117 resultados para Subgroups
Mutualistic networks are crucial to the maintenance of ecosystem services. Unfortunately, what we know about seed dispersal networks is based only on bird-fruit interactions. Therefore, we aimed at filling part of this gap by investigating bat-fruit networks. It is known from population studies that: (i) some bat species depend more on fruits than others, and (ii) that some specialized frugivorous bats prefer particular plant genera. We tested whether those preferences affected the structure and robustness of the whole network and the functional roles of species. Nine bat-fruit datasets from the literature were analyzed and all networks showed lower complementary specialization (H(2)' = 0.3760.10, mean 6 SD) and similar nestedness (NODF = 0.5660.12) than pollination networks. All networks were modular (M=0.32 +/- 0.07), and had on average four cohesive subgroups (modules) of tightly connected bats and plants. The composition of those modules followed the genus-genus associations observed at population level (Artibeus-Ficus, Carollia-Piper, and Sturnira-Solanum), although a few of those plant genera were dispersed also by other bats. Bat-fruit networks showed high robustness to simulated cumulative removals of both bats (R = 0.55 +/- 0.10) and plants (R = 0.68 +/- 0.09). Primary frugivores interacted with a larger proportion of the plants available and also occupied more central positions; furthermore, their extinction caused larger changes in network structure. We conclude that bat-fruit networks are highly cohesive and robust mutualistic systems, in which redundancy is high within modules, although modules are complementary to each other. Dietary specialization seems to be an important structuring factor that affects the topology, the guild structure and functional roles in bat-fruit networks.
Impact of cancer-related symptom synergisms on health-related quality of life and performance status
To identify the impact of multiple symptoms and their co-occurrence on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) dimensions and performance status (PS), 115 outpatients with cancer, who were not receiving active cancer treatment and were recruited from, a university hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil completed the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-C30, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Brief Pain Inventory. Karnofsky Performance Status scores also were completed. Application of TwoStep Cluster analysis resulted in two distinct patient subgroups based on 113 patient experiences with pain, depression, fatigue, insomnia, constipation, lack of appetite, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. One group had multiple and severe symptom subgroup and another had Less symptoms and with lower severity. Multiple and severe symptoms had worse PS, role functioning, and physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and overall HRQOL. Multiple and severe symptom subgroup was also six times as likely as lower severity to have poor role functioning;five times more likely to have poor emotional;four times more likely to have poor PS, physical, and overall HRQOL, and three times as likely to have poor cognitive and social HRQOL, independent of gender, age, level of education, and economic condition. Classification and Regression Tree analyses were undertaken to identify which co-occurring symptoms would best determine reduction in HRQOL and PS. Pain and fatigue were identified as indicators of reduction on physical HRQOL and PS. Fatigue and insomnia were associated with reduction in cognitive; depression and pain in social; and fatigue and constipation in role functioning. Only depression was associated with reduction in overall HRQOL. These data demonstrate that there is a synergic effect among distinct cancer symptoms that result in reduction in HRQOL dimensions and PS.
Infants who are breast-fed have been shown to have a lower incidence of certain infectious diseases compared with formula-fed infants. Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in maternal milk and it is essential for the function of immune system cells such as macrophages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of glutamine supplementation on the function of peritoneal macrophages and on hemopoiesis in early-weaned mice inoculated with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Mice were wearied at 14 d of age and distributed to 2 groups and fed either a glutamine-free diet (n = 16) or a glutamine-supplemented diet (+Gln (n = 16). Both diets were isonitrogenous (with addition of a mixture of nonessential amino acids) and isocaloric. At d 21, 2 subgroups of mice (n = 16) were intraperitoneally injected with BCG and all mice were killed at d 28. Plasma, muscle and liver glutamine concentrations and muscle glutamine synthetase activity were not affected by diet or inoculation with BCG. The +GIn diet led to increased leukocyte and lymphocyte counts in the peripheral blood (P < 0.05) and granulocyte and lymphocyte counts in the bone marrow and spleen (P < 0.05). The +GIn diet increased spreading and adhesion capacities, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) syntheses and the phagocytic and fungicidal activity of peritoneal macrophages (P < 0.05). The interaction between the +GIn diet and BCG inoculation increased the area under the curve of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and TNF alpha syntheses (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the intake of glutamine increases the function of peritoneal macrophages and hemopoiesis in early-weaned and BCG-inoculated mice. These data have important implications for the design of breast milk substitutes for human infants.