33 resultados para utilizing university research
Objective. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that recruitment maneuvers (RMs) might act differently in models of pulmonary (p) and extrapulmonary (exp) acute lung injury (ALI) with similar transpulmonary pressure changes. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting. University research laboratory. Subjects: Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups. In control groups, sterile saline solution was intratracheally (0.1 mL, Cp) or intraperitoneally (1 mL, Cexp) injected, whereas ALI animals received Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide intratracheally (100 jig, ALIp) or intraperitoneally (1 mg, ALIexp). After 24 hrs, animals were mechanically ventilated (tidal volume, 6 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 5 cm H2O) and three RMs (pressure inflations to 40 cm H2O for 40 secs, 1 min apart) applied. Measurements and Main Results. Pao(2), lung resistive and viscoelastic pressures, static elastance, lung histology (light and electron microscopy), and type III procollagen messenger RNA expression in pulmonary tissue were measured before RMs and at the end of 1 hr of mechanical ventilation. Mechanical variables, gas exchange, and the fraction of area of alveolar collapse were similar in both ALI groups. After RMs, lung resistive and viscoelastic pressures and static elastance decreased more in ALIexp (255%,180%, and 118%, respectively) than in ALIp (103%, 59%, and 89%, respectively). The amount of atelectasis decreased more in ALIexp than in ALIp (from 58% to 19% and from 59% to 33%, respectively). RMs augmented type III procollagen messenger RNA expression only in the ALIp group (19%), associated with worsening in alveolar epithelium injury but no capillary endothelium lesion, whereas the ALIexp group showed a minor detachment of the alveolar capillary membrane. Conclusions. Given the same transpulmonary pressures, RMs are more effective at opening collapsed alveoli in ALIexp than in ALIp, thus improving lung mechanics and oxygenation with limited damage to alveolar epithelium.
Objective: Uncertainties about the numerous degrees of freedom in ventilator settings leave many unanswered questions about the biophysical determinants of lung injury. We investigated whether mechanical ventilation with high air flow could yield lung mechanical stress even in normal animals. Design. Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects. Thirty normal male Wistar rats (180-230 g). Interventions: Rats were ventilated for 2 hrs with tidal volume of 10 mL/kg and either with normal inspiratory air flow (V`) of 10 mL/s (F10) or high V` of 30 mL/s (F30). In the control group, animals did not undergo mechanical ventilation. Because high flow led to elevated respiratory rate (200 breaths/min) and airway peak inspiratory pressure (PIP,aw = 17 cm H2O), two additional groups were established to rule out the potential contribution of these variables: a) normal respiratory rate = 100 breaths/min and V` = 30 mL/sec; and b) PIP,aw = 17 cm H2O and V` 10 mL/sec. Measurements and Main Results: Lung mechanics and histology (light and electron microscopy), arterial blood gas analysis, and type III procollagen messenger RNA expression in lung tissue were analyzed. Ultrastructural microscopy was similar in control and F10 groups. High air flow led to increased lung plateau and peak pressures, hypoxemia, alveolar hyperinflation and collapse, pulmonary neutrophilic infiltration, and augmented type III procollagen messenger RNA expression compared with control rats. The reduction of respiratory rate did not modify the morphofunctional behavior observed in the presence of increased air flow. Even though the increase in peak pressure yielded mechanical and histologic changes, type III procollagen messenger RNA expression remained unaltered. Conclusions: Ventilation with high inspiratory air flow may lead to high tensile and shear stresses resulting in lung functional and morphologic compromise and elevation of type III procollagen messenger RNA expression.
