83 resultados para Sacral lymph node
Our aim was to evaluate the interaction between breast cancer cells and nodal fibroblasts, by means of their gene expression profile. Fibroblast primary cultures were established from negative and positive lymph nodes from breast cancer patients and a similar gene expression pattern was identified, following cell culture. Fibroblasts and breast cancer cells (MDA-MB231, MDA-MB435, and MCF7) were cultured alone or co-cultured separated by a porous membrane (which allows passage of soluble factors) for comparison. Each breast cancer lineage exerted a particular effect on fibroblasts viability and transcriptional profile. However, fibroblasts from positive and negative nodes had a parallel transcriptional behavior when co-cultured with a specific breast cancer cell line. The effects of nodal fibroblasts on breast cancer cells were also investigated. MDA MB-231 cells viability and migration were enhanced by the presence of fibroblasts and accordingly, MDA-MB435 and MCF7 cells viability followed a similar pattern. MDA-MB231 gene expression profile, as evaluated by cDNA microarray, was influenced by the fibroblasts presence, and HNMT, COMT, FN3K, and SOD2 were confirmed downregulated in MDA-MB231 co-cultured cells with fibroblasts from both negative and positive nodes, in a new series of RT-PCR assays. In summary, transcriptional changes induced in breast cancer cells by fibroblasts from positive as well as negative nodes are very much alike in a specific lineage. However, fibroblasts effects are distinct in each one of the breast cancer lineages, suggesting that the inter-relationships between stromal and malignant cells are dependent on the intrinsic subtype of the tumor.
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process implicated in cancer progression in which the underlying cellular changes have been identified mainly using in vitro models. We determined the expression of some putative EMT biomarkers including E-cadherin, beta-catenin, zinc finger factor Snail (Snail), transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1), TGF beta type II receptor (TBRII) and the HGF receptor (c-met) and their possible correlation to progression and overall survival in a series of breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC). Biomarkers were immunohistochemically determined in 55 IDC specimens from which 21 had lymph node metastases and in 95 DCIS specimens, 46 of these cases associated to invasive carcinoma, in a tissue microarray (TMA). Positive cytoplasmic staining of TGF beta 1 (78.2%), c-met (43.6%), Snail (34.5%), TBRII (100%), membranous E-cadherin (74.5%) and membranous/cytoplasmic beta-catenin (71%) were detected in the IDC samples. Metastatic lymph node samples displayed similar frequencies. A significant increase of c-met and TGF beta 1 positivity along DCIS to IDC progression was noted but only TGF beta 1 positivity was associated with presence of lymph node metastases and advanced stages in IDC. The evaluation of the other EMT markers in DCIS did not show differences in positivity rate as compared to invasive carcinomas. DCIS either pure or associated to IDC showed similar expression of the analyzed biomarkers. All the carcinomas exhibited positive expression of TBRII. Associations between the markers, determined by Spearman`s correlation coefficient, showed a significant association between TGF beta 1 and respectively E-cadherin, beta-catenin and cmet in DCIS cases, but in invasive carcinomas only cadherin and catenin were positively correlated. Kaplan-Meier survival curves revealed that none of the EMT biomarkers analyzed were correlated with survival, which was significantly determined only by clinical and hormone receptor parameters.
Background: The prognostic significance of spontaneous regression in melanoma, especially thin lesions, has been a controversial issue for the past 20 years, although recent studies suggest that extensive and late regression may be related to worse prognosis. Many data suggest that lymphangiogenesis predicts metastatic spread in melanoma. Methods: We have quantified lymphatic microvascular density (LMVD) in thin (<= 1.0 mm) superficial spreading melanomas comparing regressive and nonregressive melanomas, regressive and nonregressive areas from the same tumor, and early and late histological stages of regression in the same tumor. In addition, we tried to correlate lymphangiogenesis and tumor growth phase. We conducted histological examinations and immunohistochemical analyses using monoclonal antibody D2-40 with subsequent quantification by image analysis of 37 melanomas, 16 regressive and 21 nonregressive (controls). Results: We found higher LMVD in the late stage of regression compared with nonregressive area (internal control) of regressive melanomas. Conclusions: Our study suggest that the late stage of spontaneous regression in thin melanomas may be related to worse prognosis as it showed higher LMVD, and evidence shows that this is related with increased risk of metastatic spread. But this supposition must be confirmed by a longer follow-up for detection of lymph node metastases.
