59 resultados para Dental Enamel Solubility


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The purpose of this study was to comparatively evaluate the response of human pulps after cavity preparation with different devices. Deep class I cavities were prepared in sound mandibular premolars using either a high-speed air-turbine handpiece (Group 1) or an Er: YAG laser (Group 2). Following total acid etching and the application of an adhesive system, all cavities were restored with composite resin. Fifteen days after the clinical procedure, the teeth were extracted and processed for analysis under optical microscopy. In Group 1 in which the average for the remaining dentin thickness (RDT) between the cavity floor and the coronal pulp was 909.5 mu m, a discrete inflammatory response occurred in only one specimen with an RDT of 214 mu m. However, tissue disorganization occurred in most specimens. In Group 2 (average RDT = 935.2 mu m), the discrete inflammatory pulp response was observed in only one specimen (average RDT = 413 mu m). It may be concluded that the high-speed air-turbine handpiece caused greater structural alterations in the pulp, although without inducing inflammatory processes.


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The different parameters used for the photoactivation process provide changes in the degree of conversion (DC%) and temperature rise (TR) of the composite resins. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the DC (%) and TR of the microhybrid composite resin photoactivated by a new generation LED. For the KBr pellet technique, the composite resin was placed into a metallic mould (1-mm thickness and 4-mm diameter) and photoactivated as follows: continuous LED LCU with different power density values (50-1000 mW/cm(2)). The measurements for the DC (%) were made in a FTIR Spectrometer Bomen (model MB-102, Quebec-Canada). The spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra for both uncured and cured samples were analyzed using an accessory for the diffuse reflectance. The measurements were recorded in the absorbance operating under the following conditions: 32 scans, 4-cm(-1) resolution, and a 300 to 4000-cm(-1) wavelength. The percentage of unreacted carbon-carbon double bonds (% C=C) was determined from the ratio of the absorbance intensities of aliphatic C=C (peak at 1638 cm(-1)) against an internal standard before and after the curing of the specimen: aromatic C-C (peak at 1608 cm-1). For the TR, the samples were made in a metallic mould (2-mm thickness and 4-mm diameter) and photoactivated during 5, 10, and 20 s. The thermocouple was attached to the multimeter to allow the temperature readings. The DC (%) and TR were calculated by the standard technique and submitted to ANOVA and Tukey`s test (p < 0.05). The degree of conversion values varied from 35.0 (+/- 1.3) to 45.0 (+/- 2.4) for 5 s, 45.0 (+/- 1.3) to 55.0 (+/- 2.4) for 10 s, and 47.0 (+/- 1.3) to 52.0 (+/- 2.4) for 20 s. For the TR, the values ranged from 0.3 (+/- 0.01) to 5.4 (+/- 0.11)degrees C for 5 s, from 0.5 (+/- 0.02) to 9.3 (+/- 0.28)degrees C for 10 s, and from 1.0 (+/- 0.06) to 15.0 (+/- 0.95)degrees C for 20 s. The power densities and irradiation times showed a significant effect on the degree of conversion and temperature rise.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the temperature increase during the polymerization process through the use of three different light-curing units with different irradiation times. One argon laser (Innova, Coherent), one halogen (Optilight 501, Demetron), and one blue LED (LEC 1000, MM Optics) LCU with 500 mW/cm(2) during 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 s of irradiation times were used in this study. The composite resin used was a microhybrid Filtek Z-250 (3M/ESPE) at color A(2). The samples were made in a metallic mold 2 mm in thickness and 4 mm in diameter and previously light-cured during 40 s. A thermocouple (Model 120-202 EAJ, Fenwal Electronic, Milford, MA, USA) was introduced in the composite resin to measure the temperature increase during the curing process. The highest temperature increase was recorded with a Curing Light 2500 halogen LCU (5 and 31 degrees C after 5 and 60 s, respectively), while the lowest temperature increase was recorded for the Innova LCU based on an argon laser (2 and 11 degrees C after 5 and 60 s, respectively). The temperature recorded for LCU based on a blue LED was 3 and 22 degrees C after 5 and 60 s, respectively. There was a quantifiable amount of heat generated during the visible light curing of a composite resin. The amount of heat generated was influenced by the characteristics of the light-curing units used and the irradiation times.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion and hardness of a dental composite resin Filtek (TM) Z-350 (3M ESPE, Dental Products St. Paul, MN) photo-activated for 20 s of irradiation time with two different light guide tips, metal and polymer, coupled on blue LED Ultraled LCU (Dabi Atlante, SP, Brazil). With the metal light tip, power density was of 352 and with the polymer was of 456 mW/cm(2), respectively. Five samples (4 mm in diameter and 2mm in thickness-ISO 4049), were made for each Group evaluated. The measurements for DC (%) were made in a Nexus-470 FT-IR, Thermo Nicolet, E.U.A. Spectroscopy (FTIR). Spectra for both uncured and cured samples were analyzed using an accessory of reflectance diffuse. The measurements were recorded in absorbance operating under the following conditions: 32 scans, 4 cm(-1) resolution, 300-4000 cm(-1) wavelength. The percentage of unreacted carbon double bonds (% C=C) was determined from the ratio of absorbance intensities of aliphatic C=C (peak at 1637 cm(-1)) against internal standard before and after curing of the sample: aromatic C-C (peak at 1610 cm(-1)). The Vickers hardness measurements (top and bottom surfaces) were performed in a universal testing machine (Buehler MMT-3 digital microhardness tester Lake Bluff, Illinois USA). A 50 gf load was used and the indenter with a dwell time of 30 s. The data were submitted to the test t Student at significance level of 5%. The mean values of degree of conversion for the polymer and metal light guide tip no were statistically different (p = 0.8389). The hardness mean values were no statistically significant different among the light guide tips (p = 0.6244), however, there was difference between top and bottom surfaces (p < 0.001). The results show that so much the polymer light tip as the metal light tip can be used for the photo-activation, probably for the low quality of the light guide tip metal.


