79 resultados para heat demand
Objectives: Acute pancreatitis (AP) protease release induces lung parenchymal destruction via matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte)-dependent process. Recent studies in hemorrhagic shock revealed that hypertonic saline (HTS) has an anti-inflammatory effect and can inhibit a variety of neutrophil functions. The aim of this study was to determine whether HTS and its actions in the pathway of neutrophil migration, MMPs, and heat shock proteins (HSPs) are effective in protecting the lung from injury associated with AP. Methods: We determined neutrophil infiltration and expressions of MMPs and HSPs in the lung tissue after AP induced by retrograde infusion of 2.5% of sodium taurocholate. Results: Animals submitted to AP that received HTS compared with those who received normal saline presented with increased HSP70 and HSP90 expressions and reduced myeloperoxidase levels and MMP-9 expression and activity. Conclusions: Our data raised the hypothesis that a sequence of HTS lung protection events increases HSP70 and HSP90, inhibiting infiltration of neutrophils and their protease actions in the lung.
Background This study describes heat- and cold-related mortality in 12 urban populations in low- and middle-income countries, thereby extending knowledge of how diverse populations, in non-OECD countries, respond to temperature extremes. Methods The cities were: Delhi, Monterrey, Mexico City, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Salvador, So Paulo, Santiago, Cape Town, Ljubljana, Bucharest and Sofia. For each city, daily mortality was examined in relation to ambient temperature using autoregressive Poisson models (2- to 5-year series) adjusted for season, relative humidity, air pollution, day of week and public holidays. Results Most cities showed a U-shaped temperature-mortality relationship, with clear evidence of increasing death rates at colder temperatures in all cities except Ljubljana, Salvador and Delhi and with increasing heat in all cities except Chiang Mai and Cape Town. Estimates of the temperature threshold below which cold-related mortality began to increase ranged from 15 degrees C to 29 degrees C; the threshold for heat-related deaths ranged from 16 degrees C to 31C. Heat thresholds were generally higher in cities with warmer climates, while cold thresholds were unrelated to climate. Conclusions Urban populations, in diverse geographic settings, experience increases in mortality due to both high and low temperatures. The effects of heat and cold vary depending on climate and non-climate factors such as the population disease profile and age structure. Although such populations will undergo some adaptation to increasing temperatures, many are likely to have substantial vulnerability to climate change. Additional research is needed to elucidate vulnerability within populations.
Background Factors affecting vulnerability to heat-related mortality are not well understood. Identifying susceptible populations is of particular importance given anticipated rising temperatures from climatic change. Methods We investigated heat-related mortality for three Latin American cities (Mexico City, Mexico; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Santiago, Chile) using a case-crossover approach for 754 291 deaths from 1998 to 2002. We considered lagged exposures, confounding by air pollution, cause of death and susceptibilities by educational attainment, age and sex. Results Same and previous day apparent temperature were most strongly associated with mortality risk. Effect estimates remained positive though lowered after adjustment for ozone or PM(10). Susceptibility increased with age in all cities. The increase in mortality risk for those >= 65 comparing the 95th and 75th percentiles of same-day apparent temperature was 2.69% (95% CI: -2.06 to 7.88%) for Santiago, 6.51% (95% CI: 3.57-9.52%) for Sao Paulo and 3.22% (95% CI: 0.93-5.57%) for Mexico City. Patterns of vulnerability by education and sex differed across communities. Effect estimates were higher for women than men in Mexico City, and higher for men elsewhere, although results by sex were not appreciably different for any city. In Sao Paulo, those with less education were more susceptible, whereas no distinct patterns by education were observed in the other cities. Conclusions Elevated temperatures are associated with mortality risk in these Latin American cities, with the strongest associations in So Paulo, the hottest city. The elderly are an important population for targeted prevention measures, but vulnerability by sex and education differed by city.
