105 resultados para glycosylated amino acids
Em dois ensaios experimentais, avaliaram-se níveis de lisina digestível (0,90; 1,00; 1,10; 1,20 e 1,40%) combinados a zinco quelado (43 e 253 ppm) para frangos de corte machos. Os períodos considerados foram: 1 a 11 dias de idade (desempenho) e 1 a 7 dias de idade (balanço de nitrogênio). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5 × 2. No ensaio de desempenho, utilizaram-se 7 repetições e 15 aves por unidade experimental e, no ensaio de digestibilidade, 6 repetições e 6 aves por unidade experimental. As dietas continham 2.960 de EM/kg e 21% de proteína bruta. Na fase de 1 a 11 dias de idade, não houve efeito de interação lisina digestível × zinco quelado no desempenho, mas verificou-se efeito quadrático dos níveis de lisina digestível sobre o peso final, o ganho de peso e o ganho de peso relativo e efeito linear crescente no consumo de ração. A conversão alimentar não diferiu com as variações dos níveis de lisina digestível e zinco na dieta. Nas condições de avaliação do desempenho, o nível ótimo de lisina digestível para frangos de corte machos mantidos em piso de concreto é de 1,19%. Na fase de 1 a 7 dias de idade, não houve influência da relação entre níveis de lisina digestível e zinco quelado no balanço de nitrogênio. A retenção de nitrogênio aumentou de forma linear crescente com o aumento da concentração de lisina digestível na dieta, o que está de acordo com o aumento linear do ganho de peso e da eficiência alimentar. A exigência de lisina digestível para frangos de corte machos de 1 a 7 dias de idade é igual ou superior a 1,40%.
Avaliaram-se quatro níveis de proteína bruta (PB) em dietas consideradas comerciais fornecidas a suínos machos castrados nas fases de crescimento e terminação. Foram utilizados 48 machos castrados de mesma linhagem genética, com pesos iniciais de 30,8 ± 0,12 kg (fase de crescimento) e 61,2 ± 0,89 kg (fase de terminação), segregados no sistema de produção. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, compostos de quatro tratamentos (níveis de PB) e seis repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. Os níveis de PB testados foram 19,5; 18,0; 16,5 e 15,0% na fase crescimento e 18,0; 16,5; 15,0 e 13,5% na fase terminação. Na fase crescimento, não foram constatadas diferenças no desempenho dos machos castrados. Independentemente do nível de PB na dieta, as exigências nutricionais foram atendidas, não obstante, a dieta com 16,5% PB indicou maior viabilidade econômica, calculada como margem bruta decorrente da alimentação. Semelhante à fase de crescimento, na fase de terminação os níveis de PB da dieta não promoveram diferenças no desempenho e nas características de carcaça dos animais ao abate. Ao considerar a margem bruta atribuída à alimentação, a dieta com 15,0% PB permitiria maior retorno econômico no período correspondente ao intervalo dos 60 aos 100 kg. A variação da proteína dietética com a suplementação dos principais aminoácidos não prejudicou o desempenho de suínos machos castrados nas fases de crescimento e terminação criados em condições desejáveis de saúde, segregados, em sistema de criação comercial. Pequenas variações entre aminoácidos não prejudicam o desempenho de suínos machos castrados nas fases de crescimento e terminação, desde que as exigências de lisina digestível e dos demais aminoácidos limitantes sejam mantidas próximas às relações mínimas atualmente indicadas.
Nutritional substances associated to some hormones enhance liver regeneration when injected intraperitoneally, being denominated hepatotrophic factors (HF). Here we verified if a solution of HF (glucose, vitamins, salts, amino acids, glucagon, insulin, and triiodothyronine) can revert liver cirrhosis and how some extracellular matrices are affected. Cirrhosis was induced for 14 weeks in 45 female Wistar rats (200 mg) by intraperitoneal injections of thioacetamide (200 mg/kg). Twenty-five rats received intraperitoneal HF twice a day for 10 days (40 mL·kg-1·day-1) and 20 rats received physiological saline. Fifteen rats were used as control. The HF applied to cirrhotic rats significantly: a) reduced the relative mRNA expression of the genes: Col-α1 (-53%), TIMP-1 (-31.7%), TGF-β1 (-57.7%), and MMP-2 (-41.6%), whereas Plau mRNA remained unchanged; b) reduced GGT (-43.1%), ALT (-17.6%), and AST (-12.2%) serum levels; c) increased liver weight (11.3%), and reduced liver collagen (-37.1%), regenerative nodules size (-22.1%), and fibrous septum thickness. Progranulin protein (immunohistochemistry) and mRNA (in situ hybridization) were found in fibrous septa and areas of bile duct proliferation in cirrhotic livers. Concluding, HF improved the histology and serum biochemistry of liver cirrhosis, with an important reduction of interstitial collagen and increased extracelullar matrix degradation by reducing profibrotic gene expression.
