73 resultados para Otón Sobrino, Enrique. Léxico de Valerio Máximo
Since the 1990s several large companies have been publishing nonfinancial performance reports. Focusing initially on the physical environment, these reports evolved to consider social relations, as well as data on the firm`s economic performance. A few mining companies pioneered this trend, and in the last years some of them incorporated the three dimensions of sustainable development, publishing so-called sustainability reports. This article reviews 31 reports published between 2001 and 2006 by four major mining companies. A set of 62 assessment items organized in six categories (namely context and commitment, management, environmental, social and economic performance, and accessibility and assurance) were selected to guide the review. The items were derived from international literature and recommended best practices, including the Global Reporting Initiative G3 framework. A content analysis was performed using the report as a sampling unit, and using phrases, graphics, or tables containing certain information as data collection units. A basic rating scale (0 or 1) was used for noting the presence or absence of information and a final percentage score was obtained for each report. Results show that there is a clear evolution in report`s comprehensiveness and depth. Categories ""accessibility and assurance"" and ""economic performance"" featured the lowest scores and do not present a clear evolution trend in the period, whereas categories ""context and commitment"" and ""social performance"" presented the best results and regular improvement; the category ""environmental performance,"" despite it not reaching the biggest scores, also featured constant evolution. Description of data measurement techniques, besides more comprehensive third-party verification are the items most in need of improvement.
Constructing highways in dense urban areas is always a challenge. In Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region, heavy truck traffic contributes to clog streets and expressways alike. As part of the traffic neither originates nor head to the region, a peripheral highway has been proposed to reduce traffic problems. This project called Rodoanel, is an expressway approximately 175 km long. The fact that the projected south and north sections would cross catchments that supply most of the metropolis water demand was strongly disputed and made the environmental permitting process particularly difficult. The agency in charge commissioned a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of a revamped project, and called it the Rodoanel Programme. However, the SEA report failed to satisfactorily take account of significant strategic issues. Among these, the highway potential effect of inducing urban sprawl over water protection zones is the most critical issue, as it emerged later as a hurdle to project licensing. Conclusion is that, particularly where no agreed-upon framework for SEA exists, when vertical tiering with downstream project EIA is sought, then a careful scoping of strategic issues is more than necessary. If an agreement on `what is strategic` is not reached and not recognized by influential stakeholders, then the unsettled conflicts will be transferred to project EIA. In such a context, SEA will have added another loop to the usually long road to project approval. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Several mining companies operating in Brazil have been preparing mine closure plans describing end of life actions to ensure long term physical stability, land rehabilitation and, to a certain extent, socioeconomic measures. Most Brazilian and international guidelines, however, skip early closure and only feature guidance to closure planning after reserve depletion. In this paper, two cases of early closure in Australia are reviewed, causes for early closure are explored, criteria to evaluate preparedness to early mine closure are proposed and tested in two mines. It concludes that, despite recent advances, planning for mine closure seldom take account of early closure risks.
A procedure to evaluate mine rehabilitation practices during the operational phase was developed and validated. It is based on a comparison of actually observed or documented practices with internationally recommended best practices (BP). A set of 150 BP statements was derived from international guides in order to establish the benchmark. The statements are arranged in six rehabilitation programs under three categories: (1) planning (2) operational and (3) management, corresponding to the adoption of the plan-do-check-act management systems model to mine rehabilitation. The procedure consists of (i) performing technical inspections guided by a series of field forms containing BP statements; (ii) classifying evidences in five categories; and (iii) calculating conformity indexes and levels. For testing and calibration purposes, the procedure was applied to nine limestone quarries and conformity indexes were calculated for the rehabilitation programs in each quarry. Most quarries featured poor planning practices, operational practices reached high conformity levels in 50% of the cases and management practices scored moderate conformity. Despite all quarries being ISO 14001 certified, their management systems pay low attention to issues pertaining to land rehabilitation and biodiversity. The best results were achieved by a quarry whose expansion was recently submitted to the environmental impact assessment process, suggesting that public scrutiny may play a positive role in enhancing rehabilitation practices. Conformity indexes and levels can be used to chart the evolution of rehabilitation practices at regular intervals, to establish corporate goals and for communication with stakeholders. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An adequate supply of nitrogen is essential for high yield of common bean seeds; however, the responses to this nutrient in no-tillage systems can vary in function of the species and the amount of straw present. The aim of this research was to evaluate response of the common bean to N in no-tillage systems over maize, millet and Brachiaria brizantha crop residues. Three experiments were conducted, one for each gramineous species. The experimental design was a randomized block in a 5x2x2 factorial scheme, with five N doses (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 kg ha(-1)), in two distinct stadia during the vegetative development (3(rd) and 6(th) trifoliate leaf) and two common bean cultivars (IPR Juriti and Perola), with four replications. The IPR Juriti produced a greater number of pods per plant and showed lower mass per 100 seeds than Perola. It did not show variation in bean yield when the sidedressing N application was carried out in the 3(rd) or 6(th) trifoliate leaf stadia. Based on the obtained results, one concludes that the seed productivity of common beans increases linearly with N doses in a no-tillage system over maize residues.
