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Low Intensity Electrical Stimulation (LIES) has been used for bone repair, but little is known about its effects on bone after menopause. Osteocytes probably play a role in mediating this physical stimulus and they could act as transducers through the release of biochemical signals, such as nitric oxide (NO). The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of LIES on bone structure and remodeling, NOS expression and osteocyte viability in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Thirty rats (200-220 g) were divided into 3 groups: SHAM, OVX, and OVX subjected to LIES (OVX + LIES) for 12 weeks. Following the protocol, rats were sacrificed and tibias were collected for histomorphometric analysis and immunohistochemical detection of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), inducible NOS (iNOS), and osteocyte apoptosis (caspase-3 and TUNEL). OVX rats showed significant (p < 0.05 vs. SHAM) decreased bone volume (10% vs. 25%) and trabecular number (1.7 vs. 3.9), and increased eroded surfaces (4.7% vs. 3.2%) and mineralization surfaces (15.9% vs. 7.7%). In contrast, after LIES, all these parameters were significantly different from OVX but not different from SHAM. eNOS and iNOS were similarly expressed in subperiosteal regions of tibiae cortices of SHAM, not expressed in OVX, and similarly expressed in OVX + LIES when compared to SHAM. In OVX, the percentage of apoptotic osteocytes (24%) was significantly increased when compared to SHAM (11%) and OVX + LIES (8%). Our results suggest that LIES counteracts some effects of OVX on bone tissue preserving bone structure and microarchitecture, iNOS and eNOS expression, and osteocyte viability.
The aim of this work is to identify key factors of a sustainable urban mobility concept in a particular context. A multiple criteria decision analysis method was developed to identify the main variables associated to the concept. Looking at the results obtained in 11 cities of the five Brazilian regions, we conclude that the method is able to capture the different views and approaches discussed in the formulation of the mobility concept. Therefore, it can be used as a starting point for the formulation of public policies and also in the development of tools designed for monitoring the mobility conditions. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The single phase induction motors needs two stator windings to produce rotating magnetic field : one main winding and the other auxiliary winding. The aim of the auxiliary winding is to create the rotating electromagnetic field when the machine is started-up and is afterwards turned off, generally through the centrifugal switch coupled together with the shaft of the machine rotor. The main purpose of this document is to evaluate the influence that the two windings have on the external characteristics of the single phase induction motor. For this purpose, two different kinds of windings were carried out and simulated, with the proposal to obtain some benefits. The main winding and the auxiliary winding were prepared and mounted on a prototype. The simulation was done via software based FEM, to make the extraction and results analysis possible. This results are shown at the end this document.
Given the susceptibility of tomato plants to pests, the aim of the present study was to understand how hormones are involved in the formation of tomato natural defences against insect herbivory. Tomato hormone mutants, previously introgressed into the same genetic background of reference, were screened for alterations in trichome densities and allelochemical content. Ethylene, gibberellin, and auxin mutants indirectly showed alteration in trichome density, through effects on epidermal cell area. However, brassinosteroids (BRs) and jasmonates (JAs) directly affected trichome density and allelochemical content, and in an opposite fashion. The BR-deficient mutant dpy showed enhanced pubescence, zingiberene biosynthesis, and proteinase inhibitor expression; the opposite was observed for the JA-insensitive jai1-1 mutant. The dpyxjai1-1 double mutant showed that jai1-1 is epistatic to dpy, indicating that BR acts upstream of the JA signalling pathway. Herbivory tests with the poliphagous insect Spodoptera frugiperda and the tomato pest Tuta absoluta clearly confirmed the importance of the JA-BR interaction in defence against herbivory. The study underscores the importance of hormonal interactions on relevant agricultural traits and raises a novel biological mechanism in tomato that may differ from the BR and JA interaction already suggested for Arabidopsis.
