168 resultados para thermal management
The thermal behavior of two polymorphic forms of rifampicin was studied by DSC and TG/DTG. The thermoanalytical results clearly showed the differences between the two crystalline forms. Polymorph I was the most thermally stable form, the DSC curve showed no fusion for this species and the thermal decomposition process occurred around 245 ºC. The DSC curve of polymorph II showed two consecutive events, an endothermic event (Tpeak = 193.9 ºC) and one exothermic event (Tpeak = 209.4 ºC), due to a melting process followed by recrystallization, which was attributed to the conversion of form II to form I. Isothermal and non-isothermal thermogravimetric methods were used to determine the kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition process. For non-isothermal experiments, the activation energy (Ea) was derived from the plot of Log β vs 1/T, yielding values for polymorph form I and II of 154 and 123 kJ mol-1, respectively. In the isothermal experiments, the Ea was obtained from the plot of lnt vs 1/T at a constant conversion level. The mean values found for form I and form II were 137 and 144 kJ mol-1, respectively.
Abstract This paper aims at assessing the performance of a program of thermal simulation (Arquitrop) in different households in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The households were selected for the Wheezing Project which followed up children under 2 years old to monitor the occurrence of respiratory diseases. The results show that in all three study households there is a good approximation between the observed and the simulated indoor temperatures. It was also observed a fairly consistent and realistic behavior between the simulated indoor and the outdoor temperatures, describing the Arquitrop model as an efficient estimator and good representative of the thermal behavior of households in the city of Sao Paulo. The worst simulation is linked to the poorest type of construction. This may be explained by the bad quality of the construction, which the Architrop could not simulate adequately
Purpose - The aim of this paper is to briefly present aspects of public brownfield management policies from Brazilian and German points of view. Design methodology approach - The data collection method combined literature and documental research. The bibliography included Brazilian and German literature about brownfield management. The documental research includes Brazilian and German legislation and official documents published by CETESB, the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Furthermore, publications of German governmental research institutions have been integrated in the paper. Findings - In Brazil, despite the lack of a federal public policy, the State of São Paulo has approved specific rules to deal with contaminated sites. Topics that could be targets of scientific studies have been identified. Experiences in Germany show that it is essential to have political will and cooperation between the different political levels and technical disciplines. Partnerships between German and Brazilian universities would be welcome as there is a wide range of opportunities for academic post-graduation studies and research focusing on human resources capacitation in environmental management. Originality value - The paper makes an original contribution of exploring an area (brownfield management) that is at the forefront of discussion in academe and industry
The efficacy of breast-conserving surgery for the local control of early breast cancer has been repeatedly evidenced. Although immediate reconstruction following breast-conserving surgery has been described, little information is available regarding surgical management in reoperative settings due to positive margins. We studied the influence of intraoperatively assessed and postoperatively controlled surgical margin status on the type of breast-conserving surgery and report our results regarding complications in a reoperative breast reconstruction scenario. All patients were seen by a multidisciplinary team who recommended breast-conserving surgery. According to the breast volume, ptosis and tumor size/location, the patients were also evaluated by a plastic surgeon, who recommended reconstruction with the appropriate technique. Intraoperative assessment of surgical margins was determined by histological examination of frozen sections. The mean follow-up time was 48months. Two hundred and eighteen patients (88.5 per cent ) underwent breast-conserving surgery and immediate reconstruction. Twelve (5.5 per cent ) patients had a positive tumor margin after review of the permanent section. All patients underwent re-exploration. In 1.3 per cent , a second reconstructive technique was indicated and in 2.2 per cent a skin-sparing mastectomy with total reconstruction was performed. Our findings support the important role of the intraoperative assessment of surgical margins and its interference in the selection of reconstruction techniques and negative margins; however, it will not guarantee complete excision of the tumor. Success depends on coordinated planning with the oncologic surgeon and careful intraoperative management
The purpose of this work was to experimentally investigate the thermal diffusivity of four different gray cast iron alloys, regularly used to produce brake disks for automotive vehicles. Thermal diffusivity measurements were performed at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 600 A degrees C. The influence of the thermal conductivity on the thermomechanical fatigue life is also briefly presented. The measurements were sensitive to the influence of the carbon equivalent and alloying elements, such as molybdenum, copper and chromium. Molybdenum, unlike copper, lowered the thermal diffusivity of the gray cast iron, and alloy E (without molybdenum), besides presenting a relatively low carbon equivalent content and an increase in the values of the thermal diffusivity, presented the best performance during the thermomechanical fatigue. The molybdenum present in alloys B and C did not fulfill the expectations of providing the best thermomechanical fatigue behavior. Consequently, its elimination in the gray cast iron alloy for this application will result in a significant economy.