The aim of the present work was to assess the role of monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), namely MCT1 and MCT4 as well as MCT/CD147 co-expression in gastric tissues and evaluate their clinico-pathological significance in gastric carcinoma. For that, we analysed the immunohistochemical expression of MCT1, MCT4 and CD147, in a large series of gastric samples, including non-neoplastic, tumour and metastatic tissues. A significant decrease in MCT4 plasma membrane expression was observed from non-neoplastic to gastric primary malignant tissues and to lymph-node metastasis and both MCT1 and MCT4 correlated with CD147. Importantly, both MCT4 and CD147 were more frequently expressed in Lauren`s intestinal-type tumours and MCT1/CD147 co-expression was associated with advanced gastric carcinoma, Lauren`s intestinal type, TNM staging and lymph-node metastasis. Our results showed that the prognostic value of CD147 was associated with MCTI co-expression in gastric cancer cells, supporting the view that CD147 plasma membrane activity is dependent on MCT co-expression. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Malignancies of the biliary and pancreatic systems are associated with a poor prognosis. However, ampullary cancer carries a better prognosis and is often diagnosed when curative treatment is still possible. Accurate staging is important for the determination of the most appropriate treatment option. Objectives: (1) To determine the test performance characteristics of EUS and CT in loco-regional staging of ampullary neoplasms, and (2) to determine the impact of CT scan results on the test performance characteristics of EUS. Design and Setting: Prospective single-arm intervention study performed in 2 academic hospitals. Results and Main Outcome Measurements: Thirty-seven patients were screened and 33 staged with EUS and CT A total of 27 patients (13 men; mean age, 69.5 years; mean serum bilirubin level, 12.6 mg/dL) with locally advanced disease completed the protocol with EUS and CT and underwent surgical resection. Tumor classifications were as follows: 2 patients (7.4%), T1 tumors; 13 patients (48.1%), T2 tumors; and 12 patients (44.4%), T3 tumors, as per surgical pathology. Seventeen tumors (62.9%) were classified as NO and 10 (37.1%) as NI. The difference in proportion of correct tumor (74.1% vs 51.8%; P =.15, 95% CI, -0.06-0-50) and lymph node (81.4% vs; 55.5%; P =.07, 95% Cl, -0.01-0.53) staging by EUS and CT, respectively, was not statistically significantly different. However, the strength of tumor (kappa 0.51 vs 0.11) and nodal (kappa 0.59 vs 0.05) agreement with pathology was statistically significantly higher for EUS than for CT (P <.05). EUS was more sensitive and specific than CT for tumor and nodal staging, and the association of CT to EUS data did not improve the final test accuracy Limitation: Low number of T1 tumors. Conclusions: EUS is in accurate diagnostic test and exhibits a high level of agreement with surgical pathology. CT findings do not improve the test performance characteristics of EUS. Therefore, the evaluation for metastatic disease should not be compromised by CT protocols that aim to perform tumor and nodal staging. Further studies to determine the role of specialized CT protocols in patients with ampullary malignancies are needed. (Gastrointest Endosc 2009;70:290-6.)
