84 resultados para razões da sua existência
OBJETIVO: avaliar a existência de correlação entre a proporção da altura do ramo mandibular (AR) com a altura dentoalveolar posterior total (ADAPT) e a inclinação do plano mandibular (PM). MÉTODOS: dois examinadores avaliaram 81 telerradiografias laterais de pacientes, com idades a partir de 18 anos, do arquivo do curso de especialização em Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia da UFBA. As radiografias foram digitalizadas, os pontos marcados e as medidas obtidas através do programa Radiocef 1.0. Mediu-se a inclinação do plano mandibular para caracterizar o padrão vertical da face e dividir as radiografias em três grupos: grupo de face normal (GN), de 22º a 28º, de face curta (GC), menor que 22º, e de face longa (GL), maior que 28º. A inclinação do plano palatino serviu como critério de exclusão, sendo que valores abaixo de -2,5° ou acima de 3,5º foram excluídos. Desta forma, 46 telerradiografias laterais totalizaram a amostra. RESULTADOS: a AR diferiu entre GC e GL, porém não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para as alturas dentoalveolares posteriores. Houve baixa correlação entre a AR e a ADAPT nos grupos, no entanto, a correlação da proporção entre essas alturas com a inclinação do PM mostrou-se estatisticamente significante e negativa. CONCLUSÃO: este é um fator a ser levado em consideração na avaliação do PM, quando do diagnóstico e tratamento das displasias verticais dentofaciais.
The goals of this research were to estimate the phenotypic correlations among various meat quality traits from a male broiler line and to describe the relation among these variables. Phenotypical correlations were determined among quality traits, isolating the effects of slaughter date, the age of the mother and sex. The evaluated traits were pH measurements taken at time 0 and at 6 and 24 hours after slaughtering, color parameters, water loss due to exudation, thawing and cooking of the meat, and shear force. Important associations (P<0.01) were found to be significant and, in most cases, weak or moderate, varying from -0.35 to 0.28. The initial pH of the meat was not associated (P>0.05) to the other traits of the meat, whereas the pH at 24 hours after slaughter was able of directly interfering with the attributes of the meat, since this trait was inversely related with lightness and water losses, which indicates an effect of pH fall along 24h after slaughtering on protein denaturation. This study demonstrates that the variables of poultry meat quality are related and that there is a phenotypical association between lightness and cooking losses and the other attributes of the meat. The pH at 24 hours after slaughtering, lightness and cooking losses could be efficient meat quality indicators in this broiler line.
Datos de humedad de equilibrio de polvo de pulpa de lulo (PL) con y sin aditivos - 58% de maltodextrina (MD) o 58% de goma Arábiga (GA) - fueran determinados en las temperaturas de 20, 30, 40 y 50 °C utilizando el método estático gravimétrico para un rango de actividades de agua entre 0.06 y 0.90. Las isotermas presentaran formato sigmoidal del tipo III, y el modelo de Guggenhein-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) fue ajustado satisfactoriamente a los datos experimentales de humedad de equilibrio en función de la actividad de agua. La adición de encapsulantes afecto las isotermas de tal manera que en la misma actividad de agua, las muestras PL + GA y PL + MD presentaron un menor contenido de humedad de equilibrio y no fueron afectadas por la variación de temperatura. Los calores isostéricos de sorción de las pulpas en polvo con encapsulantes fueron mayores (menos negativos) con relación a las pulpas de lulo en polvo, sugiriendo la existencia de sitios polares más activos en el producto sin adición de GA o MD. Una relación exponencial empírica fue utilizada para describir la dependencia del calor de sorción con el contenido de humedad del material.