Multicomponent white cast iron is a new alloy that belongs to system Fe-C-Cr-W-Mo-V, and because of its excellent wear resistance it is used in the manufacture of hot rolling mills rolls. To date, this alloy has been processed by casting, powder metallurgy, and spray forming. The high-velocity oxyfuel process is now also considered for the manufacture of components with this alloy. The effects of substrate, preheating temperature, and coating thickness on bond strength of coatings have been determined. Substrates of AISI 1020 steel and of cast iron with preheating of 150 A degrees C and at room temperature were used to apply coatings with 200 and 400 mu m nominal thickness. The bond strength of coatings was measured with the pull-off test method and the failure mode by scanning electron microscopic analysis. Coatings with thickness of 200 mu m and applied on substrates of AISI 1020 steel with preheating presented bond strength of 87 +/- A 4 MPa.
The quasiharmonic approximation (QHA), in its simplest form also called the statically constrained (SC) QHA, has been shown to be a straightforward method to compute thermoelastic properties of crystals. Recently we showed that for noncubic solids SC-QHA calculations develop deviatoric thermal stresses at high temperatures. Relaxation of these stresses leads to a series of corrections to the free energy that may be taken to any desired order, up to self-consistency. Here we show how to correct the elastic constants obtained using the SC-QHA. We exemplify the procedure by correcting to first order the elastic constants of MgSiO(3) perovskite and MgSiO(3) postperovskite, the major phases of the Earth's lower mantle. We show that this first-order correction is quite satisfactory for obtaining the aggregated elastic averages of these minerals and their velocities in the lower mantle. This type of correction is also shown to be applicable to experimental measurements of elastic constants in situations where deviatoric stresses can develop, such as in diamond-anvil cells.
Despite countless use possibilities for bamboo, this material has two major disadvantages. One drawback is the low natural durability of most bamboo species due to presence of starch in their parenchyma cells. The other equally important drawback is the tendency bamboo has to present dimensional variations if subjected to environmental change conditions. In an attempt to minimize these inconveniences, strips (laths) of Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro were taken from different portions of the culm and subjected to several temperatures, namely 140 degrees C, 180 degrees C, 220 degrees C, 260 degrees C and 300 degrees C under laboratory conditions, at the ESALQ-USP college of agriculture. The thermal treatment process was conducted in noninert and inert atmospheres (with nitrogen), depending on temperature Specimens were then subjected to physicomechanical characterization tests in order to determine optimum thermal treatment conditions in which to preserve to the extent possible the original bamboo properties. Results revealed that there is an optimum temperature range, between 140 degrees and 220 degrees C, whereby thermally treated bamboo does not significantly lose its mechanical properties while at the same time showing greater dimensional stability in the presence of moisture.
The State Reform processes combined with the emergence and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) originated electronic government policies and initiatives in Brazil. This paper dwells on Brazilian e-government by investigating the institutional design it assumed in the state's public sphere, and how it contributed to outcomes related to e-gov possibilities. The analyses were carried out under an interpretativist perspective by making use of Institutional Theory. From the analyses of interviews with relevant actors in the public sphere, such as state secretaries and presidents of public ICT companies, conclusions point towards low institutionalization of e-gov policies. The institutional design of Brazilian e-gov limits the use of ICT to provide integrated public services, to amplify participation and transparency, and to improve public policies management.
The topic of environmental sustainability is generating increased concern among business executives, governments, consumers, and management scholars. As these stakeholders struggle with the challenges and opportunities presented by an array of environmental issues, HRM scholars and practitioners alike have been relatively slow to engage in the ongoing discussions and debates. Through this special issue on Green FIRM, we seek to stimulate the field of HRM to expand its role in the pursuit of environmentally sustainable business. In this introduction to the special issue, we first provide an overview of the articles that appear in the special issue. Next we present a detailed discussion of research questions that arise from a consideration of several functional HRM practices, including performance management; training, development, and learning; compensation and rewards; and organizational culture. We conclude by describing opportunities for research at the intersection of strategic HRM and environmental management. If pursued with vigor, research addressing this extensive agenda could begin to establish a healthy field of Green FIRM scholarship.
Background and Purpose: A nonfunctioning inflammatory kidney is a challenging surgical condition for urologists. Some investigators recommend open surgery because of the surgical difficulties caused by the inflammatory process, whereas others try to apply the advantages of a ""simple"" non-hand-assisted laparoscopic approach. We report our experience with simple laparoscopic nephrectomy for inflammatory kidney management. Patients and Methods: From July 2002 through December 2006, 50 pure laparoscopic nephrectomies were performed for inflammatory kidney ( 43 because of pyelonephritis, 5 for xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP), and 2 for pyonephrosis). Histopathologic analysis was the criterion used for inflammatory kidney diagnosis. Pain or recurrent urinary tract infection associated with a nonfunctioning excluded kidney was the eligibility criterion for the procedure. Preoperatively, all patients underwent complete image and functional renal assessment. Morcellation was used to remove surgical specimens. Conversion index, surgical difficulties, operative time, and postoperative complications were evaluated. Results: Conversion was performed in 14 of 50 (28%) patients, including two with XGP and one with pyonephrosis. Adhesions, vascular (two inferior vena cava) lesions, and intestinal lesions (two colon) were the main causes of conversion. Acute pancreatitis developed in one patient, and one patient had a wound infection. Reoperations were unnecessary, and no deaths occurred. Conclusion: Pure laparoscopic nephrectomy was successful in 72% of patients with inflammatory kidneys. The laparoscopic dissection was useful even in those cases converted to open surgery. This is a high-risk procedure, however, and both surgeon and patient must be aware of that before the decision is made for this approach.
