66 resultados para marcapasso duplo-sítio atrial


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Aims: We assessed the effects of right atrial stretch on gastric tone and neuro-humoral pathways involved in this phenomenon. Main methods: Anesthetized male rats were submitted for monitoring of the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and central venous pressure (CVP). A balloon catheter positioned into the stomach monitored by plethysmography the gastric volume (GV). All rats were monitored for 55-min. After the first 20-min of monitoring (basal period), rats were either submitted to a 5-min interval of atrial stretch (AS) or maintained as controls. An intra-atrial balloon catheter was distended with 30,50, or 70 mu L of saline. GV and hemodynamic data were also monitored for a further 30-min. Another set of rats, either previously submitted to subdiaphragmaic vagotomy or splanchnicectomy plus celiac ganglionectomy or maintained as controls (sham), were also submitted to AS. Each subset consisted of six rats. The plasma level of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was measured in another group of rats. Data were compared by ANOVA followed by Bonferroni`s test. Key findings: In control rats, the GV, MAP, and CVP remained at stable levels throughout the studies. In addition to increase the CVP, AS also decreased (P<0.05) the GV by 14%, 11.5%, and 16.5% in the 30, 50, and 70 mu L groups, respectively. Vagotomy prevented the GV decrease. In contrast, the AS decreased (P<0.05) the GV by 21.3% in splanchnicectomized rats. Significance: AS decreased the GV of rats in a volume-dependent manner, a phenomenon prevented by vagotomy but enhanced by celiac ganglionectomy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Atrial mechanoreceptors, sensitive to stretch, contribute in regulating heart rate and intravascular volume. The information from those receptors reaches the nucleus tractus solitarius and then the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), known to have a crucial role in the regulation of cardiovascular function. Neurons in the PVN synthesize CRF, AVP, and oxytocin (OT). Stimulation of atrial mechanoreceptors was performed in awake rats implanted with a balloon at the junction of the superior vena cava and right atrium. Plasma ACTH, AVP, and OT concentrations and Fos, CRF, AVP, and OT immunolabeling in the PVN were determined after balloon inflation in hydrated and water-deprived rats. The distension of the balloon increased the plasma ACTH concentrations, which were higher in water-deprived than in hydrated rats (P < 0.05). In addition, the distension in the water-deprived group decreased plasma AVP concentrations (P < 0.05), compared with the respective control group. The distension increased the number of Fos- and double-labeled Fos/CRF neurons in the parvocellular PVN, which was higher in the water-deprived than in the hydrated group (P < 0.01). There was no difference in the Fos expression in magnocellular PVN neurons after distension in hydrated and water-deprived groups, compared with respective controls. In conclusion, parvocellular CRF neurons showed an increase of Fos expression induced by stimulation of right atrial mechanoreceptors, suggesting that CRF participates in the cardiovascular reflex adjustments elicited by volume loading. Activation of CRF neurons in the PVN by cardiovascular reflex is affected by osmotic stimulation.


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Adjunctive therapeutic strategies that modulate the inflammatory mediators can play a significant role in periodontal therapy. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 60 subjects diagnosed as periodontitis patients were evaluated for 28 days after periodontal treatment combined with selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor. The experimental group received scaling and root planning (SRP) combined with the Loxoprofen antiinflammatory drug (SRP+Loxoprofen). The control group received SRP combined with placebo (SRP+placebo). Plaque index (PI), probing pocket depth (PD) and bleeding on probing (BOP) were monitored with an electronic probe at baseline and after 14 and 28 days. Both groups displayed clinical improvement in PD, PI and BOP. They also showed statistically similar values (p>0.05) of PD reduction on day 14 (0.4 mm) and on day 28 (0.6 mm). At the baseline, few deeper sites (>7 mm) from SRP+Loxoprofen group were responsible and most PD reduction was observed after 14 days (p<0.05). The percentage of remaining deep pockets (>7 mm) after 14 days in the SRP+Loxoprofen group was significantly lower (p<0.05) than in the SRP+placebo group. Loxoprofen presents potential effect as an adjunct of periodontal disease treatment, but long-term clinical trials are necessary to confirm its efficacy.