Ensaios de sondagem e caminhamento elétrico têm sido realizados globalmente na avaliação de uma grande variedade de problemas em exploração mineral e hidrogeologia, bem como na caracterização de locais com risco de contaminação. A despeito da utilidade de ensaios geoelétricos em estudos hidrogeológicos e na caracterização de depósitos de resíduos desativados, um problema na utilização de sondagens elétricas ocorre em conseqüência da falta de espaço para aquisição de dados nessas áreas. Em áreas urbanas, isto constitui uma limitação importante devido à existência de construções, o que muitas vezes interrompe o desenvolvimento de ensaios de campo com arranjos de comprimentos adequados. Embora investigações rasas tendam a ser eficazes em caracterização geoambiental, a estimativa de parâmetros-chave pode depender da investigação de porções mais profundas. Entretanto, uma profundidade de investigação ligeiramente maior é obtida pelo arranjo dipolo-dipolo em comparação aos arranjos Schlumberger e Wenner de mesmo comprimento. Essa característica do arranjo dipolo-dipolo pode ser observada em vários estudos, mas provavelmente devido à tradição e à relação sinal-ruído, a grande maioria das sondagens elétricas é feita com os arranjos Schlumberger e Wenner.O arranjo dipolo-dipolo é mais utilizado em ensaios 2D. Até onde se sabe, essa maior capacidade de investigação em profundidade do arranjo dipolo-dipolo 1D não foi explorada em estudos geoambientais e nem em estudos hidrogeológicos em áreas urbanas. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de ensaios de campo que ressaltam a utilidade de sondagens dipolo-dipolo na investigação de tais áreas.
The South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) is one of the most outstanding anomalies of the geomagnetic field. The SAMA secular variation was obtained and compared to the evolution of other anomalies using spherical harmonic field models for the 1590-2005 period. An analysis of data from four South American observatories shows how this large scale anomaly affected their measurements. Since SAMA is a low total field anomaly, the field was separated into its nondipolar, quadrupolar and octupolar parts. The time evolution of the non-dipole/total, quadrupolar/total and octupolar/total field ratios yielded increasingly high values for the South Atlantic since 1750. The SAMA evolution is compared to the evolution of other large scale surface geomagnetic features like the North and the South Pole and the Siberia High, and this comparison shows the intensity equilibrium between these anomalies in both hemispheres. The analysis of non-dipole fields in historical period suggests that SAMA is governed by (i) quadrupolar field for drift, and (ii) quadrupolar and octupolar fields for intensity and area of influence. Furthermore, our study reinforces the possibility that SAMA may be related to reverse fluxes in the outer core under the South Atlantic region.
Physiological and biochemical aspects of assai palm during seed germination and early seedling growth were investigated. Seeds collected from plants growing in flooded and upland forests were used to determine the influence of normoxic (aerobic) and anoxic (anaerobic) conditions in germination and the initial and average time of development in the roots and shoots. After 75 days, seedlings germinated under normoxia were transferred to trays and submitted to flooding. Seed reserves (lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch) were monitored for quiescent and germinated seeds maintained under normoxic and anoxic conditions, as well as after 5, 10 and 20 days of seedling growth. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity was quantified in roots and leaves of seedlings without or with flooding (partial and total). Seeds were not able to germinate under anoxia. Different strategies of storage mobilization of lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch were observed in seeds of each environment. ADH activity was induced by anoxia, with the highest level observed in the leaves. This study showed that, under normoxic conditions, the best developmental performance of assai palm seeds, from flooded or upland forest areas, during germination was associated with primary metabolites mobilization and seedling flooding tolerance with increased ADH activity. We conclude that the assai palm is well adapted to the anoxic conditions provoked by flooding.
Aspects related to the nature of stem thickening in monocotyledons have been the subject of many studies. Primary thickening has been attributed to the Primary Thickening Meristem (PTM). According to most authors, it gives rise, besides the adventitious roots, to the vascular tissues and part of the cortex. In other words, it has centripetal and centrifugal activity. For some authors, however, it gives rise only to the vascular system, and for others, only to part of the cortex. However, this work demonstrated that PTM corresponds to the pericycle in the meristematic phase or to the pericycle associated with the endodermis, also with meristematic activity. It was observed that the pericycle was responsible for the formation of the vascular system of the rhizome and of the adventitious roots; the endodermis gave rise to cell layers with radial disposition which comprised the inner portion of the stem cortex, and which corresponded to the region known as the derivatives of the meristematic endodermis (DME). A continuity was also demonstrated between the tissues of the stem and root in species of Scleria Berg. (Cyperaceae).
