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To evaluate the effects of different mechanical ventilation (MV) strategies on the mucociliary system. Experimental study. Twenty-seven male New Zealand rabbits. After anesthesia, animals were tracheotomized and ventilated with standard ventilation [tidal volume (Vt) 8 ml/kg, positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) 5 cmH(2)O, flow 3 L/min, FiO(2) 0.4] for 30 min. Next, animals were randomized into three groups and ventilated for 3 h with low volume (LV): Vt 8 ml/kg, PEEP 5 cmH(2)O, flow 3 L/min (n = 6); high volume (HV): Vt 16 ml/kg, PEEP 5 cmH(2)O, flow 5 L/min (n = 7); or high pressure (HP): Ppeak 30 cmH(2)O, PEEP 12 cmH(2)O (n = 8). Six animals (controls) were ventilated for 10 min with standard ventilation. Vital signals, blood lactate, and respiratory system mechanics were verified. Tracheal tissue was collected before and after MV. Lung and tracheal tissue sections were stained to analyze inflammation and mucosubstances by the point-counting method. Electron microscopy verified tracheal cell ultrastructure. In situ tracheal ciliary beating frequency (CBF), determined using a videoscopic technique, and tracheal mucociliary transport (TMCT), assessed by stereoscopic microscope, were evaluated before and after MV. Respiratory compliance decreased in the HP group. The HV and HP groups showed higher lactate levels after MV. Macroscopy showed areas of atelectasis and congestion on HV and HP lungs. Lung inflammatory infiltrate increased in all ventilated groups. Compared to the control, ventilated animals also showed a reduction of total and acid mucus on tracheal epithelium. Under electron microscopy, injury was observed in the ciliated cells of the HP group. CBF decreased significantly after MV only in the HP group. TMCT did not change significantly in the ventilated groups. Different MV strategies induce not only distal lung alterations but also morphological and physiological tracheal alterations leading to mucociliary system dysfunction.


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Introduction. Only about 15% of the potential candidates for lung donation are considered suitable for transplantation. A new method for ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) can be used to evaluate and recondition ""marginal,"" nonacceptable lungs. We have herein described an initial experience with ex vivo perfusion of 8 donor lungs deemed nonacceptable. Materials and Methods. After harvesting, the lungs were perfused ex vivo with Steen Solution, an extracellular matrix with high colloid osmotic pressure. A membrane oxygenator connected to the circuit received gas from a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, maintaining a normal mixed venous blood gas level in the perfusate. The lungs were gradually rewarmed, reperfused, and ventilated for evaluation through analyses of oxygenation capacity, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), lung compliance (LC), and biopsy. Results. The arterial oxygen pressure (with inspired oxygen fraction of 100%) increased from a mean of 206 mm Hg in the organ donor at the referring hospital to a mean of 498 mm Hg during the ex vivo evaluation. After 1 hour of EVLP, PVR varied from 440-1454 dynes/sec/cm(5); LC was in the range of 26-90 mL/cmH(2)O. There was no histological deterioration after 10 hours of cold ischemia and 1 hour of EVLP. Conclusions. The ex vivo evaluation model can improve oxygenation capacity of ""marginal"" lungs rejected for transplantation. It has great potential to increase lung donor availability and, possibly, reduce time on the waiting list.