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Dental composite resins possess good esthetic properties, and are currently among the most popular dental restorative materials. Both organic and inorganic phases might influence the material behavior, the filler particle features and rate are the most important factors related to improvement of the mechanical properties of resin composites. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three different composite resins on the polymerization process by Vickers hardness test. The samples were prepared using three different composite resins, as follow: group I-P-60 (3M/ESPE); group II-Herculite XRV (Kerr), and group III-Durafill (Heraeus-Kulzer). The samples were made in a polytetrafluoroethylene mould, with a rectangular cavity measuring 7 mm in length, 4 mm in width, and 3 mm in thickness. The samples were photo-activated by one light-curing unit based on blue LEDs (Ultrablue III-DMC/Brazil) for 20 and 40 s of irradiation times. The Vickers hardness test was performed 24 h after the photo-activation until the standardized depth of 3 mm. The Vickers hardness mean values varied from 158.9 (+/- 0.81) to 81.4 (+/- 1.94) for P-60, from 138.7 (+/- 0.37) to 61.7 (+/- 0.24) for Herculite XRV, and from 107. 5 (+/- 0.81) to 44.5 (+/- 1.36) for Durafill composite resins photo-activated during 20 s for the 1st and 2nd mm, respectively. During 40 s of photo-activation, the Vickers hardness mean values were: from 181.0 (+/- 0.70) to 15.6 (+/- 0.29) for P-60, and from 161.8 (+/- 0.41) to 11.2 (+/- 0.17) for Herculite XRV composite resins, for the 1st and 3th mm, respectively. For Durafill composite resin the mean values varied from 120.1 (+/- 0.66) to 61.7 (+/- 0.20), for the 1st and 2nd mm, respectively. The variation coefficient (CV) was in the most of the groups lower than 1%, then the descriptive statistic analysis was used. The Vickers hardness mean values for Durafill were lower than P-60 and Herculite XRV composite resins for 20 and 40 s of irradiation time. The polymerization process was greatly affected by the composition of the composite resins.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the hypothesis that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) 688 nm and 785 nm accelerate dentin barrier formation and repair process after traumatic pulp exposure. The sample consisted of 45 premolars of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) with pulp exposure Class V cavities. All premolars were treated with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2)), divided in groups of 15 teeth each, and analyzed on 7(th), 25(th), and 60(th) day. Group GI - only Ca(OH)(2), GIF- laser 688 nm, and GIII - laser 785 nm. Laser beam was used in single and punctual dose with the parameters: continuous, 688 nm and 785 nm wavelength, tip`s area of 0.00785 cm(2), power 50 mW, application time 20 s, dose 255 J/cm(2), energy 2 J. Teeth were capped with Ca(OH)(2), Ca(OH)(2) cement and restored with amalgam. All groups presented pulp repair. On 25(th) day the thickness of the formed dentin barrier was different between the groups GI and GII (p < 0.05) and between groups GI and GIII (p < 0.01). On 60(th) day there was difference between GI and GIII (p < 0.01). It may be concluded that, LLLT 688 nm and 785 nm accelerated dentin barrier formation and consequently pulp repair process, with best results using infrared laser 785 nm. (c) 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WLLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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Statement of the problem: The performance of self-etch systems on enamel is controversial and seems to be dependent on the application technique and the enamel preparation. Purpose of the Study: To examine the effects of conditioning time and enamel surface preparation on bond strength and etching pattern of adhesive systems to enamel. Materials and Methods: Ninety-six teeth were divided into 16 conditions (N = 6) in function of enamel preparation and conditioning time for bond strength test. The adhesive systems OptiBond FL (Kerr, Orange, CA, USA), OptiBond SOLO Plus (Kerr), Clearfil SE Bond (Kuraray, Osaka, Japan), and Adper Prompt L-Pop (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) were applied on unground or ground enamel following the manufacturers` directions or doubling the conditioning time. Cylinders of Filtek Flow (0.5-mm height) were applied to each bonded enamel surface using a Tygon tube (0.7 mm in diameter; Saint-Gobain Corp., Aurora, OH, USA). After storage (24 h/37 degrees C), the specimens were subjected to shear force (0.5 mm/min). The data were treated by a three-way analysis of variance and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). The failure modes of the debonded interfaces and the etching pattern of adhesives were observed using scanning electron microscopy. Results: Only the main factor ""adhesive"" was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The lowest bond strength value was observed for OptiBond FL. The most defined etching pattern was observed for 35% phosphoric acid and for Adper Prompt L-Pop. Mixed failures were observed for all adhesives, but OptiBond FL showed cohesive failures in resin predominantly. Conclusions: The increase in the conditioning time as well as the enamel pretreatment did not provide an increase in the resin-enamel bond strength values for the studied adhesives. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The surface enamel preparation and the conditioning time do not affect the performance of self-etch systems to enamel. (J Esthet Restor Dent 20:322-336, 2008)


