61 resultados para extended regime-switching GARCH
The behavior of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella Typhimurium on kippered beef was evaluated. Individual pieces of the product were separately inoculated on the top and bottom surfaces with each three- to six-strain pathogen cocktail at ca. 6.0 log CFU per piece and stored at 4, 10, 21, or 30 degrees C for up to 28 days in each of two trials. When kippered beef was inoculated with E coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, or L. monocytogenes and stored at 4, 10, 2 1, or 30 degrees C for up to 28 days, pathogen numbers decreased ca. 0.4 to 0.9, 1.0 to 1.8, 3.0 to >= 5.25, and >= 5.0 to 5.25 log CFU per piece, respectively. Average D-values for E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes stored at 4 to 30 degrees C for 28 days were ca. 41 to 4.6, 40.8 to 5.3, and 29.5 to 4.3 days, respectively. As expected, the higher the storage temperature, the greater the level and rate of inactivation for all three pathogens. These data establish that kippered beef does not provide an environment conducive to proliferation of these pathogens.
Two hundred fifty-seven nalidixic acid-resistant enterobacterial isolates were collected in a Brazilian community from January 2000 to May 2005 to determine the prevalence of plasmid-encoded extended-spectrum beta-lactamases. The bla(CTX-M) genetic environment was determined by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. Eleven isolates (4.2%) harbored a bla(CTX-M-2) gene, 3 isolates bla(CTX-M-9), 2 isolates bla(CTX-M-8), and 6 isolates bla(SHV-5). Two novel bla(CTX-M-2) variants, namely, bla(CTX-M-74) and bla(CTX-M-75), were identified. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Surgical resection in locally advanced breast cancer produces large defects that may not be suitable for primary closure. Immediate reconstruction is controversial and presents a complicated scenario for breast surgeons and plastic surgeons. Methods: In this study, a different design was planned for the latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap with primary closure in V-Y for the correction of major lesions in the anterior chest wall. Twenty-five patients underwent immediate locally advanced breast cancer reconstruction with a V-Y latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap. This flap was raised from adjacent tissue located on the lateral and posterior thoracic region and presented a triangular shape whose base was the lateral aspect of the mastectomy wound. The technique was indicated in patients with large thoracic wounds. Results: Mean follow-up time was 16 months. Closure was obtained in the donor and recipient sites without the use of skin grafts or other more major procedures. Complications occurred in nine patients (36 percent), including dorsal wound dehiscence in five patients and seroma in three. All cases except one were treated by a conservative approach with a good result. No total flap loss was reported. All patients achieved a satisfactory thoracic reconstruction and adequate wound care. Conclusions: The V-Y latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap is a reliable technique for immediate locally advanced breast cancer reconstruction. The technique is advantageous because the V-Y design allows primary closure of the chest wound and donor defect. Success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the breast cancer surgeon, and careful intraoperative management. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 127: 2186, 2011.)
Purpose: Achalasia of the esophagus is characterized by aperistalsis and incomplete relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter in response to swallowing. The objective of the present study is to present the experience of a modified Heller myotomy via a laparoscopic approach for the treatment of children who had this condition. Methods: A retrospective review of medical records of all patients who underwent this procedure from 2000 to 2009 was performed. The procedure consisted of an extended esophagomyotomy beginning on the lower part of the lower esophageal sphincter and continuing 5 to 6 cm above on the lower third of the esophagus, and then extended 3 to 4 cm below to the stomach, associated with an anterior 180-degree hemi-fundoplication according to Dor`s technique. Results: Fifteen patients were included in the study. There were 8 female and 7 male patients. Mean operating time was 190 minutes with no intraoperative complications and 1 conversion to open surgery because of difficulty in dissecting an inflamed distal esophagus. In a mean follow-up period of 32.3 months, 2 patients had recurrence of mild dysphagia that disappeared spontaneously, and 1 required a single botulinum toxin injection with complete resolution of symptoms. Conclusion: We conclude that the laparoscopic extended Heller myotomy with Dor fundoplication is a safe and effective method for the treatment for achalasia in the pediatric population even in advanced cases. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To determine the incidence of overestimation of Gleason score (GS) in extended prostate biopsy, and consequently circumventing unnecessary aggressive treatment. Methods and Materials: This is a retrospective study of 464 patients who underwent prostate biopsy and radical prostatectomy between January 2001 and November 2007. The GS from biopsy and radical prostatectomy were compared. The incidence of overestimation of GS in biopsies and tumor volume were studied. Multivariate analysis was applied to find parameters that predict upgrading the GS in prostate biopsy. Results: The exact agreement of GS between prostate biopsy and radical prostatectomy occurred in 56.9% of cases. In 29.1% cases it was underestimated, and it was overestimated in 14%. One hundred and six (22.8%) patients received a diagnosis of high GS (8, 9, or 10) in a prostate biopsy. In 29.2% of cases, the definitive Gleason Score was 7 or lower. In cases in which GS was overestimated in the biopsy, tumors were significantly smaller. In multivariate analysis, the total percentage of tumor was the only independent factor in overestimation of GS. Tumors occupying less than 33% of cores had a 5.6-fold greater chance of being overestimated. Conclusion: In the extended biopsy era and after the International Society of Urological Pathology consensus on G, almost one third of tumors considered to have high GS at the biopsy may be intermediate-risk cancers. In that condition, tumors are smaller in biopsy. This should be remembered by professionals involved with prostate cancer to avoid overtreatment and undesirable side effects. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc.