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the insulin-delivery system and the attributes of insulin therapy that best meet patients` preferences, and to estimate patients` willingness-to-pay (WTP) for them. Methods: This was a cross-sectional discrete choice experiment (DCE) study involving 378 Canadian patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Patients were asked to choose between two hypothetical insulin treatment options made up of different combinations of the attribute levels. Regression coefficients derived using conditional logit models were used to calculate patients` WTP. Stratification of the sample was performed to evaluate WTP by predefined subgroups. Results: A total of 274 patients successfully completed the survey. Overall, patients were willing to pay the most for better blood glucose control followed by weight gain. Surprisingly, route of insulin administration was the least important attribute overall. Segmented models indicated that insulin naive diabetics were willing to pay significantly more for both oral and inhaled short-acting insulin compared with insulin users. Surprisingly, type 1 diabetics were willing to pay $C11.53 for subcutaneous short-acting insulin, while type 2 diabetics were willing to pay $C47.23 to avoid subcutaneous short-acting insulin (p < .05). These findings support the hypothesis of a psychological barrier to initiating insulin therapy, but once that this barrier has been overcome, they accommodate and accept injectable therapy as a treatment option. Conclusions: By understanding and addressing patients` preferences for insulin therapy, diabetes educators can use this information to find an optimal treatment approach for each individual patient, which may ultimately lead to improved control, through improved compliance, and better diabetes outcomes.
Tipulomorpha (craneflies) comprise one of the largest subgroups of Diptera, but its phylogeny at different levels has been poorly explored. This study presents the most comprehensive cladistic analysis of the group ever made, with emphasis on the genera and subgenera of the subfamily Limnophilinae (Limoniidae), assumed to include some of the earliest lineages of Tipulomorpha sensu stricto and therefore important for the understanding of the early patterns in the evolution of the craneflies. Eighty-eight characters of the male imago were scored for 104 exemplar species. The most parsimonious trees were searched using implied weighting, in the framework of a sensitivity analysis with different values of k (2 to 6). The dataset based on the characters of adult male morphology showed high levels of homoplasy and yielded very incongruent and unstable phylogenetic results, which are very sensitive to changes in analytical parameters. In the preferred and most parsimonious phylogenetic hypothesis, the Pediciidae is the sister-group of all other Tipulomorpha sensu stricto. The results indicate the paraphyly of the Limoniidae with respect to the Cylindrotomidae and Tipulidae, which are considered sister-groups. The Limoniidae subfamilies Limnophilinae, Limoniinae and Chioneinae are considered non-monophyletic. The study allowed a reconstruction of the possible ground plan condition of selected features of the adult male morphology of craneflies. The genera/subgenera Epiphragma (Epiphragma), Acantholimnophila, Shannonomyia, Limnophila (Arctolimnophila), Eloeophila, Conosia, Polymera, Polymera (Polymerodes), Prionolabis, Eutonia, Phylidorea (Phylidorea), Metalimnophila, Gynoplistia (Cerozodia), Gynoplistia (Dirhipis), Nothophila, Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila), Pilaria and Ulomorpha are considered monophyletic, but in general are defined by combinations of very homoplastic character states. Two Temperate Gondwanan clades, (Tonnoirella + (Edwardsomyia + (Tinemyia + (Rhamphophila + (Nothophila))))) and ((Notholimnophila + Bergrothomyia) + (Mesolimnophila + (Chilelimnophila + Ctenolimnophila))) are recovered. The genera Limnophila, Neolimnomyia, Gynoplistia (sensu lato) and Hexatoma (sensu lato) are considered non-monophyletic. The systematic position and some morphological characters of `problematic` taxa, such as Dactylolabis, Elephantomyia, Helius and Atarba are discussed on the light of the proposed phylogeny and the analysis of the characters. Character states are richly illustrated. A detailed study of the morphology of the male genitalia is made, and several genera and species have the morphology of the male genitalia illustrated for the first time.