To evaluate the effects of heat acclimation on sweat rate redistribution and thermodynamic parameters, 9 tropical native volunteers were submitted to 11 days of exercise-heat exposures (40 +/- 0 degrees C and 45.1 +/- 0.2% relative humidity). Sudomotor function was evaluated by measuring total and local (forehead, chest, arm, forearm, and thigh) sweat rates, local sweat sodium concentration, and mean skin and rectal temperatures. We also calculated heat production (H), heat storage (S), heat exchange by radiation (R) and by convection (C), evaporated sweat (E(sw)), sweating efficiency (eta(sw)), skin wettedness (w(sk)), and the ratio between the heat storage and the sum of heat production and heat gains by radiation and convection (S/(H+R+C)). The heat acclimation increased the whole-body sweat rate and reduced the mean skin temperature. There were changes in the local sweat rate patterns: on the arm, forearm, and thigh it increased significantly from day 1 to day 11 (all p<0.05) and the sweat rates from the forehead and the chest showed a small nonsignificant increase (p=0.34 and 0.17, respectively). The relative increase of local sweat rates on day 11 was not different among the sites; however, when comparing the limbs (arm, forearm, and thigh) with the trunk (forehead and chest), there was a significant higher increase in the limbs (32 +/- 5%) in comparison to the trunk (11 +/- 2%, p=0.001). After the heat acclimation period we observed higher w(sk) and E(sw) and reduced S/(H+R+C), meaning greater thermoregulatory efficiency. The increase in the limb sweat rate, but not the increase in the trunk sweat rate, correlated with the increased w(sk), E(sw), and reduced S/(H+R+C) (p<0.05 to all). Altogether, it can be concluded that heat acclimation increased the limbs` sweat rates in tropical natives and that this increase led to increased loss of heat through evaporation of sweat and this higher sweat evaporation was related to higher thermoregulatory efficiency. J Physiol Anthropol 29(1): 1-12, 2010 http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jpa2 [DOI: 10.2114/jpa2.29.1]
Background: Tuberculosis is a major threat to human health. The high disease burden remains unaffected and the appearance of extremely drug-resistant strains in different parts of the world argues in favor of the urgent need for a new effective vaccine. One of the promising candidates is heat-shock protein 65 when used as a genetic vaccine (DNAhsp65). Nonetheless, there are substantial data indicating that BCG, the only available anti-TB vaccine for clinical use, provides other important beneficial effects in immunized infants. Methods: We compared the protective efficacy of BCG and Hsp65 antigens in mice using different strategies: i) BCG, single dose subcutaneously; ii) naked DNAhsp65, four doses, intramuscularly; iii) liposomes containing DNAhsp65, single dose, intranasally; iv) microspheres containing DNAhsp65 or rHsp65, single dose, intramuscularly; and v) prime-boost with subcutaneous BCG and intramuscular DNAhsp65. Results: All the immunization protocols were able to protect mice against infection, with special benefits provided by DNAhsp65 in liposomes and prime-boost strategies. Conclusion: Among the immunization protocols tested, liposomes containing DNAhsp65 represent the most promising strategy for the development of a new anti-TB vaccine.
Heat shock proteins are molecular chaperones linked to a myriad of physiological functions in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In this study, we show that the Aspergillus nidulans hsp30 (ANID_03555.1), hsp70 (ANID_05129.1), and hsp90 (ANID_08269.1) genes are preferentially expressed in an acidic milieu, whose expression is dependent on the palA (+) background under optimal temperature for fungal growth. Heat shock induction of these three hsp genes showed different patterns in response to extracellular pH changes in the palA(+) background. However, their accumulation upon heating for 2 h was almost unaffected by ambient pH changes in the palA (-) background. The PalA protein is a member of a conserved signaling cascade that is involved in the pH-mediated regulation of gene expression. Moreover, we identified several genes whose expression at pH 5.0 is also dependent on the palA (+) background. These results reveal novel aspects of the heat- and pH-sensing networks of A. nidulans.