Selection criteria for lung donation were based on initial experiences with lung transplantation without further studies to improve them, thereby guaranting the best use of donated organs. A definition of an extended criteria donor is therefore required to obtain more lungs to meet the demands of patients awaiting transplantation. Studies have been reviewed for the impact on survival and morbidity of age ranges, oxygen fraction, cause of death, smoking habits, x-ray findings, infection, hepatitis serology and non-heart-beating status, seeking to support physicians to make decisions regarding the use of marginal organs.
Twenty-five extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli clinical isolates from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil were characterized by isoelectric focusing, PCR and sequencing of bla(ESBL) genes, plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants, phylogenetic groups, replicon typing, pulsed-field electrophoresis, and multilocus sequencing typing. Twenty-three (92%) ESBL-producing E. coli isolates were positive for bla(CTX-M) genes, aac(6`)-lb-cr, and qnrB. Genetic relatedness of ESBL producers clustered seven (28%) CTX-M-15-producing isolates as sequence type (ST) 410, clonal complex (CC) 23, and two (8%) as clone O25-ST131. Our results illustrate the predominance of phylo-group A (52%), ST410 (CC 23) and CTX-M-15 among ESBL-producing E. coli isolates from hospitals in Rio de Janeiro.
A clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate carrying the extended-spectrum beta-lactamase gene variants bla(SHV-40), bla(TEM-116) and bla(GES-7) was recovered. Cefoxitin and ceftazidime activity was most affected by the presence of these genes and an additional resistance to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole was observed. The bla(GES-7) gene was found to be inserted into a class 1 integron. These results show the emergence of novel bla(TEM) and bla(SHV) genes in Brazil. Moreover, the presence of class 1 integrons suggests a great potential for dissemination of bla(GES) genes into diverse nosocomial pathogens. Indeed, the bla(GES-7) gene was originally discovered in Enterobacter cloacae in Greece and, to our knowledge, has not been reported elsewhere.
Weather conditions in critical periods of the vegetative crop development influence crop productivity, thus being a basic parameter for crop forecast. Reliable extended period weather forecasts may contribute to improve the estimation of agricultural productivity. The production of soybean plays an important role in the Brazilian economy, because this country is ranked among the largest producers of soybeans in the world. This culture can be significantly affected by water conditions, depending on the intensity of water deficit. This work explores the role of extended period weather forecasts for estimating soybean productivity in the southern part of Brazil, Passo Fundo, and Londrina (State of Rio Grande do Sul and Parana, respectively) in the 2005/2006 harvest. The goal was to investigate the possible contribution of precipitation forecasts as a substitute for the use of climatological data on crop forecasts. The results suggest that the use of meteorological forecasts generate more reliable productivity estimates during the growth period than those generated only through climatological information.
We report the first simultaneous zJHK spectroscopy on the archetypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 covering the wavelength region 0.9-2.4 mu m. The slit, aligned in the north-south direction and centred in the optical nucleus, maps a region 300 pc in radius at subarcsec resolution, with a spectral resolving power of 360 km s-1. This configuration allows us to study the physical properties of the nuclear gas including that of the north side of the ionization cone, map the strong excess of continuum emission in the K band and attributed to dust and study the variations, both in flux and profile, in the emission lines. Our results show the following. (1) Mid- to low-ionization emission lines are split into two components, whose relative strengths vary with the position along the slit and seem to be correlated with the jet. (2) The coronal lines are single-peaked and are detected only in the central few hundred of pc from the nucleus. (3) The absorption lines indicate the presence of intermediate age stellar population, which might be a significant contributor to the continuum in the near-IR spectra. (4) Through some simple photoionization models we find photoionization as the main mechanism powering the emitting gas. (5) Calculations using stellar features point to a mass concentration inside the 100-200 pc of about 1010 M(circle dot).
