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Burst firing is ubiquitous in nervous systems and has been intensively studied in central pattern generators (CPGs). Previous works have described subtle intraburst spike patterns (IBSPs) that, despite being traditionally neglected for their lack of relation to CPG motor function, were shown to be cell-type specific and sensitive to CPG connectivity. Here we address this matter by investigating how a bursting motor neuron expresses information about other neurons in the network. We performed experiments on the crustacean stomatogastric pyloric CPG, both in control conditions and interacting in real-time with computer model neurons. The sensitivity of postsynaptic to presynaptic IBSPs was inferred by computing their average mutual information along each neuron burst. We found that details of input patterns are nonlinearly and inhomogeneously coded through a single synapse into the fine IBSPs structure of the postsynaptic neuron following burst. In this way, motor neurons are able to use different time scales to convey two types of information simultaneously: muscle contraction (related to bursting rhythm) and the behavior of other CPG neurons (at a much shorter timescale by using IBSPs as information carriers). Moreover, the analysis revealed that the coding mechanism described takes part in a previously unsuspected information pathway from a CPG motor neuron to a nerve that projects to sensory brain areas, thus providing evidence of the general physiological role of information coding through IBSPs in the regulation of neuronal firing patterns in remote circuits by the CNS.


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The Pierre Auger Observatory is a hybrid detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It combines a surface array to measure secondary particles at ground level together with a fluorescence detector to measure the development of air showers in the atmosphere above the array. The fluorescence detector comprises 24 large telescopes specialized for measuring the nitrogen fluorescence caused by charged particles of cosmic ray air showers. In this paper we describe the components of the fluorescence detector including its optical system, the design of the camera, the electronics, and the systems for relative and absolute calibration. We also discuss the operation and the monitoring of the detector. Finally, we evaluate the detector performance and precision of shower reconstructions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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P>In the context of either Bayesian or classical sensitivity analyses of over-parametrized models for incomplete categorical data, it is well known that prior-dependence on posterior inferences of nonidentifiable parameters or that too parsimonious over-parametrized models may lead to erroneous conclusions. Nevertheless, some authors either pay no attention to which parameters are nonidentifiable or do not appropriately account for possible prior-dependence. We review the literature on this topic and consider simple examples to emphasize that in both inferential frameworks, the subjective components can influence results in nontrivial ways, irrespectively of the sample size. Specifically, we show that prior distributions commonly regarded as slightly informative or noninformative may actually be too informative for nonidentifiable parameters, and that the choice of over-parametrized models may drastically impact the results, suggesting that a careful examination of their effects should be considered before drawing conclusions.Resume Que ce soit dans un cadre Bayesien ou classique, il est bien connu que la surparametrisation, dans les modeles pour donnees categorielles incompletes, peut conduire a des conclusions erronees. Cependant, certains auteurs persistent a negliger les problemes lies a la presence de parametres non identifies. Nous passons en revue la litterature dans ce domaine, et considerons quelques exemples surparametres simples dans lesquels les elements subjectifs influencent de facon non negligeable les resultats, independamment de la taille des echantillons. Plus precisement, nous montrons comment des a priori consideres comme peu ou non-informatifs peuvent se reveler extremement informatifs en ce qui concerne les parametres non identifies, et que le recours a des modeles surparametres peut avoir sur les conclusions finales un impact considerable. Ceci suggere un examen tres attentif de l`impact potentiel des a priori.


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When missing data occur in studies designed to compare the accuracy of diagnostic tests, a common, though naive, practice is to base the comparison of sensitivity, specificity, as well as of positive and negative predictive values on some subset of the data that fits into methods implemented in standard statistical packages. Such methods are usually valid only under the strong missing completely at random (MCAR) assumption and may generate biased and less precise estimates. We review some models that use the dependence structure of the completely observed cases to incorporate the information of the partially categorized observations into the analysis and show how they may be fitted via a two-stage hybrid process involving maximum likelihood in the first stage and weighted least squares in the second. We indicate how computational subroutines written in R may be used to fit the proposed models and illustrate the different analysis strategies with observational data collected to compare the accuracy of three distinct non-invasive diagnostic methods for endometriosis. The results indicate that even when the MCAR assumption is plausible, the naive partial analyses should be avoided.