Objective. To describe homicide mortality in the municipality of Sao Paulo according to type of weapon, sex, race or skin color, age, and areas of socioeconomic inequalities, between 1996 and 2008. Method. For this ecological time-series study, data about deaths in the municipality of Sao Paulo were collected from the municipal program for improvement of mortality information, using International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) codes. Homicide mortality rates (HMR) were calculated for the overall population and specifically for each sex, race or skin color, age range, type of weapon, and occurrence in social deprivation/affluence areas. HMR were adjusted for age using the direct method. The percentage age of variation in HMR was calculated for the study period. For areas of socioeconomic inequalities, the relative risk of death from homicide was calculated. Results. HMR fell 73.7% between 2001 and 2008. A reduction in HMR was observed in all groups, especially males (-74.5%), young men between 15 and 24 years of age (-78.0%), and residents in areas of extreme socioeconomic deprivation (-79.3%). The reduction occurred mostly in firearm homicide rates (-74.1%). The relative risk of death from homicide in areas of extreme socioeconomic deprivation, as compared to areas with some degree of socioeconomic deprivation, was 2.77 in 1996, 3.9 in 2001, and 2.13 in 2008. In areas of high socioeconomic deprivation, the relative risk was 2.07 in 1996 and 1.96 in 2008. Conclusions. To understand the reduction in homicide rates in the municipality of Sao Paulo, it is important to take into consideration macrodeterminants that affect the entire municipality and all population subgroups, as well as micro/local determinants that have special impact on homicides committed with firearms and on subgroups such as the young, males, and residents of areas of high socioeconomic deprivation.
Eight hundred and seventy-nine patients with acute kidney injury were retrospectively studied over year and eleven months for evaluation of urine volume as a risk factor for death. They were divided into five groups, according to the 24 h urine volume (UV): anuric (UV <= 50 mL/24 h, group 1), oliguric (UV > 50 mL/24 h and < 400 mL/24 h, group 2), and non-oliguric (UV >= 400 mL/24 h). Nonoliguric group was subdivided in three subgroups: UV > 400 mL/24 h and <= 1000 mL/24 h (group 3, reference group), UV > 1000 mL/24 h and <= 2000 mL/24 h (group 4), and UV > 2000 mL/24 h (group 5). Linear tendency test (Mantel extension) pointed out a significant increase in mortality with UV decrease (p < 0.001), confirmed by multivariate analysis. Anuric and oliguric patients had increased risk of respectively 95% and 76% times for death compared to controls (p < 0.05). Patients from groups 4 and 5 presented a reduced risk for death of 50% and 70%, respectively, p = 0.004 and p = 0.001. In conclusion, urine volume was a strong independent factor for mortality in this cohort of AKI patients.
Background-Randomized trials that studied clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with bare metal stenting versus coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are underpowered to properly assess safety end points like death, stroke, and myocardial infarction. Pooling data from randomized controlled trials increases the statistical power and allows better assessment of the treatment effect in high-risk subgroups. Methods and Results-We performed a pooled analysis of 3051 patients in 4 randomized trials evaluating the relative safety and efficacy of PCI with stenting and CABG at 5 years for the treatment of multivessel coronary artery disease. The primary end point was the composite end point of death, stroke, or myocardial infarction. The secondary end point was the occurrence of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular accidents, death, stroke, myocardial infarction, and repeat revascularization. We tested for heterogeneities in treatment effect in patient subgroups. At 5 years, the cumulative incidence of death, myocardial infarction, and stroke was similar in patients randomized to PCI with stenting versus CABG (16.7% versus 16.9%, respectively; hazard ratio, 1.04, 95% confidence interval, 0.86 to 1.27; P = 0.69). Repeat revascularization, however, occurred significantly more frequently after PCI than CABG (29.0% versus 7.9%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.23; 95% confidence interval, 0.18 to 0.29; P<0.001). Major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events were significantly higher in the PCI than the CABG group (39.2% versus 23.0%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.53; 95% confidence interval, 0.45 to 0.61; P<0.001). No heterogeneity of treatment effect was found in the subgroups, including diabetic patients and those presenting with 3-vessel disease. Conclusions-In this pooled analysis of 4 randomized trials, PCI with stenting was associated with a long-term safety profile similar to that of CABG. However, as a result of persistently lower repeat revascularization rates in the CABG patients, overall major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular event rates were significantly lower in the CABG group at 5 years.