Heat shock proteins belong to a conserved superfamily of molecular chaperones found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. These proteins are linked to a myriad of physiological functions. In this study, we show that the N. crassa hsp70-1 (NCU09602.3) and hsp70-2 (NCU08693.3) genes are preferentially expressed in an acidic milieu after 15 h of cell growth in sufficient phosphate at 30A degrees C. No significant accumulation of these transcripts was detected at alkaline pH values. Both genes accumulated to a high level in mycelia that were incubated for 1 h at 45A degrees C, regardless of the phosphate concentration and extracellular pH changes. Transcription of the hsp70-1 and hsp70-2 genes was dependent on the pacC (+) background in mycelia cultured under optimal growth conditions or at 45A degrees C. The pacC gene encodes a Zn-finger transcription factor that is involved in the regulation of gene expression by pH. Heat shock induction of these two hsp genes in mycelia incubated in low-phosphate medium was almost not altered in the nuc-1 (-) background under both acidic and alkaline pH conditions. The NUC-1 transcriptional regulator is involved in the derepression of nucleases, phosphatases, and transporters that are necessary for fulfilling the cell`s phosphate requirements. Transcription of the hsp70-3 (NCU01499.3) gene followed a different pattern of induction-the gene was depressed under insufficient phosphate conditions but was apparently unaffected by alkalinization of the culture medium. Moreover, this gene was not induced by heat shock. These results reveal novel aspects of the heat-sensing network of N. crassa.
Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) are currently one of the most promising targets for the development of immunotherapy against tumours and autoimmune disorders. This protein family has the capacity to activate or modulate the function of different immune system cells. They induce the activation of monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, and contribute to cross-priming, an important mechanism of presentation of exogenous antigen in the context of MHC class I molecules, These various immunological properties of HSP have encouraged their use in several clinical trials. Nevertheless, an important issue regarding these proteins is whether the high homology among HSPs across different species may trigger the breakdown of immune tolerance and induce autoimmune diseases. We have developed a DNA vaccine codifying the Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 (DNAhsp65), which showed to be highly immunogenic and protective against experimental tuberculosis. Here, we address the question of whether DNAhsp65 immunization could induce pathological autoimmunity in mice. Our results show that DNAhsp65 vaccination induced antibodies that can recognize the human Hsp60 but did not induce harmful effects in 16 different organs analysed by histopathology up to 210 days after vaccination. We also showed that anti-DNA antibodies were not elicited after DNA vaccination. The results are important for the development of both HSP and DNA-based immunomodulatory agents.
Directed evolution techniques have been used to improve the thermal stability of the xylanase A from Bacillus subtilis (XylA). Two generations of random mutant libraries generated by error prone PCR coupled with a single generation of DNA shuffling produced a series of mutant proteins with increasing thermostability. The most Thermostable XylA variant from the third generation contained four mutations Q7H, G13R, S22P, and S179C that showed an increase in melting temperature of 20 degrees C. The thermodynamic properties Of a representative subset of nine XylA variants showing a range of thermostabilities were measured by thermal denaturation as monitored by the change in the far ultraviolet circular dichroism signal. Analysis of the data from these thermostable variants demonstrated a correlation between the decrease in the heat capacity change (Delta C(p)) with an increase in the midpoint of the transition temperature (T(m)) on transition from the native to the unfolded state. This result could not be interpreted within the context of the changes in accessible surface area of the protein on transition from the native to unfolded states. Since all the mutations are located at the surface of the protein, these results suggest that an explanation of the decrease in Delta C(p) on should include effects arising from the prot inlsolvent interface.