BACKGROUND: Early gastric cancer (EGC) is defined as adenocarcinoma limited to the mucosa or submucosa regardless of lymph node involvement. Local EGC recurrence rates have been described ill Lip to 6% of cases. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate predictive factors for incomplete resection and local recurrence of EGC treated by endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) that was followed up for at least one year. METHODS: From June 1994 to December 2005, 46 patients with EGC underwent EMR. Possible predictive factors for incomplete endoscopic resection and local recurrence were identified by medical chart analysis. Demographic, endoscopic and histopathological data were retrospectively evaluated. EMR was considered complete or incomplete. Patients from the complete resection group were divided into subgroups (with and without local EGC recurrence). RESULTS: Complete resection was possible in 36 cases (76.6%). Predictive factors for incomplete resection were turnout location (P=0.035), histological type (P=0.021), lesion size (P=0.022) and number of resected fragments (P=0.013). On multivariate analysis, undifferentiated histological type (OR 0.8; 95% Cl 0.036 to 0.897) and number of resected fragments (OR 7.34; 95% Cl 1.266 to 42.629) were independent predictive factors for incomplete resection. In the complete resection group, a larger lesion size was associated with a higher the number of resected fragments (P=0.018). Local recurrence occurred in nine cases (25%). Use of the cap technique was the only predictive factor for local recurrence in five of seven cases (71.4%) (P=0.006). CONCLUSIONS: A larger lesion size was associated with a higher number of resected fragments. Undifferentiated adenocarcinoma and piecemeal resection were predictive factors for incomplete resection. Technique type was a predictive factor for local EGC recurrence.
Background: Organ shortage impairs the proposition of multivisceral transplantation to treat multiple organ failure. Interspecies (xeno) transplantation is a valid solution for organ shortage; however, suitable models of this advance are lacking. We describe an effective model of multivisceral xenotransplantation to study hyperacute rejection. Methods: Under general anesthesia, we in block recovered the distal esophagus, stomach, small bowel, colon, liver, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys from donors and implanted heterotopically in the lower abdomen of recipients. Animals were divided into four groups: I-canine donor, swine recipient (n = 6); II - swine donor, canine recipient (n = 5); III-canine donor, canine recipient (n = 4); and IV-swine donor, swine recipient (n = 5). Groups I and 11 comprised experimental (xenotransplantation) and III and IV control groups (allotransplantation). During the experiment, we appraised recipient evolution and graft modification by sequential biopsy up to 3 h. At this time, we killed animals for autopsy (experimental end point). Results: We accomplished all experiments successfully. Every grafts attained customary appearance and convenient urine output immediately after unclamp. Around 15 min after reperfusion, xenografts achieved signs of progressive hyperacute rejection and absence of urine output. At the end of experiments we observed moderate to severe hyperacute rejection at small bowel, colon, mesenteric lymph node, liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidney, while stomach and esophagus achieved mild lesions. In contrast, allograft achieved normal or minimum ischemia/reperfusion injury and constant urine output. Conclusion: The present procedure assembles a simple and effective model to study multivisceral xenotransplantation and may ultimately spread researches toward hyperacute rejection.
Introduction: Chronic active Epstein-Barr virus (CAEBV) infection is characterized by chronic or recurrent symptoms for at least 3 months, such as fever, hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy. The diagnosis is established due to the presence of anti-EBV antibodies or isolation of this infectious agent in affected tissues. Three cases of CAEBV infection mimicking Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) were described. Case 1: Female 3-year old patient with cervical adenomegaly, anemia and fever developed palpable purpura, haematuria and arthritis. CAEBV infection was established by serology test. She received methylprednisolone and acyclovir. She had generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, disseminated intravascular coagulation and deceased. Case 2: Male 12-year old patient with persistent anemia, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly had CAEBV infection diagnosis by serology test. He developed purpura and arthritis and received methylprednisolone. Case 3: Male 13-year old patient had purpura, abdominal pain, haematuria, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, anemia and elevated liver enzymes. The cervical lymph node biopsy was positive to EBV infection. He received methylprednisolone and acyclovir, developing acute fulminant hepatitis and death. Discussion: CAEBV infection mimicking HSP was rarely observed in our population