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Background and objective The time course of cardiopulmonary alterations after pulmonary embolism has not been clearly demonstrated and nor has the role of systemic inflammation on the pathogenesis of the disease. This study aimed to evaluate over 12 h the effects of pulmonary embolism caused by polystyrene microspheres on the haemodynamics, lung mechanics and gas exchange and on interleukin-6 production. Methods Ten large white pigs (weight 35-42 kg) had arterial and pulmonary catheters inserted and pulmonary embolism was induced in five pigs by injection of polystyrene microspheres (diameter similar to 300 mu mol l(-1)) until a value of pulmonary mean arterial pressure of twice the baseline was obtained. Five other animals received only saline. Haemodynamic and respiratory data and pressure-volume curves of the respiratory system were collected. A bronchoscopy was performed before and 12 h after embolism, when the animals were euthanized. Results The embolism group developed hypoxaemia that was not corrected with high oxygen fractions, as well as higher values of dead space, airway resistance and lower respiratory compliance levels. Acute haemodynamic alterations included pulmonary arterial hypertension with preserved systemic arterial pressure and cardiac index. These derangements persisted until the end of the experiments. The plasma interleukin-6 concentrations were similar in both groups; however, an increase in core temperature and a nonsignificant higher concentration of bronchoalveolar lavage proteins were found in the embolism group. Conclusion Acute pulmonary embolism induced by polystyrene microspheres in pigs produces a 12-h lasting hypoxaemia and a high dead space associated with high airway resistance and low compliance. There were no plasma systemic markers of inflammation, but a higher central temperature and a trend towards higher bronchoalveolar lavage proteins were found. Eur J Anaesthesiol 27:67-76 (C) 2010 European Society of Anaesthesiology.


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Background: Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) modes are currently available on bilevel and ICU ventilators. However, little data comparing the performance of the NPPV modes on these ventilators are available. Methods: In an experimental bench study, the ability of nine ICU ventilators to function in the presence of leaks was compared with a bilevel ventilator using the IngMar ASL5000 lung simulator (IngMar Medical; Pittsburgh, PA) set at a compliance of 60 mL/cm H(2)O, an inspiratory resistance of 10 cm H(2)O/L/s, an expiratory resistance of 20 cm H(2)O/L/s, and a respiratory rate of 15 breaths/min. All of the ventilators were set at 12 cm H(2)O pressure support and 5 cm H(2)O positive end-expiratory pressure. The data were collected at baseline and at three customized leaks. Main results: At baseline, all of the ventilators were able to deliver adequate tidal volumes, to maintain airway pressure, and to synchronize with the simulator, without missed efforts or auto-triggering. As the leak was increased, all of the ventilators (except the Vision [Respironics; Murrysville, PA] and Servo I [Maquet; Solna, Sweden]) needed adjustment of sensitivity or cycling criteria to maintain adequate ventilation, and some transitioned to backup ventilation. Significant differences in triggering and cycling were observed between the Servo I and the Vision ventilators. Conclusions: The Vision and Servo I were the only ventilators that required no adjustments as they adapted to increasing leaks. There were differences in performance between these two ventilators, although the clinical significance of these differences is unclear. Clinicians should be aware that in the presence of leaks, most ICU ventilators require adjustments to maintain an adequate tidal volume. (CHEST 2009; 136:448-456)


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Objective. To confirm the episode of eosinophilic pneumonitis that occurred in March 2001 in Manaus, Amazon, northern Brazil, as secondary to home aerosolization with 2% cypermethrin diluted in diesel compared with the more conventional 1% cypermethrin and soybean solution used in prophylaxis of dengue. Methods. Four groups of Swiss mice were kept in polycarbonate cages aerosolized with one of the following solutions: diesel, diesel and cypermethrin, soy oil and cypermethrin, and saline. Three and 6 days after exposure, resistance and compliance of the respiratory system and white cell kinetics in peripheral blood and lung tissue were analyzed. Results. The group exposed to diesel and cypermethrin showed higher respiratory system resistance (p < 0.001), lower compliance (p = 0.03), and increased eosinophils in blood (p = 0.03) and lung tissue (p = 0.005) compared with the other groups. There was an increase of neutrophils in the blood of all experimental groups on the third day after exposure (p < 0.001). Conclusions. We concluded that diesel associated with cypermethrin induced lung hyperresponsiveness in this experimental model and was associated with increased polymorphonuclear cells (eosinophils and neutrophils) in blood and lungs. This effect is strongest on the third day after exposure. These results are similar to the episode that occurred in Manaus in 2001 and suggest that diesel plus cypermethrin home aerosolization for arbovirosis prophylaxis should be revised.


