341 resultados para FE-analysis of vibrations
Hemophilia A is an X-linked, inherited, bleeding disorder caused by the partial or total inactivity of the coagulation factor VIII (FVIII). Due to difficulties in the direct recognition of the disease-associated mutation in the F8 gene, indirect diagnosis using polymorphic markers located inside or close to the gene is used as an alternative for determining the segregation of the mutant gene within families and thus for detecting carrier individuals and/or assisting in prenatal diagnosis. This study characterizes the allelic and haplotype frequencies, genetic diversity, population differentiation and linkage disequilibrium of five microsatellites (F8Int1, F8Int13, F8Int22, F8Int25.3 and IKBKG) in samples of healthy individuals from Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Pernambuco and of patients from Sao Paulo with haemophilia A to determine the degree of informativeness of these microsatellites for diagnostic purposes. The interpopulational diversity parameters highlight the differences among the analyzed population samples. Regional differences in allelic frequencies must be taken into account when conducting indirect diagnosis of haemophilia A. With the exception of IKBKG, all of the microsatellites presented high heterozygosity levels. Using the markers described, diagnosis was possible in 10 of 11 families. The F8Int22, F8Int1, F8Int13, F8Int25.3 and IKBKG microsatellites were informative in seven, six, five and two of the cases, respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness of using these microsatellites in prenatal diagnosis and in carrier identification in the Brazilian population.
Studies have provided evidence of the important effects of omega-3 fatty acid on the brain in neurological conditions, including epilepsy. Previous data have indicated that omega-3 fatty acids lead to prevention of status epilepticus-associated neuropathological changes in the hippocampal formation of rats with epilepsy. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation has resulted in extensive preservation of GABAergic cells in animals with epilepsy. This study investigated the interplay of these effects with neurogenesis and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). The results clearly showed a positive effect of long-term omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on brain plasticity in animals with epilepsy. Enhanced hippocampal neurogenesis and BDNF levels and preservation of interneurons expressing parvalbumin were observed. Parvalbumin-positive cells were identified as surviving instead of newly formed cells. Additional investigations are needed to determine the electrophysiological properties of the newly formed cells and to clarify whether the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on brain plasticity are accompanied by functional gain in animals with epilepsy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study evaluated the arterial response to cobalt-chromium stents with and without polymer coating (Camouflage (R), Hemoteq AG, Wuerselen, Germany) implanted in pigs. Cobalt-chromium balloon-expandable stents (4 x 16 mm) were implanted in the common carotid arteries of nine pigs. Histological analysis of endothelialization, inflammation and injury was performed one month later. All stents were successfully deployed, and all but one animal survived the 30 study days. All arteries were patent. Endothelialization was nearly complete in most sections of all carotid stents in both groups. There were mild inflammatory infiltrate and mild-to-moderate injury, which were associated with the stent shafts and not significantly different between groups. Our findings suggest that, in porcine carotid arteries, the histological response to balloon-expandable cobalt-chromium stents coated with polymer (Camouflage (R), Hemoteq AG) is similar to the response to non-coated cobalt-chromium stents.
Previous studies have demonstrated that the pharmacological activities displayed by Bothrops jararaca venom undergo a significant ontogenetic shift. Variation in the venom proteome is a well-documented phenomenon; however, variation in the venom peptidome is poorly understood. We report a comparative proteomic and peptidomic analysis of venoms from newborn and adult specimens of B. jararaca and correlate it with the evaluation of important venom features. We demonstrate that newborn and adult venoms have similar hemorrhagic activities, while the adult venom has a slightly higher lethal activity in mice; however, the newborn venom is extremely more potent to kill chicks. The coagulant activity of newborn venom upon human plasma is 10 times higher than that of adult venom. These differences were clearly reflected in their different profiles of SDS-PAGE, gelatin zimography, immunostaining using specific antibodies, glycosylation pattern, and concanavalin A-binding proteins. Furthermore, we report for the first time the analysis of the peptide fraction of newborn and adult venoms by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and LC-MS/MS, which revealed different contents of peptides, while the bradykinin potentiating peptides (BPPs) showed rather similar profiles and were detected in the venoms showing their canonical sequences and also novel sequences corresponding to BPPs processed from their precursor protein at sites so far not described. As a result of these studies, we demonstrated that the ontogenetic shift in diet, from ectothermic prey in early life to endothermic prey in adulthood, and in animal size are associated with changes in the venom proteome in B. jararaca species.