The aim of this study was to look for evidence of allelochemicals in B. decumbens, in parts of the plant from where they could easily be released to the environment. The germination inhibition of Phalaris canariensis, Lactuca sativa (standard species) and Melinis minutiflora, another invasive African grass, was tested using B. decumbens germinating seeds and aqueous leachates of the roots, green and senescent leaves, at 5, 10 and 20% w/v. Both the germinating seeds and the aqueous leachates of B. decumbens reduced the germination of the species tested; the effectiveness of the aqueous leachates increased according to concentration. Apparently, the competitive advantage of B. decumbens in the cerrados could be amplified via allelopathy.
The taxonomic revision of the genus Lamontichthys Miranda-Ribeiro, based on the examination of 164 specimens of different river drainages throughout the Amazon basin, revealed the presence of six species of which two are new. Lamontichthys filamentosus occurs in the upper and middle portions of the rio Amazonas basin; L. llanero in the río Orinoco basin; L. maracaibero in the lago Maracaibo basin; and L. stibaros in the upper río Amazonas basin. Lamontichthys avacanoeiro, new species, occurs in the upper rio Tocantins basin; and L. parakana, new species, in the lower rio Tocantins basin. The new species represent a considerable extension in the so far known distribution of the genus. A parsimony analysis, including 87 osteological and external morphological characters from Lamontichthys and related taxa (total of 16), resulted in three most parsimonious trees with 194 steps (CI = 0.73 and RI = 0.78). The hypothesis of monophyly of Lamontichthys is corroborated and supported by six derived characters. Within Lamontichthys two monophyletic assemblages are recognized, one includes L. avacanoeiro and L. stibaros, the other includes L. maracaibero and the clade formed by L. filamentosus and L. llanero. The relationships of Lamontichthys parakana, a species that was not included in the phylogenetic analysis is discussed. The monophyly and relationships of the monotypic genus Pterosturisoma microps are also discussed.
BACKGROUND: It is well known the association between gastroesophageal reflux disease and asthma. The hyperreactivity of the airways is a characteristic of an asthmatic. Many studies associate the increase of the airways reactivity with gastroesophageal reflux disease. AIM: In this study we have evaluated the effect of the intraluminal exposition to gastric juice of trachea on the reactivity to methacholine from rats submitted to a pulmonary allergic inflammation. METHODS: Group of rats were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin. After 24 hours the animals were sacrificed, and their tracheae were removed to be cultured with gastric juice. The gastric juice was obtained from a donor rat. Subsequently the segments were placed into plastic plates with RPMI-1640 for incubation, under suitable atmosphere and time. After the period of incubation the segments were put into chambers for the analysis of the contractile response to methacholine. RESULTS: We observed reduction in the contractile response of trachea cultured with gastric juice from allergic rats. This result was confirmed by the pharmacological treatments with compound 48/80 and dissodium cromoglicate (mast cells blockade), L-NAME (nitric oxide inhibitor, NO), capsaicin (neuropeptides depletion) and indomethacin (ciclooxigenase inhibitor). CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight to the existence of a complex interaction between pulmonary allergy and gastric juice in the airways. The involvement of the non-adrenergic non-cholinergic system, NO, prostanoids and mast cells are directly related to this interaction. We suggest that the reduced contractile response observed in vitro may represent a protector mechanism of the airways. Despite its presence in the human body it can not be observed due to the predominant effects of excitatory the non-adrenergic non-cholinergic system.
