63 resultados para Fragaria spp
One hundred fifty-one Erysipelothrix spp. isolates from Brazilian swine were characterized by serotyping, determination of antimicrobial susceptibility, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Among all isolates, 139 were classified in 18 different serotypes and serotype 2b was the most frequent. The susceptibility profiles of the isolates were very similar among each other, which did not permit subtyping Erysipelothrix spp. isolates by the antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Despite the fact that AFLP and PFGE provided the same discriminatory index (0.98), PFGE was more discriminatory than AFLP, given the types of groups it generates. Regardless the technique employed (AFLP or PFGE), no discrimination between recent and historical isolates was established, neither a fixed epidemiologic pattern for their grouping was observed. Nevertheless, AFLP could be an interesting alternative for discriminating the Erysipelothrix species, while PFGE could be an indication for discerning this bacterium according to the serotypes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
One hundred and fifty-one Erysipelothrix spp. isolates from diseased and carrier swine from Brazil were identified by PCR, submitted to serotyping and analyzed by amplified fragment length polymorphism with a single enzyme (AFLP). Reference strains from Australia and the United Kingdom were also examined. The 151 strains were classified into 18 different serotypes (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24 and 25), being serotype 2b the most frequent (39.7%). By associating serotyping and PCR results, it was possible to identify 146 strains as E. rhusiopathiae and five strains as E. tonsillarum. Despite the fact that for this genus AFLP did not cluster all isolates according to serotype, origin, disease or isolation data, the execution of the technique was easy and fast, demonstrating high discriminatory power. The results produced by the AFLP analysis of Erysipelothrix spp. could also support its use as a discriminatory tool for E. rhusiopathiae and E. tonsillarum species. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Although antibodies to Bartonella henselae have been described in all neotropical felid species, DNA has been detected in only one species, Leopard us wiedii. The aim of this study was to determine whether DNA of Bartonella spp. could be detected in blood of other captive neotropical felids and evaluate risk factors and hematological findings associated with infection. Blood samples were collected from 57 small felids, including 1 Leopard us geoffroyi, 17 L wiedii, 22 Leopardus tigrinus, 14 Leopardus pardalis, and 3 Puma yagouaroundi; 10 blood samples from Panthera onca were retrieved from blood banks. Complete blood counts were performed on blood samples from small felids, while all samples were evaluated by PCR. DNA extraction was confirmed by amplification of the cat GAPDH gene. Bartonella spp. were assessed by amplifying a fragment of their 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region; PCR products were purified and sequenced. For the small neotropical felids, risk factors [origin (wild-caught or zoo-born), gender, felid species, and flea exposure) were evaluated using exact multiple logistic regression. Hematological findings (anemia, polycythemia/hyperproteinemia, leukocytosis and leukopenia) were tested for association with infection using Fisher`s exact test. The 635 bp product amplified from 10 samples (10/67 = 14.92%) was identified as B. henselae by sequencing. Small neotropical felid males were more likely to be positive than females (95% CI = 0.00-0.451, p = 0.0028), however other analyzed variables were not considered risk factors (p > 0.05). Hematological abnormalities were not associated with infection (p > 0.05). This is the first report documenting B. henselae detection by PCR in several species of neotropical felids. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Iron accumulation was investigated qualitatively and quantitatively in the liver of 15 captive Brachyteles spp. Methods Hepatic hemosiderosis index (HHI) was determined as the area percentage of the liver parenchyma occupied by hemosiderin and ferritin deposits, through computerized histomorphometric analysis of Prussian blue-stained histologic sections. Results All studied animals presented liver hemosiderosis, and HHI ranged from 0.2% to 41.7%. There were no significant differences in HHI between muriqui species or genders, and no correlations were detected among HHI and age, time in captivity or body mass. Iron deposits were accompanied by other hepatic disorders. Conclusions This is the first study addressing the occurrence and consequences of iron overloading in the liver of muriquis. We propose that hemosiderosis may act as a contribute factor for the development of hepatic injuries. Further studies are advised to clarify the role of diet in the pathogenesis of hemosiderosis in these atelids.
