance and aerobic training program (concurrent training) in SSc patients. Eleven patients with no evidence of pulmonary involvement were recruited for the exercise program. Lower and upper limb dynamic strengths (assessed by 1 repetition maximum [1RM] of a leg press and bench press, respectively), isometric strength (assessed by back pull and handgrip tests), balance and mobility (assessed by the timed up-and-go test), muscle function (assessed by the timed-stands test), Rodnan score, digital ulcers, Rayland`s phenomenon, and blood markers of muscle inflammation (creatine kinase and aldolase) were assessed at baseline and after the 12-week program. Exercise training significantly enhanced the 1RM leg press (41%) and 1RM bench press (13%) values and back pull (24%) and handgrip strength (11%). Muscle function was also improved (15%), but balance and mobility were not significantly changed. The time-to-exhaustion was increased (46.5%, p = 0.0004), the heart rate at rest condition was significantly reduced, and the workload and time of exercise at ventilatory thresholds and peak of exercise were increased. However, maximal and submaximal (V)over dotO(2) were unaltered (p > 0.05). The Rodnan score was unchanged, and muscle enzymes remained within normal levels. No change was observed in digital ulcers and Raynaud`s phenomenon. This is the first study to demonstrate that a 12-week concurrent training program is safe and substantially improves muscle strength, function, and aerobic capacity in SSc patients.
Aim. It has been demonstrated that branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) transaminase activation occurs simultaneously with exercise-induced muscle glycogen reduction, suggesting that BCAA supplementation might play an energetic role in this condition. This study aimed to test whether BCAA supplementation enhances exercise capacity and lipid oxidation in glycogen-depleted subjects. Methods. Using a double-blind cross-over design, volunteers (N.=7) were randomly assigned to either the BCAA (300 mg . kg . day (-1)) or the placebo (maltodextrine) for 3 days. On the second day, subjects were submitted to an exercise-induced glycogen depletion protocol. They then performed an exhaustive exercise test on the third day, after which time to exhaustion, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), plasma glucose, free fatty acids (HA), blood ketones and lactate were determined. BCAA supplementation promoted a greater resistance to fatigue when compared to the placebo (+17.2%). Moreover, subjects supplemented with BCAA showed reduced RER and higher plasma glucose levels during the exhaustive exercise test. Results. No significant differences appeared in FFA, blood ketones and lactate concentrations. Conclusion. In conclusion, BCAA supplementation increases resistance to fatigue and enhances lipid oxidation during exercise in glycogen-depleted subjects.
Different gelation times (4, 18, 24 and 48 h) were used for the preparation of silica sol-gel supports and encapsulated Candida rugosa lipase using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as precursor. The hydrophobic matrices and immobilized lipases produced were characterized with regard to pore volume and size by nitrogen adsorption (BJH method), weight loss upon heating (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), chemical composition (FTIR) and percentage of hydrolysis (POH%) of olive oil. These structural parameters were found to change with the gelation time, but no direct relation was found between the percentage of oil hydrolysis (POH%) and the gelation time. The best combination of high thermal stability and high POH% (99.5%) occurred for encapsulated lipase produced with 24 h gelation time. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Two different fuzzy approaches to voltage control in electric power distribution systems are introduced in this paper. The real-time controller in each case would act on power transformers equipped with under-load tap changers. Learning systems are employed to turn the voltage-control relays into adaptive devices. The scope of this study has been limited to the power distribution substation, and the voltage measurements and control actions are carried out on the secondary bus. The capacity of fuzzy systems to handle approximate data, together with their unique ability to interpret qualitative information, make it possible to design voltage-control strategies that satisfy the requirements of the Brazilian regulatory bodies and the real concerns of the electric power distribution companies. Fuzzy control systems based on these two strategies have been implemented and the test results were highly satisfactory.
A technique for improving the performance of an OSNR monitor based on a polarisation nulling method with the downhill simplex algorithm is demonstrated. Establishing a compromise between accuracy and acquisition time, the monitor has been calibrated to 0.72 dB/390 ms and 0.98 dB/320 ms, over a range of nearly 21 dB. As far as is known, these are the best values achieved with such an OSNR monitoring method.
This paper deals with the H(infinity) recursive estimation problem for general rectangular time-variant descriptor systems in discrete time. Riccati-equation based recursions for filtered and predicted estimates are developed based on a data fitting approach and game theory. In this approach, the nature determines a state sequence seeking to maximize the estimation cost, whereas the estimator tries to find an estimate that brings the estimation cost to a minimum. A solution exists for a specified gamma-level if the resulting cost is positive. In order to present some computational alternatives to the H(infinity) filters developed, they are rewritten in information form along with the respective array algorithms. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.