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We review some issues related to the implications of different missing data mechanisms on statistical inference for contingency tables and consider simulation studies to compare the results obtained under such models to those where the units with missing data are disregarded. We confirm that although, in general, analyses under the correct missing at random and missing completely at random models are more efficient even for small sample sizes, there are exceptions where they may not improve the results obtained by ignoring the partially classified data. We show that under the missing not at random (MNAR) model, estimates on the boundary of the parameter space as well as lack of identifiability of the parameters of saturated models may be associated with undesirable asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimators and likelihood ratio tests; even in standard cases the bias of the estimators may be low only for very large samples. We also show that the probability of a boundary solution obtained under the correct MNAR model may be large even for large samples and that, consequently, we may not always conclude that a MNAR model is misspecified because the estimate is on the boundary of the parameter space.


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In this paper we present an extension of the generalized Birnbaum-Saunders distribution family introduced in [Diaz-Garcia, J.A., Leiva-Sanchez, V., 2005. A new family of life distributions based on the contoured elliptically distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 128 (2), 445-457] with a view to make it even more flexible in terms of its kurtosis coefficient. Properties involving moments and asymmetry and kurtosis indexes are studied for some special members of this family such as the slash Birnbaum-Saunders and slash-t Birnbaum-Saunders. Simulation studies for some particular cases and a real data analysis are also reported, illustrating the usefulness of the extension considered. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Marciniak and Sehgal showed that if u is a non-trivial bicyclic unit of an integral group ring then there is a bicyclic unit v such that u and v generate a non-abelian free group. A similar result does not hold for Bass cyclic units of infinite order based on non-central elements as some of them have finite order modulo the center. We prove a theorem that suggests that this is the only limitation to obtain a non-abelian free group from a given Bass cyclic unit. More precisely, we prove that if u is a Bass cyclic unit of an integral group ring ZG of a solvable and finite group G, such that u has infinite order modulo the center of U(ZG) and it is based on an element of prime order, then there is a non-abelian free group generated by a power of u and a power of a unit in ZG which is either a Bass cyclic unit or a bicyclic unit.


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The majority of individuals in the chronic phase of Chagas disease are asymptomatic (indeterminate form, IF). Each year, similar to 3% of them develop lesions in the heart or gastrointestinal tract. Cardiomyopathy (CCHD) is the most severe manifestation of Chagas disease. The factors that determine the outcome of the infection are unknown, but certainly depend on complex interactions amongst the genetic make-up of the parasite, the host immunogenetic background and environment. In a previous study we verified that the maxicircle gene NADH dehydrogenase (mitochondrial complex 1) subunit 7 (ND7) from IF isolates had a 455 bp deletion compared with the wild type (WT) ND7 gene from CCHD strains. We proposed that ND7 could constitute a valuable target for PCR assays in the differential diagnosis of the infective strain. In the present study we evaluated this hypothesis by examination of ND7 structure in parasites from 75 patients with defined pathologies, from Southeast Brazil. We also analysed the structure of additional mitochondrial genes (ND4/CR4, COIII and COII) since the maxicircle is used for clustering Trypanosoma cruzi strains into three clades/haplogroups. We conclude that maxicircle genes do not discriminate parasite populations which induce IF or CCHD forms. Interestingly, the great majority of the analysed isolates belong to T cruzi 11 (discrete typing unit, (DTU) IIb) genotype. This scenario is at variance with the prevalence of hybrid (DTU IId) human isolates in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The distribution of WT and deleted ND7 and ND4 genes in T cruzi strains suggests that mutations in the two genes occurred in different ancestrals in the T cruzi 11 cluster, allowing the identification of at least three mitochondrial sub-lineages within this group. The observation that T. cruzi strains accumulate mutations in several genes coding for complex I subunits favours the hypothesis that complex I may have a limited activity in this parasite. (C) 2009 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In trypanosomatids the involvement of mitochondrial complex I in NADH oxidation has long been debated. Here, we took advantage of natural Trypanosoma cruzi mutants which present conspicuous deletions in ND4, ND5 and ND7 genes coding for complex I subunits to further investigate its functionality. Mitochondrial bioenergetics of wild type and complex I mutants showed no significant differences in oxygen consumption or respiratory control ratios in the presence of NADH-linked substrates or FADH(2)-generating succinate. No correlation could be established between mitochondrial membrane potentials and ND deletions. Since release of reactive oxygen species occurs at complex I, we measured mitochondrial H(2)O(2) formation induced by different substrates. Significant differences not associated to ND deletions were observed among the parasite isolates, demonstrating that these mutations are not important for the control of oxidant production. Our data support the notion that complex I has a limited function in T. cruzi.


