221 resultados para volume flow


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The steady-state heat transfer in laminar flow of liquid egg yolk - an important pseudoplastic fluid food - in circular and concentric annular ducts was experimentally investigated. The average convection heat transfer coefficients, determined by measuring temperatures before and after heating sections with constant temperatures at the tube wall, were used to obtain simple new empirical expressions to estimate the Nusselt numbers for fully established flows at the thermal entrance of the considered geometries. The comparisons with existing correlations for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids resulted in excellent agreement. The main contribution of this work is to supply practical and easily applicable correlations, which are, especially for the case of annulus, rather scarce and extensively required in the design of heat transfer operations dealing with similar shear-thinning products. In addition, the experimental results may support existing theoretical analyses.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da infiltração de dióxido de carbono em adipócitos presentes na parede abdominal. MÉTODOS: Quinze voluntárias foram submetidas a sessões de infusão de CO2 durante três semanas consecutivas (duas sessões por semana com intervalos de dois a três dias entre cada sessão). O volume de gás carbônico infundido por sessão, em pontos previamente demarcados, foi sempre calculado com base na superfície da área a ser tratada, com volume infundido fixo de 250 mL/100cm² de superfície tratada. Os pontos de infiltração foram demarcados respeitando-se o limite eqüidistante 2cm entre eles. Em cada ponto se injetou 10mL, por sessão, com fluxo de 80mL/min. Foram colhidos fragmentos de tecido celular subcutâneo da parede abdominal anterior antes e após o tratamento. O número e as alterações histomorfológicas dos adipócitos (diâmetro médio, perímetro, comprimento, largura e número de adipócitos por campos de observação) foram mensurados por citometria computadorizada. Os resultados foram analisados com o teste t de Student pareado, adotando-se nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: Encontrou-se redução significativa no número de adipócitos da parede abdominal e na área, diâmetro, perímetro, comprimento e largura após o uso da hipercapnia (p=0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: A infiltração percutânea de CO2 reduz a população e modifica a morfologia dos adipócitos presentes na parede abdominal anterior.


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The fluid flow over bodies with complex geometry has been the subject of research of many scientists and widely explored experimentally and numerically. The present study proposes an Eulerian Immersed Boundary Method for flows simulations over stationary or moving rigid bodies. The proposed method allows the use of Cartesians Meshes. Here, two-dimensional simulations of fluid flow over stationary and oscillating circular cylinders were used for verification and validation. Four different cases were explored: the flow over a stationary cylinder, the flow over a cylinder oscillating in the flow direction, the flow over a cylinder oscillating in the normal flow direction, and a cylinder with angular oscillation. The time integration was carried out by a classical 4th order Runge-Kutta scheme, with a time step of the same order of distance between two consecutive points in x direction. High-order compact finite difference schemes were used to calculate spatial derivatives. The drag and lift coefficients, the lock-in phenomenon and vorticity contour plots were used for the verification and validation of the proposed method. The extension of the current method allowing the study of a body with different geometry and three-dimensional simulations is straightforward. The results obtained show a good agreement with both numerical and experimental results, encouraging the use of the proposed method.


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Electrochemical removals of color and organic load from solutions containing the dye reactive orange 16 (RO16) were performed in an electrochemical flow-cell, using a platinum working electrode. The influence of the process variables flow-rate, such as NaCl concentration, applied potential and solution pH, were studied. The best color removal achieved was 93% (λ = 493 nm) after 60 min at 2.2 V vs. RHE electrolysis, using 1.00 g L-1 NaCl as supporting electrolyte. The rises in the concentration of NaCl and applied potential increased the color removal rate. The best total organic carbon removal (57%) was obtained at 1.8 V, without the separating membrane, indicating that the ideal conditions for the color removal are not necessarily the same as those to remove the total organic carbon. The degradation efficiency decreased with the solution pH decrease.


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In this work, the development and evaluation of a hyphenated flow injection-capillary electrophoresis system with on-line pre-concentration is described. Preliminary tests were performed to investigate the influence of flow rates over the analytical signals. Results revealed losses in terms of sensitivity of the FIA-CE system when compared to the conventional CE system. To overcome signal decrease and to make the system more efficient, a lower flow rate was set and an anionic resin column was added to the flow manifold in order to pre-concentrate the analyte. The pre-concentration FIA-CE system presented a sensitivity improvement of about 660% and there was only a small increase of 8% in total peak dispersion. These results have confirmed the great potential of the proposed system for many analytical tasks especially for low concentration samples.


