67 resultados para Sigismund, emperor of Germany, d. 1437.
The knowledge of the atomic structure of clusters composed by few atoms is a basic prerequisite to obtain insights into the mechanisms that determine their chemical and physical properties as a function of diameter, shape, surface termination, as well as to understand the mechanism of bulk formation. Due to the wide use of metal systems in our modern life, the accurate determination of the properties of 3d, 4d, and 5d metal clusters poses a huge problem for nanoscience. In this work, we report a density functional theory study of the atomic structure, binding energies, effective coordination numbers, average bond lengths, and magnetic properties of the 3d, 4d, and 5d metal (30 elements) clusters containing 13 atoms, M(13). First, a set of lowest-energy local minimum structures (as supported by vibrational analysis) were obtained by combining high-temperature first- principles molecular-dynamics simulation, structure crossover, and the selection of five well-known M(13) structures. Several new lower energy configurations were identified, e. g., Pd(13), W(13), Pt(13), etc., and previous known structures were confirmed by our calculations. Furthermore, the following trends were identified: (i) compact icosahedral-like forms at the beginning of each metal series, more opened structures such as hexagonal bilayerlike and double simple-cubic layers at the middle of each metal series, and structures with an increasing effective coordination number occur for large d states occupation. (ii) For Au(13), we found that spin-orbit coupling favors the three-dimensional (3D) structures, i.e., a 3D structure is about 0.10 eV lower in energy than the lowest energy known two-dimensional configuration. (iii) The magnetic exchange interactions play an important role for particular systems such as Fe, Cr, and Mn. (iv) The analysis of the binding energy and average bond lengths show a paraboliclike shape as a function of the occupation of the d states and hence, most of the properties can be explained by the chemistry picture of occupation of the bonding and antibonding states.
Thymic CD4(+)CD25(+) cells play an important role in immune regulation and are continuously developed in the thymus as an independent lineage. How these cells are generated, what are their multiple pathways of suppressive activity and which are their specific markers are questions that remain unanswered. To identify molecules involved in the function and development of human CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory cells we targeted thymic CD4(+)CD25(+) cells by peptide phage display. A phage library containing random peptides was screened ex vivo for binding to human thymic CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. After four rounds of selection on CD4(+)CD25(+) enriched populations of thymocytes, we sequenced several phage displayed peptides and selected one with identity to the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR). We confirmed the binding of the VDR phage to active Vitamin D in vitro, as well as the higher expression of VDR in CD4(+)CD25(+) cells. We suggest that differential expression of VDR on natural Tregs may be related to the relevance of Vitamin D in function and ontogeny of these cells.
Fe(100-x)Ti(x) alloys (x = 10, 15, 20) were studied with respect to their microstructure and magnetostriction. Depending on heat treatment temperature and composition, the sample retained either the alpha-phase (A2 structure) or the alpha-phase plus the TiFe(2) Laves phase (C14 structure). The saturation magnetostriction measured at 238K is negative, about -11 ppm. However, for fields up to 0.4 T the magnetostriction is barely zero, a very interesting result. High values of magnetostriction are of interest for applications mainly in sensors and actuators, but zero magnetostriction is also a remarkable property, desirable for many applications such as electric transformers and fluxgate sensor cores. Therefore, the Fe(100-x)Ti(x) (x < 20 at%) are an attractive option to be considered for these applications.
A process for preparing three-layer piezoelectrets from fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP) copolymer films is introduced. Samples are made from commercial FEP films by means of laser cutting, laser bonding, electrode evaporation, and high-field poling. The observed dielectric-resonance spectra demonstrate the piezoelectricity of the FEP sandwiches. Piezoelectric d (33) coefficients up to a few hundred pC/N are achieved. Charging at elevated temperatures can increase the thermal stability of the piezoelectrets. Isothermal experiments for approximately 15 min demonstrate that samples charged at 140A degrees C keep their piezoelectric activity up to at least 120A degrees C and retain 70% of their initial d (33) even at 130A degrees C. Acoustical measurements show a relatively flat frequency response in the range between 300 Hz and 20 kHz.
