71 resultados para biochemical markers of bone turnover
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between ductus venosus (DV) Doppler velocimetry and fetal cardiac troponin T (cTnT). Study design: Between March 2007 and March 2008, 89 high-risk pregnancies were prospectively studied. All patients delivered by cesarean section and the Doppler exams were performed on the same day. Multiple regression included the following variables: maternial age, parity, hypertension, diabetes, gestational age at delivery, umbilical artery (UA) S/D ratio, diagnosis of absent or reversed end-diastolic flow velocity (AREDV) in the UA, middle cerebral artery (MCA) pulsatility index (131), and DV pulsatility index for veins (PIV). Immediately after delivery, UA blood samples were obtained for the measurement of pH and cTnT levels. Statistical analysis included the Kruskal-Wallis test and multiple regressions. Results: The results showed a cTnT concentration at birth >0.05 ng/ml in nine (81.8%) of AREDV cases, a proportion significantly higher than that observed in normal UA S/D ratio and UA S/D ratio >p95 with positive diastolic blood flow (7.7 and 23.1%, respectively, p < 0.001). A positive correlation Was found between abnormal DV-PIV and elevated cTnT levels in the UA. Multiple regression identified DV-PIV and a diagnosis of AREDV as independent factors associated with abnormal fetal cTnT levels (p < 0.0001, F(2.86) = 63.5, R = 0.7722). Conclusion: DV-PIV was significantly correlated with fetal cTnT concentrations at delivery. AREDV and abnormal DV flow represent severe cardiac compromise, with increased systemic venous pressure, and a rise in right ventricular afterload, demonstrated by myocardial damage and elevated fetal cTnT. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and objectives: As well as being a marker of body iron stores, serum ferritin (sFerritin) has also been shown to be a marker of inflammation in hemodialysis (HD) patients. The aim of this study was to analyze whether sFerritin is a reliable marker of the iron stores present in bone marrow of HD patients. Design: Histomorphometric analysis of stored transiliac bone biopsies was used to assess iron stores by determining the number of iron-stained cells per square millimeter of bone marrow. Results: In 96 patients, the laboratory parameters were hemoglobin = 11.3 +/- 1.6 g/dl, hematocrit = 34.3 +/- 5%, sFerritin 609 +/- 305 ng/ml, transferrin saturation = 32.7 +/- 22.5%, and C-reactive protein (CRP) = 0.9 +/- 1.4 mg/dl. sFerritin correlated significantly with CRP, bone marrow iron, and time on HD treatment W = 0.006, 0.001, and 0.048, respectively). The independent determinants of sFerritin were CRP (beta-coef = 0.26; 95% CI = 24.6 to 132.3) and bone marrow iron (beta-coef = 0.32; 95% CI = 0.54 to 2.09). Bone marrow iron was higher in patients with sFerritin >500 ng/ml than in those with sFerritin :5500 ng/ml. In the group of patients with sFerritin :5500 ng/ml, the independent determinant of sFerritin was bone marrow iron (beta-coef = 0.48, 95% CI = 0.48 to 1.78), but in the group of patients with sFerritin >500 ng/ml, no independent determinant of sFerritin was found. Conclusions: sFerritin adequately reflects iron stores in bone marrow of HD patients.
Background and objectives: This study aimed to determine the expression of osteoprotegerin, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand, interleukin-la, transforming growth factor-beta, and basic fibroblast growth factor in stone-forming patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria. Design, setting, participants, & measurements: Immunohistochemical analysis was performed in undecalcified bone samples previously obtained from 36 transiliac bone biopsies of patients who had idiopathic hypercalciuria and whose histomorphometry had shown lower bone volume, increased bone resorption, and prolonged mineralization lag time. Results: Bone expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand and osteoprotegerin was significantly higher in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria versus control subjects. Transforming growth factor-beta immunostaining was lower in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria than in control subjects and correlated directly with mineralization surface. Interleukin-la and basic fibroblast growth factor staining did not differ between groups. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand bone expression was significantly higher in patients who had idiopathic hypercalciuria and exhibited higher versus normal bone resorption. Conclusion: A higher expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand in bone tissue suggests that increased bone resorption in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria is mediated by receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand. Osteoprotegerin bone expression might have been secondarily increased in an attempt to counteract the actions of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand. The low bone expression of transforming growth factor-beta could contribute to the delayed mineralization found in such patients.