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This work describes a photo-reactor to perform in line degradation of organic compounds by photo-Fenton reaction using Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) system. A copper phthalocyanine-3,4',4²,4²¢-tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt dye solution was used as a model compound for the phthalocyanine family, whose pigments have a large use in automotive coatings industry. Based on preliminary tests, 97% of color removal was obtained from a solution containing 20 µmol L-1 of this dye.


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The detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) is an important prognostic factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) providing crucial information on the response to treatment and risk of relapse. However, the high cost of these techniques restricts their use in countries with limited resources. Thus, we prospectively studied the use of flow cytometry (FC) with a simplified 3-color assay and a limited antibody panel to detect MRD in the bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) of children with ALL. BM and PB samples from 40 children with ALL were analyzed on days (d) 14 and 28 during induction and in weeks 24-30 of maintenance therapy. Detectable MRD was defined as > 0.01% cells expressing the aberrant immunophenotype as characterized at diagnosis among total events in the sample. A total of 87% of the patients had an aberrant immunophenotype at diagnosis. On d14, 56% of the BM and 43% of the PB samples had detectable MRD. On d28, this decreased to 45% and 31%, respectively. The percentage of cells with the aberrant phenotype was similar in both BM and PB in T-ALL but about 10 times higher in the BM of patients with B-cell-precursor ALL. Moreover, MRD was detected in the BM of patients in complete morphological remission (44% on d14 and 39% on d28). MRD was not significantly associated to gender, age, initial white blood cell count or cell lineage. This FC assay is feasible, affordable and readily applicable to detect MRD in centers with limited resources.


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Chelonia mydas is a sea turtle that feeds and nests on the Brazilian coast and a disease called fibropapillomatosis is a threat to this species. Because of this, it is extremely necessary to determine a methodology that would enable the analysis of blood leukocyte function in these sea turtles. In order to achieve this aim, blood samples were collected from C. mydas with or without fibropapillomas captured on the São Paulo north coast. Blood samples were placed in tubes containing sodium heparin and were transported under refrigeration to the laboratory in sterile RPMI 1640 cell culture medium. Leukocytes were separated by density gradient using Ficoll-PaqueTM Plus, Amershan Biociences®. The following stimuli were applied in the assessment of leukocyte function: Phorbol Miristate-Acetate (PMA) for oxidative burst activity evaluation and Zymosan A (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Bio Particles®, Alexa Fluor® 594 conjugate for phagocytosis evaluation. Three cell populations were identified: heterophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. Monocytes were the cells responsible for phagocytosis and oxidative burst.


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A photometric procedure for the determination of ClO(-) in tap water employing a miniaturized multicommuted flow analysis setup and an LED-based photometer is described. The analytical procedure was implemented using leucocrystal violet (LCV; 4,4', 4 ''-methylidynetris (N, N-dimethylaniline), C(25)H(31)N(3)) as a chromogenic reagent. Solenoid micropumps employed for solutions propelling were assembled together with the photometer in order to compose a compact unit of small dimensions. After control variables optimization, the system was applied for the determination of ClO(-) in samples of tap water, and aiming accuracy assessment samples were also analyzed using an independent method. Applying the paired t-test between results obtained using both methods, no significant difference at the 95% confidence level was observed. Other useful features include low reagent consumption, 2.4 mu g of LCV per determination, a linear response ranging from 0.02 up to 2.0 mg L(-1) ClO(-), a relative standard deviation of 1.0% (n = 11) for samples containing 0.2 mg L(-1) ClO(-), a detection limit of 6.0 mu g L(-1) ClO(-), a sampling throughput of 84 determinations per hour, and a waste generation of 432 mu L per determination.


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A new flow procedure based on multicommutation with chemiluminometric detection was developed to quantify gentamicin sulphate in pharmaceutical formulations. This approach is based on gentamicin's ability to inhibit the chemiluminometric reaction between luminol and hypochlorite in alkaline medium, causing a decrease in the analytical signal. The inhibition of the analytical signal is proportional to the concentration of gentamicin sulphate, within a linear range of 1 to 4 mu g mL(-1) with a coefficient variation <3%. A sample throughput of 55 samples h(-1) was obtained. The developed method is sensitive, simple, with low reagent consumption, reproducible, and inexpensive, and when applied to the analysis of pharmaceutical formulations (eye drops and injections) it gave results with RSD between 1.10 and 4.40%.