Organisms of the genera Toxoplasma, Hammondia and Neospora, the Hammondia-like organisms, are closely related coccidian with similarly sized oocysts. Therefore, a diagnosis based on microscopy of oocysts in feces is not a method of choice for species identification of these important parasites. In this paper, we present a polymerase chain reaction coupled with restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method to differentially diagnose oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii from oocyst of Hammondia hammondi. Another PCR-RFLP was designed to differentiate oocysts of Hammondia heydorni from oocysts of Neospora spp. Both PCR-RFLP are based on nucleotide sequences of the Hsp70 coding gene. In conclusion, we presented two alternative molecular diagnostic assays that can be successfully applied for the differentiation of oocysts of Hammondia-like organisms shed by felids and canids.
Studies on environmental consequences of stress on animal production have grown substantially in the last few years for economic and animal welfare reasons. Physiological, hormonal, and immunological deficits as well as increases in animals` susceptibility to diseases have been reported after different stressors in broiler chickens. The aim of the current experiment is to describe the effects of 2 different heat stressors (31 +/- 1 and 36 +/- 1 degrees C/10 h per d) applied to broiler chickens from d 35 to 42 of life on the corticosterone serum levels, performance parameters, intestinal histology, and peritoneal macrophage activity, correlating and discussing the obtained data under a neuroimmune perspective. In our study, we demonstrated that heat stress (31 +/- 1 and 36 +/- 1 degrees C) increased the corticosterone serum levels and decreased BW gain and food intake. Only chickens submitted to 36 +/- 1 degrees C, however, presented a decrease in feed conversion and increased mortality. We also showed a decrease of bursa of Fabricius (31 +/- 1 and 36 +/- 1 degrees C), thymus (36 +/- 1 degrees C), and spleen (36 +/- 1 degrees C) relative weights and of macrophage basal (31 +/- 1 and 36 +/- 1 degrees C) and Staphylococcus aureus-induced oxidative burst (31 +/- 1 degrees C). Finally, mild multifocal acute enteritis characterized by an increased presence of lymphocytes and plasmocytes within the jejunum`s lamina propria was also observed. The stress-induced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation was taken as responsible for the negative effects observed on the chickens` performance and immune function and also the changes of the intestinal mucosa. The present obtained data corroborate with others in the field of neuroimmunomodulation and open new avenues for the improvement of broiler chicken welfare and production performance.
It was hypothesized the lower fertility of repeat-breeder (RB) Holstein cows is associated with oocyte quality and this negative effect is enhanced during summer heat stress (HS). During the summer and the winter, heifers (H; n = 36 and 34, respectively), peak-lactation (PL; n = 37 and 32, respectively), and RB (n = 36 and 31, respectively) Holstein cows were subjected to ovum retrieval to assess oocyte recovery, in vitro embryonic developmental rates, and blastocyst quality [terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL)-positive cells and total cell number]. The environmental temperature and humidity, respiration rate, and cutaneous and rectal temperatures were recorded in both seasons. The summer HS increased the respiration rate and the rectal temperature of PL and RB cows, and increased the cutaneous temperature and lowered the in vitro embryo production of Holstein cows and heifers. Although cleavage rate was similar among groups [H = 51.7% +/- 4.5 (n = 375), PL = 37.9% +/- 5.1 (n = 390), RB = 41.9% +/- 4.5 (n = 666)], blastocyst rate was compromised by HS, especially in RB cows [H = 30.3% +/- 4.8 (n = 244) vs. 23.3% +/- 6.4 (n = 150), PL = 22.0% +/- 4.7 (n = 191) vs. 14.6% +/- 7.6 (n = 103), RB = 22.5% +/- 5.4 (n = 413) vs. 7.9% +/- 4.3 (n = 177)]. Moreover, the fragmentation rate of RB blastocysts was enhanced during the summer, compared with winter [4.9% +/- 0.7 (n = 14) vs. 2.2% +/- 0.2 (n = 78)] and other groups [H = 2.5% +/- 0.7 (n = 13), and PL = 2.7% +/- 0.6 (n = 14)] suggesting that the association of RB fertility problems and summer HS may potentially impair oocyte quality. Our findings provide evidence of a greater sensitivity of RB oocytes to summer HS.