The properties of recycled aggregate produced from mixed (masonry and concrete) construction and demolition (C&D) waste are highly variable, and this restricts the use of such aggregate in structural concrete production. The development of classification techniques capable of reducing this variability is instrumental for quality control purposes and the production of high quality C&D aggregate. This paper investigates how the classification of C&D mixed coarse aggregate according to porosity influences the mechanical performance of concrete. Concretes using a variety of C&D aggregate porosity classes and different water/cement ratios were produced and the mechanical properties measured. For concretes produced with constant volume fractions of water, cement, natural sand and coarse aggregate from recycled mixed C&D waste, the compressive strength and Young modulus are direct exponential functions of the aggregate porosity. Sink and float technique is a simple laboratory density separation tool that facilitates the separation of cement particles with lower porosity, a difficult task when done only by visual sorting. For this experiment, separation using a 2.2 kg/dmA(3) suspension produced recycled aggregate (porosity less than 17%) which yielded good performance in concrete production. Industrial gravity separators may lead to the production of high quality recycled aggregate from mixed C&D waste for structural concrete applications.
(9Z,11E)-hexadecadienal and (Z11)-hexadecenal, the main sex pheromone components of the sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis, were identified and quantified from four Brazilian and one Colombian populations using GC-EAD, GC-MS and GC analyses. Three different ratios were observed, 9:1,6:1, and 3:1. The pheromone concentration for the major component, (9Z,11E)-hexadecadienal, varied from 6.8 ng/gland to 21.9 ng/gland and from 1.7 ng/gland to 6.5 to the minor component, (Z11)-hexadecenal. The 25 D. saccharalis cytochrome oxidase II sequences that were analyzed showed low intra-specific variation and represented only 11 haplotypes, with the most frequent being the one represented by specimens from Sao Paulo, Parana, and Pernambuco states. Specimens from Colombia showed the highest genetic divergence from the others haplotypes studied. Data on the genetic variability among specimens, more than their geographic proximity, were in agreement with data obtained from analyses of the pheromone extracts. Our data demonstrate a variation in pheromone composition and a covariation in haplotypes of the D. saccharalis populations studied. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study aimed to evaluate adult emergence and duration of the pupal stage of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), and emergence of the fruit fly parasitoid, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), under different moisture conditions in four soil types, using soil water matric potential Pupal stage duration in C capitata was influenced differently for males and females In females, only soil type affected pupal stage duration, which was longer in a clay soil In males, pupal stage duration was individually influenced by moisture and soil type, with a reduction in pupal stage duration in a heavy clay soil and in a sandy clay, with longer duration in the clay soil As allude potential decreased, duration of the pupal stage of C capitata males increased, regardless of soil type C capitata emergence was affected by moisture, regardless of soil type, and was higher in drier soils The emergence of D longicaudata adults was individually influenced by soil type and moisture factors, and the number of emerged D longicaudata adults was three times higher in sandy loam and lower in a heavy clay soil Always, the number of emerged adults was higher at higher moisture conditions C capitata and D longicaudata pupal development was affected by moisture and soil type, which may facilitate pest sampling and allow release areas for the parasitoid to be defined under field conditions.
We derive an analytic expression for the matric flux potential (M) for van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) type soils which can also be written in terms of a converging infinite series. Considering the first four terms of this series, the accuracy of the approximation was verified by comparing it to values of M estimated by numerical finite difference integration. Using values of the parameters for three soils from different texture classes, the proposed four-term approximation showed an almost perfect match with the numerical solution, except for effective saturations higher than 0.9. Including more terms reduced the discrepancy but also increased the complexity of the equation. The four-term equation can be used for most applications. Cases with special interest in nearly saturated soils should include more terms from the infinite series. A transpiration reduction function for use with the VGM equations is derived by combining the derived expression for M with a root water extraction model. The shape of the resulting reduction function and its dependency on the derivative of the soil hydraulic diffusivity D with respect to the soil water content theta is discussed. Positive and negative values of dD/d theta yield concave and convex or S-shaped reduction functions, respectively. On the basis of three data sets, the hydraulic properties of virtually all soils yield concave reduction curves. Such curves based solely on soil hydraulic properties do not account for the complex interactions between shoot growth, root growth, and water availability.
