681 resultados para To-Bedawie


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Medium carbon steels are mostly used for simple applications; nevertheless new applications have been developed for which good sheet formability is required. This class of steels has an inherent low formability. A medium carbon hot rolled SAE 1050 steel has been selected for this study. It has been cold rolled with reductions in the 7-80% range. Samples have been used to assess the cold work hardening curve. For samples with a 50 and 80% thickness reduction, an annealing heat treatment has been performed to obtain recrystallization. The material has been characterized in the ""as received"", cold rolled and annealed conditions, using several methods: optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction (texture), Vickers hardness and tensile testing. The 50% cold rolled and recrystallized material has been further studied in terms of sheet metal formability and texture evolution during the actual stamping of a steel toecap that has been used to validate the finite element simulations. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mechanical blocking of the columnar front during the columnar to equiaxed transition (CET) is studied by quantitatively comparing the CET positions obtained with one stochastic model and two deterministic models for the unidirectional solidification of an Al-7 (wt pct) Si alloy. One of the deterministic models is based on the solutal blocking of the columnar front, whereas the other model is based on the mechanical blocking. The solutal-blocking model and the mechanical-blocking model with the traditional blocking fraction of 0.49 give columnar zones larger than those predicted with the stochastic model. When a blocking fraction of 0.2 is adopted, however, the agreement is very good for a range of nucleation undercoolings and number density of equiaxed grains. Therefore, changing the mechanical-blocking fraction in deterministic models from 0.49 to 0.2 seems to model more accurately the mechanical-blocking process that can lead to the CET.


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The Cluster Variation Method (CVM), introduced over 50 years ago by Prof. Dr. Ryoichi Kikuchi, is applied to the thermodynamic modeling of the BCC Cr-Fe system in the irregular tetrahedron approximation, using experimental thermochemical data as initial input for accessing the model parameters. The results are checked against independent data on the low-temperature miscibility gap, using increasingly accurate thermodynamic models, first by the inclusion of the magnetic degrees of freedom of iron and then also by the inclusion of the magnetic degrees of freedom of chromium. It is shown that a reasonably accurate description of the phase diagram at the iron-rich side (i.e. the miscibility gap borders and the Curie line) is obtained, but only at expense of the agreement with the above mentioned thermochemical data. Reasons for these inconsistencies are discussed, especially with regard to the need of introducing vibrational degrees of freedom in the CVM model. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work describes the development of an engineering approach based upon a toughness scaling methodology incorporating the effects of weld strength mismatch on crack-tip driving forces. The approach adopts a nondimensional Weibull stress, (sigma) over bar (w), as a the near-tip driving force to correlate cleavage fracture across cracked weld configurations with different mismatch conditions even though the loading parameter (measured by J) may vary widely due to mismatch and constraint variations. Application of the procedure to predict the failure strain for an overmatch girth weld made of an API X80 pipeline steel demonstrates the effectiveness of the micromechanics approach. Overall, the results lend strong support to use a Weibull stress based procedure in defect assessments of structural welds.


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Crude petroleum oils are complex mixtures of different compounds (mainly organic), which are obtained from an extensive range of different geological sources. The fluorescence of crude petroleum oils derives largely from the aromatic hydrocarbon fraction, and this fluorescence emission is strongly influenced by the chemical composition (e.g., fluorophore and quencher concentrations) and physical characteristics (e.g., viscosity and optical density) of the oil. The fluorescence spectroscopy (FS) is increasingly used in petroleum technology due the availability of better optical detection techniques, because FS offers high sensitivity, good diagnostic potential, and relatively simple instrumentation. In this work we analyzed crude petroleum at different dilution in Nujol, a transparent mineral oil. The main objective of this work was to verify the possibility to measure crude oil emission spectroscopic without use of volatile solvents. The mixtures of nujol with different -crude oil concentrations were measured with a 10 mm optical path cuvette thus simplifying the fluorescence spectroscopy signal detection. The emission spectra were obtained by exciting the samples with a 400 W Xenon lamp at 350 nm, 450 nm and 532 nm. The emissions of the samples were collected perpendicularly with the excitation axis.