In wild and domestic birds, cryptosporidiosis is often associated with infections by Cryptosporidium galli, Cryptosporidium baileyi and Cryptosporidium meleagridis. In addition to these species, a number of avian Cryptosporidium species yet to be fully characterized are commonly found among exotic and wild avian isolates. The present study aimed to detect and identify samples of Cryptosporidium spp. from free-living wild birds, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the variability of this parasite in the free-living population of Brazil. Stool samples were collected from 242 birds, with the following proportions of individuals: 50 Emberizidae (20.7%), 112 Psittacidae (46.3%), 44 Cardinalidae (18.2%), 12 Turdidae (5.0%), eight Ramphastidae (3.3%), seven Icteridae (2.9%), three Estrilididae (1.2%), two Contigidae (0.8%), two Thraupidae (0.8%) and two Fringilidae (0.8%). Among the 242 fecal samples from wild birds, 16(6.6%) were positive for the presence of oocysts of Cryptosporidium. Molecular characterization of the 16 samples of Cryptosporidium, were performed with phylogenetic reconstructions employing 292 positions of 18S rDNA. None of the samples of birds was characterized as C meleagridis. C gall was identified in one rufous-bellied thrush (Turdus rufiventris), five green-winged saltators (Saltator similis), one slate-coloured seedeater (Sporophila schistacea), one goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) and three saffron finches (Sicalis flaveola). One goldfinch isolate, one buff-fronted seedeater (Sporophila frontalis), one red-cowled cardinal (Paroaria dominicana) and one other saffron finch (S. flaveola) were identified as C. baileyi. Avian genotype II was found in an isolate from a white-eyed parakeet (Aratinga leucophthalma). Clinical symptoms of cryptosporidiosis in birds have already been described and the number of wild birds which were shedding parasites was high. Therefore, further epidemiological research and disease surveillance of birds in the wild is warranted. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium species and genotypes in birds kept in captivity in Brazil. A total of 966 samples from 18 families of birds was collected and stored in 5% potassium dichromate solution at 4 degrees C until processing. Oocysts were purified in Sheather sugar solution following extraction of genomic DNA. Molecular analyses were performed using nested-PCR for amplification of fragments of the 18S subunit of rRNA gene and of the actin gene. Amplification of Cryptosporidium DNA fragments was obtained in 47 (4.86%) samples. Sequencing of amplified fragments and phylogenetic analyses allowed the identification of Cryptosporidium baileyi in a black vulture (Coragyps atratus), a domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) and a saffron finch (Sicalis flaveola); Cryptosporidium galli in canaries (Serinus canaria), a cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) and lesser seed-finches (Oryzoborus angolensis); Cryptosporidium meleagridis in a domestic chicken (G. g. domesticus); Cryptosporidium parvum in a cockatiel (N. hollandicus); Cryptosporidium avian genotype I in a canary (S. canaria) and an Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus); Cryptosporidium avian genotype II in ostriches (Struthio camelus) and Cryptosporidium avian genotype III in a cockatiel (N. hollandicurs) and a peach-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicolis). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new myxosporean species, Henneguya eirasi n. sp., is described parasitizing the gill filaments of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) caught in the Patanal Wetland of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The parasite formed white, elongated plasmodia measuring up to 3 mm. Mature spores were ellipsoidal in the frontal view, measuring 37.1 +/- 1.8 mu m in total length, 12.9 +/- 0.8 mu m in body length, 3.4 +/- 0.3 mu m in width, 3.1 +/- 0.1 mu m in thickness and 24.6 +/- 2.2 mu m in the caudal process. Polar capsules were elongated and equal in size, measuring 5.4 +/- 0.5 mu m in length and 0.7 +/- 0.1 mu m in width. Polar filaments had 12-13 coils. Histopathological analysis revealed that the parasite developed in the sub-epithelial connective tissue of the gill filaments and the plasmodia were surrounded by a capsule of host connective tissue. The plasmodia caused slight compression of the adjacent tissues, but no inflammatory response was observed in the infection site. Ultrastructure analysis revealed a single plasmodial wall connected to the ectoplasmic zone through numerous pinocytotic canals. The plasmodial wall exhibited numerous projections and slightly electron-dense material was found in the ectoplasm next to the plasmodial wall, forming a line just below the wall. Partial sequencing of the 18S rDNA gene of H. eirasi n. sp. obtained from P. fasciatum resulted in a total of 1066 bp and this sequence did not match any of the Myxozoa available in the GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the Henneguya species clustering into clades following the order and family of the host fishes. H. eirasi n. sp. clustered alone in one clade, which was the basal unit for the clade composed of Henneguya species parasites of siluriform ictalurids. The prevalence of the parasite was 17.1% in both fish species examined. Parasite prevalence was not influenced by season, host sex or host size. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gayralia K.L. Vinogr. is a monostromatic green alga of commercial importance in the southern Brazil, and its cultivation is being considered. This paper reports some basic aspects of the biology of this poorly known genus. Two populations of Gayralia spp., from outer and inner sectors of Paranagua Bay, showed an asexual life history with a distinct pattern of thallus ontogeny. In one population (Gayralia sp. 1), zooids developed an expanded monostromatic blade directly, while in the other (Gayralia sp. 2) zooids produced an intermediate saccate stage, before giving rise to a monostromatic blade. Thalli of the two species differ in size and in cell diameter. The effects of temperature (16-30 degrees C), irradiance (50-100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)), and salinity (5-40 psu) on the growth of both populations were assessed. Plantlets of Gayralia sp. 1 from in vitro cultures showed a broader tolerance to all salinity and irradiance levels tested, with the highest growth rate (GR; mean 17% day-1) at 21.5 degrees C and 100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). Plantlets of Gayralia sp. 1 collected during the winter in the field showed higher GR, ranging from 5% day(-1) to 7.5% day(-1) in salinities from 20 to 40 psu, and 2.0% day(-1) and 4.3% day(-1) for plantlets collected during the summer. Gayralia sp. 2 from the field showed highest GR at salinity of 15 psu. These results suggest distinct physiological responses of the two species, in accordance with their distribution: Gayralia sp. 2 is limited to the inner areas of the estuary, while Gayralia sp. 1 grows in outer areas, where salinity values are higher than 20 psu. These data indicate that Gayralia sp. 1 has a higher potential for aquaculture than Gayralia sp. 2 due to its larger thalli, higher GR, and wider tolerance to environmental variations.
Leishmaniasis is kept in nature by the participation of several animal species. This study evaluated the presence of Leishmania spp. in skin samples of free-ranging marsupials Micoureus paraguayanus (n = 95) and Didelphis albiventris (n = 191), captured in Morro do Diabo State Park and in sections of its surrounding forest, in the region of Pontal do Paranapanema, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The samples were tested for the presence of kDNA of Leishmania spp. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and by real time PCR (qPCR). All samples from D. albiventris tested by PCR were negative for the presence of kDNA of Leishmania spp. However, when tested by qPCR, the positivity was 1.6%. A positivity of 7.4% by PCR and 11.6% by qPCR was observed for M. paraguayanus. Sixty-four per cent (9/14) of positive animals were limited to the same forest fragment. Presence of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis and Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis was detected in M. paraguayanus samples. While D. albiventris is the most studied marsupial species due to its urban habits, other marsupial species such as M. paraguayanus can be potential reservoirs of Leishmania spp. and should also be studied. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We have used coalescent analysis of mtDNA cytochrome b (cyt b) sequences to estimate times of divergence of three species of Alouatta-A. caraya, A. belzebul, and A. guariba-which are in close geographic proximity. A. caraya is inferred to have diverged from the A. guariba/A. belzebul clade approximately 3.83 million years ago (MYA), with the later pair diverging approximately 1.55 MYA. These dates are much more recent than previous dates based on molecular-clock methods. In addition, analyses of new sequences from the Atlantic Coastal Forest species A. guariba indicate the presence of two distinct haplogroups corresponding to northern and southern populations with both haplogroups occurring in sympatry within Sao Paulo state. The time of divergence of these two haplogroups is estimated to be 1.2 MYA and so follows quite closely after the divergence of A. guariba and A. belzebul. These more recent dates point to the importance of Pleistocene environmental events as important factors in the diversification of A. belzebul and A. guariba. We discuss the diversification of the three Alouatta species in the context of recent models of climatic change and with regard to recent molecular phylogeographic analyses of other animal groups distributed in Brazil.