The knowledge of soil water storage (SWS) of soil profiles is crucial for the adoption of vegetation restoration practices. With the aim of identifying representative sites to obtain the mean SWS of a watershed, a time stability analysis of neutron probe evaluations of SWS was performed by the means of relative differences and Spearman rank correlation coefficients. At the same time, the effects of different neutron probe calibration procedures were explored on time stability analysis. mean SWS estimation. and preservation of the spatial variability of SWS. The selected watershed, with deep gullies and undulating slopes which cover an area of 20 ha, is characterized by an Ust-Sandiic Entisol and an Aeolian sandy soil. The dominant vegetation species are bunge needlegrass (Stipa bungeana Trim) and korshinsk peashrub (Carugano Korshinskii kom.). From June 11, 2007 to July 23,2008, SWS of the top1 m soil layer was evaluated for 20 dates, based on neutron probe data of 12 sampling sites. Three calibration procedures were employed: type 1, most complete, with each site having its own linear calibration equation (TrE); type II. with TrE equations extended over the whole field: and type III, with one single linear calibration curve for the whole field (UnE) and also correcting its intercept based on site specific relative difference analysis (RdE) and on linear fitting of data (RcE), both maintaining the same slope. A strong time stability of SWS estimated by TrE equations was identified. Soil particle size and soil organic matter content were recognized as the influencing factors for spatial variability of SWS. Land use influenced neither the spatial variability nor the time stability of SWS. Time stability analysis identified one site to represent the mean SWS of the whole watershed with mean absolute percentage errors of less than 10%, therefore. this site can be used as a predictor for the mean SWS of the watershed. Some equations of type II were found to be unsatisfactory to yield reliable mean SWS values or in preserving the associated soil spatial variability. Hence, it is recommended to be cautious in extending calibration equations to other sites since they might not consider the field variability. For the equations with corrected intercept (type III), which consider the spatial variability of calibration in a different way in relation to TrE, it was found that they can yield satisfactory means and standard deviation of SWS, except for the RdE equations, which largely leveled off the SWS values in the watershed. Correlation analysis showed that the neutron probe calibration was linked to soil bulk density and to organic matter content. Therefore, spatial variability of soil properties should be taken into account during the process of neutron probe calibration. This study provides useful information on the mean SWS observation with a time stable site and on distinct neutron probe calibration procedures, and it should be extended to soil water management studies with neutron probes, e.g., the process of vegetation restoration in wider area and soil types of the Loess Plateau in China. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Crop rotation can play a valuable role in managing plant parasitic nematodes, depending on the availability of profitable non-host or poor host crops. Alternatively, non-host cover crops or green manures can be used in succession to summer cash Crops for this Purpose. The aim of the current study was to evaluate, under greenhouse conditions, the host status of commercial hybrids and cultivars of grain and silage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) for Meloidogyne javanica, and to assess the effect of sorghum on nematode population in comparison with pearl millet (poor host for M. javanica), showy crotalaria and sunn hemp (both non-hosts). Based on two experiments, it was stated that, as a rule, grain sorghum is a poor host for M. javanica, but silage sorghum is a good host. Silage sorghum `BRS 601` was an exception. In other experiments, grain sorghum, pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum `BN 2`), showy crotalaria (Crotolaria spectabilis `Comum`) and sunn hemp (C. juncea `IAC-KR-1`) reduced M. javanica population level, while silage sorghum increased the nematode density.
Viroids have been used as ""graft transmissible dwarfing agents"" (GTDA) in several countries, mainly to reduce growth of citrus trees, thus increasing their density in orchards. In the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, plants of the acid lime `Tahiti` are usually grafted with a complex of GTDA, presumably viroids. The aim of the present work was the identification and molecular characterization of the viroids infecting trees of acid lime `Tahiti` displaying ""Quebra galho"" (bark-cracking). Viroids were identified and characterized by biological indexing in `Etrog` citron, Northern-blot hybridization, RT-PCR, cloning and complete sequencing of the RNA genomes. Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd), Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) and Citrus dwarfing viroid (CDVd) were found in different combinations. Although we have not been able to infer a direct relationship between the agronomical performance and symptom severity with the presence of a specific viroid or viroid combination, the differences in the severity of ""Quebra-galho"" symptoms among different trees is probably associated with the presence (or absence) of CEVd, with its interaction with other viroids perhaps determining the different phenotypes observed in the field.