There are many techniques for the treatment of hip dysplasia, and novel research is currently being undertaken in the hope of obtaining more efficient and less traumatic techniques. The denervation of the hip joint capsule is a simple and effective technique that allows recovery of the functional activity of the affected limbs in significantly less time than other techniques. This surgical procedure consists of removing the acetabular periosteum, thus eliminating the nerve fibres with consequent analgesia. The aim of this investigation was to quantify the number of nerve fibres present in different regions of the acetabular periosteum. The knowledge of regional differences is potentially valuable for the refining of the denervation technique of the hip joint capsule. Thirty canine acetabular fragments were used to compare the nerve fibre density of the periosteum. The results showed a significant difference between the mean density of nerve fibres at the cranial and dorsal-lateral portion (approximately 75 fibres/mm(2)) and caudal lateral portion (approximately 60 fibres/mm(2)) of the acetabulum. Those fibres at the pedosteum are almost positioned in a sagittal plane, pointing towards the joint capsule, suggesting the some density in the latter region. These results indicate a new approach to the articular denervation technique, thus obtanining even better results for the treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs.
This study conducts a cost-effectiveness analysis of a childhood universal varicella vaccination program in Brazil. An age and time-dependent dynamic model was developed to estimate the incidence of varicella for 30 years. Assuming a single-dose schedule; vaccine efficacy of 85% and coverage of 80%, the program could prevent 74,422,058 cases and 2905 deaths. It would cost R$ 3,178,396,110 and save R$ 660,076,410 to the society and R$ 365,602,305 to the healthcare system. The program is cost-effective (R$ 14,749 and R$ 16,582 per life-year saved under the societal and the healthcare system`s perspective, respectively). The program`s cost-effectiveness is highly sensitive to the vaccine price and number of doses. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Organisms of the genera Toxoplasma, Hammondia and Neospora, the Hammondia-like organisms, are closely related coccidian with similarly sized oocysts. Therefore, a diagnosis based on microscopy of oocysts in feces is not a method of choice for species identification of these important parasites. In this paper, we present a polymerase chain reaction coupled with restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method to differentially diagnose oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii from oocyst of Hammondia hammondi. Another PCR-RFLP was designed to differentiate oocysts of Hammondia heydorni from oocysts of Neospora spp. Both PCR-RFLP are based on nucleotide sequences of the Hsp70 coding gene. In conclusion, we presented two alternative molecular diagnostic assays that can be successfully applied for the differentiation of oocysts of Hammondia-like organisms shed by felids and canids.
Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences were generated from Rhipicephalus sanguineus group specimens collected in 29 localities among 9 Latin-American countries, plus ticks collected in South Africa, Spain, and Italy. Sequences from Latin America generated six different haplotypes (A, B, C, D, E, and F). Phylogenetic analyses generated trees that segregated our tick sequences into two distinct clades: one is represented by haplotypes A-C, and South African R. sanguineus and Rhipicephalus turanicus ticks; the second clade is represented by haplotypes D-F, and European R. sanguineus and R. turanicus ticks. When haplotypes A-Fare plotted in the Latin America map according to their geographical coordinates, it is clearly seen that haplotypes D-F are restricted to the southern portion of this continent, whereas haplotypes A-C are distributed in areas between northern Mexico and Brazil (except for the extreme south of this last country, where haplotype E was present). Hence, our phylogenetic analyses separated New World specimens of R. sanguineus into two distinct clades, one represented by tropical and subtropical populations (haplotypes A-C), here designated as the `tropical` species. On the other hand, haplotypes D-F are here designated as the `temperate` species because of their distribution in the southern portion of South America. Until recently, it was assumed that the R. sanguineus group was represented by a single species in the New World, namely R. sanguineus. While the present results coupled with recent studies support the presence of at least two species under the taxon R. sanguineus in the New World, they also show that even in the Old World, the taxon R. sanguineus might be represented by more than one species, since our phylogenetic analysis segregated European and South African R. sanguineus ticks into two distinct clades. The same can be applied for Spanish and South African R. turanicus. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rabies virus (RABV) isolates from two species of canids and three species of bats were analyzed by comparing the C-terminal region of the G gene and the G-L intergenic region of the virus genome. Intercluster identities for the genetic sequences of the isolates showed both regions to be poorly conserved. Phylogenetic trees were generated by the neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony methods, and the results were found to agree between the two methods for both regions. Putative amino acid sequences obtained from the G gene were also analyzed, and genetic markers were identified. Our results suggest that different genetic lineages of RABV are adapted to different animal species in Brazil.
The aim of this study was to determine if Toxoplasma gondii are present in oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) and mussels (Mytella guyanensis) under natural conditions using a bioassay in mice and molecular detection methods. We first compared two standard protocols for DNA extraction, phenol-chloroform (PC) and guanidine-thiocyanate (GT), for both molluscs. A total of 300 oysters and 300 mussels were then acquired from the fish market in Santos city, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, between March and August of 2008 and divided into 60 groups of 5 oysters and 20 groups of 15 mussels. To isolate the parasite, five mice were orally inoculated with sieved tissue homogenates from each group of oysters or mussels. For molecular detection of T. gondii, DNA from mussels was extracted using the PC method and DNA from oysters was extracted using the GT method. A nested-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) based on the amplification of a 155 bp fragment from the B1 gene of T. gondii was then performed. Eleven PCR-RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, CS3 and Apico, were used to genotype positive samples. There was no isolation of the parasite by bioassay in mice. T. gondii was not detected in any of the groups of mussels by nested-PCR. DNA of T. gondii was apparently detected by nested-PCR in 2 groups of oysters (3.3%). Genotyping of these two positive samples was not successful. The results suggest that oysters of the species C. rhizophorae, the most common species from the coast of Sao Paulo, can filter and retain T. gondii oocysts from the marine environment. Ingestion of raw oysters as a potential transmission source of T. gondii to humans and marine mammals should be further investigated. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The complete genome sequence of wild-type rabies virus (RABV) isolated from a wild Brazilian hoary fox (Dusicyon sp.), the BR-Pfx1 isolate, was determined and compared with fixed RABV strains. The genome structure and organization of the BR-Pfx1 isolate were composed of 11,924 nt and included the five standard genes of rhabdoviruses. Sequences of mRNA start and stop signals for transcription were highly conserved among all structural protein genes of the BR-Pfx1 isolate. All amino acid residues in the glycoprotein (G) gene associated with pathogenicity were retained in the BR-Pfx1 isolate, while unique amino acid substitutions were found in antigenic region I of the nucleoprotein gene and III of G. These results suggest that although the standard genome structure and organization of the RABV isolate are common between the BR-Pfx1 isolate and fixed RABV strains, the unique amino acid substitutions in functional sites of the BR-Pfx1 isolate may result in different biological characteristics from fixed RABV strains.
