54 resultados para função diastólica ventricular esquerda
Study design: This is cross-sectional study. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the cardiac structure and function of subjects with spinal cord injury (SCI) and the impact of metabolic, hemodynamic and inflammatory factors on these parameters. Setting: Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Sixty-five nondiabetic, nonhypertensive, sedentary, nonsmoker men (34 with SCI and 31 healthy subjects) were evaluated by medical history, anthropometry, laboratory tests, analysis of hemodynamic and inflammatory parameters and echocardiography. Results: Subjects with SCI had lower systolic blood pressure and higher levels of C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor receptors than the healthy ones. Echocardiography data showed that the SCI group presented similar left ventricular (LV) structural and systolic parameters, but lower initial diastolic velocity (Em) (9.2 +/- 0.5 vs 12.3 +/- 0.5 cm s(-1); P<0.001) and higher peak early inflow velocity (E)/Em ratio (7.7 +/- 0.5 vs 6.1 +/- 0.3; P = 0.009) compared with the able-bodied group, even after adjustment for systolic blood pressure and C-reactive protein levels. Furthermore, injured subjects with E/Em >8 had lower peak spectral longitudinal contraction (Sm) (9.0 +/- 0.7 vs 11.6 +/- 0.4cm s(-1); P<0.001) and cardiac output (4.2 +/- 0.2 vs 5.0 +/- 0.21 min(-1); P = 0.029), as well as higher relative wall thickness (0.38 +/- 0.01 vs 0.35 +/- 0.01; P = 0.005), than individuals with SCI with E/Em<8, but similar age, body mass index, blood pressure, injury level, metabolic parameters and inflammatory marker levels. Conclusion: Subjects with SCI presented impaired LV diastolic function in comparison with able-bodied ones. Moreover, worse LV diastolic function was associated with a pattern of LV concentric remodeling and subclinical decreases in systolic function among injured subjects. Overall, these findings might contribute to explain the increased cardiovascular risk reported for individuals with SCI. Spinal Cord (2011) 49, 65-69; doi: 10.1038/sc.2010.88; published online 27 July 2010
One of the most important recent improvements in cardiology is the use of ventricular assist devices (VADs) to help patients with severe heart diseases, especially when they are indicated to heart transplantation. The Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology has been developing an implantable centrifugal blood pump that will be able to help a sick human heart to keep blood flow and pressure at physiological levels. This device will be used as a totally or partially implantable VAD. Therefore, an improvement on device performance is important for the betterment of the level of interaction with patient`s behavior or conditions. But some failures may occur if the device`s pumping control does not follow the changes in patient`s behavior or conditions. The VAD control system must consider tolerance to faults and have a dynamic adaptation according to patient`s cardiovascular system changes, and also must attend to changes in patient conditions, behavior, or comportments. This work proposes an application of the mechatronic approach to this class of devices based on advanced techniques for control, instrumentation, and automation to define a method for developing a hierarchical supervisory control system that is able to perform VAD control dynamically, automatically, and securely. For this methodology, we used concepts based on Bayesian network for patients` diagnoses, Petri nets to generate a VAD control algorithm, and Safety Instrumented Systems to ensure VAD system security. Applying these concepts, a VAD control system is being built for method effectiveness confirmation.
The perfect mixing model (PMM) is based on parameters derived from the equipment characteristics as well as ore breakage characteristics. Ore characteristics are represented through the appearance function. This function may be determined using JKMRC laboratorial methods or by standard functions. This work describes the model fitting process of the Carajas grinding circuit, using the JKSimMet simulator Two scenarios were used in model fitting exercises: 1) standard appearance function; and 2) appearance fund ion based on testing carried out on samples taken at circuit feed. From this assessment, the appearance function`s influence in the PMM,fit and it`s relation with the breakage rate were determined. The influence of the appearance function on the respective breakage rate distribution was assessed.
Using the previously described method for appearance function determination, described in Part I of this article, the breakage characterization of the main Carajas ore types was carried out. Based on such characteristics, the ball mill circuit performance was evaluated through simulations. The model described in the first part was used. The results were assessed by comparing ball mill products and cyclone overflow size distribution, as well as simulated recirculating loads. The simulations indicated the potential for processing such ore types at the Carajas grinding circuit, which until now was unknown.
A new digital computer mock circulatory system has been developed in order to replicate the physiologic and pathophysiologic characteristics of the human cardiovascular system. The computer performs the acquisition of pressure, flow, and temperature in an open loop system. A computer program has been developed in Labview programing environment to evaluate all these physical parameters. The acquisition system was composed of pressure, flow, and temperature sensors and also signal conditioning modules. In this study, some results of flow, cardiac frequencies, pressures, and temperature were evaluated according to physiologic ventricular states. The results were compared with literature data. In further works, performance investigations will be conducted on a ventricular assist device and endoprosthesis. Also, this device should allow for evaluation of several kinds of vascular diseases.