Objective: Bronchial typical carcinoid tumors are tow-grade malignancies. However, metastases are diagnosed in some patients. Predicting the individual risk of these metastases to determine patients eligible for a radical lymphadenectomy and patients to be followed-up because of distant metastasis risk is relevant. Our objective was to screen for predictive criteria of bronchial typical carcinoid tumor aggressiveness based on a logistic regression model using clinical, pathological and biomolecular data. Methods: A multicenter retrospective cohort study, including 330 consecutive patients operated on for bronchial typical carcinoid tumors and followed-up during a period more than 10 years in two university hospitals was performed. Selected data to predict the individual risk for both nodal and distant metastasis were: age, gender, TNM staging, tumor diameter and location (central/peripheral), tumor immunostaining index of p53 and Ki67, Bcl2 and the extracellular density of neoformed microvessels and of collagen/elastic extracellular fibers. Results: Nodal and distant metastasis incidence was 11% and 5%, respectively. Univariate analysis identified all the studied biomarkers as related to nodal metastasis. Multivariate analysis identified a predictive variable for nodal metastasis: neo angiogenesis, quantified by the neoformed pathological microvessels density. Distant metastasis was related to mate gender. Discussion: Predictive models based on clinical and biomolecular data could be used to predict individual risk for metastasis. Patients under a high individual risk for lymph node metastasis should be considered as candidates to mediastinal lymphadenectomy. Those under a high risk of distant metastasis should be followed-up as having an aggressive disease. Conclusion: Individual risk prediction of bronchial typical carcinoid tumor metastasis for patients operated on can be calculated in function of biomolecular data. Prediction models can detect high-risk patients and help surgeons to identify patients requiring radical lymphadenectomy and help oncologists to identify those as having an aggressive disease requiring prolonged follow-up. (C) 2008 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To evaluate whether lymphatic vessel density (LVD) and lymphatic vessel invasion (LVI) are useful markers of worse outcome in colorectal carcinoma and if LVD and LVI correlate to the classical clinical-pathological parameters, we analysed 120 cases of colorectal carcinomas selected from the files of Division of Pathology, Hospital das Clinicas, Sao Paulo University, Brazil. Assessment of LVD and LVI was performed by immunohistochemical detection of lymphatic vessels, using the monoclonal antibody D2-40. Higher LVD was found in the intratumoural area, when comparing with normal and peritumoural areas (p < 0.001). However, peritumoural LVD, but not intratumoural, correlated with both colonic-wall-invasion depth (p=0.037) and liver metastasis (p=0.012). Remarkably, LVI was found associated with local invasion (p=0.016), nodal metastasis (p=0.022) and hepatic metastasis (p < 0.001). Peritumoural LVD and LVI are directly related to histopathological variables indicative of poor outcome such as lymph-node status and liver metastasis.
Since the first description of Leishmania (Viannia) shawi, few studies were performed with this parasite. In the present work, the in vivo and ex vivo behavior of L. (Viannia) shawi infection was studied using murine model. Peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were infected with promastigotes in the stationary phase of growth; after 24 h, the infection index and nitric oxide (NO) levels in the supernatant of the cultures were analyzed. BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were infected into the hind footpad, and at each 2 weeks, mice were sacrificed, and the histological changes of the skin inoculation site, parasitism, and humoral immune responses were evaluated during 8 weeks. Ex vivo experiments showed that macrophages of BALB/c presented higher infection index and lesser NO levels than macrophages of C57BL/6. In vivo experiments showed that BALB/c presented higher lesion size than C57BL/6 mice; similarly, the histopathological changes and the parasitism in skin were more exacerbate in BALB/c mice. In draining lymph nodes, the main change was increase of germinative centers, and parasites were detected from 6 weeks pi onwards in both mice strain. IgG was detected in BALB/c mice from 4 weeks, while in C57BL/6, from 6 weeks pi onwards. Taken together, these results indicate that BALB/c showed a classical behavior of susceptibility when compared to C57BL/6 mice.