The minerals of the clay fraction in estuarine plains are mainly detrital being a mixture of marine and continental sediments, but can also be authigenic. Because of the importance of mangrove ecosystems in tropical estuarine areas and the relatively few existing studies of the mineralogical composition of soils in these environments, the aim of this study was to determine the mineralogical assemblage and identify potential contrasts along the coast of the State of Sao Paulo. Soils from I I mangroves distributed along the coastal plain of the State of Sao Paulo were sampled at depths of 0 to 20 and 60 to 80 cm, and samples of suspended sediments from the Ribeira do Iguape River were collected for analysis. Mineralogical analyses were performed on the clay and silt fractions by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy, and fresh soil samples were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectrometry and suspended sediments by XRD. The silt fraction contained quartz, feldspars, gibbsite, kaolinite, illite, and vermiculite, and the clay fraction contained smectite, kaolinite, illite, gibbsite, quartz, and feldspars. Locally, vermiculite, biotite, anatase, halloysite, and goethite may occur because of recent transport of sediments to the system. Pyrite was identified in fresh samples. The allochthonous minerals found either were terrestrial and transported by rivers or had originated from the continental platform by past transgressive events. We suggest that the neoformation of smectite and kaolinite occurs in mangrove soils. Different geomorphological settings along the Sao Paulo coast appear to regulate mineral distribution in mangrove soils.
Yield is closely linked to the plant yield components and depend directly of the genotype interaction with the environment. Essays were installed in the experimental field of the Bahia Foundation in the Maria Gabriela farm in the county of Sao Desiderio - BA in the year 2006-2007. The aim of this work was to evaluate yield components of five soybean cultivars with different maturation cycles indicated for the Western Region of Bahia in different sowing periods. The experimental design was in random blocks in 4 x 5 factorial scheme (four sowing periods: Ep1 first - 11/29/2006, Ep2 second - 12/14/2006, Ep3 third - 12/28/2007, Ep4 fourth - 01/12/2007 and five cultivars: M-SOY 8411, BRS Corisco, BRS 263 [Diferente], BRS Barreiras e M-SOY 9350) with four repetitions. The following characteristics were evaluated: total number of pods per plant, total number of beans per plant, mass of 1000 beans and yield. Plant yield components, total number of pods per plant, total number of beans per plant, mass of 1000 beans, reduced with sowing delay and showed compensation effect between cultivars and sowing periods. Late sowing Ep3 (28/12/2006) and Ep4 (12/01/2007) were not favourable to raise yield of soybean in the Western Region of Bahia.
The aim of this study was to determine the median lethal concentration (LC(50)) of the commercial products Boveril WP (R) (Beauveria bassiana) and Metarril WP (R) (Metarhizium anisopliae) on the larvae and pupae of the fruit Ceratitis capitata. Insects used in this study came from a laboratory colony. The evaluated product concentrations were 10.00, 15.00, 20.00 and 25.00 g/L of water, which correspond, respectively, to 5.00x10(9), 7.50x10(9), 10.00x10(9) and 12.50x10(9) viable conidia/L of water for the two products, and in the control only water was applied. Third instar larvae and pupae of C. capitata were used in this study. Results showed an overall mortality of larvae with all conidial concentrations of M. anisopliae. The LC(50) values for larvae were 2.99 and 2.97 g/L for Boveril (R) and Metarril (R), respectively, while for pupae they were 3.12 and 4.74 g/L for Boveril (R) and Metarril (R), respectively. The high pathogenicity demonstrated by lower conidial concentrations of the tested products may mean greater efficiency from both economic and environmental points of view.
The aim of this study was to investigate how beaker size, basket assembly, use of disk, and immersion medium impact the disintegration time of dietary supplements. The disintegration times were determined for five tablet and two capsule products. A two-station disintegration tester was used with Apparatus A or Apparatus B as described in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) chapters, < 701 > and < 2040 >. Two beakers complying with the harmonized specifications were used, one with a volume of 1,000 mL and one with a 1,500-mL volume. The disintegration data were analyzed using ANOVA for the following factors: beaker size, equipment (App A and B) and condition (with/without disk). Two tablet products were not sensitive to any changes in the test conditions or equipment configurations. One product was only partially sensitive to the test conditions. The other products showed impact on the disintegration time for all test conditions. The results revealed that these tablet products might pass or fail current USP disintegration requirements depending on the equipment configuration. Similar results were obtained for the two investigated capsule formulations. One product might fail current USP disintegration requirements if the large beaker was used, but might pass the disintegration requirements when the small beaker was used. Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose capsules were mostly influenced if sodium instead of a potassium buffer was used as the immersion medium. The results demonstrate that the current harmonized ICH specifications for the disintegration test are insufficient to make the disintegration test into reliable test for dietary supplements.