CONTEXT: Hepatic fibrosis occurs in response to several aggressive agents and is a predisposing factor in cirrhosis. Hepatotrophic factors were shown to stimulate liver growth and to restore the histological architecture of the liver. They also cause an improvement in liver function and accelerate the reversion of fibrosis before it progresses to cirrhosis. OBJECTIVE: To test the effects of hepatic fibrosis solution composed by amino acids, vitamins, glucose, insulin, glucagon and triiodothyronine on hepatic fibrosis in rats. METHODS: Fibrosis was induced in rats by gastric administration of dimethylnitrosamine (10 mg/kg) for 5 weeks. After liver biopsy, the rats received either hepatotrophic factors solution (40 mg/kg/day) or saline solution for 10 days by intraperitoneal injection. Blood samples and liver fragments were collected for hepatic function analysis, standard histopathology evaluation, and morphometric collagen quantification. RESULTS: Rats in the hepatotrophic factors group showed a decrease of the histopathological components of fibrosis and an increase of their hepatic mass (12.2%). There was no development of neoplasic lesions in both groups. Compared with the saline group, the hepatotrophic factors group also had a decrease of blood levels of hepatic-lesion markers (AST, ALT) and a decrease of collagen content in the portal spaces (31.6%) and perisinusoidal spaces (42.3%), as well as around the hepatic terminal vein (57.7%). Thus, hepatotrophic factors administration in the portal blood promoted a regenerative hepatic response, with an overall reduction of the volumetric density of collagen, improved hepatic function, and a general improvement in the histopathological aspects of fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results suggest the potential therapeutic use of this hepatotrophic factors solution to treat chronic liver diseases.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) supplementation had any beneficial effects on growth and metabolic parameters of young rats submitted to chronic aerobic exercise. Thirty-two young rats (age: 21-d) were randomly assigned to four experimental groups (n = 8): Supplemented Trained (Sup/Ex), Control Trained (Ctrl/Ex), Supplemented Sedentary (Sup/Sed) and Control Sedentary (Ctrl/Sed). The trained groups underwent a five-week swimming protocol and received supplemented (45 mg BCAA/body weight/day) or control ration. Trained animals presented a lower body length and a higher cartilage weight, regardless of supplementation. Physical activity was responsible for a substantial reduction in proteoglycan synthesis in cartilage tissue, and BCAA supplementation was able to attenuate this reduction and also to improve glycogen stores in the liver, although no major differences were found in body growth associated to this supplementation.
Objective: The biochemical alterations between inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia (IFH) and normal tissues of buccal mucosa were probed by using the FT-Raman spectroscopy technique. The aim was to find the minimal set of Raman bands that would furnish the best discrimination. Background: Raman-based optical biopsy is a widely recognized potential technique for noninvasive real-time diagnosis. However, few studies had been devoted to the discrimination of very common subtle or early pathologic states as inflammatory processes that are always present on, for example, cancer lesion borders. Methods: Seventy spectra of IFH from 14 patients were compared with 30 spectra of normal tissues from six patients. The statistical analysis was performed with principal components analysis and soft independent modeling class analogy cross-validated, leave-one-out methods. Results: Bands close to 574, 1,100, 1,250 to 1,350, and 1,500 cm(-1) (mainly amino acids and collagen bands) showed the main intragroup variations that are due to the acanthosis process in the IFH epithelium. The 1,200 (C-C aromatic/DNA), 1,350 (CH(2) bending/collagen 1), and 1,730 cm(-1) (collagen III) regions presented the main intergroup variations. This finding was interpreted as originating in an extracellular matrix-degeneration process occurring in the inflammatory tissues. The statistical analysis results indicated that the best discrimination capability (sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 100%) was found by using the 530-580 cm(-1) spectral region. Conclusions: The existence of this narrow spectral window enabling normal and inflammatory diagnosis also had useful implications for an in vivo dispersive Raman setup for clinical applications.
