39 resultados para nitrogen dioxide concentration
Background: We aimed to compare plasma concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) in dogs that underwent intra- and preperitoneal CO(2) insufflation. Materials and Methods: Thirty dogs were studied. Ten formed a control group, 10 underwent intraperitoneal CO(2) insufflation, and 10 underwent preperitoneal CO(2) insufflation. General anesthesia with controlled ventilation was standardized for all dogs. After stabilizing the anesthesia, blood samples were collected at predetermined times and were sent for immediate gasometric analysis. Analysis of variance was used for comparing variables. Results: The plasma CO(2) concentration in the intraperitoneal insufflation group increased significantly more than in the preperitoneal insufflation group and was significantly greater than in the control group (P < 0.05). The pH values in the intraperitoneal group were lower than in the preperitoneal group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The data from this study suggest that a greater plasma concentration of CO(2) is achieved by insufflation at constant pressure into the intraperitoneal space than into the preperitoneal space.
Addressing spatial variability in nitrogen (N) availability in the Central Brazilian Amazon, we hypothesized that N availability varies among white-sand vegetation types (campina and campinarana) and lowland tropical forests (dense terra-firme forests) in the Central Brazilian Amazon, under the same climate conditions. Accordingly, we measured soil and foliar N concentration and N isotope ratios (delta(15)N) throughout the campina-campinarana transect and compared to published dense terra-firme forest results. There were no differences between white-sand vegetation types in regard to soil N concentration, C:N ratio and delta(15)N across the transect. Both white-sand vegetation types showed very low foliar N concentrations and elevated foliar C:N ratios, and no significant difference between site types was observed. Foliar delta(15)N was depleted, varying from -9.6 to 1.6aEuro degrees in the white-sand vegetations. The legume Aldina heterophylla had the highest average delta(15)N values (-1.5aEuro degrees) as well as the highest foliar N concentration (2.1%) while the non-legume species had more depleted delta(15)N values and the average foliar N concentrations varied from 0.9 to 1.5% among them. Despite the high variation in foliar delta(15)N among plants, a significant and gradual (15)N-enrichment in foliar isotopic signatures throughout the campina-campinarana transect was observed. Individual plants growing in the campinarana were significantly enriched in (15)N compared to those in campina. In the white-sand N-limited ecosystems, the differentiation of N use seems to be a major cause of variations observed in foliar delta(15)N values throughout the campina-campinarana transect.
Upland rice plants, cultivar `IAC 202,` were grown in nutrient solution until full tillering. Treatments consisted of ammonium nitrate (AN) or urea (UR) as nitrogen (N) source plus molybdenum (Mo) and/or nickel (Ni): AN + Mo + Ni, AN + Mo - Ni, AN - Mo + Ni, UR + Mo + Ni, UR + Mo - Ni, and UR - Mo + Ni. The experiment was carried out to better understand the effect of these treatments on dry-matter yield, chlorophyll, net photosynthesis rate, nitrate (NO3 --N), total N, in vitro activities of urease and nitrate reductase (NR), and Mo and Ni concentrations. In UR-grown plants, Mo and Ni addition increased yield of dry matter. Regardless of the N source, chlorophyll concentration and net photosynthesis rate were reduced when Mo or Ni were omitted, although not always significantly. The omission of either Mo or Ni led to a decrease in urease activity, independent of N source. Nitrate reductase activity increased in nutrient solutions without Mo, although NO3 --N increased. There was not a consistent variation in total N concentration. Molybdenum and Ni concentration in roots and shoots were influenced by their supply in the nutrient solution. Molybdenum concentration was not influenced by N sources, whereas Ni content in both root and shoots was greater in ammonium nitrate-grown plants. In conclusion, it can be hypothesized that there is a relationship between Mo and Ni acting on photosynthesis, although is an indirect one. This is the first evidence for a beneficial effect of Mo and Ni interaction on plant growth.
The performance of a new trickling filter (TF) configuration composed of an upper compartment for nitrification and a lower compartment for denitrification of effluent from a UASB reactor treating domestic sewage was evaluated. The TF was packed with new plastic material characterized by its durability and high percentage of void spaces. The feasibility of using the reduced compounds present in the biogas produced by a UASB reactor as electron donor for denitrification was also evaluated. Efficient nitrification and denitrification was achieved for the mean hydraulic (5.6 m(3) m(-2) d(-1)) organic (0.26 kg COD m(-3) d(-1)) and ammonia-N (0.08 kg m(-3) d(-1)) loading rates applied, resulting in ammonia-N removal ranging from 60 to 74%. The final effluent presented ammonia-N lower than 13 mg L(-1). Despite the presence of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the denitrification compartment, its performance was considered quite satisfactory and final nitrate concentrations were lower than 10 mg L(-1). The results indicate that methane was the main electron donor used for denitrification. Additionally, denitrification can probably be improved by avoiding high DO concentration in the denitrification compartment and by enhancing biogas transfer in the anoxic zone.