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Due to rain events historical monuments exposed to the atmosphere are frequently submitted to wet and dry cycles. During drying periods wetness is maintained in some confined regions and the corrosion product layer, generally denominated patinas, builds up and gets thicker. The aim of this study is to use electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to investigate the electrochemical behaviour of pure copper coated with two artificial patina layers and submitted either to continuous or to intermittent immersion tests, this latter aiming to simulate wet and dry cycles. The experiments were performed in 0.1 mol dm(-3) NaCl solution and in artificial rainwater containing the most significant pollutants of the city of Sao Paulo. The results of the continuous immersion tests in the NaCl solution have shown that the coated samples behave like a porous electrode with finite pore length. On the other hand, in the intermittent tests a porous electrode response with semi-infinite pore length can be developed. The results were interpreted based on the model of de Levie and a critical comparison with previous interpretations reported in the literature for similar systems is presented. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, the concept of cellular automata is applied in an innovative way to simulate the separation of phases in a water/oil emulsion. The velocity of the water droplets is calculated by the balance of forces acting on a pair of droplets in a group, and cellular automata is used to simulate the whole group of droplets. Thus, it is possible to solve the problem stochastically and to show the sequence of collisions of droplets and coalescence phenomena. This methodology enables the calculation of the amount of water that can be separated from the emulsion under different operating conditions, thus enabling the process to be optimized. Comparisons between the results obtained from the developed model and the operational performance of an actual desalting unit are carried out. The accuracy observed shows that the developed model is a good representation of the actual process. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A combination of chemostat cultivation and a defined medium was used to demonstrate that uracil limitation leads to a drastic alteration in the physiology of auxotrophic cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Under this condition, the carbon source is dissimilated mainly to ethanol and acetate, even in fully aerobic cultures grown at 0.1 h(-1), which is far below the critical dilution rate. Differently from nitrogen-, sulphur-, or phosphate-limited cultures, uracil limitation leads to residual sugar (either glucose or sucrose) concentrations below 2 mM, which characterizes a situation of double-limitation: by the carbon source and by uracil. Furthermore, the specific rates of CO(2) production and O(2) consumption are increased when compared to the corresponding prototrophic strain. We conclude that when auxotrophic strains are to be used for quantitative physiological studies, special attention must be paid to the cultivation conditions, mainly regarding medium formulation, in order to avoid limitation of growth by the auxotrophic nutrient.


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In order to lower the excessive costs of metallic prosthesis materia Is alternatives to Ti and Ti alloys have been searched. in this study, the corrosion resistance of the DIN 1.4575 superferritic stainless steel, either solution annealed or solution annealed and aged at 475 degrees C for periods varying from 100 to 1080 h, was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization methods in Hanks` solution. The solution annealed and the aged for 1080 h samples were also tested using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in a 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution at 25 degrees C. The EIS results showed that the corrosion resistance of the DIN 1.4575 steel decreases with heat treatment time at 475 degrees C probably due to alpha prime formation. Besides the diminution of the overall impedance values, the low frequency limit of the Nyquist diagrams show a progressive change from an almost capacitive response to a resistive behavior as the heat treatment time increases. Pitting corrosion resistance also decreased with aging time at 475 degrees C.


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All textile uses of cellulose acetate involve acetone recovery, which, because of safety issues, results in large installations, in order to work with dilute streams. This compromises the efficiency of all of the involved unit operations, in this case, acetone absorption in cold water, acetone distillation, and water chilling, making them more expensive. The present article proposes the improvement of the absorption of acetone in water, traditionally performed with sieve trays, by using structured packing instead. The advantageous implementation was enabled through the utilization of a calculation methodology based on concepts of thermodynamic equilibrium of the binary acetone/water system and empirical relations that allow the evaluation of the hydrodynamics of the proposed modification.


