190 resultados para Automobile engineers


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This paper presents the proposal for a reference model for developing software aimed at small companies. Despite the importance of that represent the small software companies in Latin America, the fact of not having its own standards, and able to meet their specific, has created serious difficulties in improving their process and also in quality certification. In this sense and as a contribution to better understanding of the subject they propose a reference model and as a means to validate the proposal, presents a report of its application in a small Brazilian company, committed to certification of the quality model MPS.BR.


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This paper presents a study of a specific type of beam-to-column connection for precast concrete structures. Furthermore, an analytical model to determine the strength and the stiffness of the connection, based on test results of two prototypes, is proposed. To evaluate the influence of the strength and stiffness of the connection on the behaviour of the structure, the results of numerical simulations of a typical multi-storey building with semi-rigid connections are also presented and compared with the results using pinned and rigid connections. The main conclusions are: (a) the proposed design model can reasonably evaluate the studied connection strength; (b) the evaluation of strength is more accurate than that of stiffness; (c) for a typical structure, it is possible to increase the number of storeys of the structure from two to four with lower horizontal displacement at the top, and only a small increase of the column base bending moment by replacing the pinned connections with semi-rigid ones; and (d) although there is significant uncertainty in the connection stiffness, the results show that the displacements at the top of the structure, and the column base moments present low susceptibility deviations to this parameter.


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An experimental testing program was undertaken to investigate failure mechanisms induced by the active movement of a deep rectangular trapdoor underlying a granular soil. Reduced-scale models were tested under normal gravity as well as under an increased gravitational field using a centrifuge facility. Some models were used to evaluate the performance of both flexible and rigid pipes undergoing a localized loss of support. Failure mechanisms in the longitudinal direction of the models were characterized by a single, well-defined failure surface that developed within the limits of the trapdoor. However, failure mechanisms in the transverse direction of the models were characterized by multiple failure surfaces extending outside the limits of the trapdoor. Significant dilation of the soil located immediately above the trapdoor was identified in the failure of the models. The pattern of the failure mechanisms was found to be affected by the stress level and backfill density. Higher stress levels were found to lead to well-developed failure zones. The influence of backfill density was found to be more relevant in models involving flexible pipes. Pipes embedded within loose backfill were severely damaged after loss of support, while pipes embedded in dense backfill experienced negligible deformations. These results indicate that damage to pipelines caused by ground loss of support can be significantly minimized by controlling the compaction of the fill.


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The aim of this study is to quantify the mass transfer velocity using turbulence parameters from simultaneous measurements of oxygen concentration fields and velocity fields. The surface divergence model was considered in more detail, using data obtained for the lower range of beta (surface divergence). It is shown that the existing models that use the divergence concept furnish good predictions for the transfer velocity also for low values of beta, in the range of this study. Additionally, traditional conceptual models, such as the film model, the penetration-renewal model, and the large eddy model, were tested using the simultaneous information of concentration and velocity fields. It is shown that the film and the surface divergence models predicted the mass transfer velocity for all the range of the equipment Reynolds number used here. The velocity measurements showed viscosity effects close to the surface, which indicates that the surface was contaminated with some surfactant. Considering the results, this contamination can be considered slight for the mass transfer predictions. (C) 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 56: 2005-2017; 2010


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This research work focuses on the analysis of hydraulic transients in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes, which are characterized by a viscoelastic rheological behavior. Transient pressure data were collected in a pipe rig consisting of a set of PVC pipes. The creep function of the PVC pipes was determined by using an inverse transient model based on collected transient pressure data and compared with that obtained by carrying out mechanical tensile tests of PVC pipe specimens. The numerical results obtained from the transient solver have shown that the attenuation, dispersion, and shape of transient pressures were well described. The incorporation of the viscoelastic mechanical behavior in the hydraulic transient model has provided an excellent fitting between numerical results and observed data. Calibrated creep function based on inverse analysis fit the one determined by mechanical tests well, which emphasized the importance of pipe-wall viscoelasticity in hydraulic transients in PVC pipes.


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Cooling curve analysis was used to evaluate the effect of corrosion inhibitor additives and antioxidants on the quenching properties of soybean oil. The results showed that addition of corrosion inhibitors provided significant changes in the cooling curve behavior and of the yellow metal corrosion inhibitors evaluated tolyltriazole exhibits the greatest rate acceleration of heat transfer. However, the presence of antioxidants did not exhibit a significant effect on quenching properties of soybean oil. (C)2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.


