78 resultados para Nitrogen fixing algae


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Heat treated electrical steel laminations have shown evidence of low ductility behavior, characterized by a small number of bends till fracture, on repeated bending tests. The laminations were produced using a new grade of electrical steel with much lower aluminum content than usual. The problem happens when the oxygen potential (measured by the dew point of the atmosphere) of the heat treatment atmosphere is abnormally high. Furthermore, ductility can be restored by a low-oxygen potential heat treatment. Although the heat treatment resulted in a loss of ductility, the magnetic properties were not deteriorated. The low ductility samples always show intergranular fracture, whereas the un-treated laminations fracture by cleavage. The low ductility is associated with the formation of silicon manganese nitride precipitates formed at grain boundaries, although they are not the cause of the low ductility. Ductility could be restored by a low dew point heat treatment but the inclusions remained in the grain boundaries. The low ductility and its recovery must be ascribed to the presence of nitrogen atoms segregated to the grain boundaries when the heat treatment atmosphere has a high oxygen potential. The lack of aluminum in the composition of the steel hinders the scavenging effect of this element on nitrogen atoms in solution in the steel. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Specimens of a UNS S31803 steel were submitted to high temperature gas nitriding and then to vibratory pitting wear tests. Nitrided samples displayed fully austenitic microstructures and 0.9 wt. % nitrogen contents. Prior to pitting tests, sample texture was characterized by electron backscattering diffraction, EBSD. Later on, the samples were tested in a vibratory pit testing equipment using distilled water Pitting tests were periodically interrupted to evaluate mass loss and to characterize the surface wear by SEM observations. At earlier pit erosion, stages intense and highly heterogeneous plastic deformation inside individual grains was observed. Later on, after the incubation period, mass loss by debris detachment was observed. Initial debris micro fracturing was addressed to low cycle fatigue. Damage started at both sites, inside the grains and grain boundaries. The twin boundaries were the most prone to mass-loss incubation. Grains with (101) planes oriented near parallel to the sample surface displayed higher wear resistance than grains with other textures. This was attributed to lower resolved stresses for plastic deformation inside the grains with (101)


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A high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel (0.9wt% N) and an ordinary 304 austenitic stainless steel were submitted to cavitation-erosion tests in a vibratory apparatus operating at a frequency of 20 kHz. The high nitrogen stainless steel was obtained by high temperature gas nitriding a 1-mm thick strip of an UNS 31803 duplex stainless steel. The 304 austenitic stainless steel was used for comparison purposes. The specimens were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and Electron Back Scatter Diffraction. The surface of the cavitation damaged specimens was analyzed trying to find out the regions where cavitation damage occurred preferentially. The distribution of sites where cavitation inception occurred was extremely heterogeneous, concentrating basically at (i) slip lines inside some grains and (ii) Sigma-3 coincidence site lattice (CSL) boundaries (twin boundaries). Furthermore, it was observed that the CE damage spread faster inside those grains which were more susceptible to damage incubation. The damage heterogeneity was addressed to plasticity anisotropy. Grains in which the crystallographic orientation leads to high resolved shear stress show intense damage at slip lines. Grain boundaries between grains with large differences in resolved shear stress where also intensely damaged. The relationship between crystallite orientation distributions, plasticity anisotropy and CE damage mechanisms are discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Silicon carbide thin films (Si(x)C(y)) were deposited in a RF (13.56 MHz) magnetron sputtering system using a sintered SiC target (99.5% purity). In situ doping was achieved by introducing nitrogen into the electric discharge during the growth process of the films. The N(2)/Ar flow ratio was adjusted by varying the N(2) flow rate and maintaining constant the Ar flow rate. The structure, composition and bonds formed in the nitrogen-doped Si (x) C (y) thin films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS), Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) techniques. RBS results indicate that the carbon content in the film decreases as the N(2)/Ar flow ratio increases. Raman spectra clearly reveal that the deposited nitrogen-doped SiC films are amorphous and exhibited C-C bonds corresponding to D and G bands. After thermal annealing, the films present structural modifications that were identified by XRD, Raman and FTIR analyses.