Aiming to achieve the ideal time of ovum pick-up (OPU) for in vitro embryo production (IVP) in crossbred heifers, two Latin square design studies investigated the effect of ovarian follicular wave synchronization with estradiol benzoate (EB) and progestins. For each experiment, crossbred heifers stage of estrous cycle was synchronized either with a norgestomet ear implant (Experiment 1) or a progesterone intravaginal device (Experiment 2) for 7d, followed by the administration of 150 mu g D-cloprostenol. On Day 7, all follicles >3 mm in diameter were aspirated and implants/devices were replaced by new ones. Afterwards, implant/device replacement was conducted every 14 d. Each experiment had three treatment groups. In Experiment I (n = 12), heifers in Group 2X had their follicles aspirated twice a week and those in Groups 1X and 1X-EB were submitted to OPU once a week for a period of 28 d. Heifers from Group 1X-EB also received 2 mg EB i.m. immediately after each OPU session. In Experiment 2 (n = 11), animals from Group 0EB did not receive EB while heifers in Groups 2EB and 5EB received 2 and 5 mg of EB respectively, immediately after OPU. The OPU sessions were performed once weekly for 28 d. Therefore, in both experiments, four OPU sessions were performed in heifers aspirated once a week and in Experiment 1, eight OPU sessions were done in heifers aspirated twice a week. Additionally, during the 7-d period following follicular aspiration, ovarian ultrasonography examinations were conducted to measure diameter of the largest follicle and blood samples were collected for FSH quantification by RIA. In Experiment 1, all viable oocytes recovered were in vitro matured and fertilized. Results indicated that while progestin and EB altered follicular wave patterns, this treatment did not prevent establishment of follicular dominance on the ovaries of heifers during OPU at 7-d intervals. Furthermore, the proposed stage of follicular wave synchronization strategies did not improve the number and quality of the recovered oocytes, or the number of in vitro produced embryos. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary addition of ground oilseed sources on the quality, fatty acid profile, and CLA content of meat from zebu steers. Thirty-one zebu steers with an initial average age of 23 mo and an initial BW of 365 kg were used in this study. The experimental period was 84 d, which was preceded by an adaption period of 28 d. The diet was provided ad libitum with a forage: concentrate ratio of 40:60. Corn silage was used as the forage source. Four different concentrates were formulated for each treatment: without additional lipids (control) or with ground soybeans (SB), ground cottonseed (CS), or ground linseed (LS). The SB, CS, and LS diets were formulated to have 6.5% ether extract on a total dietary DM basis. The experiment was set up as a completely randomized design. After slaughter, samples were taken from the longissimus thoracis muscle for the measurement of fatty acid concentration and the evaluation of meat quality. The luminosity index was greater in the control and LS diets (P < 0.01). The greatest percentages of myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), trans octadecenoic acid (C18:1 trans-10, trans-11, or trans-12), and SFA in the subcutaneous fat were observed in the CS treatment (P < 0.01). Moreover, the least percentages of oleic acid (C18:1 cis-9) and total unsaturated fatty acids in the subcutaneous fat were observed in the CS diet (P < 0.01). The meat linoleic acid and a-linolenic acid percentages were greatest in the SB and LS treatments, respectively (P < 0.001). The unsaturated fatty acid: SFA ratio was smallest for the CS diet (P < 0.01). A gradual increase in oxidation was observed as a function of storage time; however, the diets did not affect the rancidity of the meat (P > 0.05). The fatty acid profile of subcutaneous fat was impaired by the addition of CS. Supplying ground oilseeds did not increase the content of CLA in the meat.