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The compositions of canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed and sunflower oils suggest that they exhibit substantially different propensity for oxidation following the order of Canola < corn < cottonseed < sunflower approximate to soybean. These data suggest that any of the vegetable oils evaluated could be blended with minimal impact on viscosity although compositional differences would surely affect oxidative stability. Cooling curve analysis showed that similar cooling profiles were obtained for different vegetable oils. Interestingly, no film boiling or transition nucleate boiling was observed with any of the vegetable oils and heat transfer occurs only by pure nucleate boiling and convection. High-temperature cooling properties of vegetable oils are considerable faster than those observed for petroleum oil-based quenchants. (C)2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.


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Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in Brazil


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This paper presents a strategy for the solution of the WDM optical networks planning. Specifically, the problem of Routing and Wavelength Allocation (RWA) in order to minimize the amount of wavelengths used. In this case, the problem is known as the Min-RWA. Two meta-heuristics (Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing) are applied to take solutions of good quality and high performance. The key point is the degradation of the maximum load on the virtual links in favor of minimization of number of wavelengths used; the objective is to find a good compromise between the metrics of virtual topology (load in Gb/s) and of the physical topology (quantity of wavelengths). The simulations suggest good results when compared to some existing in the literature.


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Multipulse rectifier topologies based on autoconnections are increasingly applied as interface stages between mains and power electronics converters. These topologies are attractive and cost-effective solutions for meeting the requirements of low total harmonic distortion of line current and high power factor. Furthermore, as only a small fraction of the total power required by the load is processed in the magnetic core, the overall resulting volume and weight are reduced. This paper proposes a mathematical analysis based on phasor diagrams that results in a single and general expression capable of unifying all delta and wye step-up or step-down autotransformer connections for 12-and 18-pulse ac-dc converters. The expression obtained allows the choice of a wide range of input/output voltage ratio for step-up or step-down autotransformer, and this general expression is also presented in a graphical form for each converter. Moreover, it simplifies the procedure for determining turn ratios and polarities for all windings of the autotransformer. A routine for easy and fast calculations is developed and validated by a design example. Finally, experimental results are presented along with comments on a 6-kW 220-V line voltage, 400-V rectified voltage, and 18-pulse delta-autoconnected prototype.


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In this paper, an extended impedance-based fault-location formulation for generalized distribution systems is presented. The majority of distribution feeders are characterized by having several laterals, nonsymmetrical lines, highly unbalanced operation, and time-varying loads. These characteristics compromise traditional fault-location methods performance. The proposed method uses only local voltages and currents as input data. The current load profile is obtained through these measurements. The formulation considers load variation effects and different fault types. Results are obtained from numerical simulations by using a real distribution system from the Electrical Energy Distribution State Company of Rio Grande do Sul (CEEE-D), Southern Brazil. Comparative results show the technique robustness with respect to fault type and traditional fault-location problems, such as fault distance, resistance, inception angle, and load variation. The formulation was implemented as embedded software and is currently used at CEEE-D`s distribution operation center.


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This technical note develops information filter and array algorithms for a linear minimum mean square error estimator of discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems. A numerical example for a two-mode Markovian jump linear system, to show the advantage of using array algorithms to filter this class of systems, is provided.


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Power distribution automation and control are import-ant tools in the current restructured electricity markets. Unfortunately, due to its stochastic nature, distribution systems faults are hardly avoidable. This paper proposes a novel fault diagnosis scheme for power distribution systems, composed by three different processes: fault detection and classification, fault location, and fault section determination. The fault detection and classification technique is wavelet based. The fault-location technique is impedance based and uses local voltage and current fundamental phasors. The fault section determination method is artificial neural network based and uses the local current and voltage signals to estimate the faulted section. The proposed hybrid scheme was validated through Alternate Transient Program/Electromagentic Transients Program simulations and was implemented as embedded software. It is currently used as a fault diagnosis tool in a Southern Brazilian power distribution company.


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This letter presents an extension of an existing ground distance relay algorithm to include phase distance relays. The algorithm uses a fault resistance estimation process in the phase domain, improving efficiency in the distance protection process. The results show that the algorithm is suitable for online applications, and that it has an independent performance from the fault resistance magnitude, the fault location, and the line asymmetry.


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Carbonation is one of the main concerns for concrete service life in tropical countries. The mechanism and materials that produce it have been widely studied as well as natural and accelerated methods to report and analyze it. In spite of reported investigations, there is a need for information that could allow an adequate interpretation of the results of the standardization process. This lack of information can produce variations not only in the interpretation but also in the predictions of service life. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and discuss variables that could be sources of error, especially when performing accelerated tests. As a result, a methodologies to minimize variations when interpreting and comparing results is proposed, such as specimen geometry and preconditioning, spacing, relative humidity, and CO(2) concentration.