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PURPOSE: To report clinical outcomes of the treatment of ocular Demodex folliculorum with oral ivermectin. DESIGN: Noncomparative, interventional case series. METHODS: Setting. Institutional. Study Population. Twenty-four eyes of 12 patients (3 male and 9 female; mean age +/- standard deviation, 50.4 +/- 21.0 years) with refractory posterior blepharitis with the presence of D. folliculorum in lash samples were enrolled in this study. Intervention. Patients were instructed to take 1 dose of oral ivermectin (200 mu g/kg). All patients were instructed to repeat the treatment after 7 days. Main outcome measures. Tear meniscus height, Schirmer I test results, noninvasive tear film break-up time (BUT), quantification of the absolute number of D. folliculorum found in the lashes, and corneal fluorescein and rose bengal staining scores were obtained from all patients 1 day before and 28 days after treatment. RESULTS: Statistical improvement was observed in the absolute number of D. folliculorum found in the lashes after the treatment with oral ivermectin. Average values of Schirmer I test results and tear film break-up time improved statistically after the treatment of oral ivermectin. No statistical improvement was observed in average lacrimal meniscus height or value of corneal fluorescein and rose bengal staining after treatment with oral ivermectin. CONCLUSIONS: Ivermectin successfully reduced the number of D. folliculorum found in the lashes of patients with refractory blepharitis. Oral ivermectin may be very useful as a complement in the treatment of D. folliculorum infestation with ocular manifestation, especially in cases of unsuccessful treatment related to patient compliance. (Am J Ophthalmol 2011;151:1030-1034. (C) 2011 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)


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Bovine pericardium is a widely utilized biomaterial. Usually, after harvesting, it is advantageous that the pericardium be immersed in glycerol to improve its shelf life. This can induce some degree of toxicity in the material. The studies were performed in compliance with the rules of ISO 10993 and OECD 487, in the biological evaluation of medical devices. The material was prepared without previous washing. After sterilization by gamma radiation the pericardium was immersed in RPMI 1640 culture medium to fulfill the extraction condition. The same extract was employed in the cytotoxic and genotoxic tests. The procedures were carried out with Chinese hamster ovary cell line and to determine the cytotoxicity, a colorimetric method with the tetrazolium compound MTS was used. For the genotoxicity, following the in vitro micronucleus assay, the test was developed with and without metabolic activation. The Cytotoxicity Index was graphically estimated at the extract concentration of 78%. In the genotoxicity test, the average value of cell proliferation index was found to be 1.62 +/- 0.02 with S9 metabolic activator and 1.91 +/- 0.01 without S9 metabolic activator. Both values are similar to the negative control value in the micronucleus assay. We observed that although the pericardium preserved in glycerol shows a certain level of cytotoxicity, it does not show any genotoxicity.


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Background: A 150 cm(3) pear-shaped gastric balloon with a 30 cm-long duodenal stem and a 7 g metallic weight at its distal end was designed and developed to facilitate weight loss by (a) delaying gastric emptying thus enhancing interprandial satiety, and (b) stimulating antral and duodenal receptors of satiation. Methods: Twenty-six patients (body mass index of 29 to 40 kg/m(2)) who failed to lose weight despite dietary intervention underwent endoscopic implantation of the balloon device. Patients were monitored for tolerance to the balloon, complications, weight loss, and compliance with a restricted caloric intake. Results: Six men and 20 women with a median body weight of 93.0kg (range, 73.5 to 119.9), median body mass index 34.3 kg/m(2) (range, 28.8 to 39.5) underwent balloon implantation for a median period of 4.0 months (range, 0.75 to 6.0). Twenty-two patients successfully complied with a 1250 to 1500 kcal daily diet restriction during the study period. Median weight reduction was 6.5 kg (range, 3.7 to 19.9). Patients with initial body weight of > 90 kg tended to loose more weight (8.1 kg) than patients weighing < 90 kg (4.5 kg) (P = 0.14). Nine patients with dwell times of 6 months lost 11.5 +/- 4.6 kg. The balloon malfunctioned in 4 patients (in I patient, the balloon leaked spontaneously but remained in the stomach and in 3 patients, the balloon migrated distally). Conclusions: Our novel balloon device may be effective in inducing weight loss by promoting compliance with a restricted caloric intake and is well tolerated due to its small size. Complications resulted from balloon rupture, which can be easily prevented by enhancements in design and use of alternative materials.