In previous studies, we presented main strategies for suspending the rotor of a mixed-flow type (centrifugal and axial) ventricular assist device (VAD), originally presented by the Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology (IDPC), Brazil. Magnetic suspension is achieved by the use of a magnetic bearing architecture in which the active control is executed in only one degree of freedom, in the axial direction of the rotor. Remaining degrees of freedom, excepting the rotation, are restricted only by the attraction force between pairs of permanent magnets. This study is part of a joint project in development by IDPC and Escola Politecnica of Sao Paulo University, Brazil. This article shows advances in that project, presenting two promising solutions for magnetic bearings. One solution uses hybrid cores as electromagnetic actuators, that is, cores that combine iron and permanent magnets. The other solution uses actuators, also of hybrid type, but with the magnetic circuit closed by an iron core. After preliminary analysis, a pump prototype has been developed for each solution and has been tested. For each prototype, a brushless DC motor has been developed as the rotor driver. Each solution was evaluated by in vitro experiments and guidelines are extracted for future improvements. Tests have shown good results and demonstrated that one solution is not isolated from the other. One complements the other for the development of a single-axis-controlled, hybrid-type magnetic bearing for a mixed-flow type VAD.
This work presents results of preliminary studies concerning application of magnetic bearing in a ventricular assist device (VAD) being developed by Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology-IDPC (Sao Paulo, Brazil). The VAD-IDPC has a novel architecture that distinguishes from other known VADs. In this, the rotor has a conical geometry with spiral impellers, showing characteristics that are intermediate between a centrifugal VAD and an axial VAD. The effectiveness of this new type of blood pumping principle was showed by tests and by using it in heart surgery for external blood circulation. However, the developed VAD uses a combination of ball bearings and mechanical seals, limiting the life for some 10 h, making impossible its long-term use or its use as an implantable VAD. As a part of development of an implantable VAD, this work aims at the replacement of ball bearings by a magnetic bearing. The most important magnetic bearing principles are studied and the magnetic bearing developed by Escola Politecnica of Sao Paulo University (EPUSP-MB) is elected because of its very simple architecture. Besides presenting the principle of the EPUSP-MB, this work presents one possible alternative for applying the EPUSP-MB in the IDPC-VAD.
The `biomimetic` approach to tissue engineering usually involves the use of a bioreactor mimicking physiological parameters whilst supplying nutrients to the developing tissue. Here we present a new heart valve bioreactor, having as its centrepiece a ventricular assist device (VAD), which exposes the cell-scaffold constructs to a wider array of mechanical forces. The pump of the VAD has two chambers: a blood and a pneumatic chamber, separated by an elastic membrane. Pulsatile air-pressure is generated by a piston-type actuator and delivered to the pneumatic chamber, ejecting the fluid in the blood chamber. Subsequently, applied vacuum to the pneumatic chamber causes the blood chamber to fill. A mechanical heart valve was placed in the VAD`s inflow position. The tissue engineered (TE) valve was placed in the outflow position. The VAD was coupled in series with a Windkessel compliance chamber, variable throttle and reservoir, connected by silicone tubings. The reservoir sat on an elevated platform, allowing adjustment of ventricular preload between 0 and 11 mmHg. To allow for sterile gaseous exchange between the circuit interior and exterior, a 0.2 mu m filter was placed at the reservoir. Pressure and flow were registered downstream of the TE valve. The circuit was filled with culture medium and fitted in a standard 5% CO(2) incubator set at 37 degrees C. Pressure and flow waveforms were similar to those obtained under physiological conditions for the pulmonary circulation. The `cardiomimetic` approach presented here represents a new perspective to conventional biomimetic approaches in TE, with potential advantages. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Particle-image velocimetry (PIV) was used to visualize the flow within an optically transparent pediatric ventricular assist device (PVAD) under development in our laboratory The device studied is a diaphragm type pulsatile pump with an ejection volume of 30 ml per beating cycle intended for temporary cardiac assistance as a bridge to transplantation or recovery in children. Of particular interest was the identification of flow patterns, including regions of stagnation and/or strong turbulence that often promote thrombus formation and hemolysis, which can degrade the usefulness of such devices. For this purpose, phase-locked PIV measurements were performed in planes parallel to the diaphram that drives the flow in the device. The test fluid was seeded with 10 Am polystyrene spheres, and the motion of these particles was used to determine the instantaneous flow velocity distribution in the illumination plane. These measurements revealed that flow velocities up to 1.0 m/s can occur within the PVAD. Phase-averaged velocity fields revealed the fixed vortices that drive the bulk flow within the device, though significant cycle-to-cycle variability was also quite apparent in the instantaneous velocity distributions, most notably during the filling phase. This cycle-to-cycle variability can generate strong turbulence that may contribute to greater hemolysis. Stagnation regions have also been observed between the input and output branches of the prototype, which can increase the likelihood of thrombus formation. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4001252]