The phenolic composition of heartwood from Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly known as false acacia, before and after toasting in cooperage was studied by HPLC-DAD and HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS/MS. A total of 41 flavonoid and nonflavonoid compounds were identified, some tentatively, and quantified. Seasoned acacia wood showed high concentrations of flavonoid and low levels of nonflavonoid compounds, the main compounds being the dihydroflavonols dihydrorobinetin, fustin, tetrahydroxy, and trihydroxymethoxy dihydroflavonol, the flavonol robinetin, the flavanones robtin and butin, and a leucorobinetinidin, none of which are found in oak wood. The low molecular weight (LMW) phenolic compounds present also differed from those found in oak, since compounds with a beta-resorcylic structure, gallic related compounds, protocatechuic aldehyde, and some hydroxycinnamic compounds are included, but only a little gallic and ellagic acid. Toasting changed the chromatographic profiles of extracts spectacularly. Thus, the toasted acacia wood contributed flavonoids and condensed tannins (prorobinetin type) in inverse proportion to toasting intensity, while LMW phenolic compounds were directly proportional to toasting intensity, except for gallic and ellagic acid and related compounds. Even though toasting reduced differences between oak and acacia, particular characteristics of this wood must be taken into account when considering its use in cooperage: the presence of flavonoids and compounds with beta-resorcylic structure and the absence of hydrolyzable tannins.
The curcumin`s effect given orally by gavage in single- or multiple-dose regimens on methemoglobinemia induced by dapsone (DDS) was investigated in male Wistar rats. In the single-dose regimen, groups of 10 rats received either vehicle alone, or curcumin at 0.1, 1.0, 10, or 30 mg/kg body weight (bw), or curcumin at 0.02, 0.1, 1, 10, or 30 mg/kg bw plus DDS at 40 mg/kg bw, intraperitoneally (i.p.), 2 hours after. In the multiple-dose regimen, groups of 10 rats received either vehicle alone, or curcumin at 0.1, 1.0, 10, or 30 mg/kg bw for 5 days, with or without DDS (40 mg/kg bw, i.p.) 2 hours after on the fifth day. In both regimens, further groups of 10 rats were given DDS alone (positive controls) or normal saline (negative controls) i.p. Single-dose treatment with curcumin at 0.02 and 0.1 mg/kg bw significantly reduced DDS-induced methemoglobin formation, while the higher doses showed a pro-oxidant effect, significantly increasing DDS-induced methemoglobinemia. In the multiple-dose regimen, treatment with curcumin at 0.1 mg/kg bw significantly reduced DDS-induced methemoglobin formation, but the higher doses were without significant effect compared to DDS alone. It is concluded that curcumin at low doses mitigates methemoglobinemia induced by dapsone in rats, both in single- and multiple-dose regimens. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A sensitive and reproducible stir bar-sorptive extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography-UV detection (SBSE/HPLC-UV) method for therapeutic drug monitoring of carbamazepine, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide, phenytoin and phenobarbital in plasma samples is described and compared with a liquid:liquid extraction (LLE/HPLC-UV) method. Important factors in the optimization of SBSE efficiency such as pH, extraction time and desorption conditions (solvents, mode magnetic stir, mode ultrasonic stir, time and number of steps) assured recoveries ranging from 72 to 86%, except for phenytoin (62%). Separation was obtained using a reverse phase C-18 column with UV detection (210 nm). The mobile phase consisted of water: acetonitrile (78:22, v/v). The SBSE/HPLC-UV method was linear over a working range of 0.08-40.0 mu g mL(-1) for carbamazepine, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide and phenobarbital and 0.125-40.0 mu g mL(-1) for phenytoin, The intra-assay and inter-assay precision and accuracy were studied at three concentrations (1.0, 4.0 and 20.0 mu g mL(-1)). The intra-assay coefficients of variation (CVs) for all compounds were less than 8.8% and all inter-CVs were less than 10%. Limits of quantification were 0.08 mu g mL(-1) for carbamazepine, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide and phenobarbital and 0.125 mu g mL(-1) for phenytoin. No interference of the drugs normally associated with antiepileptic drugs was observed. Based on figures of merit results, the SBSE/HPLC-UV proved adequate for antiepileptic drugs analyses from therapeutic levels. This method was successfully applied to the analysis of real samples and was as effective as the LLE/HPLC-UV method. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: A consensus meeting of representatives of 18 Latin-American and Caribbean countries gathered in Renaca, Chile, for 2 days to identify problems and provide recommendations for the care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Latin America, a region where poverty and other health priorities make the efforts to provide effective and high quality care difficult. This report includes recommendations for health professionals, patients, and health authorities in Latin America, with an emphasis oil education and therapeutic issues. Methods: Fifty-one rheumatologists (list available only online on the JCR website) from 18 Latin-American and Caribbean countries with a special interest in RA participated in the consensus meeting. Participants were experts identified and appointed by the National Societies of Rheumatology affiliated with the Pan-American League of Associations for Rheumatology (PANLAR) and by the Grupo Latino Americano De Estudio de Artritis Reumatoide (GLADAR)-an independent group of Latin American rheumatologist researchers were also invited to the meeting. Eight topics were identified as priorities: patient, community and allied health professional education, health policy and decision making, programs for early detection and appropriate treatment of RA, role of classic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), role of biologic therapy, and drug safety surveillance. To reach consensus, a survey with questions relevant to the topic of interest was sent to all participants before the meeting. During a 2 day meeting, the answers of the survey were reviewed and discussed by each group, with final recommendations on action items. Results: The specific topic of the survey was answered by 86% of the participants and 68% of them answered the entire survey. It was agreed that RA and rheumatic diseases which are currently not but should be public health priorities in Latin America, because of their prevalence and impact on quality of life. Conclusions: Strategic areas identified as priorities for our region included: early diagnosis and access to care by multidisciplinary teams, creation of databases to identify infections with the use of biologic agents in RA which are relevant to Latin America, and overall efforts to improve the care of RA patients in accordance with international standards. Implementation of educational programs aimed to improve self-management for patients with RA was also considered crucial.
Anemia screening before blood donation requires an accurate, quick, practical, and easy method with minimal discomfort for the donors. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of two quantitative methods of anemia screening: the HemoCue 201(+) (Aktiebolaget Leo Diagnostics) hemoglobin (Hb) and microhematocrit (micro-Hct) tests. Two blood samples of a single fingerstick were obtained from 969 unselected potential female donors to determine the Hb by HemoCue 201(+) and micro-Hct using HemataSTAT II (Separation Technology, Inc.), in alternating order. From each participant, a venous blood sample was drawn and run in an automatic hematology analyzer (ABX Pentra 60, ABX Diagnostics). Considering results of ABX Pentra 60 as true values, the sensitivity and specificity of HemoCue 201(+) and micro-Hct as screening methods were compared, using a venous Hb level of 12.0 g per dL as cutoff for anemia. The sensitivities of the HemoCue 201(+) and HemataSTAT II in detecting anemia were 56 percent (95% confidence interval [CI], 46.1%-65.5%) and 39.5 percent (95% CI, 30.2%-49.3%), respectively (p < 0.001). Analyzing only candidates with a venous Hb level lower than 11.0 g per dL, the deferral rate was 100 percent by HemoCue 201(+) and 77 percent by HemataSTAT II. The specificities of the methods were 93.5 and 93.2 percent, respectively. The HemoCue 201(+) showed greater discriminating power for detecting anemia in prospective blood donors than the micro-Hct method. Both presented equivalent deferral error rates of nonanemic potential donors. Compared to the micro-Hct, HemoCue 201(+) reduces the risk of anemic female donors giving blood, specially for those with lower Hb levels, without increasing the deferral of nonanemic potential donors.