Animals inheriting the slick hair gene have a short, sleek, and sometimes glossy coat. The objective of the present study was to determine whether slick-haired Holstein cows regulate body temperature more effectively than wild-type Holstein cows when exposed to an acute increase in heat stress. Lactating slick cows (n = 10) and wild-type cows (n = 10) were placed for 10 h in an indoor environment with a solid roof, fans, and evaporative cooling or in an outdoor environment with shade cloth and no fans or evaporative cooling. Cows were exposed to both environments in a single reversal design. Vaginal temperature, respiration rate, surface temperature, and sweating rate were measured at 1200, 1500, 1800, and 2100 h (replicate 1) or 1200 and 1500 h (replicate 2), and blood samples were collected for plasma cortisol concentration. Cows in the outdoor environment had higher vaginal and surface temperatures, respiration rates, and sweating rates than cows in the indoor environment. In both environments, slick-haired cows had lower vaginal temperatures (indoor: 39.0 vs. 39.4 degrees C; outdoor 39.6 vs. 40.2 degrees C; SEM = 0.07) and respiration rate (indoor: 67 vs. 79 breaths/min; outdoor 97 vs. 107 breaths/min; SEM = 5.5) than wild-type cows and greater sweating rates in unclipped areas of skin (indoor: 57 vs. 43 g.h(-1)/m(2); outdoor 82 vs. 61 g.h(-1)/m(2); SEM = 8). Clipping the hair at the site of sweating measurement eliminated the difference between slick-haired and wild-type cows. Results indicate that slick-haired Holstein cows can regulate body temperature more effectively than wild-type cows during heat stress. One reason slick-haired animals are better able to regulate body temperature is increased sweating rate.
Introduction: This ex vivo study evaluated the heat release, time required, and cleaning efficacy of MTwo (VDW, Munich, Germany) and ProTaper Universal Retreatment systems (Dentsply/Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and hand instrumentation in the removal of filling material. Methods: Sixty single-rooted human teeth with a single straight canal were obturated with gutta-percha and zinc oxide and eugenol-based cement and randomly allocated to 3 groups (n = 20). After 30-day storage at 37 degrees C and 100% humidity, the root fillings were removed using ProTaper UR, MTwo R, or hand files. Heat release, time required, and cleaning efficacy data were analyzed statistically (analysis of variance and the Tukey test, alpha = 0.05). Results: None of the techniques removed the root fillings completely. Filling material removal with ProTaper UR was faster but caused more heat release. Mtwo R produced less heat release than the other techniques but was the least efficient in removing gutta-percha/sealer. Conclusions: ProTaper UR and MTwo R caused the greatest and lowest temperature increase on root surface, respectively; regardless of the type of instrument, more heat was released in the cervical third. Pro Taper UR needed less time to remove fillings than MTwo R. All techniques left filling debris in the root canals. (I Endod 2010;36:1870-1873)
Introduction: Fibroblasts are the most abundant cells in dental pulp. To investigate their capacity to produce the chemokines CCL3, CXCL8, and CXCL12 as well as nitric oxide (NO), we evaluated the production of these mediators in supernatants of cultured human dental pulp fibroblasts (HDPF) stimulated by heat-killed Enterococcus faecalis (HKEF). Methods: Primary cultures of HDPF were stimulated with medium alone or HKEF (1:1, 10:1, or 100:1 bacteria:fibroblast) for 1, 6, and 24 hours. Chemokines and NO were assessed through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Griess reaction, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed by using analysis of variance and Tukey post test. Results: CCL3 was not detected, whereas constitutive CXCL8 was not affected. Production of CXCL12 was increased at 1 and 6 hours, and NO was increased at the concentration of 1:1 bacteria:fibroblast at 24 hours. Viability and proliferation assays did not reveal cell number differences. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that heat-killed E. faecalis is able to increase production of CXCL12 and NO by HDPF. (J Endod 2010;36:91-94)