48 resultados para wave cancellation


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Weakly nonlinear interactions among equatorial waves have been explored in this paper using the adiabatic version of the equatorial beta-plane primitive equations in isobaric coordinates. Assuming rigid lid vertical boundary conditions, the conditions imposed at the surface and at the top of the troposphere were expanded in a Taylor series around two isobaric surfaces in an approach similar to that used in the theory of surface-gravity waves in deep water and capillary-gravity waves. By adopting the asymptotic method of multiple time scales, the equatorial Rossby, mixed Rossby-gravity, inertio-gravity, and Kelvin waves, as well as their vertical structures, were obtained as leading-order solutions. These waves were shown to interact resonantly in a triad configuration at the O(epsilon) approximation. The resonant triads whose wave components satisfy a resonance condition for their vertical structures were found to have the most significant interactions, although this condition is not excluding, unlike the resonant conditions for the zonal wavenumbers and meridional modes. Thus, the analysis has focused on such resonant triads. In general, it was found that for these resonant triads satisfying the resonance condition in the vertical direction, the wave with the highest absolute frequency always acts as an energy source (or sink) for the remaining triad components, as usually occurs in several other physical problems in fluid dynamics. In addition, the zonally symmetric geostrophic modes act as catalyst modes for the energy exchanges between two dispersive waves in a resonant triad. The integration of the reduced asymptotic equations for a single resonant triad shows that, for the initial mode amplitudes characterizing realistic magnitudes of atmospheric flow perturbations, the modes in general exchange energy on low-frequency (intraseasonal and/or even longer) time scales, with the interaction period being dependent upon the initial mode amplitudes. Potential future applications of the present theory to the real atmosphere with the inclusion of diabatic forcing, dissipation, and a more realistic background state are also discussed.


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Here we investigate the contribution of surface Alfven wave damping to the heating of the solar wind in minima conditions. These waves are present in the regions of strong inhomogeneities in density or magnetic field (e.g., the border between open and closed magnetic field lines). Using a three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model, we calculate the surface Alfven wave damping contribution between 1 and 4 R(circle dot) (solar radii), the region of interest for both acceleration and coronal heating. We consider waves with frequencies lower than those that are damped in the chromosphere and on the order of those dominating the heliosphere: 3 x 10(-6) to 10(-1) Hz. In the region between open and closed field lines, within a few R(circle dot) of the surface, no other major source of damping has been suggested for the low frequency waves we consider here. This work is the first to study surface Alfven waves in a 3D environment without assuming a priori a geometry of field lines or magnetic and density profiles. We demonstrate that projection effects from the plane of the sky to 3D are significant in the calculation of field line expansion. We determine that waves with frequencies >2.8 x 10(-4) Hz are damped between 1 and 4 R(circle dot). In quiet-Sun regions, surface Alfven waves are damped at further distances compared to active regions, thus carrying additional wave energy into the corona. We compare the surface Alfven wave contribution to the heating by a variable polytropic index and find it as an order of magnitude larger than needed for quiet-Sun regions. For active regions, the contribution to the heating is 20%. As it has been argued that a variable gamma acts as turbulence, our results indicate that surface Alfven wave damping is comparable to turbulence in the lower corona. This damping mechanism should be included self-consistently as an energy driver for the wind in global MHD models.


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We present models for the upper-mantle velocity structure beneath SE and Central Brazil using independent tomographic inversions of P- and S-wave relative arrival-time residuals (including core phases) from teleseismic earthquakes. The events were recorded by a total of 92 stations deployed through different projects, institutions and time periods during the years 1992-2004. Our results show correlations with the main tectonic structures and reveal new anomalies not yet observed in previous works. All interpretations are based on robust anomalies, which appear in the different inversions for P-and S-waves. The resolution is variable through our study volume and has been analyzed through different theoretical test inversions. High-velocity anomalies are observed in the western portion of the Sao Francisco Craton, supporting the hypothesis that this Craton was part of a major Neoproterozoic plate (San Franciscan Plate). Low-velocity anomalies beneath the Tocantins Province (mainly fold belts between the Amazon and Sao Francisco Cratons) are interpreted as due to lithospheric thinning, which is consistent with the good correlation between intraplate seismicity and low-velocity anomalies in this region. Our results show that the basement of the Parana Basin is formed by several blocks, separated by suture zones, according to model of Milani & Ramos. The slab of the Nazca Plate can be observed as a high-velocity anomaly beneath the Parana Basin, between the depths of 700 and 1200 km. Further, we confirm the low-velocity anomaly in the NE area of the Parana Basin which has been interpreted by VanDecar et al. as a fossil conduct of the Tristan da Cunha Plume related to the Parana flood basalt eruptions during the opening of the South Atlantic.