We performed stellar population synthesis on the nuclear and extended regions of NGC 1068 by means of near-infrared spectroscopy to disentangle their spectral energy distribution components. This is the first time that such a technique is applied to the whole 0.8-2.4 mu m wavelength interval in this galaxy. NGC 1068 is one of the nearest and probably the most studied Seyfert 2 galaxy, becoming an excellent laboratory to study the interaction between black holes, the jets that they can produce and the medium in which they propagate. Our main result is that traces of young stellar population are found at similar to 100 pc south of the nucleus. The contribution of a power-law continuum in the centre is about 25 per cent, which is expected if the light is scattered from a Seyfert 1 nucleus. We find peaks in the contribution of the featureless continuum about 100-150 pc from the nucleus on both sides. They might be associated with regions where the jet encounters dense clouds. Further support to this scenario is given by the peaks of hot dust distribution found around these same regions and the H(2) emission-line profile, leading us to propose that the peaks might be associated to regions where stars are being formed. Hot dust also has an important contribution to the nuclear region, reinforcing the idea of the presence of a dense, circumnuclear torus in this galaxy. Cold dust appears mostly in the south direction, which supports the view that the south-west emission is behind the plane of the galaxy and is extinguished very likely by dust in the plane. Intermediate-age stellar population contributes significantly to the continuum, especially in the inner 200 pc.
Duplication at the Xq28 band including the MECP2 gene is one of the most common genomic rearrangements identified in neurodevelopmentally delayed males. Such duplications are non-recurrent and can be generated by a non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) mechanism. We investigated the potential mechanisms for MECP2 duplication and examined whether genomic architectural features may play a role in their origin using a custom designed 4-Mb tiling-path oligonucleotide array CGH assay. Each of the 30 patients analyzed showed a unique duplication varying in size from similar to 250 kb to similar to 2.6 Mb. Interestingly, in 77% of these non-recurrent duplications, the distal breakpoints grouped within a 215 kb genomic interval, located 47 kb telomeric to the MECP2 gene. The genomic architecture of this region contains both direct and inverted low-copy repeat (LCR) sequences; this same region undergoes polymorphic structural variation in the general population. Array CGH revealed complex rearrangements in eight patients; in six patients the duplication contained an embedded triplicated segment, and in the other two, stretches of non-duplicated sequences occurred within the duplicated region. Breakpoint junction sequencing was achieved in four duplications and identified an inversion in one patient, demonstrating further complexity. We propose that the presence of LCRs in the vicinity of the MECP2 gene may generate an unstable DNA structure that can induce DNA strand lesions, such as a collapsed fork, and facilitate a Fork Stalling and Template Switching event producing the complex rearrangements involving MECP2.
Carpenter syndrome, a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a combination of craniosynostosis, polysyndactyly, obesity, and other congenital malformations, is caused by mutations in RAB23, encoding a member of the Rab-family of small GTPases. In 15 out of 16 families previously reported, the disease was caused by homozygosity for truncating mutations, and currently only a single missense mutation has been identified in a compound heterozygote. Here, we describe a further 8 independent families comprising 10 affected individuals with Carpenter syndrome, who were positive for mutations in RAB23. We report the first homozygous missense mutation and in-frame deletion, highlighting key residues for RAB23 function, as well as the first splice-site mutation. Multi-suture craniosynostosis and polysyndactyly have been present in all patients described to date, and abnormal external genitalia have been universal in boys. High birth weight was not evident in the current group of patients, but further evidence for laterality defects is reported. No genotype-phenotype correlations are apparent. We provide experimental evidence that transcripts encoding truncating mutations are subject to nonsense-mediated decay, and that this plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many RAB23 mutations. These observations refine the phenotypic spectrum of Carpenter syndrome and offer new insights into molecular pathogenesis. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We investigated the mechanisms responsible for increased blood pressure and sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) caused by 2-3 days dehydration (DH) both in vivo and in situ preparations. In euhydrated (EH) rats, systemic application of the AT(1) receptor antagonist Losartan and subsequent pre-collicular transection (to remove the hypothalamus) significantly reduced thoracic (t) SNA. In contrast, in DH rats, Losartan, followed by pre-collicular and pontine transections, failed to reduce tSNA, whereas transection at the medulla-spinal cord junction massively reduced tSNA. In DH but not EH rats, selective inhibition of the commissural nucleus tractus solitarii (cNTS) significantly reduced tSNA. Comparable data were obtained in both in situ and in vivo (anaesthetized/conscious) rats and suggest that following chronic dehydration, the control of tSNA transfers from supra-brainstem structures (e. g. hypothalamus) to the medulla oblongata, particularly the cNTS. As microarray analysis revealed up-regulation of AP1 transcription factor JunD in the dehydrated cNTS, we tested the hypothesis that AP1 transcription factor activity is responsible for dehydration-induced functional plasticity. When AP1 activity was blocked in the cNTS using a viral vector expressing a dominant negative FosB, cNTS inactivation was ineffective. However, tSNA was decreased after pre-collicular transection, a response similar to that seen in EHrats. Thus, the dehydration-induced switch in control of tSNA from hypothalamus to cNTS seems to be mediated via activation of AP1 transcription factors in the cNTS. If AP1 activity is blocked in the cNTS during dehydration, sympathetic activity control reverts back to forebrain regions. This unique reciprocating neural structure-switching plasticity between brain centres emphasizes the multiple mechanisms available for the adaptive response to dehydration.