81 resultados para method of extraction


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Aims To verify whether spectral components of atrial electrograms (AE) during sinus rhythm (SR) correlate with cardiac ganglionated plexus (GP) sites. Methods and results Thirteen patients undergoing atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation were prospectively enrolled. Prior to radio frequency application, endocardial AE were recorded with a sequential point-by-point approach. Electrical stimuli were delivered at 20 Hz, amplitude 100 V, and pulse width of 4 ms. A vagal response was defined as a high-frequency stimulation (HFS) evoked atrioventricular block or a prolongation of RR interval. Spectral analysis was performed on single AE during SR, sampling rate of 1000 Hz, Hanning window. Overall, 1488 SR electrograms were analysed from 186 different left atrium sites, 129 of them corresponding to negative vagal response sites, and 57 to positive response sites. The electrogram duration and the number of deflections were similar in positive and negative response sites. Spectral power density of sites with vagal response was lower between 26 and 83 Hz and higher between 107 and 200 Hz compared with negative response sites. The area between 120 and 170 Hz normalized to the total spectrum area was tested as a diagnostic parameter. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis demonstrated that an area120-170/area(total) value >0.14 identified vagal sites with 70.9% sensitivity and 72.1% specificity. Conclusion Spectral analysis of AE during SR in sites that correspond to the anatomical location of the GP is feasible and may be a simpler method of mapping the cardiac autonomic nervous system, compared with the HFS technique.


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(Floristic composition of seasonal riparian forests in Mato Grosso do Sit] State, Brazil). This Study aimed to characterize the floristic composition in two stretches of seasonal semideciduous forest associated with the Formoso River, Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul State, and in three stretches of seasonal deciduous and semideciduous forests associated with the Salobra, Salobrinha and Perdido rivers in Bodoquena Plateau National Park (76,481 ha) - the only Federal Conservation unit with Integral Protection in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The floristic survey was carried out monthly from October/2004 to March/2006, where flowering and fruiting phanerogams were collected by the method of evaluation time. The floristic survey resulted in 56 families, 184 genera and 307 species. Of the total number of species, 68% were trees, 17% shrubs, 14% lianas and only 1% palms. The Fabaceae family (Leguminosae), represented by 51 (16.6%) species, was the most species-rich. These results increase our knowledge of the Mato Grosso do Sul flora and its geographic distribution, thus emphasizing the need for conservation of these riparian forests and providing subsidies for restoration projects of the degraded areas around the conservation unit and permanent protection areas (APPs) of regional rivers.


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Witches` broom is a severe disease of Theobroma cacao L. (cacao), caused by the basidiomycete Moniliophthora perniciosa. The use of resistant cultivars is the ultimate method of control, but there are limited sources of resistance. Further, resistance from the most widely used source (`Scavina 6`) has been overcome after a few years of deployment. New sources of resistance have been intensively searched for in the Amazon basin. Here, we evaluated for witches` broom resistance, cacao accessions from various natural cacao populations originally collected in the Brazilian Amazon. Resistance of 43 families was evaluated under nursery and/or field conditions by artificial or natural infection, respectively, based on disease incidence. Screening for resistance by artificial inoculation under nursery conditions appeared to be efficient in identifying these novel resistance sources, confirmed by natural field evaluation over a nine-year period. The increase in natural field infection of `Scavina 6` was clearly demonstrated. Among the evaluated families with the least witches` broom incidence, there were accessions originally collected from distinct river basins, including the Jamari river (`CAB 0371`; `CAB 0388`; `CAB 0392`; and `CAB 0410`); Acre (`CAB 0169`); Javari (`CAB 0352`); Solimes (`CAB 0270`); and from the Purus river basin, the two most outstanding resistant accessions, `CAB 0208` and `CAB 0214`. The large genetic diversity found in cacao populations occurring at river basins from Acre and Amazonas states, Brazil, increased the chance that the selected resistant accessions would be genetically more dissimilar, and represent distinct sources of resistance to M. perniciosa from `Scavina 6`.