Objective: To investigate the effects of the rate of airway pressure increase and duration of recruitment maneuvers on lung function and activation of inflammation, fibrogenesis, and apoptosis in experimental acute lung injury. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Thirty-five Wistar rats submitted to acute lung injury induced by cecal ligation and puncture. Interventions: After 48 hrs, animals were randomly distributed into five groups (seven animals each): 1) nonrecruited (NR); 2) recruitment maneuvers (RMs) with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for 15 secs (CPAP15); 3) RMs with CPAP for 30 secs (CPAP30); 4) RMs with stepwise increase in airway pressure (STEP) to targeted maximum within 15 secs (STEP15); and 5) RMs with STEP within 30 secs (STEP30). To perform STEP RMs, the ventilator was switched to a CPAP mode and positive end-expiratory pressure level was increased stepwise. At each step, airway pressure was held constant. RMs were targeted to 30 cm H(2)O. Animals were then ventilated for 1 hr with tidal volume of 6 mL/kg and positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H(2)O. Measurements and Main Results: Blood gases, lung mechanics, histology (light and electronic microscopy), interleukin-6, caspase 3, and type 3 procollagen mRNA expressions in lung tissue. All RMs improved oxygenation and lung static elastance and reduced alveolar collapse compared to NR. STEP30 resulted in optimal performance, with: 1) improved lung static elastance vs. NR, CPAP15, and STEP15; 2) reduced alveolar-capillary membrane detachment and type 2 epithelial and endothelial cell injury scores vs. CPAP15 (p < .05); and 3) reduced gene expression of interleukin-6, type 3 procollagen, and caspase 3 in lung tissue vs. other RMs. Conclusions: Longer-duration RMs with slower airway pressure increase efficiently improved lung function, while minimizing the biological impact on lungs. (Crit Care Med 2011; 39:1074-1081)
Objective: In acute lung injury, recruitment maneuvers have been used to open collapsed lungs and set positive end-expiratory pressure, but their effectiveness may depend on the degree of lung injury. This study uses a single experimental model with different degrees of lung injury and tests the hypothesis that recruitment maneuvers may have beneficial or deleterious effects depending on the severity of acute lung injury. We speculated that recruitment maneuvers may worsen lung mechanical stress in the presence of alveolar edema. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Thirty-six Wistar rats randomly divided into three groups (n = 12 per group). Interventions: In the control group, saline was intraperitoneally injected, whereas moderate and severe acute lung injury animals received paraquat intraperitoneally (20 mg/kg [moderate acute lung injury] and 25 mg/kg [severe acute lung injury]). After 24 hrs, animals were further randomized into subgroups (n = 6/each) to be recruited (recruitment maneuvers: 40 cm H(2)O continuous positive airway pressure for 40 secs) or not, followed by 1 hr of protective mechanical ventilation (tidal volume, 6 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 5 cm H(2)O). Measurements and Main Results: Only severe acute lung injury caused alveolar edema. The amounts of alveolar collapse were similar in the acute lung injury groups. Static lung elastance, viscoelastic pressure, hyperinflation, lung, liver, and kidney cell apoptosis, and type 3 procollagen and interleukin-6 mRNA expressions in lung tissue were more elevated in severe acute lung injury than in moderate acute lung injury. After recruitment maneuvers, static lung elastance, viscoelastic pressure, and alveolar collapse were lower in moderate acute lung injury than in severe acute lung injury. Recruitment maneuvers reduced interleukin-6 expression with a minor detachment of the alveolar capillary membrane in moderate acute lung injury. In severe acute lung injury, recruitment maneuvers were associated with hyperinflation, increased apoptosis of lung and kidney, expression of type 3 procollagen, and worsened alveolar capillary injury. Conclusions: In the presence of alveolar edema, regional mechanical heterogeneities, and hyperinflation, recruitment maneuvers promoted a modest but consistent increase in inflammatory and fibrogenic response, which may have worsened lung function and potentiated alveolar and renal epithelial injury. (Crit Care Med 2010; 38: 2207-2214)
Context Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies in adults with bipolar disorder (BD) indicate altered white matter (WM) in the orbitomedial prefrontal cortex (OMPFC), potentially underlying abnormal prefrontal corticolimbic connectivity and mood dysregulatioin in BD. Objective: To use tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) to examine VVM skeleton (ie, the most compact whole-brain WM) in subjects with BD vs healthy control subjects. Design: Cross-sectional, case-control, whole-brain DTI using TBSS. Setting: University research institute. Participants: Fifty-six individuals, 31 having a DSM-IV diagnosis of BD type 1 (mean age, 35.9 years [age range, 24-52 years]) and 25 controls (mean age, 29.5 years [age range, 19-52 years]). Main Outcome Measures: Fractional anisotropy (FA) longitudinal and radial diffusivities in subjects with BD vs controls (covarying for age) and their relationships with clinical and demographic variables. Results: Subjects with BD vs controls had significantly greater FA (t > 3.0, P <=.05 corrected) in the left uncinate fasciculus (reduced radial diffusivity distally and increased longitudinal diffusivity centrally), left optic radiation (increased longitudinal diffusivity), and right anterothalamic radiation (no significant diffusivity change). Subjects with BD vs controls had significantly reduced FA (t > 3.0, P <=.05 corrected) in the right uncinate fasciculus (greater radial diffusivity). Among subjects with BD, significant negative correlations (P <.01) were found between age and FA in bilateral uncinate fasciculi and in the right anterothalamic radiation, as well as between medication load and FA in the left optic radiation. Decreased FA (P <.01) was observed in the left optic radiation and in the right anterothalamic radiation among subjects with BD taking vs those not taking mood stabilizers, as well as in the left optic radiation among depressed vs remitted subjects with BD. Subjects having BD with vs without lifetime alcohol or other drug abuse had significantly decreased FA in the left uncinate fasciculus. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to use TBSS to examine WM in subjects with BD. Subjects with BD vs controls showed greater WM FA in the left OMPFC that diminished with age and with alcohol or other drug abuse, as well as reduced WM FA in the right OMPFC. Mood stabilizers and depressed episode reduced WM FA in left-sided sensory visual processing regions among subjects with BD. Abnormal right vs left asymmetry in FA in OMPFC WM among subjects with BD, likely reflecting increased proportions of left-sided longitudinally aligned and right-sided obliquely aligned myelinated fibers, may represent a biologic mechanism for mood dysregulation in BD.