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The maintenance of masticatory function is especially important for patients wearing complete dentures due to their limitations. Thus, the bilateral balanced occlusal concept is used to achieve greater masticatory efficiency. However, a critical review of the literature reveals that there is not sufficient scientific evidence to support bilateral balanced occlusion as the most appropriate occlusal concept in complete dentures. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the masticatory efficiency in complete dentures wearers with bilateral balanced occlusion and canine guidance. A double-blinded controlled crossover clinical trial was conducted. The sample was composed by 24 edentulous patients who wore sets of complete dentures with both occlusal concepts during equal periods of 3 months. Objective data were collected through the masticatory efficiency test performed by the colorimetric method with the beads, in which capsules of a synthetic material enclosing fuchsine-containing granules were used. Subjective data were recorded by patient's ratings of their chewing function. No significant statistical difference was found for masticatory efficiency (p=0.095) between the two occlusal concepts studied. The results suggest that bilateral balanced occlusion does not improve the masticatory efficiency in complete denture wearers.


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A medula espinhal dos mamíferos adultos não permite a regeneração de axônios. Por razões ainda desconhecidas, as fibras neurais falham em cruzar o sítio da lesão, como se não houvesse crescimento, desde a primeira tentativa. Quais mecanismos poderiam explicar a perda da capacidade de regeneração? As cicatrizes formadas pelas células da glia seriam uma consequência da falha na regeneração ou a causa? Diversas linhas de evidência sugerem que a regeneração da medula espinhal seria impedida no sistema nervoso central pela ação de fatores locais no sítio da lesão, e que o sistema nervoso central não-lesado é um meio permissivo para o crescimento axonal, na direção de alvos específicos. Uma vez que os axônios são induzidos adequadamente a cruzar a lesão com o auxílio de implantes, fármacos ou células indiferenciadas, as fibras em regeneração podem encontrar a via específica e estabelecer conexões corretas. O que ainda não se sabe é que combinação de moléculas induz/inibe o potencial de regeneração do tecido e que mecanismos permitem aos neurônios formarem conexões específicas com os alvos com os quais são programados a fazer.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a 0.05% clobetasol propionate ointment administered in trays to 22 patients with desquamative gingivitis in a double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled trial. Patients received container number 1 and were instructed to apply the ointment 3 times a day for 2 weeks, and to reduce the application to once a day in the third week. Next, the patients were then instructed to discontinue the treatment for 2 weeks, and were then given container 2, used in the same way and for the same length of time as container 1. Regarding signs, 17 patients presented some improvement, while 5 experienced worsening with clobetasol propionate. With the placebo, 14 patients presented some improvement, and 8 patients presented worsening. For symptoms, there was complete improvement in 2 patients, partial improvement in 12, no response in 7, and worsening in 1 with clobetasol propionate. With the placebo, there was partial improvement in 8 patients, no response in 12 and worsening in 2. No statistically significant difference was found between clobetasol and placebo (p>0.05). Within the period designed to treat the gingival lesions of the patients, clobetasol propionate did not significantly outperform the placebo.


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Os cuidados gerais relativos ao paciente submetido ao transplante de medula óssea (TMO) incluem avaliações odontológicas rotineiras, as quais devem estar inseridas em um contexto multiprofissional. A cavidade oral constitui um sítio propício a infecções com grande potencial de desenvolvimento de bacteremia, sendo que lesões infecciosas devem ser previamente tratadas e controladas pelo cirurgião-dentista. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir questões em destaque na literatura nacional e internacional referentes aos quadros inflamatórios e infecciosos orais de importância para o paciente transplantado de medula óssea, tanto os predisponentes a complicações durante o transplante, quanto os que ocorrem durante e após a terapia mielossupressora. Destaca-se na literatura a doença periodontal avançada, a qual constitui um quadro infeccioso crônico que deve ser evitado ou controlado durante o TMO, principalmente devido à presença de S. viridans. Os fatores de risco para mucosite oral (OM), doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro (DECH) e xerostomia ainda não estão definidos, principalmente para OM e DECH. São citadas na literatura alternativas promissoras de tratamento para OM, tais como crioterapia, administração de fatores de crescimento e laserterapia. O risco aumentado de cárie é controverso e, dentre as lesões fúngicas e virais, destacam-se as infecções orais e de orofaringe por Candida e pela família de herpesvírus, de importância clínica considerável. Em pacientes pediátricos são relevantes as alterações craniofaciais e dentárias, decorrentes principalmente da radioterapia.


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PURPOSE: Evaluate the bone tissue recovery following transplantation of ovine mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from bone marrow and human immature dental-pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) in ovine model of induced osteonecrosis of femoral head (ONFH). METHODS: Eight sheep were divided in three experimental groups. First group was composed by four animals with ONFH induced by ethanol through central decompression (CD), for control group without any treatment. The second and third group were compose by two animals, six weeks after ONFH induction received transplantation of heterologous ovine MSC (CD + oMSC), and hIDPSC (CD + hIDPSC), respectively. In both experiments the cells were transplanted without application of any type of immunosupression protocol. RESULTS: Our data indicate that both cell types used in experiments were able to proliferate within injured site providing bone tissue recovery. The histological results obtained from CD+hIDPSC suggested that the bone regeneration in such animals was better than that observed in CD animals. CONCLUSION: Mesenchymal stem cell transplant in induced ovine osteonecrosis of femoral head by central decompression technique is safe, and apparently favors bone regeneration of damaged tissues.