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Methods We analyzed the influence of conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) and raloxifene on arterial stiffness. Sixty-seven healthy, normotensive women 1-10 years into menopause were assigned to receive oral placebo, conjugated equine estrogen 0.625mg, or raloxifene 60mg. Arterial stiffness was evaluated by measuring the carotid-femoral and femoral-dorsalis pedis pulse wave velocity (CF PWV, FP PWV). Systolic pressure augmentation index (AI) at the carotid artery was obtained with applanation tonometry. Results Arterial stiffness was not affected by any treatment regimen: placebo (CF PWV before vs. after: 644 vs. 626 cm/s, p = 0.09; FP PWV before vs. after: 1006 vs. 1012 cm/s, p = 0.77; AI before vs. after = 30 vs. 29%, p = 0.55), CEE (CF PWV before vs. after: 642 vs. 600 cm/s, p = 0.11; FP PWV before vs. after: 952 vs. 971 cm/s, p = 0.66; AI before vs. after: 25 vs. 32%, p = 0.82), and raloxifene (CF PWV before vs. after: 636 vs. 601 cm/s, p = 0.12; FP PWV before vs. after: 964 vs. 941 cm/s, p = 0.62; AI before vs. after: 25 vs. 25%, p = 0.65). A correlation occurred between basal stiffness and the degree of reduction in indexes measured, indicating that the higher the basal stiffness, the greater the degree of reduction, particularly in the CEE group: CF PWV (r = -0.602, p = 0.001); FP PWV (r = -0.455, p = 0.022); AI (r = -0.410, p = 0.042). Conclusions Conjugated equine estrogen and raloxifene do not seem to affect arterial stiffness of healthy normotensive women less than 10 years since menopause. Reduction in arterial stiffness seems related to its basal level.


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Background Changes in the shape of the capnogram may reflect changes in lung physiology. We studied the effect of different ventilation/perfusion ratios (V/Q) induced by positive end-expiratory pressures (PEEP) and lung recruitment on phase III slope (S(III)) of volumetric capnograms. Methods Seven lung-lavaged pigs received volume control ventilation at tidal volumes of 6 ml/kg. After a lung recruitment maneuver, open-lung PEEP (OL-PEEP) was defined at 2 cmH(2)O above the PEEP at the onset of lung collapse as identified by the maximum respiratory compliance during a decremental PEEP trial. Thereafter, six distinct PEEP levels either at OL-PEEP, 4 cmH(2)O above or below this level were applied in a random order, either with or without a prior lung recruitment maneuver. Ventilation-perfusion distribution (using multiple inert gas elimination technique), hemodynamics, blood gases and volumetric capnography data were recorded at the end of each condition (minute 40). Results S(III) showed the lowest value whenever lung recruitment and OL-PEEP were jointly applied and was associated with the lowest dispersion of ventilation and perfusion (Disp(R-E)), the lowest ratio of alveolar dead space to alveolar tidal volume (VD(alv)/VT(alv)) and the lowest difference between arterial and end-tidal pCO(2) (Pa-ETCO(2)). Spearman`s rank correlations between S(III) and Disp(R-E) showed a =0.85 with 95% CI for (Fisher`s Z-transformation) of 0.74-0.91, P < 0.0001. Conclusion In this experimental model of lung injury, changes in the phase III slope of the capnograms were directly correlated with the degree of ventilation/perfusion dispersion.