An exhaustive analysis of the crystallisation behaviour of palm oil was performed using low-resolution magnetic pulsed nuclear resonance, differential scanning calorimetry, polarised light microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The aim of this study was to characterise the changes induced in the crystallisation of palm oil by the addition of two different levels of tripalmitin and two different types of monoacylglycerols. The addition of monoacylglycerols led to the formation of a large number of crystallisation nuclei without changing the final solids content, accelerating the process of crystal formation, leading to the formation of smaller crystals than those found in the refined palm oil. Higher levels of tripalmitin produced crystals with larger dimensions, reducing the induction period and resulted in a higher level of solids at the end of the crystallisation period. The addition of monoacylglycerols and tripalmitin induced the formation of a polymorphic beta-form. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different crucible materials on the thermal analysis of binary systems. The thermal properties of two distinct solutions were measured both by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and freeze-drying microscopy and the results were compared. The glass transition of the maximally freeze-concentrate (T (g)`) and the eutectic melting temperature (T (eut)) were not influenced by the crucible material. However the heat of fusion (Delta H) involved during the T (eut) as well as the Delta C (p) involved during the T (g)` of the solutions were affected.
Recently, some research groups have been developing studies aiming to apply spouted beds of inert particles for production of dried herbal extracts. However, mainly due to their complex composition, several problems arise during the spouted bed drying of herbal extracts such as bed instability, product accumulation, particle agglomeration, and bed collapse. The addition of drying carriers, like colloidal silicon dioxide, to the extractive solution can minimize these unwanted effects. The aim of this work was to study the influence of the addition of colloidal silicon dioxide on enhancement of the performance of the drying of hydroalcoholic extract of Bauhinia forficata Link on a spouted bed of inert particles. The physical properties of the herbal extract and of its mixture with colloidal silicon dioxide at several concentrations (20% to 80% related to solids content) were quantified by determination of the surface tension, rheological properties, density, pH, and contact angles with the inert surfaces. Drying performance was evaluated through determination of the elutriation ratio, product recovery ratio, and product accumulation. The product was characterized through determination of the thermal degradation of bioactive compounds and product moisture content. The results indicated that the rheological properties of the extracts and their preparations, the contact angle with inert material, and the work of adhesion play important roles in the spouted bed drying of herbal extracts. Higher concentration of the drying carrier significantly improved the spouted bed drying performance.
P>The aim of this comparative clinical study was to evaluate a novel bioactive glass-ceramic (Biosilicate (R) 1-20 mu m particles) to treat dentine hypersensitivity (DH). Volunteers (n = 120 patients/ 230 teeth) received the following treatments: G1-Sensodyne (R), G2-SensiKill (R), G3-Biosilicate (R) incorporated in a 1% water-free-gel and G4-Biosilicate (R) mixed with distilled water at 1:10 ratio. G1 and G3 were applied at home, daily for 30 days; G2 and G4 were applied once a week by a dentist (four applications). A visual analogue scale (VAS) was employed to evaluate pain for each quadrant in one sensitive tooth at baseline, weekly during treatment and during a 6-month follow-up period. Dentine hypersensitivity values (G1/n = 52), (G2/n = 62), (G3/n = 59) and (G4/n = 59) were analysed with Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn tests. All the products were efficient in reducing DH after 4 weeks. Among the four materials tested, G4 demonstrated the best clinical performance and provided the fastest treatment to reduce DH pain. Distilled water proved to be an adequate vehicle to disperse Biosilicate (R). Low DH scores were maintained during the 6-month follow-up period. The hypothesis that the novel bioactive glass-ceramic may be an efficient treatment for DH was confirmed.