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Reactive oxygen species are a by-product of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, derived from a small quantity of superoxide radicals generated during electron transport. We conducted a comprehensive and quantitative study of oxygen consumption, inner membrane potentials, and H(2)O(2) release in mitochondria isolated from rat brain, heart, kidney, liver, and skeletal muscle, using various respiratory substrates (alpha-ketoglutarate, glutamate, succinate, glycerol phosphate, and palmitoyl carnitine). The locations and properties of reactive oxygen species formation were determined using oxidative phosphorylation and the respiratory chain modulators oligomycin, rotenone, myxothiazol, and antimycin A and the Uncoupler CCCP. We found that in mitochondria isolated from most tissues incubated under physiologically relevant conditions, reactive oxygen release accounts for 0.1-0.2% of O(2) consumed. Our findings support an important participation of flavoenzymes and complex III and a substantial role for reverse electron transport to complex I as reactive oxygen species sources. Our results also indicate that succinate is an important substrate for isolated mitochondrial reactive oxygen production in brain, heart, kidney, and skeletal muscle, whereas fatty acids generate significant quantities of oxidants in kidney and liver. Finally, we found that increasing respiratory rates is an effective way to prevent mitochondrial oxidant release under many, but not all, conditions. Altogether, our data uncover and quantify many tissue-, substrate-, and site-specific characteristics of mitochondrial ROS release. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The surface activity of salts added to water is Air orders of magnitude lower than that of surfactants. Sodium trifluoromethanesulfonate (NaTf) produced a change in surface tension. with concentration, Delta gamma/Delta c, of -13.2 mN.L/m.mol. This value is ca. 4-fold larger than those of simple salts and that of methanesulfonate. This unexpected surface effect suggested that positively charged micelles containing Tf could exhibit interesting properties. Dodecyltrimethylammonium triflate (DTATf) had a higher Kraft temperature (37 degrees C) and a lower cmc (5 x 10(-3)M) and degree of dissociation (0.11) than the chloride and bromide salts of DTA. Above the Kraft temperature, at a characteristic temperature t(1), the addition of NaTf above 0.05 M. to a DTATf solution induced phase separation. By increasing the temperature of the two-phase system to above t(1), a homogeneous, transparent solution was obtained at a characteristic temperature t(2). These results, together with well-known triflate properties, led us to suggest that the Tf ion pairs With DTA and that the -CF(3) group may be dehydrated in the interfacial region, resulting in new and interesting self-aggregated structures.