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The feasibility of using constructed wetlands (CWs) for the mitigation of pesticide runoff has been studied in the last decade. However, a lack of related data was verified when subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSF CWs) are considered for this purpose. In the present work, SSF CWs were submitted to continuous ametryn addition and evaluated during an I I-week period, with the aim of determining the feasibility of these systems for mitigation of contaminated water. Ametryn was not added to one CW cell in order to provide a control for the experiments. Monitoring of treatment performance was executed by standard water quality parameters, ametryn chromatography quantification and macrophyte (Typha latifolia L) nutritional and agronomic property analysis. Results indicated that 39% of the total initially added amount of ametryn was removed, transferred or transformed. Herbicide metabolism and mineralisation were carried out by chemical and biological mechanisms. No statistic differences were observed in nutritional contents found in the T. latifolia crops of the CWs after the experimental period. Moreover, the biomass production (one valuable source of renewable energy) was equal to 3.3 t.ha(-1) (dry matter) in wetland cells. It was concluded that constructed wetland systems are capable of mitigating water contaminated with ametryn, acting as buffer filters between the emission sources and the downstream superficial water bodies.


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The possible states in the flow around two identical circular cylinders in tandem arrangements are investigated for configurations in the vicinity of the drag inversion separation. By means of numerical simulations, the hysteresis in the transition between the shedding regimes is studied and the relationship between (three-dimensional) secondary instabilities and shedding regime determination is addressed. The differences observed in the behavior of two- and three-dimensional flows are analyzed, and the regions of bistable flow are delimited. Very good agreement is found between the proposed scenario and results available in the literature. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3420111]


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We measure directed flow (v(1)) for charged particles in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 and 62.4 GeV, as a function of pseudorapidity (eta), transverse momentum (p(t)), and collision centrality, based on data from the STAR experiment. We find that the directed flow depends on the incident energy but, contrary to all available model implementations, not on the size of the colliding system at a given centrality. We extend the validity of the limiting fragmentation concept to v(1) in different collision systems, and investigate possible explanations for the observed sign change in v(1)(p(t)).


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We present STAR results on the elliptic flow upsilon(2) Of charged hadrons, strange and multistrange particles from,root s(NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The detailed study of the centrality dependence of upsilon(2) over a broad transverse momentum range is presented. Comparisons of different analysis methods are made in order to estimate systematic uncertainties. To discuss the nonflow effect, we have performed the first analysis Of upsilon(2) with the Lee-Yang zero method for K(S)(0) and A. In the relatively low PT region, P(T) <= 2 GeV/c, a scaling with m(T) - m is observed for identified hadrons in each centrality bin studied. However, we do not observe nu 2(p(T))) scaled by the participant eccentricity to be independent of centrality. At higher PT, 2 1 <= PT <= 6 GeV/c, V2 scales with quark number for all hadrons studied. For the multistrange hadron Omega, which does not suffer appreciable hadronic interactions, the values of upsilon(2) are consistent with both m(T) - m scaling at low p(T) and number-of-quark scaling at intermediate p(T). As a function ofcollision centrality, an increase of p(T)-integrated upsilon(2) scaled by the participant eccentricity has been observed, indicating a stronger collective flow in more central Au+Au collisions.


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Objective: The striatum, including the putamen and caudate, plays an important role in executive and emotional processing and may be involved in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. Few studies have examined structural abnormalities of the striatum in pediatric major depressive disorder (MDD) patients. We report striatal volume abnormalities in medication-naive pediatric MDD compared to healthy comparison subjects. Method: Twenty seven medication-naive pediatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4(th) edition (DSM-IV) MDD and 26 healthy comparison subjects underwent volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The putamen and caudate volumes were traced manually by a blinded rater, and the patient and control groups were compared using analysis of covariance adjusting for age, sex, intelligence quotient, and total brain volumes. Results: MDD patients had significantly smaller right striatum (6.0% smaller) and right caudate volumes (7.4% smaller) compared to the healthy subjects. Left caudate volumes were inversely correlated with severity of depression in MDD subjects. Age was inversely correlated with left and right putamen volumes in MDD patients but not in the healthy subjects. Conclusions: These findings provide fresh evidence for abnormalities in the striatum of medication-naive pediatric MDD patients and suggest the possible involvement of the striatum in the pathophysiology of MDD.