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Measurement error models often arise in epidemiological and clinical research. Usually, in this set up it is assumed that the latent variable has a normal distribution. However, the normality assumption may not be always correct. Skew-normal/independent distribution is a class of asymmetric thick-tailed distributions which includes the Skew-normal distribution as a special case. In this paper, we explore the use of skew-normal/independent distribution as a robust alternative to null intercept measurement error model under a Bayesian paradigm. We assume that the random errors and the unobserved value of the covariate (latent variable) follows jointly a skew-normal/independent distribution, providing an appealing robust alternative to the routine use of symmetric normal distribution in this type of model. Specific distributions examined include univariate and multivariate versions of the skew-normal distribution, the skew-t distributions, the skew-slash distributions and the skew contaminated normal distributions. The methods developed is illustrated using a real data set from a dental clinical trial. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dental composites can be improved by heat treatment, as a possible way to increase mechanical properties due to additional cure (post-cure). Direct dental composites are essentially similar to the indirect ones, supposing they have the same indication. Therefore, to establish a heat treatment protocol for direct composites, using as indirect (photoactivated by continuous and pulse-delay techniques), a characterization (TG/DTG and DSC) is necessary to determine parameters, such as mass loss by thermal decomposition, heat of reaction and glass transition temperature (T (g)). By the results of this study, a heat treatment could be carried out above 160 A degrees C (above T (g), and even higher than the endset exothermic event) and under 180 A degrees C (temperature of significant initial mass loss).


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Objective: To evaluate the flexural strength, microleakage, and degree of conversion of a microhybrid resin polymerized with argon laser and halogen lamp. Method and Materials: For both flexural test and degree of conversion analysis, 5 bar samples of composite resin were prepared and polymerized according to ISO 4049. The halogen light-curing unit was used with 500 MW/cm(2) for 20 seconds and the argon laser with 250 mW for 10 and 20 seconds. Samples were stored in distilled water in a dark environment at 37 degrees C for 24 hours. The flexural property was quantified by a 3-point loading test. For the microleakage evaluation, 60 bovine incisors were used to prepare standardized Class 5 cavities, which were restored and polished. Specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37 degrees C and thermocycled 500 times (6 degrees C to 60 degrees C). Specimens were then immersed in art aqueous solution of basic fuchsin for 24 hours. Longitudinal sections of each restoration were obtained and examined with a stereomicroscope for qualitative evaluation of microleakage. Fourier transform (FT)-Raman RFS 100/S spectrometer (Bruker) was used to analyze the degree of conversion. Results: ANOVA showed no statistically significant differences of flexural strength between the photoactivation types evaluated in the flexural study. Microleakage data were statistically analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Enamel margins resulted in a statistically lower degree of leakage than dentin margins. No statistically significant difference was found among the 3 types of photocuring studied. ANOVA also showed no statistically significant difference in the degree of conversion among the studied groups. Conclusion: According to the methodology used in this research, the argon laser is a possible alternative for photocuring, providing the same quality of polymerization as the halogen lamp. None of the photocured units tested in this study completely eliminated microleakage.