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Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics in agro-systems can be altered as a consequence of treated sewage effluent (TSE) irrigation. The present study evaluated the effects of TSE irrigation over 16 months on N concentrations in sugarcane (leaves, stalks and juice), total soil carbon (TC), total soil nitrogen (TN), NO(3)(-)-N in soil and nitrate (NO(3)(-)) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soil solution. The soil was classified as an Oxisol and samplings were carried out during the first productive crop cycle, from February 2005 (before planting) to September 2006 (after sugarcane harvest and 16 months of TSE irrigation). The experiment was arranged in a complete block design with five treatments and four replicates. Irrigated plots received 50% of the recommended mineral N fertilization and 100% (T100), 125% (T125), 150% (T150) and 200% (T200) of crop water demand. No mineral N and irrigation were applied to the control plots. TSE irrigation enhanced sugarcane yield but resulted in total-N inputs(804-1622 kg N ha(-1)) greater than exported N (463-597 kg N ha(-1)). Hence, throughout the irrigation period, high NO(3)(-) concentrations (up to 388 mg L(-1) at T200) and DOC (up to 142 mg L(-1) at T100) were measured in soil solution below the root zone, indicating the potential of groundwater contamination. TSE irrigation did not change soil TC and TN. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Simulation of irrigated Thanzania grass growth based on photothermal units, nitrogen fertilization and water availability. The mathematical model to predict the forage yield using photothennal units was utilized with success in Elephant grass, Thanzania and Brachiaria niziziensis in the absence of water stress and nitrogen stress. The aim of this study was to propose models to estimate the forage yield of Thanzania grass under different irrigation (25, 50,75, 100 e 125% of ETc) and nitrogen level in various regions of Brazil. As such, models were developed to estimate the dry matter production of Panicum maximum Jacq. frass cv Thanzania in different irrigation and nitrogen levels, using photothermal units. The models were adjusted to doses of 0, 30, 60, 110 and 270 kg of N ha(-1), doses were divided in applications after each evaluation, with a rest cycle of 35 days. The adjusted model presented good performance in predicting dry matter production of Thanzania grass, with r(2) = 0.9999. The results made it possible to verify that the proposed model can be used to predict forage production in different regions of Brazil. It can be estimated, with good precision. The production of Thanzania grass dry matter can be accurately estimated in specific places (in function of latitude and time of year), with the maximum and minimum temperature values.


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Aspartate kinase (AK, EC, homoserine dehydrogenase (HSDH, EC and dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS, EC were isolated and partially purified from immature Chenopodium quinoa Willd seeds. Enzyme activities were studied in the presence of the aspartate-derived amino acids lysine, threonine and methionine and also the lysine analogue S-2-aminoethyl-L-cysteine (AEC), at 1 mM and 5 mM. The results confirmed the existence of, at least, two AK isoenzymes, one inhibited by lysine and the other inhibited by threonine, the latter being predominant in quinoa seeds. HSDH activity was also shown to be partially inhibited by threonine, whereas some of the activity was resistant to the inhibitory effect, indicating the presence of two isoenzymes, one resistant and another sensitive to threonine inhibition. Only one DHDPS isoenzyme highly sensitive to lysine inhibition was detected. The results suggest that the high concentration of lysine observed in quinoa seeds is possibly due to a combined effect of increased lysine, synthesis and accumulation in the soluble form and/or as protein lysine. Nitrogen assimilation was also investigated and based on nitrate content, nitrate reductase activity, amino acid distribution and ureide content, the leaves were identified as the predominant site of nitrate reduction in this plant species. The amino acid profile analysis in leaves and roots also indicated an important role of soluble glutamine as a nitrogen transporting compound. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium dose effect in the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) nutrition and production. The aim of the study was to evaluate the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) nutritional state and its components of growth in function of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium dose by fertilization. The experimental outlining was entirely made casually in factorial scheme 3(3) + 1, being 3 factors (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - NPK), 3 doses and in evidence (without fertilization), with 3 repetitions. The experimental milt was constituted by two tubes of 2,8 cm diameter and 12,3 cm high with a graft box (Hipobioto) of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) in each tube. The doses used were constituted by doses of N (460; 920 e 18,10 mg dm(-3)), P (50; 100 e 200 mg dm(-3)) and K (395; 790 e 1580 mg dm(-3)). The fertilization with N and K was carried out by fertirrigations and the P added to the substract of Pinus rind and vermiculite before the seeding. when the plants were 133 days after the germination they were subdivided in radicular system and air part for the determinations of the dry matter mass, height, foliar area, stem diameter and contents of nutrients. The N, K and P doses of 920 mg dm(-3), 790 mg dm(-3), 100 mg dm(-3), respectively, were enough for the suitable development of the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) in tubes.