Immunohistochemistry of undecalcified bone sections embedded in methyl methacrylate (MMA) is not commonly employed because of potential destruction of tissue antigenicity by highly exothermic polymerization. The aim of the present study was to describe a new technique in which a quick decalcification of bone sections embedded in MMA improves the results for immunohistochemistry. The quality of interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) immunostaining according to the present method was better than the conventional one. Immunostaining for osteoprotegerin (OPG) and the receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL) in bone sections of chronic kidney disease patients with mineral bone disorders (CKD-MBD) was stronger than in controls (postmortem healthy subjects). The present study suggested that this method is easy, fast, and effective to perform both histomorphometry and immunohistochemistry in the same bone fragment, yielding new insights into pathophysiological aspects and therapeutic approaches in bone disease.
Background: The antiatherogenic functions of high density lipoprotein (HDL-C) include its role in reverse cholesterol transport, but to what extent the concentration of HDL-C interferes with the whole-body cholesterol metabolism is unknown. Therefore, we measured markers of body cholesterol synthesis (desmosterol and lathosterol) and of intestinal cholesterol absorption (campesterol and beta-sitosterol) in healthy subjects that differ according to their plasma HDL-C concentrations. Methods: Healthy participants presented either low HDL-C (<40 mg/dl, n = 33,17 male and 16 female) or high HDL-C (>60 mg/dl, n = 33, 17 male and 16 female), BMI <30 kg/m(2), were paired according to age and gender, without secondary factors that might interfere with their plasma lipid concentrations. Plasma concentrations of non-cholesterol sterols were measured by the combined GC-MS analysis. Results: Plasma desmosterol did not differ between the two groups; however, as compared with the high HDL-C participants, the low HDL-C participants presented higher concentration of lathosterol and lower concentration of the intestinal cholesterol absorption markers campesterol and beta-sitosterol. Conclusion: Plasma concentrations of HDL, and not the activities of LCAT and CETP that regulate the reverse cholesterol transport system, correlate with plasma sterol markers of intestinal cholesterol absorption directly, and of cholesterol synthesis reciprocally. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a Molluscipox virus infection of keratinocytes with hyperplasia and intracytoplasmic inclusions-the molluscum bodies (MBs). Few papers address cytokeratins (K) profile in MC, mainly focusing terminal keratinization process. Methods Forty-one MC lesions were subjected to immunohistochemical technique to verify K1, K10, K14, K16, involucrin, filaggrin, E-cadherin and p63 expression. MC immunolabeling pattern was compared to adjacent normal appearing epidermis (ANAE). Results In MC and ANAE, K1/K10 were expressed in suprabasal layers, K14 was expressed in basal and suprabasal layers and K16 was expressed through all spinous layer. Involucrin and filaggrin were observed in granular, spinous and in basal layer of ANAE and MC. E-cadherin was present up to the first layers of MC while ANAE exhibited E-cadherin labeling at basal and spinous layers. Basal and spinous layers keratinocytes nuclei, in both MC and ANAE, express p63. Conclusion Infection by Molluscipox virus alters keratinocyte differentiation status. The presence of K14 and p63 in spinous layer, as well as early expression of involucrin and filaggrin, associated to a hyperproliferative state disclosed by K16 expression, may be a result of disruption in keratinocytes maturation process. The changes observed at ANAE may represent early events in keratinization disturbance. Callegaro CF, Sotto MN. Molluscum contagiosum: immunomorphological aspects of keratinocytes markers of differentiation and adhesion.