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The deep crustal structure of the Parana Basin of southern Brazil is investigated by analyzing P- and PP-wave receiver functions at 17 Brazilian Lithosphere Seismic Project stations within the basin. The study area can be described as a typical Paleozoic intracratonic basin that hosts one of the largest Large Igneous Province of the world and makes a unique setting for investigating models of basin subsidence and their interaction with mantle plumes. Our study consists of (1) an analysis of the Moho interaction phases in the receiver functions to obtain the thickness and bulk Vp/Vs ratio of the basin`s underlying crust and (2) a joint inversion with Rayleigh-wave dispersion velocities from an independent tomographic study to delineate the detailed S-wave velocity variation with depth. The results of our analysis reveal that Moho depths and bulk Vp/Vs ratios (including sediments) vary between 41 and 48 km and between 1.70 and 1.76, respectively, with the largest values roughly coinciding with the basin`s axis, and that S-wave velocities in the lower crust are generally below 3.8 km/s. Select sites within the basin, however, show lower crustal S-wave velocities slightly above 3.9 km/s suggestive of underplated mafic material. We show that these observations are consistent with a fragmented cratonic root under the Parana basin that defined a zone of weakness for the initial Paleozoic subsidence of the basin and which allowed localized mafic underplating of the crust along the suture zones by Cenozoic magmatism.


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Small local earthquakes from two aftershock sequences in Porto dos GaA(0)chos, Amazon craton-Brazil, were used to estimate the coda wave attenuation in the frequency band of 1 to 24 Hz. The time-domain coda-decay method of a single backscattering model is employed to estimate frequency dependence of the quality factor (Q (c)) of coda waves modeled usingwhere Q (0) is the coda quality factor at frequency of 1 Hz and eta is the frequency parameter. We also used the independent frequency model approach (Morozov, Geophys J Int, 175:239-252, 2008), based in the temporal attenuation coefficient, chi(f) instead of Q(f), given by the equation for the calculation of the geometrical attenuation (gamma) and effective attenuation Q (c) values have been computed at central frequencies (and band) of 1.5 (1-2), 3.0 (2-4), 6.0 (4-8), 9.0 (6-12), 12 (8-16), and 18 (12-24) Hz for five different datasets selected according to the geotectonic environment as well as the ability to sample shallow or deeper structures, particularly the sediments of the Parecis basin and the crystalline basement of the Amazon craton. For the Parecis basin for the surrounding shield and for the whole region of Porto dos GaA(0)chos Using the independent frequency model, we found: for the cratonic zone, gamma = 0.014 s (-aEuro parts per thousand 1), nu a parts per thousand 1.12; for the basin zone with sediments of similar to 500 m, gamma = 0.031 s (-aEuro parts per thousand 1), nu a parts per thousand 1.27; and for the Parecis basin with sediments of similar to 1,000 m, gamma = 0.047 s (-aEuro parts per thousand 1), nu a parts per thousand 1.42. Analysis of the attenuation factor (Q (c)) for different values of the geometrical spreading parameter (nu) indicated that an increase of nu generally causes an increase in Q (c), both in the basin as well as in the craton. But the differences in the attenuation between different geological environments are maintained for different models of geometrical spreading. It was shown that the energy of coda waves is attenuated more strongly in the sediments, (in the deepest part of the basin), than in the basement, (in the craton). Thus, the coda wave analysis can contribute to studies of geological structures in the upper crust, as the average coda quality factor is dependent on the thickness of sedimentary layer.


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In this paper we consider the strongly damped wave equation with time-dependent terms u(tt) - Delta u - gamma(t)Delta u(t) + beta(epsilon)(t)u(t) = f(u), in a bounded domain Omega subset of R(n), under some restrictions on beta(epsilon)(t), gamma(t) and growth restrictions on the nonlinear term f. The function beta(epsilon)(t) depends on a parameter epsilon, beta(epsilon)(t) -> 0. We will prove, under suitable assumptions, local and global well-posedness (using the uniform sectorial operators theory), the existence and regularity of pullback attractors {A(epsilon)(t) : t is an element of R}, uniform bounds for these pullback attractors, characterization of these pullback attractors and their upper and lower semicontinuity at epsilon = 0. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Let a > 0, Omega subset of R(N) be a bounded smooth domain and - A denotes the Laplace operator with Dirichlet boundary condition in L(2)(Omega). We study the damped wave problem {u(tt) + au(t) + Au - f(u), t > 0, u(0) = u(0) is an element of H(0)(1)(Omega), u(t)(0) = v(0) is an element of L(2)(Omega), where f : R -> R is a continuously differentiable function satisfying the growth condition vertical bar f(s) - f (t)vertical bar <= C vertical bar s - t vertical bar(1 + vertical bar s vertical bar(rho-1) + vertical bar t vertical bar(rho-1)), 1 < rho < (N - 2)/(N + 2), (N >= 3), and the dissipativeness condition limsup(vertical bar s vertical bar ->infinity) s/f(s) < lambda(1) with lambda(1) being the first eigenvalue of A. We construct the global weak solutions of this problem as the limits as eta -> 0(+) of the solutions of wave equations involving the strong damping term 2 eta A(1/2)u with eta > 0. We define a subclass LS subset of C ([0, infinity), L(2)(Omega) x H(-1)(Omega)) boolean AND L(infinity)([0, infinity), H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega)) of the `limit` solutions such that through each initial condition from H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) passes at least one solution of the class LS. We show that the class LS has bounded dissipativeness property in H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) and we construct a closed bounded invariant subset A of H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega), which is weakly compact in H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) and compact in H({I})(s)(Omega) x H(s-1)(Omega), s is an element of [0, 1). Furthermore A attracts bounded subsets of H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) in H({I})(s)(Omega) x H(s-1)(Omega), for each s is an element of [0, 1). For N = 3, 4, 5 we also prove a local uniqueness result for the case of smooth initial data.