Objective: To investigate the role of regulatory T cells in the modulation of long-term immune dysfunction during experimental sepsis. It is well established that sepsis predisposes to development of a pronounced immunosuppression. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying the immune dysfunction after sepsis are still not well understood. Design: Prospective experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Interventions: Wild-type mice underwent cecal ligation and puncture and were treated with antibiotic during 3 days after surgery. On days 1, 7, or 15 after cecal ligation and puncture, the frequency of regulatory T cells, proliferation of CD4(+) T cells and bacterial counts were evaluated. Fifteen days after cecal ligation and puncture, surviving mice underwent secondary pulmonary infection by intranasal inoculation of nonlethal dose of Legionella pneumophila. Some mice received agonistic glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor antibody (DTA-1) before induction of secondary infection. Measurements and Main Results: Mice surviving cecal ligation and puncture showed a markedly increased frequency of regulatory T cells in thymus and spleen, which was associated with reduced proliferation of CD4(+) T cells. Fifteen days after cecal ligation and puncture, all sepsis-surviving mice succumbed to nonlethal injection of L. pneumophila. Treatment of mice with DTA-1 antibody reduced frequency of regulatory T cells, restored CD4(+) T cell proliferation, reduced the levels of bacteria in spleen, and markedly improved survival of L. pneumophila infection. Conclusion: These findings suggest that regulatory T cells play an important role in the progression and establishment of immune dysfunction observed in experimental sepsis. (Crit Care Med 2010; 38: 1718-1725)
Context: Cannabis sativa use can impair verbal learning, provoke acute psychosis, and increase the risk of schizophrenia. It is unclear where C sativa acts in the human brain to modulate verbal learning and to induce psychotic symptoms. Objectives: To investigate the effects of 2 main psychoactive constituents of C sativa, Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 9-THC) and cannabidiol, on regional brain function during verbal paired associate learning. Design: Subjects were studied on 3 separate occasions using a block design functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm while performing a verbal paired associate learning task. Each imaging session was preceded by the ingestion of Delta 9-THC (10 mg), cannabidiol (600 mg), or placebo in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures, within-subject design. Setting: University research center. Participants: Fifteen healthy, native English-speaking, right-handed men of white race/ethnicity who had used C sativa 15 times or less and had minimal exposure to other illicit drugs in their lifetime. Main Outcome Measures: Regional brain activation ( blood oxygen level-dependent response), performance in a verbal learning task, and objective and subjective ratings of psychotic symptoms, anxiety, intoxication, and sedation. Results: Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol increased psychotic symptoms and levels of anxiety, intoxication, and sedation, whereas no significant effect was noted on these parameters following administration of cannabidiol. Performance in the verbal learning task was not significantly modulated by either drug. Administration of Delta 9-THC augmented activation in the parahippocampal gyrus during blocks 2 and 3 such that the normal linear decrement in activation across repeated encoding blocks was no longer evident. Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol also attenuated the normal time-dependent change in ventrostriatal activation during retrieval of word pairs, which was directly correlated with concurrently induced psychotic symptoms. In contrast, administration of cannabidiol had no such effect. Conclusion: The modulation of mediotemporal and ventrostriatal function by Delta 9-THC may underlie the effects of C sativa on verbal learning and psychotic symptoms, respectively.