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O câncer de cólon é uma doença de alta prevalência e mortalidade, cujo tratamento baseia-se na ressecção cirúrgica. A possibilidade de cura aumenta com o diagnóstico precoce, daí a importância dos programas de rastreamento populacional do câncer colorretal. O presente estudo analisou, retrospectivamente, 66 pacientes submetidos a ressecções do cólon por neoplasia em um período de 58 meses no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1, submetidos a cirurgia eletiva (28 pacientes), e grupo 2, submetidos a cirurgia de urgência (38 pacientes). Os grupos foram comparados com relação às variáveis sexo, idade, apresentação clínica, aspectos da técnica cirúrgica, sítio anatômico da lesão, estádio patológico, taxas de complicações, permanência hospitalar pós-operatória e óbitos na internação. Verificou-se no presente estudo que a idade entre os grupos foi semelhante. Houve uma predominância do sexo masculino entre os pacientes operados de urgência. No grupo de cirurgia eletiva, o principal sintoma foi a hematoquezia, enquanto os operados na urgência, tinham como principal queixa dor abdominal. A grande maioria dos pacientes, no momento da cirurgia, apresentava-se sintomática há meses. Os pacientes operados na urgência apresentaram mais tumores pT4 e os operados eletivamente apresentaram mais neoplasias em estádio I. Em ambos os grupos, o caráter oncológico dos procedimentos foi preservado, bem como foi alto o índice de anastomoses primárias (81,8%). As taxas de complicações pós-operatórias, o tempo de permanência hospitalar pós-operatório e a mortalidade foram semelhantes.


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A series of nine new [3-(disubstituted-phosphate)-4,4,4-trifluoro-butyl]-carbamic acid ethyl esters (phosphate-carbamate compounds) was obtained through the reaction of (4,4,4-trifluoro-3-hydroxybut-1-yl)-carbamic acid ethyl esters with phosphorus oxychloride followed by the addition of alcohols. The products were characterized by ¹H, 13C, 31P, and 19F NMR spectroscopy, GC-MS, and elemental analysis. All the synthesized compounds were screened for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity using the Ellman method. All compounds containing phosphate and carbamate pharmacophores in their structures showed enzyme inhibition, being the compound bearing the diethoxy phosphate group (2b) the most active compound. Molecular modeling studies were performed to investigate the detailed interactions between AChE active site and small-molecule inhibitor candidates, providing valuable structural insights into AChE inhibition.


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Cellulose acetates with different degrees of substitution (DS, from 0.6 to 1.9) were prepared from previously mercerized linter cellulose, in a homogeneous medium, using N,N-dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride as a solvent system. The influence of different degrees of substitution on the properties of cellulose acetates was investigated using thermogravimetric analyses (TGA). Quantitative methods were applied to the thermogravimetric curves in order to determine the apparent activation energy (Ea) related to the thermal decomposition of untreated and mercerized celluloses and cellulose acetates. Ea values were calculated using Broido's method and considering dynamic conditions. Ea values of 158 and 187 kJ mol-1 were obtained for untreated and mercerized cellulose, respectively. A previous study showed that C6OH is the most reactive site for acetylation, probably due to the steric hindrance of C2 and C3. The C6OH takes part in the first step of cellulose decomposition, leading to the formation of levoglucosan and, when it is changed to C6OCOCH3, the results indicate that the mechanism of thermal decomposition changes to one with a lower Ea. A linear correlation between Ea and the DS of the acetates prepared in the present work was identified.


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Phlebotomines (Diptera, Psychodidae) in the Speleological Province of the Ribeira Valley: 3. Area of hostels for tourists who visit the Parque Estadual do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), state of São Paulo, Brazil. The study characterizes some ecological aspects of the phlebotomine fauna in an endemic area of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) situated in the Serra district, Iporanga municipality where the hostels for tourists visiting the PETAR are located. Captures were undertaken on a smallholding and a small farm situated near the hostels, monthly between January/2001 and December/2003 with automatic light traps (ALT) in pigsty, hen-house and veranda of a domicile at the two sites, and in peridomicile of the small farm also with black/white Shannon traps. With the ALT a total of 87,224 phlebotomines representing 19 species and also two hybrids of Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva) and Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto) and two anomalous specimens were captured. The standardized index species abundance was for Ny. intermedia = 1.0 and Ny. neivai = 0.935. The highest frequencies of the smallholding occurred in the pigsty, the Williams' mean/capture for Ny. intermedia being 63.7 specimens and for Ny. neivai 29.2, and on the small farm, in the hen-house, Ny. intermedia 402.6 and Ny. neivai 116.2. A total of 863 phlebotomines (Ny. intermedia: 75.4%; Ny. neivai: 24.3%) were captured with black/white Shannon traps; females of both species being predominant in the white trap. The high frequencies of Ny. intermedia and Ny. neivai, both implicated in CL transmission, indicate the areas presenting risk of the disease.