(99m)Tc-MIBI gated myocardial scintigraphy (GMS) evaluates myocyte integrity and perfusion, left ventricular (LV) dyssynchrony and function. Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) may improve the clinical symptoms of heart failure (HF), but its benefits for LV function are less pronounced. We assessed whether changes in myocardial (99m)Tc-MIBI uptake after CRT are related to improvement in clinical symptoms, LV synchrony and performance, and whether GMS adds information for patient selection for CRT. A group of 30 patients with severe HF were prospectively studied before and 3 months after CRT. Variables analysed were HF functional class, QRS duration, LV ejection fraction (LVEF) by echocardiography, myocardial (99m)Tc-MIBI uptake, LV end-diastolic volume (EDV) and end-systolic volume (ESV), phase analysis LV dyssynchrony indices, and regional motion by GMS. After CRT, patients were divided into two groups according to improvement in LVEF: group 1 (12 patients) with increase in LVEF of 5 or more points, and group 2 (18 patients) without a significant increase. After CRT, both groups showed a significant improvement in HF functional class, reduced QRS width and increased septal wall (99m)Tc-MIBI uptake. Only group 1 showed favourable changes in EDV, ESV, LV dyssynchrony indices, and regional motion. Before CRT, EDV, and ESV were lower in group 1 than in group 2. Anterior and inferior wall (99m)Tc-MIBI uptakes were higher in group 1 than in group 2 (p < 0.05). EDV was the only independent predictor of an increase in LVEF (p=0.01). The optimal EDV cut-off point was 315 ml (sensitivity 89%, specificity 94%). The evaluation of EDV by GMS added information on patient selection for CRT. After CRT, LVEF increase occurred in hearts less dilated and with more normal (99m)Tc-MIBI uptake.
Objective. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) is a myocardial disease of familiar, origin where the myocardium is replaced by fibrofatty tissue predominantly in the right ventricle. Herein we have presented the clinical courses of 4 patients with ARVD who underwent orthotopic heart transplantation. Patients and Methods. Among 358 adult patients undergoing heart transplantation, 4 (1.1%) displayed ARVD. The main indication for transplantation was the progression to heart failure associated with arrhythmias. All 4 patients displayed rapid, severe courses leading to heart failure with left ventricular involvement and uncontrolled arrhythmias. Results. In all cases the transplantation was performed using a bicaval technique with prophylactic tricuspid valve annuloplasty. One patient developed hyperacute rejection and infection, leading to death on the 7th day after surgery. The other 3 cases showed a good evolution with clinical remission of the symptoms. Pathological study of the explanted hearts confirmed the presence of the disease. Conclusions. ARVD is a serious cardiomyopathy that can develop malignant arrhythmias, severe ventricular dysfunction with right ventricular predominance, and sudden cardiac death. Orthotopic heart transplantation must always be considered in advanced cases of ARVD with malignant arrhythmias or refractory congestive heart failure with or without uncontrolled arrhythmias, because it is the only way to remit the symptoms and the disease.
To describe incidence rates and risk factors associated with external ventricular drain (EVD)-related infections at a tertiary Brazilian teaching hospital. The patient cohort consisted of all patients at a major teaching hospital in Brazil with an EVD during the period 1 April 2007 to 30 June 2008 (15 months). Patients were followed up for 30 days after catheter removal. According to the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention criteria for meningitis/ventriculitis, all of the central nervous system (CNS) infections that occurred during this period could be considered to be meningitis or ventriculitis related to EVD placement. Infection rates were calculated using different denominators, such as (1) per patient (incidence), (2) per procedure, and (3) per 1,000 catheter-days (drain-associated infection rate). Patient demographic data, medical history of underlying diseases, antibiotic prophylaxis usage, American Society of Anesthesiologists Score classification, duration of surgery and hospitalization, length of time the EVD was in place, and overall mortality were evaluated during the study period. A logistic regression model was developed to identify factors associated with infection. A total of 119 patients, 130 EVD procedures, and 839 catheter-days were evaluated. The incidence of infection was 18.3%, the infection rate was 16.9% per procedure, and the drain-associated infection rate was 22.4 per 1,000 catheter-days; 77% of the infections were caused by Gram-negative micro-organisms. Only 75% of patients received antibiotic prophylaxis. The infection rate increased with length of the hospital stay. The length of time the catheter was in place was the only independent risk factor associated with infection (p = 0.0369). The incidence of EVD-related infections is high in our hospital, Gram-negative micro-organisms were the most frequent causal agents identified and length of time that the catheter was in place contributed to the infection rate.