Objective: Wives of pathological gamblers tend to endure long marriages despite financial and emotional burden. Difficulties in social adjustment, personality psychopathology, and comorbidity with psychiatric disorders are pointed as reasons for remaining on such overwhelming relationships. The goal was to examine the social adjustment, personality and negative emotionality of wives of pathological gamblers. Method: The sample consisted of 25 wives of pathological gamblers, mean age 40.6, SD = 9.1 from a Gambling Outpatient Unit and at GAM-ANON, and 25 wives of non-gamblers, mean age 40.8, SD = 9.1, who answered advertisements placed at the Universidade de São Paulo hospital and medical school complex. They were selected in order to approximately match demographic characteristics of the wives of pathological gamblers. Subjects were assessed by the Social Adjustment Scale, Temperament and Character Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: Three variables remained in the final Multiple Logistic Regression model, wives of pathological gamblers presented greater dissatisfaction with their marital bond, and higher scores on Reward Dependence and Persistence temperament factors. Both, Wives of pathological gamblers and wives of non-gamblers presented well-structured character factors excluding personality disorders. Conclusion: This personality profile may explain wives of pathological gamblers emotional resilience and their marriage longevity. Co-dependence and other labels previously used to describe them may work as a double edged sword, legitimating wives of pathological gamblers problems, while stigmatizing them as inapt and needy.
A (in)elegibilidade feminina na Academia Brasileira de Letras: Carolina Michaëlis e Amélia Beviláqua
A Academia Brasileira de Letras erigiu-se como um ambiente refratário à presença feminina. Embora mantida fora de cogitação durante seus primeiros oitenta anos de existência, a questão da "elegibilidade feminina" não deixou de integrar a pauta de algumas das sessões acadêmicas. Destarte, o presente artigo objetiva iluminar este tema, tendo em vista os bastidores de dois importantes episódios ocorridos, respectivamente, em 1911 e 1930, quais sejam: a cogitação do nome da filóloga Carolina Michaëlis para integrar o quadro de sócios correspondentes da "Casa de Machado de Assis" e a proposta oficial de candidatura encaminhada por Amélia Beviláqua, primeira mulher a tentar concorrer a uma vaga entre os membros efetivos da agremiação.
Neste artigo estudamos configurações centrais planares do tipo pipa para o problema de quatro corpos. Mostramos a existência de tais configurações para as pipas côncavas, quando uma das massas está no interior do triângulo formado pelas outras três massas, e para as pipas convexas, quando uma das massas está no exterior do triângulo formado pelas outras três massas.
A contemporaneidade contempla formas de estruturação da subjetividade amplamente perpassadas por condições de existência socioculturais e econômicas. Estas, por sua vez, têm promovido laços intersubjetivos frágeis, cujo funcionamento psíquico pode ter uma organização de base "falso-self". Autores também demonstram que diversas instituições atuais se tornaram "fluidas" na passagem da modernidade para a "modernidade líquida". Isto contribuiu para a perda de referências sólidas que, outrora, davam sentido e direcionamento para o ser humano. Em decorrência há uma interferência direta na construção da "confiança madura", visto que os sinais de angústia da contemporaneidade podem ser um desorganizador do funcionamento psíquico, além de promoverem o isolamento, a desconfiança no ambiente e no outro, laços mal-atados e funcionamentos de base "falso-self".
O objetivo deste artigo é abordar a questão das vivências na perspectiva de L.S. Vigotski, tratando de suas fontes epistemológicas, de suas raízes na língua russa e de seus sentidos específicos, priorizando "A Tragédia do Hamlet, Príncipe da Dinamarca" (1916) e os textos pedológicos dos anos 1930, com destaque para "A questão do meio na pedologia". Destacam-se as transformações das ideias do autor sobre vivências e sua contribuição metodológica à análise da relação indivíduo-meio no desenvolvimento humano, articulada aos conceitos de consciência e sistema.