Oxy-coal combustion is a viable technology, for new and existing coal-fired power plants, as it facilitates carbon capture and, thereby, can mitigate climate change. Pulverized coals of various ranks, biomass, and their blends were burned to assess the evolution of combustion effluent gases, such as NO(x), SO(2), and CO, under a variety of background gas compositions. The fuels were burned in an electrically heated laboratory drop-tube furnace in O(2)/N(2) and O(2)/CO(2) environments with oxygen mole fractions of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, at a furnace temperature of 1400 K. The fuel mass flow rate was kept constant in most cases, and combustion was fuel-lean. Results showed that in the case of four coals studied, NO(x) emissions in O(2)/CO(2) environments were lower than those in O(2)/N(2) environments by amounts that ranged from 19 to 43% at the same oxygen concentration. In the case of bagasse and coal/bagasse blends, the corresponding NO(x) reductions ranged from 22 to 39%. NO(x) emissions were found to increase with increasing oxygen mole fraction until similar to 50% O(2) was reached; thereafter, they monotonically decreased with increasing oxygen concentration. NO(x) emissions from the various fuels burned did not clearly reflect their nitrogen content (0.2-1.4%), except when large content differences were present. SO(2) emissions from all fuels remained largely unaffected by the replacement of the N(2) diluent gas with CO(2), whereas they typically increased with increasing sulfur content of the fuels (0.07-1.4%) and decreased with increasing calcium content of the fuels (0.28-2.7%). Under the conditions of this work, 20-50% of the fuel-nitrogen was converted to NO(x). The amount of fuel-sulfur converted to SO(2) varied widely, depending on the fuel and, in the case of the bituminous coal, also depending on the O(2) mole fraction. Blending the sub-bituminous coal with bagasse reduced its SO(2) yields, whereas blending the bituminous coal with bagasse reduced both its SO(2) and NO(x) yields. CO emissions were generally very low in all cases. The emission trends were interpreted on the basis of separate combustion observations.
A laboratory scale activated sludge sequencing batch reactor was operated in order to obtain total removal of influent ammonia (200; 300 and 500 mg NH(3)-N.L(-1)) with sustained nitrite accumulation at the end of the aerobic stages with phenol (1,000 mg C(6)H(5)OH.L(-1)) as the carbon source for denitrifying microorganisms during the anoxic stages. Ammonia removal above 95% and ratios of (NO(2)(-)-N / (NO(2)(-)-N + NO(3)(-)-N)) ranging from 89 to 99% were obtained by controlling the dissolved oxygen concentration (1.0 mg O(2).L(-1)) and the pH value of 8.3 during the aerobic stages. Phenol proved to be an adequate source of carbon for nitrogen removal via nitrite with continuous feeding throughout part of the anoxic stage. Nitrite concentrations greater than 70.0 mg NO(2)(-)-N.L(-1) inhibited the biological denitritation process.
