72 resultados para RNA localization
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using telomeric and ribosomal sequences was performed in four species of toad genus Chaunus: C. ictericus, C. jimi, C. rubescens and C. schneideri. Analyses based on conventional, C-banding and Ag-NOR staining were also carried out. The four species present a 2n = 22 karyotype, composed by metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, which were indistinguishable either after conventional staining or banding techniques. Constitutive heterochromatin was predominantly located at pericentromeric regions, and telomeric sequences (TTAGGG)(n) were restricted to the end of all chromosomes. Silver staining revealed Ag-NORs located at the short arm of pair 7, and heteromorphism in size of NOR signals was also observed. By contrast, FISH with ribosomal probes clearly demonstrated absence of any heteromorphism in size of rDNA sequences, suggesting that the difference observed after Ag-staining should be attributed to differences in chromosomal condensation and/or gene activity rather than to the number of ribosomal cistrons.
Quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) is a standard assay in molecular medicine for gene expression analysis. Samples from incisional/needle biopsies, laser-microdissected tumor cells and other biologic sources, normally available in clinical cancer studies, generate very small amounts of RNA that are restrictive for expression analysis. As a consequence, an RNA amplification procedure is required to assess the gene expression levels of such sample types. The reproducibility and accuracy of relative gene expression data produced by sensitive methodology as qRT-PCR when cDNA converted from amplified (A) RNA is used as template has not yet been properly addressed. In this study, to properly evaluate this issue, we performed 1 round of linear RNA amplification in 2 breast cell lines (C5.2 and HB4a) and assessed the relative expression of 34 genes using cDNA converted from both nonamplified (NA) and A RNA. Relative gene expression was obtained from beta actin or glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase normalized data using different dilutions of cDNA, wherein the variability and fold-change differences in the expression of the 2 methods were compared. Our data showed that 1 round of linear RNA amplification, even with suboptimal-quality RNA, is appropriate to generate reproducible and high-fidelity qRT-PCR relative expression data that have similar confidence levels as those from NA samples. The use of cDNA that is converted from both A and NA RNA in a single qRT-PCR experiment clearly creates bias in relative gene expression data.
Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is widespread in the rodent brain. CART has been implicated in many different functions including reward, feeding, stress responses, sensory processing, learning and memory formation. Recent studies have suggested that CART may also play a role in neural development. Therefore, in the present study we compared the distribution pattern and levels of CART mRNA expression in the forebrain of male and female rats at different stages of postnatal development: P06, P26 and P66. At 6 days of age (P06), male and female rats showed increased CART expression in the somatosensory and piriform cortices, indusium griseum, dentate gyrus, nucleus accumbens, and ventral premammillary nucleus. Interestingly, we found a striking expression of CART mRNA in the ventral posteromedial and ventral posterolateral thalamic nuclei. This thalamic expression was absent at P26 and P66. Contrastingly, at P06 CART mRNA expression was decreased in the arcuate nucleus. Comparing sexes, we found increased CART mRNA expression in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus of adult females. In other regions including the CA1, the lateral hypothalamic area and the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, CART expression was not different comparing postnatal ages and sexes. Our findings indicate that CART gene expression is induced in a distinct temporal and spatial manner in forebrain sites of male and female rats. They also suggest that CART peptide participate in the development of neural pathways related to selective functions including sensory processing, reward and memory formation. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to identify molecular pathways involved in audiogenic seizures in the epilepsy-prone Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR). For this, we used a suppression-subtractive hybridization (SSH) library from the hippocampus of WARs coupled to microarray comparative gene expression analysis, followed by Northern blot validation of individual genes. We discovered that the levels of the non-protein coding (npc) RNA BC1 were significantly reduced in the hippocampus of WARs submitted to repeated audiogenic seizures (audiogenic kindling) when compared to Wistar resistant rats and to both naive WARs and Wistars. By quantitative in situ hybridization, we verified lower levels of BC1 RNA in the GD-hilus and significant signal ratio reduction in the stratum radiatum and stratum pyramidale of hippocampal CA3 subfield of audiogenic kindled animals. Functional results recently obtained in a BC1-/- mouse model and our current data are supportive of a potential disruption in