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Mahogany trees, Swietenia macrophylla, occur in open rainforest, semi deciduous and deciduous and dense rainforest of Peruvian Amazonian tropical forest. They occur, preferentially, in areas with a defined dry season, with typical phenology and seasonal variation activity, forming distinct tree-rings. The present work had as aim to determine the wood density radial variation of 14 mahogany trees, of two populations of the Peruvian Amazonian tropical forest, through the X-ray densitometry and to evaluate their application as methodology, compared to the classic method of measurement table, for the determination of the treering width. The radial wood apparent density of the trees profiles rendered it possible to delimit the areas of juvenile-adult wood and of the heartwood-sapwood, relative to the anatomical structure and chemical composition differences, due to the extractives and the vessels obstruction by tyloses. The mean, minimum and maximum wood apparent density of the mahogany trees for the Populations A and B were of 0.70; 0.29; 1.01 g.cm(-3) and 0.81; 0.29; 1.19 g.cm(-3), respectively. The analysis of the variance and mean test indicate differences of mean wood density among the mahogany trees of each population, probably due to the age of the trees. There was no correlation between mean wood density of mahogany trees among the two populations, as well as, between the tree-ring width and the respective mean density. The X-ray densitometry technique is an important tool in the evaluation of the radial variation of wood apparent density and the delimitation of tree-ring boundaries, with correlations of 0.94 and 0.93 in relation to measurement table, for each sampled population.


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The aim was to verify if the fungigation via drip irrigation is an alternative to the conventional method of spraying on tomato for controlling early blight. Tomato plants (variety Santa Clara) were grown in pots inside a greenhouse. Fifty days after transplanting, the plants were inoculated with Alternaria solani and treated with four different fungicides: azoxystrobin (8 g 100 L(-1)), difeconazole (50 mL 100 L(-1)), metiram+piraclostrobin (200 g 100 L(-1)) and tebuconazole (100 mL 100 L(-1)) using two applications methods: conventional spraying and fiingigation dripping. The control plants did not receive fungicide application. To assess the severity of the disease, we used a rating scale expressed as the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and production factors, such as number, weight and average diameter of the fruit and its productivity. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial scheme 4 x 2 + 1 with eight replicates. Each plot had one plant in one pot. A 27% reduction in disease severity was observed when compared with the control plants, with no significant difference noted regarding the application method. The number of fruits did not statistically differ between the treatments. The average weight and diameter of the fruits were superior in the plants that had fungicide application compared to the control plant, reflecting an increase in productivity. Fungigation through water dripping is an alternative to the conventional method of spraying cultured tomatoes.


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Robust and accurate regional estimates of C storage in soils are currently an important research topic because of ongoing debate about human-induced changes in the terrestrial C cycle. Widely available geoprocessing tools were applied to estimate native soil organic C (SOC) stocks of Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil to a depth of 30 cm from previously sampled soil pedons under undisturbed vegetation. The study used a statewide comprehensive soil survey comprising a small-scale soil map, a climate map, and a soil pedon database. Soil organic C stocks under native vegetation were calculated with two different approaches: the Tier 1 method of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a refined method based on actual field measurements derived from soil profile data. Highest SOC stocks occurred in Neossolos Quartzarenico hidromorfico (Aquents), Organossolos Tiomorficos (Hemists), Latossolos Brunos (Udox), and Vertissolos Ebanicos (Uderts) soil classes. Before human use of soils, most C was stored in the Latossolos Vermelhos (Udox) and Neossolos Regoliticos (Orthents), which occupy a large area of Rio Grande do Sul. Generally, IPCC default reference SOC stocks compared well with SOC stocks calculated from soil pedons. The total SOC stock of Rio Grande do Sul was estimated at 1510.3 Tg C (5.8 kg C m(-2)) by the IPPC method and 1597.5 +/- 363.9 Tg C (7.4 +/- 1.9 kg C m(-2)) calculated from soil pedons. The SOC digital map and SOC database developed in this study provide crucial background information for state-level contemporary assessment of C stocks and soil C sequestration programs and initiatives.


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The research was developed in Fortaleza, CE (latitude 3 degrees 43`S, longitude of 38 degrees 32`W and altitude of 19.5 m). It aimed to determine the Evapotranspiration and the crop coefficients for the different stadiums of seedless watermelon (Citrullus lanatus, Schrad), using the water balance method in drainage lysimeter. The experimental unit consisted of four located drainage lysimeter in an area of 600 m(2). The culture Evapotranspiration (ETc) was determined by the method of the water balance, in a volume of soil control with depth of 0.45 m, whose humidity was monitored by tensiometers. The reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated by the method of the class A pan. The crop coefficients were obtained from the rate between ETc and ETo in the different stages. The ETc presented growing values from the vegetative stage to the fruiting stage, dropping straight away in the mature stage. The maximum value of kc was observed in the fruiting stage.