Juvenile nasopharingeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a histologically benign locally aggressive tumor characterized by irregular vessels embedded. in a fibrous stroma. Excessive vascularity results in bleeding complications, and the inhibition of angiogenesis is a promising strategy for managing extensive JNA tumors. To better characterize the endothelial components of JNA, we aimed to evaluate markers of vascular differentiation and proliferation, such as friend leukemia integration-1 (FLI-1) and endoglin, lymphatic markers, including podoplanin and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR3) and its cognate ligand VEGFC, GLUT-1, a diagnostic marker that discriminates between hemangiomas and vascular malformations, and two markers of tissue remodeling, stromelysin 3 (ST3) and secreted acid protein rich in cysteine (SPARC). Antigens were assessed immunohistochemically in vessels and stromal cells of JNA archival cases (n=22). JNA endothelial cells were positive for endoglin, VEGFC and FLI-1, whereas podoplanin and VEGFR3 were negative in all cases. Both endothelial cells and fibroblasts stained for ST3 and SPARC. GLUT-1 was investigated in JNA cases, in infantile hemangiomas (n=123) and in vascular malformations (n=135) as controls. JNAs and vascular malformations were GLUT-1-negative, while hemangiomas showed positive staining. The presence of markers of endothelial differentiation and proliferation highlighted the hyper-proliferative state of JNA vessels. The absence of podoplanin and VEGFR3 underscores their blood endothelial cell characteristic. The absence of GLUT-1 discriminates JNAs from hemangiomas. ST3 and SPARC up-regulation in endothelial cells and fibroblasts may contribute to a compensatory signaling for controlling angiogenesis. Some of these markers may eventually serve as therapeutic targets. Our results may aid in the understanding of JNA pathophysiology.
We tested the hypothesis that bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMDMCs) at an early phase of cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)-induced sepsis may have lasting effects on: (1) lung mechanics and histology, (2) the structural remodelling of lung parenchyma, (3) lung, kidney, and liver cell apoptosis, and (4) pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors. At day 1, BMDMC significantly reduced mortality, as well as caspase-3, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1 beta vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta, but increased IL-10 mRNA expression in lung tissue in septic mice contributing to endothelium and epithelium alveolar repair and improvement of lung mechanics. BMDMC also prevented the increase of apoptotic cells in lung, liver, and kidney. At day 7, these early functional and morphological effects were preserved or further improved. In conclusion, in the present model of sepsis, the beneficial effects of early administration of BMDMCs on lung and distal organs were preserved, possibly by paracrine mechanisms. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We hypothesized that bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMDMC) would attenuate the remodeling process in a chronic allergic inflammation model. C57BL/6 mice were assigned to two groups. In OVA, mice were sensitized and repeatedly challenged with ovalbumin. Control mice (C) received saline under the same protocol. C and OVA were further randomized to receive BMDMC (2 x 10(6)) or saline intravenously 24 h before the first challenge. BMDMC therapy reduced eosinophil infiltration, smooth muscle-specific actin expression, subepithelial fibrosis, and myocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia, thus causing a decrease in airway hyperresponsiveness and lung mechanical parameters. BMDMC from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic mice transplanted into GFP-negative mice yielded lower engraftment in OVA. BMDMC increased insulin-like growth factor expression, but reduced interleukin-5, transforming growth factor-beta, platelet-derived growth factor, and vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA expression. In conclusion, in the present chronic allergic inflammation model, BMDMC therapy was an effective pre-treatment protocol that potentiated airway epithelial cell repair and prevented inflammatory and remodeling processes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background Bone chondrosarcomas are rare malignant tumors that have variable biologic behavior, and their treatment is controversial. For low-grade tumors, there is no consensus on whether intralesional en bloc resections are the best treatment. Questions/purposes We therefore compared patients with Grade 1 and Grade 2 primary central chondrosarcomas to (1) determine difference in survival and (2) local recurrence rates; and (3) determine any association of histological grade with some clinical and demographic characteristics. Methods We retrospectively reviewed 46 patients with grade 1 and 2 chondrosarcomas. There were 25 men and 21 women with a mean age of 43 years (range, 17-79 years). Minimum followup was 32 months (mean, 99 months; range, 32-312 months) for the patients who remained alive in the end of the study. Twenty-three of the tumors were intracompartmental (Enneking A); of these, 19 were Grade 1 and 4 were Grade 2. Twenty-three tumors were extracompartmental (Enneking B); of these, 4 were Grade 1 and 19 were Grade 2. Twenty-five patients underwent intralesional resection, 18 had wide resection, and three had amputations. Results The overall survival rate was 94% and the disease-free survival rate was 90%. Among the 23 Grade 1 tumors, we observed six local recurrences and none of these patients died; among the 23 Grade 2 tumors, 10 recurred and two patients died. Local recurrence negatively influenced survival. Conclusions For lesions with radiographic characteristics of intracompartmental Grade 1 chondrosarcoma, we believe intralesional resection followed by electrocauterization and cement is the best treatment. When the imaging suggests aggressive (Grade 2 or 3) chondrosarcoma, then wide resection is promptly indicated.
