61 resultados para BREATH FIGURES
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become an important tool in Neuroscience due to its noninvasive and high spatial resolution properties compared to other methods like PET or EEG. Characterization of the neural connectivity has been the aim of several cognitive researches, as the interactions among cortical areas lie at the heart of many brain dysfunctions and mental disorders. Several methods like correlation analysis, structural equation modeling, and dynamic causal models have been proposed to quantify connectivity strength. An important concept related to connectivity modeling is Granger causality, which is one of the most popular definitions for the measure of directional dependence between time series. In this article, we propose the application of the partial directed coherence (PDC) for the connectivity analysis of multisubject fMRI data using multivariate bootstrap. PDC is a frequency domain counterpart of Granger causality and has become a very prominent tool in EEG studies. The achieved frequency decomposition of connectivity is useful in separating interactions from neural modules from those originating in scanner noise, breath, and heart beating. Real fMRI dataset of six subjects executing a language processing protocol was used for the analysis of connectivity. Hum Brain Mapp 30:452-461, 2009. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This work aims at proposing the use of the evolutionary computation methodology in order to jointly solve the multiuser channel estimation (MuChE) and detection problems at its maximum-likelihood, both related to the direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA). The effectiveness of the proposed heuristic approach is proven by comparing performance and complexity merit figures with that obtained by traditional methods found in literature. Simulation results considering genetic algorithm (GA) applied to multipath, DS/CDMA and MuChE and multi-user detection (MuD) show that the proposed genetic algorithm multi-user channel estimation (GAMuChE) yields a normalized mean square error estimation (nMSE) inferior to 11%, under slowly varying multipath fading channels, large range of Doppler frequencies and medium system load, it exhibits lower complexity when compared to both maximum likelihood multi-user channel estimation (MLMuChE) and gradient descent method (GrdDsc). A near-optimum multi-user detector (MuD) based on the genetic algorithm (GAMuD), also proposed in this work, provides a significant reduction in the computational complexity when compared to the optimum multi-user detector (OMuD). In addition, the complexity of the GAMuChE and GAMuD algorithms were (jointly) analyzed in terms of number of operations necessary to reach the convergence, and compared to other jointly MuChE and MuD strategies. The joint GAMuChE-GAMuD scheme can be regarded as a promising alternative for implementing third-generation (3G) and fourth-generation (4G) wireless systems in the near future. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Objectives - A highly adaptive aspect of human memory is the enhancement of explicit, consciously accessible memory by emotional stimuli. We studied the performance of Alzheimer`s disease (AD) patients and elderly controls using a memory battery with emotional content, and we correlated these results with the amygdala and hippocampus volume. Methods - Twenty controls and 20 early AD patients were subjected to the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) and to magnetic resonance imaging-based volumetric measurements of the medial temporal lobe structures. Results - The results show that excluding control group subjects with 5 or more years of schooling, both groups showed improvement with pleasant or unpleasant figures for the IAPS in an immediate free recall test. Likewise, in a delayed free recall test, both the controls and the AD group showed improvement for pleasant pictures, when education factor was not controlled. The AD group showed improvement in the immediate and delayed free recall test proportional to the medial temporal lobe structures, with no significant clinical correlation between affective valence and amygdala volume. Conclusion - AD patients can correctly identify emotions, at least at this early stage, but this does not improve their memory performance.
