80 resultados para Border space


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Searching in a dataset for elements that are similar to a given query element is a core problem in applications that manage complex data, and has been aided by metric access methods (MAMs). A growing number of applications require indices that must be built faster and repeatedly, also providing faster response for similarity queries. The increase in the main memory capacity and its lowering costs also motivate using memory-based MAMs. In this paper. we propose the Onion-tree, a new and robust dynamic memory-based MAM that slices the metric space into disjoint subspaces to provide quick indexing of complex data. It introduces three major characteristics: (i) a partitioning method that controls the number of disjoint subspaces generated at each node; (ii) a replacement technique that can change the leaf node pivots in insertion operations; and (iii) range and k-NN extended query algorithms to support the new partitioning method, including a new visit order of the subspaces in k-NN queries. Performance tests with both real-world and synthetic datasets showed that the Onion-tree is very compact. Comparisons of the Onion-tree with the MM-tree and a memory-based version of the Slim-tree showed that the Onion-tree was always faster to build the index. The experiments also showed that the Onion-tree significantly improved range and k-NN query processing performance and was the most efficient MAM, followed by the MM-tree, which in turn outperformed the Slim-tree in almost all the tests. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Information Visualization, adding and removing data elements can strongly impact the underlying visual space. We have developed an inherently incremental technique (incBoard) that maintains a coherent disposition of elements from a dynamic multidimensional data set on a 2D grid as the set changes. Here, we introduce a novel layout that uses pairwise similarity from grid neighbors, as defined in incBoard, to reposition elements on the visual space, free from constraints imposed by the grid. The board continues to be updated and can be displayed alongside the new space. As similar items are placed together, while dissimilar neighbors are moved apart, it supports users in the identification of clusters and subsets of related elements. Densely populated areas identified in the incSpace can be efficiently explored with the corresponding incBoard visualization, which is not susceptible to occlusion. The solution remains inherently incremental and maintains a coherent disposition of elements, even for fully renewed sets. The algorithm considers relative positions for the initial placement of elements, and raw dissimilarity to fine tune the visualization. It has low computational cost, with complexity depending only on the size of the currently viewed subset, V. Thus, a data set of size N can be sequentially displayed in O(N) time, reaching O(N (2)) only if the complete set is simultaneously displayed.


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We study the horospherical geometry of submanifolds in hyperbolic space. The main result is a formula for the total absolute horospherical curvature of M, which implies, for the horospherical geometry, the analogues of classical inequalities of the Euclidean Geometry. We prove the horospherical Chern-Lashof inequality for surfaces in 3-space and the horospherical Fenchel and Fary-Milnor`s theorems.


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We study horo-tight immersions of manifolds into hyperbolic spaces. The main result gives several characterizations of horo-tightness of spheres, answering a question proposed by Cecil and Ryan. For instance, we prove that a sphere is horo-tight if and only if it is tight in the hyperbolic sense. For codimension bigger than one, it follows that horo-tight spheres in hyperbolic space are metric spheres. We also prove that horo-tight hyperspheres are characterized by the property that both of its total absolute horospherical curvatures attend their minimum value. We also introduce the notion of weak horo-tightness: an immersion is weak horo-tight if only one of its total absolute curvature attends its minimum. We prove a characterization theorem for weak horo-tight hyperspheres.


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We study the geometry of 3-manifolds generically embedded in R(n) by means of the analysis of the singularities of the distance-squared and height functions on them. We describe the local structure of the discriminant (associated to the distribution of asymptotic directions), the ridges and the flat ridges.


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Public genealogical databases are becoming increasingly populated with historical data and records of the current population`s ancestors. As this increasing amount of available information is used to link individuals to their ancestors, the resulting trees become deeper and more dense, which justifies the need for using organized, space-efficient layouts to display the data. Existing layouts are often only able to show a small subset of the data at a time. As a result, it is easy to become lost when navigating through the data or to lose sight of the overall tree structure. On the contrary, leaving space for unknown ancestors allows one to better understand the tree`s structure, but leaving this space becomes expensive and allows fewer generations to be displayed at a time. In this work, we propose that the H-tree based layout be used in genealogical software to display ancestral trees. We will show that this layout presents an increase in the number of displayable generations, provides a nicely arranged, symmetrical, intuitive and organized fractal structure, increases the user`s ability to understand and navigate through the data, and accounts for the visualization requirements necessary for displaying such trees. Finally, user-study results indicate potential for user acceptance of the new layout.