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Pitzer`s equation for the excess Gibbs energy of aqueous solutions of low-molecular electrolytes is extended to aqueous solutions of polyelectrolytes. The model retains the original form of Pitzer`s model (combining a long-range term, based on the Debye-Huckel equation, with a short-range term similar to the virial equation where the second osmotic virial coefficient depends on the ionic strength). The extension consists of two parts: at first, it is assumed that a constant fraction of the monomer units of the polyelectrolyte is dissociated, i.e., that fraction does not depend on the concentration of the polyelectrolyte, and at second, a modified expression for the ionic strength (wherein each charged monomer group is taken into account individually) is introduced. This modification is to account for the presence of charged polyelectrolyte chains, which cannot be regarded as punctual charges. The resulting equation was used to correlate osmotic coefficient data of aqueous solutions of a single polyelectrolyte as well as of binary mixtures of a single polyelectrolyte and a salt with low-molecular weight. It was additionally applied to correlate liquid-liquid equilibrium data of some aqueous two-phase systems that might form when a polyelectrolyte and another hydrophilic but neutral polymer are simultaneously dissolved in water. A good agreement between the experimental data and the correlation result is observed for all investigated systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paper proposes a methodology and design rules for organisational structures facing higher necessity of rapidly reconfigure themselves to cope with unpredictable situations-new markets, new products, changing mix of production, problems in production process or flows etc. It implies changing and often conflictive criteria for production goals and for the allocation of work. The methodology was developed based on a large field action research and consulting. Their basis is the design of auto-reconfigurable working groups-or groups with variable geometry, depending on the events to face. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Template matching is a technique widely used for finding patterns in digital images. A good template matching should be able to detect template instances that have undergone geometric transformations. In this paper, we proposed a grayscale template matching algorithm named Ciratefi, invariant to rotation, scale, translation, brightness and contrast and its extension to color images. We introduce CSSIM (color structural similarity) for comparing the similarity of two color image patches and use it in our algorithm. We also describe a scheme to determine automatically the appropriate parameters of our algorithm and use pyramidal structure to improve the scale invariance. We conducted several experiments to compare grayscale and color Ciratefis with SIFT, C-color-SIFT and EasyMatch algorithms in many different situations. The results attest that grayscale and color Ciratefis are more accurate than the compared algorithms and that color-Ciratefi outperforms grayscale Ciratefi most of the time. However, Ciratefi is slower than the other algorithms.


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We propose a robust and low complexity scheme to estimate and track carrier frequency from signals traveling under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions in highly nonstationary channels. These scenarios arise in planetary exploration missions subject to high dynamics, such as the Mars exploration rover missions. The method comprises a bank of adaptive linear predictors (ALP) supervised by a convex combiner that dynamically aggregates the individual predictors. The adaptive combination is able to outperform the best individual estimator in the set, which leads to a universal scheme for frequency estimation and tracking. A simple technique for bias compensation considerably improves the ALP performance. It is also shown that retrieval of frequency content by a fast Fourier transform (FFT)-search method, instead of only inspecting the angle of a particular root of the error predictor filter, enhances performance, particularly at very low SNR levels. Simple techniques that enforce frequency continuity improve further the overall performance. In summary we illustrate by extensive simulations that adaptive linear prediction methods render a robust and competitive frequency tracking technique.


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We consider brightness/contrast-invariant and rotation-discriminating template matching that searches an image to analyze A for a query image Q We propose to use the complex coefficients of the discrete Fourier transform of the radial projections to compute new rotation-invariant local features. These coefficients can be efficiently obtained via FFT. We classify templates in ""stable"" and ""unstable"" ones and argue that any local feature-based template matching may fail to find unstable templates. We extract several stable sub-templates of Q and find them in A by comparing the features. The matchings of the sub-templates are combined using the Hough transform. As the features of A are computed only once, the algorithm can find quickly many different sub-templates in A, and it is Suitable for finding many query images in A, multi-scale searching and partial occlusion-robust template matching. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.