signaling pathways, upstream of BC1, associated with the seizure susceptibility of WARs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Despite the favorable treatment of cranial nerve neuropathology in adulthood, some cases are resistant to therapy leading to permanent functional impairments In many cases, suitable treatment is problematic as the therapeutic target remains unknown Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF 2) is involved in neuronal maintenance and wound repair following nervous system lesions It is one of few neurotrophic molecules acting in autocrine, paracrine and intracrine fashions depending upon specific circumstances Peripheral cranial somatic motor neurons, i e hypoglossal (XII) neurons, may offer a unique opportunity to study cellular FGF 2 mechanisms as the molecule is present in the cytoplasm of neurons and in the nuclei of astrocytes of the central nervous system FGF-2 may trigger differential actions during development, maintenance and lesion of XII neurons because axotomy of those cells leads to cell death during neonatal ages, but not in adult life Moreover, the modulatory effects of astroglial FGF 2 and the Ca+2 binding protein S100 beta have been postulated in paracrine mechanisms after neuronal lesions In our study, adult Wistar rats received a unilateral crush or transection (with amputation of stumps) of XII nerve, and were sacrificed after 72 h or 11 days Brains were processed for immunohistochemical localization of neurofilaments (NF), with or without counterstaining for Nissl substance, ghat fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, as a marker of astrocytes), S100 beta and FGF-2 The number of Nissl positive neurons of axotomized XII nucleus did not differ from controls The NF immunoreactivity increased in the perikarya and decreased in the neuropil of axotomized XII neurons 11 days after nerve crush or transection An astrocytic reaction was seen in the ipsilateral XII nucleus of the crushed or transected animals 72 h and 11 days after the surgery The nerve lesions did not change the number of FGF-2 neurons in the ipsilateral XII nucleus, however, the nerve transection increased the number of FGF-2 ghat profiles by 72 h and 11 days Microdensitometric image analysis revealed a short lasting decrease in the intensity of FGF 2 immunoreactivity in axotomized XII neurons by 72 h after nerve crush or transection and also an elevation of FGF-2 in the ipsilateral of ghat nuclei by 72h and 11 days after the two lesions S100 beta decreased in astrocytes of 11-day transected XII nucleus The two-color immunoperoxidase for the simultaneous detection of the GFAP/FGF-2 indicated FGF-2 upregulation in the nuclei of reactive astrocytes of the lesioned XII nucleus Astroglial FGF-2 may exert paracrine trophic actions in mature axotomized XII neurons and might represent a therapeutic target for neuroprotection in peripheral nerve pathology (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH All rights reserved
The endocannabinoid system has been implicated in several neurobiological processes, including neurodegeneration and neuro protection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of unilateral retinal ablation on the expression of the cannabinoid receptor subtype 1 (CB1) at both protein and mRNA levels in the optic tectum of the adult chick brain. After different survival times postlesion (2-30 days), the chick brains were subjected to immunohistochemical, immunoblotting, and real-time PCR procedures to evaluate CB1 expression. TUNEL and Fluoro-Jade B were used to verify the possible occurrence of cell death, and immunostaining for the microtubule-associated protein MAP-2 was performed to verify possible dendritic remodeling after lesions. No cell death could be observed in the deafferented tectum, at least up to 30 days postlesion, although Fluoro-Jade B could reveal degenerating axons and terminals. Retinal ablation seems to generate an increase of CB1 protein in the optic tectum and other retinorecipient visual areas, which paralleled an increase in MAP-2 staining. On the other hand, CB, mRNA levels were not changed after retinal ablation. Our results reveal that CB, expression in visual structures of the adult chick brain may be negatively regulated by the retinal innervation. The increase of CB1 receptor expression observed after retinal removal indicates that these receptors are not presynaptic in retinal axons projecting to the tectum and suggests a role of the cannabinoid system in plasticity processes ensuing after lesions. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
An hsc70 homologue gene (Rahsc70) of the diptera Rhynchosciara americana was isolated and characterized. We were able to determine the mRNA sequence from an EST of salivary gland cDNA library, and a Rahsc70 cDNA cassette was used as a probe to isolate the genomic region from a genomic library. The mRNA expression of this gene parallels the 2B puff expansion, suggesting its involvement in protein processing, since this larval period corresponds to a high synthetic activity period. During heat shock stress conditions, hsc70 expression decreased. In situ hybridization of polytene chromosomes showed that the Rahsc70 gene is located near the C3 DNA puff. The cellular localization of Hsc70 protein showed this protein in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus.