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We studied the acute effect of intracranial hypertension (ICH) on gastric tonus of anesthetized rats. Brain ventricles were cannulated bilaterally for intracerebro-ventricular pressure (ICP) monitoring and ICH induction. Next, a balloon catheter was inserted at the proximal stomach and coupled to a barostat for gastric volume (GV) monitoring by plethysmography. Arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate (HR) were monitored continuously during 80-min. After a 20-min basal period, they were submitted to control or ICH protocols. In controls, the ICP varied spontaneously up to the end. Other rats were subjected to ICP rising to 10, 20, 40 or 60 mmHg and kept at these levels for 30-min. Another group was subjected after basal period to stepwise ICH (ICP rising to 20, 40 and 60 mmHg at every 10-min interval). Next, the ICH rats were monitored for further 30-min. Other rats, previously submitted to a subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, splanchnicectomy plus ganglionectomy or their respective sham surgery, were also studied under ICH. Each subset consisted of 5-6 rats. Data were compared to respective basal values after ANOVA and Bonferroni`s test. In controls, the CV, AP, HR values remained within stable levels. Besides inducing bradycardia and arterial hypertension, ICH10 mmHg decreased GV by 14.8% at the 50-min interval. In ICH20, 40 and 60 mmHg subsets, GV decreased 14.0, 24.5 and 30.6% at the 40-min interval, respectively. In stepwise ICH rats, GV decreased 10.2% and 12.7%, respectively under ICP of 40 and 60 mmHg. The GV values remained significantly lower than basal levels during the last 30-min of monitoring. Thus, ICH decreases the GV in an ICP-dependent pattern besides inducing Cushing`s reflex. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Background: There is only limited knowledge on how the quantification of valvular regurgitation by color Doppler is affected by changing blood viscosity. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of changing blood viscosity on the vena contracta width using an in vitro model of valvular insufficiency capable of providing ample variation in the rate and stroke volume. Methods: We constructed a pulsatile flow model filled with human blood at varying hematocrit (15%, 35%, and 55%) and corresponding blood viscosity (blood/water viscosity: 2.6, 4.8, 9.1) levels in which jets were driven through a known orifice (7 mm(2)) into a 110 mL compliant receiving chamber (compliance: 2.2 mL/mmHg) by a pulsatile pump. In addition, we used variable pump stroke volumes (5, 7.5, and 10 mL) and rates (40, 60, and 80 ppm). Vena contracta region was imaged using a 3.5 MHz transducer. Pressure and volume in the flow model were kept constant during each experimental condition, as well as ultrasound settings. Results: Blood viscosity variation in the experimental range did not induce significant changes in vena contracta dimensions. Also, vena contracta width did not change from normal to low hematocrit and viscosity levels. A very modest increase only in vena contracta dimension was observed at very high level of blood viscosity when hematocrit was set to 55% . Pump rate, in the evaluated range, did not influence vena contracta width. These results in controlled experimental settings suggest that the vena contracta is an accurate quantitative method for quantifying valvular regurgitation even when this condition is associated with anemia, a frequent finding in patients with valvular heart disease.