Background: Recent studies have assessed the direct effects of smoking on cardiac remodeling and function. However, the mechanisms of these alterations remain unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate de role of cardiac NADPH oxidase and antioxidant enzyme system on ventricular remodeling induced by tobacco smoke. Methods: Male Wistar rats that weighed 200-230 g were divided into a control group (C) and an experimental group that was exposed to tobacco smoke for a period of two months (ETS). After the two-month exposure period, morphological, biochemical and functional analyses were performed. Results: The myocyte cross-sectional area and left ventricle end-diastolic dimension was increased 16.2% and 33.7%, respectively, in the ETS group. The interstitial collagen volume fraction was also higher in ETS group compared to the controls. In addition to these morphological changes, the ejection fraction and fractional shortening were decreased in the ETS group. Importantly, these alterations were related to augmented heart oxidative stress, which was characterized by an increase in NADPH oxidase activity, increased levels of lipid hydroperoxide and depletion of antioxidant enzymes (e.g., catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase). In addition, cardiac levels of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-10 were not different between the groups. Conclusion: Cardiac alterations that are induced by smoking are associated with increased NADPH oxidase activity, suggesting that this pathway plays a role in the ventricular remodeling induced by exposure to tobacco smoke. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
To determine reference values for tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) and pulsed Doppler echocardiography for left ventricular diastolic function analysis in a healthy Brazilian adult population. Observations were based on a randomly selected healthy population from the city of Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil. Healthy volunteers (n = 275, 61.7% women) without prior histories of cardiovascular disease underwent transthoracic echocardiography. We analyzed 175 individuals by TDI and evaluated mitral annulus E`- and A`-waves from the septum (S) and lateral wall (L) to calculate E`/A` ratios. Using pulsed Doppler echocardiography, we further analyzed the mitral E- and A-waves, E/A ratios, isovolumetric relaxation times (IRTs), and deceleration times (DTs) of 275 individuals. Pulsed Doppler mitral inflow mean values for men were as follows: E-wave: 71 +/- 16 cm/sec, A-wave: 68 +/- 15 cm/sec, IRT: 74.8 +/- 9.2 ms, DT: 206 +/- 32.3 ms, E/A ratio: 1.1 +/- 0.3. Pulsed Doppler mitral inflow mean values for women were as follows: E-wave: 76 +/- 17, A-wave: 69 +/- 14 cm/sec, IRT: 71.2 +/- 10.5 ms, DT: 197 +/- 33.3 ms, E/A ratio: 1.1 +/- 0.3. IRT and DT values were higher in men than in women (P = 0.04 and P = 0.007, respectively). TDI values in men were as follows: E`S: 11 +/- 3 cm/sec, A`S: 13 +/- 2 cm/sec, E`S/A`S: 0.89 +/- 0.2, E`L: 14 +/- 3 cm/sec, A`L: 14 +/- 2 cm/sec, E`L/A`L: 1.1 +/- 0.4. E-wave/ E`S ratio: 6.9 +/- 2.2; E-wave / E`L ratio: 4.9 +/- 1.7. In this study, we determined pulsed Doppler and TDI derived parameters for left ventricular diastolic function in a large sample of healthy Brazilian adults. (Echocardiography 2010;27:777-782).
Exercise training has been shown to be effective in improving exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with heart failure and left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction. Real-time myocardial contrast echocardiography (RTMCE) is a new technique that allows quantitative analysis of myocardial blood flow (MBF). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of exercise training on MBF in patients with LV dysfunction. We studied 23 patients with LV dysfunction who underwent RTMCE and cardiopulmonary exercise testing at baseline and 4 months after medical treatment (control group, n = 10) or medical treatment plus exercise training (trained group, n = 13). Replenishment velocity (0) and MBF reserves were derived from quantitative RTMCE. The 4-month exercise training consisted of 3 60-minute exercise sessions/week at an intensity corresponding to anaerobic threshold, 10% below the respiratory compensation point. Aerobic exercise training did not change LV diameters, volumes, or ejection fraction. At baseline, no difference was observed in MBF reserve between the control and trained groups (1.89, 1.67 to 1.98, vs 1.81, 1.28 to 2.38, p = 0.38). Four-month exercise training resulted in a significant increase in beta reserve from 1.72 (1.45 to 1.48) to 2.20 (1.69 to 2.77, p <0.001) and an MBF reserve from 1.81 (1.28 to 2.38) to 3.05 (2.07 to 3.93, p <0.001). In the control group, 13 reserve decreased from 1.51 (1.10 to 1.85) to 1.46 (1.14 to 2.33, p = 0.03) and MBF reserve from 1.89 (1.67 to 1.98) to 1.55 (1.11 to 2.27, p <0.001). Peak oxygen consumption increased by 13.8% after 4 months of exercise training and decreased by 1.9% in the control group. In conclusion, exercise training resulted in significant improvement of MBF reserve in patients with heart failure and LV dysfunction. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2010;105:243-248)