Ivermectin (IVM) is an antiparasitic drug, widely used in domestic animals. In mammals, IVM act as a GABA agonist. This neurotransmitter has an important role in the regulation of sexual behavior. Thus, this study sought to investigate the effects of various medically relevant doses IVM on the sexual behavior of male rats. In particular, we also wished to examine if previous sexual experience modulated responses to IVM. In the first experiment, the sexual behavior of inexperienced male rats was analyzed after they received 0.2, 0.6, 1.0 or 2.0 mg/kg IVM, 15 mm prior to behavioral testing. In the second experiment, the effects of four previous sexual experiences on IVM treated rats (1.0 or 2.0 mg/kg, 15 min prior to the 5th session) were assessed. The standard therapeutic dose (0.2 mg/kg) did not impair the sexual behavior of inexperienced male rats. At a more concentrated dose (0.6 mg/kg), which is still within the therapeutic range, the appetitive phase of sexual behavior of inexperienced male rats was impaired. Likewise, 1.0 mg/kg impaired the appetitive phase. Previous sexual experience blocked almost entirely this sexual impairment, suggesting that previous sexual experience exerts a positive effect in attenuating the sexual impairment produced by IVM treatment. Therefore, the standard therapeutic dose of IVM can be used without producing side effects on sexual behavior. Use of more concentrated therapeutic doses is not recommended during reproductive periods, unless the animals have had previous sexual experience. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: Up-regulated matrix metalloproteinases may be involved in the development of cardiomyocyte injury and the degradation of troponin associated with acute pulmonary thromboembolism. We examined whether pretreatment with doxycycline (a nonspecific matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor) protects against cardiomyocyte injury associated with acute pulmonary thromboembolism. Design: Controlled animal study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Mongrel dogs. Interventions: Anesthetized animals received doxycycline (10 mg/kg intravenously) or saline and acute pulmonary thromboembolism was induced with autologous blood clots injected into the right atrium. Control animals received doxycycline (or saline). Measurements and Main Results: Hemodynamic measurements were performed, and acute pulmonary thromboembolism increased baseline mean pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance by approximately 160% and 362%, respectively (both p<.05), 120 mins after acute pulmonary thromboembolism. Pretreatment with doxycycline attenuated these increases (to 125% and 232%, respectively; both p<.05). Although acute pulmonary thromboembolism tended to increase the right ventricle maximum rate of isovolumic pressure development and the maximum rate of isovolumic pressure decay, doxycycline produced no effects on these parameters. Gelatin zymograms of right ventricle showed that acute pulmonary thromboembolism marginally increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 (but not matrix metalloproteinase-2) levels in the right ventricle. A fluorometric assay to assess net matrix metalloproteinase activities showed that acute pulmonary thromboembolism increased matrix metalloproteinase activities in the right ventricle by >100% (p<.05), and this finding was confirmed by in situ zymography of the right ventricle. Doxycycline attenuated acute pulmonary thromboembolism-induced increases in right ventricle matrix metalloproteinase activities. Acute pulmonary thromboembolism induced neutrophil accumulation in the right ventricle, as estimated by myeloperoxidase activity, and doxycycline blunted this effect (p<.05). Serum cardiac troponin I concentrations, which reflect cardiomyocyte injury, increased after acute pulmonary thromboembolism, and this increase was attenuated by pretreatment with doxycycline (p<.05). Conclusions: We found evidence supporting the idea that acute pulmonary thromboembolism is associated with increased matrix metalloproteinase activities in the right ventricle, which may lead to degradation of sarcomeric proteins, including cardiac troponin I. Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases may be an effective therapeutic intervention in the management of acute pulmonary thromboembolism. (Crit Care Med 2011; 39: 349-356)
Background: Stability of pen-implant crestal bone plays a relevant role relative to the presence or absence of interdental papilla. Several factors can contribute to the crestal bone resorption observed around two-piece implants, such as the presence of a microgap at the level of the implant abutment junction, the type of connection between implant and prosthetic components, the implant positioning relative to the alveolar crest, and the interimplant distance. Subcrestal positioning of dental implants has been proposed to decrease the risk of exposure of the metal of the top of the implant or of the abutment margin, and to get enough space in a vertical dimension to create a harmoniously esthetic emergence profile. Methods: The present retrospective histologic study was performed to evaluate dental implants retrieved from human jaws that had been inserted in an equicrestal or subcrestal position. A total of nine implants were evaluated: five of these had been inserted in an equicrestal position, whereas the other four had been positioned subcrestally (1 to 3 mm). Results: In all subcrestally placed implants, preexisting and newly formed bone was found over the implant shoulder. In the equicrestal implants, crestal bone resorption (0.5 to 1.5 mm) was present around all implants. Conclusion: The subcrestal position of the implants resulted in bone located above the implant shoulder. J Periodontol 2011;82:708-715.