Ribosomal RNA genes are encoded by large units clustered (18S, 5S, and 28S) in the nucleolar organizer region in several organisms. Sometimes additional insertions are present in the coding region for the 28S rDNA. These insertions are specific non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons that have very restricted integration targets within the genome. The retrotransposon present in the genome of Rhynchosciara americana, RaR2, was isolated by the screening of a genomic library. Sequence analysis showed the presence of conserved regions, such as a reverse transcriptase domain and a zinc finger motif in the amino terminal region. The insertion site was highly conserved in R. americana and a phylogenetic analysis showed that this element belongs to the R2 clade. The chromosomal localization confirmed that the RaR2 mobile element was inserted into a specific site in the rDNA gene. The expression level of RaR2 in salivary glands during larval development was determined by quantitative RT-PCR, and the increase of relative expression in the 3P of the fourth instar larval could be related to intense gene activity characteristic of this stage. 5`-Truncated elements were identified in different DNA samples. Additionally, in three other Rhynchosciara species, the R2 element was present as a full-length element.
A survey of existing data suggests that trophoblast cells produce factors involved in extracellular matrix degradation. In this study, we correlated the expression of cathepsins D and B in the murine ectoplacental cone with the ultrastructural progress of decidual invasion by trophoblast cells. Both proteases were immunolocalized at implantation sites in lysosome-endosome-like compartments of trophoblast giant cells. Cathepsin D, but not cathepsin B, was also detected ultrastructurally in extracellular compartments surrounded by processes of the invading trophoblast containing extracellular matrix components and endometrial cell debris. The expression of cathepsins D and B by trophoblast cells was confirmed by RT-PCR in ectoplacental cones isolated from implantation chambers at gestation day 7.5. Our data addressed a positive relationship between the expression and presence of cathepsin D at the extracellular compartment of the maternal-fetal interface and the invasiveness of the trophoblast during the postimplantation period, suggesting a participation of invading trophoblast cells in the cathepsin D release. Such findings indicate that mouse trophoblast cells might exhibit a proteolytic ability to partake in the decidual invasion process at the maternal-fetal interface. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Nandrolone is an anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) that is highly abused by individuals seeking enhanced physical strength or body appearance. Supraphysiological doses of this synthetic testosterone derivative have been associated with many physical and psychiatric adverse effects, particularly episodes of impulsiveness and overt aggressive behavior. As the neural mechanisms underlying AAS-induced behavioral disinhibition are unknown, we investigated the status of serotonergic system-related transcripts in several brain areas of mice receiving prolonged nandrolone administration. Male C57BL/6J mice received 15 mg/kg of nandrolone decanoate subcutaneously once daily for 28 days, and different sets of animals were used to investigate motor-related and emotion-related behaviors or 5-HT-related messenger RNA (mRNA) levels by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. AAS-injected mice had increased body weight, were more active and displayed anxious-like behaviors in novel environments. They exhibited reduced immobility in the forced swim test, a higher probability of being aggressive and more readily attacked opponents. AAS treatment substantially reduced mRNA levels of most investigated postsynaptic 5-HT receptors in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Interestingly, the 5-HT(1B) mRNA level was further reduced in the hippocampus and hypothalamus. There was no alteration of 5-HT system transcript levels in the midbrain. In conclusion, high doses of AAS nandrolone in male mice recapitulate the behavioral disinhibition observed in abusers. Furthermore, these high doses downregulate 5-HT receptor mRNA levels in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Our combined findings suggest these areas as critical sites for AAS-induced effects and a possible role for the 5-HT(1B) receptor in the observed behavioral disinhibition.
The impact of ultraviolet (UV-C) photoproducts on apoptosis induction was investigated in growth arrested (confluent) and proliferating human primary fibroblasts. Confluent fibroblasts were more resistant to UV-C-induced apoptosis than proliferating cells, and this was observed for normal human cells and for cells from patients with Cockayne and trichothiodystrophy syndromes, deficient in transcription coupled repair. This resistance was sustained for at least seven days and was not due to DNA repair efficiency, as the removal of CPDs in the genome was similar under both growth conditions. There was no correlation between reduced apoptosis and RNA synthesis recovery. Following UV-C treatment, proliferating and confluent fibroblasts showed a similar level of RNA synthesis inhibition and recovery from transcription blockage. These results support the hypothesis that the decrease of DNA replication, in growth arrested cells, protects cell from UV-C-induced apoptosis, even in the presence of DNA lesions. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mycoplasma genitalium (Mg) is a mollicute that causes a range of human urogenital infections. A hallmark of these bacteria is their ability to establish chronic infections that can persist despite completion of appropriate antibiotic therapies and intact and functional immune systems. Intimate adherence and surface colonization of mycoplasmas to host cells are important pathogenic features. However, their facultative intracellular nature is poorly understood, partly due to difficulties in developing and standardizing cellular interaction model systems. Here, we characterize growth and invasion properties of two Mg strains (G37 and 1019V). Mg G37 is a high-passage laboratory strain, while Mg 1019V is a low-passage isolate recovered from the cervix. The two strains diverge partially in gene sequences for adherence-related proteins and exhibit subtle variations in their axenic growth. However, with both strains and consistent with our previous studies, a subset of adherent Mg organisms invade host cells and exhibit perinuclear targeting. Remarkably, intranuclear localization of Mg proteins is observed, which occurred as early as 30 min after infection. Mg strains deficient in adherence were markedly reduced in their ability to invade and associate with perinuclear and nuclear sites.