A new strain of the parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum, was collected in Rio Verde County, State of Goias, Central Brazil, and designated as T. pretiosum RV. This strain was then found to be the most effective one among several different strains of T. pretiosum tested in a parasitoid selection assay. Therefore, its biological characteristics and thermal requirements were studied, aiming at allowing its multiplication under controlled environmental conditions in the laboratory. The parasitoid was reared on eggs of Pseudoplusia includens and Anticarsia gemmatalis at different constant temperatures within an 18-32 degrees C temperature range. The number of annual generations of the parasitoid was also estimated at those temperatures. Results have shown that T. pretiosum RV developmental time, from egg to adult, was influenced by all temperatures tested within the range, varying from 6.8 to 20.3 days and 6.0 to 17.0 days on eggs of P. includens and A. gemmatalis, respectively. The emergence of T. pretiosum RV from eggs of A. gemmatalis was higher than 94% at all temperatures tested. When this variable was evaluated on eggs of P. includens, however, the figures were higher than that within the 18-30 degrees C range (more than 98%), and were also statistically higher than the emergence observed at 32 degrees C (90.2%). The sex ratio of the parasitoids emerged from eggs of A. gemmatalis decreased from 0.55 to 0.29 at 18-32 degrees C, respectively. However, for those emerged from eggs of P. includens, the sex ratio was similar (0.73, 0.72 and 0.71) at 20, 28 and 32 degrees C, respectively. The lower temperature threshold (Tb) and thermal constant (K) were 10.65 degrees C and 151.25 degree-days when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of P. includens; and 11.64 degrees C and 127.60 degree-days when reared on eggs of A. gemmatalis. The number of generations per month increased from 1.45 to 4.23 and from 1.49 to 4.79 when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of P. includens and A. gemmatalis, respectively, following the increases in the temperature. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Chlorpheniramine maleate (CLOR) enantiomers were quantified by ultraviolet spectroscopy and partial least squares regression. The CLOR enantiomers were prepared as inclusion complexes with beta-cyclodextrin and 1-butanol with mole fractions in the range from 50 to 100%. For the multivariate calibration the outliers were detected and excluded and variable selection was performed by interval partial least squares and a genetic algorithm. Figures of merit showed results for accuracy of 3.63 and 2.83% (S)-CLOR for root mean square errors of calibration and prediction, respectively. The ellipse confidence region included the point for the intercept and the slope of 1 and 0, respectively. Precision and analytical sensitivity were 0.57 and 0.50% (S)-CLOR, respectively. The sensitivity, selectivity, adjustment, and signal-to-noise ratio were also determined. The model was validated by a paired t test with the results obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography proposed by the European pharmacopoeia and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The results showed there was no significant difference between the methods at the 95% confidence level, indicating that the proposed method can be used as an alternative to standard procedures for chiral analysis.
In this paper, we investigate the effects of societal values and life stage on subordinate influence ethics. Based on the evolving crossvergence theory of macro-level predictors of values evolution, we demonstrate the applicability of crossvergence theory in the micro-level context. Furthermore, our study provides the first empirical multi-level analysis of influence ethics utilizing a multi pie-country sample. Thus, we illustrate how the breath of crossvergence can be expanded to provide a multi-level theoretical foundation of values and behavior evolution across cultures. Specifically, we integrate micro-level life stage theory and macro-level societal culture theory to concurrently assess the contributions of each theory in explaining subordinate influence ethics across the diverse societies of Brazil. China, Germany and the U.S. Consistent with previous research, we found significant societal differences in influence ethics. However, we also found that life stage theory played a significant role in understanding influence ethics. Thus, our findings expand the crossvergence perspective on societal change, indicating that key micro-level predictors (e.g., life stage) should be included in cross-cultural research. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A sensitive and reproducible stir bar-sorptive extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography-UV detection (SBSE/HPLC-UV) method for therapeutic drug monitoring of carbamazepine, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide, phenytoin and phenobarbital in plasma samples is described and compared with a liquid:liquid extraction (LLE/HPLC-UV) method. Important factors in the optimization of SBSE efficiency such as pH, extraction time and desorption conditions (solvents, mode magnetic stir, mode ultrasonic stir, time and number of steps) assured recoveries ranging from 72 to 86%, except for phenytoin (62%). Separation was obtained using a reverse phase C-18 column with UV detection (210 nm). The mobile phase consisted of water: acetonitrile (78:22, v/v). The SBSE/HPLC-UV method was linear over a working range of 0.08-40.0 mu g mL(-1) for carbamazepine, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide and phenobarbital and 0.125-40.0 mu g mL(-1) for phenytoin, The intra-assay and inter-assay precision and accuracy were studied at three concentrations (1.0, 4.0 and 20.0 mu g mL(-1)). The intra-assay coefficients of variation (CVs) for all compounds were less than 8.8% and all inter-CVs were less than 10%. Limits of quantification were 0.08 mu g mL(-1) for carbamazepine, carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide and phenobarbital and 0.125 mu g mL(-1) for phenytoin. No interference of the drugs normally associated with antiepileptic drugs was observed. Based on figures of merit results, the SBSE/HPLC-UV proved adequate for antiepileptic drugs analyses from therapeutic levels. This method was successfully applied to the analysis of real samples and was as effective as the LLE/HPLC-UV method. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A sensitive and reproducible stir bar-sorptive extraction and high performance liquid chromatography-UV detection (SBSE/HPLC-UV) method for therapeutic drug monitoring of rifampicin in plasma samples is described and compared with a liquid:liquid extraction (LLE/HPLC-UV) method. This miniaturized method can result in faster analysis, higher sample throughput, lower solvent consumption and less workload per sample while maintaining or even improving sensitivity. Important factors in the optimization of SBSE efficiency such as pH, temperature, extraction time and desorption conditions (solvents, mode magnetic stir, mode ultrasonic stir, time and number of steps) were optimized recoveries ranging from 75 to 80%. Separation was obtained using a reverse phase C(8) column with UV detection (254 nm). The mobile phase consisted of methanol:0.25 N sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (58:42, v/v). The SBSE/HPLC-UV method was linear over a working range of 0.125-50.0 mu g mL(-1). The intra-assay and inter-assay precision and accuracy were studied at three concentrations (1.25, 6.25 and 25.0 mu g mL(-1)). The intra-assay coefficients of variation (CVs) for all compounds were less than 10% and all inter-CVs were less than 10%. Limits of quantification were 0.125 mu g mL(-1). Stability studies showed rifampicin was stable in plasma for 12 h after thawing; the samples were also stable for 24 h after preparation. Based on the figures of merit results, the SBSE/HPLC-UV proved to be adequate to the rifampicin analyses from therapeutic to toxic levels. This method was successfully applied to the analysis of real samples and was as effective as the LLE/HPLC-UV method. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The genus Gripopteryx is revised and two new species are described, G. japi n. sp. from southeastern Brazil, and G. clemira n. sp. from northeastern Brazil. The male of G. brasiliensis Samal, 1921 and the female of G. flinti Froehlich, 1993 are described. New figures for G. maculosa Jewett, 1960, for the male of G. reticulata Brauer, 1866, and for the female of G. brasiliensis are provided. Keys to adult males and to nymphs are provided.
This essay is presented as a Benjaminian work site. The juxtaposition of apparently distant figures in brusque and surprising relations may well cause puzzlement. But the affinities are revealing. In the whirlpools of Michael Taussig`s studies, I search for a theoretical composition in counterpoint: on one side, Victor Turner and Clifford Geertz, whose writings possibly lead us to think of a kind of paradigm of the dramatic theatre in anthropology, and, on the other, two figures on the margins of anthropology and the dramatic theatre - Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht. The essay`s gravitational force is located on these margins, especially the fragmented work of Benjamin. In short, this is an essay towards a Benjaminian anthropology, organized around three allegories: (1) magic mirror; (2) shattering; and (3) flashes of light. In some ways, the journey suggests the form of an unusual rite of passage: the passage towards a passing condition.
This article examines the relation between President Janio Quadros and the National Congress during the early 1960`s. Based on the analysis of the discourse of these figures, it proposes that Quadros maneuvered to diminish the legitimacy of the Congress in the public opinion, thus disrespecting its constitutional competencies. Consequently, it shows that not only did the Congress structure political mechanisms in an attempt to recover its credibility with society, but also that this dispute and its results had important effects on President Joao Goulart`s administration and even on the 1964 military coup.
RESUMO: O parágrafo 62 da Crítica do Juízo, cuja função é definir o conceito de conformidade a fins objetiva (objektive Zweckmässigkeit), começa com uma declaração do filósofo segundo a qual todas as figuras geométricas se relacionam com uma conformidade a fins objetiva e admirável. Embora não seja aqui essencial para a definição do princípio dessa conformidade a fins, a afirmação de Kant de que ela é muitas vezes digna de admiração exerce um importante papel para a sua própria definição. O objetivo deste texto é tecer algumas considerações em torno dessa relação entre o princípio estritamente lógico da conformidade a fins e o sentimento em geral, seja de admiração da natureza, ou em todas as suas variações, tais como aparece na sequência do mesmo parágrafo 62: o entusiasmo, a alegria e a estupefação. Embora de antemão se reconheça que tais sentimentos não podem intervir no mecanismo estritamente lógico desse princípio, que, segundo Kant, é transcendental, pretende-se mostrar como o seu uso relaciona-se sempre e de algum modo com um sentimento. Para isso, é preciso mostrar que a afirmação de Kant segundo a qual o juízo teleológico não possui nenhuma relação com o sentimento de prazer e desprazer não implica necessariamente que esse tipo de juízo não possua relação nenhuma como nenhum tipo de sentimento.
