318 resultados para American Guild of Variety Artists.
The present report describes an original surgical procedure for the mandibular reconstruction of 2 different defects using a single fibular flap. In addition to the habitual osteotomies, we resected a bone fragment from the middle portion of the flap, with care taken to maintain the integrity of the pedicle throughout its extension to guarantee an adequate blood supply also for the distal portion of the bone flap used for the treatment of the smaller mandibular defect. This simple maneuver permitted the reconstruction of 2 mandibular regions with well-vascularized bone tissue using a single microsurgical flap. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Purpose: Bone maintenance after mandibular reconstruction with autogenous iliac crest may be disappointing due to extensive resorption in the long term. The potential of the guided-bone regeneration (GBR) technique to enhance the healing process in segmental defects lacks comprehensive scientific documentation. This study aimed to investigate the influence of polylactide membrane permeability on the fate of iliac bone graft (BG) used to treat mandibular segmental defects. Materials and Methods: Unilateral 10-mm-wide segmental defects were created through the mandibles of 34 mongrel dogs. All defects were mechanically stabilized, and the animals were divided into 6 treatment groups: control, BG alone, microporous membrane (poly L/DL-lactide 80/20%) (Mi); Mi plus BG; microporous laser-perforated (15 cm(2) ratio) membrane (Mip), and Mip plus BG. Calcein fluorochrome was injected intravenously at 3 months, and animal euthanasia was carried out at 6 months postoperatively. Results: Histomorphometry showed that BG protected by Mip was consistently related to larger amounts of bone compared with other groups (P <= .0001). No difference was found between defects treated with Mip alone and BG alone. Mi alone rendered the least bone area and reduced the amount of grafted bone to control levels. Data from bone labeling indicated that the bone formation process was incipient in the BG group at 3 months postoperatively regardless of whether or not it was covered by membrane. In contrast, GBR with Mip tended to enhance bone formation activity at 3 months. Conclusions: The use of Mip alone could be a useful alternative to BG. The combination of Mip membrane and BG efficiently delivered increased bone amounts in segmental defects compared with other treatment modalities. (C) 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Noninvasive assessment of cardiac structure and function is essential to understand the natural course of murine infection with Trypanosoma cruzi. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and echocardiography have been used to monitor anatomy and function; positron emission tomography (PET) is ideal for monitoring metabolic events in the myocardium. Mice infected with T. cruzi (Brazil strain) were imaged 15-100 days post infection (dpi). Quantitative (18)F-FDG microPET imaging, MRI and echocardiography were performed and compared. Tracer ((18)F-FDG) uptake was significantly higher in infected mice at all days of infection, from 15 to 100 dpi. Dilatation of the right ventricular chamber was observed by MRI from 30 to 100 dpi in infected mice. Echocardiography revealed significantly reduced ejection fraction by 60 dpi. Combination of these three complementary imaging modalities makes it possible to noninvasively quantify cardiovascular function, morphology, and metabolism from the earliest days of infection through the chronic phase.
Paracoccidioiodomycosis (PCM) is a systemic and deep mycosis endemic in Latin America, especially in Brazil. In patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), PCM can manifest with prominent involvement of the reticuloendothelial system. There are no reports in the literature of esophageal involvement by PCM in that population. We report a case of PCM with pulmonary and esophageal involvement without radiologic evidence of an esophageal-bronchial fistula in an HIV-infected patient.
Background: Obesity is epidemic worldwide, and increases in cesarean delivery rates have occurred in parallel. Objective: This study aimed to determine whether cesarean delivery is a risk factor for obesity in adulthood in a birth cohort of Brazilian subjects. Design: We initiated a birth cohort study in Ribeirao Preto, southeastern Brazil, in 1978. A randomly selected sample of 2057 subjects from the original cohort was reassessed in 2002-2004. Type of delivery, birth weight, maternal smoking, and schooling were obtained after birth. The following data from subjects were collected at 23-25 y of age: body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)), physical activity, smoking, and income. Obesity was defined as a BMI >= 30. A Poisson multivariable model was performed to determine the association between cesarean delivery and BMI. Results: The obesity rate in adults born by cesarean delivery was 15.2% and in those born by vaginal delivery was 10.4% (P = 0.002). Adults born by cesarean delivery had an increased risk (prevalence ratio: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.23, 2.02) of obesity at adulthood after adjustments. Conclusion: We hypothesize that increasing rates of cesarean delivery may play a role in the obesity epidemic worldwide. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93:1344-7.