To understand the role of peptidases in seminal physiology of Crotalus durissus terrificus, intra- and inter-seasonal activity levels of acid (APA), basic (APB), puromycin-sensitive (APN-PS) and puromycin-insensitive neutral (APN-PI), cystyl (CAP), dipeptidyl-IV (DPPIV), type-1 pyroglutamyl (PAP-I) and prolyl-imino (PIP) aminopeptidases as well as prolyl endopeptidase (POP) were evaluated in soluble (SF) and/or membrane-bound (MF) fractions of semen collected from the ductus deferens of the male reproductive tract and from the posterior portion of the uterus. Seminal APB, PIP and POP were detected in SF, while other peptidases were detected in SF and MF. Only the convoluted posterior uterus in winter and autumn had semen. Relative to other examined peptidases, in general, APN-PI, APN-PS and APB activities were predominant in the semen from the uterus and throughout the year in the semen from the ductus deferens, suggesting their great relevance in the seminal physiology of C. d. terrificus. The levels of peptidase activities in the ductus deferens semen varied seasonally and were different from those of semen in the uterus, suggesting that their modulatory actions on susceptible peptides are integrated to the male reproductive cycle events and spermatozoa viability of this snake.
Seasonal variation of peptidase activities in the reproductive tract of Crotalus durissus terrificus
Seasonal quantitative patterns of acid (APA), basic (APB), puromycin-sensitive (APN-PS) and puromycin-insensitive neutral (APN-PI), cystyl (CAP), dipeptidyl IV (DPPIV), type-1 pyroglutamyl (PAP-I) and prolylimino (PIP) aminopeptidases and prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) activities in soluble (SF) and solubilized membrane-bound (MF) fractions from ductus deferens, vagina and uterus were studied to evaluate their relationships with the reproductive cycle and the extensive long-term spermatozoa storage (LTSS) of the Neotropical rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. APB, PIP and POP were detected only in SF, while other peptidases were detected in SF and MF. APB, APN-PI and APN-PS were predominant in most tissues in all seasons. Peptidase activities had a common pattern of increment during the dry season (winter/autumn), which coincides with the mating period (autumn) and LTSS in the female (winter), as well as the reduction of spermatozoa motility and maintenance of fertilization capacity of spermatozoa. The high CAP activity in the soluble fraction of the vagina during winter, compared to summer (time of parturition) and spring, coincides with the relaxation of this tissue. In the soluble fraction, the low PAP-1 activity of the ductus deferens coincided with its high activity in the vagina during the winter; and the inverse occurred in summer, which is consistent with the physiological process of preserving spermatozoon viability. In conclusion, the studied peptidase activities had seasonal and tissue-specific characteristics, which suggest a relevant role in the reproductive physiology of C. d. terrificus. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Mitochondrial membrane carriers containing proline and cysteine, such as adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT), are potential targets of cyclophilin D (CyP-D) and potential Ca(2+)-induced permeability transition pore (PTP) components or regulators; CyP-D, a mitochondrial peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, is the probable target of the PTP inhibitor cyclosporine A (CsA). In the present study, the impact of proline isomerization (from trans to cis) on the mitochondrial membrane carriers containing proline and cysteine was addressed using ANT as model. For this purpose, two different approaches were used: (i) Molecular dynamic (MD) analysis of ANT-Cys(56) relative mobility and (ii) light scattering techniques employing rat liver isolated mitochondria to assess both Ca(2+)-induced ANT conformational change and mitochondrial swelling. ANT-Pro(61) isomerization increased ANT-Cys(56) relative mobility and, moreover, desensitized ANT to the prevention of this effect by ADP. In addition, Ca(2+) induced ANT ""c"" conformation and opened PTP; while the first effect was fully inhibited, the second was only attenuated by CsA or ADP. Atractyloside (ATR), in turn, stabilized Ca(2+)-induced ANT ""c"" conformation, rendering the ANT conformational change and PTP opening less sensitive to the inhibition by CsA or ADP. These results suggest that Ca(2+) induces the ANT ""c"" conformation, apparently associated with PTP opening, but requires the CyP-D peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity for sustaining both effects.