One limiting factor for automated two-red blood cells collections (2-RBC) is its potential iron depletion. We analyzed hematological parameters and iron balance before, two and four months after 2-RBC of 96 non-supplemented male donors. Four months after 2-RBC, ferritin level was significantly lower (P < 0.01) than baseline levels and the number of donors who presented ferritin <30 ng/ml increased from 18 to 47. We concluded that four months was not sufficient for iron recuperation in the population studied. In an attempt to avoid iron depletion after 2-RBC, we recommend augmentation in the interval between blood donations and pre-donation ferritin measurement. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate outcomes such as success of the initial therapy, failure of outpatient treatment, and death in outpatient treatment during intravenous antimicrobial therapy in patients with febrile neutropenia (FN) and hematological malignancies. In addition, clinical and laboratory data and the Multinational Association for Supportive Care of Cancer index (MASCC) were compared with failure of outpatient treatment and death. In a retrospective study, we evaluated FN following chemotherapy events that were treated initially with cefepime, with or without teicoplanin and replaced by levofloxacin after 48 h of defervescence in patients with good general conditions and ANC > 500/mm(3). Of the 178 FN episodes occurred in 126 patients, we observed success of the initial therapy in 63.5% of the events, failure of outpatient treatment in 20.8%, and death in 6.2%. The success rate of oral levofloxacin after defervescence was 99% (95 out of 96). Using multivariate analysis, significant risks of failure of outpatient treatment were found to be smoking (odds ratio (OR) 3.14, confidence interval (CI) 1.14-8.66; p = 0.027) and serum creatinine levels > 1.2 mg/dL (OR 7.97, CI 2.19-28.95; p = 0.002). With regard to death, the risk found was oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry < 95% (OR 5.8, IC 1.50-22.56; p = 0.011). Using the MASCC index, 165 events were classified as low risk and 13 as high risk. Failure of outpatient treatment was reported in seven (53.8%) high-risk and 30 (18.2%) low-risk episodes (p = 0.006). In addition, death occurred in seven (4.2%) low-risk and four (30.8%) high-risk events (p = 0.004). Ours results show that MASCC index was able to identify patients with high risk. In addition, non-smoking, serum creatinine levels a parts per thousand currency sign1.2 mg/dL, and oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry a parts per thousand yen95% were protection factors.
Resistance training is accompanied by cardiac hypertrophy, but the role of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in this response is elusive. We evaluated this question in 36 male Wistar rats divided into six groups: control (n = 6); trained (n = 6); control + losartan (10 mg.kg(-1).day(-1), n = 6); trained + losartan (n = 6); control + high-salt diet (1%, n = 6); and trained + high-salt diet (1%, n = 6). High salt was used to inhibit the systemic RAS and losartan to block the AT(1) receptor. The exercise protocol consisted of: 4 x 12 bouts, 5x/wk during 8 wk, with 65-75% of one repetition maximum. Left ventricle weight-to-body weight ratio increased only in trained and trained + high-salt diet groups (8.5% and 10.6%, P < 0.05) compared with control. Also, none of the pathological cardiac hypertrophy markers, atrial natriuretic peptide, and alpha MHC (alpha-myosin heavy chain)-to-beta MHC ratio, were changed. ACE activity was analyzed by fluorometric assay (systemic and cardiac) and plasma renin activity (PRA) by RIA and remained unchanged upon resistance training, whereas PRA decreased significantly with the high-salt diet. Interestingly, using Western blot analysis and RT-PRC, no changes were observed in cardiac AT(2) receptor levels, whereas the AT(1) receptor gene (56%, P < 0.05) and protein (31%, P < 0.05) expressions were upregulated in the trained group. Also, cardiac ANG II concentration evaluated by ELISA remained unchanged (23.27 +/- 2.4 vs. 22.01 +/- 0.8 pg/mg, P > 0.05). Administration of a subhypotensive dose of losartan prevented left ventricle hypertrophy in response to the resistance training. Altogether, we provide evidence that resistance training-induced cardiac hypertrophy is accompanied by induction of AT(1) receptor expression with no changes in cardiac ANG II, which suggests a local activation of the RAS consistent with the hypertrophic response.