Aspartate kinase (AK, EC, homoserine dehydrogenase (HSDH, EC and dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS, EC were isolated and partially purified from immature Chenopodium quinoa Willd seeds. Enzyme activities were studied in the presence of the aspartate-derived amino acids lysine, threonine and methionine and also the lysine analogue S-2-aminoethyl-L-cysteine (AEC), at 1 mM and 5 mM. The results confirmed the existence of, at least, two AK isoenzymes, one inhibited by lysine and the other inhibited by threonine, the latter being predominant in quinoa seeds. HSDH activity was also shown to be partially inhibited by threonine, whereas some of the activity was resistant to the inhibitory effect, indicating the presence of two isoenzymes, one resistant and another sensitive to threonine inhibition. Only one DHDPS isoenzyme highly sensitive to lysine inhibition was detected. The results suggest that the high concentration of lysine observed in quinoa seeds is possibly due to a combined effect of increased lysine, synthesis and accumulation in the soluble form and/or as protein lysine. Nitrogen assimilation was also investigated and based on nitrate content, nitrate reductase activity, amino acid distribution and ureide content, the leaves were identified as the predominant site of nitrate reduction in this plant species. The amino acid profile analysis in leaves and roots also indicated an important role of soluble glutamine as a nitrogen transporting compound. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Nutrient dynamics in tropical soils sustaining forage grasses are still poorly understood. We conducted a study to evaluate the effect of combined N and S fertilizer rates on the growth of `Marandu` palisade grass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf], uptake of these elements from the soil by plants, soil organic matter concentration, soil pH, and the mineral and organic fractions of N and S in an Entisol. Combinations of five N rates (0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 g N m(-3)) with five S rates (0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 g S m(-3)) were evaluated in a partial 5 x 5 factorial in a pot experiment, with and without plants. Nitrogen and S were supplied as NH(4)NO(3) and CaSO(4)center dot 2H(2)O, respectively. The N addition in excess did not enhance the palisade grass production due to low plant-available Sin the soil. The supply of low rates of S with N greatly improved the overall N uptake efficiency by the forage plant. The contents of total N, NO(3)(-)-N, and NH(4)(+)-N in the soil varied with N rate and with N uptake by the plants. The association of palisade grass with S fertilization increased the ester-bonded S fraction in the soil. The results suggest that soil residual S could be a potential source of S for plants. Proper N and S fertilizer rates promoted increased grass production due to increased uptake of these nutrients and the dynamics of the organic N and S fractions and mineral fractions in this tropical soil.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of particle size and concentration of poly(F.-caprolactone) and adipate modified starch blend on mineralization in soils with differing textures, comparing it with polyethylene under the same experimental conditions. Two soil types were used: a Kandiudalfic Eutrudox with a clayey texture and an Arenic Hapludult with a sandy texture. The two different plastic specimens were incorporated in the form of plastic films with three increasing particle sizes and six doses, from 0 to 2.5 mg C g(-1) soil. Each plastic dose was incorporated into 200 g of soil placed in a hermetically closed jar at 28 degrees C, and incubated for a 120-day period to determine CO(2) evolution. Once again it was confirmed that polyethylene is almost non-biodegradable, in contrast to PCL/S, which can be defined as a biodegradable material. Soil texture affected the mineralization kinetics of the plastic specimens, with higher values for the clayey soil. No changes in soil microbial biomass-C or -N were observed by adding polyethylene and PCL/S to the soil. Also, no significant differences were observed on seed emergence and development of rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) in plastic modified soil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previous work demonstrated that a mixture of NH(4)Cl and KNO(3) as nitrogen source was beneficial to fed-batch Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis cultivation, in terms of either lower costs or higher cell concentration. On the basis of those results, this study focused on the use of a cheaper nitrogen source mixture, namely (NH(4))(2)SO(4) plus NaNO(3), varying the ammonium feeding time (T = 7-15 days), either controlling the pH by CO(2) addition or not. A. platensis was cultivated in mini-tanks at 30 degrees C, 156 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), and starting cell concentration of 400 mg L(-1), on a modified Schlosser medium. T = 13 days under pH control were selected as optimum conditions, ensuring the best results in terms of biomass production (maximum cell concentration of 2911 mg L(-1), cell productivity of 179 mg L(-1) d(-1) and specific growth rate of 0.77 d(-1)) and satisfactory protein and lipid contents (around 30% each). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work is focused on the influence of dilution rate (0.08 <= D <= 0.32 d(1)) on the continuous cultivation and biomass composition of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis using three different concentrations of ammonium chloride (c(No) = 1.0, 5.0 and 10 mol m (3)) as nitrogen source. At c(No) = 1.0 and 5.0 mol m (3) the biomass protein content was an increasing function of D, whereas, when using c(No) = 10 mol m (3), the highest protein content (72.5%) was obtained at D = 0.12 d (1). An overall evaluation of the process showed that biomass protein content increased with the rate of nitrogen supply (D c(No)) up to 72.5% at D c(No) = 1.20 mol m (3) d (1). Biomass lipid content was an increasing function of D only when the nitrogen source was the limiting factor for the growth (D c(No) <= 0.32 mol m (-3) d (1)), which occurred solely with c(No), = 1.0 mol m (3). Under such conditions, A. platensis reduced its nitrogen reserve in the form of proteins, while maintaining almost unvaried its lipid content. The latter was affected only when the concentration of nitrogen was extremely low (c(No) = 1.0 mol m (3)). The most abundant fatty acids were the palmitic (45.8 +/- 5.20%) and the gamma-linolenic (20.1 +/- 2.00%) ones. No significant alteration in the profiles either of saturated or unsaturated fatty acids was observed with c(No) <= 5.0 mol m (3), prevailing those with 16 and 18 carbons. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Arthrospira platensis was cultivated in minitanks at 13 klux, using a mixture of KNO(3) and NH(4)Cl as nitrogen source. Fed-batch daily supply of NH(4)Cl at exponentially-increasing feeding rate allowed preventing ammonia toxicity and nitrogen deficiency, providing high maximum cell concentration (X(m)) and high-quality biomass (21.85 mg chlorophyll g cells(-1); 20.5% lipids; 49.8% proteins). A central composite design combined to response surface methodology was utilized to determine the relationships between responses (X(m), cell productivity and nitrogen-to-cell conversion factor) and independent variables (KNO(3) and NH(4)Cl concentrations). Under optimum conditions (15.5 mM KNO3; 14.1 mM NH(4)Cl), X(m) was 4327 mg L(-1), a value almost coincident with that obtained with only 25.4 mM KNO(3), but more than twice that obtained with 21.5 mM NH(4)Cl. A 30%-reduction of culture medium cost can be estimated when compared to KNO(3)-batch runs, thus behaving as a cheap alternative for the commercial production of this cyanobacterium. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Arthospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nordstedt) Gomont was autotrophically cultivated for biomass production in repeated fed-batch process using urea as nitrogen source, with the aim of making large-scale production easier, increasing cell productivity and then reducing the production costs. It was investigated the influence or the ratio of renewed volume to total volume (R), the Urea feeding time (t(f)) and the number of successive repealed fed-batch cycles on the maximum cell concentration (X(m)), cell productivity (P(x)), nitrogen-to-cell conversion yield (Y(x/n)), maximum specific growth rate (mu(m)) and protein content of, dry biomass. The experimental results demonstrated chat R=0.80 and t(f) = 6d were the best cultivation conditions, being able to simultaneously ensure, throughout the three fed-batch cycles, the highest average values of three of the five responses (X(m) = 2101 +/- 113 mg L(-1), P(x) = 219 +/- 13 mg L(-1) d(-1) and Y(x/n) = 10.3 +/- 0.8,g g(-1)). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recently, some research groups have been developing studies aiming to apply spouted beds of inert particles for production of dried herbal extracts. However, mainly due to their complex composition, several problems arise during the spouted bed drying of herbal extracts such as bed instability, product accumulation, particle agglomeration, and bed collapse. The addition of drying carriers, like colloidal silicon dioxide, to the extractive solution can minimize these unwanted effects. The aim of this work was to study the influence of the addition of colloidal silicon dioxide on enhancement of the performance of the drying of hydroalcoholic extract of Bauhinia forficata Link on a spouted bed of inert particles. The physical properties of the herbal extract and of its mixture with colloidal silicon dioxide at several concentrations (20% to 80% related to solids content) were quantified by determination of the surface tension, rheological properties, density, pH, and contact angles with the inert surfaces. Drying performance was evaluated through determination of the elutriation ratio, product recovery ratio, and product accumulation. The product was characterized through determination of the thermal degradation of bioactive compounds and product moisture content. The results indicated that the rheological properties of the extracts and their preparations, the contact angle with inert material, and the work of adhesion play important roles in the spouted bed drying of herbal extracts. Higher concentration of the drying carrier significantly improved the spouted bed drying performance.
The aim of this study was to compare the concentration of mast cells (MCs) in the healing process of incisions. Thirty rats were submitted to six linear incisions each, performed in the dorsal skin by carbon dioxide (CO(2)) and diode lasers, electrocautery and conventional scalpel. The animals were euthanized at intervals of 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 7 days and 14 days after the incisions had been made. Histological sections were obtained and stained with toluidine blue for identification of MCs, which were manually counted by conventional microscopy in 20 microscopic fields in the border of the incision, near the granulation tissue, or in the area of new collagen formation, depending on intervals. The concentration of MCs was significantly higher in the wounds made by scalpel than in those made by other techniques at 48 h and 72 h. After 72 h the number of MCs was also significantly higher after electrocautery than after incisions made by 4 W CO(2) laser. On days 7 and 14, there was no significant difference in the MC count among the different types of incisions. In summary, the MC concentration varied after different surgical incisions at early phases of wound healing. At the end of the healing process, however, there were similar MC concentrations around the incisions, suggesting that, in standard incisions in the surgical techniques studied, the wound healing process ultimately occurred in a similar pattern.