We report the comparative proteomic and antivenomic characterization of the venoms of subspecies cascavella and collilineatus of the Brazilian tropical rattlesnake Crotalus durissus. The venom proteomes of C. d. collilineatus and C. d. cascavella comprise proteins in the range of 4-115 kDa belonging to 9 and 8 toxin families, respectively. Collilineatus and cascavella venoms contain 20-25 main toxins belonging to the following protein families: disintegrin, PLA(2), serine proteinase, cysteine-rich secretory protein (CRISP), vascular endothelial growth factor-like (VEGF), L-amino acid oxidase, C-type lectin-like, and snake venom metalloproteinase (SVMP). As judged by reverse-phase HPLC and mass spectrometry, cascavella and collilineatus share about 90% of their venom proteome. However, the relative occurrence of the toxin families departs among the two C. durissus subspecies venoms. The most notable difference is the presence of the myotoxin crotamine in some C. d. collilineatus specimens (averaging 20.8% of the total proteins of pooled venom), which is absent in the venom of C. d. cascavella. On the other hand, the neurotoxic PLA2 crotoxin represents the most abundant protein in both C. durissus venoms, comprising 67.4% of the toxin proteome in C. d. collilineatus and 72.5% in C. d. cascavella. Myotoxic PLA(2)s are also present in the two venoms albeit in different relative concentrations (18.1% in C. d. cascavella vs. 4.6% in C. d. collilineatus). The venom composition accounts for the clinical manifestations caused by C. durissus envenomations: systemic neurotoxicity and myalgic symptoms and coagulation disturbances, frequently accompanied by myoglobinuria and acute renal failure. The overall compositions of C. d. subspecies cascavella and collilineatus venoms closely resemble that of C. d. terrificus, supporting the view that these taxa can be considered geographical variations of the same species. Pooled venom from adult C.d. cascavella and neonate C.d. terrificus lack crotamine, whereas this skeletal muscle cell membrane depolarizing inducing myotoxin accounts for similar to 20% of the total toxins of venom pooled from C.d. collilineatus and C.d. terrificus from Southern Brazil. The possible relevance of the observed venom variability among the tropical rattlesnake subspecies was assessed by antivenomics using anti-crotalic antivenoms produced at Instituto Butantan and Instituto Vital Brazil. The results revealed that both antivenoms exhibit impaired immunoreactivity towards crotamine and display restricted (similar to 60%) recognition of PLA(2) molecules (crotoxin and D49-myotoxins) from C. d. cascavella and C. d. terrificus venoms. This poor reactivity of the antivenoms may be due to a combination of factors: on the one hand, an inappropriate choice of the mixture of venoms for immunization and, on the other hand, the documented low immunogenicity of PLA(2) molecules. C. durissus causes most of the lethal snakebite accidents in Brazil. The implication of the geographic variation of venom composition for the treatment of bites by different C. durissus subspecies populations is discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Crotoxin is the main toxic component of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. It is composed of two different subunits: CA, crotapotin, and CB (basic subunit of cortoxin isolated from C. d. terrificus), a weakly toxic phospholipase A(2) with high enzymatic activity. The phospholipases A(2) are abundant in snake venoms and are responsible for disruption of cell membrane integrity via hydrolysis of its phospholipids. However, in addition to their normal digestive action, a wide range of pharmacological activities, such as neurotoxic, myotoxic, oedema-inducing, hypotensive, platelet-aggregating, cardiotoxic, and anticoagulant effects have been attributed to venom phospholipases A(2). In this study, we used a non-immune human single-chain fragment variable library, Griffin.1 (Medical Research Council, Cambridge, UK) for selection of recombinant antibodies against antigens present in C. d. terrificus venom and identification of specific antibodies able to inhibit the phospholipase activity. Two clones were identified as capable of inhibiting partially this activity in vitro. These clones were able to reduce in vivo the myotoxic and oedema-inducing activity of CB and the lethality of C. d. terrificus venom and crotoxin, but had no effect on the in vitro anticoagulant activity of CB. These results demonstrate the potential of using recombinant single-chain fragment variable libraries in the production of antivenoms.