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of immunization with soluble amastigote (AmaAg) and promastigote (ProAg) antigens from Leishmania (Viannia) shawi on the course of infection in BALB/c mice. After immunization with AmaAg, the challenged group showed greater lesion size and parasite load in the skin and lymph nodes, associated with diminished interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-10, interferon (IFN)-gamma and nitrate levels in the supernatant of lymph node cell cultures, together with increases in transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta concentrations and humoral immune response. In contrast, immunization with ProAg led to smaller lesion size with reduced numbers of viable parasites in the skin. Protection was associated with increases in IL-12, IFN-gamma, TGF-beta and nitrates and decreases in IL-4 and IL-10 levels. Concerning humoral immune response, a significant reduction in anti-leishmania immunoglobulin G was verified in the ProAg-challenged group. Analysis of these results suggests that AmaAg induced a suppressive cellular immune response in mice, favouring the spread of infection, whereas ProAg induced partial protection associated with increased cellular immune response.
Orla mucosal melanoma is rare and is reported to be more aggressive than cutaneous melanoma. The incidence of oral mucosal melanoma peaks at 41 to 60 years of age and the male to female ratio is 2 to 1. Preferred sites in the oral mucosa include the hard palate and maxillary alveolar crests. Risk factors have not been clearly identified, but melanotic pigmentation is present in one-third of patients prior to the diagnosis of melanoma. We report an unusual case of oral mucosal melanoma of the mandibular gingiva with the main characteristics of an in situ lesion and areas of superficial invasion in a 45-year-old woman. The patient was treated with surgical resection of the lesion and a 54-month follow-up shows no evidence of recurrence. Oral mucosal melanomas are aggressive neoplasms that may arise from prior pigmented lesions in the oral mucosa. Classification of these tumors is not well-established and the main prognostic factor appears to be lymph node compromise. The main treatment modality is surgical resection. Cutis. 2010;86:89-93.
Posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a serious complication following solid organ transplantation that has been linked to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The aim of this article was to describe a single-center experience with the multiplicity of clinical presentations of PTLD. Among 350 liver transplantations performed in 303 children, 13 survivor children displayed a histological diagnosis of PTLD (13/242 survivors; 5.4%). The age at diagnosis ranged from 12 to 258 months (median, 47), and the time from transplantation ranged from 1 to 84 months (median, 13). Ten of these children (76.9%) were EBV-naive prior to transplantation. Fever was present in all cases. The clinical signs at presentation were anemia (92.3%), diarrhea and vomiting (69.2%), recurrent upper airway infections (38.4%), Waldeyer ring lymphoid tissue hypertrophy (23.0%), abdominal mass lesions (30.7%), massive cervical and mediastinal adenopathy (15.3%), or gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms (30.7%). One child developed fulminant hepatic allograft failure secondary to graft involvement by PTLD. Polymorphic PTLD was diagnosed in 6 patients; 7 had the diagnosis of lymphoma. Treatment consisted of stopping immunosuppression as well as starting intravenous gancyclovir and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy. The mortality rate was 53.8%. The clinical presentation of PTLD varied from fever of unknown origin to fulminant hepatic failure. The other symptoms that may be linked to the diagnosis of PTLD are pancytopenia, tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy, cervical or mediastinal lymph node enlargement, as well as abdominal masses. Despite numerous advances, the optimal treatment approach for PTLD is not completely known and the mortality rate is still high.
P>We have developed a two-step PCR assay that amplifies a region of the ceja-1 sequence that is specific for virulent strains of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. An internal region of the ceja-1 sequence was chosen for designing primers that were utilised in a single tube heminested PCR protocol to amplify DNA from six virulent strains. PCR specificity was determined by the absence of amplified products with genomic DNA from four non-virulent strains of P. brasiliensis and from eight fungal pathogens, one bacterium, two protozoa, one worm and mouse and human genomic DNA (leucocytes). The fact that the PCR product was only obtained with the genetic material from virulent isolates of P. brasiliensis suggested that this partial amplified sequence might be a marker of virulence for this fungus. The diagnostic potential of this PCR was confirmed by the successful amplification of this fragment with genomic DNA obtained in lymph node aspirate from a patient with paracoccidioidomycosis.