Nucleoside hydrolases (NHs) show homology among parasite protozoa, fungi and bacteria. They are vital protagonists in the establishment of early infection and, therefore, are excellent candidates for the pathogen recognition by adaptive immune responses. Immune protection against NHs would prevent disease at the early infection of several pathogens. We have identified the domain of the NH of L. donovani (NH36) responsible for its immunogenicity and protective efficacy against murine visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Using recombinant generated peptides covering the whole NH36 sequence and saponin we demonstrate that protection against L. chagasi is related to its C-terminal domain (amino-acids 199-314) and is mediated mainly by a CD4+ T cell driven response with a lower contribution of CD8+ T cells. Immunization with this peptide exceeds in 36.73 +/- 12.33% the protective response induced by the cognate NH36 protein. Increases in IgM, IgG2a, IgG1 and IgG2b antibodies, CD4+ T cell proportions, IFN-gamma secretion, ratios of IFN-gamma/IL-10 producing CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and percents of antibody binding inhibition by synthetic predicted epitopes were detected in F3 vaccinated mice. The increases in DTH and in ratios of TNF alpha/IL-10 CD4+ producing cells were however the strong correlates of protection which was confirmed by in vivo depletion with monoclonal antibodies, algorithm predicted CD4 and CD8 epitopes and a pronounced decrease in parasite load (90.5-88.23%; p = 0.011) that was long-lasting. No decrease in parasite load was detected after vaccination with the N-domain of NH36, in spite of the induction of IFN-gamma/IL-10 expression by CD4+ T cells after challenge. Both peptides reduced the size of footpad lesions, but only the C-domain reduced the parasite load of mice challenged with L. amazonensis. The identification of the target of the immune response to NH36 represents a basis for the rationale development of a bivalent vaccine against leishmaniasis and for multivalent vaccines against NHs-dependent pathogens.
Background: Hexamerins are hemocyanin-derived proteins that have lost the ability to bind copper ions and transport oxygen; instead, they became storage proteins. The current study aimed to broaden our knowledge on the hexamerin genes found in the honey bee genome by exploring their structural characteristics, expression profiles, evolution, and functions in the life cycle of workers, drones and queens. Results: The hexamerin genes of the honey bee (hex 70a, hex 70b, hex 70c and hex 110) diverge considerably in structure, so that the overall amino acid identity shared among their deduced protein subunits varies from 30 to 42%. Bioinformatics search for motifs in the respective upstream control regions (UCRs) revealed six overrepresented motifs including a potential binding site for Ultraspiracle (Usp), a target of juvenile hormone (JH). The expression of these genes was induced by topical application of JH on worker larvae. The four genes are highly transcribed by the larval fat body, although with significant differences in transcript levels, but only hex 110 and hex 70a are re-induced in the adult fat body in a caste-and sex-specific fashion, workers showing the highest expression. Transcripts for hex 110, hex 70a and hex70b were detected in developing ovaries and testes, and hex 110 was highly transcribed in the ovaries of egg-laying queens. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that HEX 110 is located at the most basal position among the holometabola hexamerins, and like HEX 70a and HEX 70c, it shares potential orthology relationship with hexamerins from other hymenopteran species. Conclusions: Striking differences were found in the structure and developmental expression of the four hexamerin genes in the honey bee. The presence of a potential binding site for Usp in the respective 5' UCRs, and the results of experiments on JH level manipulation in vivo support the hypothesis of regulation by JH. Transcript levels and patterns in the fat body and gonads suggest that, in addition to their primary role in supplying amino acids for metamorphosis, hexamerins serve as storage proteins for gonad development, egg production, and to support foraging activity. A phylogenetic analysis including the four deduced hexamerins and related proteins revealed a complex pattern of evolution, with independent radiation in insect orders.
Background: HIV-1-infected individuals who spontaneously control viral replication represent an example of successful containment of the AIDS virus. Understanding the anti-viral immune responses in these individuals may help in vaccine design. However, immune responses against HIV-1 are normally analyzed using HIV-1 consensus B 15-mers that overlap by 11 amino acids. Unfortunately, this method may underestimate the real breadth of the cellular immune responses against the autologous sequence of the infecting virus. Methodology and Principal Findings: Here we compared cellular immune responses against nef and vif-encoded consensus B 15-mer peptides to responses against HLA class I-predicted minimal optimal epitopes from consensus B and autologous sequences in six patients who have controlled HIV-1 replication. Interestingly, our analysis revealed that three of our patients had broader cellular immune responses against HLA class I-predicted minimal optimal epitopes from either autologous viruses or from the HIV-1 consensus B sequence, when compared to responses against the 15-mer HIV-1 type B consensus peptides. Conclusion and Significance: This suggests that the cellular immune responses against HIV-1 in controller patients may be broader than we had previously anticipated.