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The export of nitrogen (N) from senescent plant parts is important for the efficient use of this macronutrient. The objective of this study was to establish correlations among the photosynthetic pigment content, total N, and the photosynthetic variables with the SPAD-502 readings in Coffea arabica leaves. Correlations were established among the chlorophyll content, N content, and chlorophyll a and b with SPAD-502 readings taken on coffee leaves at different months. The results show that all variables decreased with time. However, correlation increased linearly with N doses. Total chlorophyll presented a direct linear correlation with readings of the portable chlorophyll meter. The SPAD readings have shown to be a good tool to diagnose the integrity of the photosynthetic system in coffee leaves. Thus, the portable chlorophyll SPAD-502 instrument can be used to evaluate the N status and can also help to evaluate the photosynthetic process in coffee plants.


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Nutrient dynamics in tropical soils sustaining forage grasses are still poorly understood. We conducted a study to evaluate the effect of combined N and S fertilizer rates on the growth of `Marandu` palisade grass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf], uptake of these elements from the soil by plants, soil organic matter concentration, soil pH, and the mineral and organic fractions of N and S in an Entisol. Combinations of five N rates (0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 g N m(-3)) with five S rates (0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 g S m(-3)) were evaluated in a partial 5 x 5 factorial in a pot experiment, with and without plants. Nitrogen and S were supplied as NH(4)NO(3) and CaSO(4)center dot 2H(2)O, respectively. The N addition in excess did not enhance the palisade grass production due to low plant-available Sin the soil. The supply of low rates of S with N greatly improved the overall N uptake efficiency by the forage plant. The contents of total N, NO(3)(-)-N, and NH(4)(+)-N in the soil varied with N rate and with N uptake by the plants. The association of palisade grass with S fertilization increased the ester-bonded S fraction in the soil. The results suggest that soil residual S could be a potential source of S for plants. Proper N and S fertilizer rates promoted increased grass production due to increased uptake of these nutrients and the dynamics of the organic N and S fractions and mineral fractions in this tropical soil.


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The short-term effects of surface lime application and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) residues, with or without N fertilization, were evaluated in a long-term no-till (NT) system on a sandy clay loam, a kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludox from the state of Parana, Brazil. The main plot treatments were: control and dolomitic lime applied on soil surface at 8 Mg ha(-1). Three treatments with crop residues were evaluated on the subplots: (i) fallow, (ii) black oat residues, and (iii) black oat residues aft er N fertilization at 180 kg ha(-1). Black oat dry biomass was not affected by the treatments during 3 yr. Surface liming increased soil pH, microbial biomass, microbial activity, and bacterial/fungal ratio at the soil surface (0-5 cm), resulting in increased amino acid turnover, water-soluble humic substances formation, and N mineralization and nitrification. While the application of black oat did increase the soil pH, overall it had much less effect on soil biological processes and C and N pools than did lime. We concluded that black oat cannot replace the need for lime to optimize crop production in these tropical NT systems. In the long term, however, black oat should aid in the amelioration of acidity and replenishment of soil organic C pools and should help reduce erosion. Overall, this study suggests that overapplication of inorganic fertilizer N may occur in some tropical NT systems. Further experiments are required in NT systems to investigate the use of slow-release N fertilizers in combination with lime and black oat as a mechanism to reduce acidification and promote sustainability.