We have previously shown that pathogenic leptospiral strains are able to bind C4b binding protein (C4BP). Surface-bound C4BP retains its cofactor activity, indicating that acquisition of this complement regulator may contribute to leptospiral serum resistance. In the present study, the abilities of seven recombinant putative leptospiral outer membrane proteins to interact with C4BP were evaluated. The protein encoded by LIC11947 interacted with this human complement regulator in a dose-dependent manner. The cofactor activity of C4BP bound to immobilized recombinant LIC11947 (rLIC11947) was confirmed by detecting factor I-mediated cleavage of C4b. rLIC11947 was therefore named LcpA (for leptospiral complement regulator-acquiring protein A). LcpA was shown to be an outer membrane protein by using immunoelectron microscopy, cell surface proteolysis, and Triton X-114 fractionation. The gene coding for LcpA is conserved among pathogenic leptospiral strains. This is the first characterization of a Leptospira surface protein that binds to the human complement regulator C4BP in a manner that allows this important regulator to control complement system activation mediated either by the classical pathway or by the lectin pathway. This newly identified protein may play a role in immune evasion by Leptospira spp. and may therefore represent a target for the development of a human vaccine against leptospirosis.
The present study assessed the prevalence of anti-Leishmania spp antibodies in dogs from the city of Monte Negro, State of Rondonia, Brazil ELISA (NE >= 3) and IFAT (>= 1 40) were used to evaluate 161 serum samples collected from rural dogs from Monte Negro Forty-five (27 9%) dogs were positive by ELISA tests and five (3 1%) were positive by IFAT The present study showed for the first time the frequency of exposure to Leishmania spp in dogs in the State of Rondonia, Amazon Region
In this study, we provide phylogenetic and biogeographic evidence that the Trypanosomo cruzi lineages T. cruzi I (TCI) and T. cruzi IIa (TCIIa) circulate amongst non-human primates in Brazilian Amazonia, and are transmitted by Rhodnius species in overlapping arboreal transmission cycles, sporadically infecting humans. TO presented higher prevalence rates, and no lineages other than TCI and TCIIa were found in this study in wild monkeys and Rhodnius from the Amazonian region. We characterised TO and TCIIa from wild primates (16 TO and five TCIIa), Rhodnius spp, (13 TCI and nine TCIIa), and humans with Chagas disease associated with oral transmission (14 TO and five TCIIa) in Brazilian Amazonia. To our knowledge, TCIIa had not been associated with wild monkeys until now. Polymorphisms of ssrDNA, cytochrome b gene sequences and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns clearly separated TCIIa from TCIIb-e and TCI lineages, and disclosed small intra-lineage polymorphisms amongst isolates from Amazonia. These data are important in understanding the complexity of the transmission cycles, genetic structure, and evolutionary history of T cruzi populations circulating in Amazonia, and they contribute to both the unravelling of human infection routes and the pathological peculiarities of Chagas disease in this region. (C) 2008 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The yeasts of the Malassezia genus are opportunistic microorganisms and can cause human and animal infections. They are commonly isolated from the skin and auricular canal of mammalians, mainly dogs and cats. The present study was aimed to isolate Malassezia spp. from the acoustic meatus of bats (Molossus molossus) in the Montenegro region, `` Rondonia ``, Brazil. From a total of 30 bats studied Malassezia spp. were isolated in 24 (80%) animals, the breakdown by species being as follows (one Malassezia sp. per bat, N=24): 15 (62.5%) M. pachydermatis, 5 (20.8%) M. furfur, 3 (12.5%) M. globosa and 1 (4.2%) M. sympodialis. This study establishes a new host and anatomic place for Malassezia spp., as it presents the first report ever of the isolation of this genus of yeasts in the acoustic meatus of bats.