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Hypertension afflicts 25% of the general population and over 50% of the elderly. In the present work, arterial spin labeling MRI was used to non-invasively quantify regional cerebral blood flow (CBE), cerebrovascular resistance and CO(2) reactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and in normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY), at two different ages (3 months and 10 months) and under the effects of two anesthetics, alpha-chloralose and 2% isoflurane (1.5 MAC). Repeated CBE measurements were highly consistent, differing by less than 10% and 18% within and across animals, respectively. Under alpha-chloralose, whole brain CBE at normocapnia did not differ between groups (young WKY: 61 3 ml/100 g/min; adult WKY: 62 +/- 4 ml/100 g/min; young SHR: 70 +/- 9 ml/100 g/min: adult SHR: 69 8 ml/100 g/min), indicating normal cerebral autoregulation in SHR. At hypercapnia, CBE values increased significantly, and a linear relationship between CBE and PaCO(2) levels was observed. In contrast, 2% isoflurane impaired cerebral autoregulation. Whole brain CBE in SHR was significantly higher than in WKY rats at normocapnia (young SHR: 139 +/- 25 ml/100 g/min; adult SHR: 104 +/- 23 ml/100 g/min; young WKY: 55 +/- 9 ml/100 g/min; adult WKY: 71 +/- 19 ml/100 g/min). CBE values increased significantly with increasing CO(2): however, there was a clear saturation of CBF at PaCO(2) levels greater than 70 mm Hg in both young and adult rats, regardless of absolute CBE values, suggesting that isoflurane interferes with the vasoclilatory mechanisms of CO(2). This behavior was observed for both cortical and subcortical structures. Under either anesthetic, CO(2) reactivity values in adult SHR were decreased, confirming that hypertension, when combined with age, increases cerebrovascular resistance and reduces cerebrovascular compliance. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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The literature shows contradictory results regarding the role of composite shrinkage and elastic modulus as determinants of polymerization stress. The present study aimed at a better understanding of the test mechanics that could explain such divergences among studies. The hypothesis was that the effects of composite shrinkage and elastic modulus on stress depend upon the compliance of the testing system. A commonly used test apparatus was simulated by finite element analysis, with different compliance levels defined by the bonding substrate (steel, glass, composite, or acrylic). Composites with moduli between 1 and 12 GPa and shrinkage values between 0.5% and 6% were modeled. Shrinkage was simulated by thermal analogy. The hypothesis was confirmed. When shrinkage and modulus increased simultaneously, stress increased regardless of the substrate. However, if shrinkage and modulus were inversely related, their magnitudes and interaction with rod material determined the stress response.


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Our objective was to compare the polymerization stress (sigma(pol)) of a series of composites obtained using poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) or glass as bonding substrates, and to compare the results with those from in vitro microleakage of composite restorations. The tested hypothesis was that stress values obtained in a less rigid testing system (i.e. using PMMA) would show a better relationship with microleakage data. Five dental composites were tested: Filtek Z250 (FZ), Z100 (Z1), Concept (CO), Durafill (DU) and Heliomolar (HM). sigma(pol) was determined in 1 mm high specimens inserted between two rods (empty set = 5 mm) of either PMMA or glass. The composite elastic modulus (E) was obtained by three-point bending. sigma(pol) and E data were submitted to a one-way analysis of variance/Tukey test (alpha = 0.05). For the microleakage test (MI), bovine incisors received cylindrical cavities (empty set = 5 mm, h = 2 mm), which were restored in bulk. After storage for 24 h in water, specimens were subjected to dye penetration using AgNO(3) as tracer. Specimens were sectioned twice, perpendicularly, and microleakage was measured (in millimeters) under 20x magnification. Data from MI were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis test. Means (SD) of sigma(pol) (MPa) using glass/PMMA were FZ: 7.5(1.8)(A)/2.5(0.2)(bc); Z1: 7.3(0.5)(A)/2.8(0.3)(ab); CO: 6.8(1.1)(A)/3.2(0.5)(a); DU: 4.5(0.7)(B)/2.0(0.2)(bc); HM: 3.5(0.2)(B)/2.3(0.3)(c). sigma(pol) obtained using PMMA rods were 34-67% lower than with glass. Means (SD) for tooth average/tooth maximum microleakage were FZ: 0.92(0.19)(B)/1.53(0.30)(a); Z1: 1.19(0.21)(A)/1.75(0.20)(a); CO: 1.26(0.25)(A)/1.78(0.24)(a); DU: 0.83(0.30)(B)/1.68(0.46)(a): HM: 0.81(0.27)(B)/1.64(0.54)(a). The tested hypothesis was confirmed, as the composites showed the same ordering both in the polymerization stress test using PMMA rods and in the microleakage test. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.