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Estudos sugerem que pacientes com claudicação intermitente (CI) apresentam respostas hemodinâmicas alteradas durante o teste ergométrico. Contudo, o impacto da severidade da doença nessas respostas ainda não está claro. Em vista disso, o presente estudo analisou o impacto da severidade dos sintomas de CI nas respostas cardiovasculares ao teste de esforço, em indivíduos com doença arterial obstrutiva periférica. Participaram do estudo 47 sujeitos com CI. Foi realizado teste ergométrico em esteira, utilizando protocolo específico para essa população. A amostra foi dividida em três grupos de acordo com a distância obtida no teste de esforço em: 1º tercil, caminhavam entre 210 e 420 metros; 2º tercil, caminhavam entre 450 e 700 metros; e 3º tercil, caminhavam entre 740 e 1060 metros. A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD), a frequência cardíaca (FC) e o duplo produto (DP) foram obtidos em repouso, no primeiro estágio e no pico de esforço. Nos três tercis, a PAS e a PAD aumentaram significantemente ao longo do teste ergométrico. Nos três tercis, a FC e o DP aumentaram significantemente ao longo do teste e as respostas no 1º tercil foram mais acentuadas que nos demais tercis. Todavia, no pico de esforço, a FC e o DP não houve diferença entre os tercis. Concluíu-se que a severidade da CI não influenciou as respostas da pressão arterial durante o teste ergométrico progressivo, ao passo que maiores valores de FC e DP foram observados em indivíduos com CI mais severa em uma carga submáxima.


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We report three new rickettsiosis human cases in Uruguay. The three clinical cases presented clinical manifestations similar to previous reported cases of Rickettsia parkeri in the United States; that is mild fever (< 40 ºC), malaise, headache, rash, inoculation eschar at the tick bite site, regional lymphadenopathy, and no lethality. Serological antibody-absorption tests with purified antigens of R. parkeri and Rickettsia rickettsii, associated with immunofluorescence assay indicated that the patients in two cases were infected by R. parkeri. Epidemiological and clinical evidences, coupled with our serological analysis, suggest that R. parkeri is the etiological agent of human cases of spotted fever in Uruguay, a disease that has been recognized in that country as cutaneous-ganglionar rickettsiosis.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) e relacioná-la com a ingestão alimentar e composição corporal de adolescentes modelos de passarela. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal avaliando 33 modelos e 33 não modelos de 15 a 18 anos pareadas por idade e índice de massa corporal (IMC). A densidade mineral óssea da coluna (L1-L4) foi avaliada por meio da técnica da absorciometria de feixe duplo de energia (Lunar® DPX Alpha), e a composição corporal, pela técnica de pletismografia. A ingestão alimentar foi avaliada por meio do registro alimentar de 3 dias. RESULTADOS: A média de idade das adolescentes foi de 16,75±1,04 anos, sendo que 24 por cento apresentaram IMC abaixo dos valores ideais para a idade. Não houve diferença de DMO entre modelos (1,108±0,080 g/cm2) e não modelos (1,096±0,102 g/cm2) (p > 0,05), sendo identificada uma porcentagem de 6 por cento de baixa DMO para a idade. Observou-se que a média de ingestão de energia foi menor entre as modelos em comparação às adolescentesnão modelos (1.480,93±582,95 versus 1.973,00±557,63 kcal) (p > 0,05) e que a maioria das adolescentes de ambos os grupos apresentou consumo inadequado de micronutrientes, ressaltando-se a baixa ingestão de cálcio. Verificou-se correlação significativa da DMO apenas com a massa magra (kg) (modelos r = 0,362 e não modelos r = 0,618; p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de não ter sido encontrada associação entre a DMO, o IMC e a ingestão de nutrientes importantes no processo de mineralização óssea, as inadequações na ingestão alimentar podem influenciar negativamente a aquisição de massa óssea, que se encontra potencializada neste estágio de vida