Background: Amygdala-orbitofrontal cortical (OFC) functional connectivity (FC) to emotional stimuli and relationships with white matter remain little examined in bipolar disorder individuals (BD). Methods: Thirty-one BD (type 1; n = 17 remitted; n = 14 depressed) and 24 age- and gender-ratio-matched healthy individuals (HC) viewed neutral, mild, and intense happy or sad emotional faces in two experiments. The FC was computed as linear and nonlinear dependence measures between amygdala and OFC time series. Effects of group, laterality, and emotion intensity upon amygdala-OFC FC and amygdala-OFC FC white matter fractional anisotropy (FA) relationships were examined. Results: The BD versus HC showed significantly greater right amygdala-OFC FC (p <= .001) in the sad experiment and significantly reduced bilateral amygdala-OFC FC (p = .007) in the happy experiment. Depressed but not remitted female BD versus female HC showed significantly greater left amygdala-OFC FC (p = .001) to all faces in the sad experiment and reduced bilateral amygdala-OFC FC to intense happy faces (p = .01). There was a significant nonlinear relationship (p = .001) between left amygdala-OFC FC to sad faces and FA in HC. In BD, antidepressants were associated with significantly reduced left amygdala-OFC FC to mild sad faces (p = .001). Conclusions: In BD, abnormally elevated right amygdala-OFC FC to sad stimuli might represent a trait vulnerability for depression, whereas abnormally elevated left amygdala-OFC FC to sad stimuli and abnormally reduced amygdala-OFC FC to intense happy stimuli might represent a depression state marker. Abnormal FC measures might normalize with antidepressant medications in BD. Nonlinear amygdala-OFC FC-FA relationships in BID and HC require further study.
We investigated the effects of salbutamol on the markers of epithelial function in a murine model of chronic allergic pulmonary inflammation by recording the ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and the transepithelial potential difference (PD) in vivo. Mice were sensitized and received four challenges of ovalbumin (OVA group) or 0.9% saline (control group). Forty-eight hours after the 4th inhalation, we observed eosinophilia in the bronchoalveolar lavage and epithelium remodeling with stored acid mucus in the OVA group (P < 0.001). No difference in the baseline CBF was noticed between the groups; however, the OVA group had a significantly lower baseline PD (P = 0.013). Salbutamol increased the CBF in all groups studied, and the dose response curve to salbutamol increased the PD in the OVA group from 10(-4) M to 10(-2) M. We suggest that salbutamol affects the CBF and the depth of the periciliary layer, which, in great part, determines the ability of the cilia to propel the mucus layer. This effect may have a positive impact on airway mucociliary transport in asthma and may have clinical implications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis, but the relative role of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is largely unknown. The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of OSA on markers of atherosclerosis in patients with MS. Methods: Eighty-one consecutive patients with MS according to the Adult Treatment Panel III underwent a clinical evaluation, polysomnography, laboratory and vascular measurements of carotid intima media thickness (IMT), carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) and carotid diameter (CD) in a blind fashion. OSA was defined as an apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) >= 15 events/hour. Multiple linear regression was performed to determine the variables that were independently associated with the vascular parameters. Results: Fifty-one patients (63%) had OSA. No significant differences existed in age, sex, MS criteria, and cholesterol levels between patients with (MS+OSA) and without OSA (MS-OSA). Compared with MS-OSA patients, MS+OSA patients had higher levels of IMT (661 +/- 117 vs. 767 +/- 140 mu m), PWV (9.6 +/- 1.0 vs. 10.6 +/- 1.6 m/s), and CD (6705 +/- 744 vs. 7811 +/- 862 mu m) (P < 0.001 for each comparison). Among patients with MS+OSA, all vascular parameters were similar in patients with and without daytime sleepiness. The independent parameters associated with IMT, PWV, and CD were AHI, abdominal circumference, and systolic blood pressure (R(2) = 0.42); AHI and systolic blood pressure (R(2) = 0.38); and AHI, age, abdominal circumference and systolic blood pressure (R(2) = 0.45), respectively. The R(2) of AHI for IMT, PWV and CD was 0.12, 0.10 and 0.20, respectively. Conclusions: OSA is very common and has an incremental role in atherosclerotic burden in consecutive patients with MS. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has emerged as an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis. However, OSA is frequently associated with several risk factors for atherosclerosis, including hypertension (HTN). The impact of OSA and HTN alone compared with the association of both conditions on carotid atherosclerosis is not understood. We studied 94 middle-aged participants free of smoking and diabetes mellitus who were divided into 4 groups: controls (n = 22), OSA (n = 25), HTN (n = 20), and OSA + HTN (n = 27). All of the participants underwent polysomnography and carotid measurements of intima-media thickness, diameter, and distensibility with an echo-tracking device. Compared with controls, intima-media thickness and carotid diameter were similarly higher in OSA (713 +/- 117 and 7117 +/- 805 mu m), and HTN groups (713 +/- 182 and 7191 +/- 818 mu m), with a further significant increase in OSA + HTN patients (837 +/- 181 and 7927 +/- 821 mu m, respectively; P < 0.01). Carotid distensibility was significantly lower in HTN (P < 0.05) and OSA + HTN subjects (P < 0.001) compared with controls. In the OSA + HTN group, carotid distensibility was significantly lower than in the OSA group and controls (P < 0.05 for each comparison). Multivariate analysis showed that intima-media thickness was positively related to systolic blood pressure and apnea-hypopnea index. Apnea-hypopnea index was the only factor related to carotid diameter. Age and systolic blood pressure were independently related to carotid distensibility. In conclusion, the association of OSA and HTN has additive effects on markers of carotid atherosclerosis. Because early markers of carotid atherosclerosis predict future cardiovascular events, including not only stroke but also myocardial infarction, these findings may help to explain the increased risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with OSA. (Hypertension. 2009; 53: 64-69.)
Excessive free-radical production due to various bacterial components released during bacterial infection has been linked to cell death and tissue injury. Peroxynitrite is a highly reactive oxidant produced by the combination of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide anion, which has been implicated in cell death and tissue injury in various forms of critical illness. Pharmacological decomposition of peroxynitrite may represent a potential therapeutic approach in diseases associated with the overproduction of NO and superoxide. In the present study, we tested the effect of a potent peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst in murine models of endotoxemia and sepsis. Mice were injected i.p. with LPS 40 mg/kg with or without FP15 [Fe(III) tetrakis-2-(N-triethylene glycol monomethyl ether) pyridyl porphyrin] (0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, or 10 mg/kg per hour). Mice were killed 12 h later, followed by the harvesting of samples from the lung, liver, and gut for malondialdehyde and myeloperoxidase measurements. In other subsets of animals, blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture at 1.5, 4, and 8 h after LPS administration for cytokine (TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-10), nitrite/nitrate, alanine aminotransferase, and blood urea nitrogen measurements. Endotoxemic animals showed an increase in survival from 25% to 80% at the FP15 doses of 0.3 and 1 mg/kg per hour. The same dose of FP15 had no effect on plasma levels of nitrite/nitrate. There was a reduction in liver and lung malondialdehyde in the endotoxemic animals pretreated with FP15, as well as in hepatic myeloperoxidase and biochemical markers of liver and kidney damage (alanine aminotransferase and blood urea nitrogen). In a bacterial model of sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture, FP15 treatment (0.3 mg/kg per day) significantly protected against mortality. The current data support the view that peroxynitrite is a critical factor mediating liver, gut, and lung injury in endotoxemia and septic shock: its pharmacological neutralization may be of therapeutic benefit.