The 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) caused significant morbidity and mortality. Acute lung injury is the hallmark of the disease, but multiple organ system dysfunction can develop and lead to death. Therefore, we sought to investigate whether there was postmortem evidence of H1N1 presence and virus-induced organ injury in autopsy specimens. Five cases in which patients died of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection were studied. The lungs of all patients showed macroscopic and microscopic findings already described for H1N1 (consolidation, edema, hemorrhage, alveolar damage, hyaline membrane, and inflammation), and H1N1 viruses were present in alveolar cells in immunochemical studies. Acute tubular necrosis was present in all cases, but there was no evidence of direct virus-induced kidney injury. Nevertheless, H1N1 viruses were found in the cytoplasm of glomerular macrophages in the kidneys of 4 patients. Therefore, our data provide strong evidence that H1N1 presence is not restricted to the lungs.
Background. Respiratory symptoms associated with smoking habit seem to be age dependent. However, there are few reports about the effect of tobacco in young populations. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of smoking on respiratory symptoms and lung function in 23- to 25-year-old adults in Brazil. This study had a cross-sectional design and included 2063 young people in the city of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State. Methods: Subjects completed a questionnaire used by the European Community Respiratory Health Survey and underwent spirometry and bronchial challenge test with methacholine. Multiple logistic regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were carried out to assess the association between smoking and respiratory symptoms, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and forced vital capacity (FVC), adjusted for confounding variables. Results: Prevalence of smoking habit was 17.2% with consumption (median) of 10 cigarettes per day (interquartile range 3-20). There was a significant association between smoking and respiratory symptoms. Smoking was associated to wheezing with odds ratio (95%Cl) of 6.11 (4.03-9.28) among those smoking :10 cigarettes per day and 3.36 (2.11-5.37) among those smoking <10 cigarettes per day. Associations were found for other respiratory symptoms. Smoking was associated with lower FEV1/FVC ratio. No association was detected between smoking and FEV1 or bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Conclusions: These findings highlight the early health consequences of smoking among young adults. These results prompt the necessity to elaborate urgent programs to reduce tobacco habit in young populations.
Rocio virus (ROCV) is a flavivirus, probably transmitted by Culex mosquitoes and maintained in nature as a zoonosis of wild birds. Rocio virus caused a human epidemic of severe encephalitis that lasted from 1973 to 1980 in the Ribeira valley, in the southeastern coast of Brazil. After this outbreak, serologic evidence of ROCV circulation has been reported and public health authorities are concerned about a return of ROCV outbreaks in Brazil. We show here a study on the pathogenesis and the physiopathology of ROCV disease in the central nervous system of a Balb/C young adult mice experimental model. The animals were intraperitoneally infected by ROCV and followed from 0 to 9 days after infection, when all of them died. Nervous tissue samples were collected from infected animals for immunohistochemistry and molecular biology analysis. We observed the virus in the central nervous system, the inflammatory changes induced by Th1 and Th2 cytokines, and the final irreversible damage of nervous tissues by neuronal degeneration and apoptosis. These findings can help to better understand the pathogenesis and physiopathology of the human meningoencephalomyelitis by ROCV and other flaviviruses.