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This paper describes the use of a dental amalgam electrode (DAE) to evaluate the electrochemical behaviour and to develop an electroanalytical procedure for determination of diquat herbicide in natural water and potato samples. The work was based on the square wave voltammetry responses of diquat, which presented two well-defined and reversible reduction peaks, at -0.56 V (peak 1) and -1.00V (peak 2). The experimental and voltammetric parameters were optimised, and the analytical curves were constructed and compared to similar curves performed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometric detector (HPLC/UV-vis). The responses were directly proportional to diquat concentration in a large interval of concentration, and the calculated detection limits were very similar, around 10 mu g L(-1) (10 ppb) for voltammetric and chromatographic experiments. These values were lower than the maximum residue limit established for natural water by the Brazilian Environmental Agency. The recovery percentages in pure electrolyte, natural water and potato samples showed values from 70% to 130%, demonstrating that the voltammetric methodology proposed is suitable for determining any contamination by diquat in different samples, minimising the toxic residues due to the use of liquid mercury or the adsorptive process relative to use of other solid surfaces. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The ruthenium complex,trans-[Ru(Bz)(NH3)(4)SO2](CF3SO3)(2) 1, Bz = benznidazole (N-benzyl-2-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)acetamide), is more hydrosoluble and more active (IC50try/1 h = 79 +/- 3 mu M) than free benznidazole 2 (IC50try/1 h > 1 mM). 1 also exhibits low acute toxicity in vitro (IC50macrophages > 1 mM) and in vivo (400 mu mol/kg < LD50 < 600 mu mol/kg) and the formation of hydroxylamine is more favorable in 1 than in 2 by 9.6 kcal/mol. In murine acute models of Chagas` disease, 1 was more active than 2 even when only one dose was administrated. Moreover, 1 at a thousand-fold smaller concentration than the considered optimal dose for 2 (385 mu mol/kg/day = 100 mg/kg/day), proved to be sufficient to protect all infected mice, eliminating the amastigotes in their hearts and skeletal muscles as observed in H&E micrographics.


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Different compositions of visible-light-curable triethylene glycol dimethacrylate/bisglycidyl methacrylate copolymers used in dental resin formulations were prepared through copolymerization photoinitiated by a camphorquinone/ethyl 4-dimethylaminobenzoate system irradiated with an Ultrablue IS light-emitting diode. The obtained copolymers were evaluated with differential scanning calorimetry. From the data for the heat of polymerization, before and after light exposure, obtained from exothermic differential scanning calorimetry curves, the light polymerization efficiency or degree of conversion of double bonds was calculated. The glass-transition temperature also was determined before and after photopolymerization. After the photopolymerization, the glass-transi-tion temperature was not well defined because of the breadth of the transition region associated with the properties of the photocured dimethacrylate. The glass-transition temperature after photopolymerization was determined experimentally and compared with the values determined with the Fox equation. In all mixtures, the experimental value was lower than the calculated value. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the morphological differences in the prepared copolymer structures. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the storage time on the thermal properties of triethylene glycol dimethacrylate/2,2-bis[4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloxy-prop-1-oxy)-phenyl]propane bisphenyl-alpha-glycidyl ether dimethacrylate (TB) copolymers used in formulations of dental resins after photopolymerization. The TB copolymers were prepared by photopolymerization with an Ultrablue IS light-emitting diode, stored in the dark for 160 days at 37 degrees C, and characterized with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection. DSC curves indicated the presence of an exothermic peak, confirming that the reaction was not completed during the photopolymerization process. This exothermic peak became smaller as a function of the storage time and was shifted at higher temperatures. In DMA studies, a plot of the loss tangent versus the temperature initially showed the presence of two well-defined peaks. The presence of both peaks confirmed the presence of residual monomers that were not converted during the photopolymerization process. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 112: 679-684, 2009