Symptoms after mould exposure including Stachybotrys chartarum, and comparison with darkroom disease
P>Background: Mould-attributed symptoms have included features which overlap with unexplained syndromes such as sick building syndrome. Objectives: We describe questionnaire and chart review findings in patients following exposure to moulds which include Stachybotrys and compare responses with two control groups. Methods: Thirty-two patients presented with symptoms attributed to mould exposures. Exposure identification for 25 patients had reported S tachybotrys chartarum as well as other mould (Aspergillus, Penicillium), 88% at work. The remaining seven had professionally visualized or self-reported/photographic exposure evidence only. A chart review was performed and a follow-up with a questionnaire, including questions on current health status, and nonspecific symptoms. Results: Cough, shortness of breath and chest tightness (at presentation) were reported in 79%, 70% and 64%, respectively, and persisted > 6 weeks in 91%. Skin test(s) were positive to fungal extract(s) in 30%. Seventeen returned questionnaires were obtained 3.1 (SD 0.5) years after the initial clinic assessment. Among this subgroup, persisting asthma-like symptoms and symptoms suggestive of sick building syndrome were frequent, and similar to a group previously assessed for darkroom disease among medical radiation technologists. The mould-exposed group more commonly reported they were bothered when walking in a room with carpets, complained of a chemical or metallic taste in their mouth, and had problems in concentration when compared with a control physiotherapist group (P < 0.005). Conclusions: Although only a minority with health concerns from indoor mould exposure had demonstrable mould-allergy, a significant proportion had asthma-like symptoms. Other symptoms were also common and persistent after the initial implicated exposure.
Background: The Helicobacter pylori reinfection seems to be higher in developing countries, than in developed ones. The aim of the study was to determine the annual recurrence rate of H. pylori, in Brazilian patients with peptic ulcer disease, in a 5-year follow-up. Methods: Patients, with peptic ulcer disease diagnosed by upper digestive endoscopy (UDE) and H. pylori infection verified by histological analysis, rapid urease test, polymerase chain reaction, and urea breath test (UBT), were treated for bacterial eradication. The cure of the infection was verified using the same tests, 3 months after. Clinical evaluation and UBT were performed after sixth and ninth month. After 1 year of follow-up, UBT and UDE were repeated. Up to the fifth year, patients were assessed twice a year and an UBT was performed annually. The patients included and all the reinfected were tested for 15 different genes of the H. pylori. Results: One hundred and forty-seven patients were followed: 19 for 1 year, eight for 2 years, four for 3 years, five for 4 years, and 98 for 5 years, totaling 557 patients/years. Recurrence did not occur in the first year. In the second year, two patients were reinfected; in the third, four patients; in the fourth, three patients; and in the fifth, one patient. The total of reinfected patients was 10. The annual reinfection rate was 1.8%. Conclusion: Brazil presents a low prevalence of H. pylori reinfection, similar to the developed countries.
The level of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is significantly elevated in uncontrolled asthma and decreases after anti-inflammatory therapy The aim of this prospective study was to analyze the behavior of FENO in the follow-up and management of the inflammation in asthmatic pediatric patients treated with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), compared to sputum cellularity, serum interleukins (IL), and pulmonary function. Twenty-six clinically stable asthmatic children aged from 6 to 18 years, previously treated or not with ICS were included. Following an international consensus (GINA), the patients were submitted to standard treatment with inhaled fluticasone for 3 months according to the severity of the disease. During this period, each patient underwent three assessments at intervals of approximately 6 weeks: Each evaluation consisted of the measurement of FENO, determination of serum interleukins IL-5, IL-10, IL-13, and interferon gamma (INF-gamma), spirometry and cytological analysis of spontaneous or induced sputum. A significant reduction in mean FENO and IL-5, without concomitant changes in FEV1, was observed along the study. There was no significant correlation between FeNO and FEV1 in the three assessments. A significant correlation between FeNO and IL-5 levels was only observed in the third assessment (r = 0.499, P=0.025). In most patients, serum IL-10, IL-13, and INF-gamma concentrations were undetectable throughout the study Sputum samples were obtained spontaneously in 11 occasions and in 56 by induction with 3% hypertonic saline solution (success rate: 50.8%), with 39 (69.9%) of them adequate for analysis. Only two of the 26 patients produced adequate samples in the three consecutive evaluations, which impaired the determination of a potential association between sputum cellularity and FeNO levels throughout the study. In conclusion, among the parameters of this study, it was difficult to perform and to interpret the serial analysis of spontaneous or induced sputum. Serum interleukins, which remained at very low or undetectable levels in most patients, were not found to be useful for therapeutic monitoring, except for IL-5 that seems to present some correlation with levels of FeNO exhaled. Monitoring of the mean FEV1 indicated no significant variations during the treatment, demonstrating that functional stability or the absence of obstruction may not reflect the adequate management of asthma. Serial measurement of FeNO seemed to best reflect the progressive anti-inflammatory action of ICS in asthma.