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The aim of the article is to present a unified approach to the existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to problems belonging to a class of second order in time semilinear partial differential equations in Banach spaces. Our results are applied next to a number of examples appearing in literature, which fall into the class of strongly damped semilinear wave equations. The present work essentially extends the results on the existence and regularity of solutions to such problems. Previously, these problems have been considered mostly within the Hilbert space setting and with the main part operators being selfadjoint. In this article we present a more general approach, involving sectorial operators in reflexive Banach spaces. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We consider attractors A(eta), eta epsilon [0, 1], corresponding to a singularly perturbed damped wave equation u(tt) + 2 eta A(1/2)u(t) + au(t) + Au = f (u) in H-0(1)(Omega) x L-2 (Omega), where Omega is a bounded smooth domain in R-3. For dissipative nonlinearity f epsilon C-2(R, R) satisfying vertical bar f ``(s)vertical bar <= c(1 + vertical bar s vertical bar) with some c > 0, we prove that the family of attractors {A(eta), eta >= 0} is upper semicontinuous at eta = 0 in H1+s (Omega) x H-s (Omega) for any s epsilon (0, 1). For dissipative f epsilon C-3 (R, R) satisfying lim(vertical bar s vertical bar) (->) (infinity) f ``(s)/s = 0 we prove that the attractor A(0) for the damped wave equation u(tt) + au(t) + Au = f (u) (case eta = 0) is bounded in H-4(Omega) x H-3(Omega) and thus is compact in the Holder spaces C2+mu ((Omega) over bar) x C1+mu((Omega) over bar) for every mu epsilon (0, 1/2). As a consequence of the uniform bounds we obtain that the family of attractors {A(eta), eta epsilon [0, 1]} is upper and lower semicontinuous in C2+mu ((Omega) over bar) x C1+mu ((Omega) over bar) for every mu epsilon (0, 1/2). (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We investigated drift-wave turbulence in the plasma edge of a small tokamak by considering solutions of the Hasegawa-Mima equation involving three interacting modes in Fourier space. The resulting low-dimensional dynamics presented periodic as well as chaotic evolution of the Fourier-mode amplitudes, and we performed the control of chaotic behaviour through the application of a fourth resonant wave of small amplitude.


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In this paper an analytical solution of the temperature of an opaque material containing two overlapping and parallel subsurface cylinders, illuminated by a modulated light beam, is presented. The method is based on the expansion of plane and cylindrical thermal waves in series of Bessel and Hankel functions. This model is addressed to the study of heat propagation in composite materials with interconnection between inclusions, as is the case of inverse opals and fiber reinforced composites. Measurements on calibrated samples using lock-in infrared thermography confirm the validity of the model.


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The purpose of this work is to study the potentialities in the phase-shifting real-time holographic interferometry using photorefractive crystals as the recording medium for wave-optics analysis in optical elements and non-linear optical materials. This technique was used for obtaining quantitative measurements from the phase distributions of the wave front of lens and lens systems along the propagation direction with in situ visualization, monitoring and analysis in real time. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Here we present a status report of the first spherical antenna project equipped with a set of parametric transducers for gravitational detection. The Mario Schenberg, as it is called, started its commissioning phase at the Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo, in September 2006, under the full support of FAPESP. We have been testing the three preliminary parametric transducer systems in order to prepare the detector for the next cryogenic run, when it will be calibrated. We are also developing sapphire oscillators that will replace the current ones thereby providing better performance. We also plan to install eight transducers in the near future, six of which are of the two-mode type and arranged according to the truncated icosahedron configuration. The other two, which will be placed close to the sphere equator, will be mechanically non-resonant. In doing so, we want to verify that if the Schenberg antenna can become a wideband gravitational wave detector through the use of an ultra-high sensitivity non-resonant transducer constructed using the recent achievements of nanotechnology.


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We show that single and multislit experiments involving matter waves may be constructed to assess dispersively generated correlations between the position and momentum of a single free particle. These correlations give rise to position dependent phases which develop dynamically as a result of dispersion and may play an important role in the interference patterns. To the extent that initial transverse coherence is preserved throughout the proposed diffraction setup, such interference patterns are noticeably different from those of a classical dispersion free wave. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Assuming that nuclear matter can be treated as a perfect fluid, we study the propagation of perturbations in the baryon density at high temperature. The equation of state is derived from the non-linear Walecka model. The expansion of the Euler and continuity equations of relativistic hydrodynamics around equilibrium configurations lead to the breaking wave equation for the density perturbation. We solve it numerically for this perturbation and follow the propagation of the initial pulses.