Background and Purpose: Chronic unilateral hematuria is characterized by intermittent or continuous gross hematuria that cannot be diagnosed using standard radiology and hematology methods. In the past, it was managed with partial or total nephrectomy. In the age of minimally invasive procedures, however, endoscopy has enabled more accurate diagnosis and management. We analyzed our experience with transurethral ureterorenoscopy using a flexible ureteroscope to determine the feasibility and success of endoscopic management of renal hematuria. Patients and Methods: We reviewed the records of 13 patients who presented with chronic unilateral hematuria, in whom radiologic and laboratory tests failed to reveal the source of bleeding. In the cases in which the lesion was identified, after complete inspection of the collecting systems, the bleeding site was treated ureteroscopically with a holmium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet ( YAG) laser. Results: Follow-up ranged from 4 to 60 months ( mean 26 mos). During the follow-up of the 13 patients, 11 remained symptom-free, with only one session of flexible ureterorenoscopy necessary. Relapse occurred in two patients after 4 months and 6 months, respectively; during a second session of flexible ureteroscopy, the bleeding site was successfully identified and cauterized with a holmium: YAG laser. No surgical complications occurred. Conclusions: Conservative treatment of patients with chronic unilateral hematuria should always be considered. Laser ureteroscopic treatment is an excellent method and should be considered as the first option for the management of chronic unilateral hematuria.
Bell's palsy is a neuropathy of the peripheral seventh cranial nerve, resulting from traumatic, compressive, infective, inflammatory or metabolic abnormalities or it can be idiopathic. HIV, Epstein-Barr virus and hepatitis B virus have been suspected as initiating organisms, but herpes simplex virus is the most frequently implicated. This report describes 2 cases of Bell's palsy in children that were managed with antiviral agents. Both patients experienced complete recovery within 28 days; after 1 year follow-up, no recurrence was observed and both patients have normal facial movement. Differential diagnosis is essential to guide the treatment plan in Bell's palsy. Special attention should be given to children with respect to prescription of medications that can cause important side effects.
Genetic variation provides a basis upon which populations can be genetically improved. Management of animal genetic resources in order to minimize loss of genetic diversity both within and across breeds has recently received attention at different levels, e. g., breed, national and international levels. A major need for sustainable improvement and conservation programs is accurate estimates of population parameters, such as rate of inbreeding and effective population size. A software system (POPREP) is presented that automatically generates a typeset report. Key parameters for population management, such as age structure, generation interval, variance in family size, rate of inbreeding, and effective population size form the core part of this report. The report includes a default text that describes definition, computation and meaning of the various parameters. The report is summarized in two pdf files, named Population Structure and Pedigree Analysis Reports. In addition, results (e. g., individual inbreeding coefficients, rate of inbreeding and effective population size) are stored in comma-separate-values files that are available for further processing. Pedigree data from eight livestock breeds from different species and countries were used to describe the potential of POPREP and to highlight areas for further research.
Three-dimensional finite element thermal analysis of dental tissues irradiated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser
In the present study, a finite element model of a half-sectioned molar tooth was developed in order to understand the thermal behavior of dental hard tissues (both enamel and dentin) under laser irradiation. The model was validated by comparing it with an in vitro experiment where a sound molar tooth was irradiated by an Er,Cr:YSGG pulsed laser. The numerical tooth model was conceived to simulate the in vitro experiment, reproducing the dimensions and physical conditions of the typical molar sound tooth, considering laser energy absorption and calculating the heat transfer through the dental tissues in three dimensions. The numerical assay considered the same three laser energy densities at the same wavelength (2.79 mu m) used in the experiment. A thermographic camera was used to perform the in vitro experiment, in which an Er, Cr: YSGG laser (2.79 mu m) was used to irradiate tooth samples and the infrared images obtained were stored and analyzed. The temperature increments in both the finite element model and the in vitro experiment were compared. The distribution of temperature inside the tooth versus time plotted for two critical points showed a relatively good agreement between the results of the experiment and model. The three dimensional model allows one to understand how the heat propagates through the dentin and enamel and to relate the amount of energy applied, width of the laser pulses, and temperature inside the tooth. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2953526]