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We consider incompressible Stokes flow with an internal interface at which the pressure is discontinuous, as happens for example in problems involving surface tension. We assume that the mesh does not follow the interface, which makes classical interpolation spaces to yield suboptimal convergence rates (typically, the interpolation error in the L(2)(Omega)-norm is of order h(1/2)). We propose a modification of the P(1)-conforming space that accommodates discontinuities at the interface without introducing additional degrees of freedom or modifying the sparsity pattern of the linear system. The unknowns are the pressure values at the vertices of the mesh and the basis functions are computed locally at each element, so that the implementation of the proposed space into existing codes is straightforward. With this modification, numerical tests show that the interpolation order improves to O(h(3/2)). The new pressure space is implemented for the stable P(1)(+)/P(1) mini-element discretization, and for the stabilized equal-order P(1)/P(1) discretization. Assessment is carried out for Poiseuille flow with a forcing surface and for a static bubble. In all cases the proposed pressure space leads to improved convergence orders and to more accurate results than the standard P(1) space. In addition, two Navier-Stokes simulations with moving interfaces (Rayleigh-Taylor instability and merging bubbles) are reported to show that the proposed space is robust enough to carry out realistic simulations. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study properties of finitely determined corank 2 quasihomogeneous map germs f: (C(2), 0) -> (C(3), 0). Examples and counter examples of such map germs are presented.


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In the bi-dimensional parameter space of an impact-pair system, shrimp-shaped periodic windows are embedded in chaotic regions. We show that a weak periodic forcing generates new periodic windows near the unperturbed one with its shape and periodicity. Thus, the new periodic windows are parameter range extensions for which the controlled periodic oscillations substitute the chaotic oscillations. We identify periodic and chaotic attractors by their largest Lyapunov exponents. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this Letter we present soliton solutions of two coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations modulated in space and time. The approach allows us to obtain solitons for a large variety of solutions depending on the nonlinearity and potential profiles. As examples we show three cases with soliton solutions: a solution for the case of a potential changing from repulsive to attractive behavior, and the other two solutions corresponding to localized and delocalized nonlinearity terms, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The scalar form factor describes modifications induced by the pion over the quark condensate. Assuming that representations produced by chiral perturbation theory can be pushed to high values of negative-t, a region in configuration space is reached (r < R similar to 0.5 fm) where the form factor changes sign, indicating that the condensate has turned into empty space. A simple model for the pion incorporates this feature into density functions. When supplemented by scalar-meson excitations, it yields predictions close to empirical values for the mean square radius (< r(2)>(pi)(S) = 0.59 fm(2)) and for one of the low energy constants ((l) over bar (4) = 4.3), with no adjusted parameters.


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We consider the energy levels of a hydrogen-like atom in the framework of theta-modified, due to space noncommutativity, Dirac equation with Coulomb field. It is shown that on the noncommutative (NC) space the degeneracy of the levels 2S(1/2), 2P(1/2) and 2P(3/2) is lifted completely, such that new transition channels are allowed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the influence of vacuum polarization of quantum massive fields on the scalar sector of quasinormal modes in spherically symmetric black holes. We consider the evolution of a massless scalar field on the space-time corresponding to a charged semiclassical black hole, consisting of the quantum-corrected geometry of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole dressed by a quantum massive scalar field in the large mass limit. Using a sixth order WKB approach we find a shift in the quasinormal mode frequencies due to vacuum polarization.


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Radial transport in the tokamap, which has been proposed as a simple model for the motion in a stochastic plasma, is investigated. A theory for previous numerical findings is presented. The new results are stimulated by the fact that the radial diffusion coefficients is space-dependent. The space-dependence of the transport coefficient has several interesting effects which have not been elucidated so far. Among the new findings are the analytical predictions for the scaling of the mean radial displacement with time and the relation between the Fokker-Planck diffusion coefficient and the diffusion coefficient from the mean square displacement. The applicability to other systems is also discussed. (c) 2009 WILEY-VCH GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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The concept of Fock space representation is developed to deal with stochastic spin lattices written in terms of fermion operators. A density operator is introduced in order to follow in parallel the developments of the case of bosons in the literature. Some general conceptual quantities for spin lattices are then derived, including the notion of generating function and path integral via Grassmann variables. The formalism is used to derive the Liouvillian of the d-dimensional Linear Glauber dynamics in the Fock-space representation. Then the time evolution equations for the magnetization and the two-point correlation function are derived in terms of the number operator. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.