Background and Objective: This study evaluated the prevalence and the molecular diversity of Archaea in the subgingival biofilm samples of subjects with peri-implantitis. Material and Methods: Fifty subjects were assigned into two groups: Control (n = 25), consisting of subjects with healthy implants; and Test (n = 25), consisting of subjects with peri-implantitis sites, as well as a healthy implant. In the Test group, subgingival biofilm samples were taken from the deepest sites of the diseased implant. In both groups, subgingival biofilm was collected from one site with a healthy implant and from one site with a periodontally healthy tooth. DNA was extracted and the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was amplified with universal primer pairs for Archaea. Amplified genes were cloned and sequenced, and the phylotypes were identified by comparison with known 16S ribosomal RNA sequences. Results: In the Control group, Archaea were detected in two and three sites of the implant and the tooth, respectively. In the Test group, Archaea were detected in 12, 4 and 2 sites of diseased implants, healthy implants and teeth, respectively. Diseased implants presented a significantly higher prevalence of Archaea in comparison with healthy implants and natural teeth, irrespective of group. Over 90% of the clone libraries were formed by Methanobrevibacter oralis, which was detected in both groups. Methanobacterium congelense/curvum was detected in four subjects from the Test group and in two subjects from the Control group. Conclusion: Although M. oralis was the main species of Archaea associated with both healthy and diseased implant sites, the data indicated an increased prevalence of Archaea in peri-implantitis sites, and their role in pathogenesis should be further investigated.
Arthropods display different mechanisms to protect themselves against infections, among which antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play an important role, acting directly against invader pathogens. We have detected several factors with inhibitory activity against Candida albicans and Micrococcus luteus on the surface and in homogenate of eggs of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. One of the anti-M. luteus factors of the egg homogenate was isolated to homogeneity. Analysis by electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) revealed that it corresponds to microplusin, an AMP previously isolated from the cell-free hemolymph of X (B.) microplus. Reverse transcription (RT) quantitative polymerase chain reactions (qPCR) showed that the levels of microplusin mRNA gradually increase along ovary development, reaching an impressive highest value three days after the adult females have dropped from the calf and start oviposition. Interestingly, the level of microplusin mRNA is very low in recently laid eggs. An enhance of microplusin gene expression in eggs is observed only nine days after the onset of oviposition, achieving the highest level just before the larva hatching, when the level of expression decreases once again. Fluorescence microscopy analysis using an anti-microplusin serum revealed that microplusin is present among yolk granules of oocytes as well as in the connecting tube of ovaries. These results, together to our previous data. suggest that microplusin may be involved not only in protection of adult female hemocele, but also in protection of the female reproductive tract and embryos, what points this AMP as a considerable target for development of new methods to control R. (B.) microplus as well as the vector-borne pathogens. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Novel bisbenzimidazoles (4-6), characterized by 3,4-ethylenedioxy-extension of thiophene core, revealed pronounced affinity and strong thermal stabilization effect toward ds-DNA. They interact within ds-DNA grooves as dimmers or even oligomers and agglomerate along ds-RNA. Compounds 4-6 have shown moderate to strong antiproliferative effect toward panel of eight carcinoma cell lines. Compound 5 displayed the best inhibitory potential and in equitoxic concentration (IC(50) = 1 x 10 (6) M) induced accumulation of cells in G2/M phase after 48 h of incubation. Fluorescence microscopy showed that 5 entered into live HeLa cells within 30 min, but did not accumulate in nuclei even after 2.5 h. Compound 5 inhibited the growth of Trypanosome cruzi epimastigotes (IC(50) = 4.3 x 10 (6) M). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.