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Experimental and clinical studies have established that zinc metabolism is altered in individuals with Down syndrome (DS). The present study intends to evaluate the nutritional status of zinc in children with DS by determining their biochemical and dietary parameters. The investigation was carried out on a group of children with DS (n = 35) and compared with a control group (n = 33), both aging between 4 and 11 years. Weight-for-age, height-for-age, and weight-for-height indexes and diet were evaluated by using a 3-day dietary record. Zinc was evaluated in plasma, erythrocytes, and 24-h urine collection by using the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy. The frequency of short stature was higher in children with DS. Both groups presented high protein content, adequate concentrations of lipids and carbohydrates, and deficit in calories. Adequate zinc intake was observed in 40% of children with DS and in 67% of the control group. Zinc concentrations were significantly lower in plasma and urine and higher in erythrocytes of children with DS. The results allowed us to conclude that the altered zinc nutritional status of individuals with Down syndrome contributes to clinical disturbances that usually appear with aging in these patients.


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The aim of this study was to verify the capacity of the extracellular matrix (ECM) obtained from bone marrow of malnourished mice to sustain survival and to induce the proliferation of myeloid cells. We also verified the capacity of the tests to interact with in vitro hematopoietic cytokines. Male ""Swiss"" mice were submitted to protein malnutrition with a diet contents of 4% casein until they lost 20% of the original weight, while the group-control was kept with a diet content of 14% of casein. The bone marrow was extracted with 1.0 mg of aprotinin/mL in PBS. The proliferation tests were carried out with myeloid cell line FDCP-1, by the colorimetric method of reduction of the MTT. The obtained ECM from nourished and undernourished mice induced cellular proliferation in vitro. Tests performed with Il-3 and GM-CSF cytokines in a concentration of 10 and 500 rho g/mL displayed synergic and regulatory effects respectively. The ECM obtained from the malnourished group submitted to the binding to GM-CSF demonstrated higher cellular proliferation than the ECM obtained from the control group (p<0.05). The results suggest that the alterations in the composition of ECM of bone marrow caused by malnutrition might lead to modification of the GM-CSF activity modulation.


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Almost 30 years after the introduction of heart valve prostheses patients worldwide are benefiting from the implant of these devices. Among the various types of heart valves, the ones made of treated bovine pericardium have become a frequently used replacement of the heart`s native valve. Lyophilization, also known as freeze-drying, is an extremely useful technique for tissue storage for surgical applications. This article gives a brief overview on the current bovine pericardium lyophilization development, including the chemical modification to improve physical-chemical characteristics and the advanced technologies used to guarantee a high-quality product. It was shown that lyophilization process can be successfully applied as a method of bovine pericardium preservation and also as a technological tool to prepare new materials obtained by chemical modification of native tissues.


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Studies have shown that various antioxidants are decreased in different age-related degenerative diseases and thus, oxidative stress would have a central role in the pathogenesis of many disorders that involve neuronal degeneration, including Alzheimer`s disease (AD). The present study aimed to assess the nutritional status of Se in AD patients and to compare with control subjects with normal cognitive function. The case control study was carried out on a group of elderly with AD (n 28) and compared with a control group (n 29), both aged between 60 and 89 years. Se intake was evaluated by using a 3-d dietary food record. Se was evaluated in plasma, erythrocytes and nails by using the method of hydride generation atomic absorption spectroscopy. Deficient Se intake was largely observed in the AD group. AD patients showed significantly lower Se levels in plasma, erythrocytes and nails (32.59 mu g/l, 43.74 mu g/l and 0.302 mu g/g) when compared with the control group (50.99 mu g/l, 79.16 mu g/l and 0.400 mu g/g). The results allowed us to suggest that AD has an important relation with Se deficiency.


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PLA microparticles containing 17-beta-estradiol valerate were prepared by an emulsion/evaporation method in order to sustain drug release. This system was characterized concerning particle size, particle morphology and the influence of formulation and processing parameters on drug encapsulation and in vitro drug release. The biodegradation of the microparticles was observed by tissue histological analysis. Scanning electron microscopy and particle size analysis showed that the microparticles were spherical, presenting non-aggregated homogeneous surface and had diameters in the range of 718-880 nm (inert microparticles) and 3-4 mu m (drug loaded microparticles). The encapsulation efficiency was similar to 80%. Hormone released from microparticles was sustained. An in vivo degradation experiment confirmed that microparticles are biodegradable. The preparation method was shown to be suitable, since the morphological characteristics and efficiency yield were satisfactory. Thus, the method of developed microparticles seems to be a promising system for sustained release of 17-beta-estradiol.