This study aimed to determine the occurrence of symptoms of binge eating (BE) among children and adolescents seeking treatment for their obesity, as well as to evaluate their diet composition and metabolic characteristics. The Binge Eating scale (BES) was answered by 128 children and adolescents (10.77 +/- 2.04 years, BMI 29.15 +/- 4.98 kg/m(2), BMI Z score 2.28 +/- 0.46, 53.91% pubescent), who were classified into two subgroups-binge eaters (score greater than or equal to IS points) and non-binge eaters (score lower than 18 points). Anthropometric data, body composition and Tanner stages were collected and dietary evaluation conducted. Blood pressure was determined, and glucose, lipid profile and insulin assays were performed. insulin resistance was determined using HOMA-IR. BE symptoms were present in 39.06% of patients. Carbohydrate intake in diet composition was significantly higher among binge eaters. Children with BE did not demonstrate significant dissimilar metabolic characteristics when compared to their counterparts without BE. Therefore, BE seems to be a prevalent problem among children and adolescents seeking help for their obesity. When associated with obesity, this eating behaviour can influence macronutrient consumption through increased carbohydrate intake. Further research would be valuable to verify the reproducibility of these findings. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background:. Although the role of the lung alveolar macrophage (AM) as a mediator of acute lung injury (ALI) after lung ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) has been suggested by animal experiments, it has not been determined whether AMs mediate ALI after intestinal I/R. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of AM elimination on ALI after intestinal I/R in rats. Mwthods: Male Wistar rats (n = 90) were randomly divided into three groups: the clodronate-liposomes (CLOD-LIP) group received intratracheal treatment with CLOD-LIP; the liposomes (LIP) group received intratracheal treatment with LIP; and the nontreated (UNTREAT) group received no treatment. Twenty-four hours later each group was randomly divided into three subgroups: the intestinal I/R subgroup was subjected to 45-minute intestinal ischemia and 2-hour reperfusion; the laparotomy (LAP) subgroup was subjected to LAP and sham procedures; the control (CTR) subgroup received no treatment. At the end of reperfusion, ALI was quantitated in all the animals by the Evans blue dye (EBD) method. Results: ALI values are expressed as EBD lung leakage (mu g EBD/g dry lung weight). EBD lung leakage values in the CLOD-LIP group were 32.59 +/- 12.74 for I/R, 27.74 +/- 7.99 for LAP, and 33.52 +/- 10.17 for CTR. In the LIP group, lung leakage values were 58.02 +/- 18.04 for I/R, 31.90 +/- 8.72 for LAP, and 27.17 +/- 11.48 for CTR. In the UNTREAT group, lung leakage values were 55.60 +/- 10.96 for I/R, 35.99 +/- 6.89 for LAP, and 30.83 +/- 8.41 for CTR. Within each group, LAP values did not differ from CTR values. However, in the LIP and UNTREAT groups, values for both the LAP and CTR subgroups were lower than values for the I/R subgroup (p < 0.001). The CLOD-LIP I/R subgroup value was less (p < 0.001) than the I/R subgroup values in the LIP and UNTREAT groups. These results indicated that I/R provokes ALI that can be prevented by CLOD-LIP treatment, and further suggested that AMs are essential for ALI occurrence induced by intestinal I/R in rats.
Background: p63 gene is a p53 homologue that encodes proteins with transactivation, DNA-binding and tetramerisation domains. The isoforms TAp63 and TAp73 transactivate p53 target genes and induce apoptosis, whereas the isoforms Delta Np63 and Delta Np73 lack transactivation and might have dominant-negative effects in p53 family members. p63 is expressed in germinal centre lymphocytes and can be related to the development of the lymphoma, but the prognostic significance of its expression in the survival of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) remains unclear. Aims: To determine whether quantitative immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of p63 protein expression correlates with CD10 antigen, Bcl-6 antigen and IRF4 antigen expression and to determine whether p63 is a surrogate predictor of overall survival in high-intermediate and high risk DLBCL populations. Methods: CD10, Bcl-6 and IRF4 expression were retrospectively evaluated by IHC in 73 samples of high intermediate and high risk DLBCL and were used to divide the lymphomas into subgroups of germinal centre B-celllike (GCB) and activate B-cell-like (ABC) DLBCL. Similarly, p63 expression was evaluated by IHC and the results were compared with subgroups of DLBCL origin and with the survival rates for these patients. Results: p63 was expressed in more than 50% of malignant cells in 11 patients and did not show correlation with subgroups of GCB-like DLBCL or ABC-like DLBCL, but p63(+) patients had better disease-free survival (DFS) than those who were negative (p = 0.01). Conclusions: p63(+) high-intermediate and high risk DLBCL patients have a better DFS than negative cases.