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Nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) are usually found in higher concentrations than other macronutrients in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh) fruits and are most frequently associated with changes in fruit quality. The aim of this article was to evaluate the effects of N and K fertilization on some fruit quality attributes of Fuji apple. The experiment was conducted at Sao Joaquim, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, during 2004 and 2005. A factorial design was used with N and K annual fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, and 200 kg ha(-1) of N and K2O) replicated in three orchards. Fifteen days prior to harvest, three fruit samples were collected from each treatment and site. One sample was used for total soluble solid content (TSS), titratable acidity, pulp firmness, and fruit color parameter analyses, and the other samples were refrigerated in a conventional atmosphere for 3 and 6 months for subsequent determination of fruit quality. Nitrogen fertilization negatively affected fruit color, flesh firmness, and TSS content. These same variables were positively affected by K fertilization, except for flesh firmness.


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Nitrogen fertilization in common bean crops under no-tillage and conventional systems. Nitrogen fertilizer is necessary for high yields in common bean crops and N responses under conditions of no-tillage and conventional systems are still basic needs. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of N application and common bean yield in no-tillage and conventional systems. The experimental design was a randomized block in a factorial scheme (2x8+1) with four replications. The treatments were constituted by the combination of two N doses (40 and 80 kg ha(-1)) applied at side dressing at eight distinct stadia during vegetative development of the common bean (V(4-3), V(4-4), V(4-5), V(4-6), V(4-7), V(4-8), V(4-9) and V(4-10)), in addition to a control plot without N in side dressing. The experiment was conducted over two years (2002 and 2003) in no-tillage on millet crop residues and conventional plow system. It was concluded that N fertilizer at the V(4) stadium of common bean promotes similar seed yields in no-tillage and conventional systems. Yield differences between no-tillage and conventional systems are inconsistent in the same agricultural area.


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The effects of combined nitrogen and sulphur fertilisation on the dynamics of leaf and tiller appearance in Marandu palisadegrass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) and its impact on dry matter production were evaluated in a greenhouse study. Grass seedlings were grown in pots filled with a soil classified as an Entisol and were harvested after 43 days, a further 35 days and finally after 48 more days. Five rates of N (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg/dm(3)) and 5 rates of S (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/dm(3)) were tested in an incomplete factorial design with 4 replications. Leaf and tiller development were monitored every 3 days by counting the appearance of recently expanded leaves and new basal tillers. The phyllochron and thermal time between appearance of tillers decreased as N and S fertiliser levels increased to about 300 and 25 mg/dm(3), respectively, then tended to increase. In contrast, leaf and tiller appearance rates increased with the supply of these nutrients to similar levels, then tended to decline. Leaf and tiller production and dry matter yields were affected by both N and S levels, with the role of S increasing as the growth phases increased.


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The effect of four irrigation levels (50; 75; 100 and 150% of the evaporation in the class A pan) and four levels of N (0,075; 0, 150; 0,225 and 0,300 kg(-1)), were evaluated on productivity and components of production of the watermelon `Charleston Gray`. The experiment was conducted under field conditions, from October/2003 to January/2004, using a randomized split-plot design, with the factor depths in plot and depths of N in split-plot. It was verified that the factors water and nitrogen presented a highly significant effect in the yield of watermelon, while the interaction among the factors was not significant. The maximum productivity of the watermelon (68.59 Mg ha(-1)) was obtained with 421 mm of water and 267 kg ha(-1) of N. The water was more efficiently used with increments in dosage of N, being the maximum value observed of 279.54 kg ha(-1) mm(-1), obtained with a depth of water of 205 mm and a depths of N of 225 kg ha(-1). The maximum efficiency of the use of the water for the nitro en was 221 kg ha(-1) mm(-1), for 249 kg ha(-1) of N. The sugar content of the watermelon, measured in degrees Brix, was affected by the depths of irrigation, depths of N and by its interactions.