Background: Xylella fastidiosa, a Gram-negative fastidious bacterium, grows in the xylem of several plants causing diseases such as citrus variegated chlorosis. As the xylem sap contains low concentrations of amino acids and other compounds, X. fastidiosa needs to cope with nitrogen limitation in its natural habitat. Results: In this work, we performed a whole-genome microarray analysis of the X. fastidiosa nitrogen starvation response. A time course experiment (2, 8 and 12 hours) of cultures grown in defined medium under nitrogen starvation revealed many differentially expressed genes, such as those related to transport, nitrogen assimilation, amino acid biosynthesis, transcriptional regulation, and many genes encoding hypothetical proteins. In addition, a decrease in the expression levels of many genes involved in carbon metabolism and energy generation pathways was also observed. Comparison of gene expression profiles between the wild type strain and the rpoN null mutant allowed the identification of genes directly or indirectly induced by nitrogen starvation in a sigma(54)-dependent manner. A more complete picture of the sigma(54) regulon was achieved by combining the transcriptome data with an in silico search for potential sigma(54)-dependent promoters, using a position weight matrix approach. One of these sigma(54)-predicted binding sites, located upstream of the glnA gene (encoding glutamine synthetase), was validated by primer extension assays, confirming that this gene has a sigma(54)-dependent promoter. Conclusions: Together, these results show that nitrogen starvation causes intense changes in the X. fastidiosa transcriptome and some of these differentially expressed genes belong to the sigma(54) regulon.
Background: Studies suggest that leucine supplementation (LS) has a therapeutic potential to prevent obesity and to promote glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, regular physical exercise is a widely accepted strategy for body weight maintenance and also for the prevention of obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of chronic LS alone or combined with endurance training (ET) as potential approaches for reversing the insulin resistance and obesity induced by a high-fat diet (HFD) in rats. Methods: Forty-seven rats were randomly divided into two groups. Animals were fed a control diet-low fat (n = 10) or HFD (n = 37). After 15 weeks on HFD, all rats received the control diet-low fat and were randomly divided according to treatment: reference (REF), LS, ET, and LS+ET (n = 7-8 rats per group). After 6 weeks of treatment, the animals were sacrificed and body composition, fat cell volume, and serum concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triacylglycerol, glucose, adiponectin, leptin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were analyzed. Results: At the end of the sixth week of treatment, there was no significant difference in body weight between the REF, LS, ET and LS+ET groups. However, ET increased lean body mass in rats (P = 0.019). In addition, ET was more effective than LS in reducing adiposity (P = 0.019), serum insulin (P = 0.022) and TNF-alpha (P = 0.044). Conversely, LS increased serum adiponectin (P = 0.021) levels and reduced serum total cholesterol concentration (P = 0.042). Conclusions: The results showed that LS had no beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity or adiposity in previously obese rats. On the other hand, LS was effective in increasing adiponectin levels and in reducing total cholesterol concentration.
The gene transformer-2 of Anastrepha fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) and its evolution in insects
Background: In the tephritids Ceratitis, Bactrocera and Anastrepha, the gene transformer provides the memory device for sex determination via its auto-regulation; only in females is functional Tra protein produced. To date, the isolation and characterisation of the gene transformer-2 in the tephritids has only been undertaken in Ceratitis, and it has been shown that its function is required for the female-specific splicing of doublesex and transformer pre-mRNA. It therefore participates in transformer auto-regulatory function. In this work, the characterisation of this gene in eleven tephritid species belonging to the less extensively analysed genus Anastrepha was undertaken in order to throw light on the evolution of transformer-2. Results: The gene transformer-2 produces a protein of 249 amino acids in both sexes, which shows the features of the SR protein family. No significant partially spliced mRNA isoform specific to the male germ line was detected, unlike in Drosophila. It is transcribed in both sexes during development and in adult life, in both the soma and germ line. The injection of Anastrepha transformer-2 dsRNA into Anastrepha embryos caused a change in the splicing pattern of the endogenous transformer and doublesex pre-mRNA of XX females from the female to the male mode. Consequently, these XX females were transformed into pseudomales. The comparison of the eleven Anastrepha Transformer-2 proteins among themselves, and with the Transformer-2 proteins of other insects, suggests the existence of negative selection acting at the protein level to maintain Transformer-2 structural features. Conclusions: These results indicate that transformer-2 is required for sex determination in Anastrepha through its participation in the female-specific splicing of transformer and doublesex pre-mRNAs. It is therefore needed for the auto-regulation of the gene transformer. Thus, the transformer/transfomer-2 > doublesex elements at the bottom of the cascade, and their relationships, probably represent the ancestral state ( which still exists in the Tephritidae, Calliphoridae and Muscidae lineages) of the extant cascade found in the Drosophilidae lineage ( in which tra is just another component of the sex determination gene cascade regulated by Sex-lethal). In the phylogenetic lineage that gave rise to the drosophilids, evolution co-opted for Sex-lethal, modified it, and converted it into the key gene controlling sex determination.