Introduction. Previous research has demonstrated that sildenafil citrate users alter dosing-sexual attempt behavior when switched to tadalafil. The impact of geography and culture on sexual behavior with phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor treatment has not been fully investigated. Aim. To describe and compare the changes in dosing-sexual attempt behavior with sildenafil citrate vs. tadalafil treatment across four distinct geographies: Asia, Australia/New Zealand (ANZ), Central Eastern Europe/Middle East (CEE/ME), and Latin America (LA). Methods. Data from a single-arm, open-label clinical trial conducted in 21 countries from November 2002 to May 2004 were used in this analysis. Men with erectile dysfunction and a history of >= 6-week prior sildenafil citrate use continued sildenafil citrate treatment for 4 weeks then switched to tadalafil for 8 weeks. Dosing instructions were provided. Main Outcomes Measures. Timing of dose and sexual intercourse was assessed through patient diaries for the final 4 weeks of each treatment period. Results. A total of 2,760 men were enrolled: Asia 15.8%; ANZ 29.4%; CEE/ME 19.7%; LA 35.1%. The median time from dosing to intercourse was significantly increased during tadalafil treatment across all geographical regions; however, the magnitude of increase differed significantly by geography (P < 0.0001). The Asian cohort demonstrated the shortest duration between dosing and sexual intercourse attempts (irrespective of drug), and altered sexual behavior the least upon switching to tadalafil. The ANZ cohort demonstrated the longest duration between dosing and sexual intercourse attempts (irrespective of drug), and altered sexual behavior the most upon switching to tadalafil. Conclusion. Men with a history of established sildenafil citrate use alter their dose-attempt behavior when treated with tadalafil irrespective of geography. However, the extent to which sexual behavior alters is not uniform across geographical regions, suggesting that dosing instructions and duration of drug effectiveness, in combination with personal and cultural preferences, may determine sexual behavior with PDE5 inhibitor use. Rubio-Aurioles E, Glina S, Abdo CHN, Hernandez-Serrano R, Rampazzo C, Sotomayor M, West TM, Gallagher GL, and Lenero E. Timing of dose relative to sexual intercourse attempt in previous sildenafil citrate users treated with tadalafil: A geographical comparison from a single arm, open-label study. J Sex Med 2009;6:2836-2850.
Aims Neurally meditated reflex or neurocardiogenic or vasovagal syncope (NMS) is usually mediated by a massive vagal reflex. This study reports the long-term outcome of NMS therapy based on endocardial radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation of the cardiac vagal nervous system aiming permanent attenuation or elimination of the cardioinhibitory reflex (cardioneuroablation). Methods and results A total of 43 patients (18F/25M, 32.9+/-15 years) without apparent cardiopathy (left ventricular ejection fraction=68.6+/-5%) were included. All had recurrent NMS (4.7+/-2 syncope/patient) with important cardioinhibition (pauses=13.5+/-13 s) at head-up tilt test (HUT), normal electrocardiogram (ECG), and normal atropine test (AT). The patients underwent atrial endocardial RF ablation using spectral mapping to track the neurocardiac interface (AF Nest Mapping). The follow-up (FU) consisted of clinical evaluation, ECG (1 month/every 6 months/or symptoms), Holter (every 6 months/or symptoms), HUT (>= 4 months/or symptoms), and AT (end of ablation and >= 6 months). A total of 44 ablations (48+/-9 points/patient) were performed. Merely three cases of spontaneous syncope occurred in 45.1+/-22 months (two vasodepressor, one undefined). Only four partial cardioinhibitory responses occurred in post-ablation HUT without pauses or asystole (sinus bradycardia). Long-term AT (21.7+/-11 months post) was negative in 33 (76.7%, P<0.01), partially positive in 7(16.3%), and normal in three patients only (6.9%) reflecting long-term vagal denervation (AT-Delta% HR pre 79.4% x 23.2% post). The post-ablation stress test and Holter showed no abnormalities. No major complications occurred. Conclusion Endocardial RF catheter ablation of severe neurally meditated reflex syncope prevented pacemaker implantation and showed excellent long-term results in well selected patients. Despite no action in vasodepression it seems to cause enough long-term vagal reflex attenuation, eliminating the cardioinhibition, and keeping most patients asymptomatic. Indication was based on clinical symptoms, reproduction of severe cardioinhibitory syncope, and normal atropine response.