Recruiting safe, volunteer blood donors requires understanding motivations for donating and knowledge and attitudes about HIV. We surveyed 1,600 persons presenting for blood donation at a large blood bank in Sao Paulo, Brazil using a self-administered, structured questionnaire, and classified motivations into three domains as well as categorizing persons by HIV test-seeking behavior. Motivations, in descending order, and their significant associations were: ""altruism``: female gender, volunteer donor and repeat donor status; ""direct appeal``: female gender, repeat donor status and age 21-50 years; ""selfinterest``: male gender, age under 20 years, first-time donor status and lower education. HIV test-seekers were more likely to give incorrect answers regarding HIV risk behavior and blood donation and the ability of antibody testing to detect recent HIV infections. Altruism is the main motivator for blood donation in Brazil; other motivators were associated with specific demographic subgroups. HIV test-seeking might be reduced by educational interventions.
Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have high platelet reactivity and are at increased risk of ischaemic events and bleeding post-acute coronary syndromes (ACS). In the PLATelet inhibition and patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial, ticagrelor reduced the primary composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke, but with similar rates of major bleeding compared with clopidogrel. We aimed to investigate the outcome with ticagrelor vs. clopidogrel in patients with DM or poor glycaemic control. We analysed patients with pre-existing DM (n = 4662), including 1036 patients on insulin, those without DM (n = 13 951), and subgroups based on admission levels of haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c; n = 15 150). In patients with DM, the reduction in the primary composite endpoint (HR: 0.88, 95% CI: 0.76-1.03), all-cause mortality (HR: 0.82, 95% CI: 0.66-1.01), and stent thrombosis (HR: 0.65, 95% CI: 0.36-1.17) with no increase in major bleeding (HR: 0.95, 95% CI: 0.81-1.12) with ticagrelor was consistent with the overall cohort and without significant diabetes status-by-treatment interactions. There was no heterogeneity between patients with or without ongoing insulin treatment. Ticagrelor reduced the primary endpoint, all-cause mortality, and stent thrombosis in patients with HbA1c above the median (HR: 0.80, 95% CI: 0.70-0.91; HR: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.65-0.93; and HR: 0.62, 95% CI: 0.39-1.00, respectively) with similar bleeding rates (HR: 0.98, 95% CI: 0.86-1.12). Ticagrelor, when compared with clopidogrel, reduced ischaemic events in ACS patients irrespective of diabetic status and glycaemic control, without an increase in major bleeding events.
The present study aimed to investigate the presence of corpus callosum (CC) volume deficits in a population-based recent-onset psychosis (ROP) sample, and whether CC volume relates to interhemispheric communication deficits. For this purpose, we used voxel-based morphometry comparisons of magnetic resonance imaging data between ROP (n = 122) and healthy control (n = 94) subjects. Subgroups (38 ROP and 39 controls) were investigated for correlations between CC volumes and performance on the Crossed Finger Localization Test (CFLT). Significant CC volume reductions in ROP subjects versus controls emerged after excluding substance misuse and non-right-handedness. CC reductions retained significance in the schizophrenia subgroup but not in affective psychoses subjects. There were significant positive correlations between CC volumes and CFLT scores in ROP subjects, specifically in subtasks involving interhemispheric communication. From these results, we can conclude that CC volume reductions are present in association with ROP. The relationship between such deficits and CFLT performance suggests that interhemispheric communication impairments are directly linked to CC abnormalities in ROP. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to verify possible relationships between global body posture and temporomandibular joint internal derangement (TMJ-id), by comparing 30 subjects presenting typical TMJ-id signs to 20 healthy subjects. Body posture was assessed using the analysis of muscle chains on several photographs. Results show a higher frequency of lifted shoulders (p=0.04) and of changes in the antero-internal hip chain (p=0.02) in the test group, but no further differences were found significant between the control and test groups. The test group was then divided into three subgroups according to the Helkimo index of temporomandibular disorder severity. Again, no significant differences were found between the subgroups. However, there was a trend noticed in the group with the most severe dysfunction, to present a forward head and shoulders posture. Results are discussed in light of previous studies using the same sample.