Nasal allergies in the Latin American population: Results from the Allergies in Latin America survey
Allergies in Latin America is the first cross-national survey that describes the symptoms, impact, and treatment of nasal allergies (NAs) in individuals >= 4 years old in Latin America (LA). In total, 22,012 households across the Latin American countries of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela were screened for children, adolescents, and adults with a diagnosis of NA and either symptoms or treatment in the past 12 months. A total of 1088 adults and 457 children and adolescents were included and the sample was probability based to ensure valid statistical inference to the population. Approximately 7% of the LA population was diagnosed with NAs with two of three respondents stating that their allergies were seasonal or intermittent in nature. A general practice physician or otolaryngologist diagnosed the majority of individuals surveyed. Nasal congestion was the most common and bothersome symptom of NAs. Sufferers indicated that their symptoms affected productivity and sleep and had a negative impact on quality of life. Two-thirds of patients reported taking some type of medication for their NAs, with a roughly equal percentage of patients reporting taking over-the-counter versus prescription medications. Changing medications was most commonly done in those reporting inadequate efficacy. The most common reasons cited for dissatisfaction with current medications were related to inadequate effectiveness, effectiveness wearing off with chronic use, failure to provide 24-hour relief, and bothersome side effects (e.g., unpleasant taste and retrograde drainage into the esophagus). Findings from this cross-national survey on NAs have confirmed a high prevalence of physician-diagnosed NAs and a considerable negative impact on daily quality of life and work productivity as well as substantial disease management challenges in LA. Through identification of disease impact on the LA population and further defining treatment gaps, clinicians in LA may better understand and treat NAs, thus leading to improvements in overall patient satisfaction and quality of life. (Allergy Asthma Proc 31:S9-S27, 2010; doi: 10.2500/aap.2010.31.3347)
Purpose: To investigate the effects of intrapulpal temperature changes induced by a quartz tungsten halogen (QTH) and a light emitting diode (LED) curing units on the metabolism of odontoblast-like cells. Methods: Thirty-six 0.5 mm-thick dentin discs obtained from sound human teeth were randomly assigned into three groups: QTH, LED and no light (control). After placement of the dentin discs in pulp chamber devices, a thermistor was attached to the pulpal surface of each disc and the light sources were applied on the occlusal surface. After registering the temperature change, odontoblast-like cells MDPC-23 were seeded on the pulpal side of the discs and the curing lights were again applied. Cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT assay and cell morphology was assessed by SEM. Results: In groups QTH and LED the intrapulpal temperature increased by 6.4 degrees C and 3.4 degrees C, respectively. The difference between both groups was statistically significant (Mann-Whitney; P< 0.05). QTH and LED reduced the cell metabolism by 36.4% and 33.4%, respectively. Regarding the cell metabolism, no statistically significant difference was observed between both groups (Mann-Whitney; P> 0.05). However, when compared to the control, only QTH significantly reduced the cell metabolism (Mann-Whitney; P< 0.05). It was concluded that the irradiance of 0.5 mm-thick human dentin discs with a QTH in comparison to a LED curing unit promoted a higher temperature rise, which propagates through the dentin negatively affecting the metabolism of the underlying cultured pulp cells. (Am J Dent 2009;22:151-156).
Interventional cardiology for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease is a relatively young and rapidly evolving field. As the profession begins to establish multi-institutional databases, a universal system of nomenclature is necessary for the field of interventional cardiology for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the efforts of The International Society for Nomenclature of Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease to establish a system of nomenclature for cardiovascular catheterisation for congenital and paediatric cardiac disease, focusing both on procedural nomenclature and on the nomenclature of complications associated with interventional cardiology. This system of nomenclature for cardiovascular catheterisation for congenital and paediatric cardiac disease is a component of The International Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Code. This manuscript is the first part of a two-part series. Part 1 will cover the procedural nomenclature associated with interventional cardiology as treatment for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease. This procedural nomenclature of The International Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Code will be used in the IMPACT Registry (TM) (IMproving Pediatric and Adult Congenital Treatment) of the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (R) of The American College of Cardiology. Part 2 will cover the nomenclature of complications associated with interventional cardiology as treatment for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease.