Background: The role of osteocytes in bone structure and function remains partially unresolved. Their participation in mechanotransduction, i.e., the conversion of a physical stimulus into a cellular response, has been hypothesized. The present study was an evaluation of the osteocyte density in the peri-implant bone of immediately loaded and submerged dental implants. Methods: Fourteen male patients were included in the study; all of them were partially edentulous and needed a posterior mandibular restoration. Implants were inserted in these areas; half of the sample was loaded immediately (included in a fixed provisional prosthesis on the same day as implant surgery), whereas the other half was left to heal submerged. Fourteen implants (seven immediately loaded and seven unloaded) were retrieved with a trephine after a healing period of 8 weeks. The specimens were treated to obtain thin ground sections, and histomorphometry was used to evaluate the osteocyte index in the peri-implant bone. Results: A higher and statistically significant number of osteocytes was found in the peri-implant bone around immediately loaded implants (P=0.0081). A correlation between the percentage of bone-implant contact and osteocyte density was found for immediately loaded implants (P=0.0480) but not for submerged implants (P=0.2667). Conclusion: The higher number of osteocytes in the peri-implant bone around immediately loaded implants could be related to the functional adaptation required by the loading stimulus, which also explains the hypothesized involvement of the osteocytes in the maintenance of the bone matrix. J Periodontol 2009;80:499-504.
This paper is concerned with the lower semicontinuity of attractors for semilinear non-autonomous differential equations in Banach spaces. We require the unperturbed attractor to be given as the union of unstable manifolds of time-dependent hyperbolic solutions, generalizing previous results valid only for gradient-like systems in which the hyperbolic solutions are equilibria. The tools employed are a study of the continuity of the local unstable manifolds of the hyperbolic solutions and results on the continuity of the exponential dichotomy of the linearization around each of these solutions.
This research wants to lay emphasis on topics that historicize and rescue concepts, in addition, shows the relation between innovation and socioeconomic development resulted; reviews the legal framework to stimulate new innovation into Brazilian society; considers the definition and the entrepreneur university's new paradigm; and finally, this research highlights the importance of teaching entrepreneur at universities, with straight society benefits. The results suggests that innovation is directly enrolled with a successful development of certain society, as well, is actually the biggest business competitive differential into corporative universe. In one way of getting results of social advancement to inform entrepreneur research practice, it appears that entrepreneurs concepts, necessarily, must be incorporated into the array of Science/Technology/Innovation for the effective development of supported formula. This article develops a thought about actual scientific researches paradigm, the way that is built on today, and if it's sufficient to effectively get the results that society expects from main bodies to create human resource and researches, especially those with innovation aspects, at Brazilian economic improvement.
Background: The rapid progress currently being made in genomic science has created interest in potential clinical applications; however, formal translational research has been limited thus far. Studies of population genetics have demonstrated substantial variation in allele frequencies and haplotype structure at loci of medical relevance and the genetic background of patient cohorts may often be complex. Methods and Findings: To describe the heterogeneity in an unselected clinical sample we used the Affymetrix 6.0 gene array chip to genotype self-identified European Americans (N = 326), African Americans (N = 324) and Hispanics (N = 327) from the medical practice of Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan, NY. Additional data from US minority groups and Brazil were used for external comparison. Substantial variation in ancestral origin was observed for both African Americans and Hispanics; data from the latter group overlapped with both Mexican Americans and Brazilians in the external data sets. A pooled analysis of the African Americans and Hispanics from NY demonstrated a broad continuum of ancestral origin making classification by race/ethnicity uninformative. Selected loci harboring variants associated with medical traits and drug response confirmed substantial within-and between-group heterogeneity. Conclusion: As a consequence of these complementary levels of heterogeneity group labels offered no guidance at the individual level. These findings demonstrate the complexity involved in clinical translation of the results from genome-wide association studies and suggest that in the genomic era conventional racial/ethnic labels are of little value.
To facilitate the implementation of evidence-based skin and pressure ulcer (PU) care practices and related staff education programs in a university hospital in Brazil, a cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate nurses` knowledge about PU prevention, wound assessment, and staging. Of the 141 baccalaureate nurses (BSN) employed by the hospital at the time of the study, 106 consented to participate. Using a Portuguese version of Pieper`s Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test (PUKT), participants were asked to indicate whether 33 statements about PU prevention and eight about PU assessment and staging were true or false. For the 33 prevention statements, the average number answered correctly was 26.07 (SD 4.93) and for the eight assessment statements the average was 4.59 (SD 1.62). Nurses working on inpatient clinical nursing units had significantly better scores (P = 0.000). Years of nursing experience had a weak and negative correlation with correct PUKT scores (r = -0.21, P = 0.033) as did years of experience working in the university hospital (r = -.179, P <071). Incorrect responses were most common for statements related to patient positioning, massage, PU assessment, and staging definitions. The results of this study confirm that nurses have an overall understanding of PU prevention and assessment principles but important knowledge deficits exist. Focused continuing education efforts are needed to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based care.