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A novel method of preparation of water-in-oil-in-micelle-containing water (W/O/W(m)) Multiple emulsions using the one-step emulsification method is reported. These multiple emulsions were normal (not temporary) and stable over a 60 day test period. Previously, reported multiple emulsion by the one-step method were abnormal systems that formed at the inversion point of simple emulsion (where there is an incompatibility in the Ostwald and Bancroft theories, and typically these are O/W/O systems). Pseudoternary phase diagrams and bidimensional process-composition (phase inversion) maps were constructed to assist in process and composition optimization. The surfactants used were PEG40 hydrogenated castor oil and sorbitan oleate, and mineral and vegetables oils were investigated. Physicochemical characterization studies showed experimentally, for the First time, the significance of the ultralow surface tension point oil multiple emulsion formation by one-step via phase inversion processes. Although the significance of ultralow surface tension has been speculated previously, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first experimental confirmation. The multiple emulsion system reported here was dependent not only upon the emulsification temperature, but also upon the component ratios, therefore both the emulsion phase inversion and the phase inversion temperature were considered to fully explain their formation. Accordingly, it is hypothesized that the formation of these normal multiple emulsions is not a result of a temporary incompatibility (at the inversion point) during simple emulsion preparation, as previously reported. Rather, these normal W/O/W(m) emulsions are a result of the simultaneous occurrence of catastrophic and transitional phase inversion processes. The formation of the primary emulsions (W/O) is in accordance with the Ostwald theory and the formation of the multiple emulsions (W/O/W(m)) is in agreement with the Bancroft theory.


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Selenium (Se) is an essential element and deficit or excess of dietary Se is associated with health disorders. Relatively elevated Se levels have been reported in the Brazilian Amazon, where there are also important annual variations in the availability of different foods. The present study was conducted among six riparian communities of the Tapajos River to evaluate seasonal variations in blood and sequential hair cm Se concentrations, and to examine the relationships between Se in blood and hair, and blood and urine. Two cross-sectional studies were conducted, at the descending water (DWS, n = 259) and the rising water (RWS, n = 137) seasons, with repeated measures for a subgroup (n = 112). Blood Se (B-Se), hair Se (H-Se) and urine Se (U-Se) were determined. Match-paired analyses were used for seasonal comparisons and the method of best fit was used to describe the relationships between biomarkers. B-Se levels presented a very large range (142-2447 mu g/l) with no overall seasonal variation (median 284 and 292 mu g/l, respectively). Sequential analysis of 13 cm hair strands showed significant variations over time: Se concentrations at the DWS were significantly lower compared with the rising water season (medians: 0.7 and 0.9 mu g/g; ranges: 0.2-4.3 mu g/g and 0.2-5.4 mu g/g, respectively). At both seasons, the relationships between B-Se and H-Se were linear and highly significant (r(2) = 67.9 and 63.6, respectively), while the relationship between B-Se and U-Se was best described by a sigmoid curve. Gender, age, education and smoking did not influence Se status or biomarker relationships. Variations in H-Se suggest that there may be seasonal availability of Se sources in local food. For populations presenting a large range and/or elevated Se exposure, sequential analyses of H-Se may provide a good reflection of variations in Se status.


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This paper describes the preparation and application of a novel bioanode for use in ethanol/O(2) biofuel cells based upon immobilization of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers onto carbon cloth platforms. The power density measurements indicated a direct relationship between the amount of anchored ADH and the anode power values, which increased upon enzyme loading. The power density values ranged from 0.04 to 0.28 mW cm(-2), and the highest power density was achieved with the bioanode prepared with 28 U of ADH, which provided a power density of 0.28 mW cm(-2) at 0.3 V. The latter power output values were the maximum observed, even for higher enzyme concentrations. Stability of the bioanodes was quite satisfactory, since there was no appreciable reduction of enzymatic activity during the measurements. The method of bioanode preparation described here has proven to be very effective. The PAMAM dendrimer represents a friendly environment for the immobilization of enzymes, and it is stable and capable of generating high power density compared to other immobilization methods. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.