During the period of 2006 to 2007, 28 university centers in Brazil used a standardized protocol of investigation to study the epidemiological, clinical and radiological variables of 1036 consecutive patients with the diagnosis of spondyloarthritis (SpA). Validated translated (Portuguese) versions of the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) Disease Activity Index and the Bath AS Functional Index were applied. Patient diagnoses were predominantly AS (72.3%), followed by psoriatic arthritis (13.7%), undifferentiated SpA (6.3%), reactive arthritis (3.6%), juvenile SpA (3.1%) and arthritis related to inflammatory bowel disease (1.0%). There was a predominance of male (73.6%) and white (59.5%) patients. Pure axial disease was observed in 36.7% of the patients, whereas the mixed pattern (axial, peripheral and entheseal) was observed in 47.9%. The most common extra-articular involvement was anterior uveitis (20.2%). HLA-B27 was positive in 69.5% of the tested patients.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The use of Onyx in the treatment of intracranial AVMs has increased the cure rate of endovascular embolization compared with the use of liquid adhesive agents. Inadvertent occlusion of the draining veins before the complete exclusion of the nidus constitutes a major risk of bleeding. We report a case series using the technique of double simultaneous arterial catheterization as an approach to achieve the complete, exclusion of the nidus before reaching the venous drainage, through a more controlled hemodynamic filling. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between April 2008 and November 2009, 17 patients with brain AVMs were treated by the DACT. The mean age of the patients was 32.7 years (range, 6-54 years), with 9 females and 8 males. The clinical onset was characterized by intracranial hemorrhage in 8 patients and by seizures in 7. The size of the AVMs ranged from 13 to 54 mm (average, 26.2 mm). The DACT was always used with the objective of curing the AVM. RESULTS: All 17 patients completed the EVT. The average number of sessions conducted was 1.4 (range, 1-3 sessions), with the average injection amount of 6.9 mL of Onyx (range, 2-25.2 mL). Sixteen AVMs (94.1%) were angiographically cured by embolization. Clinical complications occurred in 2 patients (11.7%); 1 of these was permanent (5.9%). No deaths were registered. CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary series shows that the DACT presents satisfactory results when used with curative intent.
Background: Twenty-three patients (median age 23 months) who underwent Fallot`s tetralogy repair were investigated prospectively to detect a possible association between histopathologic myocardial remodeling and echocardiographic findings of systolic or diastolic ventricular dysfunction. Methods: Intraoperatively resected infundibular bands and subendocardial biopsy samples from the right ventricle (RV) and left ventricle were obtained for histopathologic evaluation. Tissue Doppler echocardiographic interrogation of the ventricles was performed before surgery and in the postoperative period. Results: Histopathologic data revealed hypertrophy of the RV cardiomyocytes and increased interstitial collagen in both ventricles. Mean values of RV isovolumic acceleration decreased significantly at the third evaluation compared with the preoperative values (P = .006). RV myocardial fibrosis greater than 8.3% was associated with a probability of altered E` of at least 0.7 (odds ratio = 2.31). Conclusion: Preoperative histologic myocardial remodeling influenced the postoperative RV function in this group of patients with late repair. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the myocardium in younger patients and to define its influence in the long-term follow-up. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2010;23:912-8.)
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of the ethanolic extract of S. cumini according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute reference method (with modifications), determining the minimal inhibitory and lethal concentration. Activity against Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus and S. epidermidis), Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and yeast of Candida sp and Cryptococcus neoformans was evaluated. The effects of the fruit extract were examined in hamster cells ovaries in concentrations ranging from 1250.0 a 4.9 mu g/ml, measuring the reduction of the tetrazolium salt 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulphophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium. The extract showed both bactericidal and fungicidal activity among the various microorganisms tested and the MIC ranging from 7.8 to 250 mu g/ml. The MIC, MBC and MFC should values that were similar for all the microorganisms. Cytotoxicity index of the dried extract corresponded to the concentration of 400 mu g/ml. The extract could potentially be used in topical antimicrobial products. Thus, the activity of extract was potent to bacteria and mainly to non-albicans species and C. neoformans.