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Calorie restriction is a dietary intervention known to improve redox state, glucose tolerance, and animal life span. Other interventions have been adopted as study models for caloric restriction, including nonsupplemented food restriction and intermittent, every-other-day feedings. We compared the short- and long-term effects of these interventions to ad libitum protocols and found that, although all restricted diets decrease body weight, intermittent feeding did not decrease intra-abdominal adiposity. Short-term calorie restriction and intermittent feeding presented similar results relative to glucose tolerance. Surprisingly, long-term intermittent feeding promoted glucose intolerance, without a loss in insulin receptor phosphorylation. Intermittent feeding substantially increased insulin receptor nitration in both intra-abdominal adipose tissue and muscle, a modification associated with receptor inactivation. All restricted diets enhanced nitric oxide synthase levels in the insulin-responsive adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. However, whereas calorie restriction improved tissue redox state, food restriction and intermittent feedings did not. In fact, long-term intermittent feeding resulted in largely enhanced tissue release of oxidants. Overall, our results show that restricted diets are significantly different in their effects on glucose tolerance and redox state when adopted long-term. Furthermore, we show that intermittent feeding can lead to oxidative insulin receptor inactivation and glucose intolerance. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mitochondria contain their own genome, a small circular molecule of around 16.5 kbases. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes for only 13 polypeptides, but its integrity is essential for mitochondrial function, as all 13 proteins are regulatory subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation complexes. Nonetheless, the mtDNA is physically associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane, where the majority of the cellular reactive oxygen species are generated. In fact, the mitochondrial DNA accumulates high levels of oxidized lesions, which have been associated with several pathological and degenerative processes. The cellular responses to nuclear DNA damage have been extensively studied, but so far little is known about the functional outcome and cellular responses to mtDNA damage. In this review we will discuss the mechanisms that lead to damage accumulation and the in vitro models we are establishing to dissect the cellular responses to oxidative damage in the mtDNA and to sort out the differential cellular consequences of accumulation of damage in each cellular genome, the nuclear and the mitochondrial genome.


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Methylmalonic acidemia is one of the most prevalent inherited metabolic disorders involving neurological deficits. In vitro experiments, animal model studies and tissue analyses from human patients suggest extensive impairment of mitochondrial energy metabolism in this disease. This review summarizes changes in mitochondrial energy metabolism occurring in methylmalonic acidemia, focusing mainly on the effects of accumulated methylmalonic acid, and gives an overview of the results found in different experimental models. Overall, experiments to date suggest that mitochondrial impairment in this disease occurs through a combination of the inhibition of specific enzymes and transporters, limitation in the availability of substrates for mitochondrial metabolic pathways and oxidative damage.


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Methylglyoxal is an a-oxoaldehyde putatively produced in excess from triose phosphates, aminoacetone, and acetone in some disorders, particularly in diabetes. Here, we investigate the nucleophilic addition of ONOO(-), known as a potent oxidant and nucleophile, to methylglyoxal, yielding an acetyl radical intermediate and ultimately formate and acetate ions. The rate of ONOO(-) decay in the presence of methylglyoxal [k(2,app) = (1.0 +/- 0.1) x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1); k(2) approximate to 1.0 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)] at pH 7.2 and 25 degrees C was found to be faster than that reported with monocarbonyl substrates (k(2) < 10(3) M(-1) diacetyl (k(2) = 1.0 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)), or CO(2) (k(2) = 3-6 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)). The pH profile of the methylglyoxal peroxynitrite reaction describes an ascendant curve with an inflection around pH 7.2, which roughly coincides with the pK(a) values of both ONOOH and H(2)PO(4)(-) ion. Electron paramagnetic resonance spin trapping experiments with 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane revealed concentration-dependent formation of an adduct that can be attributed to 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane-CH(3)CO(center dot) (a(N) = 0.83 mT). Spin trapping with 3,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzene sulfonate gave a signal that could be assigned to a methyl radical adduct [a(N) = 1.41 mT; a(H) = 1.35 mT; a(H(m)) = 0.08 mT]. The 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane-CH(3)CO(center dot) adduct could also be observed by replacement of ONOO(-) with H(2)O(2), although at much lower yields. Acetyl radicals could be also trapped by added L-lysine as indicated by the presence of W-acetyl-L-lysine in the spent reaction mixture. This raises the hypothesis that ONOO(-)/H(2)O(2) in the presence of methylglyoxal is endowed with the potential to acetylate proteins in post-translational processes.