Light absorption of alpha-glycine crystals grown by slow evaporation at room temperature was measured, indicating a 5.11 +/- 0.02 eV energy band gap. Structural, electronic, and optical absorption properties of alpha-glycine crystals were obtained by first-principles quantum mechanical calculations using density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation in order to understand this result. To take into account the contribution of core electrons, ultrasoft and norm-conserving pseudopotentials, as well as an all electron approach were considered to compute the electronic density of states and band structure of alpha-glycine crystals. They exhibit three indirect energy band gaps and one direct Gamma-Gamma energy gap around 4.95 eV. The optical absorption related to transitions between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band involves O 2p valence states and C, O 2p conduction states, with the carboxyl group contributing significantly to the origin of the energy band gap. The calculated optical absorption is highly dependent on the polarization of the incident radiation due to the spatial arrangement of the dipolar glycine molecules; in the case of a polycrystalline sample, the first-principles calculated optical absorption is in good agreement with the measurement when a rigid energy shift is applied.
Background: Schistosoma mansoni is the major causative agent of schistosomiasis. The parasite takes advantage of host signals to complete its development in the human body. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a human cytokine involved in skin inflammatory responses, and although its effect on the adult parasite's metabolism and egg-laying process has been previously described, a comprehensive assessment of the TNF-alpha pathway and its downstream molecular effects is lacking. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present work we describe a possible TNF-alpha receptor (TNFR) homolog gene in S. mansoni (SmTNFR). SmTNFR encodes a complete receptor sequence composed of 599 amino acids, and contains four cysteine-rich domains as described for TNFR members. Real-time RT-PCR experiments revealed that SmTNFR highest expression level is in cercariae, 3.5 (+/- 0.7) times higher than in adult worms. Downstream members of the known human TNF-alpha pathway were identified by an in silico analysis, revealing a possible TNF-alpha signaling pathway in the parasite. In order to simulate parasite's exposure to human cytokine during penetration of the skin, schistosomula were exposed to human TNF-alpha just 3 h after cercariae-to-schistosomula in vitro transformation, and large-scale gene expression measurements were performed with microarrays. A total of 548 genes with significantly altered expression were detected, when compared to control parasites. In addition, treatment of adult worms with TNF-alpha caused a significantly altered expression of 1857 genes. Interestingly, the set of genes altered in adults is different from that of schistosomula, with 58 genes in common, representing 3% of altered genes in adults and 11% in 3 h-old early schistosomula. Conclusions/Significance: We describe the possible molecular elements and targets involved in human TNF-alpha effect on S. mansoni, highlighting the mechanism by which recently transformed schistosomula may sense and respond to this host mediator at the site of cercarial penetration into the skin.
Upland rice plants, cultivar `IAC 202,` were grown in nutrient solution until full tillering. Treatments consisted of ammonium nitrate (AN) or urea (UR) as nitrogen (N) source plus molybdenum (Mo) and/or nickel (Ni): AN + Mo + Ni, AN + Mo - Ni, AN - Mo + Ni, UR + Mo + Ni, UR + Mo - Ni, and UR - Mo + Ni. The experiment was carried out to better understand the effect of these treatments on dry-matter yield, chlorophyll, net photosynthesis rate, nitrate (NO3 --N), total N, in vitro activities of urease and nitrate reductase (NR), and Mo and Ni concentrations. In UR-grown plants, Mo and Ni addition increased yield of dry matter. Regardless of the N source, chlorophyll concentration and net photosynthesis rate were reduced when Mo or Ni were omitted, although not always significantly. The omission of either Mo or Ni led to a decrease in urease activity, independent of N source. Nitrate reductase activity increased in nutrient solutions without Mo, although NO3 --N increased. There was not a consistent variation in total N concentration. Molybdenum and Ni concentration in roots and shoots were influenced by their supply in the nutrient solution. Molybdenum concentration was not influenced by N sources, whereas Ni content in both root and shoots was greater in ammonium nitrate-grown plants. In conclusion, it can be hypothesized that there is a relationship between Mo and Ni acting on photosynthesis, although is an indirect one. This is the first evidence for a beneficial effect of Mo and Ni interaction on plant growth.