At the end of 2002 and throughout 2003, there was a severe outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in an intensive production area of commercial hens in the Sao Paulo State of Brazil. ILT virus was isolated from 28 flocks, and 21 isolates were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) using four genes and eight restriction enzymes, and by partial sequencing of the infected cell protein 4 (ICP4) and thymidine kinase (TK) genes. Three groups resulted from the combinations of PCR-RFLP patterns: 19 field isolates formed Group I, and the remaining two isolates together with the chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccine strains formed Group II. Group III comprised the tissue-culture origin (TCO) vaccine strain by itself. The PCR-RFLP results agreed with the sequencing results of two ICP4 gene fragments. The ICP4 gene sequence analysis showed that the 19 field isolates classified into Group I by RFLP-PCR were identical among themselves, but were different to the TCO and CEO vaccines. The two Group II isolates could not be distinguished from one of the CEO vaccines. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence analyses discriminated between the Brazilian and non-Brazilian isolates, as well as between the TCO and CEO vaccines. Sequence analysis of the TK gene enabled classification of the field isolates (Group I) as virulent and non-vaccine. This work shows that the severe ILT outbreak was caused by a highly virulent, non-vaccine strain.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the precision of the measurements of 2 craniometric anatomic points-glabella and anterior nasal spine-in order to verify their possibility as potential locations for placing implants aimed at nasal prostheses retention. Methods: Twenty-six dry human skulls were scanned in a high-resolution spiral tomography with 1-mm axial slice thickness and 1-mm interval reconstruction using a bone tissue filter. Images obtained were stored and transferred to an independent workstation containing e-film imaging software. The measurements (in the glabella and anterior nasal fossa) were made independently by 2 observers twice for each measurement. Data were submitted to statistical analysis (parametric t test). Results: The results demonstrated no statistically significant difference between interobserver and intraobserver measurements (P > .05). The standard error was found to be between 0.49 mm and 0.84 mrn for measurements in bone protocol, indicating a high /eve/ of precision. Conclusions: The measurements obtained in anterior nasal spine and glabella were considered precise and reproducible. Mean values of such measurements pointed to the possibility of implant placement in these regions, particularly in the anterior nasal spine.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser (2.94 mu m) irradiation on the removal of root surface smear layer of extracted human teeth and to compare its efficacy with that of citric acid, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), or a gel containing a mixture of tetracycline hydrochloride (HCl) and citric acid, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thirty human dentin specimens were randomly divided into six groups: G1 (control group), irrigated with 10 ml of physiologic saline solution; G2, conditioned with 24% citric acid gel; G3, conditioned with 24% EDTA gel; G4, conditioned with a 50% citric acid and tetracycline gel; G5, irradiated with Er:YAG laser (47 mJ/10 Hz/5.8 J/cm(2)/pulse); G6, irradiated with Er:YAG laser (83 mJ/10 Hz/10.3 J/cm(2)/pulse). Electron micrographs were obtained and analyzed according to a rating system. Statistical analysis was conducted with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (P < 0.05). G1 was statistically different from all the other groups; no statistically significant differences were observed between the Er:YAG laser groups and those undergoing the other treatment modalities. When the two Er:YAG laser groups were compared, the fluency of G6 was statistically more effective in smear layer removal than the one used in G5 (Mann-Whitney test, P < 0.01). Root surfaces irradiated by Er:YAG laser had more irregular contours than those treated by chemical agents. It can be concluded that all treatment modalities were effective in smear layer removal. The results of our study suggest that the Er:YAG laser can be safely used to condition diseased root surfaces effectively. Furthermore, the effect of Er:YAG laser irradiation on root surfaces should be evaluated in vivo so that its potential to enhance the healing of periodontal tissues can be assessed.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of apical root transportation after the use of Pro Taper Universal rotary files sizes 3 (F3) and 4 (F4). Methods: Instruments were worked to the apex of the original canal, always by the same operator. Digital subtraction radiography images were produced in buccolingual and mesiodistal projections. A total of 25 radiographs were taken from root canals of human maxillary first molars with curvatures varying from 23-31 degrees. Quantitative data were analyzed by intraclass correlation coefficient and Wilcoxon nonparametric test (P = .05). Results: Buccolingual images revealed a significantly higher degree of apical transportation associated with F4 instruments when compared with F3 instruments in relation to the original canal (Wilcoxon test, P = .007). No significant difference was observed in mesiodistal images (P = .492). Conclusions: F3 instruments should be used with care in curved canals, and F4 instruments should be avoided in apical third preparation of curved canals. (J Endod 2010;36:1052-1055)